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Fortunately, You

Like Me Too

During June, City S is in a

rainy season. The rain and
wet air are mixed with
stickiness which makes
people feel irritated and
suffocated. However, this
kind of weather makes
people feel like they don’t
want to move, and makes
them slacken.
Qin Xiangnan was still
sleeping. The sudden
situation last night kept her
busy until five in the
morning. Her eyelids were
only closed for two hours
when she was interrupted.
The harsh ringing of the
phone rang, louder than the
first one. Qin Xiangnan
frowned, eyes still closed,
she searched for her phone
by the pillow.
“Sister Xiangnan, there is a
sudden situation again. I just
received the hotline. On the
top of the Singapore
Airlines building, someone
is holding up a little girl.
Sister, hurry up!” Chen
Xiaoqi’s voice came from
the phone.
This Chen Xiaoqi is young
and energetic. A junior
intern who has not
graduated will always be
like chicken blood [1]. As
long as there are new clues
and news, what task the
leader arranges, she is
always the first one to rush
on and always feel so
Early in the morning, she is
starting the day so
enthusiastically. Qin
Xiangnan deeply suspected
that the person who ran to
the scene with her all night
last night was not Chen
Xiaoqi. Compared to her,
her eyelids couldn’t open, as
if it was stuck by glue, and
she forced herself to wake
“Sister Xiangnan, are you
okay? You can sleep for a
while, I will tell Feng to
go…” Chen Xiaoqi lowered
her voice and asked
“No need. I’m coming
soon… Remember to
understand the specific
situation first.” Qin
Xiangnan struggled a little,
and agreed with her sleepy
After hanging up the phone,
she immediately sat up from
the bed and finished
washing at the fastest speed.
She wore loose T-shirt,
ripped jeans, sneakers, and
she put up her hair into a
ponytail. This type of
clothing has become a must
for her daily travels.
She hurriedly looked at
herself in the mirror. After
graduating from college for
many years, she still has the
same passion for her work.
Besides, she doesn’t seem to
have any special hobbies.
She usually doesn’t have
time to dress herself up.
Fortunately, she is slim and
those type of clothing looks
good on her. In the past two
years, she ran into breaking
news, her daily life was
irregular, and her figure was
slender. She could barely
stand with the young Huang
Mao girl [2] like Chen
Qin Xiangnan grabbed a
foundation and put two
layers on her face, covering
out the dark circles, and
hurriedly went out the door.
Singapore Airlines building
is only ten minutes drive
from her home. After
graduating from the
Department of Journalism,
Qin Xiangnan went directly
to the Daily News and
became a social journalist.
After many years of rowing,
she has finally achieved a
little success in the industry
and has a small reputation.
Because her looks were
okay, she occasionally have
opportunities. In front of the
interns like Chen Xiaoqi,
she is still an excellent
senior. Of course, this
“excellent senior” has
experienced many
difficulties and slowly
adapted to it.
Downstairs in the
Singaporean Airlines
building, people were
crowding the outside, there
were three barricades
blocking the main entrance
of the building. She looked
up to the top of the building
and saw two figures, one
large and one small one, on
the rooftop, approaching the
edge of the railing… Qin
Xiangnan felt bad.
She squeezed to the door
and showed her press card
to the police officer who
pulled the cordon. Qin
Xiangnan ran into the
building, took the elevator
straight to the rooftop of the
“Sister Xiangnan, I’m
here!” Chen Xiaoqi saw Qin
Xiangnan ran out of the
crowd, and waved at her.
Chen Xiaoqi was dressed in
sports clothes, looking
young and energetic. She
ran to Qin Xiangnan,
lowered her voice to he rear
and said, “That person, there
might be something wrong
with his brain.” She reached
for her index finger and
knocked on her temple. “It’s
a mental disorder. That
sister over there is the
victim’s mother. I didn’t
expect that the man would
bring his child here and try
to see the fuss.” The young
woman was half kneeling
there, covering her face with
her hands and crying.
“Is there any conflicts
between them? Why is he
doing such extreme things?”
Qin Xiangnan asked her.
“It seems like it was because
the woman has hurt him
when she is scolding. I
guess this psychopath has
been stimulated a lot before,
so when he was suddenly
angered and retaliated on
the little girl.”
“How long have you been
here? It’s not even eight o’
“I’ve been here for an hour.
It should be a conflict
between the girl’s mother
and her child on their way to
school. The police are also
having difficulties. I think
they talked for a long time
and didn’t persuade them.”
Chen Xiaoqi pointed their
direction with her mouth.
When Qin Xiangnan looked
over, the two policeman
kept a distance of ten meters
from the man while talking.
The man was about 1.75
meters tall, with a sharp face.
He was leaning against the
railing. He seemed very
excited and his face was
extremely distorted. He was
fiercely holding the arms of
a 4 or 5-year-old girl.
The little girl kept crying
and yelling for her mother.
Her mother was almost on
the verge of collapsing,
crying and begging at the
man. “Please let my
daughter go, just take me!”
She then comforted her
daughter: “My baby, don’t
be afraid. Mom will come to
save you.”
“Mom, I’m afraid…” The
little girl cried loudly.
The man was annoyed by
the mother and daughter that
was crying and lost some
“Is the video recorded? Are
the photos taken?” Qin
Xiangnan asked.
“Oh, I forgot. I was too busy
seeing the excitement. I will
shoot it.” Chen Xiaoqi
patted her head and quickly
pulled the camera out of the
bag. Qin Xiangnan sighed
when she saw her acting so
Qin Xiangnan snatched the
camera from her hand and
said, “Let’s do it.” She then
found a good angle to take a
full picture and turned on
the camera.
“Xiaoqi, do you want to get
it right?” Qin Xiangnan
glanced at her obliquely and
continued to stare at the
Chen Xiaoqi blushed.
Although she knew that Qin
Xiangnan was angry, she
also knew that Qin
Xiangnan is the best senior
in their unit. “Fortunately,
Sister Xiangnan is here. If it
was Brother Feng, he will
scold me again.”
“Just know.” She ticked her
This group of gossip interns
usually get together and talk
about the most beautiful
female reporter, Qin
Xiangnan. But they also
heard that this beautiful
reporter is addicted to work
and has no boyfriend.
A few daring little boys
have once confessed to Qin
Xiangnan but she refused,
saying that she prefers
mature men. In fact,
everyone knows that she is
devoted to work, and has no
intention of playing with it.
And the unit’s little boys
really didn’t deserve her.
Qin Xiangnan’s character
was bold and hard-working.
Just like the drunk driving
accident that happened last
night, three cars collided
they tracked the victims
from the hospital to the
scene of the accident. The
scene was bloody and Chen
Xiaoqi wanted to faint
several times but Qin
Xiangnan did not even
frown, and did not close her
eyes all night. After
returning home last night,
she still insisted on the code,
and she only went to rest
after sending out the press
In Chen Xiaoqi’s eyes, Qing
Xiangnan is her goddess. It
should be said that all the
young interns at Daily News
are her fans and sisters…
Such a beautiful sister
should not be wasted on
those little boys, and she
does not know what kind of
man will enter her eyes.
At this time, Qin Xiangnan
did not know Chen Xiaoqi’s
thoughts. And the
insignificant man on the end
of the rail was still
deadlocked with the police,
and everyone was tensed.
After more than an hour of
negotiation, the eldest police
officer was so tired that the
back of his shirt was soaked,
and the little girl and her
mother kept crying, it was
really disturbing…
“Sister Nan, this my first
time seeing this kind of
news event, it seems like I
have good luck!”
“How many times do you
want to see such things? The
world is so chaotic!”
Xiangnan’s words made
Chen Xiaoqi hold back for a
The man seemed to have
relaxed, his eyes began to
drift away, he kept looking
around, seeming like he
didn’t know where he was
looking at.
“Hey, what is that woman
doing? Are you filming?”
“Oh no, he saw us.” Chen
Xiaoqi exclaimed.
The wretched man looked at
them. Chen Xiaoqi froze,
took a breath, and held Qin
Xiangnan nervously.
“What are you doing,
putting me on the news, put
it down!”
Seeing the man carrying the
girl’s arm rushing to his side,
the two policemen who
were ten meters away were
stricken as soon as they
stepped off their legs.
Distracted by one’s attention,
a policeman walked as fast
as he could, kicking the
man’s knees and holding the
man’s wrists with one hand.
Then the was pressed to the
ground, his hands on his
back, face on the ground,
and he couldn’t move.
Another police officer
quickly took the little girl
and gave her to her mother.
The mother wept with joy
and hugged the little girl.
“Baby, it’s okay, mother is
here…” The mother and
daughter hugged each other
Everyone at the scene was
Before Chen Xiaoqi had any
time to respond, Qin
Xiangnan actually took two
photos of the police officer
who caught the gangster.
“Wow, that police officer is
so handsome!” Chen Xiaoqi
came to her senses and
couldn’t help but praise…
“Let’s go back and ask the
specific situation.” Qin
Xiangnan said and Chen
Xiaoqi followed.
“You guys are journalists?
We need to clean up the
scene and take this guy back.
If you want to ask about the
specifics, you can follow us
at the office. It is not
convenient here.” The
police officer had a very
good attitude.
Chen Xiaoqi recognized the
policeman. He was called
Captain Huang. When she
saw him last time, the
captain was not as polite as
he is now. When he saw
Brother Feng. He almost
arrested them like bad guys.
This time, there was
180-degree change in his
attitude. Alas, this world
really treated the
good-looking differently,
Chen Xiaoqi thought that
her Sister Xiangnan was
really attractive.
“Okay. We won’t delay
your work. We will follow
you back later.” Qin
Xiangnan signaled the
police to do their work first.
“Hi beauty…”
The insignificant man
provoked her suddenly,
giving her a ghostly evil
smile, and his whole face
was distorted, making her
feel like a pot of cold water
was splashed on her, making
her shudder.
“It was you who just filmed
me. Will you put it on tv or
are you going to watch it at
home?” There was
something in the man’s
words, his eyes swept over
her from head to toe.
Qin Xiangnan was disgusted
and she took a step back
immediately. It was a
coincidence that she stepped
on air.
“Oh!” With a whisper, she
twisted her feet and almost
fell on the ground. Chen
Xiaoqi quickly held her.
“Sister Xiangnan, your foot
is twisted.” Chen Xiaoqi
looked at her bare feet with
anxiety. Qin Xiangnan
hissed just as soon as she
touched her foot.
“Please don’t cause any
more trouble!” Captain
Huang saw this, and the
bastard even made a
provocative statement under
his nose, and he felt
embarrassed. He then put a
hood on the man and
apologized to Qin Xiangnan.
“Miss Reporter, are you
okay? Otherwise, I will let
Xiao Liu of the bureau take
you to the hospital to treat
your legs.”
“It’s okay, I can just go by
myself, I won’t trouble
you.” Qin Xiangnan then
thought, “No, I will still
follow you to the station, the
news should not be
“Sister Xiangnan, I will go
with them. Don’t worry,
leave this to me.” Chen
Xiaoqi blinked at her.
“Sister Xiangnan, if I get it
done this time, will I be able
to get it right?”
Qin Xiangnan couldn’t help
but laugh at the girl’s
well-played words.
However, they have already
settled on the situation.
Although Chen Xiaoqi
usually works a little bit, she
has been with her for so
long, she can also see that
she is hardworking. She
definitely has the talent to
be a reporter.
“Let’s go. Xiaoqi, you
follow them. If there is
something, tell me
immediately. After that,
arrange the materials and
send it to me.”
After getting Qin
Xiangnan’s affirmation,
Chen Xaioqi patted her
chest again, indicating that
she was understood.
Qin Xiangnan still frowned.
“If you would like to get it
right, then hurry up and help
me get a taxi.”
“Ah, sister, please slow
down.” Chen Xiaoqi took
out her tongue, looking
This accidental sprain made
Qin Xiangnan feel
distressed and it delayed her
work. She was standing in
line at the hospital to
register, and then went to
the orthopedics line to wait
for an appointment. She
bounced around like a frog
all morning.
She still remembered the
time when Lin Susu, a
friend, asked her, “Qin
Xiangnan, aren’t you tired
of working hard alone? Do
you know the time when
people look the most
She smiled at that time,
thinking it was a boring
question. Shaking her head,
“I don’t know.”
“First is often eating alone.
Second, shopping alone.
Third, going to the hospital
alone. Fourth…”
Qin Xiangnan disagreed.
These points sounded like it
didn’t seem to matter
because she never knew
what loneliness was. She
didn’t expect that she will
be hit by what Lin Susu said
so soon. She tried to justify
that she was not alone, but
now she is seeing the doctor
alone. A sense of loneliness
suddenly sprang up.
The lonely Qin Xiangnan
waited at the entrance of the
clinic, looking at the rushing
patients in the hospital.
The hospital is a place full
of both sadness and joy. Qin
Xiangnan often went here
because of her father’s work.
At that time, she was a
simple girl who knew
nothing about the world.
She thought that the hospital
is full of white angels,
which was a place to cure
and save people.
At this moment, she was
sitting in the hallway of the
hospital, smelling the
strange smell of disinfectant,
and seeing the people who
looked tense and gloomy.
She wondered how she
thought that it was beautiful
when she was a kid.
The patients who went to
the orthopedics department
were all patients with
broken legs and broken
hands. Qin Xiangnan also
saw a bloody hand that was
raised high. She didn’t know
how painful it was for that
uncle. If she hadn’t seen a
lot of bloody pictures and
had some insights, this
situation would make people
dare not look at it.
She looked at the call screen
at the door of the clinic, it
would be her turn after two
more others.
When she was bored, she
often does ridiculous things.
For example, at this time,
she will look at the names of
the two first patients,
whether they are good or not,
or look at the doctor’s name,
would it be a man or a
woman who is an
experienced old doctor?
This inquiry really made her
discover something
She saw a name on the
The name of the doctor in
this office.
This person who was
quickly removed from Qin
Xiangnan’s memory and
had not deliberately
remembered for ten years.
Of course, she called this
boy by this name ten years
ago, the haughty and
indifferent but always
shining boy.
Qin Xiangnan remembered
that he did go to a medical
university, but he should
have gone to Medical
University B. How come he
came back to City S? She
haven’t heard from him for
so many years, maybe it was
just a person with the same
The words “Xu Chang”
made a fuzzy face appear on
her mind, his bright and
white face, looking sharp
and cold. She wanted to
think more but Qin
Xiangnan could not
remember it.
When her name flashed on
the calling screen, she came
back to her senses. There is
no such ting as coincidence
in the world, just the same
name. She immediately
crushed the fuzzy face in her
mind. She stood up and
hopped into the office and
one foot.
Perhaps this world is indeed
small. Qin Xiangnan froze
as soon as she entered the
consultation room.
At this time, the doctor Xu
Chang was staring at the
computer screen with a
serious expression. Qin
Xiangnan looked up
carefully. He still looked
very young. Under the thick
eyebrows, there was a long
and curly eyelashes, a pair
of deep eyes, and straight
nose bridge. He wore a
white coat, each button was
cluttered neatly, and the
whole person looked clean
and fresh.
The fuzzy memory that has
just been crushed in her
mind slowly regrouped, and
gradually coincided with the
person in front of her… I
was him! It’s just more
mature and better looking
than the person in her
For a while, she felt that her
breathing was stagnant, her
head was hot, and her body
stopped for three seconds.
Even is she does not know
Xu Chang, any girl feel
uneasy facing such a
handsome doctor.
She stared at him for a long
time. Long enough that the
doctor Xu Chang turned his
head to look at her. His eyes
were faint and there was no
expression on his face.
“Xu… Dr. Xu… Hello…”
Qin Xiangnan came back to
her senses with this sudden
look. She hopped into the
consultation room with one
leg, and sat on the chair
opposite him. She didn’t
know where to land her gaze,
and the beat of her heart
sped up.
She hasn’t seen him for so
many years and now she has
unexpectedly appeared in
front of him.
This is too shameful.
No, she thought. Why did
she care about her image in
front of Xu Chang? What
does Xu Chang have to do
with her? High school
classmates? Enemy? This
sudden turn made the person
who had hopped on one foot
became unstable. Her entire
body lost balance and fell
forward. Qin Xiangnan saw
her face almost hitting the
door knob. She was clever
and immediately exerted her
best effort to stretch out her
hands to support her body.
With a slam, the originally
opened door was closed by
She has kept her beauty but
lost her face. Her face was
almost red up to her neck,
and she didn’t dare to say a
word. She quickly opened
the door, and quickly
hopped out of the door with
one foot until she went in,
her heart on her throat.
And the Dr. Xu who was
sitting and witnessing
everything was using his fist
against his upturned lips at
this time, forcing himself
not to laugh out loud.
Qin Xiangnan was really
furious this time. She didn’t
expect to meet Xu Chang
again after a long time.
Even if she recognized him,
it was just a polite
embarrassing conversation,
and she had nothing to tell
him. After all, they haven’t
seen each other for ten
After a while, she defined
her relationship woth him as
“ordinary classmates”, or
even a classmate who was
almost forgotten.
Because for so many years,
this arrogant Xu Chang
must have forgotten her.
“Qin Xiangnan?”
She was shocked, and the
emotions that had been
calmed by her started to
waver again.
“Ah?” She replied softly.
Did he recognize her?
“What’s the matter? What’s
wrong with your foot?”
Doctor Xu Chang glanced
down at her feet. His voice
was magnetic, gentle, and
friendly. His expression was
also very serious. Qin
Xiangnan understood, it was
just the attitude of doctors
towards their patients.
Oh, she was thinking too
At this time, Qin Xiangnan
could not help but feel a
little lost, but she thought
that such loss was not
because Xu Chang did not
remember her, but because
such a person was too far
away from her. He is like a
beam of light, no matter
where he is, people can still
recognize him at first glance
and can’t move their eyes
She remembered that it was
the same in high school.
“I… twisted my foot…” Qin
Xiangnan felt that her
tongue was about to start a
“Lift up your feet. I will
take a look.” Dr. Xu said as
he put on is gloves.
She stumbled. What is going
on? Is he going to start
Dr. Xu who didn’t get a
response, also stayed still
for a while, and the hand
that wasstretched out
stopped halfway.
“Oh.” she broke the
deadlock first, slowly
raising her feet, and pointed
to her ankles.
“It hurts in here.” She was
also stupid now, not
expecting that her ankle was
Dr. Xu was professional
after all, he was not
surprised, and his
expression was calm.
After Dr. Xu’s action,
although she was prepared,
the pain still surprised her.
He held her ankle and
squeezed it lightly.
Although she could feel the
warmth from his finger
across the medical gloves, a
painful tingling sensation
spread. Qin Xiangnan
actually felt goosebumps all
over her body, and even
forgot to say say anything.
She actually felt hurt but in
this case, yelling sounds
It seems that it was wise for
him to choose to become a
doctor. For a female patient,
just looking at him might
make them lose their
reasoning and forget the
“It looks like it was just
been twisted and there is no
fracture. To be safe, take a
Dr. Xu took off his gloves,
exposed his slender fingers,
tapped on the keyboard, and
the printer next to the
computer made a squeaking
sound. A piece of paper was
thrown out of the printer,
and he picked up the list and
handed it to Qin Xiangnan.
The whole process was
completed in one go, and his
gaze never fell on Qin
Xiangnan’s face.
“Pay for it.”
She stared at the list, as well
as the white slender fingers
that held it.
She remembered that when
he was still in high school,
he used such good-looking
fingers to cross out her test
“This is wrong, this is also

Dr. Xu felt the hesitation of
the other party, looked up at
her, his eyes were unclear.
“Anything else?” He asked.
“Nothing! Thank you, Dr.
Xu!” Qin Xiangnan quickly
grabbed the list, jumped
from her seat and turned to
walk to the door.
But she did lose face today!
This made her feel
When Qin Xiangnan
finished the scan, it was
almost noon.
While waiting for the result,
she received a call from her
When she saw the name
“Qin Xiangbei” on he phone
screen, she remembered that
her younger brother also
worked in this hospital. Qin
Xiangbei is a pediatrician at
this hospital.
“Qin Xiangnan, let me tell
you something. You need to
take a seat and control your
“What’s the matter?” She
asked him.
Qin Xiangbei smiled and
said: “Guess who’s back?”
“Who?” She looked
“It’s my brother, your high
school classmate, Xu
“…” Qin Xiangnan was
speechless for a while, and
she seemed to know about it
in advance.
“Xu Chang came to our
hospital from the B-City
Hospital. I only learned
about it last month. I heard
that he was in our hospital’s
orthopedic department. I;m
preparing to meet him.
Anyway, he is my brother.
Ah, he was very kind to me
when he was a kid. We
haven’t seen met since he
graduated from college. Qin
Xiangnan, do you know? As
soon as Xu Chang came, our
female doctors and nurses
went crazy! Previously, I
was said to be the most
handsome doctor in the
hospital, and now I became
the second. I did not expect
to be turned faster than a
book.” Qin Xiangbei spoke
like a machine gun. “But
this is really true, after all, it
is Xu Chang. This news is
ver hot.”
“Qin Xiangbei!” Qin
Xiangnan roared on the
phone, and Qin Xiangbei
was surprised, his phone
almost slip and fell off.
“Come here immediately!”
Five minutes later, Qin
Xiangbei took a slow step to
“catch up”. Qin Xiangnan
saw his lazy smile, and the
white coat was draped over
his body. Putting his hands
on the pockets of both sides
of the wite coat, she saw
four words on him.
Danger Langdang [1]!
“Qin Xiangnan, why are you
here? As soon as Isaid the
news, you couldn’t wait to
see him?” Qin Xiangbei
“Get out and take it!” She
threw the x-ray on his chest.
Qin Xiangbei grabbed and
and curiously took a look:
“what the hell?”
“Well, show this to your
‘brother’. I still have
something to do, I will leave
first. Remember to tell me
the result.”
When Qin Xiangbei
responded, he was thrown
something. When he looked
up, he saw the funny back of
Qin Xiangnan hopping on
one foot.
“He what’s wrong with your
“Hey, have you met my
“Qin Xiangnan, why are you
She didn’t look back, raising
her right hand impatiently
and waved.
“You two have good
relationship go and tak to
him about the old things. I’ll
leave. Don’t forget to show
him that result.”
Qin Xiangnan, who had
been tossing for a long time,
returned home and was
hungry. She had not had the
time to eat a meal from
seven in the morning.
Irregular life has also
become the norm for her in
the recent years.
She opened the refrigerator.
There were only three eggs,
two greens, one bread, and
several bottles of carbonated
She picked up the two
greens, and the leaves were
turning yellow. She gave a
disgusting glance at the two
greens and dumped them in
the trash.
Qin Xiangnan took the
bread and closed the
refrigerator again, and
stuffed her mouth casually.
She simply washed, gon into
the quilt, and turned her
head to sleep.
She has been so tired the
last few days and only slept
for two hours in two days.
She didn’t think of anything
and closed her eyes when
she climbed into the bed.
When Qin Xiangnan was
getting drousy, the phone
rang. She opened her eyes
and saw that it was Chen
Xiaoqi. She answered the
“Sister Xiangnan, I’m done
here. I’ll write the
manuscript when I go back.
I’ll post it for you. Rest
assured, I will take it
seriously and won’t make a
mistake. I promise!”
“Okay, thank you. It looks
Chen Xiaoqi on the other
side of the phone giggled.
“yes, Sister Xiangnan. I
have to tell you something.
Captain Huang told me
today that the pervert might
be released. Do you know
that he has mental illness?
I’m really mad at them. This
kind of abnormality is
harmful to the society. He
even caused you to sprain
your feet… What to do, I
panicked at the thought of
his eyes today.”
“Ah, I know. Do not think
too much. They will not let
him go home. These days,
you did not have a good rest,
quickly go home.:
“No. I’m not tired. Is your
foot okay sister?”
“It’s okay. There should be
no fracture. I’m going to
bed, I’ll hang up. Call me if
you have a problem.” Qin
Xiangnan said and yawned.
“Sister Xiangnan, take a
good rest. Goodbye.”
Chen Xiaoqi’s words
reminded Qin Xiangnan of
the insignificant man in the
morning again, the look he
gave her was provoking and
shameful. She shook her
head and immediately
cleared her memory.
After finally falling asleep
and being awakened by the
ringtone of her cellphone,
Qin Xaingnan was startled.
The words ‘Qin Xiangbei’
jumped out of the screen.
Qin Xiangnan sighed. She
was really tired and didn’t
want to talk.
“Qin Xiangbei, what’s the
matter? Why are you
disturbing people’s sleep.”
“Sleeping during the day,
don’t you have anything to
do? Aren’t you alwyas
“I was up all night yesterday.
I’m too tired and wanted to
sleep. The result of the scan,
did you ask your brother?”
When he heard Qin
Xiangnan about the x-ray,
he sighed and said, “you are
so serious. You didn’t ask
him directly and let me do it
for you?”
“Is it serious? Was there a
fracture?” Qin Xiagnan
suddenly became worried.
He grinned and said, “No.
It’s just that Dr. Xu…”
“Can’t you go straight to the
point? Since there is no
fracture, it is not serious.”
Qin Xiangnan yawned again,
“I want to rest. I’ll hang up
“Ah, Qin Xiangnan, wait a
minute. I haven’t finished
talking. Dr. Xu said that
although there is no fracture,
you can’t run around. You
have to take a good rest
and…” Qin Xiangbei
paused, “Why did you and
my brother pretended to not
know each other, but you
relationship was normal
Why did Qin Xiangnan
thought that his words were
“Don’t talk nonsense,
especially in front of him.
Who is Xu Chang? It’s not
that I pretended not to know
him. Did you remember the
proud him? If I had a thick
skin and told him, my clever
high school classmate Xu
Chang, why are you here?
Maybe Xu Chang will give
me a blind eye, what would
he think about? That I was
trying to be charming and
seducing him? Qin Xiangbei,
you have to stand up for me.
I am your sister. How can
you help an outsider? You
can’t slander me in front of
your brother. Besides, we
did not really know each
other before, it’s only
because of your
relationship. It’s just some
similar contacts. In this
relationship, we haven’t
seen each other for ten years,
why did we have to
recognize each other?” Qin
Xiangnan said it very
seriously. She really didn’t
want to hear any crazy
words from Qin Xiangbei’s
mouth. When it comes to
Xu Cheng, he really digs
into the past.
After Qin Xiangnan fiished
speaking, the phone was
surprisingly quiet. A few
seconds later, Qin Xiangbei
laughed out loud.
“Hahahaha! Qin Xiangnan
you are so funny…
Hahahaha!” Qin Xiangbei
laughed until he was out of
“Qin Xiangbei, do you have
a problem? Can’t you be
“Hahaha, what a big game
you made up in your mind. I
have never seen my brother
roll his eyes. You really
want to make me laugh.”
She was speechless for a
“I just said that your
relationship is not ordinary.
How could you have such
big reaction? Hahahaha! It’s
not possible.”
Qin Xiangnan scolded him
again and again, only to let
him laugh more.
“My brother said that he
would tell you your
condition in person. I gave
your WeChat to him.
Remember to add him. I’m
still at work and won’t say
any more.” His seriousness
was so unscrupulous.
WeChat? Does Xu Chang
care about the WeChat of
his patients? Is this also part
of the professionalism of
She opened WeChat, and it
turned out that in the upper
right corner of the address
book, there was a little red
“1”. Qin Xiangnan opened
the “1”. There was a very
straightforward WeChat
named “Xu Chang”. Add as
a friend, there was a
message “I am Xu Chang.”
It really is him.
She did bot expect that Xu
Chang, who claimed to have
no QQ number, would still
actively add others?
She sneered twice. Maybe
it’s a doctor’s essential
quality, and he should
always care about his
She stared at the “Accept”
button on the screen for a
long time. Would you like
to accept it? She she accept
it? Accept and what to say?
Thinking about it, her
eyelids began to fall, slowly
closing, and finally
When Qin Xiangnan woke
up, she didn’t know how
long she had slept. She
turned on the light, got up,
put on her slippers, and
op0ened the curtains.
It was dark outside and the
surroundings were
surprisingly quiet.
She didn’t know who told
her not to take a nap,
because when she wake up,
she will feel that the world
has abandoned her! It seems
that this sentence is corrent.
Qin Xiangnan found the
mobile phone next to the
pillow and looked at the
time. It was already seven o’
clock in the evening. Also,
there are rows of unread
messages on the phone’s
She didn’t know when they
came because she slept too
She looked at them and
found that several of them
came form Chen Xiaoqi.
QiQi: Sister Xiangnan, I
have finished writing the
manuscript and sent it to
you vis email. You can help
me proofread it.
QiQi: Sister Xiangnan,
President Pang is coming
again. I’ll send it to brother
Feng. Have a good rest.
QiQi: That’s it! Love you!
Qin Xiangnan was about to
open another unread dialog
box. The red unread number
was too eye-catching. But
she saw an unfamiliar chat
head, who is this?
Xu? Xu Chang?
Why did Xu Chang appear
here? She felt that her brain
was foggy due to her just
waking up. When she
calmed down, she
remembered what happened.
When did she agree to add
him? Did she accidentally
pressed on it before falling
Qin Xaingnan hurriedly
opened the dialog box. This
guy actually sent several
She pulled the interface to
the top.
Xu Chang: Hello, Qin
Xiangnan. Long time no
Her breathing became
After sending that message,
half an hour later, he sent
another one.
Xu Chang: Your feet are
okay, no fractures. Take a
good rest and don’t walk
around casually.
Half an hour later, he sent
another message with the
title “Sprained foot, do the
Another hour later, Xu
Chang reposted two news.
One was the drunk driving
last night with the three-car
crash. This press release was
written by her, and the
reporter Qin Xiangnan was
written under the title.
Another is the
hostage-taking incident that
took place this morning at
the Singapore Airlines
Building. Although she did
not write this news, she was
also at the scene, so the
reporter wrote Qin
Xiangnan and Feng Ge, and
the trainee reporter Chen
Qin Xiangnan opened her
eyes and quickly flipped
through the two news.
After Xu Chang forwarded
her two news, he sent
another one again.
Xu Chang: It seem like you
need to take a time off in the
next few days.
Xu Chang: I didn’t expect
that you would be so brave.
Now you even dare to take
such a bloody photo.
?? When was she timid? Or
was she timid? How did he
Qin Xiangnan was
completely confused by the
inexplicable news.
Also, Xu Chang
remembered her? Then why
did he pretend that he didn’t
know her at the hospital
Qin Xiangnan was so
annoyed that she was on the
dark, putting the news to the
left side, letting him talk all
He was Xu Chang. She
actually pushed Xu Chang
aside. Haha! She feels that
she is super powerful. If Li
Susu knew it, would she
scold her violently?
Qin Xiangnan prepared to
reply to him, thinking a lot
of words, what kind of reply
can show politeness, not
showing that she did not
intentionally ifnore his
messages, can’t appear to be
proactive, but generous and
unpretentious… This is
really difficult.
At this time, the phone rang.
It was her Mom, Zhao Mei.
“Hey, Mom.”
“Xiao Nan, I saw the news
last night/ You should let
your colleagues go after
such dangerous things.
Mom is worried.”
“Mom, it’s okay. You can
rest assured.”
“Ah. For so many years, you
don’t listen to what I say.
You don’t live with us either.
You just don’t want to see
me, you always talk about
being busy. So does your
younger brother, who
always likes to run outside,
saying that the hospital is
busy and often lives in the
hospital’s dormitory. He
grew up with the idea that
he should do what he
wanted. It’s difficult for me
to meet my own daughter…
The family is only me and
your Dad…” Zhao Mei
“Mother, don’t do this. I live
outside because I don’t want
to disturb you and Dad. You
know that in my job, wee
often go out and answer the
phone in the middle of the
night. It is inconvenient to
live at home. Wait for a few
days, I will go back and see
you guys.” Qin Xiangnan
will not tell her about her
sprained foot, it will only
make them more worried.
“Okay. You must be careful.
Eat well, don’t starve
yourself. And your brother,
please help me, he is an
uneasy child.”
“Mom, don’t worry. How
are you and Dad these
“Still the same, some good
and bad days, just like a
normal person. Don’t worry
about us. Take a good rest,
Xiao Nan.”
Zhao Mei is an ordinary
woman. Qin Xiangnan
always felt guilty towards
her parents. After
graduating from college, she
moved out because of her
work and was unable to
accompany them. Although
she usually tells the good
news and not the bad news,
her mother can always learn
the bad news from the other
channels. Her Dad also
suffered from Alzheimer’s
for so many years.
After Qin Xiangnan and
Zhao Mei made the phone
call, she went back and forth
to see the news Xu Chang
sent to her, and suddenly
she patted her head and
thought of something.
She hurriedly opened her
circle of friends and wanted
to see if there was anything
unseen. In addition to the
news on the public account
that was forwarded, there
were some funny selfies
with Li Susu, and she felt
that such photos were too
She continued to scroll
down, and she still had
At the company’s annual
meeting, the interns must
have a performance. She
reluctantly practiced singing
at home and finally sang
Deng Ziqi’s “Bubbles”.
Unexpectedly, Chen Xiaoqi
also recorded a video. She
sent it to her circle of
friends and said that she is
her goddess. Qin Xiangnian
thought about sending it out.
After all, she was really
dressed up for the annual
meeting, and her singing
was not too shameful.
When this circle of friends
was issued, it did receive
unprecedented praise and
likes from friends and
However, at this time, the
video appeared in the circle
of friends and made her very
resentful. Qin Xiangnian
wanted to slap her own face.
She immediately changed
her circle of friends from six
months to three days. She
hoped Xu Chang is busy or
uninterested in her circle of
friends at all! Otherwise…
After changing the setting,
she felt better. Out of
curiosity, like doing a bad
thing, she opened Xu
Chang’s circle of friends.
His profile was Luffy from
One Piece, and the cover of
the circle of friends was a
cartoon doctor in a white
coat. It really looked like
him. Qin Xiangnian
The following were all
boring reposts, similar to the
article “Sprained foot, do
the following” to her. No
photos, no status.
Che. Really a boring man.
Qing Xiangnian turned her
head on the dialog box.
Qing Xiangnan: Hello, Xu
Chang. Long time no see.
After thinking about it, she
felt like it was too arrogant,
and then deleted it.
Retype: Thank you, Dr. Xu
for your concern and to be
sure to take a break.
She felt like it was too
boring and deleted it.
Looking at the content of his
WeChat posts, she typed:
When was I ever timid?
However, she felt that this
was too impolite, she then
added “Dr. Xu” in front and
clicked the send button.
The last thing that she sent
Qin Xiangnan: Dr. Xu,
when was I timid?
After reading this sentence,
Qin Xiangnan felt that her
tone was too harsh, as if
questioning him. She
wanted to withdraw her
message, but she
accidentally pressed the
delete key…
Qin Xiangnian was
dumbfounded that it was too
late to change. This sentence
will sooner or later be seen
by him. She pondered on
this sentence again and
again, and after reading it
twice, she felt that there was
nothing wrong with it so she
felt relieved and threw her
cell phone. She changed her
clothes and went out to look
for food
When she returned home
after dinner, Qin Xiangnan
took out her cellphone from
her pocket. Xu Chang did
not reply to her which didn’t
surprise her.
She sat on the sofa, turned
on the TV, and a soap opera
appeared. Qin Xiangnan
glanced at it and picked up
her mobile phone to look at
Weibo. After reading the
popular posts and seeing the
hot search, she opened her
WeChat again.
She began to repeatedly
read the messages that Xu
Chang sent her.
Xu Chang: Hello, Qin
Xiangnan. Long time no
Indeed a long time. It should
be ten years.
Ten years ago, they were
high school classmates.
Qin Xiangnan remembered
that Xu Chang was popular
all thru out their three years
of high school. His grades
were always the best in their
class and he was on the top
three in their year level.
What’s more terrible is that
he was handsome and
countless girls like him.
These girls included her
friend Lin Susu at first, but
Of course Qin Xiangnan
would not like this kind of
person. At that time, she
thought that she was
mediocre with moderate
grades and didn’t stand out
in the crowd. She doesn’t
like expressing herself and
her only friend was Lin
Susu who was the same as
her; mediocre grades and
not outstanding in
appearance and they had the
same taste. The only thing
that she does not agree with
Li Susu is Xu Chang.
Li Susu likes Xu Chang
very much, just like most
girls, but the difference is
that she worships Xu Chang
more. This type of love
doesn’t require Xu Chang to
At that time, Qin Xiangnan
was very serious in some
subjects but her grades in
Science is very poor.
However, her Liberal Arts
grades were very good,
especially when she writes
articles, so when combines,
her scores are on the
mid-level. As for the looks,
she was not really
Qin Xiangnan knew that
people like Xu Chang will
not put her in their eyes, so
she must be respectful and
stay away, trying not to
intersect with such people.
At school, she hardly spoke
a world to him because she
felt like it was unnecessary
and did not even have the
chance. But then Qin
Xiangnan’s father and Xu
Chang’s father were actually
colleagues at the time. They
were surgeons in the same
hospital. The fact that their
father were good colleagues
did not have anything to do
with her, it’s just that their
parents often talk about it
endlessly. How can they
praise Xu Chang for being a
good child even if he wasn’t
part of their family? If one
listen to it endlessly, they
will get bored. Qin
Xiangnan didn’t take it
seriously. But then, her
abominable brother
happened. His relationship
with Xu Chang broke the
Qin Xiangbei is two years
younger than Qin Xiangnan.
When she was in her second
year of high school, Qin
Xiangbei was preparing for
the entrance examination.
Qin Xiangbei’s performance
was also high so their father
Qin Chaoming, tried all
kinds of methods to let his
son enter a good school.
Later on, he talked about it
to his friend Xu Zhijie. Xu
Zhijie then let his son Xu
Chang to tutor Qin
At that time, she didn’t
know if Xu Chang was
forced to help but he really
did appear at Qin
Xiangnan’s house and
becoming Qin Xiangbei’s
Qin Xiangbei remembered
when Xu Chang first
appeared at her home. He
was tall and handsome and
looked so out of place at
their house. But her was
very polite, greeting her
parents and smiling at her
younger brother, but he only
looked at her with cold eyes
and didn’t say a word.
Zhao Mei entertained him
enthusiastically, “Xu Chang,
we will really bother you. In
the future, please teach Xiao
Bei more. This child is
usually only playing and not
studying well, which makes
us have a headache. If Xiao
Bei is half as good as you, I
will be satisfied.”
“Auntie, don’t say that.
Xiao Bei is also smart. He
will have no problem
getting into a good school.”
Zhao Mei was happy but
Qin Xiangbei was going
Qin Xaingbei has heard
from his parents that Xu
Chang was really good. At
first, he didn’t believe it.
Until he saw it himself, he
admitted that Xu Chang was
really excellent. If Qin
Xiangbei was a girl, he
would have fallen for him.
“Mom, did you hear that?
Elder brother Xu Chang
praised me.”
Qin Xiangnan sneered,
thinking that Xu Chang was
being fake in front of her
However, Qin Xiangbei’s
performance did took off
during that time.
Zhao Mei and Qin
Chaoming were so happy
and Qin Xiangbei regarded
Xu Chang as his idol,
always saying, “My brother,
my brother Xu Chang.”
This was the time that Qin
Xiangnan’s nightmare
Because Qin Xiangnan’s
science was really bad, Zhao
Mei and Qin Xiaoming not
only worried about her
brother’s entrance exam,
they also set their eyes on
her. The couple felt that
their daughter would not be
able to continue on to
college if it goes on and
they were anxious.
Thinking already having a
“teacher” at home, why not
make the most of it?
That Saturday, when Xu
Chang tutored Qin Xiangbei,
Zhao Mei talked with Xu
“Xu Chang, thank you very
much. Our Xiao Bei’s result
have improved a lot. How
can auntie thank you?”
“Auntie, don’t be polite.
Most of Xiao Bei’s
improvement depended on
himself. I just taught him
some methods, he was very
Qin Xiangbei was smug.
Qing Xiangnan sneered in
her heart, and silently
looked at her composition
book, but she was still
“Xu Chang, you speak so
nicely. How did your
parents raise such a good
child like you? Unlike the
two in our family, one is
worse than the other… Aiya,
I’m really worried…”
One is not good as the other?
Then it must be Qin
Xiangbei that is not good as
the other one.
“How come? Xiao Bei will
definitely be admitted at a
good high school. Aunt,
don’t worry about it.” Xu
Chang still maintained a
nice and polite smile.
“I’m not talking about Xiao
Bei. Xiao Bei is with you,
I’m not so worried. Xiao
Bei and I are worried about
Xiao Nan.”
Qin Xiangnan heard this and
was dumbfounded. They
dare to say that she was
inferior than the other? In
the eyes of her parents,
she’s worst than that bastard
Qin Xiangbei? She
narrowed her eyes towards
Qin Xiangbei.
On the other side, Qin
Xiangbei suddenly smiled
and went forward.
“Xu Chang, you and our
family’s Xiao Nan are
classmates. You must have
known that Xiao Nan is only
serious about some subjects,
how can she pass if it goes
on like this? What about
college? So… Aunt is
asking you… Can you also
help our Xiao Nan with her
Qin Xiangnan who was
holding her composition
book, was so shocked that
she almost fell off… She
turned to look at Xu Chang.
He actually… smiled. Qin
Xiangnan thought that it
was definitely a mocking
smile. Xue Zha [1] despised
the mockery of Xue Ba [2].
Since ancient times, this
type of person are righteous!
Don’t agree! Don’t agree!
Don’t agree! Qin Xiangnan
prayed in her heart…
“Okay, aunt. I will also tutor
her tomorrow, I will not
disappoint you.”
The word “Okay” , he
deliberately raised the
volume of his voice to
emphasize it. Qin Xiangnan
felt awkward.
“Ah. Thank you very much,
Xu Chang. You go back
early, be careful on the
road.” Zhao Mei sent Xu
Chang away with a smile.
Qin Xiangnan looked like
she ate huanglian[3]. She
didn’t want Xu Chang to
tutor her and didn’t want
him to be close to her, and
she didn’t want to have
anything to do with Xu
Chang. But she couldn’t say
no. She can’t refuse without
any reason. Her poor grade
was real, and Xu Chang’s
good grade was also true. If
she refuses, her parents will
think that she has given up
on studying and din’t want
to learn, her family will be
restless. What’s more, even
the “teacher” Xu Chang has
already agreed. In front of
her parents, how could he
have said no?
Besides her, there is another
person in the family who
opposed this. That is Qin
Xiangbei . He felt like he
was robbed of his brother
Xu Chang!
The next day, Xu Chang
really did live up to their
expectation and
supplemented Qin
Xiangran’s study on the
physical and chemical
aspect of science. When Xu
Chang was tutoring Qin
Xiangbei before, they were
locked on his room. Qin
Xiangnan also wanted to
stay in her brother’s room to
study. Just do it. In order to
take care of both, Qin
Xiangnan moved her
textbooks to her brother’s
The older sister and younger
brother both harbored
mischief in their hearts. The
older sister was repulsive.
The other reason was that
she was really afraid
mathematical and chemical
problems. Just thinking
about it made her head ache!
The younger brother felt
depressed that his sister was
too stupid. In the presence
of Brother Xu Chang, his
sister’s shame will also be
his. Moreover, half of the
study time that originally
belonged to him was taken
by his sister! He was really
Xu Chang didn’t know any
of their thoughts and played
the “good teacher” and had
not made any mistake.
The three started a small
class in this small room. A
long desk was near the
window, and Xu Chang sat
among them for easy
For the first time, Qin
Xiangnan was so close to
him that she could smell his
faint scent.
In the first class, Xu Chang
handed Qin Xiangnan a
math paper.
“Today’s task, finish it.” He
pushed the math paper in
front of Qin Xiangnan, and
added another sentence, “Do
it seriously. I’m watching
you.” He didn’t look at her,
his deep eyes stared down at
the book on his hand.
Qin Xiangnan felt dazzled
by his beautiful long
And for that math paper, she
wanted to tear it apart and
throw it into the thrash can.
Of course, she just thought
about it. After thinking
about it, she still obediently
picked up her pen and
thought hard.
“Qin Xiangnan, that;s just a
math paper, is it really so
difficult?” Qin Xiangbei
looked at her pained
expression, curled up his
lips and squinted at her.
“Qin Xiangbei, if you have
the ability, then do it. I think
you are a half catty@” Qin
Xiangnan snorted coldly.
Qin Xiangbei suddenly got
angry, “You are shameless!
I’m still in junior high
school and you want me to
do a subject for high
“So you also know that you
are a little boy? What are
you going to do about this
“Qin Xiangnan! Don’t go
too far! I…”
“Why? You want to tell
Mom? Haha, aren’t you
Qin Xiangnan’s quarrel
always prevailed.
Xu Chang on the side, “…”
“Can you be quiet?” Xu
Chang was helpless, and
threw his book on the table.
Both the sister and brother
spoke at the same time.
Qin Xiangnan felt her brain
cells dying. A piece of paper
was written with scratches.
She held her head with both
hands and sighed. After a
while, she looked like she
discovered a new continent.
After writing a few times,
she suddenly stopped and
frowned, she then shook her
head and dropped the pen.
Xu Chang was explaining
about a question with Qin
Xiangbei. Due to the noise
coming from Qin
Xiangnan, , Xu Chang’s
voice paused. After a while,
Qin Xiangnan calmed down,
Xu Chang started speaking
again, and heard her sigh
again. In this way, Xu
Chang stopped talking
several times.
“Qin Xiangnan, can you be
quiet?” Qin Xiangbei
couldn’t bear it anymore.
“I’m quiet.” She was
“Qin Xiangnan, you keep on
sighing and making a sound,
I won’t be polite.” Qin
Xiangbei got up and found a
tape, teared it, pulled a ot,
and brought it to her mouth.
“Hey, hey. I won’t be
making a sound.” She
pushed Qin Xiangbei’s hand
away. “You are so violent at
such a young age.”
Qin Xiangbei snorted,
bypassed Xu Chang, and sat
The war has not yet began
but it already ended with
Qin Xiangnan’s surrender.
Without saying a word, Xu
Chang lowered his head,
holding the pen in his right
hand, his fist resting on his
lips, hiding the slight curve
at the corner of his lips.
After a long time, Qin
Xiangnan finally breathed a
sigh of relief, “I’m done.”
Then she picked up the
upper corner of the math test
paper, raised it up, and
shook it in front of Xu
“Mr. Xu, please look at it~”
Sh e grinned, exposing a
faint dimple around the
corner of her mouth and
looking proud.
Xu Chang looked up,
reached for it, took a red pen,
and prepared to seriously
correct it.
Qin Xiangnan felt relieved,
stretched her waist, and
began to look at her
After only reading a few
lines, Xu Chang wrote an
bold “-5” on her paper.
“The paper is not neat, 5
points off!”
Since when did cleanliness
had a point? She didn’t
know about it.
Subsequently, Xu Chang
scribbled on the paper one
after the other making Qin
Xiangnan startled!
Xu Chang’s big red cross
struck through the paper on
the back, showing no mercy,
and making her spine chill.
At this time, Qin Xingbei
also curiously looked at her
papers and sneered inside.
“Qin Xingnian, you are so
stupid! Hahahaha…”
“Shut up!” In fact, she
panicked, and then
continued to watch him
cross it, can this paper still
be read? Her expression was
stiff, and a drop of cold
sweat rolled down her
In the end, there was no
suspense. Xu Chang
sentenced her, FAILED!
Because Xu Chang couldn’t
bear to calculate her score,
she just told her coldly,
Qin Xiangnan was stunned.
Watching him take her math
textbooks and opened the
first page.
“The foundation is too poor.
I marked out all the
important points and wrote
them down. I will do the
questions next week.” He
has a serious tone, a sharp
look, and Qin Xingnian was
shocked. She looked like
she just saw her math
It turned out that everyone
who asked her to do math
problems, no matter whether
he looked better than Pan
An [4] or was extremely
ugly, in her eyes, they were
all wolves.
In this way, Xu Chang made
tests for Qin Xiangnan for
several weeks, and she was
tortured to death.
She suffered everyday,
when she closes her eyes, all
see could see are
mathematical. Physics, and
chemical formulas. At night,
she dreamed that she was
sitting on a classroom,
taking an exam. During that
time, she almost suspected
that she was under some
kind of spell.
Qin Xiangnan looked at her
mobile phone for a while
and remembered that she
was so funny ten years ago.
“Ding!” When the
notification came in, she
opened it.
Xu Chang: Isn’t timid
people those who like to
This sentence made Qin
Xiangnan confused…
She analyzed it. Who likes
to cry? Why does Xu Chang
thinks that she likes to cry?
When did she cry? When
did she ever cry in front of
She thought for a long time
and remembered what
happened between them but
she still did not get it.
Qin Xiangnan believed that
she is optimistic by nature.
Although she has suffered a
lot along the way, she will
never cry. How could she
easily cry in front of an
Perhaps it was only ten
years ago, the only one who
had cried in front of him
once was… That was after
Xu Chang tutored her for
her homework. On one
occasion, although her
science scores improved a
little, they were still
She was annoyed for a few
days and wondered is she
really was stupid.
Those days, she was in very
bad mood, and started to
give up.
That weekend, Xu Chang
still appeared in her house.
Zhao Mei pulled him and
said, “Xu Chang, how did
she get a bad score in this
exam, is she really too
stupid? I heard you were the
top scorer again and our
Xiao Nan was on the
Qin Xiangnan was already
depressed, but she didn’t
expect her mother to say
such things in front of Xu
Qin Xaingbei on the other
hand, continued to stir up
the flames, “Mom, this is
not the first time that my
sister was too stupid. She
has been stupid for more
that ten years. Hahahaha…
There is already a good
teacher like Xu Chang
teaching her but she still
failed. Really, the rotten
wood cannot be carved!” [1]
[1] 朽木难雕/Xiǔ mù
nán diāo = Something
that is already bad
cannot be made better,
or prettier. You cannot
change the true nature
of such things. An
English equivalent
would be: “You can’t
teach an old dog new
“Qin Xiangbei!” Qin
Xiangnan’s roar scared him.
Seeing her white faced flush,
her pink lips clenched, her
breathing was rapid, her
chest was undulating. Qin
Xiangbei also saw a glint in
her eyes.
Qin Xiangbei took a step
Before he could react, Qin
Xiangnan has already given
him a fierce glare, turned
and walked quickly to her
room, and closed the door
with a slam!
“Aiya, this child. What’s
wrong with her. Xu Chang,
I’m sorry. Xiao Nan is not
polite.” Zhao Mei
Xu Chang answered that it
doesn’t matter.
Qin Xiangbei was
speechless for a moment. He
seemed to realize that he
had just made a msitake, but
he still pretended like
nothing happened and went
to his room to continue his
Qin Xiangbei felt like a
stone was crushing his heart
that day, which made his
mood really heavy. He
usually quarrels with his
sister almost every day.
They are always at war and
always ready to go to the
battlefield. Whoever
responds slowly is the loser.
In the past, he had said
worse things to win battles.
He thought that today would
be the same as usual so he
started a war again. Seeing
that he was about to win, his
sister suddenly snapped.
He didn’t understand why
she was so angry. He felt
that although he won today,
it was disgraceful.
Qin Xiangbei was so upset
that he felt restless and
looked at Xu Chang.
“Brother Xu Chang, can you
do me a favor…”
Qin Xiangnan locked herself
in her room. She lowered
her head and bit her lower
lip, feeling uncomfortable in
her heart as she snorted on
her notebook.
Someone knocked on the
door but she ignored it and
continued to write down.
After a while, someone
knocked again.
“Qin Xaingbei, leave me
alone!” She shouted at the
“It’s Mom… Xiao Nan,
please open the door. Mom
has something to tell you.”
Zhao Mei’s voice came
from outside the door.
Qin Xiangnan thought about
ti, put down her pen, stood
up and opened the door.
Standing at the door was
Zhao Mei and… Xu Chang.
“Xiao Nan, Xu Chang is
looking for you. I don’t
think you’ll open the door if
you knew it was him so
mother called you.” Zhao
Mei said. After winking at
Qin Xiangnan, she left.
Qin Xiangnan understood
that her mother wanted her
to talk nicely and not lose
her temper like earlier.
The boy outside the door
was tall, he was a full head
taller than her.
“What’s the matter?” She
was still standing by the
door, looking up at him with
a flat tone.
“I finished my homework
last week, did you finish it?”
He looked at her, his eyes
fell on her face. His eyes
were deep and she saw
reflection in those eyes.
“Did not do it!”
“Why didn’t you do it?”
“What does it have to do
with you? I don’t need you
to teach me in the future!”
She screamed with all her
might, making him startled.
“What did you say? Say it
again.” Xu Chang’s eyes
suddenly became sharper, a
dangerous glint came from
his eyes.
Feeling scared, Qin
Xiangnan stepped back and
said, “I don’t need you to
teach me. I’m stupid
anyway that it won’t make a
difference!” She continued
to talk and felt something
overflowing from her eyes,
blurring her vision. She was
strong but she couldn’t bear
Xu Chang tilted his lips
slightly, revealing a smile.
“Are you insulting yourself
or are you insulting me?”
“How can I?” She wouldn’t
dare insult him.
“Do you think I can’t teach
you?” Xu Chang took a step
closer to her and looked
down: “I wont’ do things
I’m not sure of, and I won’t
waste my time on things that
I’m not sure of.”
He leaned closer to her, his
mouth rising, “Qin
Xiangnan, I can definitely
let you go to college, are
you giving up now?”
Qin Xiangnan was surprised.
This was the first timeshe
heard him call her name.
His voice was so nice and
gentle that she felt that her
ear was tickled.
He said she could.
Qin Xiangnan’s nose was
sour, the bright tears rolled
down her eyes, and then
there were larger, more
round tears sliding down her
cheeks, one by one…
Then Xu Chang was
She didn’t hold herself back.
Xu Chang’s words
completely made her
defenses crumble.
She can hold her tears in
front of her parents, her
brother. For so many days
she was unhappy and
blamed herself. She didn’t
want anyone to see her true
feelings. She had already
thought about how to face it.
She wanted to give up, and
she felt that she was really
incapable in science.
But she heard him say that
she could, the many days of
indifference were lost…
She didn’t want this to
happen, didn’t want him, an
outsider to see her crying.
She felt embarrassed and
ugly. But at this point, she
can no longer control herself
and recover.
“Do you think I’m stupid?”
She choked.
Xu Chang hesitated for a
moment and did not speak.
Qin Xiangnan looked at him
with those tearful eyes, not
getting an answer, her tears
kept falling one by one.
Seeing her like this, he
panicked and hurriedly
“You’re not stupid.”
“Okay, I believe in you.
Then go first, I’ll be right
there. I’ve finished my
homework and I’ll give it to
you later.”
They both breathed a sigh of
relief. Qin Xiangnan wiped
her tears with the back of
her hands.
“Today’s matter, please
forget about it immediately.
Also, you are not allowed to
tell others about it. If you
disclose it, I’ll kill you.”
“No.” Xu Chang quickly
agreed and turned to leave
her room.
Qin Xiangnan then wiped
the tears from her face,
adjusted her mood, and went
into her brother’s room
while holding her book.
Qin Xiangnan recalled the
scenes of that year, and the
embarrassment at that
seemed to resurface. She
remembered that this was
the only time that she had
cried in front of him, and it
was just that Xu Chang
defined someone who likes
to cry. She was furious and
typed in the dialog.
Qin Xiangnan: You
promised you will forget
about it! Dr. Xu, you are
After not getting a reply for
a long time, she put down
her phone and went to take a
When she hummed a song
and blow dried her hair, she
saw a message lying quietly
on WeChat.
Xu Chang: I was driving
and just got home.
Okay? Do doctors report
their schedule to their
Xu Chang, who has just
returned home looked
exhausted. He put down the
key, turned on the light, and
unbuttoned his shirt.
At this time, a chubby gray
cat saw him come back, ran
over and stopped at his feet,
and rubbed on him. Xu
Chang squatted down,
reached out and touched its
spine, and the cat narrowed
its eyes comfortably, then
raised its round head.
He took it to the kitchen,
picked up the cat food, and
poured some into the bowl.
“Tonight’s supper.”
The gray cat “meowed” and
enjoyed its dinner.
He then sat on the sofa, took
out his phone, and saw a
new message.
Qin Xiangnan: Oh. Its such
a pity.
He stared at the screen for a
long time, then opened the
chat head and zoomed in. A
beautiful egg-shaped face
was seen, a shawl on her
long hair, her chin resting
on one hand, lips tilted
slightly, revealing a faint
dimple, her eyebrows and
eyes also seemed to be
He opened her circle of
friends and Xu Chang
laughed. When did she
change it from half a year
ago into three days?
Then he continued to stare
at the gray cat that finished
its dinner, grabbed it and
said, “You’re naughty
The little gray cat opened
his eyes innocently and
looked at him. “Meow~”
He held the cat on his lap
and touched petted it twice.
Then, he picked up the
wallet on the table and
opened it. Inside was a
small photo. On a blue
background, a girls was in a
white shirt and a ponytail.
There was also a faint
In Xu Chang’s memory, Qin
Xiangnan was a big fool…
She seems to have a lot if
stuff in her head and has a
lot of strange ideas. She
loves to laugh, and is
particularly optimistic. She
is very serious and
hardworking… She and her
brother will quarrel with
each other over a trivial
matter. In fact, Xu Chang
liked to listen to the two of
them arguing. The scene is
very warm.
Xu Chang’s parents
divorced when he was very
young. He has lived with his
grandmother since he was a
child. His father, Xu Zhijie,
was a surgeon and was very
busy. After his parents
divorced, the relationship
between father and son also
became estrange. Xu Chang
wanted to be acknowledged
by his father, so he worked
hard to be the best. Even so,
he never got a word of
praise from his father… so
the relationship between the
two became farther and
When the father and son
meet, they will only speak
simple question and answer.
No other words will be
uttered from his father’s
mouth. Xu Chang felt that
he didn’t know any
similarities between them.
He wanted to be close to his
father but could never be
able to get closer…
Qin Xiangnan was the
opposite of him. She lives in
a honey pot, her parents
love her, and her brother
who seems to argue with her
everyday still cares so much
about her.
Xu Chang remembered a
weekend when he went to
their house as usual.
That day, it was Qin
Xaingnan that opened the
door. In May, she wore a
simple and elegant lilac
pleated skirt, pure white
sweater, and tied her hair
into a ponytail like usual,
looking fresh and clean.
“Xu Chang, Xiangbei is not
here. My parents went out
today.” She looked at him.
Xu Chang thought about it,
“I’ll come in first.” After
that, he went straight in.
Qin Xiangnan once again
scolded Qin Xiangbe in 800
times in her heart. This
stinking brother ran away
while their parentsare away.
So sneaky. He might have
went to go on a date. Of
course, her brother will
never tell her about it.
She didn’t bother to open
his room and instead, took
Xu Chang to her room and
moved a chair to let him sit
Before Xu Chang came, she
was writing a note. When
she entered the room, she
realized that she had just
hurriedly went to open the
door and forgot to turn off
her laptop. She glanced at
Xu Chang and found that he
didn’t look at her stuff, and
just quietly closed the blue
notebook and threw it on the
Xu Chang did make her a
lot of task that day but he
was reading leisurely on the
The room was surprisingly
quiet. At this time in the
afternoon, a beam of
sunlight came in quietly
from the window and hit her
face, she felt warm. She
stared at those problems,
gradually getting sleepy,
and unknowingly falling
asleep on the table.
Xu Chang heard her
breathing regularly and
turned to look at her.
She fell asleep, the sunlight
fell on her face from the
window. Her tiny face
looked fluffy due to the
touch of the sun, as if the
whole person was wrapped
in a halo. Her eyelashes
were shaking, her skin was
white, her black hair was
long, and her pink lips were
slightly open. Everything
looked calm and beautiful…
Xu Chang’s eyes gradually
moved down from her face.
Under the swan-like necj,
half of her collarbone was
covered by the pure white
Xu Chang hurriedly looked
away and looked and tilted
his head.
The corner of his lips
twitched lightly, creating a
beautiful arc…
Qin Xiangnan was
awakened by her brother
knocking on the door. She
slowly opened her eyes and
found herself lying asleep
on the table. Looking up at
Xu Chang, he still kept the
same posture and was
reading quietly.
“Your saliva is coming out.”
He said.
Qin Xiangnan
embarrassingly pulled a
tissue, wiped the corner of
her mouth, and ran out to
open the door.
Qin Xiangbei stood at the
door, looking depressed.
“You still know how to
come back.” Who knew that
Qin Xiangbei was not on the
mood today, walked staright
to his room, and closed the
door quietly.
She was stunned. What’s
going on here?
She went back to her room
and told Xu Chang, “Who
knew that Qin Xiangbei
took the wrong medicine
today. Ignore him.” After
that, she sat down and
continued to do her
Xu Chang didn’t say
anything, both of them were
One afternoon passed by so
After a few days, Qin
Xiangnan found that her
blue-covered notebook was
missing. She suspected that
she was in a hurry and was
dizzy. Or maybe it was her
brother’s prank. Qin
Xiangbei always liked to
take her things and she had
no secret in front of him.
Unexpectedly, a few days
later, the blue notebook
appeared by itself, laying
quietly in her pile of
exercise books. She didn’t
think much about it, and
looked at it without any
difference, and locked it in
the drawer.
In fact, the blue notebook
stayed at Xu Chang’s house
for a week…
Xu Chang was sitting on the
sofa, the little gray cat
nestling beside him, asleep.
He looked at the photo in
his wallet for a long time.
From the moment he met
her again today, the memory
with her broke out of its
shackles a little bit,
resurfacing again.
She is more beautiful than
before and is very
eye-catching. She realized
her dream and became a
journalist. Xu Chang knew
that she would be able to do
it. She worked so hard,
refused to give up, and
continued to persevere. The
blue notebook contained her
Qin Xiangnan’s father, Qin
Chaoming, is a doctor. He
naturally hopes that his
children should inherit his
business and become
doctors in the future.
Therefore, he instilled the
idea in his two children
since they were a child.
Their future career is a
doctor. Only doctors can
realize their ideals and
Qin Xiangnan opposed it
from the bottom of her heart.
She didn’t like to be a
doctor, but she could not
disobey her father. She
never told her parents what
she thought. She could only
bury those things in her
heart and writer it in a book.
Except for her, only her
brother knew her secrets.
Because Qin Xiangbei, that
bastard, would take a peek
into her diary. When she
found out about it, she was
so angry. But then later,
they reached an agreement,
so QIn Xiangnan could not
take him the slightest.
Qin Xiangbei said: “I know
all your secrets. But you
can’t punish me, only I can
help you.”
Qin Xiangnan was mad,
“You, be careful I might
poke your eyes.”
“No. Do you want to be like
a doctor? You can rest
assured and realize your
dreams. For Mom and Dad,
there’s still me.”
Qin Xiangnan snorted, “It’s
up to you? Look at you,
you’re not even skillful.
Only want to look like an
angel in a lab gown.”
“Hump! Just wait and see!”
“Qin Xiangbei, since you
have dine such a wicked
thing, you have to promise
me and do whatever you can
to stop our parents from
making me a doctor.
Otherwise…” Qin Xaingnan
smirked, “You know the
“Whatever, I can handle it!”
He disagreed.
Qin Xiangnan looked at him
with an evil smile: “You
know Sun Weiwei…”
“Qin Xiangnan!” Qi
Xiangbei seemed like he got
hit on the head.
“It seems like I poked the
nail on the head. Now that
we have a hold on each
other, you can rest assured
that as long as you help me,
I will not disclose you
Qin Xiangbei was stunned.
Unexpectedly, the little
girlfriend that he was hiding
was discovered by his sister.
He gritted his teeth and said:
What Qin Xiangbei didn’t
know was that Qin
Xiangnan made a plan. In
fact, she didn’t know who
Sun Weiwei was, but she
heard her name being
spoken secretly during a call.
The silly kid was being
sneaky, she knows that there
is something wrong!
She didn’t want to be a
doctor as strongly as she
didn’t want to do
mathematical and physucs
problems. She would dream
that she had a knife for
surgery, and stabbed herself.
The next day, she wrote
down the dream and told
herself that she would never
be a doctor in the future.
Everytime her father
finishes an operation, he
will go hom and talk at the
diner table. She will listen to
Qin Chaoming talk about
organs, blood, and
pathology. She will want to
vomit and she coulnd’t eat
meat for a while.
Because she was an
imaginative person, the
words from Qin Chaoming
made her uncomfortable.
Qin Xiangnan never thought
about the things she wrote.
In addition to her brother
knowing, she didn’t know
that another person would
be able to look into her
In the past few days, Qin
Xiangnan did not go out to
work because of her injury
and just rested at home. But
she was not idle and
occasionally help interns
proofread the press releases.
When sh isn’t busy, she will
scroll around Weibo and
watch TV shows like a
normal girl.
In addition, these days, she
usually chats with Xu
Chang in WeChat.
At the beginning, she would
ask Xu Chang some medical
questions such as: Should
she use ice or heat for her
swollen foot, can she do
some simple exercises?
Generally, a sprain would be
better after a few days. Xu
Chang would answer her
questions one by one. She
was very satisfied with the
answer from a professional
Later, Qin Xiangnan took
the initiative to as questions
and gradually changed it to
Xu Chang initiating about
her condition.
Every morning, she would
open her eyes and see a new
message from Xu Chang on
her phone.
Xu Chang: Morning. Is it
any better today?
Qin Xiangnan’s reply reples
were very simple, from
“Much better.”, “Much
better.”, to “Almost ready.”,
“Almost better.”
Later, Qin Xiangnan will
receuve greetings from Dr.
Xu besides caring about his
patient’s condition. For
example: “What are you
busy with?”, “Have you
gone to work?”, “Have you
Moreover, Xu Chang started
to tell her about what he was
doing. What kind of surgery
he had done, the time he
gets off work, seeing a few
patients and encountering
some weird things…
At first, Qin Xiangnan
gradually realized how
lonely a doctor was, and that
he would actually chat with
his patients.
Of course, Qin Xiangnan
remembered that tne years
ago, even if the two of them
were alone, Xu Chang
would not take the initiative
to talk to her. In the past ten
years, if he really hadn’t
change, would it be that she
has mistaken him, has his
character always been
Later, she felt that if she
could be his partner, many
people would envy her.
After a week, when her foot
injury was completely
healed, she started to
become active again.
In this city, there are
hundreds of car accidents
every day. Large and small,
numerous neighborhood
disputes, homicides, fires,
drowning… In this
fast-developing information
age, new hot spots would
pop up everyday as people
want to follow news as
quickly as possible and
understand the truth.
That day, Qin Xiangnan
received a call from Chen
“Sister Xiangnan, I heard
that your brother works in
XX Hospital, is it true?”
“Um, yeah. What’s wrong?”
“We received a hotline.
There is some issue with a
doctor at XX Hospital. I’ll
rush over right away. Sister
Xiangnan, when will you
“I will leave immediately.
Half an hour. Let’s meet at
the hospital.” Qin Xiangnan
pakced away and set off.
Whether her brother is in the
hospital or not, she will go.
Later, she suddenly
remembered that Xu Chang
and her brother worked at
the same hospital.
When she arrived at the
hospital, Qin Xiangnan and
Chen Xiaoqi conversed and
asked the security guard at
the entrance and learned that
it was on Xu Chang’s
Qin Xiangnan was agitated.
They went to the hospital’s
orthopedics department
again and found that the
police have already arrived.
Captain Huang and several
policemen who had also
been at the previous case
were with him. They were
busy talking with the family.
In addition to the police, the
family and several patients
were there. Qin Xiangnan
swept a look and saw no
doctor. She sighed in relief.
The family looked worked
up. There was a couple who
was a little older, and it was
estimated that they were on
their sixties. There are also
several men in their forties
who are more that 1.8
meters tall and looked dark
and sturdy.
“Sister Xiangnan, I will go
to the poolice and asked
about the specific situation.”
Chen Xiaoqi has been very
active recently.
“Okay. Continue.” Qin
Xiangnan nodded.
Qin Xiangnan took out her
camera and took a few
After while, Chen Xiaoqi
“Sister Xiangnan, I
understand clearly. This
older couple is the injured’s
parents. I heard that
something happened to their
son on the construction site.
He apparently fell from a
high altitude and he
accidentally injured is leg.
When he was sent to the
hospital, the flesh was seen
and the doctor judged that
the leg could not be kept
and need to be on operation.
It is said that the injured
person was still awake and
signed the papers. During
the operation, his parents
came and saw their son
unconscious and had no leg.
They cried on the spot and
asked the doctor about their
son’s leg and made the
matter bigger. The they
called some relatives to
make trouble. Chen Xiaoqi
pointed to the five big and
burly men. “These are the
few of them.”
“Then, do you know the
doctor who performed the
operation?” Qin Xiangnan
“I don’t know. Sister
Xiangnan, do you know the
doctor here?”
“No. I just asked casually.”
She smiled awkwardly.
Captain Huang was still
talking with the patient’s
“You guys, it’s time to go
home. Don’t make troubles
here. This is a hospital, not a
park. They came to this
hospital and made noises.
What about the other
patients? Do you also want
to see a doctor?”
The aunt relented. “What do
you mean we are fooling
around, Captain? My son’s
leg is missing. I don’t like to
hear what you say. To our
family, this is a big event.
The cruel doctor saw that
my son’s leg is gone. My
son is not cultured. He just
relies on his strength to
work and ear money. Now
that he lost one of his legs,
what will he do in the
After that, the aunt sat on
the ground, crying and
wiping her tears.
“My son, what are you
going to do in the future…”
Captain Huang wanted to
lift her up. He didn’t expect
that the aunt was strong and
he couldn’t pull her up.
“Ma’am, get up first. The
patients still need to see the
doctor. Don’t affect the
“Their illness have nothing
to do with me. They have
their hands and foot, unlike
my son who has no foot…
How would he be able to
“Madam, what do you want?
Doctors are professional,
you have to believe them.”
Captain Huang was
“Who asked them to cut my
son’s leg? We have to get
compensation from the
hospital!” The old man
finally spoke.
This is thier point. Qin
Xiangnan and Chen Xiaoqi
smiled at each other.
“Yes, let the hospital
compensate!” The strong
men agreed.
Captain Huang said so much
and wasted his words in
vain. Well, if they don’t eat
the soft ones, then become
the hard ones.
“Did you know that it is
illegal for you to make
troubles? Since you are not
willing to go, if you want
things to become bigger,
then go to the bureau with
me.” Aunt got up.
He did not expect that the
old woman was good in
acting. As soon as Captain
Huang touched her, she
immediately lay on the
“The police is beating
civilians, the police is
beating civilians…”
Captain Huang is an old
man after all, and he has
seen this scene a lot.
“Ma’am, I haven’t done
anything yet, don’t say that
we hit someone. I tel you,
there are CCTVs here. It’s
not up for you to decide
whether we hit someone or
not. See that, there is one,
and the other.” He pointed
to the ceiling.
The aunt was frightened by
Captain Huang and
immediately calmed down
and stopped crying.
The police did not expect
that the scene would last
until half past one, and that
it would not affect the
operation of the hospital.
“Ma’am, you see, you’re
already tired. It won’t solve
any problems. It will also
affect other patients.
Otherwise, go to a
conference room to sit and
drink tea and slowly
“Don’t fool us. We are all
farmers and you as police
should protect us. We
should resolve this today
and give our son an
explanation.” Said the old
“Hurry up and find a place
to talk slowly.”
After that, several
policemen took the family
and left. The aunt didn’t
forget to wipe her tears as
she walked.
Qin Xiangnan and Chen
Xiaoqi followed in a hurry.
The hospital’s security
arranged a meeting room for
The police asked the family
to sit down and poured them
a glass of water.
“Uncle, Auntie, elder
brothers, we know you are
tired. I think no one is
wrong in this. The
orthopedic of this hospital is
the most popular in the city.
How is it possible that you
just see a person’s leg
casually. Don’t be
troublesome. The most
important thing right now is
for you to take care of your
son.” Captain Huang said
“Why isn’t it? Why did the
doctor operated our son’s
leg without our consent?
Although we are only
farmers, don’t we also have
our rights? You are bullying
the weak! My son is
working here in the big city.
Those of you who live in the
big city is bullying us
countryside people!”
“Hey, uncle. The more you
say, the more it gets farther
away. Yes, your son is a
worker in this big city, we
are grateful to you. But this
has nothing to do with your
son’s operation. You see,
your son injured his legs.
Our big city also
accommodates you and
treated your son. Those
doctors did their best. They
are benevolent doctors, they
are all good doctors who
saves people.” Captain
Huang patted his chest and
“You guys are bullies!
Saying you are doing your
best, is it your best to chop
my son’s leg? What kind of
saving is this?” The uncle
slammed his fist on the table
and stood up angrily.
“Uncle, calm down. You are
not listening to what I’m,
saying. To tell you the truth,
you are in the wrong! We
are the police, what we do is
fair. It doesn’t matter who
you put up with. If you
make this matter more
bigger, you are breaking the
law and we can sue you. I’m
warning you.” Captain
Huang has seen bigger
scenes than these.
“Oh, you officials are
bullying us. Us common
people have the right to
criticize you. I just want
fairness for my son, ah.”
“Let the people judge, isn’t
it easy? Uncle, did you see
those two journalists? If the
media reports, everyone in
the country will know that
you came to the hospital to
make trouble, aren’t you
going to judge? The
people’s words will drown
you. Such behavior, and you
dare to judge people’s
behavior, you are
embarrassing the people of
the country.”
Uncle’s momentum
suddenly weakened. “Police
officer, you say, how can
this be resolved? My son is
still unconscious and lying
on the bed. Us old people
rushed to the hospital from
the field and saw our son
become like this. What do
you want us to do? His
parents are already old. Our
whole family is counting on
him to make money and
support our family. This
hospital must give us an
“What more is there to say?
The hospital is doing their
best. I said, do you want to
take money? This is an
illegal act.” Captain Huang
really did not leave the law.
“Why do we have to take
money? We just need
compensation. This is a
large hospital, they saw my
son’s leg and don’t even
have to compensate. This is
clearly bullying us rural
people who don’t have high
Going around again.
“Ah, uncle, the hospital saw
your son’s leg to treat him,
to save his life. Why would
you make people
compensate? Isn’t this an
act of revenge?” Captain
Huang shook his head
helplessly, talking to this
family was so tiring.
Having said so much, he felt
his mouth dry, and took a
big sip of water.
Captain Huang exhaled and
suddenly looked at Qin
Xiangnan and Chen Xiaoqi
and said to them: “Reporters,
do you think there is a better
Qin Xiangnan was asked.
She smiled and said, “I am a
reporter whose purpose is to
report the real news. I can
only report what I see,
record, and hear today. This
is fair and easy.”
The old couple panicked
when they heard this, they
had to make trouble on TV.
They didn’t get any benefit
and if they went back to
their hometown, they would
not be able to show their
They thought about it and
the family began to discuss
with each other.
After a while, they turned
quiet. The old man said:
“You are not doctors, I
don’t believe you. You have
to let the doctor who
operated my son come out
and clearly tell us why they
sawed my son’s leg. They
must give us a statement, we
can’t go back without being
clear of what happened.”
“Yes. Tell the doctors to
come out. Why are they
hiding, are they afraid?” The
strong men agreed.
When Qin Xiangnan heard
this, she became restless.
Captain Huang discussed it
with a few police officers
and agreed. They let a little
policeman to call someone.
Qin Xiangran was silently
thinking and hoped that the
person who would come
will not be Xu Chang.
The family was sitting
quietly at the moment, they
were thinking about how
they could get a lot of
money. They could not let
their son break his leg in
vain, let alone return to his
hometown without gaining
any benefits.
Captain Huang was thinking
of resolving the matter as
soon as possible, and
couldn’t get into trouble.
Ten minutes later, someone
opened the door of the
conference room, and Qin
Xiangnan held her breath.
Pushing the door was the
little policeman who had
just left. He came in and
saw everyone staring at him.
He felt embarrassed and
scratched his head. Then he
looked behind him, opened
the door of the conference
room, and a doctor in a
white coat came in.
This person is not Xu Chang.
Qin Xiangnan was relieved.
But the doctor who came in
surprised her.
It was a female doctor. If
you want to add another
word, it was a beautiful
female doctor.
This doctor is very beautiful.
Fair skin, deep eyes, long
eyelashes, tall nose bridge,
pink and plump lips, and
wearing a white gown, she
looked very special. The
white coat wrapped around
her body tightly, showing
her graceful figure to the
In front of this female
doctor, Qin Xiangnan
immediately felt that she
being compared. If she is
pretty, then this doctor is
sexy and enchanting.
She did not expect that in
this hospital, aside from Xu
Chang who looks good,
there is also such a beautiful
doctor. Moreover, they are
in the same department.
The small policeman
introduced her to the scene:
“This is Dr. Lin.”
“I’m an orthopedist here,
my surname is Lin. Is there
anything I can help you
with?” Her voice was so
gentle that when Qin
Xiangnan heard it, her ears
were itchy, hooked away her
“Sister Xiangnan, this Dr.
Lin is so beautiful.” Chen
Xiaoqi whispered.
All the men present were all
attracted to this Dr. Lin.
After Dr. Lin spoke, there
were no answers within one
and a half minute, and the
air was frozen instantly.
After a while, the old man
responded, “Dr. Lin, are you
the doctor who treated my
“Who is your son? I can’t
remember all the patients
that I treat everyday.” Dr.
Lin’s tone sounded a little
The old man was impatient
when he heard this. Okay,
they saw his son’s leg. The
doctor didn’t even know
who his son was. So this
hospital is this
“My son is Zhang Liangman,
didn’t you saw my son’s
“Zhang Liangman… Two
days ago that patient’s right
leg was amputated?”
“Yes. Today you have to
give me an explanation.
When we entered the
hospital, his right leg was
gone. You have to
compensate us!” Uncle
Zhang took out the seat and
scared people.
After hearing this, Dr. Lin
understood that these people
came to make trouble and
exploit money. She stood
there calmly, and put her
right hand in the pocket of
her white coat, and slowly
said: “I’m Zhang
Liangman’s attending
doctor. The patient, Zhang,
had comminuted fracture [1]
in his right leg and absolute
ischemic necrosis [2] on his
muscles when he was
brought to the hospital.
Without amputation, it may
lead to the loss of liver and
kidney functions and is life
threatening. The blood
vessels, nerves, muscles,
and bones in the limbs will
be severely damaged and
there will be no way to
repair them. Amputation is
the best treatment solution
made by our orthopedics
and surgeons. Do you have
any question about our
treatment plan?”
[1] A comminuted
fracture is a break or
splinter of the bone
into more than two
fragments. Since
considerable force and
energy is required to
fragment bone,
fractures of this degree
occur after high-impact
trauma such as in
vehicular accidents.
External fixation
devices such as splints
and casts are usually
inadequate in treating
this type of fracture.
Repairing a
comminuted fracture
often requires open
surgery to restructure
the bone to normal
anatomy. (credits:
[2] Ischemic injury is
caused by diminished
or absent blood
flow. Ischemia may be
relative or complete, in
which case it usually
results in
coagulative necrosis.
Relative ischemia can
occur as a result of low
blood pressure
(hypotension), marked
increases in cellular
metabolism, and
vascular stenosis.
Relative ischemia
typically results in
cellular dysfunction but
does not cause death in
most cell types. Some
cell types that are more
sensitive to ischemic
damage (e.g., neurons)
undergo apoptosis or
necrosis while other
cell types remain viable.
Complete ischemia
most often results from
blockage of an arterial
branch that causes
infarction of the tissue
supplied by that blood
vessel. (credits:
“I… I don’t understand
what you are talking about!
Don’t talk nonsense with me.
You little girl looks so
beautiful, are you a trainee?
No, no, your hospital is
trying to fool us with a little
girl. We want the director to
come and speak with us. Let
him give us a statement. I
need your apology and
compensation. Otherwise,
this matter will not end so
“I’m a professional doctor.
It’s not up to you to judge
my ability. You are not
qualified to question me. I
have explained so much
about Zhang Liangman’s
condition. We, doctors, have
tried our best to save the
patient.” She then turned to
Captain Huang and said,
“Police officer, is there
anything else? I have
already said what I should
say. I have more work to do,
I’ll go first.”
“Ah, what is your attitude?”
The aunt who wiped her
tears drew up tears in an
instant. “You stinky girl,
what are you talking about?
Why are you so shameless?”
Women will always be more
malicious intents when
looking at another women.
After hearing this, Dr. Lin
blushed and was speechless
for a moment. Perhaps such
a pure and noble girl have
never heard someone insult
her with such crude words.
It’s even less likely to
respond with harsh words.
She didn’t speak for a
moment, she then pouted
and left.
As soon as the door was
opened, the aunt rushed up
“You woman, didn’t even
explain clearly and want to
leave.” Aunt responded very
quickly and flew at her in an
instant. “You murderer.
Dr. Lin did not expect that
the aunt would suddenly
make a move. “Ah!” She
At this time, Captain Huang
on the side saw the situation
was not good and rushed
forward, trying to catch the
Chen Xiaoqi was agitated
and quickly took out her
camera to shoot.
Captain Huang was half a
beat slower because of the
long distance and was not
able to stop her.
The aunt soon threw a slap
to Dr. Lin…
Qin Xiangnan eyes shocked,
watching the scene happen,
then suddenly…
At this moment, a tall white
figure flashed into the room,
grabbed Dr. Lin’s arm and
dragged her into his arms.
The aunt did not hit
anything and fell.
Xu Chang’s sudden
appearance surprised Qin
Xiangnan. She was relieved,
thinking that it had nothing
to do with him.
Unexpectedly, she still did
not escape the
embarrassment of meeting
her “friend”.
Qin Xiangnan saw Dr. Lin
in Xu Chang’s arms, as if
she had not recovered from
the fright. Her face was red
and gasping lightly, leaning
against Xu Chang’s chest,
holding Xu Chang tightly
with her hands.
Qin Xiangnan saw this
scene. She thought that Dr.
Lin is really beautiful and is
a perfect match to Xu Chang.
Could it be that the two was
She didn’t dare think about
it. Although she and Xu
Chang have returned to
being friends these days,
learning something about
his daily life. But she did
not have deep conversations
with him, nor was she
familiar with talking about
each others’ emotional
issues. For so many years,
Xu Chang has always been
on the spotlight, always
shining, how could he not
have a girlfriend?
At first glance, Dr. Lin had
a good opinion on Xu
Chang. After holding for so
long, still not letting go?
Chen Xiaoqi whispered to
Qin Xiangnan again, “Oh
my god, this doctor is so
handsome. What kind of
hospital is this?”
“Oh, my mother. The doctor
hit someone.”
Dr. Lin finally snapped by
Aunt Zhang’s crying and
shouting, she let go of his
Aunt Zhang simply couldn’t
get up on the ground. She
was originally in a
dog-eating posture.
Somehow, she turned and
changed into a posture
facing the sky, stroking her
legs, like a child crying on
the ground.
“What’s wrong?” Xu Chang
looked at Dr. Lin in front of
him and asked her. “Dr.
Qian said you were called
away by the police, and then
came to inform me to find
Before the poor Dr. Lin
could answer, Captain
Huang interjected.
“Hello, I’m Captain Huang
of the Criminal
Investigation Team. May I
ask who you are?”
“Hello, I’m a colleague of
Dr. Lin, my surname is Xu.
What happened?”
“That’s the case. They are
family members of a patient.
They had just been
amputated a few days ago,
which was Dr. Lin’s
operation. They wouldn’t
accept the situation and I
didn’t know much about it
so I called Dr. Lin. Just now,
Dr. Lin explained the
situation clearly. I see that
the hospital is not
responsible. Our police
learned about the situation
today and will handle it
properly and let them go
back sooner. This kind of
situation won’t happen
again. It must not delay the
work of you, doctors, who
are busy saving lives.”
Captain Huang was very
reasonable in front of Xu
“Then, I’ll leave it to
Captain Huang. Dr. Lin is a
girl, don’t let her come
alone in the future. You just
need to call for me.” Xu
Chang looked polite, and
Qin Xiangnan heard pity in
his voice.
Uncle Zhang was anxious
when he heard what Captain
Huang said. They made this
out to get more money. Now,
there will be no benefits and
the police will drive them
Those strong men also
became anxious, and they
didn’t know if these people
were real relatives or hired
thugs. They came her for a
long time, and at the end,
they didn’t even get a single
One of the strong men
couldn’t bear it any longer.
He slammed his fist on the
table and said loudly: “Why
are you telling us to go back?
Without compensation, we
will not go back.”
“Yes, we need
Suddenly, the scene
suddenly boiled. Before,
everyone could still sit
calmly and communicate
well. Now, the family has
no intention to communicate
The other side, relying on
many people, was pressing
hard, showing several police
officers and Xu Chang on
the corner, and even Captain
Huang couldn’t withstand it.
Qin Xiangnan was anxious.
She couldn’t help but move
forward. The family was so
big and mighty that she
can’t squeeze forward.
Captain Huang yelled,
“What are you doing?
Trying to attack the police,
don’t blame me for being
Who knew that the brawny
man was so angry he
couldn’t even listen to the
police when he heard that he
couldn’t get any money.
When a bunch of people
rushed up, they were going
to be stingy.
“Ah!” Chen Xiaoqi
screamed. “The handsome
doctor is going to be
Qin Xiangnan was shocked
and rushed forward to see.
Unexpectedly, the scene
was a mess. Qin Xiangnan
couldn’t see who hit who.
Dr. Lin and Qin Xiangnan
panicked and was terrified.
At this time, Chen Xiaoqi
was quite calm and filmed
all the chaotic scenes.
After a few minutes of
fighting, some police
officers who were strictly
trained, eventually subdued
the several strong men, but
everyone has became
Only when the police locked
those people up did Qin
Xiangnan and Dr. Lin
discovered that Xu Chang
was leaning against the wall,
clutching his left arm with
his right, frowning and
looking pained.
Qin Xiangnan and Dr. Lin
both shouted at the same
“Xu Chang!”
They did not expect that
they would shout at the
same time. The two girls
were surprised and looked at
each other.
Xu Chang was surprised…
“Why are you here?” He
almost grinded his teeth and
there was sweat on his
He was obviously asking
Qin Xiangnan because he
already knew why Dr. Lin
was here.
At this time, Dr. Lin’s
beautiful face had a
complicated expression. She
stared at Qin Xiangnan for a
long time, sweeping a look
from top to bottom, and
looked at her in confusion.
Qin Xiangnan, who had
been stared at felt
Just when the two girls’ big
and small eyes met, Xu
Chang hissed, and they
looked at each other, then at
Xu Chang who was
Dr. Lin was still one step
ahead of Qin Xiangnan.
“How are you?” Dr. Lin
angrily touched his left arm
and saw Xu Chang “sigh”
again. “Maybe you broke a
bone. Hurry up and take an
X-Ray.” Dr. Lin said,
pulling Xu Chang and was
about to go out.
Qin Xiangnan looked at
them, not saying a word.
She knew that both of them
were orthopedists, and she
really couldn’t help at this
moment. She suddenly felt
that her chest was stuffy and
she was worried about him,
but she felt that she
shouldn’t be worried about
him that much.
When Dr. Lin dragged Xu
Chang out of the door, he
suddenly turned around, still
looking pained, and set his
eyes on Qin Xiangnan:
“You haven’t answered yet.
Why are you here?”
“I…” Qin Xiangnan was
speechless for a moment,
not knowing how to reply.
Then she pointed at Chen
Xiaoqi who was carrying a
Xu Chang seemed to
“Oh…” He then turned and
walked away.
“Who is she?”
Qin Xiangnan heard Dr. Lin
ask Xu Chang but she never
heard her answer.
Suddenly, she felt very
uncomfortable. She had
never seen Xu Chang like
this. The golden boy ten
years ago was hurt, like an
ordinary person…
“Sister Xiangnan, you know
that handsome doctor?”
Chen Xiaoqi asked.
“Yeah. We used to be high
school classmates.” Qin
Xiangnan smiled bitterly.
“Really? It turns out you
had such a handsome high
school classmate. He is so
handsome, he must have
been popular before, right?”
Chen Xiaoqi gossiped again.
Qin Xiangnan was still
thinking about Xu Chang’s
painful expression so she
did not care about what
Chen Xiaoqi said.
She just said lightly: “I
don’t know. We were not
very familiar before.”
“Oh.” After listening to Qin
Xiangnan’s words, Chen
Xiaoqi felt no desire to ask
any more.
After Captain Huang
arrested the people who
made trouble, the old couple
was frightened and did not
dare say anything.
Captain Huang glanced at
Qin Xiangnan: “I didn’t
mean to scare you. You look
Qin Xiangnan shook her
head and said, “It’s okay,
just a bit shocked. I’m not
that afraid.”
“Yes, these people are really
brave. They dare to hit
people under our noses, and
actually hurt the doctor. You
must go back and report
how horrible they are and
make them pay the price so
they won’t do it again in the
future. Is there any more
problem in the hospital?”
“Yes, yes, captain Huang.
You are right, we will report
it truthfully. Hey, you have
also been injured, your
face…” She pointed at
Captain Huang’s face, there
were some blood.
Captain Huang was so
concerned for Qin Xiangnan,
his face turned slightly red,
and he held his wound.
“It’s okay. This injury is
nothing. I’m used to
bumping into these kind of
things in my job.” He
“Are you all right? We are
already in the hospital, let
the doctors take a look.” Qin
XIangnan asked with
Captain Huang was
obviously a little
embarrassed. “It’s okay, this
is not big deal. If I went to
see the doctor, those little
policemen will make a joke
about me.”
She didn’t say anything
when Captain Huang
Several police officers were
busy cleaning up the mess
and she and Chen Xiaoqi
were about to leave.
Before leaving, she was
tangled a bit. She would like
to check on Xu Chang but
she couldn’t find a suitable
reason, thinking that there
was a beautiful doctor
beside him. Qin Xiangnan
had nothing to do, and it
was awkward to go so she
simply left.
Xu Chang did not get hurt
badly this time, just a simple
fracture, and his hand was
tied into a plaster by Dr. Lin
Because Dr. Lin was not
assured by others, she had to
do it herself.
Lin Rui’er looked at his arm
and said angrily: “It’s really
a group of hooligans, how
did you get beat up like
Xu Chang smiled slightly:
“It’s all right, should I take
this opportunity to take a
good rest?”
Lin Rui’er saw that he had
done this on purpose,
laughed and said, “Dr. Xu,
you are so smart.”
Xu Chang pouted and said
She was still tangled and Xu
Chang hasn’t answered her
question yet so she asked
again: “Who was that girl
just now?”
He paused and said, “High
school classmate.”
“She seems to care about
you?” Lin Rui’er asked him
Xu Chang raised his
eyebrows and said, “She
She won’t care about him
because she doesn’t have
him in her heart.
Qin Xiangnan and Chen
Xiaoqi did not go home
directly, but went to the
until and collected some
information. Leader Pang
felt that this news would
definitely become a hot
topic at the moment and
asked them to report it well.
The first draft was written
by Chen Xiaoqi. At the
beginning, she devoted a lot
of time describing how Xu
Chang saved the Dr. Lin.
“Xiao Qi, are you writing an
entertainment news? Don’t
you want to be precise?”
Chen Xioaqi made a face.
Later, it was modified by
Qin Xiangnan to focus on
describing what happened.
The two men handed in the
draft and went home for a
On this day, Qin Xiangnan
was quiet tired again.
She was still worried about
Xu Chang and wanted to ask
how he is. She picked up her
phone but didn’t know how
to ask him, and after a while
of twitching, she gave up.
Feeling hungry again, she
began to make dinner, then
ate and took a bath. After
being busy for a while, she
felt irritable, and her body
was getting tired again.
Eventually, she felt sleepy
and went to bed.
Before she went to bed, she
looked at her phone without
any news from Xu Chang.
In this way, she went to
She didn’t know how long
she was asleep when she
was woken up by her phone.
She was startled and
immediately grabbed the
phone and saw that it was a
call from Chen Xiaoqi.
“Sister Xiangnan, look at
Weibo soon. The XX
Hospital medical incident is
hotly searched. Netizens are
scolding the hooligans.” As
soon as Qin Xiangnan heard
it, she hung up the phone.
She hurriedly opened Weibo
and opened the hot search
and found that the news has
appeared on the top five hot
Netizens have expressed
their opinions.
“I feel bad for these medical
doctors. How great would it
be if they actually beat these
brain-dead family members.
Hoping to punish the
“Health care are the
warriors of peace who help
the soldiers defend the
“The thought of medical
trouble, I got angry. I really
want to hammer these
“Now the society is too
angry. Hoping for more
tolerance and
“Being a doctor is really a
high-risk occupation, hoping
to punish the hooligans!”
“Hoping that there will be
no more medical troubles,
praying for world peace…”
Qin Xiangnan looked at the
comments and was touched.
In this world, there are still
sane people in the majority.
She read the comments one
by one, and she felt warmth
in her heart.
At this time, a new WeChat
message pooped up on her
phone screen. She opened it
and saw Xu Chang WeChat.
Xu Chang: Did I look weak
Qin Xiangnan, who can
control Xu Chang’s
performance, quickly typed
on the dialog box.
Qin Xiangnan: How is your
Xu Chang: Are you
concerned about me?
For a while, Qin Xiangnan
did not know how to answer
him. If she says that she
cared about him, wouldn’t it
be too ambiguous? If she
says she doesn’t care, she
will look cold-blooded.
So she thought about it and
typed these words.
Qin Xiangnan: When I was
there, I saw such a scene
and thought that it was a
very serious, I should be
concerned about you.
Besides, my foot was
twisted before, and Dr. Xu
was also concerned about
my condition. It’s just
reciprocating. So, what
happened to your hand?
After a long time, Xu Chang
sent out two words.
Xu Chang: Very serious.
Qin Xiangnan was
dumbfounded. She did not
expect that it would be
She was in a panic, thinking
of what happened today, and
of the amputated patient
No. Would Xu Chang be
Suddenly, her nose turned
sour, and tears were almost
After a while, she received a
new message from Xu
Xu Chang: Just kidding. It’s
just a small fracture, it will
get better after three months.
He then sent a photo of
himself being plastered.
Qin Xiangnan’s tears that
was about to fall were
choked back…
This bastard Xu Chang,
when did he learn her
brother’s skill?! They are
really brothers!
Qin Xiangnan was so angry
that she didn’t want to
bother him any longer. But
thinking that he was still
injured, she thought that he
was pitiful and just typed a
few words coldly.
Qin Xiangnan: Then take a
good rest.
Xu Chang looked at the
“care” she sent on the screen
and turned off his phone.
He grabbed the cat sleeping
next to him with one hand
and hugged it to his lap. He
squeezed its round head
with his thumb and
forefinger, looking at it and
“Showing care, is it so
After he said those words,
he pushed the cat away
angrily, and Xiao Ai (TN:
aww, poor cat) was dropped
to the ground. He stood up
and went into the room.
“Meow~” The fat gray cat
called out to his back, its
eyes flickering.
#XX Hospital Medical
Incident# After a few days
of being Weibo’s hot search,
another new hot search
appeared. This hot search
completely overwhelmed
the original one and reached
the top of the list.
That is: #XX Hospital Super
Handsome Orthopedic Doct
This hot search instantly
boiled and it was spreading
all over the nook and
crannies. On her way, Qin
Xiangnan could hear several
little sisters talking about
the hot topic.
“Hey, have you seen on
Weibo that there is a super
handsome orthopedist in XX
“I saw it. So handsome. I
heard that he was involve in
the fight because he stood
up for his colleague and was
“Really? These people are
really abominable and must
be severely punished.”
Qin Xiangnan did not
expect Xu Chang to become
so “popular”, which is even
more than when he was in
high school.
She glanced a the Weibo
comments and suddenly
“Wow, this brother is so
“Wow, this doctor is so
handsome. I’m going to see
“I want to cut off my legs
and go see this doctor!”
“I’m going to XX Hospital
to block the door so I can
see him. This little brother is
waiting for me!”
“There is such a handsome
doctor in XX Hospital. Why
do I always see old men
when I go to the doctor?”
“If I see this little brother up
close, then my life will be
“I’m going to XX Hospital
to clean up the garbage and
come to see this handsome
Qin Xiangnan smirked when
she read these comments
and sent a message to Xu
Qin Xiangnan: You’re on
fire, you know?
Xu Chang: ?
She retweeted a few Weibos
with a smile, looking silly.
Xu Chang: So terrible. How
will I get out of the hospital
Qin Xiangnan: Ah? Aren’t
you hurt? Why are you still
at work?
Xu Chang: I won’t perform
any surgeries, just seeing the
patients. The hospital is too
Qin Xiangnan: Orthopedic
doctors insist on giving
surgeries even when they
break their hands. It’s really
a good hand, a good heart,
um, this news subject can
definitely be hot.
Xu Chang: …
Qin Xiangnan continued to
look at Weibo with a smile,
looking and there seemed to
be a new topic that appeared:
#XX Hospital Handsome
Doctor’s Girlfriend#
She opened it and found that
it was about Xu Chang’s
girlfriend that was spreading
on the internet saying that it
was Dr. Lin or someone
The previous medical
trouble incident was very
popular. At that time, the
videos and photos where Xu
Chang was rescuing her was
also recorded. Therefore, the
netizens became Detective
Conan [TN: netizens
became investigators :)]
“Wake up. That little
brother already has a
girlfriend and his girlfriend
is also very good looking.”
“The younger sister that the
younger brother rescued is
his girlfriend. No wonder
she was so tightly guarded.”
“It’s a hero saving a beauty,
they are a very good
“I’m a fan of this CP [1]!”
[1] CP is a Chinese
internet slang that
stand for imaginary
couple or
pairing. In western
term it would be
“My god! Good-looking
people really only pay
attention to other
good-looking people. I just
wanna cry and faint in the
“I give up! I don’t want to
be hit by this younger
Qin Xiangnan looked at this
topic and calmed down. Is
this beautiful doctor really
his girlfriend?
Although she was very
curious, she was reluctant to
forward these Weibo posts
to Xu Chang. She did not
want to ask him about such
things, it’s not her business.
If Dr. Lin is really his
girlfriend, why should she
ask him? If not, he does
seem to care too much about
her. Regardless if she asks
or not, she felt that she was
being too nosy. They are not
even that familiar with each
other yet!
Qin Xiangnan recalled what
she looked like the day she
met Dr. Lin. She was very
beautiful and has a good
temperament. There is only
few good girls like her,
won’t one be impressed if
they see her?
However, Xu Chang is not
bad, there are countless of
people who likes Xu Chang.
His matter, she had a deep
understanding of it ten years
ago. Ten years ago, there
was only one girl who was
worthy of Xu Chang.
In those three years of high
school, Xu Chang was a
school figure. In addition to
his good grades and
handsome looks, he also had
a killer skill: he sings well
and can play the guitar.
At that time, boys and girls
were young and vigorous,
and it was popular to form
bands on campus. The
leaders of their school are
also trendy and do not stop
students engaging in art
activities in their spare time.
Besides, the band leader of
their school at that time was
Xu Chang, who had good
quality and excellent in
learning, the school had no
reason to object.
Xu Chang is the singer and
guitarist of the band. He will
go to the music room to
rehearse with his band
mates during his free time.
Qin Xiangnan heard that Xu
Chang sang very well, this
news was from her friend Li
At that time, Li Susu was
obsessed with Xu Chang as
most girls, and they secretly
went to the music room to
listen to them rehearsing. At
first, Li Susu wanted to take
Qin Xiangnan but Qin
Xiangnan was naturally
unwilling. After several
invitations were rejected, Li
Susu gave up and every time
she go to watch them
rehearse, she will take other
sisters instead of her.
Only the two of them knew
about Xu Chang tutoring her.
She didn’t even tell Li Susu
because Li Susu has a big
mouth, if she knew about it,
then the whole school would
probably hunt her down.
In order to protect herself,
Qin Xiangnan kept the same
distance with Xu Chang in
school as before.
Although Li Susu knew that
Qun Xiangnan had no
interest in Xu Chang, she
still told her about Xu
Chang from time to time,
just like gossiping about
“Qin Xiangnan, we just
went to listen to Xu Chang
rehearsing, God, I didn’t
expect him to be so good at
Qin Xaingnan said coldly,
“Is that so?”
“Qin Xiangnan, are you a
woman?” Li Susu was
almost upset.
“Of course I am.”
“I don’t believe that there is
a girl that has no interest in
Xu Chang.”
“I’m really not interested.
What I am interested in is
how to solve this problem.”
Li Susu knows that she
doesn’t like doing the
questions, she smiled evilly:
“Qin Xiangnan, you have
been acting strange lately.
Didn’t you hate doing these
questions? Why did your
score suddenly improved so
much recently? Is it possible
that you…”
Qin Xiangnan was surprised.
Would she be found out?
“Could it be… what…” Qin
Xiangnan’s voice was
“Could it be that you… you
are secretly cramming after
school and didn’t tell me?”
Qin Xiangnan breathed a
sigh of relief and gave a
“Li Susu, did you fail the
exam? Don’t you want to go
to college? If you can’t go
to college, then you don’t
deserve Xu Chang~”
Li Susu was stunned by
what Qin Xiangnan said,
then she buried her head on
her books.
Life is like this. Everyday
during her high school, her
life is very boring except for
some gossips that adds some
joy. With the help of Xu
Chang, Qin Xiangnan also
did her best and achieved a
leap in her achievements.
Sophomore semester soon
ended and her brother Qin
Xiangbei did not disappoint
everyone and was admitted
to Qin Xiangnan’s high
The two children performed
so well, Qin Chaoming and
Zhou Mei were also very
pleased. Their gratitude to
Xu Chang was very evident.
After the summer vacation
of the second year of high
school, the final year soon
In the new semester, in
order to welcome the new
students, the school
organized an orientation
party. With the exception of
the freshmen, two
performance are required for
each class.
It’s very easy for Xu Chang
to make a show with his
band, and their whole class
was wondering who will be
the other one that will
Their class teacher was
named Yu, a bald old man
in his fifties. They all called
him “older that the head”.
Lao Yu’s [Old Yu]
brainstorming for the other
party was very awkward.
After all, he didn’t know
anything about the
performing arts. Lao Yu was
also their language teacher.
When they were in their
class that day, Lao Yu had a
hard time.
“Dear students, the director
pressured me today and
asked who will be the other
that will perform in our
class for the orientation
party. Think about it, which
student can come up with
the same talent as Xu Chang?
After all, this is a matter of
showing that our class is no
worse than others.”
The class was silent.
“Students, don’t hide your
talents. If you don’t take the
initiative, I will have to call
someone out…” Lao Yu
was helpless.
“That being the case, then I
won’t embarrass you. I
thought about it, our class
has Xu Chang’s band, and
it’s already very good. For
the second performance, I
will arrange a poem
recitation, cough, this poem
recitation, you will perform
the song “Ode to the
Motherland” [2].
[2] Ode to the
Motherland is a
famous patriotic song
of the People’s
Republic of China,
written and music
composed by Wang
Shen during the
period immediately
after the founding of
the People’s Republic
of China (1949–1951).
It is sometimes
honoured as “the
second national
anthem” of the PRC.
(credits: wikipedia)
They didn’t wait for the old
man to finish and they just
“Poetry recitation, I really
want to laugh out loud…”
“It;s so shameful…”
“This is what Lao Yu has
The old man didn’t expect
his students to be so
repulsive of his idea. His
face was blue, and he didn’t
know what to say.
“Teacher Yu, I can
After hearing this, the
students calmed down and
looked at the girl.
Qin Xiangnan will always
remember that moment. The
girl named Zhao Cancan, as
her name implied, smiled
brightly like the sun…
Zhao Cancan stood in the
middle of the classroom
with a clean and sweet smile,
her clear black eyes were
sparkling, illuminating the
chilly September.
She was beautiful and pure.
If Xu Chang is admired by
all girls, then Zhao Cancan
is the goddess of all boys.
Rumor has it that Zhao
Cancan’s family started a
company. She is a veritable
rich second generation [1]
girl. She usually have a
luxurious car dropping and
picking her up from school.
She doesn’t fall short on
having suitors but she
rejected them all.
[1] /F ’࣒rd i
literally: rich second
[f࣒. t i]) is a
Chinese term for the
children of the
nouveau riche in
China.This term,
generally considered
pe orative, is often
invoked in the
Chinese media and
everyday discussions
in mainland China, as
it incorporates some
of the social and
moral problems
associated with
modern Chinese
society. Fuerdai are
the sons and
daughters of the
Chinese nouveau
riche of the early
years of China’s
reform era from the
late 19 s onward.
uring the new era,
in which private
initiative could be
rewarded by wealth,
many new rich
Chinese emerged in
the former socialist
Chinese society.
While such wealthy
individuals may have
reached their new
position either
through their own
initiative and efforts
or by becoming
powerful members of
the ruling party, their
children often en oy a
comfortable lifestyle
and have a much
easier and
obstacle free life path.
(credits: wikipedia)
It is not strange to think that
a girl born with a silver
spoon is versatile, but no
one in the school knew that
Zhao Cancan can dance,
maybe she doesn’t even
really bother to show it in
Only this time, Zhao Cancan
offered and shocked
“Teacher Yu, I can perform
and I’m good at dancing.”
She smiled confidently.
“That’s great. Thank you,
Zhao Cancan. Then for this
welcome party, we will look
forward to our band and
Zhao Cancan’s wonderful
performance.” Lao Yu
For this welcome party,
everyone was looking
forward to it, and even Qin
Xiangnan was no exception.
Qin Xiangbei has just
entered high school and is
looking forward to this
welcome party. He was
excited when he heard that
Xu Chang will perform.
Zhao Mei, on the other side
heard that Xu Chang will
sing and began to feel
envious again.
“Xu Chang, that chil is
really good. How can he do
everything? While the two
of you only know how to
fight everyday and make me
Qin Xiangbei was unhappy,
“Mom, how is your son
worst that him? Don’t we go
to the same high school?”
“Is it that great to go on the
same school? Look at your
sister, she is even in the
same class as Xu Chang. Is
that all great?”
Zhao Mei really offended
both her children in one
Soon, the much anticipated
orientation was arranged in
the school’s auditorium. The
freshmen sat in the front
row, and the other years sat
on the back.
Li Susu sat on the side of
Qin Xiangnan who
“Hey, I can’t see Xu Chang
clearly. This seat is too far
“Isn’t he just going to sing?
Why do you have yo see
Li Susu clicked her tongue
and glanced at her, “You
wouldn’t understand!”
She didn’t understand, but
isn’t they going to hear the
sound even if they are
She looked around and
found her younger brother’s
head from the front row.
She didn’t expect him to be
sitting next to a long-haired
girl. It isn’t even that long
since the start of the
The age of seventeen and
eighteen is indeed the most
beautiful age. Boys and girls
are full of happiness. But
the most memorable is their
Youth is the focal point of a
person’s life; it is full of
colors and dreams.
There are two performance
for each class. It includes
singing, skit performance,
and group choirs… Each
performance was wonderful.
Soon, it was time for their
class to perform. Li Susu
held her arm tightly.
“Qin Xiangnan, I’m so
nervous. I’m even more
nervous that those who are
going to perform…”
Qin Xiangnan gave her a
dismissive look and
motioned her to sit still.
“Our classmate, Zhao
Cancan from the third year
will give us a beautiful
ballet dance, please
enjoy…” The screams came
one after the other…
With the beautiful music of
ballet, the dancer wore a
large white skirt. Tiptoeing,
dancing slowly, like a water
lily in full bloom. She
started moving, looking up
and down. She was so
graceful that it was hard to
use words to express
Afterwards, her toes were
lighter, like a goose. Her
slender legs looked golden
under the lights, just like the
starry sky at night, so
dazzling and charming. Her
chin was raise, her eyes
were bright and she smiled
lightly. She turned around in
the middle of the stage.
At the climax of the music,
she settled in the middle of
the stage, her arms gradually
opened, her head looked
upward. The audience
“So beautiful…” Qin
Xiangnan exclaimed. A
noble and beautiful girl, this
is the kind that most girls
wish to be.
“It’s just so-so.” Li Susu
“If you go and perform like
that, you can’t be like a
swan, only a jumping ugly
“Qin Xiangnan, who is your
friend?!” Li Susu pouted
“I’m just telling the truth.
She dances very well and
looks good, but she’s not as
cute as you.” Qin Xiangnan
coaxed her. “Anyway, the
next one will be Xu Chang
and his group.” She saw her
friend become tense and
stopped speaking.
“The next one are Xu Chang,
Su Mingxuan, Ji Yuan, and
Jiang Kai from 3-2 who will
perform Mayday’s ‘Angel’
[2] Here’s the link to
the song:
The screams this time were
more enthusiastic that when
Zhao Cancan was
Qin Xiangnan covered her
ears due to Li Susu’s scream.
At the sound of the intro, the
curtain on the stage opened
and four teenagers appeared
on the center of the stage.
Xu Chang stood in the
middle, playing the guitar.
He was wearing a white
shirt that made him shine.
The other three were bass,
keyboard, and drum player.
Every one of them is full of
energy and vigor…
All of the audience are
watching the four teenagers
on the stage. Qin Xiangnan
felt that here hands were
gripped by Li Susu.
When Xu Chang began to
sing, everyone held their
You are my angel,
An angel who protects me,
I’ll never feel fear again
You are my angel,
An angel who gives me joy

His voice was really nice…
All the girls were in tears
while watching him with
affection in their eyes…
When he sang the climax,
all the girls started to scream
like crazy.
You are an angel who gives
me dependence and strength
Like a poet depending on
the moon,
Like a dolphin depending on
the ocean.
You are an angel. You are
an angel
You are my first and last
After the song was over, the
curtain was pulled down but
the girls did not stop
“Xu Chang! Xu Chang!…”
Qin Xiangnan felt like there
was a missing piece in her
heart when the song ended.
“Li Susu, can you take off
your hand, you’re hurting
“Oh, I haven’t woken up
from my dream yet. Qin
Xiangna, how can he be so
perfect?” Li Susu said.
“How do I know?” Qin
Xiangnan glanced at her.
Qin Xiangbei who was
sitting at the front row
quietly whispered to the girl
beside him, “Sun Weiwei,
even if you look foolish. Xu
Chang is my brother.”
“How can I?”
Qin Xiangbei raised his
mouth with satisfaction.
None of the other
performances was as
exciting as Xu Chang’s and
after it, everyone lost their
After the orientation party,
Xu Chang’s popularity rose
Later, there was a gossip
that spread around the
school saying that Zhao
Cancan and Xu Chang were
a couple.
A talented young man, and a
noble and elegant girl, they
are naturally a pair.
This gossip spread and
everyone thought it was true.
Some people even said that
they saw the couple on a
date, and some even said
that they were holding
This gossip was not a good
news for Qin Xiangnan. Not
because she likes Xu Chang,
but because Li Susu keep on
mentioning it to her
everyday and it became
That day, both of them were
studying in the classroom
because there are only few
students who are present
during the noon break.
Li Susu began to pester her
about Xu Chang.
“Qin Xiangnan, do you
think that Zhao Cancan is
really Xu Chang’s
girlfriend?” She looked
“How do I know? No matter
who his girlfriend is, that
person can’t be you anyway.
Li Susu, don’t dream about
it. Xu Chang is so good that
he is not reachable to people
like us. I think Zhao Cancan
is very good, they are a
good match. Don’t put your
mind on him, we are all
juniors, don’t always think
about these things. Studying
is what you should be doing,
it’s better to read a few
more of our books.”
“Qin Xiangnan, what did
you mean? Did you say that
I don’t deserve Xu Chang?
Are you really my friend?”
Qin Xiangnan sighed. She
was speechless.
What she wanted to say
was: :Wake up, Li Susu!
“You just don’t deserve Xu
Chang, you should go look
in the mirror!”
She didn’t know when this
Su Mingxuan appeared and
overheard their
This Su Mingxuan is the
bass player of Xu Chang’s
band. He usually relies on
Xu Chang’s popularity. In
fact, his performance is as
bad as Li Susu.
“Su Mingxuan, what does it
have to do with you?” Li
Susu was anxious.
“Hah! Look at you, ordinary
appearance, bad
temperament, don’t even
mention Xu Chang, which
guy will look at you?” Su
Mingxuan looked at her
with disdain.
“You! Don’t go too far!
Who do you think you are?
Don’t think that you are
amazing just because you
follow Xu Chang. I think
you are not even better than
his shoes!” Li Susu’s face
was red due to anger.
“Li Susu, say that again!”
“Su Mingxuan, you are not
even better than his shoes!”
The two were so angry that
Qin Xiangnan needed to
pull them apart.
“You two are so boring. So
noisy. I think you guys are a
good match.” She advised.
“Qin Xiangnan!” the two of
them yelled at her in unison.
She was embarrassed. “I
was wrong… can you please
stop arguing… everyone is
“Hump!” The both of them
exhaled and ignored each
Li Susu was still sad due to
the rumors. Zhao Cancan
has then started to pursue
Xu Chang.
In fact, this gossip was also
spread by Zhao Cancan. She
really likes Xu Chang. She
is a very confident girl, and
she has always got what she
Because she knew that Xu
Chang will perform in the
orientation, she also had to
participate. She must make
him look at her. She was so
outstanding and different.
No guy did not like her.
But Xu Chang was different.
After Zhao Cancan
confessed to him, he
actually rejected her, so she
let people spread the rumor.
She believes that as long as
she tries harder, Xu Chang
will definitely be taken
down by her.
This matter was spread and
even Qin Xiangbei knew
about it.
That weekend, Xu Chang
was tutoring the two
siblings as usual. Although
Qin Xiangbei was already
admitted to the high school,
Zhao Mei and Qin
Chaoming were still uneasy.
Besides, Qin Xiangnan was
about to take the college
entrance exam so they
invited Xu Chang to tutor
them. Xu Chang readily
agreed, making the couple
feel embarrassed and think
that they are bothering him.
Xu Chang said that although
it was a tutorial, it was
actually a review for him.
Qin Xiangbei could not bear
it anymore and asked Xu
Chang about the rumor.
“Brother, I heard that Zhao
Cancan is your girlfriend?”
After all, Qin Xiangbei was
also a high school student,
so he changed the way he
called him from “Brother
Xu Chang” to “Brother” [3].
[3] QXB used to cal
XC as 哥/Ge then
changed it to 大哥/ a
On the side, Qin Xiangnan
who was seriously doing her
papers, raised her ears.
“As soon as you enter high
school, you didn’t study
well, and now asking me
about this?” Xu Chang
didn’t answer him politely.
“Is that right?” Qin
Xiangbei continued to
“Is that right?” Qin
Xiangbei continued to
“Zhao Cancan is your
girlfriend, right?”
Xu Chang was annoyed by
“No. Don’t say any
“You don’t like Zhao
Cancan? Isn’t she good?”
Qin Xiangbei looked
Qin Xiangnan pretended to
be doing the problem but in
fact, she was also listening.
“Do you like her?” Xu
Chang asked.
Qin Xiangbei suddenly
“Hey brother, don’t talk
nonsense. I asking you, do
you really not like her?”
“Don’t like.” Xu Chang
This relieved Qin Xiangnan.
Huh? What’s up with her?
“Brother, who do you like
then?” Qin Xiangbei raised
an eyebrow and smirked.
“Could it be…” Qin
Xiangbei seemed to have an
This made Qin Xiangnan
curious. Xu Chang didn’t
even like girls like Zhao
Cancan. Who wold he like
then? Which girl is better
than Zhao Cancan?
“Finish your work!”
Qin Xiangbei didn’t expect
Xu Chang to interrupt him
then continue to read his
book and didn’t answer his
Qin Xiangbei was annoyed.
Unexpectedly, ten years
later, history repeated itself!
Is Dr. Lin the girlfriend of
Xu Chang? This question
puzzled Qin Xiangnan for a
long time, just like when Li
Susu asked her if Zhao
Cancan is Xu Chang’s
She thought she was crazy.
What does these issues have
to do with her? Curiosity
killed the cat ah!
After reading all the Weibo
comments until she was
upset, she dumped her
phone and took a bath.
When she came out, the
phone was ringing.
She picked up her phone
and gave a glimpse, she was
suddenly taken aback.
Xu Chang invites you to
video chat!
She looked at the mirror in
panic. Oh dear! She was still
wearing pajamas and had
just washed her hair and
didn’t even have the time to
comb it.
She hurriedly found a t-shirt
from the closet and put on a
rubber band to tie her hair.
When she was ready, she
took a deep breath before
and got ready to answer.
She didn’t expect the phone
to stop ringing. She might
have been preparing for too
Qin Xiangnan relaxed again.
But then her phone started
to ring again.
Xu Chang invites you to
video chat!
She calmed herself again.
She looked at the mirror
again, and then cleared her
A professional smirk was
The answer key was
Xu Chang appeared on the
screen. He seemed to be at
home and wearing a casual
Qi Xiangnan saw Xu Chang
first. He was still doing
something with his head
down, giving her a
handsome profile. Later, he
found out that the video had
been switched on, turned his
head, and met Qin
Xiangnan’s eyes.
“Qin Xiangnan, what are
you doing? Why did it take
you a long time to answer?”
The voice on the phone was
still nice…
“I… I was taking a shower.
Why did you suddenly
asked for a video chat?”
Xu Chang laughed, the
corner of his mouth showed
a nice arc.
“My hand is injured.” He
lifted his left hand with the
plaster cast and shook it in
front of the camera. “Typing
is not convenient.”
Ah? Qin Xiangnan thought
that the situation became
more and more strange.
Typing with one hand is still
good enough…
She just smiled and did not
expose him.
“Oh, that’s the case. Do you
have something to tell me?”
“Well, there are some things.
I have seen Weibo, and now
I have to wear a mask when
I go out. I’m afraid that it
will become troublesome
like those celebrities. Don’t
you have to take
responsibility for me?”
What responsibility…
Qin Xiangnan was
Xu Chang smiled agin when
he saw her frozen face
across the phone.
“Didn’t you report this news?
Shouldn’t you be
Oh, it turned out it was like
this. Qin Xiangnan was
annoyed about her earlier
“As a journalist, I just want
to report real events. Who
knows that after it was
published, you will go viral.
If you become a star, you
will become an A-class
male actor! It’s really a
waste. Young master, why
did you decide to become a
Xu Chang laughed at what
she said, and then said,
“Why did you become a
“Hey, don’t ask about it. It’s
just the same as to why you
became a doctor.”
While they were talking Qin
Xiangnan remembered
againwhether Dr. Lin was
his girlfriend.
“Xu Chang, are you alone at
home?” She immediately
regretted her question.

Qin Xiangnan’s heart
twitched. Really?
“I still have it.” Xu Chang,
who was across the phone
picked up something and
put it in front of the camera.
It was a chubby fat cat.
“It’s so cute.I didn’t expect
that you like cats too.”
It’s because you like it. Xu
Chang thought.
“Yes. This cat has been with
me for six years. For a cat, it
is already very old.”
“I never thought that Dr. Xu
is so caring. It really made
my impression on you look
Xu Chang said, “Why kind
of person do you think I
Qin Xiangnan struggled to
answer this question.
She gave a “haha” and said,
“Of course handsome.”
She didn’t expect that Xu
Chang will be satisfied with
her answer, and asked her,
“What else?”
When did he become so
annoying? He was not like
this ten years ago…
“I don’t know. We weren’t
very familiar before, I didn’t
know you very well.”
After speaking, she didn’t
dare look at him. Xu Chang
stayed silent.
After a while, Xu Chang
opened his mouth and said:
“Tomorrow, there will be a
typhoon, you should stay
home. You are so thin, you
might get blown away by
the wind.”
“Ah?” Qin Xiangnan
haven’t responded yet.
“I won’t tell you more. I still
have something, I’ll hang up
Then the figure on the
screen disappeared.
Did she say something
wrong? This feeling is like
when she argues with other
people, after thinking about
not working well at the time,
it made her extremely upset.
She didn’t expect a typhoon
to come. The first typhoon
this year finally came. The
meteorological observatory
issued multiple typhoon
warning signals in S City.
Qin Xiangnan still couldn’t
stay home as she received a
call from the unit manager
Pang early in the morning.
She rushed to the suburbs of
S city to check the situation.
This is her job. She didn’t
think much about it and just
The rain in the morning was
quite small. She and Chen
Xiaoqi rushed to the suburb
of Nan county of city S,
which was near the sea, so
the wind was stronger than
in the urban area.
The local government has
already told the people to
evacuate, and everything
was arranged properly.
At noon, the wind gradually
increased. Qin Xiangnan
and Chen Xiaoqi had work
arrangements. They had to
go to the dock to check the
Waiting at the dock, Chen
Xiaoqi, who was carrying
the camera was shivering
due to the strong wind. Qin
Xiangnan adjusted the
recording equipment and
told Chen Xiaoqi to start.
“I am currently at Nan
County’s pier in S city…”
She couldn’t even stand still,
her hair was blown away by
the wind. Due to the strong
wind, the radio effect was
not ideal so she spoke with
her loudest voice. She tried
her best to finish the video.
Because Manager Pang
asked them to report the
typhoon situation every two
hours, they had to check the
situation again two hours
When they went back to the
pier after two hours, the
wind was stronger, and both
girls were holding the
telephone pole to complete
the recording. Qin Xiangnan
did not expect that she
would feel embarrassed one
day… The wind was
blowing so strong that he
face hurt, her hands that was
holding the telephone pole
was red, and she couldn’t
even open her eyes.
They were like for several
hours. When the wind in
Nan county gradually
reduced, it was already eight
o’clock in the evening.
Qin Xiangnan and Chen
Xiaoqi were packed and
ready to go back. At this
time, the unit driver Xiao
Liu ran over to find Qin
“Reporter Qin, someone is
here to pick you up.”
Qin Xiangnan wondered.
Who came to pick her up?
She really couldn’t figure
who it was.
Xiao Liu showed a vulgar
smile, and added: “Its a
handsome guy!”
Before Qin Xiangnan
reacted, she saw Xu Chang
wearing a casual outfit, with
a cast on his left hand.
Qin Xiangnan was surprised
and did not expect him to
appear here.
“Why are you here?”
“Is your phone not
working?” Xu Chang asked.
She hurriedly took out her
mobile phone out of her
pocket and glanced at him,
saying: “No power.”
At this moment, Chen
Xiaoqi patted her head as if
she remembered something
and said to Xu Chang:
“Aren’t you Dr. Xu?”
Xu Chang nodded to her and
smiled, “Hello.”
Then he glanced at Qin
Xiangnan, “I’m picking you
She was stunned again. How
did Xu Chang knew that she
was here…
Chen Xiaoqi looked at the
situation in front of her. She
pondered back and forth for
a while, and said, “Sister
Xiangnan, I’’ go with Xiao
Liu. Feel free to go~” She
then finished packing her
things and smiled slightly at
them, “I’m leaving~ Sister
Xiangnan, Dr. Xu~”
“Xiao Qi, be careful on the
road.” Said Qin Xiangnan.
After Chen Xiaoqi left, Qin
Xiangnan finished packing
her things. She said to Xu
Chang, “Let’s go.”
The two looked awkward.
After arriving at Xu
Chang’s car, Qin Xiangnan
was not sure where to sit.
“Sit in front.” Xu Chang
seemed to see through her
Te two remained silent
along the way. Qin
Xiangnan spoke in order to
get rid of the awkward
atmosphere. She then said:
“How did you know that I
was there?”
“Did you forget that I
warned you not to go out
because of the typhoon?”
Qin Xiangnan realized that
he came here after reading
the news.
“Xu Chang, have you seen
Weibo, Dr. Lin is also on
the hot search, did you see
“Hmm, I saw it.” He
Unexpectedly, Xu Chang
seemed to be thinking of
something. He didn’t hold
back and laughed.
“What are you laughing at?”
“If you didn’t grab the
telephone pole, you might
have been blown away.”
After that, he kept on
“Xu Chang!” Qin Xiangnan
blushed. “Don’t laugh
anymore. Drive well, you
are only driving with one
Xu Chang nodded and held
back his laugh.
Then a strange thought
appeared on Qin Xiangnan’s
head. Did Dr. Lin also sat in
the co-pilot seat? Was this
her exclusive position?
The stronger her thought
was, the more she couldn’t
hold back her curiosity and
asked him, “ So, are you
really in a relationship?”
She asked slowly.
“What kind of
relationship?” Xu Chang’s
mouth slightly tilted.
“That, I just saw the gossip
and I’m just curious and
asked to help the netizens. Is
she your girlfriend?”
Xu Chang laughed again.
“Xu Chang, what the hell
are you laughing at? Why
didn’t I see you laugh this
much before?” Qin
Xiangnan was a little angry.
He calmed down and said:
“Of coyrse Dr. Lin is not my
girlfriend. She is just a
colleague. In the past, she
was a school mate. If you
want to know about Dr. Lin,
go home and ask your
brother. They are classmates
in the university.”
“Oh? It was like that. I’m
just asking for the netizens,
don’t worry about it.” Qin
Xiangnan thought that her
words were getting more
and more dark.
It turned out that Dr. Lin
and Qin Xiangbei were
university classmates. When
she goes back home, she
will torture Qin Xiangbei.
The two remained silent for
a while.
Xu Chang opened his mouth
again, “So, have you been
single all these years?”
Qin Xiangnan did not
expect him to suddenly ask
that question. “Um.” she
“Is it because you can’t
forget Shen Ziyang?”
Her head buzzed instantly.
How long did she not hear
that name? Xu Chang
actually remembers…
Shen Ziyang…
Qin Xiangnan and Shen
Ziyang met during a debate
competition. In fact, Xu
Chang also participated in
this competiton.
At that time, their high
school organized a debate
competition with the nearby
school in order to regulate
the pressure on high school
Originally, the school would
definitely invite outstanding
students to participate on the
competition. Ordinary
students like Qin Xiangnan
would certainly not be able
to participate.
Four students from each
class will participate. It’s no
surprise that Xu Chang is
definitely on the lsit. The
other three are also the best
in the class.
Originally, it had nothing to
do with Qin Xiangnan, but
in order to get more students
involved, the old man chose
a few students as staff. The
so-called staff is to give
“official contestants”
support, for example:
finding information, make
suggestions, bring tea or
water. Qin Xiangnan,
because of her outstanding
achievement in Arts, was
arranged to find
One week before the
preliminary rounds, the
topics of debate I their class
were announced.
The square: learning
depends on hard work and
the opposite is learning
depends on talent.
They were chosen for
square: learning depends on
hard work.
Qin Xiangnan looked at the
topic and almost vomited
blood. Where can she go
and check the information?
Come on, she is only a staff
anyway, a small role that is
Does learning depend on
talent? Isn’t that just Xu
Chang? Anyway, she didn’t
usually see Xu Chang
studying hard but his results
are good. Looking at herself,
isn’t it hard work? She was
desperately studying but she
couldn’t reach that point.
Alas, heaven is unfair. He
has given talent to Xu
Chang, and at the same time,
good looks. Why can’t God
even give her a little bit?
Having said that, she should
really be happy. Because the
four “official contestants”
are good enough, she
doesn’t need to intervene at
all. However, due to the old
man, several of their
staff must participate in the
discussion of the debate.
During this week’s
preparations, Qin Xiangnan
participated in every
discussion of the “official
contestants”. in fact, she
didn’t say anything, just
nodding her head and
Soon, the official
competition started.
Everyone took it seriously
even though it was just a
preliminary competition.
The competition is divided
into elimination systems.
Because two schools
participated in the
competition, the opponents
during the preliminary
rounds are four students
from the other school and
the third and second year
high school.
Xu Chang is the one who
argues straightforwardly. He
is responsible for opening
the argument and is an
extremely member of the
Qin Xiangnan thought that
she could continue to be a
“salted fish” and enjoy the
battle of the two teams.
Unexpectedly, something
went wrong just before the
The “official participants”
broke out in a quarrel and
one left temporarily.
This time, she was anxious.
Where could she find a
substitute? Time is running.
She had to put in mind those
other staff, after all, those
staff were also involved in
the discussion.
Lao Yu called these staffs
and held a temporary
“Classmates, you know that
our second debater was
suddenly unable to
participate in the
competition, and now one of
you have to replace him.
After all, you also
participated in the process
and are quite familiar. This
is the time to win glory for
our class. It’s all about
honor. Evreyone has been
preparing for so long. Isn’t
it a pity to quit now? Let’s
see who will volunteer.” A
staff members met face to
face, none of them dared to
speak out.
The old man was anxious,
thinking why did these
students so timid. He was so
anxious that he didn’t know
what to do.
“If you don’t say a word, I
will just name someone. Qin
Xiangnan, you are
responsible for gathering
information. You must have
known more.”
“Ah, I can’t, teacher Yu…”
She’s really not good at this.
She’s just all show and no
“it’s up to you. This is a task
assigned by the teacvher and
must be followed!”
Qin Xiangnan was kicked
off the shelf and joined the
“official participants” with a
crying face as a second
Xu Chang saw Qin
Xiangnan as the substitute,
and suddenly had a bad
The game was about to start,
and Qin Xiangnan shivered.
After seeing their opponents
and seeing their opponents’
confidence, she wanted to
run away.
The two sides sat down and
the game officially began.
First, the moderator briefly
intorduced the topics and
rules of the debate.
Then the first party has to
speak. She saw that Xu
Chang was calm.
“Hello everyone. I’m Xu
Chang. I came from class B
of the senior high school.
My point is that learning is
hard work. First, I want to
briefly discuss what is hard
work. Since ancient times,
many people have
advocated the spirit of
hanging beams, cutting
walls and borrowing light
[1]. However, this is not
hard work. In fact, hard
work does not mean staying
up at night, not sleeping
through the night. This
method is a strength, a spirit,
and even a pursuit. So why
does learning depend on
hard work instead of
[1] I think this is
based on the idiom 悬
梁刺骨 – xuán liáng
cì gǔ – to study hard.
This idiom may be the
most well explained.
It originates from two
ancient Chinese
stories. One of them is
about Sun Jing (孙敬)
who studied very
hard – often till
morning. Since he
was always afraid of
falling asleep, he tied
his hair to the ceiling
beam with a rope. So,
he woke painfully if
he began to doze off.
Qin Xiangnan heard Xu
Chang’s speech.
When Xu Chang finished
speaking, the opponent
spoke in defense. The
opponent who argued was
wearing glasses, he looked
like a good student at first
“Hello everyone. I’m the
opponent, Wang Mingyan.
I’m from class 3 of D High
School. Our view is that
learning depends on
The opponent’s argument
was over.
Qin Xiangnan sensed a
crisis coming, and it was
just now that she was going
to speak. It was her turn to
speak. She began to sweat
profusely on the forehead,
and when she saw Lao Yu
throwing affirmative
glances at her, she felt her
breathing stop.
She suddenly pulled Xu
Chang’s sleeve an
whispered, “Xu Chang, help
Xu Chang looked at her and
sighed softly.
It was her turn to speak, she
slowly stood up,her body
“I… I’ll ask the other side to
argue… um…”
The scene was very
She hasn’t thought about
what to argue with the other
At this moment, Xu Chang
pulled down her sleeve and
quietly handed a small not,
her eyes suddenly lit up.
“I would like to ask the
other side that a genius is
99% is perspiration, that is
hard work, and 1% is
inspiration, that is talent [2].
This classic saying does not
mean that learning is based
on hard work. How did the
other party’s deputy
understand this famous
[2] Genius is 1
Percent Inspiration
and 99 Percent
Perspiration –
Thomas Edison. Good
ideas are only slightly
about creativity. They
are mostly about hard
The other party’s second
deputy who sat on the
opposite side stood up.
Previously, due to the
tension, Qin Xiangnan
didn’t look at the other
party’s appearance carefully.
She didn’t expect that whom
she chose to argue was a
handsome guy. The
difference of him and Xu
Chang was that he looks
proud and indifferent.
The opponent’s second
argument was unshakable
against Qin Xiangnan’s
question. From time to time,
he put his eyes on her, as if
laughing at her, letting her
feel uncomfortable.
The opponent’s second
argument was answered,
and the time was up.
Then the other party’s
second argument was asked,
because the other party’s
second argument could
choose the second or third
instigator to answer his
question, so Qin Xiangnan
prayed that the other party
should not let her answer the
Unexpectedly, Qin
Xiangnan kneeled as soon
as the other party argued.
“I would like to ask the
other party’s second
instigator. A good
foundation is also
considered a gift. If there is
no good foundation, would
it be enough to have hard
work alone?” The other
party’s instigator raised his
eyebrows and looked at her.
Qin Xiangnan was
speechless. How can he help
her? It’s impossible to cheat
in front of the referee and let
her read a note.
Qin Xiangnan did not wait
for Xu Chang’s help and
had to give up. After a long
time, she didn’t say
“I think… the foundation,
the quality of the foundation,
will not affect success…” in
this way, she stumbled on
her words and finally
finished her illogical
Qin Xiangnan wanted to
find a hole and hide at the
moment. She knew that they
would definitely lose.
In the later parts, because of
Qin Xiangnan’s defeat, their
three defense and four
attacks did not help even if
they performed brilliantly.
And this diabolical
opponent’s second argument
seems intentional, always
choosing Qin Xiangnan. She
felt so angry. The second
instigator knew that she was
the weakest and deliberately
embarrassed her.
Soon the competition was
coming to an end. There
was no doubt that Qin
Xiangnan lost.
She felt guilty. Xu Chang’s
any days of effort were
wasted because of her.
Although Yu Yutou kept on
encouraging her, she still
felt bad.
She glanced at Xu Chang
and he seemed frustrated.
She suddenly felt guilty and
apologized to them.
“I’m so sorry. It’s because
of me that you guys lost.”
The third debater was a girl,
she looked at her and said
coldly, “It’s good that you
The fourth debater, a boy,
didn’t say anything. He just
made a face and walked
In the end, only she and Xu
Chang were left. She tried to
fix her expression and
apologize to him. By chance,
Xu Chang opened his mouth
“No need to apologize.
Nobody wanted it, you tried
your best. It’s just a small
thing, no need to take it to
She was surprised and
looked at him. There was a
smile on his face,
good-looking and gentle.
She did not expect Xu
Chang to forgive her so
easily. Isn’t he angry that
she behaved so stupidly
Qin Xiangnan looked at him
without saying a word.
“Let’s go.” Xu Chang said.
The venue of the debate was
in the school next door so
they had to go back to their
school after packing.
When the two of them went
out, they did not expect that
the other party was still
standing at the door.
The opponent looked at Xu
Chang coldly. Then he
walked in front of Qin
Xiangnan, his mouth turned
up, showing an evil smile.
“Hello, I’m Shen Zhiyang
from Class 3 of D High
School. I want to get to
know you.”

Qin Xiangnan was still
immersed in the guilt of
losing the debate, and she
was surprised to hear the
opponent say those words.
“Get to know me, what are
you doing?”
“You were so cute today.”
She thought that he was
laughing at her, and
immediately blushed, and
said angrily: “Absolutely
not. You played against me
in the competition, you
bullied a weak woman.
Even if you won, do you
feel glorious?” After that,
she pulled Xu Chang’s
sleeve and strode forward.
She Zhiyang did not expect
that this girl would suddenly
become so fierce and
behave completely different
during the game.
It’s really fun.
He looked at their back as
they went away and a smile
was on his lips.
Due to Qin Xiangnan’s
debate, which was
inevitable, the team lost its
footing and did not even
advance to the
Qin Xiangnan knew that she
made troubles, but couldn’t
make up to her mistakes.
The so-called bad things
spread a thousand miles [1]
was true, some of their
classmates, such as Su
Mingzhe, also because of
his relationship with Xu
Chang’s friends, knew about
this matter intentionally or
[1 ] /h o
sh bù ch m n , sh
chuán qiān l it
means that a good deed
goes unnoticed, but
scandal spreads fast
Also, because Su Mingzhe
and Li Susu were hostile to
each other, Qin Xiangnan
who was Li Susu’s friend,
Su Mingzhe naturally saw
her discomfort. Every time
the irritable young man saw
them, he fights with Li Susu
and then get ridicule Qin
Xiangnan who lost during
the debate.
The mind of boys and girls
are so simple and
Earlier, Zhao Cancan, who
had been poorly chasing Xu
Chang, heard that Xu Chang
had to prepare for the debate
for several days. Because of
Qin Xiangnan’s stupidity,
they lost, and Xu Chang had
not responded to her for so
Due to this, Qin Xiangnan,
who wanted to be a salty
fish [2], could not turn over
at all.
[2] / xián y fān
sh n a salted
fishwanting to turn
over/a person wanting
to have reversal of
Zhao Cancan’s pursuit of
Xu Chang also became an
open secret to the whole
class because the
princess-like girl is too
The princess, who was
proud at first, showed no
mud [3] in the school. She
was indifferent, and didn’t
like talking with other
students. But after all, the
princess was educated, and
if others came to speak to
her, she would smile
[3] Showed no mud
meaning she showed
no reaction/she didn’t
But her attitude towards Xu
Chang was different. She
would put down the princess
figure and approach him
As the senior year of high
school was buys, Zhao
Cancan also knew that it
was not good to start, so she
could only find a suitable
opportunities. Once time
during the class, she
consciously or
unintentionally ran to Xu
Chang and asked him softly.
“Xu Chang, can I borrow
your review material? I
want to refer to them.”
The two were the focus of
the class, and every move
fell into the whole class’
eyes. The proud woman
asked that day, and
everyone’s eyes were on
them. Everyone was curious
on how Xu Chang will
The didn’t expect Xu Chang
to not be polite.
“No. I’m going to use it.”
Qin Xiangnan, who was
drinking water, uttered a
snoring sound, and coughed
Li Susu quickly handed her
a tissue and patted her on
the back.
Because Qin Xiangbei asked
before, she knew that Xu
Chang didn’t like Zhao
Cancan, but she didn’t
expect that she will not pity
her. Zhao Cancan was also a
little princess, so how could
she bear Xu Chang;s
Zhao Cancan was rejected
by Xu Chang, and her
expression was stiff, but she
slowly recovered. She gave
a beautiful and lovely smile.
“Okay. When you finished,
I will ask to borrow it
The turned noble, remained
dignified, and always had a
smile on her face.
Qin Xiangnan secretly
admired Zhao Cancan’s
courage. She was ruthlessly
rejected but she acted like
nothing happened.
She suddenly remembered
something and giggled in
her heart.
Xu Chang’s review material
were in Qin Xiangnan’s
Zhao Cancan, the heavenly
prided girl, if she knew that
Qin Xiangnan would easily
get what she wanted behind
close doors, would she still
be as dignified as she is
Thinking of this, Qin
Xiangnan couldn’t help but
laugh, she laughed out loud,
surprising Li Susu.
“What happened to you?
You surprised me. Didn’t
you say you don’t care
about Xu Chang? Zhao
Cancan being humiliated
made you so happy?”
“I’m laughing at other
things. Hey, where do you
want to go? Let’s go now.”
“Really?” Li Susu looked
After many days of over
time, they left school in the
evening. Qin Xiangnan and
Li Susu finished packing
their textbooks and went
home together.
Just after leaving school,
Qin Xiangnan was chatting
with Li Susu, when
someone called out her
“Qin Xiangnan!”
When she looked back, she
saw a tall and thin figure
standing at the gate, wearing
D High School uniform. He
was not wearing a coat,
carrying a schoolbag on one
shoulder, and smiling at her.
The evening light made his
shadow slender.
Qin Xiangnan recognized
him. It was the debate
opponent who had targeted
her that day.
She looked surprised.
“Did you call for me?”
He stepped forward and
looked at her.
“Yes, Qin Xiangnan.”
“How did you know my
name?” She wondered.
“I wanted to get to know
you, how is it difficult to
know your name?” He was
still as arrogant as that day.
“Are you looking for me?”
“I’m looking for you. Qin
Xiangnan, can you be my

Qin Xiangnan was stunned.
Li Susu on the side took a
sharp breath.
She has lived for nearly
eighteen years, but has
never heard such
straightforward confession,
and the person who
confessed to her was an
Qin Xiangnan was
embarassed for a moment.
The other person smiled.
“Did I scare you?”
“Are you kidding me. I
don’t know you, ah. Did you
come here to make fun of
me for losing that day? Then
I’ll tell you, I’m not going to
be fooled.”
She laughed like silly, trying
to resolve her previous
Unexpectedly, the other
party did not admit that he
came to tease her
“I’m not kidding.” He said
very clearly, piercing Qin
Xiangnan’s heart. “I like
you. Whether you believe it
or not, you were so cute that
day, I was really impressed.
So I thought about it for a
long time and I wanted to
see you again.”
She blushed, cheeks
She couldn’t calm down for
a long time… what was
wrong with her? She had
only met this guy once, that
was when she was
embarrassed. What is he
saying? Like? He likes
someone as ugly as her? His
taste is so unique?
Seeing her not answering,
Shen Zhiyang was
frightened. He gave a small
laugh, and then reached out
his right hand and gently
patted her head, like he was
touching a pet… gentle,
small strokes.
Qin Xiangnan’s whole body
seemed to be electrocuted, it
was numbing and
She only saw his evil smile
on his handsome face, his
smile was treacherous, but
his actions were so gentle.
The hand on the top of her
head was soothing, before
she can recover, he had
already retracted his hand.
“Be my girlfriend. If you
don’t like me now, I will
make you like me in the
His words were like a
command, it was
compelling, and he did not
allow her to refuse.
How could there be such an
arrogant person in the
“You are sick!”
Qin Xiangnan glared at him
angrily, then turned and ran.
Seeing this scene, Li Susu
hesitated twice before
quickly running after her.
She ran away and hid. In
short, she didn’t want to talk
to that person anymore. He
was self-righteous and
annoyed her every time she
saw him.
Li Susu quickly caught up
with her and said while
panting: “Qin Xiangnan!
Don’t run away! Hey, I’m
exhausted. Tell me who he
is. When did you meet such
a handsome guy? Why
didn’t you tell me?”
Qin Xiangnan thought of
him and became more
“He was the opponent
during the debate. We
wouldn’t have lost so badly
if he didn’t target me every
time he had the chance. That
person is really sick!”
Li Susu heard her and
“So, he fell in love with you
at first sight.”
“Li Susu, are you looking
for a beating?” Qin
Xiangnan said this and
raised her right hand. Li
Susu fled.
In the setting sun, every
thing was lively.
What she didn’t expect was
that the person was not
In the next few days, Qin
Xiangnan seemed to see this
person waiting for her at the
school gate during dismissal.
Like a piece of gum, she
couldn’t shake him off.
Every time, she tells him
“You are sick.”, “Psycho”,
“Stay away from me”, then
she would be relieved and
fleeing angrily.
This guy is also strange. No
matter how Qin Xiangnan
scolds him, he wouldn’t get
angry, and will still appear
on the next day.
Qin Xiangnan was afraid.
The rotten person came
back every day.
This time, she figured out a
way. She asked Li Susu to
go first and asked her to tel
him that she has already left.
After receiving the text
message “Let’s go!” from Li
Susu, Qin Xiangnan felt
good and went out quickly.
Unexpectedly, her perfect
plan failed. As soon as the
cat walked out, its rear
collar was snarled.
She was like a little mouse,
easily caught by someone.
Sure enough, it’s impossible
to escape!
“Let me go, Shen
Chaoyang!” She was angry.
He frowned. “My name is
Shen Zhiyang…”
“Then, let me go, Shen
Zhiyang! If you have
something to say, then say it.
Don’t use your hands.”
Shen Zhiyang let her go and
said, “Okay, I have
something to say. Then I’ll
take you home and will tell
you on the way.”
She waved her hands
quickly, “You don’t know
the way, just follow me.”
She turned and ran away
just like the previous times.
Shen Zhiyang quickly
reacted and grabbed her
collar again. “I won’t let
you escape!”
Qin Xiangnan alost cried, “I
won’t escape, let go. Please,
“You promise.”
“I promise.”
That was it. Two people
were walking side by side.
One was afraid, the other
was evasive, and both were
careful and cautious.
Why is this person so
strange? She didn’t know
what advantages did she
have to attract him. Is he
Qin Xiangnan bowed her
head slightly, peeking at
him, and in the sunset, she
saw Shen Zhiyang’s
silhouette with the light on
his back. A
three-dimensional side
profile, and a tall and
straight figure. This person
looks really good, just like
Xu Chang.
Qin Xiangnan was startled.
At this time, how could she
even think of Xu Chang?
She shook her head.
“What are you doing?
Shaking your head and
doing what?”
He smiled slightly, “You are
so cute.”
Come again! Every time this
person speaks, he only has
something weird that makes
her sick.
“What’s your relationship
with that guy you were with
last time?” He looked at her.
Qin Xiangnan was
scratching her head for a
moment, not knowing who
he was referring to.
“Didn’t you ask him for
help? Is he your boyfriend?”
Qin Xiangnan choked on
her spit and coughed. She
quickly denied it.
“How could that be. Of
course not.”
“That’s great.” Shen
Zhiyang then said,
“However, if you were his
girlfriend, I will snatch you
from him.”
Qin Xiangnan was
nauseated, her hair stood up.
The intention to ignore him
motioned up.
After finally getting home,
she felt relieved. “I’m here.
Goodbye. Don’t keep
waiting for me in the future.
Aren’t yo busy on school?
There will be a college
entrance exam next year,
don’t you have to study? Oh,
hey, you wouldn’t have
already given up ah… poor
you…” She grinned.
“You’re right, I don’t like
studying. I just want to fall
in love with you.” Shen
Zhiyang raise dhis lips and
smiled evilly.
She was so mad again. This
guy really deserves a good
scolding. After she scolded
him, she gave him a stern
glance, and went upstairs
without looking back.
How could there be such a
bad guy in this world!
This unscrupulous Shen
Zhiyang followed her and
sent her home. Qin
Xiangnan finally believed
that this person was not
joking. He really likes her.
This feeling is particularly
wonderful. She knew since
young that she had no
beauty nor talent. Why
would a guy like her? If she
was like Zhao Cancan, she
wouldn’t be surprised. But
she is not. She is just an
ordinary person. By her
efforts, she was admitted to
a decent high school, and
she still strives for the ideal
with her diligence.
At such situation, she is
reluctant to thin more about
everything except to try and
do her best.
So when she found out that
Shen Zhiyang liked her, she
didn’t want to respond.
Moreover, she doesn’t like
Shen Zhiyang. But she
gradually got along with
him and he became less
As her best friend, Li Susu
looks over her. In order to
protect Qin Xiangnan from
being deceived, she ordered
her friends from D High
School to check on Shen
She was shocked when she
did check him.
“Qin Xiangnan, you have
really done it. Do you know
who Shen Zhiyang is?”
“Who?” She asked casually.
Li Susu cleared her throat.
“Let me tell you this. C
High School has Xu Chang,
D High School has Shen
Zhiyang. He looks
handsome and has good
grades. Moreover, his
family is particularly rich. I
heard that he’s going to
study abroad and will not
take the college entrance
“Oh. Is that it.” Qin
Xiangnan answered.
Li Susu was furious. Was
her words not clear enough?
Or did she just not
“Qin Xiangnan, you must be
crazy. Such a good person is
in front of you, and you
don’t even want to take the
opportunity. Shen Zhiyang
really likes you. You don’t
want him, but a lot of girls
are lining up to be his
“Didn’t you say that he’s
going abroad in the future?
Do you want me to
experience a long distance
relationship? I can’t afford it.
Just let the girls who lines
up to cut in line. I want to
study, don’t bother me.”
Li Susu wanted to cry.
Really ignorant ah. But she
was angry with Qin
Xiangnan’s unreasonable
This Shen Zhiyang is really
too much. He already knows
that he’s going abroad yet
he still tries to woo her?
Qin Xiangnan devoted
herself on her studies and
did not think much. No
matter whether Shen
Zhiyang is going abroad in
the future, it has nothing to
do with her.
The next weekend, Xu
Chang gave the brother and
sister lessons like usual.
Qin Xiangnan was doing a
math problem while Xu
Chang was explaining some
lesson to Qin Xiangbei.
When she was seriously
doing the problem, the
mobile phone on the side
vibrated and a text message
came in. The mobile phone
was not a smart phone, and
she could only sent text
messages or make calls.
When Qin Xiangnan opened
it, she saw a text message
from Shen Zhiyang that was
After a while, he sent
another message, she was
even too lazy to read it.
She immersed herself in her
works, and after a few
minutes, she received
another text message again.
Qin Xiangnan thought about
it and sighed. If she didn’t
reply, he will sent her
messages endlessly. She
picked up her phone and
typed, “I’m studying. Let’s
talk later.” and clicked send.
Qin Xiangbei saw Qin
Xiangnan’s actions, his
mind wondered and wanted
to pick a fight again.
“Qin Xiangnan, you’ve been
busy lately.”
She glanced at him, “None
of your business!”
“I don’t really care but our
parents might.” Qin
Xiangbei smirked. “Would
you like to tell our parents?
I seemed to hear you talking
on the phone last night.
What’s his name? Shen…”
Before he could finish it, his
mouth was covered by Qin
Fortunately, she responded
quickly when she felt that
her brother was about to
make trouble. She suddenly
got up and covered Qin
Xiangbei’s mouth!
“You dare to talk nonsense,
Qin Xiangbei!” Qin
Xiangnan threatened.
Qin Xiangbei muffled twice,
but did not expect that Qin
Xiangnan was strong that
after struggling for a long
time, the two were twisted
Qin Xiangnan’s hand was
taken out of Qin Xiangbei’s
mouth. Qin Xiangnan was
about to cover his mouth
again when he turned his
head and continued to say,
“I didn’t say anything
wrong. I saw a boy bringing
you back a few days ago
hey, what are you doing?
Are you really a girl? Why
are you so strong… it hurts.
Hey, it really hurts. Let
go… Hey!”
“Qin Xiangbei, if you talk
nonsense again, I will snap
your neck, believe it or not.”
She gritted her teeth.
“I believe you, I believe you.
Let go first, I won’t do it.
Hey, you’re hurting me.”
Qin Xiangbei was tossed by
Qin Xiangnan, and there
was indeed several marks on
his neck and face.
He sobbed in pain and asked
Xu Chang for help. “Brother,
if you take a good look at
that tigress, you know that
she’s abusing and hurting
your brother.”
Qin Xiangnan was so angry
that she took the thick book
on the table and threw it on
Qin Xiangbei hesitated
twice and ducked.
Xu Chang was
expressionless, like a stone
After the two had a fight, he
spoke slowly.
“Are you done? Qin
Xiangnan pick up the book.”
He said coldly.
“Oh.” Qin Xiangnan was
still flushed, not knowing
whether she would stop or
She picked up the book on
the ground, put it on the
table, and sat down.
“Qin Xiangnan, your last
exam result was terrible.
Did you reflect on it? Do all
of these works again.” Xu
Chang opened the book that
was thrown earlier and
pointed, “Do these, these,
these… finish it by next
“Ah… this is too much…”
She widened her eyes. Did
Xu Chang took the wrong
medicine today? How could
she finish all of those
“If you don’t make any
progress next time, I will let
you do more.” His
expression was serious,
harsh, and he was scarier
than the math teacher.
She felt a chill…
“Haha, Qin Xiangnan, this
is a punishment for you…”
Qin Xiangnan accepted this
punishment. She was really
scared of Xu Chang this
time. He was also right, she
did not progress last time. In
the next, she must go all out.
The next week, she was so
busy. She had class during
the day and a bunch of
homework at night. She
needed to do both her school
homework and the
homework that was given
by Xu Chang. She only slept
four a day.
Finally, she collapsed and
got sick.
She had pneumonia.
Her father was a doctor and
soon she was hospitalized.
Hearing that she was going
to stay at the hospital for
two weeks, Qin Xiangnan
wanted to cry. That means
that she has to drop her
homeworks for two weeks.
During the hospitalization,
father Qin Chaoming
repeatedly emphasized that
she should not be too tired
and take a good rest. She
was bored on the ward. In
order to not drop too many
home works, she still asked
her brother to bring her
some books in secret, and
hid it sneakily in the ward. It
cannot be discovered by her
father, or she will be
reprimanded again.
That day, she was secretly
reading a book in the ward,
then she suddenly heard
someone knocking on the
door. She quickly hid the
book under the pillow and
lied quietly, eyes closed.
“Come in,” She said.
She heard someone opening
and closing the door.
She didn’t open her eyes.
“Qin Xiangnan, you look
leisure, I worried for
Who else can have this
arrogant voice?
“Shen Zhiyang, how did you
know that I’m here?”
“It’s not hard to find out
where you are. You’re really
sick, I thought your friend
was lying to me. I was
waiting for you in vain for a
few days. I think your face
looks pretty good know, and
it’s quite moisturized.”
Shen Zhiyang wanted to
reach out and pinch her face
but she avoided his hand.
“If you have something to
say, then say it, brother.”
She frowned.
“You’re sick so I’ll listen to
you today.” He retracted his
hand, looked at her, there
seemed to be something in
his eyes.
“What? Is there anything on
my face?” Qin Xiangnan
touched her face.
Shen Zhiyang smiled,
“Nothing. It’s just boring so
I’m going to look at you
How bored is this person?
The boring guy turned to
look around the ward.
“You’ve been here for so
many days alone, didn’t you
have anyone to take care of
“Ah, my Dad is a doctor
here. He have the time to
see me.”
“Oh, is that so. That’s more
boring…” He raised his
eyebrows, “Huh?”
“Huh, what?” She looked
With a smirk on his face, he
walked towards her. He then
slowly leaned down and
slowly moved his face
closer to her.
Qin Xiangnan saw a
handsome face getting
closer, her heartbeat
suddenly accelerated.
“What are you doing!” She
yelled in horror.
She Zhiyang wasn’t scared
by her. He straightened up
and laughed.
“Qin Xiangnan, you’re
scared of me, haha. I think
you’re bored so I’m gonna
tease you for fun.”
“Psycho!” Qin Xiangnan
found out that this is the
word she says the most to
him when she’s scolding
him. This person is so
“Then let me tell you a few
cold jokes to relieve your
boredom, okay?”
“I don’t want to listen to
cold jokes, that’s really
boring.” She pursed her lips
and looked disgusted.
“Boring? I’ll guarantee you,
you wouldn’t be able to stop
Qin Xiangnan’s mouth
closed tightly, she wouldn’t
laugh even if she die.
Shen Zhiyang coughed
“I’ll start.”
“One day, Xiaoming,
Xiaogang, and Xiaoliang
went out to play together
and saw a poop of shit.
Xiaoming came back and
said: I went to smell it, it
might be cow shit. Xiaogang
came back and said: I went
to lick it, it’s covered in cow
dung. Xiaoliang came back
and said: Haha~ I’m the
smartest, I tasted it, it’s
definitely ugutsu ha ha.”
[T/N: I don’t get it lol]
“That’s disgusting.”
“What else. Once there was
a big fish and a small fish.
One day, the small fish
asked the big fish: big fish,
big fish, what do you often
eat? The big fish answered:
I eat small fish. Then the
small fish said: Oh, I’m
going to make purple sauce,
goodbye!” [T/N: I don’t get
it again…]
Qin Xiangnan’s lips moved
slightly but she held it.
“Not funny? It seems like I
need to come up with a
better trick.”
“Heh, listen. My buddy is
wonderful. I remembered
back in junior high school,
the guy smoked in the toilet
during lunch break. There is
one last puff, he gave a
fierce blow and suddenly
asked the director to come
in. Seeing us leaning against
the window, he asked: What
are you doing? He panicked
and turned to look at my
buddy. His performance is
unforgettable! He emitted a
lot of smoke from his nose
and said: I’m angry.” [TN: I
got it! lol]
“Hahaha…” Qin Xiangnan
did not hold back and
laughed out loud. “This joke
is so funny… haha…”
“I still have something…
Shen Zhiyang told a lot of
joke, and she laughed until
her stomach hurts. She
didn’t think that this person
is so interesting.
They didn’t notice that the
ward door was slightly open.
A handsome figure was
listening to the laughter in
the room, the reviewer on
his hand was held tightly,
his hand was shaking…
Two week later, Qin
Xiangnan was finally
It’s finally time to go back
to school.
When she entered the
classroom, she heard a
shocking news from Li
Xu Chang and Zhao Cancan
are dating.
She couldn’t believe it.
Xu Chang said that he didn’t
like Zhao Cancan. Why…
Xu Chang lied. He, who has
always been proud would
not admit who he likes.
Because of this, he lied to
her and her brother. It
turned out that Xu Chang,
like other boys, likes a
princess-like girl. He just
pretended to be
noble-minded, not to
mention the beauty’s
willingness to be with him.
Oh, Xu Chang is just an
ordinary person.
When Qin Xiangnan heard
this news, she was very
angry. This anger came out
of nowhere. She wanted to
ask him, why did he lie to
She secretly looked at Xu
Chang and saw that he was
still reading a book so
seriously as usual. Her anger
was more intense, she really
wanted to hit him to feel
That weekend, Xu Chang
came to her house and threw
her a copy of his review
material. She finally found
the chance to vent. She was
sad, so she also wanted him
to be the same as her. This
inexplicable idea came to
her mind, and she really put
it into action.
“I don’t need it! Take it
“Are you sure you don’t? all
the mathematical, physics,
and chemical topics are
here.” Xu Chang’s hazy
expression was a little scary.
He looked at her in
“I don’t need it! Xu Chang,
don’t think that just because
you are great, you can do
anything you like. Last time,
you gave me so much
homework that made me
tired and sick. Do you also
want to torture me now?”
“I was wrong last time. You
can do this slowly, don’t
Xu Chang’s attitude was
still very good. But when
Qin Xiangnan thought that
he lied, that he did not admit
that he liked Zhao Cancan,
her heart hurt again. She
wanted to make trouble for
no reason.
“Whatever, I don’t need it.
Xu Chang, don’t think that
you are so great. Without
you, I can also get to college.
So you don’t need to give
me these broken materials in
the future, I don’t need it!”
She pursed her lips.
“Okay, good.” He put away
the review material, packed
it in his bag, turned around,
and left.
Qin Xiangnan looked at his
back. She didn’t know why
she was so angry at him
today. It’s just that if the
anger in her heart doesn’t
come out, she will feel
Qin Xiangbei, who didn’t
say anything, looked
astonished. Why did the two
of them argue?
After a few more days, Qin
Xiangnan, who was shocked
by Li Susu again.
Li Susu and Su Mingxuan
are dating!
This series of news left Qin
Xiangnan speechless.
Whatever the situation, one
by one, her classmates are
falling in love. Li Susu and
Su Mingxuan, these two
archenemies, actually
crossed paths and liked each
Qin Xiangnan could only
congratulate them and
remind her.
“Li Susu, let me remind you
that the college entrance
exam will be in half a year’s
time, and you should make
sure that your relationship
will not affect it. Otherwise,
the two of you will have no
future. Do you understand?”
“I know. The two of us are
encouraging and learning
from each other. We will
definitely inspire each other.
But when will you date
Shen Zhiyang?”
“I’m not like you.” Qin
Xiangna looked at her
New Year is coming soon.
After more than half a year,
they will really be on the
battlefield. She didn’t want
to be the same as them!
After Xu Chang and Zhou
Cancan’s relationship rumor,
she has never seen the two
of them together except that
Zhao Cancan asked Xu
Chang for his review
material in front of the class
Her voice was gentle, with a
smile on her face.
“Xu Chang, last time I
asked to borrow your review
material. Can you lend it to
me this time?”
Still the same as last time,
the eyes of the whole class
were on them, Qin
Xiangnan was no exception.
This time, she looked so
blatantly at them, and
wanted to see how the two
of them interacts.
Xu Chang hesitated and
didn’t answer.
Zhao Cancan’s face was
slightly awkward, as she
tried to say something. She
saw Xu Chang took out a
review material and handed
it to her. Zhao Cancan
immediately burst into a big
smile, took it with both
hands, and hugged it like a
Qin Xiangnan clearly saw
that this material was the
one Xu Chang wanted to
give her that day in which
she rejected it. She widened
her eyes and stared at Xu
He treated her like that?
It was true that she rejected
it, but did he have to give it
to Zhao Cancan? It turned
out that the two of them are
Qin Xiangnan suddenly felt
like something was biting
her heart, it hurts.
“So, Xu Chang, are you free
this weekend? I want to
learn how to play the guitar,
can you teach me?” Zhao
Cancan looked at Xu Chang.
This weekend? But Xu
Chang is going to tutor
“I’m free.” This time he
agreed to her without
hesitation. He looked at
Zhao Cancan, but his eyes
flew past her, looking at
something in the distance.
“Really? Then I’ll make
some time again.” Zhao
Cancan ran away happily.
Qin Xiangan did not know
how she spent the rest of
that day feeling
uncomfortable. It was as if
there were countless ants
biting at her heart. She tried
to keep herself calm and
study with ease, but she
couldn’t stay calm that day.
This feeling continued until
the end of the day.
After school, she was
listlessly ready to go home.
When she walked out of the
school gate, she saw Shen
Zhiyang standing not far
He was smiling at her.
She thought that he looked
nice, quietly standing there.
Then, without knowing why,
she ran to him.
“You asked me to wait for
you for so long again.” He
said with a smile.
“Shen Zhiyang, didn’t you
ask me about it before?” She
asked him.
“What?” He went blank.
“To be your girlfriend.” She
“…” He was stunned, just
looking at her without
saying anything.
“If it doesn’t count, then
forget it.” SHe wanted to
turn away.
“He grabbed her. “It still

That weekend, Qin Xiangan
and Shen Zhiyang went for
a date for the whole day.
Of course, this matter was
hidden from her parents, but
Qin Xiangbei saw them that
morning. She told Qin
Xiangbei that Xu Chang
will not come today.
She can imagine Xu Chang
must be somewhere with
Zhao Cancan. Just him and
her, playing the guitar, it’s
inevitable to have physical
The day before New Year,
Li Susu proposed that
several friends should go to
the riverside to watch the
fireworks for the New Year.
Qin Xiangnan was also
asked to bring Shen Zhiyang
with her. Qin Xiangnan
thought that it was a rare
opportunity. Next year,
everyone will go their
separate ways. Good friends
should get together while
they still have the time.
In the evening, she and Shen
Zhiyang met with her
classmates at the appointed
place. Li Susu brought Su
Mingxuan, and several were
their mutual friends. What
Qin Xiangnan did not
expect was that Su
Mingxuan also brought Xu
Seeing Shen Zhiyang, Su
Mingxuan teased Qin
Xiangnan. “Oh, I didn’t
expect Qin Xiangnan’s
boyfriend would be so
handsome. Qin Xiangan,
you really have good
Li Susu obstructed him and
said, “Of course me and Qin
Xiangnan are not bad.
That’s enough.”
After listening, Shen
Zhiyang laughed. “Our Xiao
Nan is so good but hard to
When Qin Xiangnan heard
him call her like that, she
got goosebumps.
She glanced at Xu Chang
who was silent and had no
expression on his face.
Today, he didn’t bring Zhao
Cancan. Maybe the princess
doesn’t like attending such
An hour before the New
Year’s ell rang, the group of
boys and girls gathered at
the waterfront. They looked
at the high-rise buildings on
the other side. In the night,
the neon lights shone and
glowed, highlighting the
city’s splendor.
Suddenly, someone asked,
“Hey, what major are you
guys going to apply?”
Su Mingxuan answered first:
“Oh, whatever, as long as I
get to college.”
Li Susu threw a punch at
him, lightly tapping on his
arms and said, “You’re
really not wise. Can you be
a little bit ideal? I will be a
big boss of a company in the
future, making lots of
Everyone sneered, “How
can a boss be a profession,
Li Susu? You’re only
thinking of money.”
Li Susu snorted and asked
Qin Xiangnan: “Qin
Xiangan, what major are
you going to take? You’ve
never told me.”
Shen Zhiyang was also
curious when he heard this.
“Xiao Nan, what do you
want to do in the future?”
Qin Xiangnan laughed, her
eyes filled with light, she
said, “I want to take on
journalism and be a
journalist in the future. I
once saw an article and the
reporter’s words touched me.
She said that she has
experience on being a
reporter and that her voice
has the power to touch
people. This sentence really
impacted me.”
Li Susu looked surprised,
“Qin Xiangnan, that’s so
rare. You ambition is so
great, ah.”
Shen Zhiyang looked at her,
squeezed her face, and
laughed: “Xiao Nan, you
have to tell me which
university you’re going to in
the future. I want to be on
the same university as you.”
Qin Xiangnan was surprised.
Wasn’t he going to study
abroad? She never asked
this question, and Shen
Zhiyang never mentioned it
to her either.
Later, another girl
shamefully asked which
university and what major is
Xu Chang going to take.
The focus of everyone fell
on Xu Chang.
Under the lights, his eyes
shone like the stars in the
He said, “I want to be a
doctor in the future.”
“Wow, Xu Chang will
definitely be a good doctor.”
The girl said in admiration.
The boys and girls were
talking about their ideals,
ambitions, and were
laughing. Everyone is
looking forward for their
Maybe they will not see
each other again after so
many years, maybe
someone will not fulfill their
original dream, or someone
may face many challenges
in the future. Only at this
moment, they on the
riverside in the center of S
City, have a dream in their
hearts, the cleanest and
purest dreams. This moment,
they will never forget.
The midnight bell is going
to ring soon, the ten-second
countdown begins, and a
new year is coming.
Qin Xiangnan began to get
nervous as everyone
The fireworks suddenly
bloomed, shining the entire
Qin Xiangnan suddenly felt
that Shen Zhiyang was
holding her tightly and
pulling her towards him.
A cold, soft thing pressed
against her lips…
After separating, she saw
Shen Zhiyang smiling, a
glint in his eyes, reflecting
the light of the fireworks,
the stars, and her.
He leaned closer to her ear
and said, “We will always
be together.”
A loud deafening noise
drowned his voice…
A colorful light illuminated
the night sky and cut
through the boundless
Sitting in Xu Chang’s car,
Qin Xiangnan remembered
Shen Zhiyang. If it weren’t
for him mentioning this
name, she would probably
never remember him in this
She and Zhen Zhiyang did
stay together during high
school, and later Shen
Zhiyang went to the same
university as her. She
studied journalism while
Shen Zhiyang took up
Finance. However, after her
freshman year, she and Shen
Zhiyang broke up due to
various reasons. Shen
Zhiyang later went abroad.
Since then, she has never
seen or contacted him again.
Although she and Xu Chang
have not seen each other for
over ten years, her brother
Qin Xiangbei was admitted
to Xu Chang’s university
and went to city B for
medical studies. She
occasionally heard news
about Xu Chang from Qin
Xiangbei’s mouth.
She has heard that Xu
Chang was still popular as
he was in high school. She
didn’t ask Qin Xiangbei
more about the specific
This time, Xu Chang asked
her if she still could not
forget Shen Zhiyang. The
answer was no.
She looked at Xu Chang
who was driving with one
hand, as if he had
misunderstood something.
“Xu Chang, I broke up with
Shen Zhiyang when I was a
freshman. For so many
years, I have already
forgotten him.”
Xu Chang seemed relieved.
Since Xu Chang asked her
such an awkward question,
it wouldn’t be fair if she
didn’t ask one herself.
“So, how about you? How
many girlfriends did you
have over the years? When
did you and Zhao Cancan
broke up?”
Xu Chang paused after
listening to her question.
Seeing him not answering,
Qin Xiangnan felt that her
question was too
straightforward. Perhaps he
and too many girlfriends
and was embarrassed to tell
her. She wanted to add a
sentence but didn’t expect
him to speak.
“No one. Zhao Cancan was
not my girlfriend.”
Qin Xiangnan frozed. Both
his first and second
sentences surprised her.
Never had a girlfriend? Xu
Chang? How can that be
possible? Who is Xu Chang?
Good body, popular, and
have good financial status,
many girls like him.
In the second half, Zhao
Cancan was not his
girlfriend. Has she
misunderstood all these
Qin Xiangnan doesn’t know
how to continue the
conversation. She felt
embarrassed about her
After a moment of silence,
the car slowly drove into
Qin Xiangnan’s
Stopping in front of her
house, Qin Xiangnan took
her things, opened the door,
and got out of the car.
Before entering the building,
she stood, looked at Xu
Chang and said to him:
“Thank you for today, I’m
going up.”
“Okay, rest early. I’ll watch
you go then leave.” Xu
Chang said.
“Be careful on the road.”
After speaking, she turned
and walked in.
“Qin Xiangnan! Do you
know why?” Xu Chang
suddenly stopped her.
Qin Xiangnan didn’t seem
to understand what he was
talking about and turned
back and said, “Ah?”
“Because for so amny years,
I have been unable to
remove a person from my
heart.” He looked at her and
said this.
Qin Xiangnan frozed.
“Go up. The wind is strong
outside.” He suddenly
“Oh.” She turned and
hurried in.
After a while, the light in a
room on the third floor was
lit, and a figure was
indistinctly cast on the
Xu Chang looked up at this
figure and smiled slightly.
Then, he started the car and
Qin Xiangnan heard the
sound of the leaving car, she
secretly drew a corner of the
curtain and looked out. It
was dark, only a few street
lights illuminate the road.
The wind was strong outside,
and the branches of the tree
were shaking and swaying.
Qin Xiangnan was
exhausted. She had a
headache during the day
because of the typhoon, so
she went to bed early in the
The morning of the next day,
she woke up very early. She
got out of bed and opened
the curtains, the sun shone
brightly. It was sunny and it
seems that the typhoon has
Qin Xiangnan first called
her brother. He didn’t tell
her about Dr. Lin,which was
an important matter.
Because she was curious,
she asked Xu Chang directly
last night.
She called Qin Xiangbei.
The call was connected, and
Qin Xiangbei’s groggy
voice came across.
“Qin Xiangbei! What time
is it already and you’re still
“I was on a night duty
yesterday. Can’t I make up
for the lack of sleep?” His
lazy voice came from the
“I’m going to ask you
something. Dr. Lin from the
orthopedic department was
your college classmate?”
“Who?” He didn’t seem to
be fully awake yet.
“Doctor Lin.”
Qin Xiangbei sat up
suddenly from the bed.
“You said Lin Rui’er?” He
was finally awake.
“Is her name Lin Rui’er?
Your college classmate and
the beautiful doctor and Xu
Chang’s colleague.” She
tried to confirm.
“Yeah. Why are you asking
about her?” Qin Xiangbei
was puzzled. “It wouldn’t be
because of the
misunderstanding about Xu
“Don’t talk nonsense. Qin
Xiangbie, tell me everything
you know!”

It turned out that Lin Rui’er
was beautiful but she was
Lin Rui’er and Qin
Xiangbei are university
classmates. Because she is
beautiful, many boys liked
her. But she didn’t like any
of them, but she liked Qin
Xiangnan, a sophomore.
Xu Chang also knew about
it. It is not strange that Lin
Rui’er liked him, but she
was just like Zhaon Cancan
before. No, she was even
crazier than Zhao Cancan.
To say that Zhao Cancan is
a little princess, sometimes
she can’t let go and willing
to do anything. Lin Rui’er is
different. She is different
from the other girls that
liked Xu Chang. She is
qualified to stand beside Xu
She has been chasing him
from her freshman year until
college graduation. Then
she followed Xu Chang into
the same hospital in City B,
trying her best to go into
orthopedics. Just two moths
ago, Xu Chang returned to
City S. she took the
initiative to apply in the
hospital and transferred
For so many years, there has
always been Lin Rui’er
beside Xu Chang, and the
other girls were
“So Xu Chang doesn’t like
Lin Rui’er?” Qin Xiangnan
“Well, Xu Chang has never
admitted that Lin Rui’er is
his girlfriend for so many
years. But the two of them
have been together for so
long, even if there is no love,
there should be feelings.”
Qin Xiangnan stayed
silent… If two people live
together for ten years, will
nothing really happen?
“Is that the case. Okay. Qin
Xiangbei, you can continue
to sleep. Goodbye!”
Qin Xiangnan was trying to
hang up the call when there
was a hesitation on the other
side of the call.
“Qin Xiangnan, can you
speak quietly? Why did you
ask about Lin Rui’er?” He
“It’s a long story. I’ll talk
about it later.” Qin
Xiangnan tried to ignore
“Did you finally find out
that Xu Chang is good?
Sister, it’s not too late…”
“Where he is has nothing to
do with me. To tell you the
truth, there was a hot search
on Weibo a few days ago. It
said that Lin Rui’er was Xu
Chang’s girlfriend. I’m just
helping the netizens verify
this news.”
“Qin Xiangnan, sometimes I
don’t know what to say to
you. You say that you’re
smart and say that I’m
stupid but you’re the stupid
one!” Qin Xiangbei scolded
“Did you take the wrong
medicine so early in the
morning? How can you say
that to your sister!” Qin
Xiangnan also scolded him.
“Do you really not know
who Xu Chang liked in high
“Isn’t it Zhao Cancan?” She
“Zhao Cancan my ass! Qin
Xiangnan, you’re really a
fool! Xu Chang is blind to
like you!”
“What are you talking

Qin Xiangnan was stunned,
her breathing was
How could that be possible?
“Qin Xiangbei, don’t joke
with me. You sister has
been tired recently, I’m
serious, don’t joke around.”
She still feels that Qin
Xiangbei was fooling her.
“My sister, let me tell you
the truth. Although Xu
Cahng never told me, I’ve
already guessed it. Do you
remember the notebook that
you couldn’t find that one
time? The one with the blue
“Didn’t you hide it to take a
“I’m not that free. I can tell
you that it was Xu Chang
was the one who took it, and
he gave it back to me, and
then let me secretly put it
back to your room.”
She remembered that the
blue notebook was missing
for a while. She suspected
that her brother took it again,
then after a few days, she
found it lying quietly on her
pile of books. At that time,
she didn’t think much about
it. In order to prevent her
brother from stealing it
again, she locked it on her
Why did Xu Chang take it?
She remembered that she
wrote some personal things
in there, such as her ideals,
dreams, and some of her
views on things…
Were they seen by Xu
Xu Chang peeped on her
thoughts and all this time
she didn’t know? Wasn’t
this strange?
“That doesn’t explain it.
Maybe Xu Chang was just
curious and took it to have a
“Curious about your ideas?
Have you ever seen Xu
Chang be curious on things
regarding a girl?”
It seems like… she has
never seen Xu Chang take
an initiative to look at a
“One more thing, once you
got sick and was
hospitalized, Xu Chang
asked me about your
situation. He especially
arranged the review material
for you, but you rejected it.
Do you remember that, Qin
“I remember…” She
hesitated before answering.
“I f*cking wonder what was
wrong with you that time.
You were so near him yet
you have never taken a good
look at him! Aren’t you too
“I…” Qin Xiangnan was
She was once angry because
she thought that Zhao
Cancan ad Xu Chang were
dating. She felt that Xu
Chang has deceived her and
she had to vent her anger
somewhere, and that
somewhere was him.
“That’s not all. Later, you
suddenly dated Shen
Zhiyang what did Shen
Zhiyang look like that time?
Did you have something
wrong with your eye sight?”
“Why did you mention
“Why can’t I mention him?
Didn’t he leave you and ran
abroad? You didn’t know
but the day you dated him,
Xu Chang came to our
house and when he found
out that you were out with
Shen Zhiyang, he was sad.”
“You said that day… did he
really come?”
Shouldn’t he have been with
Zhao Cancan? She
remembered that Zhao
Cancan asked Xu Chang to
teach her how to play the
guitar and he agreed to her
in front of all their class.
She remembered this very
Didn’t Xu Chang go on a
date? Why did he agree
The more Qin Xiangnan
knew, the more confused
she became. She began to
doubt herself. Did she
misunderstand everything?
Is she really wrong? Xu
Chang really hasn’t been
with Zhao Cancan. She
thought… she thought… all
of it was not true…
“Of course he came. I told
him that your boyfriend and
you went out on a date.
After he knew about it, he
was unscrupulous the whole
day. I didn’t understand it at
first but after I thought
about it, I wondered what he
liked about you! Qin
Xiangnan, what are you
doing now? Xu Chang’s
first love? You deserve to be
deceived by Shen Zhiyang!
You deserve to be single for
so many years!”
Qin Xiangnan really listened
like she was stupid this
time… The younger broter
scolded the older sister until
she was dizzy but it seemed
like it was not enough to
wake her up. It was like she
was dreaming, this damn
unbelievable dream that she
can’t face.
“Think about it alone! I’m
going to sleep!”
Qin Xiangbei hung up the
phone after speaking, and
there was a beeping sound.
Qin Xiangnan maintained
the same posture that she
had just now. Her eyes were
empty, her expression
looked dumb…
She didn’t dare to move, she
doesn’t want to face what
her brother had just said.
She doesn’t believe it…
After some time, she
gradually accepted her
brother’s scolding. He was
right. When she thought
about it, during high school,
she devoted herself to
studying, maybe she didn’t
care about these kind of
things. And also, Xu Chang
was too good, how could
she even think about that?
How dare she think about it?
The gap between her and Xu
Chang is too big, they are
opposite apart. She thought
that only girls like Zhao
Cancan is worthy of him.
Perhaps Xu Chang was
blinded for a while, and
accidentally liked her. But
what about it? Ten years
have already passed. In the
past ten years, both of them
have undergone tremendous
changes, experienced
different lives, and walked
on parallel roads that do not
They haven’t seen each
other for ten years. Qin
Xiangnan misunderstood
him and Xu Chang must be
the same.
Thinking of this, Qin
Xiangnan was relieved.
No, Xu Chang is not the
same as he was back then. If
she keeps on holding on to
this matter, she can no
longer face Xu Chang.
Ten years later, she was
fortunate enough to meet
him again, maybe they
could still be friends. If they
were going to cross the gap,
they might not even be able
to stay friends.
She decided not to take this
matter to heart and need to
forget it as soon as possible.
The quickest solution is to
focus on work.
This is how she has been
over the years. As long as
you work hard, you can
forget about any unhappy
and troublesome things.
Now that the summer
season has started, the days
are getting hotter. Qin
Xiangnan still needed to go
out to work from time to
time. These days, she felt
that she has tanned a lot.
That day, she dragged her
tired body and went home
form work.
She pulled out her keys
from her bag and
accidentally brought out a
small thing from her bag by
the hook of the key holder,
and the key accidentally fell
on the ground.
Qin Xiangnan bent down to
pick it up. She glanced at
the doorstep, there seemed
to be a white object. She
looked closely and found
that a white envelope was
lying on the ground, half
jammed and half exposed
outside the door. She picked
up the key and the envelope.
Taking a closer look, the
crooked writing on the
envelope read:
Qin Xiangnan’s collection.
Qin Xiangnan couldn’t think
of anyone that would give
this letter to her in this
particular way.
It felt thin, maybe a piece of
paper was inside.
When she opened the door
and went in, she opened the
There was a photo inside.
The photo was new.
It seemed like the photo was
only taken today. In the
photo was Qin Xiangnan
herself. The clothes are the
same as what she was
wearing today, the bags and
shoes were also the same.
It’s a picture that was taken
when she walked out of the
building this morning!
Who took this? Who was so
bored that they took a photo
of her and stuffed it under
her door?
Qin Xiangnan guessed that
it was just a small prank.
She set it aside, not thinking
But the next day and the
third day, she went home on
the evening and receive
similar pictures that was
taken the day it was sent.
She started to get nervous,
feeling that things didn’t
seem as simple as she
She studied the handwriting
on the envelope. The other
person wrote the words with
a black pen. The
handwriting was not
beautiful, but it was written
with strength and printed in
large size.
Except for these words, the
rest of the envelope was
white without any marks.
Who took this picture? Why
did they do this?
It is a little scary when she
thought about it but it didn’t
really cause her harm. She
wants to wait and see what
this person wants to do. If it
was a prank or not…
When she went out on the
fourth day, she deliberately
observed the surroundings
carefully. It seemed that
there was nothing abnormal
and there were no
suspicious person. It was
strange. Maybe the person
was just playing a prank and
got tired?
Qin Xiangnan was busy for
the whole day and didn’t
think about it until she came
back from work that night.
She started to think as soon
as she entered the corridor.
Will there be any pictures
She went up to the third
floor and went to the
doorstep of her apartment.
She found out that there
were no white envelope but
a small box instead.
Qin Xiangnan was surprised.
Is there a new trick today?
Who is so bored?
She carefully observed that
the box was not small, and
the size could fit a ball.
Above the box, there was a
written word “Qin
Xinganan” on a black pen.
In addition, there was an
ordinary yellow cardboard
She took the key out of her
bag, opened the door, and
held the box with both
It’s not heavy. What’s in it?
She suddenly smelled a
strange scent, a little fishy,
like… blood?
She was startled, and
immediately out the box on
the ground. She was afraid
to bring it into the house.
What… what is it…
Out of curiosity and wanting
to found out the truth, she
decided to open the box.
She took out a scissor, stood
as far away as possible, and
carefully opened the sealed
A little slowly, the box was
fully opened, she moved a
little forward, extended her
head, and peeped inside.
At a glance, she saw a fluffy
white thing, and when she
looked closer, “Ah!” She
screamed, fled into the
house, and slammed the
door shut.
She leaned against the door,
covering her chest, panting
heavily, and face pale.
She saw it. It was a bloody
white dead cat. She also saw
the eyes of the cat that was
staring wide at her.
Is this intimidation?
Someone took her picture to
show her on purpose, and
then today they took a cat to
scare her. She must call the
police! This is terrible!
She found her cell phone in
horror. At the moment, a
strange phone call came in.
She answered it.
“Is this Qin Xiangnan?” It
was a man’s voice, which
was strange and familiar, as
if she heard it somewhere
but she couldn’t remember
“Yes, who are you?” Her
heartbeat was beating fast.
“Did you receive it?” The
voice was weird and
terrifying, making her feel
chills on her back.
“Who are you? Why are you
doing this?”
“Aren’t you fond of taking
photos? Do you still like
cats? Oh, I forgot to tell you,
did you recognize the cat?
The other day, you saw it
and fed it some food. Since
you like it, then I’ll give it
to you! Haha!”
This man is a pervert! He
secretly took photos of her,
and even killed a stray cat!
“What the hell do you want?!
I’ll call the police!”
“You report it! Even the
police can’t control me,
hahaha! I’m downstairs in
your house right now,
should I go up and find
Qin Xiangnan didn’t want to
continue with this perverted
nonsense. The more she
listens, the more she is
afraid. She ended the call
and called the police
She then secretly opened the
curtains and looked
downstairs. Under the big
tree, there was a faint
shadow! When he saw Qin
Xiangnan looking at him, he
hid behind the tree.
Her heart almost jump to her
throat, someone was really
watching her! She closed all
the widows and tightened
the curtains. Sitting on the
couch, she was restless and
didn’t know when the police
After thinking, she called
Qin Xiangbei.
After the phone beeped
twice, it was immediately
“Qin Xiangbei, where are
you? Can you come over?”
She said, her voice anxious.
“I’m on duty. What
“It seems like I’m being
stalked by a pervert. He just
put a dead cat in front of my
house. I’m a little scared.
But I’ve already called the
police. You should continue
with your work. The police
will come soon.”
“Are you all right? Would
you like me to take a time
“No, the police should be
here soon. It’s okay.”
“Then you must be careful.
If someone knocks on the
door, you should see who it
is first before opening.”
“Okay.” After making the
call, Qin Xiangnan was still
uneasy. She couldn’t figure
out who she provoked but
the voice was familiar…
Why is the police not here
After waiting for ten
minutes, she finally heard an
eager knock on the door
which made her shocked!
She grabbed a pair of
scissors that she used when
she opened the box.
Was the police her or…
She stroked her chest and
slowly walked towards the
door. The knock on the door
seemed eager, getting louder
and louder…
“Who is it?” Her voice
No one answered her She
was scared, and the silence
at the moment made her feel
an ominous hunch. She then
asked loudly again: “Who is
“I’m… Xu Chang…”
Xu Chang? Qin Xiangnan
couldn’t believe her ears.
“Are you really Xu Chang?”
She tried to confirm again.
“It’s me. Open the door.”
The voice was really him!
She opened the door and
saw that Xu Chang was
standing in the dim light
outside the door, his eyes
were as dark as the
expression on his face. Qin
Xiangnan could see that he
was anxious.
“How are you?”
Until she saw Xu Chang
with her own eyes, she
couldn’t believe it.
“Are you okay? Your
brother told me about your
Oh, that was it. Qin
Xiangnan looked at him
At the moment, Qin
Xiangnan had a pale face,
holding a scissor on her
hand, her eyes were dull.
Xu Chang looked at her and
said, “Can I come in?”
“Come in now.” The scissor
on her hand were tightly
When Xu Chang walked in
and looked at her like this,
he felt that she was very
cute. He held back a smile.
“Such a small pair of
scissors, do you want to cut
the flowers?”
Qin Xiangnan realized that
she was still holding the
scissors in her hand, she
then threw it away
immediately, smiling
“What do you want to drink?
I have some…” There is
seemed to be nothing at
home as she was too busy.
“There is boiled water…” It
was the only drink available.
“Okay.” He said with a
It’s hard not to dislike him!
When Qin Xiangnan was
preparing to boil the water
to entertain the guest,
someone knocked on the
door again.
The two looked at each
other. Qin Xiangnan was not
as nervous as she was just
now because Xu Chang was
“I’ll open the door. Don’t
move.” Xu Chang looked at
her and said it.
“Well, does that… Do you
need scissors?” She was a
little embarrassed. Is it
better than none? The
scissors can also be used for
self defense.
By chance, Xu Chang
laughed and said nothing.
Then he smiled and opened
the door.
Qin Xiangnan looked
nervously outside the door.
This time, it was really the
Standing at the door was
Captain Huang and the little
policeman that she had met
Captain Huang was
surprised to see Xu Chang
opening the door.
“Does Qin Xiangnan live
here?” Captain Huang
Qin Xiangnan saw that the
man was the police officer
and ran over.
“Captain Huang, it’s a
coincidence. I ran into you
every time.” Qin Xiangnan
“It’s really you, Reporter
Qin! I thought the name was
Captain Huang looked at Xu
Chang again, and saw that
he still had plaster attached
to his hand. Suddenly, as if
remembering something, he
came to a realization. “Isn’t
this Dr. Xu? It turns out that
Dr. Xu is your boyfriend?”

Qin Xiangnan wanted to say
no, but the little policeman
found the dead cat on the
box at the door.
“Reporter Qin, was the dead
cat sent by the suspect?”
The little policeman looked
at the box in horror.
“Yes. When I came back
from work, I saw the box on
the doorway.” She said.
“Okay, then we’ll take it
back to investigate. By the
way Reporter Qin, when we
came in, we didn’t see
anyone outside. We may
need to investigate the
surrounding, and we can
draw a conclusion after
checking it.” Captain Huang
“Thank you, Captain Huang.
Oh yes, there’s one more
thing.” Qin Xiangnan
hurried into the room and
took out the three envelopes
from the drawer in the living
room. “Captain Huang,
these are what I received the
first three days. I saw it on
the door when I came home
at night.”
Captain Huang looked at the
three photos on the envelope
and said angrily: “This
pervert! He dared to sneak a
photo of you! Reporter Qin,
rest assured, we must catch
this suspect as soon as
possible. If there is nothing
else, we’ll go first.”
“Captain Huang, I’ve really
troubled you this time.” Qin
Xiangnan said gratefully.
Captain Huang laughed a
little and said that it was all
“We didn’t catch the suspect
today. I’m still a little
worried that Reporter Qin is
not safe at home. However,
we can rest assured when Dr.
Xu is here.”
Qin Xiangnan repeatedly
said yes.
Captain Huang and the little
policeman accepted the case,
and did not forget to
investigate as soon as
possible before leaving.
After they left, Qin
Xiangnan closed the door.
Suddenly, there was a
distinguished guest at home.
She glanced at Xu Chang,
feeling that the atmosphere
was a bit wrong. She
touched her hair. She then
said, “Xu Chang, it’s all
right. You can rest assured
and go home.”
Xu Chang did not expect
that Qin Xiangnan will
order him to go so quickly.
“Didn’t you hear what
Captain Huang said, is it
safe for a girl to be alone at
home? Did you forget it so
soon?” Xu Chang looked at
her with a mocking smile.
Qin Xiangnan was stunned.
She was left alone with Xu
Chang, and the ambience
was weird. Earlier, she was
too nervous so she did not
feel it but as soon as the
police left, she relaxed and
realized that something was
When Xu Chang said that,
she felt embarrassed to drive
him away, but she didn’t
know what to say.
“Didn’t you just offer me to
drink boiled water?” Xu
Chang seemed to find
himself taking a step back.
Qin Xiangnan said yes then
she immediately went into
the kitchen and closed the
kitchen door.
She watched as the water in
the kettle boil but she just
stood aside.
It seems like Xu Chang
doesn’t have have the plan
to leave right away? After
the water has boiled, she
should tell him something
good, or talk about their past
and their high school years.
But when she thought of
what Qin Xiangbei has told
her, she couldn’t talk about
it. What is she talk about
their high school and he
finds out that she knows his
Otherwise, she just need to
talk to him about what he
has been doing these past
years. As friends, they need
to understand and respect
each other. It is also
necessary to deepen the
friendship. “Let’s do it like
this.” She seems to made up
her mind.
She picked up the kettle,
poured two glasses of water,
took a deep breath, and
opened the kitchen door.
When she went out, she saw
Xu Chang sitting on the
soda and playing on his
mobile phone.
Qin Xiangnan looked at his
handsome side profile.
“I’m sorry, there are no
other drinks in my house. So,
just drink this.” After that,
she gave him a glass of
Xu Chang put down his
phone, took the cup, and
said thank you.
“When can you remove the
plaster?” She glanced at his
left hand.
“There is another month left.
I can take a good rest during
this time.”
Qin Xiangnan didn’t know
what to say next. The
determination that she had
on the kitchen seemed futile.
She reluctantly said,
“Well… that… then you…”
But her tongue seemed to
hold back and could not say
“What do you want to say?”
Xu Chang took a sip and
looked at her.
“Nothing. I just want to ask,
how have you been in these
past years?” She then added
quickly, “I’m asking for the
majority of the netizens.
This is not a personal
question. Everyone is
curious about Dr. Xu’s
private life, hehe…”
“Qin Xiangnan, you really
want to know more about
me but you’re embarrassed
to asked.” He suddenly
She did not expect that Xu
Chang was such a direct
person. Is this the same
person? She want to pinch
“Well, how can I… I just
casually asked.” She was
“Then, I will tell you. I
studied medicine for seven
years. When I was on school,
I did research in addition to
attending classes. After
graduation, I went to XX
Hospital in City B as an
orthopedist. Three years
later, because the hospital in
S city needed more doctors,
I moved here. I have been
very busy and did not have
the time to get a girlfriend.
How about that? Does my
answer satisfy you?”
Qin Xiangnan looked at Xu
Chang and nodded,
She did not expect Xu
Chang to be so frank.
Compared with the Xu
Chang ten years ago, when
did he ever tell her
something about himself so
straightforwardly? He has
really changed.
“Oh, I didn’t ask about your
girlfriend, why did you take
the initiative. You might
think that I’m such a gossip
monger, hahaha…” She
even felt embarrassed with
her laugh.
Later, in order to ease the
ambience, she tried to find
some topics to talk about
with him such as asking
when did he start raising
cats, and how to take care of
cats. In the end, there was
nothing more to ask, she has
even asked what brand of
cat food does he buy.
This continued until she she
couldn’t find any more
topics to continue. She
looked at the clock and it
was ten o’clock in the
“Oh, it’s so late, shouldn’t
you go back? I should go to
bed too, I’m sleepy.” she
then yawned.
Xu Chang did not seem to
understand her. He then said
seriously: “Did you forget
what Captain Huang said?
The suspect hasn’t been
caught yet, he might be
around. If I leave, he may
come up here right away.
Aren’t you afraid?”
Ah? She’s afraid. But…
she’s going to sleep… What
does he mean? Can’t he
leave today? She also knew
that the suspect hasn’t been
caught yet, but she couldn’t
sit with her eyes wide open
for the whole night.
“But I am really sleepy, and
I have work tomorrow.” She
“Then go to sleep.” Xu
Chang actually said this
sentence naturally.
“What about you?” Qin
Xiangnan looked puzzled.
“Do you have a computer? I
happen to have a research
paper to write. Can I borrow
“Yes, you can.. Don’t you
sleep at night?”
“Well, I don’t need to go to
work tomorrow, and I also
slept earlier. I’m a patient.”
Xu Chang said as he raised
his injured left hand.
“Oh, okay. It’s really hard
for you.” Qin Xiangnan
If the stalker really come up,
Xu Chang will be there to
protect her.
She took out her computer
before going to bed.
She rummaged in the closet
and prepared to take a
shower. Gosh, she found out
that her pajamas were too
showy. It was summer, and
her pajamas were either
suspenders or lace.
This is not okay, she sighed.
After searching for a long
time, she gave up. She just
took a loose white t-shirt
and jersey pants.
After taking a shower, she
took a look in the mirror,
she was covered so she was
She went out and found Xu
Chang on the living room,
looking for information
carefully. It seems like he
really has something to do.
“Xu Chang, I’m going to
bed. Don’t you really need
to sleep?” She asked him
“No.” He clicked his lips. “I
really slept during the day.
Sleep peacefully, good
“Good night.”
Qin Xiangnan entered her
room, closed the door,
thought s=about something,
and locked it.
Lying on the bed, she
thought about everything
that has happened today.
She was tired from work
during the day, scared by a
dead cat, received a scary
call, but did not expect Xu
Chang to come and not
leave her house. What’s
going on? Before today, she
did not expect Xu Chang to
stay alone with her for one
night. Although the door
was locked, she still felt that
it was wrong.
Thinking about so many
things made her sleepy.
Maybe she was really scared
today, or tired and
exhausted, and she fell
asleep immediately.
The next morning, she was
woken up by her alarm. At
seven in the morning, she
woke up on time, stretched
out, and got out of bed.
When she sobered up, she
remembered that Xu Chang
stayed at her house last
night. Is he still here?
She looked at the mirror and
fixed herself before opening
her locked door.
A scent floated outside.
Xu Chang is actually
making breakfast? Whe Qin
Xiangnan saw him, he was
frying eggs.
She stayed still for a while.
This scene was like an old
couple’s. a sleeping wife, a
hard-working husband who
woke up early to make
breakfast for his beloved
wife, and used the fragrance
of the food to wake up the
beautiful wife.
Xu Chang saw her staying
there and smiled. “You’re
up. You can eat in a while.
There is no food in your
fridfe, how do you usually
She looked at him, and
suddenly thought that a man
who can cook is handsome,
or was this man who can
cook handsome because he
was Xu Chang? After
thinking about it, Qin
Xiangnan felt that these two
causal relationship is valid.
She finished washing up in a
hurry, and Xu Chang had
prepared breakfast.
Qin Xiangnan looked at the
delicate plate in front of her.
The eggs were golden-fried
and fragrant.
Next to it is a stack of
sandwich with cucumbers
and greens. She was
surprised. Is this really the
ingredient in her house? He
can make such exquisite
food with these ingredients.
She tasted the egg. Wow.
Crispy outside and tender
inside. Sure enough, Xu
Chang, even frying an egg,
can be so perfect.
“Xu Chang, why are you so
perfect? I really admire you.
It’s so delicious.” Qin
Xiangnan was particularly
“How do you usually take
care of yourself? No wonder
you are so thin.” Xu Chang
glanced at her.
“I live alone. It’s normal to
be hungry.” She grinned.
Xu Chang seemed to think
about something and said,
“Do you want someone to
make breakfast for you
“If they can make it as
delicious as you can!” She
almost blurted out, and
realized that it sounded
After breakfast, Qin
Xiangnan received a call
from the police station,
saying that the suspect had
been arrested.
“Captain Huang, who is that
person? Why did he do it?”
“Do you remember the
incident on the Singaporean
“Ah. I remember. Was it
that person?”
“yes, it is hi.he has a mental
illness, and because of this
reason, we couldn’t put him
in jail. Maybe you caught
his attention last time, so he
did it. But rest assured, this
time we will do our best to
not let him run around
“Thank you very much,
Captain Huang. You
unexpectedly catch people
so quickly.”
Captain Huang said that it is
their job.
After Qin Xiangnan tol Xu
Chang about the arrest of
the suspect, she was still
frightened. Last time at the
Singaporean Airlines, she
twisted her foot because of
that person’s intimidation,
and did not expect that she
will encounter him again
this time. Xu Chang
comforted her that
everything has passed, she
no longer has to worry about
Qin Xiangnan packed up
and was ready to go to
“Xu Chang, I’m going to
work, you can go back too.
you haven’t rested for the
night.” Qin Xiangnan
looked at his dark eyes, still
a little distressed.
“Okay. You have to be
careful in the future. Take
care of yourself and eat
Is he concerned about her?
“Also, if you encounter this
kind of thing next time and
can’t find your brother,
come to me. Understand?”
His tone was a little rough,
which made it impossible
for her to refuse.
Qin Xiangnan nodded and
gave a soft hum.
Xu Chang chuckled in
satisfaction and went out
with her.
After this incident, Qin
Xiangnan was still worried
at home for several days.
The doors and windows are
closed every day.
Fortunately, Xu Chang and
her video chats every day
until she was sleepy, then
hung up the phone. Qin
Xiangnan also slept soundly
every night.
After that say, Qin
Xiangnan found that Xu
Chang and her got along
better now that they were
ten years ago. Before, he
was always cold, and didn’t
like to laugh or talk. Now,
he will care about her and
will take the initiative to
find topics to talk about with
If they keep going like this,
it will be really good.
Although Qin Xiangnan was
busy at work, she some took
time to return to her parent’s
house. In addition to moving
out because of work, one of
the reason was because
Zhao Mei urges her to get
married, she felt annoyed
and rarely goes home
because of it.
Just after returning home,
Zhao Mei started again the
marriage promotion mode
just like before.
“Xiao Nan, the old Liu
family next door has
recently have another
grandson. His son is two
years younger than you.”
“Really? That’s good.”
“A few days ago, Aunt
Chen came over and gave us
candy. Her daughter got
married right after
graduating college. Hey, it’s
really fast.”
“So fast.”
“What about you, when will
you bring back a boyfriend
for us to see?”
“I’m not in a hurry and I’ve
been busy recently.”
“Let’s go to a blind date.
Whether you are busy or not
this weekend, if you don’t
want to go, I will not care
about you in the future.
When you get busy, you
won’t have the time to visit
me and your Dad.” Zhao
Mei finally made a cruel
“Meimei, why are you
saying this? I have no
problem if you don’t want
Xiao Nan to visit you. But
Xiao Nan is my baby
daughter and I want to see
her often.” Qin Chaoming,
who was watching TV
suddenly spoke up.
Qin Chaoming has been
suffering from Alzheimer’s
disease for many years, and
his physical condition is
sometimes good, sometimes
bad, and his life is always
sloppy. Sometimes, people
don’t even recognize that he
is suffering from the disease.
But even if he is confused,
he still remembered that Qin
Xiangnan is his baby
daughter. After Qin
Chaoming spoke up, the
argument was conceded.
The raw that Qin Xiangnan
had with Zhao Mei soon
“Mom, my dad said that he
wanted to see me, won’t you
welcome your daughter?”
“Then, do you want to go
this weekend? If you don’t
want to go, you don’t have
to come back.”
“Going or not, don’t be
angry Mom.” Qin Xiangnan
gave Zhao Mei a charming
look and spoke flatteringly.
Zhao Mei really hates this
act, and every time she chats
with her daughter about this
topic, Qin Xiangnan
pretends to be stupid.
“Xiao Nan, let me tell you
the truth. Your Aunt Chen
wanted to introduce you to
someone the other day. I
think that person is really
good. I heard that he has
started a small business.
This weekend, you’ll meet
“Mom, you didn’t even tell
me about it yet you’ve
already promised them.”
Qin Xiangnan was very
“Just meet up, it doesn’t
mean that you’re gonna
marry right away. I
promised that. See, there’s
nothing to lose.”
Qin Xiangnan said angrily:
“I’m not free.”
“This child. I’m really
annoyed. How old are you,
yet all you do is work. You
haven’t live with us, there is
no one to take care of you.
Just thinking about that
made me not eat for a while.
How can you assure us,
your parents? You and your
brother, from an early age,
will not let us worry. I never
thought that after working
and earning money, you’ll
be proud and not let us
worry about it. What did
you two do? Are you here to
collect debts?” Zhao Mei
said more and got worked
up, she was really angry
with her daughter.
Qin Xiangnan had no choice
but to promise Zhao Mei to
meet her blind date on the
“Xiao Nan, how does it feel
to meet the person today? I
heard Aunt Chen said that
the other party is very
satisfied with you and wants
to develop your relationship
further. I see that this person
is really sincere, you can try
to develop your relationship,
She wasn’t dressed up that
day and went out as usual.
At the agreed place, Qin
Xiangnan met her blind date.
The other person wore
glasses, a flat head, and
looks okay. At first glance,
Qin Xiangnan classified him
into a reliable and honest
“Hello, I am Qin Xiangnan.
May I ask, are you Wang
Mingyan?” She asked the
other party.
Wang Mingyan quickly
looked at Qin Xiangnan and
said with a smile, “Ms. Qin,
you are so beautiful. Why
do I feel like I have seen
you somewhere?”
Qin Xiangnan thought that
this Wang Mingyan looked
honest, and he was kind of
The two talked one after the
other, nothing more than
talking about work, which
school or university they
attended, and what major
they took.
Qin Xiangnan learned that
Wang Mingyan went to D
High School, right next to
her school.
When Wang Mingyan found
that Qin Xiangnan went to C
High School, he suddenly
seemed to remember
something, and his eyes
lighted up.
“I said earlier that I seemed
to have met you somewhere.
Aren’t you Qin Xiangnan
from C High School?”
Qin Xiangnan wondered
why she was so famous that
even D High School knew
her, and she was not even
the school-level figure.
“Have we met before?” Qin
Xiangnan asked.
“I have saw you before. Do
you remember when you
participated in a debate
match in high school?”
Of course Qin Xiangnan
remembered it, wasn’t it the
one where she was
“I remember. Did you
participate?” She couldn’t
remember who he was for a
“I’m a defender, I’m Shen
Zhiyang’s classmate. I was
very impressed with you t
that time.”
Qin Xiangnan wondered
why she always hear the
name Shen Zhiyang recently,
first it was mentioned by Xu
Chang, and later scolded by
Qin Xiangbei. This time,
she even met Shen
Zhiyang’s old classmate.
Wang Mingyan continued”
“I remember, you and Shen
Zhiyang became friends and
later you…” He asked with
a little embarrassment.
“We broke up long ago.”
Qin Xiangnan said.
“Of course I know,
otherwise we will not be
here today, huh.” Wang
Mingyan smirked, “I heard
that he went abroad when he
was in college. He can
really do it, so good in high
Qin Xiangnan stayed silent
for a few seconds.
Seeing that she was not
willing to talk to him about
Shen Zhiyang, Wang
Mingyan did not continue
Qin Xiangnan completed the
task given by Zhao Mei. She
met the blind date, she knew
that it was impossible to
develop more relationship
with Wang Mingyan.
Whether she likes Wang
Mingyan or not, he and
Shen Zhiyang were on the
same class. Her heart will
not be able to handle it.
Unexpectedly, Zhao Mei
called Qin Xiangnan to
inquire about the situation
that night.
Qin Xiangnan laughed, and
said yes, she understood that
if she refused Zhao Mei, she
would probably be scolded
again, and then she will
have to meet other new
dates one after the other.
She could not stand it.
She had to agree in front of
Zhao Mei, and after a few
days Zhao Mei asked again.
She said that her personality
was not suitable for the
development. In short, she
has delayed it for as long as
she can.
A few days later, when Qin
Xiangnan got up in the
morning, she received a call
from her friend Li Susu.
“Li Susu, aren’t you on
honeymoon? You claimed
that you will roam half the
earth and then come back.
It’s not even that long, and
you’re done already? Did
you spend all your money,
“Oh, Qin Xiangnan, does it
look like I don’t have
Li Susu is now a big boss.
Five years ago, she opened a
hot pot restaurant.
Unexpectedly, after a long
time, the business became
hot. She opened seven or
eight branches. She really
became a big boss. She
realized her dream of
becoming rich when she
was young.
“Then why are you back so
soon? Are you arguing with
Su Mingxuan?” Li Susu and
Su Mingxuan, a happy pair
of enemies from high school,
did not expect that they will
bump into marriage after so
many yeras. Qin Xiangnan
gave them a sincere blessing.
The two were together for
ten years. Although they
broke up a few times over
the years, they finally
achieved a positive result.
She remembered a few
months ago, when she
attended the wedding
ceremony of the two, when
the emcee introduced the
two’s love story and the
slide show that showed the
two of them together for ten
years, Qin Xiangnan cried
and became a crying mess.
“I didn’t have the time to
quarrel with him. It is
because there were
problems with my hotpot
restaurant that I have to deal
with, so I had to come back.
And also, I really miss you,
Qin Xiangnan.”
Listening to Li Susu’s voice,
Qin Xiangnan mouthed that
it was annoying but she felt
sweet inside.
“I plan to relax in a few
days. How about we go to
the suburban barbecue
together?” Li Susu
“With whom?” Qin
Xiangnan asked her.
“Who else could it be, you,
me, and Su Mingxuan.”
“I don’t want to be your
light bulb. [1]” Qin
Xiangnan snorted.
[1]Ligh bulb = third
“Who else could we invite?
Besides, haven’t you been
the light bulb for so many
years?” Li Susu laughed at
“You… It’s because you are
always bugging me, who
want to be your light bulb?
“Well, I don’t care. That’s it.
I’ll arrange it and find a
villa in the suburbs for one
night. You must come.”
Qin Xiangnan agreed
Li Susu’s efficiency is still
very high, and within a few
days, she arranged it.
Qin Xiangnan dress up
today, because it is rare for
her to go outing. She also
specially chose to wear a
skirt. For the past few years,
she rarely wore skirts
because of her work and just
usually wore t-shirts and
Because she had asked the
team leader for a two-day
vacation that day, she knew
that there would be
definitely no interruptions to
her. She dressed herself up
beautifully. She also packed
two skirts, one for today and
the other for tomorrow.
Early in the morning, Su
Mingxuan and Li Susu came
to pick her up.
Li Susu praised her for
being beautiful today.
“Qin Xiangnan, you should
be well dressed to look like
a woman. You usually look
like a man.”
“Don’t brag about me. It
sounds so awkward.”
“Of course, I’ll praise you,
our Qin Xiangnan is a great
Qin Xiangnan pouted, and
said that it was almost the
Su Mingxuan, who was
driving, also inserted: “Qin
Xiangnan, you are dressed
right today. I will let you see
a handsome guy.”
“Who?” Qin Xiangnan
asked, “Isn’t it just the three
of us?”
“Yeah, Su Mingxuan, you
did not tell me that you will
bring others. Do you still
have me?” Li Susu was
“Oh, it’s my fault. Don’t be
angry. You’ll get ugly when
you get angry.” Su
Mingxuan coaxed his wife
and said, “You guys know
this guy, and he wanted to
surprise you.”
“Who?” Qin Xiangnan and
Li Susu both asked him at
the same time.
When Su Mingxuan sat that
these two women were
beyond his control, he had
to confess, “It’s our high
school classmate, Xu
Qin Xiangnan heard Xu
Chang at first, and was
somewhat surprised.
Li Susu was even more
pleasantly surprised. “You
mean Xu Chang? Wasn’t he
really in City B?”
“A few months ago, he
came back. As soon as I
heard that he came back, I
contacted him. For so many
years, I haven’t seen him, I
always thought of looking
for a chance to meet with
him. Coincidentally, I told
him today’s schedule, and
he agreed.”
“I didn’t expect that Xu
Chang could be invited by
you, Su Mingxuan. Then I
have to look good. Qin
Xiangnan, look at me, do I
look good today?” Li Susu
turned to ask her.
“Hey, Li Susu, don’t have
any thoughts on Xu Chang.
Don’t forget, you are my
wife now!”
Li Susu gave him a look.
Su Mingxuan went on to say:
“Xu Chang didn’t give me
face, he originally refused
me. But I told him that our
great beauty, reporter Qin,
was also coming, and he
Qin Xiangnan blushed when
she heard about this. She did
not know what to say.
“Why did Xu Chang come
because of Qin Xiangnan?
She disliked Xu Chang the
most. They didn’t even say
a few words in high school.
Right, QIn Xiangnan?” Li
Susu asked her.
Qin Xiangnan felt
embarrassed, and hummed.
Although QIn Xiangnan and
Li Susu are good friends,
she did not dare tell her that
XU Chang was her tutor
during high school. Because
Li Susu has a big mouth, she
was afraid that if the matter
was leaked out, she would
become the enemy of girls
in the school. Later, because
everyone went their separate
ways. There was no need to
mention it to her.
Su Mingxuan drove to pick
up Xu Chang, and Qin
Xiangnan became a little
nervous. Although she and
Xu Chang gradually became
familiar with each other
these days, she still
remembered what Qin
Xiangbei said to her from
time to time. Today, she
heard Su Mingxuan saying
that Xu Chang had come
because she was also
coming, and she felt a little
bit nervous.
If she had known that Xu
Chang was going, she
wouldn’t be so dressed up.
When Su Mingxuan arrived
at Xu Chang’s house, Qin
Xiangnan looked at the
surroundings of his
neighborhood. It was like a
high-end apartment, Xu
Chang did a good job!
Compared to her place
where there will be a
perverted intruder in the
middle of the night, Qin
Xiangnan sighed secretly.
Su Mingxuan called Xu
Chang. It didn’t take long
before Qin Xiangnan saw
the handsome and terrifying
Doctor Xu that was running
Li Susu was unabashed, and
when she saw Xu Chang,
she looked stupid.
“Big handsome guy, do you
remember me?” Li Susu
posed in an enchanting
posture, standing at the door
of the car.
“Of course I remember, Li
Susu. Surprisingly, you and
Su Mingxuan are married.”
Xu Chang said.
Li Susu smiled smugly.
When Xu Chang turned his
head to look at Qin
Xiangnan on the side, he
suddenly lost a bit of his
Today’s Qin Xiangnan is
very different. She wore a
light blue dress that was
tight on her upper body and
outlined her figure. Her skirt
was fluffy and cute. She was
dressed up enchantingly.
Previously, she was mostly
plain and wore light makeup,
looking pure and cute.
Those are two different
kinds of beauty.
Xu Chang stared at Qin
Xiangnan for a while…
Seeing Xu Chang staring at
her, Qin Xiangnan felt a
little embarrassed. He
quickly turned his head and
got into the car.
Su Mingxuan drove, Li Susu
was sitting on tje co-pilot
seat, Xu Chang had to go to
the other side of the car, get
in, and sat next to Qin
Along the way, the couple,
Li Susu and Su Mingxuan
talked and the atmosphere
was not awkward.
Because Xu Chang’s left
hand was injured, Li Susu
saw that he still wore an arm
plaster, so she became
curious and asked him what
was going on.
Xu Chang told her the
medical incident in their
Qin Xiangnan also told Li
Susu about Xu Chang
becoming an internet
celebrity. Li Susu opened
her phone curiously, and
laughed after seeing Weibo.
“Xu Chang, you really did
not change, you are so
charming wherever you go.”
Li Susu really admired Xu
Su Mingxuan on the side
was unhappy when he heard
it. “Li Susu, isn’t your
husband attractive?”
“Come on, let’s go!” Li
Susu glanced at him
Turning her head and asking
Qin Xiangnan again, “So,
the two of you have met
before. Qin Xiangnan, you
didn’t tell me about such a
big thing.”
“Li Susu, haven’t you been
honeymooning all these
time? How can I tell you,
international calls are
expensive.” Qin Xiangnan
said to her.
Li Susu snorted, expressing
Speaking of honeymoon,
she talked about the funny
things hey had seen in the
past few months.
Along the way, Qin
Xiangnan was laughed at by
Li Susu, and Xu Chang
occasionally inserted a few
From time to time, Xu
Chang also peeked at Qin
Xiangnan who laughed and
The four drove to Li Susu’s
booked villa. After walking
around, putting things in the
room, they were ready to
barbecue in the small garden
The air here is very good
and especially quiet. Qin
Xiangnan strolled around a
small garden and felt
particularly good.
Li Susu freeted a few of
them and came to move
things. Because they came
here for grilling, the trunk
was filled with with today’s
ingredients and grilling
Qin Xiangnan saw Xu
Chang’s left hand was not
good and said to him, “You
can just rest for a while, the
three of us can do it.”
Xu Chang raised an
eyebrow and said, “You
look down on me?” He
lifted the barbecue stand on
one hand.
Qin Xiangnan sighed, who
dares to look down on him?
Even if you are great, you
can do it even if you break
your arm.
The four removed
everything from the trunk of
the car.
Li Susu suddenly screamed:
“Carbon, carbon, where did
it go, ah.” She asked Su
Mingxuan, “Su Mingxuan,
where did you put the
carbon? Why can’t I find
“Why are you asking me?”
“Didn’t I ask you to take it
for me?” Li Susu stuttered
and said, “Su Mingxuan, did
you forget to take it?”
Su Mingxuan seemed to
find the problem to be
serious. He can’t remember
Li Susu asking him to take it.
He then said irritably,
“What me forgetting it,
obviously it was you who
forgot about it, OK?”
Upon hearing this, Li Susu
was anxious: “Su Mingxuan,
you still won’t admit it. You
obviously forgot about it
and you still put the
responsibility on me. Okay,
how can you grill without
carbon? Such a little thing
and you can’t even do it.”
“Why are you blaming me.
Li Susu, if you have
something wrong, don’t just
make trouble!”
Qin Xiangnan and Xu
Chang heard their quarrel
and hurriedly persuaded
them. Instead of calming
down, the two became
increasingly angry.
“Su Mingxuan, you said that
I’m making unreasonable
trouble? It is clearly your
fault, why do you always do
this. You say that you have
never done any wrong
whenever you do something
wrong. Last time when we
were in Europe, it was the
same. You obviously lost
your wallet, and then
blamed me for not hiding it
well. Su Mingxuan, I have
endured you for a long
“Li Susu, don’t you lose
your temper all the time?
Also, please don’t run
around whenever you lose
your temper. Last time that I
lost my wallet, I didn’t
know where you went. You
said that you went to find it.
If you got lost and alone at a
foreign country, and you
can’t even speak English
well. You re so stupid, what
should I do?”
“Don’t you forsake me, am I
not pleasing to the eye? I
can’t speak English, does it
embarrass you?” Li Susu
said, her eyes reddening.
“Look at you, wherever we
go, you always make some
trouble without reason, it’s
endless. Why is it so tiring
to talk to you?”
Li Susu couldn’t help it
anymore, her tears dripped
down, “You’re already tired
of me, is that it? I don’t
want to talk to you anymore,
let’s divorce.”
“You…” Su Mingxuan was
really angry with her and
slammed the door closed..
Qin Xiangnan didn’t expect
that the two will fight again
when they were good
Li Susu was crying more
and more, and rushed to Qin
Xiangnan’s arms and cried,
“Look at him, always
treating me like this. I must
divorce him this time.”
Xu Chang glanced at Qin
Xiangnan and pointed to the
sullen Su Mingxuan and
said to her, “I’ll go persuade
She agreed with a hum.
Qin Xiangnan and Xu
Chang started their work.
Men and women quarrel,
men needs to talk things out,
they must make a point.
And women need support
from each other. Usually,
when a man speaks good
words and coaxes, the
woman’s anger will pass.
But if the two are
deadlocked and can’t put
their pride down, the fight
will never end, and the
matter will not be solved.
Li Susu cried, “He is always
fierce, do you think he has
not love me for a long time
and just endured? I must
divorce him this time to see
who can’t live without
Qin Xiangnan handed her a
paper towel and said, “Don’t
say those words when
you’re upset. How long
have you just been married
before you say that you
want divorce? Whenever
you quarrel, you always
make up. As long as you
wait for a while, he always
apologize and you forgive
him, giving him another
“I won’t forgive him this
time, or any other time.” Li
Susu snorted. “I think he
just dislikes me and doesn’t
love me.”
“Come on, if he doesn’t
love you, then why did he
marry you? Every time you
quarrel, he will come to
coax you. Don’t think much
about it, let him calm down
Qin Xiangnan looked at Xu
Chang and Su Mingxuan
who were talking not far
away from them but she
couldn’t hear what they
were talking about.
It didn’t take long for Su
Mingxuan to come and
“Wife, I was wrong. I
shouldn’t be fierce to you,
forgive me.”
Li Susu turned her head and
snorted, acting like she
didn’t hear him. Seeing this,
Qin Xiangnan quickly
motioned her to talk.
Li Susu huffed and said,
“It’s good that you know
your wrong. Will you say
that I’m stupid next time?”
“Who dares to say that
you’re stupid? I’ll hit him.
My wife is so smart and
beautiful, who would
compare? You.”
“It’s just the same.” Li Susu
finally laughed.
They quarreled fast, and
made up quickly. All these
years, Qin Xiangnan has
been used to it.
But the problem that
followed was that they
forgot to bring charcoal.
Therefore, Xu Chang
suggested to make food with
the existing material since
there is a kitchen in the villa
Because Li Susu and Su
Mingxuan only knows how
to eat and doesn’t know how
to cook, as a result, Xu
Chang took charge of the
kitchen and Qin Xiangnan
fought him.
While cooking, Qin
Xiangnan was curious about
what Xu Chang and Su
Mingxuan talked about.
She asked him: “What did
you say to Su Mingxuan?”
Xu Chang smiled, “What
else can I say but let him
coax his wife?”
“I didn’t expect that you
know a lot, didn’t you say
that you don’t know much
about love?”
At this time, Xu Chang
stopped his work, looked at
her and said, “I’m so clever.
Of course, these things can
be mastered.”
Qin Xiangnan was
speechless for a while. He
really changed! Such
shameless words that he
Qin Xiangnan knows about
Xu Chang’s cooking skills
but the couple didn’t. Li
Susu was convinced by Xu
Chang;s superb skills.
“Why is there such a perfect
man such as Xu Chang in
this world? Such a person is
still single, unbelievable.
Qin Xiangnan, if there is no
one else, you take Xu
Qin Xiangnan was about to
bit her, only then did Li
Susu stopped. The two had a
quarrel again and again, and
the four had a happy lunch.
The villa was quite
luxurious and has all kinds
of entertainment activities,
including KTV, chess
room, table tennis and
snooker. Li Susu suggested
that the four people could
just play mahjong in the
afternoon. Qin Xiangnan
opposed at first. She knew
little about mahjong, but she
was really not proficient
Li Susu persuaded her, and
finally let Xu Chang, the
smartest person, teach Qin
Xiangnan a few more things,
so she reluctantly agreed to
play mahjong with them.
Qin Xiangnan is really not
good at symbols, but
fortunately, Xu Chang can
always guess what cards she
lacks. This mahjong game is
played much smoother, and
she has played several
Li Susu began to regret
letting Xu Chang assist Qin
Xiangnan. She felt that Xu
Chang and Qin Xiangnan
were too cheap. She didn’t
want to play anymore.
Subsequently, the four
people played several
rounds of table tennis. Xu
Chang, who played with one
hand, always won, making
Li Susu furious again.
After playing a few rounds,
the four soon felt hungry,
because Xu Chang made
lunch, they didn’t want to
bother him to cook again.
Not to mention that there
were no ingredients in the
house, they then called for
The four then entered the
KTV, singing and chatting
while eating, and of course,
prepared a lot of liquors.
Xu Chang and Su Mingxuan
were originally in a band in
high school so singing was
nothing to them. Li Susu
became a little fangirl again,
her eyes bright.
Qin Xiangnan watched Xu
Chang silently,
remembering the glamorous
youth on the stage at the
high school welcome party,
how charming and youthful
they were.
Thinking about it, suddenly
a microphone was handed in
front of her. She turned
around and saw Xu Chang
pass the microphone to her
and said, “Your song.”
Qin Xiangnan was surprised,
and the TV screen appeared
at this time. Deng Ziqi’s
“Bubbles” accompaniment
music, she was stunned…
Why did Xu Chang said that
this is her song? She only
sang this song at a previous
annual meeting, and also
sent to her circle of
friends… She changed her
circle of friends visibility
fro three days. Did he see it?
She really wanted to find a
place to hide. But the
microphone had already
been handed to her, she had
to pick it up. She did not
dare to look at him and sang
the song quickly.
She didn’t know how to sing
very much, but because
Chen Xiaoqi had urged her
to perform on the meeting
before, she went home and
practiced for a long time.
Other than this song, she did
not dare sing.
On that night, Xu Chang
and Su Mingxuan sang the
most. They also drank a lot
of liquor. Qin Xiangnan and
Li Susu listened to them
singing, chatting, and
At nine o’ clock in the
evening, Li Susu felt tired
and proposed to go to bed.
The four stopped before
preparing to return to their
rooms to rest.
Before returning to the room,
Li Susu said, “I will build a
group of us and send the
photos we took today.”
Qin Xiangnan agreed and
they went back to rest.
There are three floor on the
villa. The lower floor is the
living room and kitchen, the
second floor is the function
rooms, the KTV, chess
room is on this floor, and
the third floor is their rooms.
There are a total of four
rooms on the third floor. Li
Susu and Su Mingxuan will
naturally share a room. Qin
Xiangnan and Xu Chang
each have one room.
Qin Xiangnan returned to
her room, took a bath,
changed into her pajamas,
and was ready tp rest. In the
past, she deliberately bought
conservative pajamas to
prevent situations from
happening like last time.
She went to bed, leaned on
the pillow, and looked at her
phone. She found that Li
Susu has already built the
group chat and sent today’s
Qin Xiangnan laughed when
she looked at it. Li Susu
actually took pictures of her
and Xu Chang while they
were cooking, as well as
when they were playing
tennis and singing. And a
selfie of the four of them
when they were eating
together. In the photo, she
and Xu Chang were sitting
close together, and they both
laughed happily.
After looking at her phone,
Qin Xiangnan planned to
turn the lights off and sleep.
At this moment, she seemed
to hear something.
It came from the next room.
She went on her sideways to
clearly hear it. While
listening, she suddenly
understood something.
Li Susu’s room was next to
hers. When she understood
what was happening, she
blushed. She hurriedly
covered her ears with a
pillow, but didn’t expect
that the movement was
getting louder and louder.
She was annoyed, this Li
Susu, didn’t she know that
her mother in the next room
has been single for so many
years, how can she bear this
kind of sounds?
She had to pull the quilt up
and covered her head.
At 10 o’ clock in the
evening, Xu Chang still did
not take a shower and did
not sleep.
The alcohol he drank
irritated his internal organs
and made his stomach
He certainly heard the
movement in the next room,
and he felt like he was going
crazy with her now. Today,
he was astonished to see her
well-dressed appearance.
She was only the woman in
the world who made him
feel love. He liked her so
much that he wanted to
eagerly hug her, but he
didn’t dare to do or say
He hasn’t said it for so
many years. Is he still a
He remembered back in
high school, many girls
liked him. It was not that he
had a heart of stone, but
none of those girls could
make him feel something.
Except her, the one who
worked hard. She can fight
for her ideals, and she is
optimistic and strong. In fact,
in his heart, she looked very
beautiful. The dimples that
shows when she’s laughing
was so charming and how
cute she looked when she
was angry at her brother.
He wanted to tell her that he
liked her, but he didn’t dare.
He was afraid to disturb her
studies. She worked so hard
to achieve her ideals. If she
was distracted, her would
regret it his whole life.
What he never expected was
that someone would actually
appear in her life, blocking
him and her.
The man named Shen
Zhiyang actually liked her.
But he was much braver
than him, and he confessed
to her.
And he himself dared not do
How cowardly he was. He
hated himself back then. But
everything was too late, she
had Shen Zhiyang by her
When he learned that she
was hospitalized, he was
very worried. Thinking of
how she was always
desperate and worried about
the homework that she left
for two weeks, he sort out a
reviewer for her for a few
When he went to the
hospital to find her, he
found that Shen Zhiyang
was also there. He heard
how happy she and Shen
Zhiyang were. This kind of
laughter is something she
will never do with him. He
also knew that he didn’t
have the ability to make her
smile so happily. He was a
He stood at the door of the
ward and felt his heart ache
that he was unable to breath.
He never had the courage to
go in and hand the review
The next day, he didn’t
know why Zhao Cancan
was rumored to be his
girlfriend at the school again.
He didn’t bother to clear it
out as he didn’t really care.
To Zhao Cancan, he has no
feelings, just like all the
other girls.
She was finally discharged
from the hospital. He took
advantage of the tutoring
and gave her the review
materials he had collected
for a few days and nights
but she somehow got angry
and told him that she did not
need his materials and did
not need him. She can go to
college without his help. He
certainly knew that with her
own efforts, she would be
able to go to college. But
her words hurt him deeply.
It turns out that these things
he did for her were not
worth mentioning at all, is
this Shen Zhiyang guy
really so good? He was very
angry that day, but it was
more of a heartache.
When Zhao Cancan ran over
and asked him to borrow his
review materials, his instinct
told him to refuse. But when
he saw Qin Xiangnan
looking at him, he didn’t
know what happened. He
actually lent the information
originally intended for her
to Zhao Cancan. And even
promised her that he would
teach her how to play the
guitar on the weekend. Only
by doing so did he feel
better in his heart.
In fact, he knew that he will
never go that appointment.
That weekend, he went to
Qin Xiangnan’s house
without thinking. But when
Qin Xiangbei told him that
she went on a date with
Shen Zhiyang that day, he
suddenly felt like his heart
was blocked by something.
Later, he had no mood to
tutor Qin Xiangbei. He was
confused and didn’t want to
think about anything.
He felt like he was finished.
Because of his cowardice,
he lost her.
On the eve of New Year’s
Day, Su Mingxuan asked
him to go to New Year’s
Eve. He didn’t want to go
but Su Mingxuan revealed
that Qin Xiangnan would
also go, and he agreed,
He knew that she no longer
belonged to him, and still
couldn’t help but want to
see her. He had a little luck,
and if he had the chance, he
would surely seize it.
However, he did not expect
that Shen Zhiyang would
also come. He saw with his
own eyes that wen new year
came at midnight, Shen
Zhiyang kissed her.
How brilliant the fireworks
that bloomed that night, but
his heart was completely
When the fireworks burned
out and the noisy crowd
dispersed, he stood alone by
the riverside and thought
about it all night.
Thinking about how he lost
No matter how people say
that he’s good, he knows
that he is not as perfect as
others see him. He was
aloof when he was young,
and chose to hide when
facing his feelings. He was
weak and selfish, he didn’t
dare to say anything.
In the past ten years, he had
always wanted to forget her,
and in the face of Lin
Ruier’s strong pursuit, he
tried to open his heart and
slowly accept Lin Ruier, but
he still couldn’t do it. In this
world, there is only one girl
than can make him feel love,
and that is her, Qin
Xu Chang remembered how
stupid he was in high school.
Fortunately, ten years later,
he met her again and was
happy when he found out
that she and Shen Zhiyang
had broken up. But he still
didn’t dare to confess to her.
He was afraid of being
rejected by her, and even his
friends couldn’t do it. Then
in the past ten years, his
fantasies about her would be
Today, he drank a lot of
alcohol, and maybe the
alcohol has made him wake
up. He felt that he couldn’t
continue this was anymore.
He looked at the photos sent
by Li Susu and started at
Qin Xiangnan’s bright smile.
He must tell her that he likes
He didn’t want to wait any
longer. He opened the door
of his room, walked to the
door of Qin Xiangnan’s
room and knocked.
Qin Xiangnan was still in
her bed at the time, covering
her ears. When she heard
the knock on the door, she
was startled, thinking that
Xu Chang would knock on
her door at this time.
She got up from bed,
straightened her hair, and
ran to open the door.
Xu Chang saw her fluffy
hair and pink delicate face,
and really wanted to hug her
tightly, but he held himself
He looked at her and said,
“If you’re not sleepy, would
you like to go with me for a
She agreed that the noise in
the next room made her
sleepless, so she agreed.
They both went down the
stairs together and went to
the first floor.
Qin Xiangnan said ti him,
“You drank so much alcohol
earlier, I’ll pour you a glass
of water.”
Xu Chang hummed.
Qin Xiangnan went into the
kitchen, took a cup, and
prepared to pour him a cup
of warm water.
Suddenly, she felt an arm
slid in her waist to hug her.
She froze…
She could feel a strong,
scalding body on her back,
which was now clinging to
her. And the heat that he
exhaled around her neck
made he feel itchy.
“Xu Chang… what’s wrong
with you?” Her pouring
motion stopped mid air. She
wanted to break away from
his grip and twisted her
“Don’t move.” He said,
“Don’t you move, I have to
tell you something.”
“Xu Chang, are you drunk?”
“I’m not. Qin Xiangnan, I
like you. I have liked you
for ten years.”
She froze… she did not
expect Xu Chang to confess
to her at this time. When her
brother told her that Xu
Chang liked her before, she
couldn’t believe it. She told
herself that even if that was
the case, Xu Chang had
changed these past ten years.
How could he still like her?
So she treated Xu Chang
like a friend.
Unexpectedly, tonight, Xu
Chang actually told her that
he has liked her for ten
years. She didn’t know how
to respond to him, because
she couldn’t see her heart.
She certainly didn’t hate
him, and Xu Chang was
undoubtedly excellent, but
she didn’t know whether she
liked him or not.
Xu Chang was still holding
her tight, and continued: “I
should have told you that I
like you. I wouldn’t have
suffered for a decade. Qin
Xiangnan, be my girlfriend,
Qin Xiangnan was upset.
“Xu Chang, would you
please let me go first?”
He didn’t move, and she
struck his hand with her
fingers. As soon as he felt
pain, he let go.
She turned around and
looked at him, seeing his
eyes blurred and disoriented.
She couldn’t bear to refuse
“Will you give me some
time?” She said.
“Why don’t you answer me?
You answered Shen
Zhiyang but you can;t
answer me. How could he
be better than me?” His eyes
were bloodshot red.
Qin Xiangnan has never
seen Xu Chang like this. “It
has nothing to do with Shen
Zhiyang. Just give me some
time to think about it.”
“No. I waited for ten years
and now, I can’t wait for a
single moment.”
She was surprised and
didn’t expect him to be so
“You’re drunk. I’ll tell you
tomorrow. I’ll go first.” She
was going to leave.
At this time, the mobile
phone that happened to be
on the kitchen table rang.
Wang Mingyan was calling.
She reached out and was
ready to pick up.
But Xu Chang shouted,
“You are not allowed to
answer it!”
“Xu Chang, are you crazy?”
She looked at him in
“Who is he?” He asked her.
“It’s just a friend.” She
picked up her phone and
raised her foot to leave.
“Is a friend so important?
Does anyone matter more
than me?” He looked at her
and questioned.
Qin Xiangnan wanted to
ignore him and stepped out.
Suddenly, she was dragged
by Xu Chang, and he pinned
her against the wall. She did
not even have the time to
respond when her mouth
was blocked by his in the
next second.
His kiss was overbearing
and full of plunder. She
could feel his familiar and
unfamiliar breath, tasted the
smell of alcohol on his
mouth, and she suddenly
woke up.
She wanted to push him
away, but his strength was
so strong that she was kissed
by him and couldn’t breath.
She teared his left arm, hard,
and he finally let go of her.
Breathing heavily, she
looked at his pained
expression and said, “I’m
sorry. You’re drunk today,
I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
After turning, she run away.
Qin Xiangnan ran to the
third floor, and after
entering her room, she
leaned against the door,
panting and with flushed
She didn’t know if she did it
right, whether it would hurt
Xu Chang or not. But she
really needed time to think
about it. She couldn’t
promise anything because
this person was Xu Chang.
She needs time to see
whether she likes him or not,
or whether she can like him.
Qin Xiangnan felt tired, and
the sound in the next room
has also stopped. She turned
off the lights an went to bed.
A new message came and
she opened it.
Xu Chang: I’m sorry for
today. No matter how long
it will take, I will wait for
She put down her phone, did
not reply, and closed her
The next day, Qin Xiangnan
got up a little late. After
washing, she went
downstairs and found that
all three of them were
already downstairs.
Seeing Qin Xiangnan going
downstairs, Li Susu
hurriedly greeted her, “Qin
Xiangnan, come and have
breakfast. Chef Xu is
showing his skills again.”
Qin Xiangnan nodded, and
walked past, her eyes were
afraid to look at Xu Chang.
She was silent as she ate,
without a word, her eyes
were only on the things in
the bowl.
“It’s not tasty, but Xu
Chang got up early in the
morning to make it.” Li
Susu said.
She nodded and continued
to eat.
Li Susu looked at her and
thought that she was strange
today but she didn’t mention
After eating, because Xu
Chang still needed to go to
the hospital, they packed
their bags and got ready to
go back.
On the way back, Qin
Xiangnan and Xu Chang
were still sitting in the back
row of the car but her eyes
kept on looking out the
window without saying a
word. Xu Chang looked at
her acting this way and was
a bit lost in his heart.
Li Susu felt that the
atmosphere was particularly
weird, so she wanted to find
something to talk about. She
said to Xu Chang: “If Xu
Chang can come back early,
then the four of us can come
out and play.”
“Xu Chang is a doctor, he is
very busy. Only you know
how to play everyday.” Su
Mingxuan said to her. He
then asked Xu Chang, “Xu
Chang, why did you go to
the medical university in
City B when we have many
good universities in City S.”
“Because of some family
members.” He answered.
“Oh.” Su Mingxuang didn’t
ask more.
After listening to Xu
Chang’s words, Qin
Xiangnan wondered if Xu
Chang saw her and Shen
Zhiyang together, was he
angry and wanted to leave
before going to City B?
In fact, Xu Chang went to
City B earlier partly because
of Qin Xiangnan, and
another reason was because
his father died in his senior
Xu Chang and his father Xu
Zhijie have always had a
bad relationship. Xu Chang
also wanted to be a doctor
because he wanted to
understand his father more
and to get closer to his
father. But he didn’t expect
that his father had an
accident when the college
entrance examination was
still two moths away.
This matter is also related to
Qin Xiangnan’s father, Qin
Their fathers were all
surgeons, and they operated
together on a five-year-old
boy, but the operation failed.
At that time, the chief
surgeon Qin Chaoming,
because of his own
misjudgment, caused the
boy to have hemorrhage and
was not saved. The hospital
had to find out the situation
and be held accountable,
and the parents of the little
boy had to seek justice from
the hospital.
Qin Chaoming did not dare
admit his mistakes because
of fear. That day, the father
of the little boy impulsively
brought a knife to intimidate
Qin Chaoming. Xu Zhijie
ran to persuade him and
during the quarrel, the little
boy’s father missed, and
stabbed Xu Zhijie’s throat.
He died on the spot.
After the incident, Qin
Chaoming also resigned,
and his mental state had
detoriated, and later became
ill. Xu Chang was very sad
because he lost his father
Although he is strong on the
surface and usually has a
bad relationship with his
father, he really loves and
worship his father. His
father’s sudden death hit
him hard. Because his
mother went to City B after
his parent’s divorce, he went
to university in City B.
When he accidentally
learned that this matter had
something to do with Qin
Xiangnan;s father, at first,
her really hated her father
and did not want to see Qin
Xiangnan. Therefore, two
months before the college
entrance examination, he
did not say a word to Qin
Xiangnan any more, and he
never gave the two siblings
any more tutorials. But later,
he could not forget Qin
Xiangnan, and he gradually
let go of his hatred and hid it
in his heart.
Of course, these things,
Zhao Mei and Qin
Chaoming did not tell Qin
Two moths before the
college entrance exam, they
simply thought that Xu
Chang’s father’s death made
him sad, so he never came
to their house again.
Seeing what Qin Xiangnan
and Xu Chang looked like,
Li Susu proposed
“Hey, how about we have a
high school reunion. I will
arrange and inform our
former classmates to atten. I
still miss the high school life.
Su Mingxuan, what do you
“I will listen to you, Master
Wife.” Li Susu was very
satisfied with Su
Mingxuan’s answer.
She turned around and
asked Xu Chang and Qin
Xiangnan. “What about you
Qin Xiangnan said: “I’m not
sure if something will
happen at the station at that
time. Besides, Dr. Xu is also
very busy.”
“I haven’t set a time yet,
how do you know you won’t
be free? Isn’t it, Dr. Xu?”
Xu Chang smiled lightly: “If
I have the time, I will
definitely come.”
“Our Xu Chang is really
Along the way, Li Susu
began to think about the
After the midsummer, the
weather gradually became
colder, and Xu Chang’s arm
was about to get better, so
he could take out the plaster.
Xu Chang, who took off the
plaster, became good again.
His relationship with Qin
Xiangnan was neither good
nor bad. After that night, Xu
Chang never mentioned
anything he liked about her
again. Qin Xiangnan also
relaxed and continued to
treat him as a friend.
On this day, Xu Chang was
writing a thesis in the office,
and Lin Ruier came to him.
“Dr. Xu, I heard that your
plaster has been removed.
I’ll take a look at you. How
are you feeling?”
“Very good. It can work
normally.” Xu Chang was
busy with the matter in his
hand and did not look up at
“It’s almost dinner time,
shall we go get dinner
together?” Lin Ruier asked
“You go eat first, I’ll go
later after I’m done with
this.” He said.
Lin Ruier didn’t seem to
hear what he said and
moved a chair to sit down
and look at him.
Xu Chang stopped working,
looked at her, and said,
“What are you doing?”
“Waiting for you.” Lin
Ruier said playfully, with
her elbows on the table, her
hands on her chin and her
eyes shining as she looked
at him.
“If you look at me like this,
how would I work? I’m
busy, can you go first?”
Lin Ruier said unpleasantly,
“I’m just going to look at
you, I promise not to make a
sound and would not bother
Xu Chang sighed, let go of
the work in his hand, and
said to her: “Go eat.”
“Okay.” Lin Ruier laughed.
Xu Chang stood up and
cleaned up the table. At this
time, a nurse hurried over,
“Dr. Xu, a patient is looking
for you, please go and see.”
“Okay. I will go
immediately.” Dr. Xu said.
“Dr. Xu, I will wait for you
here and have dinner
together.” Lin Ruier stopped
“Okay.” After that, Xu
Chang hurriedly went out.
After he left, Lin Ruier
stretched out, sat on a chair,
and took out her mobile
phone to watch.
At this time, she heard a
beep for a new message.
She found that the source of
the sound was Xu Chang’s
mobile phone on the table.
Curious, she stood up and
took a look at Xu Chang’s
mobile phone.
A new WeChat popped up
on the screen with these few
lines of words.
Xiangnan: Dr. Xu,
remember to eat on time.
Lin Ruier was curious. Who
is this Xiangnan? She
doesn’t seem to have this
person’s WeChat. Lin Ruier
has been with Xu Chang for
so many years. She knows
most of his friends but she
has never heard of this
Xiangnan. Why would that
person care about Xu
Because the screen was
locked, she couldn’t click to
view it. She had to look at
the phone screen to guess.
At this time, she saw Xu
Chang’s mobile phone lock
screen background, and she
was shocked.
His mobile phone screen
background is actually a
photo of Xu Chang and a
girl. She picked up the
phone and looked closely.
The two were very close
together, smiling happily, it
seems like they were eating
together. This girl seemed
familiar, but she can’t
remember where she saw
Lin Ruier’s heart was
beating fast. Who was this
girl? She and Xu Chang
have known each other for
so many years, and have
never seen any girl get close
to Xu Chang and laugh so
happily together. She was
struck with a sense of crisis.
She always thought that
only she could be worthy of
Xu Chang. For so many
years, even if Xu Chang
never gave her a response,
she thought that as long as
she stays with him forever,
Xu Chang will fall in love
with her one day. Moreover,
Xu Chang has never liked
any other girls for so many
years, so he will eventually
be hers.
But what does this picture
show now? Xu Chang set
this photo as his mobile
phone screen background,
indicating that this girl is
very important to him.
Suddenly, she felt very
ridiculous. Aster so long of
chasing and guarding, he
was still caught by a woman
she did not know where she
came from?
She was staring at this
picture, and suddenly a
“Doctor Xu” sounded at the
door, which shocked her,
making her jump. With
trembling hands, she
accidentally threw the phone
on the ground.
Qin Xiangbei who was at
the door looked at her
inexplicably, “Dr. Lin, why
are you here?”
Lin Ruier pretended to be
casual and said, “Oh, I came
to see Dr. Xu for dinner. He
was just called out and will
come back soon.” after that,
she bent over to pick up the
phone on the ground.
Qin Xiangbei looked at the
movements on her hand, and
was suddenly taken aback,
Lin Ruier was startked by
him again, and said guiltily:
“Oh, this is not what it
seems like. The phone fell
to the ground when I was
Qin Xiangbei looked at the
cell phone on her hand and
asked her: “Is this Dr. Xu’s
cell phone?”
“Well, yes.”
Qin Xiangbei grabbed the
cell phone from her hand
and looked up carefully.
“Huh?” He exclaimed with
a cry.
Lin Ruier was puzzled for a
moment and asked him:
“What are you doing? It’s
not good to peek like this.”
He smiled. “Well, peeping
is not good, especially when
caught red handed.”
She looked at Qin Xiangbei.
At this time, Xu Chang
came back and saw Qin
Xiangbei. He aske dhim,
“Dr. Qin, you also came to
look for me?”
“Yes. I had a few academic
questions to ask you.” Qin
Xiangbei handed him the
phone and said, “Dr. Xu,
your phone accidentally fell
and was on the ground and I
accidentally saw it~” When
he said this, he also flicked
his eyebrows deliberately,
with an evil smile on his
Xu Chang put away his
phone away, looked at him
and smiled, saying nothing.
Lin Ruier was relieved to
see that Qin Xiangbei did
not say that she peeked at
Xu Chang’s phone.
“Dr. Qin, Dr. Xu and I are
going to have dinner, if you
have something to ask him,
come back later.”
“It’s a coincidence that I
haven’t eaten yet. Let’s go
together.” After that, Qin
Xiangbei and Xu Chang
walked out the door.
Behind them, Lin Ruier
jumped angrily, wishing that
she could smack Qin
Xiangbei’s head.
The three came to the
hospital cafeteria for dinner.
Lin Ruier was unhappy
because of Qin Xiangbei’s
presence. Qin Xiangbei
regarded her as a transparent
person, a wall between him
and Xu Chang.
Qin Xiangbei kept on
talking so she couldn’t say a
“Dr. Xu, your hands are fine
now. I only learned that you
were on Weibo’s hot search
a few days ago. I really hand
it to you.” Qin Xiangbei
made a joke, “It’s a pity that
the doctor in our hospital,
and a group of small nurses
had a cheap mouth.”
Lin Ruier inserted herself
into the conversation as
soon as she heard this, “Dr.
Qin, did you see me on the
hot search?”
Qin Xiangbei looked at her,
looking puzzled, “Really? I
did not see.” and then turned
to Xu Chang and said: “Dr.
Xu, when will you be free to
answer my questions.”
Xu Chang answered that he
was free.
Lin Ruier blushed due to
anger. She said again: “Dr.
Qin, why do you only care
about Dr. Xu. I was also on
the hot search, didn’t you
see it. Do you know what
the netizens say? They said
that I was Dr. Xu’s
girlfriend. These netizens
are so funny, and their
imagination is too rich. I
was embarrassed to see it.”
Qin Xiangbei snorted. “You
also know that the netizens
are rich in imagination,
don’t take it too seriously.”
“Qin Xiangbeui, you!” Lin
Ruier was choked by Qin
Xiangbei’s words. This
university classmate always
sneered at her, not knowing
what she did to offend him.
“I don’t want to tell you.
I’m full, so I’ll go first.”
After that, Lin Ruier sighed
with anger, glared at Qin
Xiangbei, and walked away.
Xu Chang put down the
tableware and said, “Why
do you always aim at her,
has she offended you?”
“I just see her as someone
Xu Chang sighed lightly, his
tone was helpless.
Qin Xiangbei remembered
something and smirked,
“Are you doing well with
my sister?”
Xu Chang listened to this
question, and he felt a bit
lost. ‘No, your sister doesn’t
like me.”
“She has a problem with her
mind! I really want to smack
her!” Qin Xiangbei
“You dare to smack her, I’ll
smack you first.”
Qin Xiangbei understood
that Xu Chang was really
tsking his sister seriously,
and eh would not dare to say
bad things about Qin
Xiangnan again.
“I’m not angry. Besides,
she’s the one who bullies
me. How would I dare beat
Qin Xiangbei shuddered at
the thought of his sister’s
scolding. He also said”
“However, she is stupid. I
don’t think she doesn’t like
Xu Chang was surprised.
Qin Xiangbei continued:
“Do you know how she and
Shen Zhiyang broke up?”
After Qin Xiangnan and
Shen Zhiyang were together,
they both went to the same
university. Qin Xiangnan
studied journalism, while
Shen Zhiyang studied
In high school, Li Susu told
her that Shen Zhiyang
would go abroad in the
future. She never asked
Shen Zhiyang about this
question. Why did he not go
abroad but chose to go to a
domestic university.
She and Shen Zhiyang have
been together for more than
a year, and have never
quarreled and fought. Qin
Xiangnan is very sensible
and will not let Shen
Zhiyang help when she
encounters things. She will
find a way to solve it
Because of this, Shen
Zhiyang felt that Qin
Xiangnan was particularly
alienated from him. He
really likes her very much,
and hopes to stick with her
every day, but Qin
Xiangnan is very fulfilling
every day, and Shen
Zhiyang plays such an
indispensable role.
Shen Zhiyang’s parents
always wanted him to study
abroad, but he met Qin
Xiangnan in his third year of
high school. In order to stay
with her, he gave up going
abroad and was admitted to
the same university as her.
Shen Zhiyang, like Xu
Chang, is the spotlight in
school, and there are many
rotten peach blossoms (other
girls), but he only has Qin
Xiangnan in his heart, and
all the girls are rejected by
him one by one.
One time later, it was
Valentine’s Day, just shortly
after the first half of the
semester. Shen Zhiyang
asked Qin Xiangnan to have
dinner together, and Qin
Xiangnan agreed to him.
Shen Zhiyang has set the
date to a high-end western
restaurant in downtown S.
He chose a private room
with a very good location.
From this window, he could
see the riverside view. Once
there, they celebrated New
Year together, he kissed her
for the first time. Shen
Zhiyang thought of it very
He prepared a bouquet of
roses, it was glamorous, and
there were fresh drops of
water on the petals. Also, he
opened a delicate box with a
silver-white necklace and a
cute pendant with four-leaf
clover and diamonds. He
was very satisfied with his
present. Qin Xiangnan must
also like it very much when
she sees it.
Shen Zhiyang was excited
when the appointment time
was about to come.
Thinking of whether she
would dress herself up
carefully today, and
remembering her beautiful
and cute smile, he
unknowingly raised the
corner of his mouth. But he
waited a long time, and an
hour had passed, she still
didn’t arrive.
A little worried about her,
he called her.
The phone was picked up by
her, and he pretended to be
angry, “Qin Xiangnan, you
let me wait so long.”
He did not expect her to say:
“I’m sorry, I can’t come
today. My roommate has a
fever today, and I have to
take care of her.”
Shen Zhiyang listened was
very disappointed. Why did
this roommate get sick
today? But he still said to
her, “Well, then you take
good care of her. We will
make an appointment next
“Shen Zhiyang, I’m sorry,
don’t be angry.”
“I’m not, you can rest
assured, how can I be angry.
Xiao Nan, you take care of
yourself, be careful not to
catch a cold.”
Qin Xiangnan said okay and
the two hung up the phone.
In fact, he was really angry,
and the bouquet of roses
was thrown into the trash
bin with a slam.
After he returned to school,
he went to the downstairs of
Qin Xiangnan’s dormitory
without realizing it.
Thinking that it was so late,
she should have fallen
asleep. But he couldn’t help
but want to see her, just
glance at it and he would be
He called her and he was
surprised that she hadn’t
slept yet, and then let her get
down, he waited for her
After a while, Shen Zhiyang
saw her running down in a
thick coat. He thought she
was so cute and could not
help hugging her tightly.
“I’m really sorry today. I’m
afraid my roommate will
have a fever again, so I have
to send her to the hospital.”
She apologized to him.
Shen Zhiyang didn’t speak,
just hugged her. He knew in
his heart that she was not
alone in their dormitory, but
he didn’t want to question
her, which would make her
“Why don’t you talk? What
happened to you?” she
asked him.
For a long time, he let go of
her and said, “Go up, don’t
She said a goodbye, and
when she turned around,
Shen Zhiyang held her.
“Happy Valentine’s Day.”
He said. Then took out the
delicate box from her pocket,
“I’m giving this to you, go
up and open it.”
She took it and said thank
you. Then entered the
Although he still gave her
the gift, he still felt a little
empty in his heart.
In order to spend more time
with her, Shen Zhiyang
would accompany her if she
went to study in the library.
Although he didn’t say a
word, he looked at her
studying hard and he felt
very happy.
Once in the library, they
stayed together to read.
Shen Zhiyang secretly
stuffed a note to her: “Will
have dinner together.” Qin
Xiangnan glanced and
nodded. He withdrew the
note and wrote a few words
on it and handed it to her, “I
will go to the toilet first.”
Qin Xiangnan nodded.
When Shen Zhiyang left,
she did not forget to plop
twice on her head, she
smiled lightly.
As soon as he left, the cell
phone on the table rang, and
the library was very quiet.
With this sound, everyone
around her looked towards
her, and she quickly pressed
Shen Zhiyang’s cell phone
Unexpectedly, it rang again
in a while, and there was no
way to do it again, and it
might be called again in a
while. She grabbed his cell
phone and ran out. After
running out of the library,
she saw “Li Xinyu” flashing
on the screen, and she
picked it up.
“Hello, Shen Zhiyang is not
The phone froze for three
seconds, and after a while
the voice of a cute and
lovely girl came over. “Are
you his girlfriend? I heard
him mention it. I asked
Brother Zhiyang to tell him
about studying abroad.”
Qin Xiangnan was surprised.
Does Shen Zhiyang want to
study there? He never heard
him mention it.
“Is he going to study
“Why, it seems that you
don’t know yet. This is the
case. My family and
Zhiyang brother’s family are
friends, and the two of us
grew up together. I plan to
study abroad this year after
graduating from high school.
Brother Zhiyang was about
to go out last year. I don’t
know why he suddenly
disagreed. But our two
parents discussed it and he
will go out with me this year.
After all, I am a girl and
they are not at ease when
I’m alone outside. It’s much
better for Brother Yang to
take care of me. And…”
The girl named Li Xinyu
paused and continued: “And,
only when he goes abroad to
study, Brother Zhiyang
would have a better future.
You as his female friends,
won’t you object?”
Qin Xiangnan groaned in
her heart. “Of course I
won’t object. If this is the
best choice, I will respect
“That’s the good. I still have
a few words to remind you.
My parents and brother
Zhiyang’s parents are
planning to let us get
married in the future. Maybe
he is just playing with you
now. When we go abroad
together, he should forget
you soon. I advise you,
don’t be too concerned
about him now, otherwise in
the future…”
Qin Xiangnan heard
everything, she understood
everything, no matter
whether the girl said was
true or not, Shen Zhiyang
was really going to go
abroad, she delayed him.
“I know, you can rest
assured that I won’t stop
him from going abroad.
Other things, I don’t need
you to remind me,
She hung up the phone,
there was pestle there,
something stuck in her
“Xiao Nan, what’s wrong
with you” Shen Zhiyang
came back and asked her
when she saw her standing
at the door.
“It’s nothing. I just had your
phone. I’m sorry, because
I’m afraid of disturbing
others. I answered it for
you.” She handed him the
He took it, glanced at the
call log and panicked.
“What did she tell you?”
“Nothing, you ask her
yourself.” Qin Xiangnan
turned and walked into the
Shen Zhiyang quickly
pulled her, “Xiao Nan, I
have nothing to do with her,
I only like you, you have to
believe me.”
Qin Xiangnan smiled
slightly and said, “I believe
in you.”
Although Qin Xiangnan said
she believe him, he was still
restless all day. But she
seemed to have nothing, and
continued to read her book.
The more she did, the more
he felt that something had
Until he questioned Li
Xinyu, he almost exploded.
This Li Xinyu likes to pester
him since he was a child.
What’s more annoying is
that his parents like her too.
He just treats her as a sister
and doesn’t think about
marriage at all. Li Xinyu
actually said such things to
Qin Xiangnan, he scolded Li
He became more and more
angry, afraid that Qin
Xiangnan would be cranky,
so he asked her to come out
and explain it well.
“Xiao Nan, you really have
to believe me. I really have
nothing to do with Li Xinyu,
that is just her wishful
thinking.” He hugged her
tightly, fearing that she
would leave in any second.
“Did I say that? I believe
you.” She said quietly.
Shen Zhiyang still couldn’t
believe it, “Are you really
not angry?”
She shook her head, “Not
“Then… how can I still feel
uneasy. Is there anything
you haven’t tell me? Xiao
Nan, if you don’t say
anything, I will feel more
Qin Xiangnan looked at him
and asked him solemnly:
“Are you going to go
Shen Zhiyang heard Qin
Xiangnan asking if he
wanted to go abroad, he was
in a daze for a while.
After a moment, he laughed:
“Did she even tell you this?
Xiao Nan, don’t worry, I
won’t go abroad, I will
always be by your side.”
Qin Xiangnan shook off his
arms and looked very calm.
“You don’t have to give up
such a good opportunity for
“It’s not for you, I like to
stay here, I don’t want to go
“I knew that, after high
school, you have to study
abroad. If you are staying
and giving up a better future
for me, I would never feel
be peaceful for the rest of
my life.”
He was stunned, and he
didn’t expect that she knew
everything. He did give up
the opportunity to study
abroad for her, but he did
not regret it.
Shen Zhiyang grabbed her
arm tightly, “Xiao Nan, you
listen well. I only want you,
and I don’t care what the
future is. Nothing is
impossible. As long as you
are by my side, it is my
future. With you, I will do
“But I don’t want you to do
so much for me like this. I
can’t afford it.”
“You are my girlfriend.
Because I love you, I will do
it for you, I don’t need you
to bear anything, I’m here.
You don’t have to worry
about anything, don’t be
stressed, don’t think about it.
I won’t blame you, I am
willing.” Shen Zhiyang
looked at her and told her
everything he wanted to say
to her.
But Qin Xiangnan still did
not want him to stay for her,
giving up such a good
opportunity to study abroad.
Shen Zhiyang stopped
talking, he liked her so
much, why doesn’t she
For a long time, he asked
her: “Xiao Nan, do you
really want me to go abroad
so much? Wouldn’t you be
sad to be separated from
She slowly exhaled and said,
“As long as you have a
better future, even if we
separate I will not be sad
Shen Zhiyang listened to her
and felt very sad . After a
long silence, he raised his
head, his eyes were red, and
asked her, “Have you ever
liked me?”
Qin Xiangnan was surprised.
She has slowly accepted
him since she was with him.
She can feel his goodness
and his love for her. She is
grateful that he likes her so
much, although sometimes
she does not know how to
respond to him. But she felt
that she liked him too, and
she liked the feeling of
peace of mind when she was
with him.
“I, I like you. But, I can’t be
so selfish, leaving you
around and letting you give
up your future.”
She still said that, he didn’t
want to hear her say that.
“If you really like me, why
do you never wear the
necklace I gave you?” he
questioned her.
“I, I think it’s too expensive,
we are still students, it’s not
“Why didn’t you get angry
when Li Xinyu told you that
she would marry me in the
future?” He continued to ask
“Whenever you see a text
message and love letters
written to me by other girls,
why are you not unhappy,
jealous, angry, and you
never question me? Qin
Xiangnan, do you really like
me? Why haven’t I feel it
for so long? Your response
to me, I thought you were
just particularly sensible,
not coquettish and
unreasonable, but I suddenly
want to understand today.
No girl will be like you and
act like this unless you don’t
really like me…”
Qin Xiangnan choked. She
didn’t know what to say.
She didn’t really know
“Even if I leave you, you
can readily accept it. You
won’t cry or make
Qin Xiangnan looked at
Shen Zhiyang as he said
those words one by one. She
could feel his pain, his
sadness, but she didn’t know
what to say. She didn’t want
him to be sad, but she didn’t
know how to comfort him.
After a while, Shen Zhiyang
looked somber and said, “If
you want me to go abroad, I
will go. I will not make you
After that day, Shen
Zhiyang began to prepare
for studying abroad. Even so,
he still didn’t want to break
up with Qin Xiangnan, but
she would never see him
again. Before he went
abroad to study, Qin
Xiangnan asked the
someone to return the
necklace he gave to her.
He realized that all these
things were due to his
self-love, Qin Xiangnan
never liked him.
After that, he went abroad
and there was no more
Xu Chang heard Qin
Xiangbei mention why Shen
Zhiyang and Qin Xiangnan
broke up. There is an
indescribable feeling in his
“Dr. Xu, these are just what
my sister said. Anyway,
when she said it, I could not
see how sad she was, and
she was not angry at all.
Even if Shen Zhiyang
abandoned her and went
abroad to study, she didn’t
even shed a single tear. You
say, does she really like
Shen Zhiyang? Anyway, I
don’t believe it.”
Xu Chang thought for a long
time, and then answered:
“Maybe your sister is such a
person. Even if she is sad,
she will only hide it in her
heart. “
Qin Xiangbei shook his
head, “That may not be
necessary, I think she
behaved differently to
another person…”
Xu Chang was surprised,
“Who? Does your sister like
someone else?”
Qin Xiangbei finished
listening and he suddenly
laughed. “Dr. Xu, you really
are… I’m going to laugh at
Xu Chang was inexplicably
laughed at.
“The person I’m talking
about is you!” Qin Xiangbei
still smiled.
Xu Chang looked at him and
smiled, not believing it.
“Anyway, I remember that
she was really different to
you. She would be
inexplicably angry with you.
At that time, I was young,
and some things could not
be understood. But when I
think about it, you two are
really alike. You know
when she and Shen Zhiyang
went on a date, she didn’t
stay at home, didn’t she?
She thought that you
wouldn’t come that day. She
took the wrong medicine
and was angry at me. Isn’t it
because she knew that you
and Zhao Cancan went on a
date and was jealous?” Qin
Xiangbei sighed. “Ah, Qin
Xiangnan is really stupid,
and she can’t even
understand herself.”
Seeing Xu Chang not
speaking, he patted Xu
Chang’s shoulder, gave him
a mature look, and said to
him: “I’ll help you here,
Li Susu’s proposed high
school classmate gathering
was scheduled for the 11th
National Day holiday. It is
precisely at this time that the
high school has a long
holiday and you can go to
the school to revisit the
place once.
On the day when Li Susu
decided to meet, Qin
Xiangnan just agreed that
she had nothing to do with
the unit and agreed to go.
But she is not sure if Xu
Chang will have time to go.
She didn’t ask him, because
Xu Chang had really
become a dog [1] these days
and didn’t care much about
her. Presumably he was so
busy that he had no time to
[1] Become a dog = he’s
been running around/busy.
On the day of the party, she
didn’t expect that she
received a call from Xu
Chang early in the morning.
“Qin Xiangnan, I’m
downstairs, come down.”
She thought that it was
strange. Why didn’t he say a
word, and suddenly came to
pick her up, did he have
time? Thinking of this
problem, she prepared a
little bit and went
Seeing Xu Chang standing
downstairs and waiting for
her, she was still very happy.
It’s been a long time since
she last saw him. She hasn’t
seen him since the last time
they came back from the
villa. One of the reason is
that they were both busy and
on the other hand, ever since
that night, QIn Xiangnan
didn’t know how to face
“Xu Chang, are you free
today? Can you join the
reunion party?” she asked
“Yes, I just had time today,
so I’m going with you.” He
looked at her and smiled.
Qin Xiangnan looked at him
and thought he was
particularly handsome today.
Perhaps because they are
meeting their high school
classmates. She quickly
drove these evil thoughts
away and hurriedly went
into the car.
Along the way, Qin
Xiangnan whispered and
asked what he was busy
with recently. Xu Chang
replied that he was busy
with surgery and writing a
thesis si he hadn’t had the
time to visit her.
The two quickly drove to C
High School. At the time of
the 11th holiday, there was
no one in the school. Li
Susu made an appointment
to go to the previous high
school and second class to
gather together.
Qin Xiangnan entered the
campus, a little excited, and
kept talking.
“Xu Chang, do you
remember that? We used to
do chemistry experiments in
that classroom. I remember
who once burned this
“Look at that place, it’s the
music room where your
band rehearsed before. Do
you remember that Li Susu
always wanted to take me
there, but I was not
interested at all.”
Xu Chang saw her talking
nonstop, not interfering, but
just looked at her with a
When they reached the
classrooml, they found that
Li Susu and the rest had all
arrived, and about twenty
people came to the class.
Even the former homeroom
teacher came. As soon as a
group of people saw Xu
Chang, who was the
once-influential figure, they
hurried to coax.
A few girls looked coy, “Xu
Chang is here. Oh my god.”
“Unexpectedly, Li Susu
really called Xu Chang,
really you.”
“I haven’t seen you in ten
years, Xu Chang is still so
handsome. Ah.”
“I heard that Xu Chang is
now a doctor in XX
Hospital. It’s really
Qin Xiangnan was
speechless. She clearly
came with Xu Chang. How
can everyone think of her as
a transparent person, Xu
Chang left, right Xu Chang.
Is Qin Xiangnan an outsider?
Is he better looking than
She watched Xu Chang and
her classmates reminiscing
about old times, and she cut
into her heart and walked to
Li Susu, not wanting to see
When Li Susu saw that Qin
Xiangnan came with Xu
Chang, she felt weird. “How
did you come with Xu
Chang? He told me
yesterday that he might not
have time today. I didn’t
expect him to come. I really
have you.” “
Qin Xiangnan hastened to
say that he has nothing to do
with her. Li Susu is a little
After everyone admired and
praised Xu Chang, he finally
began to divert his attention
and chatted about other
Because he is too old, the
homeroom teacher is
already in his sixties this
year and has already retired.
He looks much kinder than
before. Everyone said hello
to him one by one, and
asked him if he remembered
them. Although he is old, he
can still remember
everyone’s name. Of course,
Xu Chang was the most
impressed. At that time, Xu
Chang was good at both
academic and sports, and the
teahcer was certainly
impressed with good
students. The old man
looked at each former
student and say what
happened to them before.
When he talked about Su
Mingxuan, he also
pretended to be angry and
said, “I remember this kid
who was particularly skinny.
At that time, he didn’t study
well and only knew how to
play on the band.”
Su Mingxuan was unhappy,
“Teacher Yu, Xu Chang
also played on the band,
why won’t you mention it?”
Old Yu laughed, “Xu
Chang’s grades are okay,
why didn’t you learn from
him. You were in love at
that time, were you in our
class, who…”
Li Susu flashed over
immediately: “Teacher Yu,
are you talking about me?
Do you still remember me?”
“Yes, that’s you, Li Susu!
Also a mischief, and you are
still in love with Su
Mingxuan. It’s hard to
Su Mingxuan said to old
Yutou: “Teacher Yu, both of
us are married. You see, Xu
Chang studied hard, and
now he is alone.”
Everyone laughed again.
Unexpectedly, Zhao Cancan
also came today. This
formerly proud little
princess didn’t even bother
to attend such an occasion.
Qin Xiangnan looked at her,
she is more beautiful than
before, and her temperament
is also very outstanding, it is
definitely very dazzling
among the crowd.
Old Yutou said to Zhao
Cancan, “Zhao Cancan is
also an excellent child. Later
I heard that you went
Zhao Cancan smiled very
sweetly. “Well, yes, I settled
abroad later. I also got
married and have children.”
Everyone was in an uproar.
It turned out that the former
goddess was so fast that
even the children were born,
and they couldn’t expect it
at all.
Zhao Cancan showed
everyone her picture of a
child, a very beautiful little
mixed-race boy. The girls
were very envious and
praised her son for being so
Qin Xiangnan didn’t expect
that Zhao Cancan was
already a mother. She used
to suspect that Xu Chang
and Zhao Cancan had been
together before, and it was
quite funny to think about it.
Old Yu finally saw Qin
Xiangnan who was not
speaking, and said, “Isn’t
this Qin Xiangnan?”
Qin Xiangnan answered him
immediately, “Teacher Yu,
do you still remember me.”
Old Yu nodded, “Of course
I remember Qin Xiangnan
Sometimes, I see you on the
news when I’m watching at
home. I didn’t expect you to
be a reporter. It’s not
surprising since you have
always been a good child in
my eyes. I used to be very
optimistic about you. “
Qin Xiangnan listened to the
old man’s words and was
very happy, feeling that her
efforts have paid off.
Everyone chatted for a
while and was going to have
lunch together. Li Susu has
already arranged the place
for lunch, in the hot pot
restaurant she opened, not
far from the school.
After arriving at Li Susu’s
hotpot restaurant, everyone
sat down one by one, and
Xu Chang deliberately sat
beside Qin Xiangnan.
Everyone started talking
about their high school
again. Somehow, the topic
fell on Xu Chang again.
When talking about Xu
Chang, everyone always
have something to say. Zhao
Cancan also came out and
asked him a question.
“Xu Chang, at that time, I
really liked you. I remember
that you stood me up. That
day, I waited for you but
you did not come. I still hate
you for that.”
Xu Chang hurriedly
apologized to Zhao Cancan
saying that he was ignorant
and did not intentionally
stood her up.
Zhao Cancan smiled and
said, “I’m just joking with
you. I don’t care about that
year anymore. However,
I’m really curious, didn’t
you like me at all?”
Qin Xiangnan who was
sitting next to Xu Chang
kept silent, just wanting to
hear what his answer will
“I already had a girl I liked,
so I’m sorry that I made you
misunderstand.” Xu Chang
Everyone was in an uproar.
Xu Chang liked someone?
Who is it?
Everyone is very curious
and wanted to ask who it is.
Qin Xiangnan sat beside
him, her face slightly hot,
she lowered her head and
did not speak.
Xu Chang didn’t answer
only saying, “It’s a pity that
the girl I liked at that time
looked down on me.”
Everyone exploded upon
hearing this. What kind of
girl would look down on Xu
Chang? Several girls were
also very angry and
whispered that this girl that
they didn’t know was
shameless and did not have
a good eye and actually
refused Xu Chang.
Qin Xiangnan was still
eating silently, not talking.
At this time, Xu Chang’s
phone rang. He took the
phone and went out. After a
while, he came in and told
everyone that he was
leaving since there was an
emergency at the hospital.
Everyone was reluctant to
let him go but they still did
since it was more important
to save lives. Xu Chang
glanced at Qin Xiangnan,
she seemed to understand
and quickly said, “I will
take a taxi later. You go
Xu Chang nodded and
hurriedly left.
When he left, Qin Xiangnan
hurriedly explained: “I
happened to meet him on
the road this morning, so I
took a ride with him,
everyone should not
Everyone also uttered a few
words and said nothing. It is
estimated that Qin Xiangnan
with the girl who refused Xu
Everyone began to speculate
on which unsightly girl was
favored by Xu Chang.
Ji Yuan, the drummer who
was in the same band as Xu
Chang remembered
something, “I remember
when we were in third year,
Xu Chang had been sorting
out all the classic questions
in mathematics and physics
for several days. With his
achievement, he doesn’t
need it so I asked why he is
sorting it, he said that it’s
for his sister that is in the
hospital and cannot come to
Ji Yuang drank some water
and continued: “Not that I
think about it, what sister? I
guess it’s for the girl he
likes. So, the girl’s grade
should be poor. I don’t
know why Xu Chang liked
Everyone agreed. Qin
Xiangnan sitting on the side
was full of black lines.
The class reunion ended
with laughter. Qin Xiangnan
was going to take a taxi
home but Li Susu offered to
send her home so she
When she got into the car,
Li Susu began to question
her. “Qin Xiangnan, is there
anything you’re not telling
Qin Xiangnan was amazed.
“What are you referring to?”
“Of course the issue
between you and Xu Chang
ah!” Li Susu was a little
Qin Xiangnan was shocked.
How could Li Susu know?
Did she behave so
Li Susu continued to
question her: “Don’t think
that I can’t see it. The last
time that we went to the
villa, I though you two were
weird. Today, you are even
more weird. When someone
talks about the girl that Xu
Chang likes, why do you
keep on blushing? Tell me
honestly, does Xu Chang
like you?”
Qin Xiangnan knew that she
couldn’t hide it from Li
Susu. So she told her about
the ‘sister’ in high school
and Xu Chang’s confession
that night in the villa.
After listening, Li Susu’s
mouth was agape. “Okay,
you even concealed this
from me. Do you still see
me as a friend?”
Qin Xiangnan repeatedly
apologized to her and said
that she didn’t realize that
Xu Chang likes until
Li Susu barely forgave her
and asked again. “What do
you think? Xu Chang is so
good, don’t you have any
idea? I think Xu Chang is
good but has a bad
“Yes, you know that he has
a bad eyesight, so I’m still a
little worried. I’m so bad.
There is no girl next to Xu
Chang. I think Dr. Lin in his
hospital is very suitable for
him. Anyway, I haven’t
thought about it yet. Okay.
Let’s talk later.” Qin
Xiangnan said.
Li Susu repeatedly accused
her of not knowing the
goods and having high
eyesight. Qin Xiangnan had
listened to it on her ear and
the words left on the other.
After arriving home, Qin
Xiangnan’s unit was in
peace all day, and she took a
good rest. In the evening,
she also received a call from
Zhao Mei, telling her that it
was her father Qin
Chaoming’s birthday
tomorrow, and wanted her
to return home tomorrow
night, she readily agreed.
Zhao Mei asked how she
and Wang Mingyan, the
former blind date, had
developed. Qin Xiangnan
lied again, saying that she
was still in the stage of
understanding. Zhao Mei
hung up the phone with
When Qin Xiangnan was
going to sleep at night, she
received a call from Xu
“Are you asleep?” His voice
on the phone was a little
squirm, sounding like he
was tired.
“Going to sleep, are you off
work?” Qin Xiangnan asked
Qin Xiangnan could hear
that he didn’t seem to be so
interested today.
“What’s wrong with you?
Are you in a bad mood?”
She felt strange for a
Hearing him simply hum,
Qin Xiangnan felt like
something was grabbing her
heart. She thought that
something must be wrong
with Xu Chang.
“What happened, can you
tell me?” She continued to
ask him.
“Nothing, just something
about the hospital. I’m a
little tired today. I just want
to hear your voice.” Qin
Xiangnan suddenly felt
She knows that he has been
very busy recently. Even if
Xu Chang’s appearance is
bright and beautiful, he is
not a perfect person, and he
will have troubles. She
understands him particularly
at the moment, and
whenever she encounters
troubles at work, she
especially wants to talk to
“Xu Chang, I know you
must have encountered
something unhappy.
Anyway, I will support you.
You are so powerful, you
will be able to solve the
difficulties. I know I can’t
help you, but if there is
anything, call me. I will try
my best to help you.”
Qin Xiangnan’s words
seemed to give him a lot of
comfort. He smiled and said,
“Can you really be on call?
Try to help me?” “
She wondered if he was
being relegated, but what
she said could not be
recovered. She said, “Of
course, it’s my pleasure to
be able to help Dr. Xu.”
Xu Chang listened
helplessly and said he was
in a much better mood. Let
her rest early and hang up.
Qin Xiangnan was
melancholic, and she could
not help with anything at Xu
Chang’s hospital. Was it
only Lin Rui’er who could
help him. Thinking of this,
she was both worried and
angry, and struggled all
night before falling asleep.
The next day, she
remembered that Zhao Mei
told her last night and asked
her to go back and celebrate
her father’s birthday. During
the day, she was busy at
home during the hours off to
catch some manuscripts.
She don’t know how fast
time passes when at work.
As soon as she looked up,
she found that it was five
o’clock in the afternoon.
Quickly packed up and went
out. She also bought a cake
and went home on the way.
As soon as she entered the
door, she saw her mother’s
busy figure in the kitchen.
Her father sat on the sofa
and watched TV. Qin
Xiangnan called him. Qin
Chaoming saw her, his eyes
were muted and he didn’t
speak. Qin Xiangnan knew
that Dad didn’t recognize
her today.
She washed her hands and
went into the kitchen to help
her mother.
“Mom, where is my brother?
Isn’t he coming today?” she
asked Zhao Mei.
“He said he will be late. It is
estimated hospital quite
busy. Your brother ah,
recently rarely come back to
live, not live in a hospital
dormitory, rented out a
house, he did not know how
to think.”
“Brother is also older, don’t
worry about him.”
“How can you not worry,
you said that he reported to
the Medical University of
City B quietly during the
college entrance
examination, and did not
discuss it with us. I’m afraid
he won’t tell us even if he
gets married.” Zhao Mei
sighed. .
“No, mom, you think too
much.” Qin Xiangnan
comforted her. In fact, she
didn’t know much about her
younger brother. Instead,
Qin Xiangbei knew more
about her and she could not
hide anything in front of
“Not to mention him, Xiao
Nan, how are you doing
with that Wang Mingyan?”
Qin Xiangnan knew that she
could not escape the rapture
tonight, but Zhao Mei asked
her so quickly.
“Mom, let me tell you the
truth, this person is not
suitable for me. I rejected
him a few days ago.”
“It’s not suitable, he look
very good. Oh, you are not
so good. He said it was
inappropriate to get along,
what should I say to you?”
Zhao Mei began to pick up
and down again.
In the end, she really
couldn’t stop her, so she
took a step back and
said,”Forget it, this is not
suitable. In a few days, I
will think of ways to
introduce you a few more. “
After eight o’clock in the
evening, they planned to eat
without Qin Xiangbei first.
Qin Xiangnan took her
father and asked him to sit
down and eat.
“Dad, have dinner. ” “
After Qin Chaoming sat
down, glanced at Qin
Xiangnan, and said to her:”
Xiao Nan? Why didn’t Xiao
Nan come. Today is my
birthday, did the child forgot
Qin Xiangnan said to him:”
Dad, I have come to give
you a birthday gift. “
Zhao Mei sighed: “These
two days, he was not in a
good condition. But Xiao
Nan, you can rest assured.
Your dad is also good, and it
will be better in a few days.

Qin Xiangnan nodded,
ready to eat.
Qin Zhao Mei muttered a
sentence behind her back.
“You finally came back.
Aren’t you busy?”
Qin Xiangbei walked over
to Qin Chaoming and
whispered on his ear, “Dad,
happy birthday!”
Qin Chaoming looked at
him, still bewildered.
Qin Xiangnan asked him:
“What are you busy with?
Do you have a girlfriend?”
He glanced at her. “Just take
care of yourself, don’t mind
me. I’m not busy at the
“I’ll believe you this time.
However, if you have a
girlfriend, don’t you have to
tell us? If you don’t, we’ll
not approve.” Qin Xiangnan
warned him.
Qin Xiangbei bowed his
head to eat.
After dinner, Qin Xiangnan
helped her mom to clean up.
Qin Xiangbei answered his
phone and came back to tell
them that he was needed in
the hospital and needed to
leave again.
Zhao Mei glanced at him
and said, “You are busy and
still had the conscience to
come back and have a meal
with us today.”
He chuckled, hugged Zhao
Mei and kissed her on the
cheeks, smiled and said,
“Mom, you’re still the best.”
He turned his head and
grunted at Qin Xiangnan
again, then went out.
“Mom, look at him! What
do I do with him?”
“You two, from childhood
to now, if you don’t quarrel
everyday, there might be
something wrong. I’m used
to it.” Zhao Mei said with a
Qin Xiangnan decided to
stay the night and did not
plan to go back. She hadn’t
been home for a long time.
This family, from birth to
college graduation, was her
safe haven.
After she took a shower, it
was more than ten o’ clock
in the evening. Because of
boredom, she flipped
through the things in her
room. Looking at the large
number of mathematical and
physics papers she had done
before, she recalled the time
when she was studying with
Xu Chang. Although it was
very hard at that time, it was
also the easiest time. When
she grew up, she realized
that only when she was a
student, she was devoted to
studying, and it was the
most trouble-free time.
She opened the desk and
found that there were
several notebooks from
before. She took a
blue-covered one and
looked at it, records of some
of her thoughts were in it.
She suddenly remembered
what Qin Xiangbei
mentioned before. This
notebook was actually in Xu
Chang’s hands for a few
days, and it was funny when
she thought about it. She
used to have such naive
thoughts, even writing the
things she dreamed of. She
doesn’t know what Xu
Chang would think after
reading it?
After seeing it, she put it
back on the table and took
the pink-covered notebook.
What did she record in this
pink notebook? She couldn’t
remember it. At that time,
she bought several
notebooks of different
colors and recorded
different things.
She turned the first page and
read it.
Qin Xiangnan carefully read
the first page.
“I’m really angry today. My
parents actually asked Xu
Chang to tutor me. The
proud and inexhaustible guy
like Qin Xiangabei would
like him.”
“Why does he have to give
me so much work every
time? Am I stupid? He is
meand and torturing me! Xu
Chang is so annoying!”
“Why is he so smart? God is
really not fair!”
“Xu Chang, this guy does
not seem to laugh. Isn’t it
Qin Xiangnan looked at the
first page, all the words that
cursed Xu Chang. She
suddenly laughed. It turns
out that she was tortured by
Xu Chang that year. There
were a lot of words that was
an aversion to Xu Chang.
She continued to read it
again, and the next two
pages were all cursing him.
After a while, she finally
praised him.
“Xu Chang said that he
believes that I can get to
college. I almost gave up.
Today, my parents scolded
me and even my brother
laughed at me. I couldn’t
help but cry in front of Xu
Chang. It was too shameful!
But he did not laugh at me
and even encouraged me. It
seems that he is not so
annoying! If he said half a
word today, I would never
forgive him!”
“Today’s Xu Chang is too
handsome. Though I can’t
say it in front of Li Susu,
but he is really good at
singing. No wonder so many
people likes him. There is
also Zhao Caocao who
dances so well. If I can be
like her, like a beautiful
princess, how nice would
that be!”
“There is a rumor at school
that Xu Chang and Zhao
Cancan are dating and is a
really good match.”
“Xu Chang actually said
that he didn’t like Zhao
Cancan, which is good! His
vision is really high!”
“Today’s debate is too
shameful. We lost. I’m sorry
Xu Chang. Although he
didn’t blame me, I still feel
“Today, I was confessed to.
So embarassing…”
“This person named Shen
Zhiyang doesn’t look very
“Shen Zhiyang is actually
quite good, not worse that
Xu Chang. His character is
much better than Xu Chang!
It seems that I’m also so
charming, haha…”
“Xu Chang actually lied to
me! He said that he didn’t
like Zhao Cancan but he
clearly likes her! I still hate
it so much!”
“Who wants Xu Chang’s
review materials. I don’t
believe that without him, I
wouldn’t be able to get to
“I accepted Shen Zhiyang. I
think he is very good, much
better than Xu Chang, a
hypocritical person. Let him
go with Zhao Cancan!”
“Tomorrow’s date with
Shen Zhiyang. Anyway, Xu
Chang would not come, I
wouldn’t have to see his
face, which is great.”
“Today, Shen Zhiyang
kissed me. My first kiss is
gone, woo woo…”
“I see that Xu Chang is so
fierce to me. I hate him.
Why is he so fierce?”
“Xu Chang suddenly
seemed to change his
personality these days. Is he
sick? I really don’t want to
talk to him.”
“Xu Chang’s father passed
away and he looked sad.”
“Xu Chang hasn’t come for
weeks. My brother missed
“Although Xu Chang is
annoying, I still hope that he
will cheer up.”
“If Xu Chang doesn’t come
again, I have to work hard
by myself.”
“It seems that he really
won’t come again.”
At this time, Qin Xiangnan
has already burst into tears.
This pink notebooks
contains a full words about
Xu Chang. She has
forgotten why she wanted to
write a book about him
alone. Maybe she really
hated him at first but at the
end of the day, she suddenly
felt that she was stupid
before. Why did she hate
him? She clearly liked him.
She was full of tears.
If Xu Chang is sad, she is
also sad; Xu Chang is happy,
she is happy; Xu Chang
encourages her, she is also
happy; Xu Chang is fierce to
her, she is angry; Xu Chang
is angry, she is even more
angry; Xu Chang likes
someone else, she is not
happy, get jealous and mad.
She even accepted Shen
Zhiyang because of him.
She didn’t even know about
it. It turned out that she
liked him so much. How
naive, stupid, and ridiculous
she was. If it weren’t for
today, she accidentally
peeped into her own heart.
She didn’t know how much
she liked Xu Chang.
Ten years later, when she
met Xu Chang again, she
had already forgotten how
she felt about him. She
thought she still hated him
as much as ten years ago.
She didn’t even dare to open
her heart to examine herself,
continue to refuse and
How sad she was to his
heart, how did he spend the
past ten years, when he told
himself he liked her for ten
years, but she chose to avoid
him, he must have been
really sad.
Qin Xiangnan’s tears fell
down one by one. She was
really wrong, wrong for ten
She held this book, looked
at it and thought about it
repeatedly. At this time, her
cell phone rang, it was Xu
Chang. She wiped her tears
and picked it up.
“Qin Xiangnan, where are
you? Didn’t you say you
were on call? Where did you
go when you were not at
home in the middle of the
“I’m here with my mother.”
Her voice choked.
“What happened? Why did
you cry?” He was worried
about her.
“It’s okay, Xu Chang, are
you at my house? I want to
see you.”
“I’m here, I’ll come over to
find you. Are you okay?”
“No, don’t move, I will
come immediately, you wait
for me!” Turned off the call,
wiped away the tears,
changed clothes and walked
out of the room.
Facing Zhao Mei’s room,
she shouted: “Mom, my unit
just called me. I have
something to do. I won’t be
back today. Don’t wait for
“Ah, what’s going on in the
middle of the night? Be
careful on your way.” Zhao
Mei quickly got up from the
bed and was going to see
her out.
“Mom, go to bed, it’s okay.”
Qin Xiangnan let her go to
bed, went downstairs by
herself, called a car, and
went straight to his home.
The taxi stopped at the door
of the community, and she
ran towards her home with a
sprint of almost 100 meters.
When she was almost there,
she vaguely saw a figure
standing downstairs in the
light. She stopped and
recognized at once that
familiar and tall figure was
Xu Chang.
He was facing away from
her, standing under the tree,
his hands in his pockets, his
head slightly lowered, as if
thinking about something,
At this moment, her tears
came out unconsciously,
and she ran, approached him,
and hugged him from
He was startled…
“Qin Xiangnan?” he asked.
“Xu Chang, ten years late,
can I still like you?”
Qin Xiangnan hugged him,
and the tears kept flowing.
Xu Chang’s body was stiff,
and he couldn’t believe
what he heard. “Qin
Xiangnan, what’s the matter
with you? Don’t scare me.”
Qin Xiangnan let go of him
and said angrily: “Can’t you
understand my words? I
won’t say it again.”
Xu Chang turned to look at
her. Her face was full of
tears. He held her face in his
hands and wiped away the
tears with his thumb. “Why
are you crying?”
She took a step back. “I’m
fine. Just thinking about
what happened to us before
I discovered…”
“What did you find ?” he
asked her.
She pouted angrily. “Why
are you so annoying, do you
want me to say it again?”
He stepped forward and
suddenly laughed, looking
at her and saying, “Did you
find out that you like me?”
Qin Xiangnan blushed, not
Xu Chang approached her,
hugged her tightly in his
arms, and whispered in her
ear: “I also like you, I like
you very much.”
Qin Xiangnan listened to his
words, and the tears that just
stopped, kept flowing down
“If you cry again, you will
make my clothes dirty. It’s
so cold here, can I go up and
sit down?”
Qin Xiangnan brought Xu
Chang into the house, she
suddenly felt that the
courage had just
disappeared, and what was
left was only
“Xu Chang, it’s so late, you
can go back after a while.
Don’t you have to go to
work tomorrow?”
“You just said you like me.
Now, you’re ordering me to
leave?” He looked at her
with a smile.
She said shamefully: “I’m
just worried that you have
been too tired lately. You
really don’t know what
goodwill is.”
“I’ll stay for a while . I’ve
been busy recently, and I
have surgery to do
tomorrow.” He said.
Qin Xiangnan suddenly felt
distressed for him, “You are
so pitiful, then…or…”
He wondered and asked her:
Qin Xiangnan suddenly
blushed, “Or you don’t want
to go back today. But, won’t
you feel uncomfortable
sleeping on the sofa?”
After hearing this, Xu
Chang suddenly approached
her slowly, showing a sly
smile: “Sleep on the sofa?
That’s impossible.”
Qin Xiangnan watched him
approaching her step by step.
Her heart beat faster and her
cheeks were hot. “What are
you doing?”
When Xu Chang’s face was
close to hers, Qin Xiangnan
closed her eyes nervously,
her eyelashes trembling
slightly. After waiting for a
long time, nothing happened,
she slowly opened her eyes
and saw Xu Chang had been
far away from her, watching
her, laughing. Qin Xiangnan
suddenly stopped fighting.
“Xu Chang, you are too
much! You can go home! I
will never see you again!”
she shouted at him.
He laughed again, and said
to her, “You are so cute. I
am going back today, and I
have to get the information
to use tomorrow. You have
to rest early.”
“Goodbye, I won’t walk you
out!” She blushed. Turned
her head to not to look at
“I will stay in the hospital
two days after tomorrow. If
you have time, can you go
to my house? My cats are
almost starved to death.”
“No!” She was still angry.
Xu Chang squeezed her cute
face, “Don’t be angry. After
a few days, I will come to
accompany you.”
“I don’t want you to
accompany me!” She
He straightened his face,
looked at her angry face,
and leaned over and kissed
her. His kiss was gentle like
water, and Qin Xiangnan
breathed for a long time,
closing her eyes tightly and
daring not to look at him.
This was not the first time
he kissed her. The last time
he was overbearing,
predatory, and irrational.
This time she could feel his
gentle breath, her heart
beating faster and faster…
After a while, Xu Chang
slowly let go. After, she
opened her eyes, met his
beautiful eyes.
“I’ll go now. I’ll send you
the address. You have to
take care of my kitten
“Okay.” Qin Xiangnan
responded softly to him.
After Qin Xiangnan sent
away Xu Chang, her mood
could not be calm for a long
time. Until today, she finally
saw her heart clearly. When
she found out, she had loved
him so deeply. Fortunately,
it’s not too late.
Before going to bed, she
received the address of his
home from Xu Chang and
the password of the
combination lock, which
was actually her birthday.
Qin Xiangnan laughed, this
nasty Xu Chang must have
done it on purpose. Maybe
he changed the password on
the spot.
Thinking about it, with a
smile on her face, she fell
asleep sweetly…
The next day, Qin Xiangnan
was woken up by the alarm
at 7 o’clock, only to
remember that today is the
first working day after the
holiday. She sighed softly
and got up.
She habitually glanced at
the phone and found that Xu
Chang had sent several
messages to her.
Xu Chang: Did you get up?
Remember to feed my little
lazy cat.
Xu Chang: I have been busy
these past two days, and I
may not be able to meet you.
You have to be good.
Xu Chang: I forgot to tell
you that I miss you.
Qin Xiangnan looked at the
messages and deeply
doubted whether his
WeChat was stolen. Why
did his words suddenly
change overnight? She feels
that goosebumps are about
to rise. Is this person really
the Xu Chang that she
She entered a few lines in
the text.
Qin Xiangnan: Got up. Rest
assured, I won’t starve your
kitten!Dr. Xu, you are busy
with your operation, don’t
think about it.
After sending those words,
she dropped her mobile
phone and prepared to go to
Another busy day, she
didn’t even have the time to
think about Xu Chang. But
when she got off work, she
still remembered to feed his
She used her birthday to
unlock the password of Xu
Chang’s house. Then she
stretched her head in and
made sure that no one was
at home, and then opened
the door and walked in
When she entered the house,
she observed it. She didn’t
expect that a single young
man’s home to be so clean.
But when thinking about it,
doctors are obsessed with
cleanliness! There are two
doctors in her family, she
knows this well.
The furniture at Xu Chang’s
home was pitifully scarce.
He just moved in after a few
months, he still didn’t have
the time to decorate.
At this time, a round little
gray cat ran to her, gave a
“meow”, and rubbed at her
feet. She squatted down,
hugged the little gray cat in
her hand, and stared at it.
“Hello, pleased to meet
The little gray cat
“meowed”. she found that
the cat food and poured it in
its bowl.
“You are so pitiful, your
master has no time for you.
You must have been really
She squatted beside it,
watching it eat with relish.
At this time, there was a
lingering voice at the door.
Someone opened the door.
She thought Xu Chang was
back and ran over.
“Didn’t you say you won’t
come back today?” She said,
Unexpectedly, the person
who came was not Xu
Chang, but Dr. Lin. Lin
Lin Ruier apparently frozed
when she saw her, and the
two of them stood still for a
long time.
A moment later, Qin
Xiangnan opened her mouth:
“Dr. Lin, why are you here?
Do you have a key?”
Lin Ruier recovered and
recognized that Qin
Xiangnan was the girl on the
screen of Xu Chang’s
mobile phone, and she
immediately told her: “I
know the password. Who
are you?” Lin Ruier asked
Qin Xiangnan was a little
embarassed and did not
answer her directly. “Xu
Chang asked em to come.
He said his cat is going to be
hungry so…”
Lin Ruier looked at her and
said provocatively, “Is it?
Everything is done by me.”
Qin Xiangnan frozed. Lin
Ruier continued:
“Everytime Xu Chang is
busy, I will come over to
help him look after the cat.
The same when we were in
City B.”
Qin Xiangnan couldn’t talk,
her heart seemed to be
blocked by a rag.
Lin Ruier didn’t look at her,
went to the kitchen and
looked at the cat. She said to
the little gray cat: “Xiao Rui,
it seems that someone has
fed you today.”
Qin Xiangnan wondered,
“What did you call it?”
Lin Ruier pouted, “Xiao Rui,
its name, didn’t you know?
Xu Chang named him.”
The rags in Qin Xiangnan’s
heart seemed to be more
sturdy, and she couldn’t
even breath.
“Since you have fed it, I will
leave. How about you?
Won’t you go?”
Qin Xiangnan understood
Lin Ruier’s meaning.
“I’m leaving too.” She said
The two went out one after
the other. Qin Xiangnan
followed, still confused.
Lin Ruier asked her: “How
would you go back? I came
by car, would you like me to
send you?”
Qin Xiangnan quickly
refused. Lin Ruier said
nothing, bid her goodbye,
and the two separated.
Qin Xiangnan did not know
how she got home, she was
very depressed. At this time,
Xu Chang sent a message to
Xu Chang: Little lazy cat,
have you fed my little lazy
Qin Xiangnan wanted to
scold him fiercely, but she
restrained herself. She
tossed the phone aside, took
a shower, and slept.
The next morning, she still
saw the good morning
message from Xu Chang.
She still ignored him.
Qin Xiangnan had a lot of
things that day. A fire broke
out in a residential area in
the morning. After she and
Xiaoqi rushed by, the fire
was quickly put out.
Fortunately, there were no
casualties. They interviewed
the owner and said that it
was because the kitchen was
sterilized that they
immediately opened the fire
to cook, which led to the
Qin Xiangnan was really
shocked when she heard it,
it seemed that there were
hidden dangers everywhere.
After a busy morning, they
managed to eat but Qin
Xiangnan had no appetite.
“Xiangnan, why do you
look particularly bad
today?” Chen Xiaoqi asked
“No, it’s just the fire?”
“But you weren’t like this
Qin Xiangnan ignored her.
Chen Xiaoqi did not dare to
ask anymore.
In the afternoon, there was
another serious car accident
on the outskirts of Nanxian
County. A truck drove over
another truck, which also
weighed on a small car in
the road. The car owner and
another accompanying
person died. Qin Xiangnan
and Chen Xiaoqi hurried to
the outskirts of Nanxian
COunty. The scen that
greeted them was terrible.
Qin Xiangnan felt
uncomfortable on this day.
Sometimes they do have a
very strong heart and
excellent psychological
By the time they returned to
the urban area of City S, it
was already ten o’clock in
the evening.
When she got home, she
discovered that there were
several missed calls today,
all from Xu Chang. The
busyness of the day made
her forget some unhappy
things. Seeing Xu Chang’s
missed calls, she seemed to
feel mixed feelings in her
When she came out of the
bath, she found a new fresh
missed calls on her phone.
She snorted coldly and
prepared to go to bed. She
didn’t pick up until she
couldn’t handle the noise
from another call.
“Qin Xiangnan, where are
you? Why didn’t you
answer your phone?” his
voice sounded impatient.
“I’m at home.”
“What’s wrong with you?
What happened?”
“Nothing. I’m a little tired
today,” she answered.
“I’m almost at your house.
You didn’t answer your
phone today. I’m worried
about you.”
“I’m going to sleep. Go
back.” She was disturbed by
his words. But at this
moment, she didn’t want to
see him, this big villain.
Unexpectedly, in a few
minutes, someone really
knocked on her door. Qin
Xiangnan covered herself
with the quilt and wanted to
ignore him. After a while,
she felt that the knocking
sound were disturbing that
she got up and walked to the
“Xu Chang, you go back. I
really fell asleep.” she said
“You open the door first, or
I won’t go back.” Across the
door, Qin Xiangnan could
feel his anxiety.
She couldn’t stand Xu
Chang and opened the door,
revealing a narrow gap, just
enough for Qin Xiangnan to
reveal her head.
“I’m really sleepy. Now you
saw me, I’m really okay.
You go back. It’s too noisy,
the neighbors might
complain. If you have
anything to say, say it
Xu Chang froze. What she
said was the same like what
she said in the villa that
night. He confessed to her,
she told him he was drunk
and would talk tomorrow.
This is just her excuse, she
is rejecting him.
“What the hell happened? If
you won’t say it, I won’t
leave today.” He tried to
open the door and was
forced back by her.
Qin Xiangnan took a breath
and calmed down. She
asked him: “What is your
relationship with Dr. Lin?”
Xu Chang didn’t expect that
she would mention Lin
Ruier. What exactly made
her misunderstand?
“Colleague, classmate,
nothing else.” He answered
her without hesitation.
“Is there really nothing
else?” She tried to confirm
“Nothing.” He was sure.
“Then why does she know
your house password and
can enter and leave as she
likes? If your cat is hungry,
why did you till asked for
my help?” She asked.
Xu Chang froze.
Qin Xiangnan sneered when
he didn’t answer, “I have
nothing more to say,
goodbye.” She closed the
door fiercely but was held
back by Xu Chang.
“Aren’t you going?” Qin
Xiangnan said with hate.
“I won’t leave. I told her the
password because I asked
for her help when I went on
a business trip for a week. It
was only that one time.”
When he mentioned the cat,
Qin Xiangnan was even
more angry.
“What’s your cat’s name?
Why didn’t you tell me?”
“It doesn’t have a name.”
“You’re still lying! You
know it very well. Dr. Lin
called it Xiao Rui, it’s really
sweet. Lin Ruier, Xiao Rui.
Do you treat me as a fool?
What did you like about me
fort ten years? Who knows
what you have done these
ten years! Xu Chang, you
big liar! I hate you!” She
said, her eyes gradually
“I didn’t lie to you! Open
the door!”
“I won’t open it! Get off! I
don’t want to see you in the
The two struggled a lot. In
the end, Qin Xiangnan was
cruel enough and used her
best efforts to push. Just at
the koment of closing, Xu
Chang’s hand stretched out
and happened to be caught
in the door crack.
“Ah!” Xu Chang exclaimed
painfully. Qin Xiangnan
was overwhelmed with
shock, and her heart sank,
knowing he was in trouble.
She quickly opened the door,
grabbed his hand to check,
and sure enough there was a
bruise in his palm.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean
it.” She was a little guilty.
Unexpectedly, Xu Chang
took advantage when she
relaxed her vigilance. He
dragged her into the house
and slammed the door shut.
“You!” She glared at him.
“I didn’t expect that you
have such great strength. It
really hurt me.” Xu Chang
shook his arm in pain.
“You deserve it!”
“I deserved it and made you
angry.” Xu Chang looked at
her and said, “I’m really
busy these days, I had two
operations, I had many
meetings, and I have been in
the outpatient clinic for a
long time, writing papers,
and ignored you. I don’t
know why Dr. Lin suddenly
went to my house. I really
have nothing to do with her.
You can rest assured that
she won’t appear in my
house in the future. I called
you today, and you ignored
me. I was worried about
what might have happened
to you. I rushed here after
work. I was relieved when I
saw you. Take a good rest,
I’ll go.”
Qin Xiangnan suddenly felt
distressed after hearing it.
She looked at him secretly,
and she saw his tired look,
and there were dark circles
under his eyes. She
suddenly felt guilty. Was
she too irrational? But at the
thought of meeting Lin
Ruier that day, she did not
feel good again. There were
mixed feeling in her heart,
as if two villains were
fighting, making her
She slowly said, “I’m sorry.
I didn’t know that you were
tired, your hands are hurt, if
it will delay your operations,
then I will be guilty.”
Xu Chang heard her, and the
tiredness on his face
disappeared instantly.
Almost exhausted, he said to
her with a smile: “It hurts,
you have to be responsible
for me.”
Then he slowly approached
her, and when his hands just
touched her arm, he was
pushed away.
“Xu Chang, I haven’t
forgiven you!” she sorted.
A woman’s heart is like a
needle on a haystack. Qin
Xiangnan looked at the
surface without forgiving
Xu Chang, but she has
actually let go of it. But she
still can’t get along with him
in the surface. Poor Xu
Chang really thought that
this time it was a big
disaster. Qin Xiangnan was
really angry. He was finally
tricked into cheating, but
she was still indifferent.
Xu Chang went home with a
huff. When he got home,
“Xiao Rui” saw his master
coming back and couldn’t
help but stick up to him. Xu
Chang looked at it coldly
and said, “Did you know, I
ran into trouble today
because of you! No meal for
The poor little gray cat
didn’t know what it did
wrong, “Meow”, looked at
Xu Chang innocently.
However, it eventually
escaped the fate of hunger,
but the owner was still in
Xu Chang was also
suffocated. He really had
nothing to do with Lin Ruier.
Lin Ruier had a wishful
thinking for so many years,
but he couldn’t get rid of her.
They were working together
in the same department in
the same hospital. Lin Ruier
was like a piece of brown
sugar. Xu Chang has said
for so many years that he
doesn’t like her and let her
give up, but she still sticks
to him as if she didn’t
understand. He has no way
to deal with her, and can
only assume that even if she
is close to him, he will never
respond to her. He thought
that one day, she will give
up and choose to leave.
After Qin Xiangnan saw Xu
Chang that night, her anger
disappeared. She clearly
understood that Xu Chang
was sent to her by the
heavens to let her survive
the disaster. She lived for
nearly 28 years, only Xu
Chang can make her lose
her mind, forgetting that she
was a mature and sensible
person. Suddenly making
her revert back to her
18-year-old self who loses
her mind and becomes crazy
because she found out that
Xu Chang was dating
someone. Ten years later, it
turned out that she was still
the same, she was still the
little girl who was crazy
about Xu Chang.
In these few days, Xu
Chang seems to be less busy,
but his “not so busy” just
means that he won’t work
overnight. Qin Xiangnan
still receives greetings from
Xu Chang every morning
and evening. She still only
responded to him lightly.
For Qin Xiangnan, Xu
Chang won’t hear the good
words that he wanted to
On this day, Qin Xiangnan
dragged her tired body back
home in the middle of the
night. She didn’t even want
to move, so she sat with her
mobile phone and played.
After finishing looking over
the Weibo hot search, it was
okay to be idle so she posted
on a whim. Her weibo still
has V [V is put on those
accounts that are verified],
and she is certified as a City
S reporter. Although the
number of fans are pitifully
small, there were only
nearly 10,000, but there are
still a few people who
comments and likes her
She edited this passage:
Strugglers drives the career
boat to the ideal side in the
river where the deep water
is. I just want to motivate
myself to work hard.
Then she continued to play
on her mobile phone. But
after a few minutes, there
was a notification indicating
a new comment on Weibo.
It seems that she still has
She clicked on it and found
that she received two
The first one came from Xu
Chang. Reply: So cultural.
Qin Xiangnan chuckled, but
didn’t expect Xu Chang
himself as a special concern.
Since Xu Chang trended last
time, his Weibo has been
found. Qin Xiangnan saw
his Weibo followers
suddenly became tens of
thousands of people, and
began to feel envious. Every
time he posted, a group of
fans would like and
Qin Xiangnan also checked
the second comment under
his Weibo which came from
a person anmed “Jiangyang
There were only two simple
words: Come on.
Maybe he is a little fan but
this “Jiangyang Bandit” may
still be a hardcore fan. Qin
XIangnan only found out
that each of his posts has his
comments, and each time
there were only few simple
A few days later, when Qin
Xiangnan was working
outside, she received a call
from her mother, Zhao Mei.
Zhao Mei was frantic on the
phone: “Xiangnan, your
father is gone.”
Qin Xiangnan was taken
aback: “Mom, what did you
Zhao Mei was weeping, and
said: “I just went out to buy
food and when I came back,
he was gone. I’ve been
searching around for a long
time but I still didn’t find
your Dad. Xiao Nan…”
Qin Xiangnan comforted her
and said, “Mom, don’t
worry, I’ll call the police.
You can go home and see,
maybe Dad has gone back.”
Zhao Mei had to listen to
Qin Xiangnan’s words and
went home to wait, and Qin
Xiangnan also quickly
called the police. She took a
leave from the leader and
ran back to her parents’
home to find her father.
She anxiously searched the
entire community and
surrounding markets, but the
people did not see Qin
Chaoming. She had to call
Qin Xiangbei and ask him
for help.
She also called her mother
who was waiting for news at
home: “Mom, I couldn’t
find Dad.”
Zhao Mei replied that he
also was not at home.
Qin Xiangnan was anxious,
but she had to be strong and
comfort her mother: “Mom,
don’t worry, I called the
police. They will look into
the monitors. I also called
my brother to help.”
Zhao Mei was a little
Unexpectedly, as soon as
Zhao Mei’s phone was hung
up, Qin Xiangbei called and
told her that Qin Chaoming
was found, he was in front
of their hospital.
Qin Xiangnan was suddenly
relieved. After telling Zhao
Mei, she took a taxi and
went to the hospital.
After Qin Xiangnan arrived,
she saw Qin Xiangbei
accompanying Qin
Chaoming. Qin Chaoming’s
eyes were dull, and he
didn’t say anything when he
saw Qin Xiangnan.
“Dad, what’s wrong with
you? Why did you come
here?” She asked her father.
Qin Chaoming remained
silent, and she turned to ask
her younger brother. “What
is Dad doing here?”
Qin Xiangbei shook his
head. “I received your call
and saw him as soon as I
went out. I asked him but he
said nothing.”
Qin Xiangnan felt strange.
Why did Qin Chaoming got
confused and ran to the
hospital? “Did he come to
“I don’t know. Dad likes
you the most, why did he
come find me?”
The two was silent for a
while. Zhao Mei rushed
over and was relieved when
she saw that nothing serious
She was angry and anxious,
scolding Qin Chaoming:
“Why did you come here
suddenly? Do you want me
to die early?”
Qin Xiangnan comforted her
and asked her to take her
father home quickly.
Unexpectedly, Qin
Chaoming actually opened
his mouth and said
something that Qin
Xiangnan could not
“Mei Mei, I hurt him.”
Qin Xiangnan didn’t really
listen, “Mom, what does
Dad mean?” She asked
Zhao Mei.
Zhao Mei looked a little
strange, and said vaguely: “I
don’t know, your Dad is
confused today. I’ll take him
back first, you all go to
work. I’ll definitely look
after him when I go back.”
Qin Xiangnan didn’t say
anything, she was thinking
in her heart. What did her
father mean? After watching
her parents get in the car
and went home, she felt
Qin Xiangbei looked at her
and ridiculed: “Qin
Xiangnan, since you’re here,
do you want to go inside the
Qin Xiangnan showed him
her fist, “No time!”
“Do you not want to see
him?” Qin Xiangbei
She knew what her brother
was pointing at, and her face
was slightly hot. She pulled
her brother’s arm, “Don’t
make trouble!”
Qin Xiangbei shouted: “I
want to complain to my
brother Xu Chang! You are
a tigress, how does he like
Still, Qin Xiangnan couldn’t
help but want to take at peek
at Xu Chang.
After reaching their
department, she hesitated
again, fearing that he was
busy at this time and she
might bother him. Moreover,
Lin Ruier affair last time,
she has not forgiven him
completely! Now, she
voluntarily came to the door
to find him, isn’t it too
cheap? But she couldn’t
help but want to see him. In
this way, the two villains in
her head started fighting
Finally, Qin Xiangnan beat
down the villain who didn’t
want to meet, and went to
him in a fair manner.
As a result, she didn’t seem
him after walking in. He
was not in the clinic. She
was discouraged.
“Hey, are you reporting
Qin?” A beautiful nurse
asked her.
Qin Xiangnan nodded and
asked curiously, “How do
you know me?”
“Last time we were in
medical trouble, the
amputated patient, wasn’t
that reporter Qin too? I
remember very clearly that
reporter Qin looks so
beautiful. I will never forget
Qin Xiangnan was in a
happy mood, thinking that
the little nurse’s mouth was
as sweet as honey.
“Reporter Qin, why are you
here today?” The nurse
looked at her with wide
“Oh, I’m looking for
someone… It seems that the
person is not here, so I’ll go
back.” She glanced around
and said.
“Who are you looking for?
I’ll ask for you.” The little
nurse was kind but she
found it difficult…
“Well, I came to find Dr.
When the little nurse heard
Xu Chang, her eyes glowed,
“So you are looking for Dr.
Xu. He should be in the
office today. I will take you
to find him.” The little nurse
said and dragged Qin
Xiangnan away.
“Reporter Qin, why are you
looking for Dr. Xu?” She
looked curious. The nurse
looked very young and
looked less that 25 years
“Just ask him… ask…” Qin
Xiangnan didn’t know how
to answer for a moment.
The little nurse didn’t care
about what Qin Xiangnan
said: “Reporter Qin, did you
know? All the single nurses
in our hospital likes Dr. Xu.
Dr. Xu is really handsome
and superb.”
Qin Xiangnan saw her face
and teased her: “So, do you
like him too?”
The nurse immediately
blushed and said sheepishly,
“Of course.”
Qin Xiangnan felt angry and
funny. It seems that her love
rival can’t be counted with
her fingers. If you knock
down a Zhao Cancan, a Lin
Ruier will come out. Lin
Ruier is knocked down,
countless beautiful nurses
will come out…
In front of Xu Chang’s
office, the little nurse
stopped. The office door
was half open, and Qin
Xiangnan heard Xu Chang
talking with other people.
The warm voice tickled her.
“Dr. Xu, someone is looking
for you.” The little nurse
knocked on the door and
Several people in the room
turned around in a sweeping
manner, and Xu Chang’s
eyes fell upon Qin Xiangnan,
his eyes filled with surprise
and joy. A total of three
people stood in the room. In
addition to Xu Chang, there
were two other doctors. He
is about thirty years old and
looks very stable.
Qin Xiangnan was
embarrassed for a while, and
she didn’t know how to
speak. Originally, she just
wanted to take a peek, but
she didn’t expect the battle
to become so big in the end.
Instead, Xu Chang said
happily, “How are you
“I… passed by…” She was
a little overwhelmed.
Xu Chang seemed to see her
embarrassment and quickly
said to the two doctors: “Dr.
Wang and Dr. Qian, my
girlfriend came to see me,
we will talk about it later.”
The two doctors, including
the nurse standing at the
door looked shocked by Xu
Chang’s “girlfriend”. dr.
Wang and Dr. Qian laughed
and went out with a smile.
They did not forget to look
at Qin Xiangnan more
before they left. The little
nurse’s chin never closed,
her face was red and white
for a while.
After they left, Xu Chang
smiled, pulled Qin
Xiangnan in, slammed the
door shut, and pressed her
against the wall…
Qin Xiangnan couldn’t
resist Xu Chang who was
very close to her at this time.
She could even smell his
familiar scent. The heat he
exhaled blew on her face.
“Do you miss me so much?”
He asked softly in her ear
with a low voice. Warm
heat blew on her ears, and
her cheeks were slightly hot.
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m
just really passing by…”
Her words seemed to irritate
him. He pinched her soft
waist. She felt a little pain
and understood that
something was wrong.
“Say you miss me…” He
blew in her ear again, and
she had no energy at all. She
leaned against the wall, her
legs soft.
She bit her lower lip and
faintly said while trembling:
“I miss you so much…”
Xu Chang chuckled softly
and gently embraced her. It
felt like her nerves were
very sensitive and it spread
around her body, a burst of
hot blood spreading all over
When he slowly left her ear,
he gently dropped a kiss on
her forehead, to her hot
cheeks, the tip of her nose.
It was like a spring breeze,
warm and comfortable. He
whispered again in a low
voice: “You are so
Qin Xiangnan had no
energy at this time. Hearing
this sentence, something
seemed to bloom in her
He was cautious again,
slowly approaching her full,
glamorous lips…
Qin Xiangnan’s cell phone
rang at this time, and she
moved slightly.
“Leave it alone…” he said
The ringing made her upset,
but Xu Chang still didn’t
stop, holding her hand
tighter. Then Qin Xiangnan
felt the corners of his lips,
his soft lips came close, and
the warm, intoxicating
breath approached her.
“Dr. Xu, can I come in?”
Suddenly someone knocked
on the door and pulled Qin
Xiangnan, who was still
drunk, back from the
dreamy state. She gently
pushed Xu Chang with a
powerless hand.
Xu Chang sighed in
annoyance and slowly let
her go.
He went to open the door,
and Qin Xiangnan touched
her hot cheeks, pretending
to be calm.
Xu Chang opened the door
and saw Lin Ruier standing
at the door.
“What is it?” He looked at
her coldly.
“Can I come in?” She
looked back at Xu Chang.
“What’s the matter?” Xu
Chang repeatedly asked as if
she didn’t hear it.
“I want to ask you a
question.” She glanced at
the inside of the room.
“No time. We’ll talk about it
later.” Xu Chang looked at
her with cold eyes.
At this point, Qin Xiangnan
came out from behind him
and said: “Xu Chang, I
won’t disturb your work, I’ll
go first.”
Lin Ruier looked at her. Her
face tight, her lips pursed.
Xu Chang apparently
listened to Qin Xiangnan’s
words, but saw that she
insisted on leaving. Because
of Lin Ruier’s presence, he
did not grab her but went
out and told her: “Go back
to worl.”
Qin Xiangnan nodded
slightly and left.
After she left, Xu Chang
glanced at Lin Ruier with a
sullen face. Lin Ruier felt a
little uneasy. She had just
heard the nurses discussing
Xu Chang’s girlfriend
outside. She was surprised
and angry, and her heart was
blocked. She ran over
without thinking and
knocked on Xu Chang’s
door. She wanted to find out
if the nurses’ words were
true. Until she saw Qin
Xiangnan, she froze. She
couldn’t believe that Xu
cChang’s girlfriend was
really her, and Xu Chang
seemed to be angry with her.
She was a little scared.
Although he always rejected
her before, he had never
been angry with her. Xu
Chang was always gentle
with her.
“I didn’t mean it, I didn’t
know anyone was there.”
She said while trembling.
“Hurry up, I’m really busy.”
He set his eyes coldly on the
She hesitated, “Is she really
your girlfriend?” She asked
“Yes.” He answered.
Hearing his affirmative
answer, Lin Ruier’s face
went pale, her lips moved
slightly, she wanted to say
something but nothing came.
After a long time, she
slowly turned around and
walked out of the door. The
moment she turned around,
her tears fell.
She liked him since she was
in her first year. He had a
girlfriend, but it was not ehr.
Xu Cahng, whom she had
been dreaming for eight
years, has always been close
but so far away, and finally ,
she can;t lean on him
anymore and can’t walk into
his heart.
Before, she thought that a
log-term companionship
with him would make him
see her goodwill. She spent
eight years occupying a
space by his side but did not
expect that this position that
she thought was stable was
worthless in front of Xu
Chang. After Qin Xiangnan
appeared, she fell from a
high position to the bottom
of the valley, and the last
trace of hope disappeared.
Qin Xiangnan returned to
work after leaving the
hospital. Because of her
father’s false alarm, she still
couldn’t let it go and went
home at night.
After she returned home,
she found that her father
was in a much better state
and called out ‘Xiao Nan’,
letting her uneasy heart
finally calm.
When eating at night, Qin
Chaoming was sober and
talked to Qin Xiangnan
about her childhood.
“Xiao Nan, you and your
brother always quarreled
when you were younger. I
always wanted to scold him.
Boys and girls are different.
Be strict with boys. But girls
are to be doted upon.”
“I know my Dad loves me,
so my brother always say
that you are biased. In fact, I
know that Dad loves my
brother as well, right?”
“Oh. Only Xiao Nan knows
me best, but your brother
still hates me. When he was
about to have his college
exam, I didn’t want him to
study medicine anymore. He
suddenly became angry with
me. He said that the person
who forced him to study
medicine was me, and now
he is not allowed to study
medicine. No matter what I
say, he didn’t listen to me.
Then he went to City B by
himself. I was really anxious
and angry. But the child was
of age and he had his own
ideas and I couldn’t stop it.”
Qin Xiangnan looked at her
father and felt that he was
really old and his hair was
getting grayer. In recent
years, he was even more
haggard because of his
illness. She suddenly felt
“Dad, why won’t you let
him study medicine? Didn’t
you want us to become
doctors before?” She asked
him carefully.
“Doctor, the responsibilities
are too great and hard. I
hope that both of you will
be safe all the time.”
Although her father is ill,
sometimes he even don’t
recognize people, he still
have the pair of siblings in
his heart. This is probably
the love of a father and the
warmth of a family…
In the evening when she was
about to leave, her mother
Zhao Mei was reluctant.
Because during Qin
Chaoming’s birthday, she
promised to stay the night
but she went out at midnight.
Qin Xiangnan felt a little
upset and promised her
mother to stay the night.
Thinking of meeting Xu
Chang during the day, she
sent him a message telling
him that it was not
convenient to meet him.
Qin Xiangnan just lay down
and scrolled on Weibo.
After seeing that the fan
“Jiangyan Bandit” had been
commenting on her posts,
she clicked on his Weibo
and found that he only have
a few posts. The latest was
half a year ago, located in
country M, a night view
photo. Qin Xiangnan
chuckled lightly because she
still had multinational
followers. Checking Xu
Chang’s Weibo boringly
agian, all the comments
were from little girls.
She turned off the light and
was ready to go to bed. Xu
Chang called her again and
she answered it. She didn’t
expect that he would
surprise her.
“I’m downstairs in your
house, can you come
She wondered, “Didn’t I tell
you that I’m at my parents’
“I know. I’m here. If you
don’t believe me, turn on
your lights and look at the
She was still a little
skeptical and somewhat
expectant. She turned on the
light, got out of bed, opened
the curtains, and looked
down. She really found a
familiar figure downstairs.
He waved at her.
“Why are you here? It’s so
late, go back.”
“I told you that I’ll come to
you after work, why did you
hide from me?” He was a
little angry.
“I didn’t hide from you. I
was a little homesick.” She
“Then I miss you too, come
“No. My mom will find
out.” Qin Xiangnan rejected
“If you don’t come down, I
will knock on the door.” He
actually threatened her!
Qin Xiangnan promised to
go after a while. She wore a
coat and opened the door
quietly. When she crept past
her parents’ room, she
quietly listened the the
movements inside, and there
was no sound. She walked
gently the door and opened
it with the least sound. After
going out, she locked it
firmly and took a long
As she walked downstairs,
Xu Chang stood under the
light, illuminating his side
face faintly, making him
look quiet an soft. Qin
Xiangnan walked towards
him. When he was less that
one meter away, Xu Chang
took a step forward and
hugged her into his arms.
She fell into his solid and
warm embrace and was at
“Why are you here?” She
asked him.
“Can’t I come? I used to
come often.” He chuckled.
Qin Xiangnan suddenly felt
funny. He used to be able to
enter their house freely, but
bow she has to sneak out to
see him.
“When will you tell your
parents about us?” He asked
She was a little surprised
and said: “I haven’t figured
out how to say it… I will
say it next time I get the
“Welll, I’ll listen to you.”
He said softly in her ear.
“I’m going up, I will be
discovered by my mom if I
stay put for a long time.”
She wanted to break away
from his arms but she was
held tighter by him. Qin
Xiangnan thought that his
hands were greedy and after
a while, they might be
After a long time, she said:
“I really want to go up. You
go back early.”
Xu Chang didn’t seem to
hear what she said, but he
still hugged tightly. Said to
her: “Do you know? Ten
years ago, I wanted to hold
you like this, but I didn’t
have the opportunity. I
always wanted tI regretted
that I didn’t say it earlier.
Before he came, I should
have told you I liked you.”
Qin Xiangnan heard Shen
Zhiyang’s name, and she
was a bit melancholic. She
said: “Xu Chang, did you
know that in fact in those
days, I liked you. When
Shen Zhiyang and I were
together later, I realized that
in fact, I did not like him. So
don’t mention him again,
After she said it, he seemed
to be relieved, “Okay, I
won’t mention him again.
But, I’m still angry…”
She wondered, “Why are
you angry?”
“Angry, he kissed you so
much, in front of me…” Qin
Xiangnan was shocked, and
she didn’t want it at the
“So…” Xu Chang continued,
“I’m going to take back
everything I lost…”
Qin Xiangnan hadn’t
reacted yet, Xu Chang
kissed her unexpectedly…
Xu Chang’s kiss was
lingering and reluctant,
making Qin Xiangnan feel
breathless and dizzy. After a
moment, QIn Xiangnan
pushed him away forcefully
and said shyly: “Stop, we’ll
be seen by others. I’m going
Xu Chang’s kiss was
lingering and reluctant,
making Qin Xiangnan feel
breathless and dizzy. After a
moment, Qin Xiangnan
pushed him away forcefully
and said shyly: “Stop, we’ll
be seen by others. I’m going
Xu Chang was reluctant to
part with her, hugged her,
pressed his forehead on hers,
and the two looked at each
other. Then, “Go up. I’ll
watch you turn your lights
off before I go.”
He released her. Qin
Xiangnan stepped back,
waved to him and said, “I’m
going.” Then, she turned
around and ran in. Before
entering the corridor, she
looked back at him and
smiled slightly. Xu Chang
looked at her sweet smile
and couldn’t help laughing.
Qin Xiangnan stopped
looking at him and went
straight upstairs.
When she arrived at the
door, she gently opened it
with her key, trying not to
make a sound. Seeing that
her parents’ room still
closed, she was relieved and
hurried to her room to close
the door. She hurried to the
window, opened the curtains,
and found that Xu Chang
was still standing there, the
vague outline, as if looking
up at the direction of her
window. It was dim tonight,
but she seemed to see the
moonlight fell on him,
making her feel very sweet.
She then turned off the
lights and enter a sweet
When Qin Xiangnan went to
work the next day, leader
Pang had a meeting with
several people.
“Recently, we may have to
focus on the news on the
current Internet finance
companies. You also know
that this kind of industry
supervision has been very
strong recently, and
countless companies have
closed down. The public
response is also very strong.
You should pay special
attention to these companies,
once their capital chain
breaks, the boss may run,
even if they do not run, the
company is also on the
verge of bankruptcy, which
is a matter of ruin for
ordinary people. So I hope
you can take the initiative to
visit, secretly visit or
investigate some of these
companies. Report the
problem to the relevant
departments in a timely
manner, so that the people
will lose less and do more
for the people.”
Everyone understood the
leader’s spirit. Chen Xiaoqi
asked Qin Xiangnan: “Why
do companies in this
industry went bankrupt
Qin Xiangnan thought for a
while and said, “There
should be various reasons.
For example, the company
has not done a good job in
risk control, but the
company’s own technology
is not enough. There is also
such an internet finance
company that is plainly a
loan company, from offline
to online. Often because of
seasonal characteristics,
such as the high demand for
investors to redeem funds at
the end of the year, this will
be very stressful for some
new and small companies.
To put it bluntly, it is the
people who give back the
money to the company, and
have no money to borrow to
someone else, has led to a
funding strand breaks. What
is more appalling is that
there will be some
unscrupulous companies
that would like sleight of
hand tricks, and run away.”
“Oh, so that’s the case. I
learned something from
sister Xiangnan again.”
Chen Xiaoqi especially
admired her.
“But course I only explained
a part of it, mostly from
what I read on the financial
Leader Pang told them to
pay more attention to
internet financial companies,
and Chen Xiaoqi started to
check it online. She found
that there are hundreds of
companies of all sizes, and
half of them have closed
down. Such companies
came quickly and have high
After checking a lot of
information on the internet,
Chen Xiaoqi suddenly
ignited her passion and was
about to make an
unannounced visit. Qin
Xiangnan sighed. She really
admired the young girl Chen
Xiaoqi and said she could
do it. Chen Xiaoqi patted
her chest and said, “Sister
Xiangnan, wrap it with me.
I’ll notify you in time.”
Qin Xiangnan nodded, she
really couldn’t do this kind
of work.
After a few days, Chen
Xiaoqi unexpectedly called
her while she was still at
work that day.
“Sister Xiangnan, there is a
situation, there is a situation.
This financial company I
chose has a bit of problem.
There are several waves of
people coming here today. It
seems that they can’t get
their funds out. Hurry up
and come here to see.
“Yes, I’ll come right away.
Send me your address.” Qin
Xiangnan didn’t expect that
Chen Xiaoqi really had
When Qin Xiangnan arrived,
the door of this company
was really blocked by many
man and women. The
majority were uncles and
aunties, it is possible that
the money they invested
were their life savings.
When Chen Xiaoqi saw her,
she first introduced the
company’s history.
“This company was founded
two years ago with a
registered capital of 20
million US dollars. The
CEO graduated from the
XX Finance School of M
Country. He is a young
talent. He has lived in the
United States for a long time
and will occasionally come
back to manage the
company. This company is
still very large. There are
more than 3,000 employees
across the country. Recently,
due to strict market
supervision and some
problems in the capital
chain, some products cannot
be withdrawn. Because of
this situation, these people
are afraid that their money
cannot be taken out, so they
came to the company to
make trouble.”
Qin Xiangnan generally
understood that it seems that
this company has only had a
small problem, but if these
people continue to make
trouble like this, it will have
some impact on the
company’s brand.
“Why didn’t the company’s
leader came forward to
solve it? Are they doing it
here?” Qin Xiangnan asked.
“Yesterday, an executive
said a few words, but these
people didn’t buy the it,
saying they wouldn’t leave
without seeing the money.”
“Oh, why do company
executives prefer to let these
people wait. Is there a
solution?” Qin XIangnan
felt strange.
“I heard that the CEO will
come today and will give a
solution, so these people are
waiting here. You see, I
have been waiting for a long
time, it’s really exhausting.
This CEO is really big.”
Chen Xiaoqi shot up and
slapped her shoulders and
rubbed her waist.
“Xiaoqi, it’s really hard for
you. It seems that you have
contributed a lot this time. I
will definitely ask Mr. Pang
to get you a promotion and
raise your salary.”
After hearing her
encouragement, Chen
Xiaoqi was very happy.
“However, I still want to get
a deeper understanding of
their internals. What is the
problem, so that this time
the capital broke out.” Qin
Xiangnan thought about it.
“Sister Xiangnan, this is
difficult. This has to be
investigated by a
professional organization.
We don’t have this skill.”
Qin Xiangnan nodded, Chen
Xiaoqi was right.
After waiting for about an
hour, their legs were sore
and they still didn’t see the
company’s CEO. Qin
Xiangnan was ready to go
back. The job of squatting is
really not suitable for her.
Chen Xiaoqi let her go back
quickly, she will be notified
if something happens.
Qin Xiangnan looked at the
crowd of people at the door
and sighed in her heart. She
felt that the people were
really pitiful, and they
would have to threaten to
take some money to invest.
She said goodbye to Chen
Xiaoqi and took the elevator
downstairs. When she
reached the first floor, she
saw several foreigners in the
lobby. This is a business
building in the city center. It
is normal for foreigners to
enter and leave.
She was ready to take a taxi
home, picked up her cell
phone, opened the car
calling software, and heard
that the group of foreigners
had just seen someone and
was busy saying hello. Qin
Xiangnan didn’t even think
about it. She continued to
call the car. At this time,
another voice said
something in English. Qin
Xiangnan felt that this voice
was very familiar. She
looked back quickly and
saw that this group of
people had entered the
elevator. She continued to
look at her phone. She saw
the driver taking orders and
she ran out of the gate.
Because she came home
early today, she went to the
vegetable market specially
to stock up on her
refrigerator. Carrying home
big bags, ready to cook, Xu
Chang called.
“Little lazy cat, what are
you doing?” Qin Xiangnan
responded as soon as she
heard this title, reminding
her of the kitten named
“Xiao Rui”.
“I’m busy cooking, you still
play with your Xiao Rui cat,
I have no time to take care
of you.”
“I told you that the cat is not
called Xiao Rui, it was Dr.
Lin who came up with it
herself.” Xu Chang
“Why don’t I call it Xiao
Nan, please? “
“Don’t want it, do you treat
me as a pet?” She scorned.
Xu Chang smiled softly. In
his eyes, she was not his pet.
“Then what do you call it?”
he asked her.
She thought for a while and
was cutting potatoes on her
hands. “Well… why don’t
you just call it potatoes.”
“Qin Xiangnan, you only
know how to eat. You can’t
come up with something
“What other interesting…”
She was suspicious.
Xu Chang didn’t want to be
crooked. He heard her
doubtful voice and felt that
she was very cute so he
wanted to tease her. “The
interesting thing is that
Qin Xiangnan shivered, and
the hands cutting the
potatoes did not have a good
direction. “Ouch,” she
accidentally cut her finger.
There were blood flowing
“What’s wrong?” Xu Chang
was nervoud.
She was short of breath and
her fingers hurt again. “Xu
Chang, I don’t want to talk
to you anymore.” She
quickly flushed the blood
under the tap.
“Did I say something wrong
again? What’s wrong?
Don’t tell me you cut your
fingers accidentally.”
Xu Chang was really smart,
which reflected that she was
stupid. She was so angry
that she couldn’t speak.
After rushing under the
faucet for a while, she felt
no bleeding, and she was
going to find a band-aid to
stick it casually. As for Xu
Chang who said she was
stupid, she was still
depressed. “I’m stupid,
didn’t you know since the
first day? You didn’t know
it as early as ten years ago.
Well, then you might as
well look for Dr. Lin who is
as smart as you.”
“You didn’t really cut your
finger? Is it deep? If it is not
deep, remember to wipe and
disinfect with alcohol to
avoid infection of the
wound, and then wrap it
with gauze. If there is too
much blood, you should
come to the hospital.”
Qin Xiangnan was shocked,
but her finger was cut. Is it
necessary to go to the
“Not so troublesome, just
such a small wound, I’m
afraid before I reach the
hospital, the wound has
healed. Haha” She didn’t
listen to Xu Chang’s words,
she found a band-aid and
posted it directly.
“Don’t be afraid of trouble.
If the wound is not treated
well, you will get tetanus.
Tetanus also has a certain
incubation period. After a
period of time, you will be
dizzy, weak, and muscles
are painful. Convulsions
will cause death from
suffocation or respiratory
failure. Can’t you treat it so
“…” Qin Xiangnan was
speechless for a moment,
why did she find a doctor to
be a boyfriend? Just cut a
little bit of skin, Xu Chang
thought she would die of
respiratory failure…
After that, Xu Chang
seemed to remember
something, “What did you
just say, let me go to Doctor
Qin Xiangnan was surprised,
just a casual words she said
were still in his heart. “No,
you heard it wrong…”
“Did I hear it wrong, or did
you say it wrong? Huh?” he
asked her, with some anger
in his tone.
She knew that she
accidentally stepped on his
tail again, and quickly
apologized: “I was
“It’s good that you know
you’re wrong, and you are
not allowed to mention Dr.
Lin, just like you asked me
not to mention Shen… Do
you understand?”
“Understand, understand.
This little one is wrong, and
should not provoke Dr. Xu.”
“Well, it’s about the same.
I’m on duty tonight, I won’t
come to you anymore, you
eat well . By the way, the
wound must be treated
properly. Okay?”
Qin Xiangnan agreed. Hung
up the phone and continued
her big potato shredding
After dinner, Chen Xiaoqi
came to her to report to
“Sister Xiangnan, there is a
situation! There is a
situation!” She was startled
by the phone.
“What happened, after I left,
how long did that group of
people wait?”
“Unexpectedly, as soon as
you left. The CEO came.
Sister Xiangnan, too bad
you didn’t see it. Their CEO
is so young and handsome!”
Chen Xiaoqi was guilty of
“Xiaoqi, say the point.” She
couldn’t stand it.
“Oh, later. The CEO told
them that there were some
small problems within the
company, and he guaranteed
that their money would be
taken out. Then, he
explained that Tianhui
would hold a press
conference, and then he
would tell the solution
specifically. You really
don’t know, Sister Xiangnan,
this CEO is particularly
graceful. It’s not at all the
image of the diamond king I
imagined. It’s really
handsome, young, and
“Cough, well, I know.
Which place would they do
their press conference
tomorrow?” Qin Xiangnan
interrupted what she
continued to say, and she
couldn’t really listen.
“At one o’clock tomorrow
afternoon, the address will
be sent to you later. Am I
doing another great job this
“Yes, you are really good.
You just turned right and
behaved awesomely. You
will follow me later.”
Chen Xiaoqi sneered at the
The next morning, Qin
Xiangnan went to the unit to
attend a meeting, and was so
busy that she hurriedly ate
lunch. She hurried to the
place where Chen Xiaoqi
said yesterday to attend the
It was a high-end business
hotel. When Qin Xiangnan
arrived, Chen Xiaoqi had
already occupied her a seat.
She was in the first row. The
location was very good. Qin
Xiangnan couldn’t help but
praise her.
In addition to the group of
people she met at the door
of their company last time,
more investors were present,
and some seniors brought
their children. She glanced
roughly, it is estimated that
there are one or two hundred
Qin Xiangnan looked at the
time. Twenty minutes
before the start, the
company executives had not
yet come. Because she have
been busy with other work
all morning, she had no time
to check the background
information of this company.
She was going to secretly
check the internet while it
hadn’t started.
She looked closely. The
company was founded two
years ago and registered in
country M with a registered
capital of 20 million US
dollars. The head office is
set up in country M, and
more than a dozen branches
have been set up in the
country, spread over a dozen
cities. In just two years, the
number of employees has
expanded from three
hundred to more than three
thousand today. This
industry is really fast, Qin
Xiangnan thought.
Moreover, their company’s
products are well received,
with high returns, and have
never been postponed. This
time it may really just be an
She clicked on the company
executives to introduce and
study. When she saw the
first CEO profile, she
suddenly froze…
“Xiao Qi, what is the name
of the CEO you saw
yesterday?” She was in a
“I don’t know the specific
name. I seem to hear that
others call him President
Shen…” Chen Xiaoqi
Qin Xiangnan heard her
answer, her face was stiff
and her back was cold.
“Xiaoqi, it seemed that there
was still another thing I
need to do. It’s very urgent.
I have to go. Let me leave
the matter here.” Qin
Xiangnan immediately got
up and left.
Chen Xiaoqi pulled her off:
“Hey, Sister Xiangnan,
you’re kidding, there’s still
five minutes to start. You
just leave. What else is more
important than today’s
things, you let other
colleagues go. President
Pang has said that it is time
to pay attention to the
internet finance industry at
all times, so you can be at
Qin Xiangnan was pulled
down by Chen Xiaoqi and
she always felt uneasy. “So,
let’s sit in another place? Sit
back, okay?”
“Xiangnan, what’s the
matter with you? You just
praised the position I picked,
and I finally grabbed it. You
see that the back is full now,
what space is there?” “
Qin Xiangnan turned back
and looked around, she did
not find a vacancy, she was
anxious red in the face.
At this time, a beautiful
woman in formal wear came
on the stage and adjusted the
microphone volume after
sitting down.
“Everyone, please sit down
and be quiet. Today,
everyone is busy. Thank you
for attending our press
conference. I am the
company’s public relations
department manager and the
secretary of the general
manager. You can call me
Stella. For the related issues
after the expiration of
product e, today, we will
invite the CEO of the
company to give a solution.
Next, let our CEO and
founder Mr. Shen to come
and explain the situation to
everyone…” Stella stood up
and prepared to give way to
Mr. Shen.
Qin Xiangnan held her
breath. Did the person she
didn’t want to see really
appear in front of her?
As everyone’s applause
sounded. Qin Xiangnan saw
him, the young man in her
memory, Shen Zhiyang…
He was wearing a dark suit
with a long and slender
figure, and his youthful vibe
has disappeared. Now he is
mature, steady, and
extraordinary. But he was as
handsome as he was when
he was young, and he
showed confidence in his
Qin Xiangnan narrowed her
neck slightly, covering the
lower half of her face with
the notebook in her hand.
Seeing him nod to everyone
present, he sat down and
adjusted the height of the
“Thank you very much for
attending this press
conference. I am the founder
of the company, Shen
Zhiyang…” His voice was
low and full of magnetism.
Qin Xiangnan suddenly
remembered this familiar
voice. She heard it
inadvertently. She secretly
looked at him and saw that
he looked serious,
completely without the
shadow of being with her
After so many years, people
will still grow up. At that
time, she asked him to study
abroad. For his future, she
didn’t like him. She always
thought that the decision
was right. Now he looks
very good.
“First of all, I would like to
apologize to you all. The
current difficulties faced by
the company stem from the
improper prediction of the
policy situation and the
development of the industry.
After the “thunder tide” in
this industry, the regulatory
authorities have put forward
the requirements for
downsizing of stores. The
situation of the online loan
industry have undergone
major changes, and the
company’s previous layout
has become very heavy…”
“So this time the company
will face a severe test, thank
you very much for your
perseverance. After that, we
will carry out a
comprehensive strategic
transformation, including
business scale, management
team, online and offline
layout, etc…”
“I believe that after this test,
the company will definitely
survive the difficulties, and
everyone here must also
believe in us and give us
some time…”
After Shen Zhiyang finished
his speech, Stella walked
over to the microphone and
said a sentence: “You are
now free to ask questions,
everyone with questions,
please raise your hands to
ask, and President Shen will
answer them one by one.”
Chen Xiaoqi pushed Qin
Xiangnan next to her and
whispered: “Sister Xiangnan,
take this opportunity. Come
up with a good question ah,
this will depend on you.”
Qin Xiangnan shook her
head, with a concealed book,
she said:” I have no question.

Chen Xiaoqi felt strange for
a moment, such a good
chance, why won’t her sister
Xiangnan take advantage of
it. What? No matter, Qin
Xiangnan is not going, let
her come.
Chen Xiaoqi raised her hand
to prepare a question, Qin
Xiangnan saw it, and
quickly pulled her to stop.
Chen Xiaoqi looked at her
suspiciously, between the
two struggling, Chen Xiaoqi
finally raised her hand, Qin
Xiangnan accidentally
dropped the notebook on the
“This beauty, what’s the
problem, say it.” Stella
looked at Chen Xiaoqi.
Chen Xiaoqi quickly
released Qin Xiangnan’s
hand that was blocking her,
and stood up. Qin Xiangnan
felt awkward and quickly
picked up the notebook on
the ground to cover the
lower half of her face, her
heart pounding.
She secretly looked at Shen
Zhiyang. Fortunately, he
didn’t seem to find anything,
and his expression was
Chen Xiaoqi stood up and
introduced herself first: “Mr.
Shen, I am a reporter from
“Daily News”. My name is
Chen Xiaoqi. I am honored
to participate in today’s
press conference. I would
like to ask Mr. Shen, in
recent years, does the
company have a listing
Shen Zhiyang paused
slightly and said, “The
company does have a listing
plan. For this plan, it has
been prepared for a long
Chen Xiaoqi listened to Mr.
Shen’s answer and said
thank you and sat back. She
looked at Qin Xiangnan
suspiciously and asked her
in a low voice: “Sister
Xiang Nan, why didn’t you
just let me ask questions?”
“Nothing, anyway, you also
asked, just like this…” she
Chen Xiaoqi still thinks she
is strange, why should she
keep covering her face? Has
she got acne today?
Immediately afterwards,
several reporters raised
many questions, and Shen
Zhiyang responded calmly.
After the reporter asked,
some investors started
asking questions.
Stella asked a middle-aged
man who seemed to be
around forty to ask
questions. The man stood up
and had a bad attitude.
“Mr. Shen just said that the
company will survive this
difficulty, then I would like
to ask Mr. Shen, when will
the company be able to get
through the difficulties, and
when will my money be
withdrawn?” His voice was
very loud, as if questioning .
Shen Zhiyang still calmly
replied: “At present, the
company has taken
corresponding measures, the
specific measures are not
convenient to inform, I
believe there will be a
turnaround soon, please give
more time and trust.”
The middle-aged listened to
his answer obviously not
buying the explanations,
still said with great force:
“Is your company using this
method to deceive us?
When will there be a
turnaround? I have been
waiting for several months.
When will my money be
returned to me? My child is
waiting. Do you still have a
conscience to pay for the
Stella saw that the investor
was out of control and
quickly called the security
guard to persuade him to
leave. Shen Zhiyang was
The security guard asked the
investor to leave. The
middle-aged man was still
yelling, and the other
investors started to speak:
“This big brother is right,
when will our money be
returned to us? I have to
wait for this money to buy a
house and pay the down
payment. I will wait for it.
The house prices have gone
up. I don’t know how many
times? Will you
“My son is still waiting for
my money to get married.
Now my wife is running
away, I haven’t got my
money yet.” An uncle also
“Yes, this money is the
money for our old couple to
provide for the elderly, it is
the savings that we have
saved for a lifetime.”
“Mr. Shen, you’re so grand,
please come up with a
substantial plan!”
“Yes! Today we can’t listen
to your words and just leave.
We need to know when we
can withdraw the money!”
“Please ask Mr. Shen to
give us a clear answer!”
“I will see the money today,
otherwise I will not leave !”
The scene was out of control
at this moment, and there
were a total of three security
guards on the scene.
Everyone said a word, and
was emotional. Stella was
on the stage and shouted:
“Please be quiet, if you do
this, I will call the police.”
Who knows, a group of
people heard her saying that
she wanted to call the police,
they became more angry .
“Okay, call the police,
check your company’s
details, is it a fraud?”
“Yes, let the police come!
Enforcement to return the
money to us!”
The more these people
speak, the more they crossed
points. Qin Xiangnan
couldn’t help but glance at
Shen Zhiyang, seeing him
with dignified expression,
and said nothing.
At this time, she didn’t
know who, and there was a
conflict with the security
guard, and the two were
fighting together. After all,
the security guards were not
vegetarians. They beat
people down three or two
times. Everyone saw that
someone was beaten and
they exploded. The young
and strong men of blood and
flesh got up directly and
start attacking the three
security guards.
Chen Xiaoqi saw that the
scene and was suddenly
confused, and when she was
panicking, she did not forget
to take out the video camera
and record it.
Seeing the scene, Stella
couldn’t take it back. She
said a few words in Shen
Zhiyang’s ear, and it was
estimated that he should
leave quickly. After
listening to her, Shen
Zhiyang got up and
prepared to leave.
Who knows who discovered
the move on the stage, and
immediately shouted: “Mr.
Shen can’t go, you have to
give us an account today.”
Everyone agreed again:
“Yes, Mr. Shen can’t go.
We must see our money
Shen Zhiyang hesitated and
paused there. Stella saw it,
and immediately she was
leaving with him.
Everyone was angry now,
and all stepped forward to
stop him. Chen Xiaoqi also
took the camera and
prepared to step forward.
Qin Xiangnan stopped her:
“Xiao Qi, don’t go, let’s
stop shooting.”
Chen Xiaoqi was puzzled:
“Xiangnan, what’s wrong
with you today.”
She didn’t care about Qin
Xiangnan, squeezed in the
crowd and rushed forward,
unexpectedly as soon as she
got on stage, she was
overthrown by someone.
Ouch, the camera rolled
down on the ground.
Qin Xiangnan hurried up to
help her. Too many people
were too chaotic and almost
stomped their cameras.
Chen Xiaoqi didn’t care
about herself, picked up the
camera, and squeezed into
the crowd one by one,
finally squeezed to the front
and fell again. Qin
Xiangnan was anxious for a
moment, didn’t think so
much, and squeezed inside
to help her. At this time she
heard someone shouting:
“Mr. Shen, you can’t go.
You have to give us an
Qin Xiangnan looked over,
and Shen Zhiyang was in
front of her, separated by
about two people.
Stella stopped in front of her
and shouted, “Please calm
down, the police will be
here soon.”
The man in his forties, who
was in his anger, squeezed
in and was about to hit
someone with his fist, Stella
stopped in front, Qin
Xiangnan was pushed away
by him, and Qin Xiangnan
was squeezed by the crowd
behind him, and he stepped
forward two more times.
Qin Xiangnan exclaimed
when she saw that the
forty-year-old man’s fist
was about to fall on Shen
Zhiyang’s face. She raised
her hand to stop the fist.
Unexpectedly, who stepped
on her feet stepped forward
and threw it up, which
happened to fall in Shen
Zhiyang’s arms and was
also hit with a fist. Her face
was hot and painful, and she
felt a bloody smell
overflowing from her
“Xiao Nan!” Shen Zhiyang
The last thing Qin Xiangnan
saw was Shen Zhiyang’s
face, it was noisy around her,
and then her vision
gradually blurred, her voice
disappeared and she fainted.
When she woke up, her face
was swollen, hot and painful.
She didn’t know where she
was and her surrounding
was very quiet. She slowly
opened her eyes and the
white wall, fluorescent light,
a drip greeted her.
She suddenly felt her left
hand was held tightly.
“Xiangnan, you’re awake.”
It turned out to be Chen
Qin Xiangnan wanted to
open her mouth and speak
but she felt her left cheek
was stinging. It took her a
great effort before she could
utter, “Xiaoqi, how?” After
she spoke, it hurt so much
that she did not have the
energy to speak again.
Chen Xiaoqi seemed to
know what she was about to
ask and quickly said: “It was
Mr. Shen who sent you to
the hospital. He looks…”
She saw Chen Xiaoqi
stopping and said gently:
“He looked nervous…”
Qin Xiangnan was horrified.
What should come is always
Chen Xiaoqi continued: “I
just notoified your brother.
He will come over in a
Qin Xiangnan suddenly
thought of something and
panicked. Not considering
the pain in her left face,
asked in a vague voice: “Mr.
Shen? Did he leave?”
“No. He went to pay the
money and will come over
in a while.”
Finished… now she can
only hope that Shen
Zhiyang will hurry up and
go. She can only take on
step at a time… she didn’t
expect that Qin Xiangbei
came first. Qin Xiangnan
seemed to see a life-saving
straw and held him tightly.
Qin Xiangbei was startled,
“Qin Xiangnan, what are
you doing? You haven’t
died yet. You don’t have to
be so nauseous…”
Qin Xiangnan really wanted
to be mad at him, endured
the pain, and said vaguely:
“Xu Chang… don’t
“What? Xu Chang? I knew
you had forgotten your
brother and you only know
Xu Chang when you’re
about to die. You can rest
assured, he is performing
surgery now. I have told his
colleagues. He will come
over in a while.”
Qin Xiangnan grabbed her
brother’s hand and
immediately hit the edge of
the bed like a deflated ball.
She scolded Qin Xiangbei in
her heart… She hoped that
the two of them wouldn’t
meet… wouldn’t meet…
She could only pray silently.
“Why are you hurt like this?
Who hit you? Your face is
swollen like pig’s head,
really ugly.” Qin XIangnan
glared at him but did not
have the strength to refute
Unexpectedly, Chen Xiaoqi
on the side opened her
mouth again, “Oh. Sister
Xiangnan saved the hero
today. She took a punch for
President Shen. This
president is really young
and handsome…”
Qin Xiangbei listened to
CHen Xiaoqi’s endless talk,
his ears hurt, and he
interrupted her: “Stop. Who
is this SHen?”
“Mr. Shen, just…”
“It’s me!”
When Chen Xiaoqi finished,
Shen Zhiyang came.
Qin Xiangnan pretended to
Qin Xiangbei stared at Shen
Zhiyang suspiciously for a
long time, and suddenly
slapped his head. “Fuck!
Youare…” He didn’t dare to
say the words, and hurriedly
looked at Qin Xiangnan
with her eyes closes in the
hospital bed. Seeing her
motionless, he looked at
Shen Zhiyang suspiciously,
his eyes flicking back and
forth between the two,
feeling that things were not
“You are Qin Xiangbei, I
didn’t expect you to be a
Qin Xiangbei felt that Shen
Zhiyang actually recognized
him and was flattered for a
“Oh, yes, I know you. You
are Shen Zhiyang! My
sister…” Realizing that he
was about to go into trouble
the next second, Qin
Xiangbei immediately
stopped talking.
Shen Zhiyang just smiled at
him, walked into Qin
Xiangnan’s bed, watched
that her eyes were still
closed, and said softly,
“Xiao Nan.”
Qin Xiangnan was startled.
Qin Xiangbei and Chen
Xiaoqi both dropped their
Qin Xiangnan thought to
never wake up again. Shen
Zhiyang glanced at her.
Shen Zhiyang turned to ask
Chen Xiaoqi: “Has she not
woken up yet?”
Chen Xiaoqi thought for a
moment, Sister Xiangnan
had woken up earlier, why
did she sleep again this time.
What is the situation? Mr.
Shen’s “Xiao Nan”, did the
two of them know each
other? Qin Xiangnan also
behaved very strangely
today. Always seemed to
want ton escape. What
happened to the two of them?
Chen Xiaoqi felt that things
must not be simple.
She thought that she could
not betray Sister Xiangnan,
and answered him: “Did not
wake up.”
Qin Xiangnan gave her ten
thousand praises in her
Unexpectedly, Shen
Zhiyang’s next sentence
almost made Qin Xiangnan
jump from the bed.
Shen Zhiyang said: “Then I
will wait for her to wake up
before leaving.”
“No need!”
This voice! Qin Xiangnan
suddenly felt bad… The
three turned around, of
course Qin Xiangnan was
still pretending to be asleep,
and found Xu Chang
standing at the door, his face
Qin Xiangbei thought it was
over, the former and the
current meeting, it is
necessary to fight.
Chen Xiaoqi looked
suspicious. Did Dr. Xu also
have a relationship with
Sister Xiangnan?? What
happened? She was almost
Shen Zhiyang looked at Xu
Chang coldly. He
recognized him. He was Qin
Xiangnan’s classmate. He
remembered the debate in
high school. When Qin
Xiangnan was in distress,
she asked him every time.
He still remembers the New
Year’s Eve, and he was
there too. Qin Xiangnan
seemed to care about his
Xu Chang said to Shen
Zhiyang: “She is my
girlfriend, please leave!”
Shen Zhiyang looked
blankly at Xu Chang
without a word.
Qin Xiangnan’s palms were
cold and sweaty, and the
whole person was stiff, and
her heart was chaotic.
After a while, Shen Zhiyang
turned around and looked at
Qin Xiangnan, who still had
her eyes closed, and said to
her: “Xiao Nan, I will go
first. I will come to you
when I have time.”
After he finished, he turned
and walked to the door.
When he passed by Xu
Chang, he paused, did not
speak, and then stepped out.
Qin Xiangbei told himself
with a man’s intuition that
the murderousness just now
was too great. He took a
long breath, which was
Xu Chang’s face was still
ugly. He walked to the bed
of Qin Xiangnan and said,
“I Know you’re awake,
when will you stop
She opened her eyes in fear,
afraid to look at Xu Chang.
“Say, what’s the matter?”
He seemed angry, Qin
Xiangnan didn’t say
anything, and didn’t go to
see him.
“Look at me and talk!” His
voice was almost roaring.
Qin Xiangnan slowly looked
at him, seeing his iron-green
face, thinking that he was so
fierce to her, an inexplicable
air rushed toward her chest,
and then turned to the tip of
her nose, her lips pursed,
tears fell off.
At this moment, Xu Chang
suddenly panicked, he did
not expect him to scare her.
Qin Xiangbei and Chen
Xiaoqi were also
embarrassed, and they were
like two pieces of wood.
Qin Xiangbei scratched his
head and said to Xu Chang:
“I still have something, I
will go first.” After he
finished, he ran away with
his legs open, and Chen
Xiaoqi also said that she had
something to followed Qin
Xiangbei When she got to
the door, she did not forget
to close the door quietly.
There were only the two of
them left in the ward, it
silent for a moment. Qin
Xiangnan felt more and
more wronged in her heart,
her face still hurt, Xu Chang
was so fierce in front of
others, tears rolled down.
“Don’t cry, I was wrong.”
When she cried, his attitude
improved and he gently held
her hand. Unexpectedly, Qin
Xiangnan turned away. She
turned her head away, not
looking at him.
Xu Chang held her hand
tightly again, not letting her
break free. “I was worried
about you. When I heard
you were hurt, I was really
scared. Fortunately, you are
Seeing that she still ignored
him, he only twitched her
nose. He sighed softly,
“You have a good rest, I still
have things, I will come to
see you again later. I won’t
scold you anymore, don’t
After that, he gently grabbed
her hand. He kissed the back
of her hand, then slowly
lowered her hand, gave her
a glance, and turned away.
When he went out, she
found that Chen Xiaoqi was
still at the door. She saw Dr.
Xu coming out and hurried
forward, and said to him:
“Dr. Xu, you and Sister
Xiangnan are a pair. I just
found out, I think you are
very worthy “
Xu Chang hooked his lips
and asked her, “What the
hell happened today?”
Chen Xiaoqi said the matter
originally. Of course, in
front of Xu Chang, all the
praises of Shen Zhiyang
were omitted.
Xu Chang listened to her
and looked calm. “I know,
would you take care of her
for a while, I would see her
in the evening after work.
Thank you very much..”
Chen Xiaoqi quickly said no
After Xu Chang left, Chen
Xiaoqi came in to see her
and saw that she was in a
grievance, comforted her a
few words, and sorted out
today’s information next to
Qin Xiangnan lay alone in
bed, thinking about what
happened today. She didn’t
expect that she would meet
Shen Zhiyang today, and
she got a punch for him by
mistake. She just reacted
instinctively to save people,
who knew she would put
herself in it. She did not
know what Shen Zhiyang
would think, would he think
she would not forget him.
But she was even more
worried about Xu Chang. If
he knew she was punched
for Shen Zhiyang and then
she became like this, he
must have exploded.
Alas, why did this happen?
So tiring. Thinking about it,
she felt sleepy, her face hurt,
and she simply slept, forget
about her troubles.
She didn’t know how long
she slept until she woke up.
She felt that her face didn’t
hurt so much, but she was a
little hungry. Leaning her
head, she met Xu Chang’s
“You finally woke up, little
lazy cat.” He didn’t seem to
be angry, and she was
relieved in her heart.
“You must be very hungry,
drink some porridge, your
face is still swollen, and
your mouth can’t be too
Qin Xiangnan sat up and
watched Xu Chang gently
scoop a spoonful of white
porridge with a spoon. And
then put the spoon close to
her mouth, asking her to
open her mouth.
Suddenly, she felt a warm
current flowing through her
heart, squeezed her lips,
choked her tears back,
opened her mouth and drank
the white porridge he fed
her, until after a mouthful
was drunk by her, he wiped
her with tissue and cleaned
her mouth.
She has many things to say
to him, and wants to tell him
that she accidentally
encountered Shen Zhiyang
today. She didn’t
deliberately get a punch for
him. She hoped he won’t
She opened her lips slightly
and thought a lot, but at last
she said only three words
vaguely: “I’m sorry.”
He smiled slightly and said
to her: “I know. You did not
want to see him nor would
take a punch for him.
Today’s things are
coincidences, you don’t
need to apologize.”
Qin Xiangnan didn’t expect
him to understand her so
much, she was really
Xu Chang continued:
“However, in the future, you
are not allowed to see him
again.” He said in an orderly
She nodded and agreed.
Although she promised not
to see Shen Zhiyang without
hesitation, Xu Chang felt a
little uneasy in his heart.
This night, Qin Xiangnan
slept peacefully in a hospital
bed, and Xu Chang sat
beside her bed and looked at
her, staying up all night.
The next day, Qin Xiangnan
was allowed to leave the
hospital. Although she still
had a half swollen face, it
was better to go home than
to stay in the hospital.
Qin Xiangnan looked at
herself in the mirror, and her
face was completely ruined,
and she didn’t know how
Xu Chang could see it. With
this ugly face on, she
stopped going to work and
took three days off for a
good rest.
Although she said she was
on leave, she was not at
home and was busy writing
articles every day. Chen
Xiaoqi also sent a lot of files
and videos that she needed
to watch, waiting for her to
After the last encounter with
Shen Zhiyang, Qin
Xiangnan told Chen Xiaoqi
that she would not take care
of the affairs of Shen
Zhiyang, but the last press
conference would be very
important to Chen Xiaoqi.
She has now sorted out the
first draft and Chen Xiaoqi
begged her for help modify.
She thought that it was just
to help revise it, but instead
of meeting with Shen
Zhiyang, she agreed.
On the second day of
vacation, she was busy
looking at other manuscripts
during the day. She looked
up at five o’clock in the
evening, and Chen Xiaoqi
urged her to revise the
manuscript of Shen Zhiyang
company. She thought about
cooking after reading it.
Looking at it, she was
curious about why their
company’s capital chain
broke this time. She started
to check their company’s
profile on the internet. There
are also various posts. Don’t
miss it. Look at the
investors about this
company and their products.
Did not know what to order,
the page jumped to the
company executive
The first introduction on the
page that jumped out was
CEO Shen Zhiyang, and Qin
Xiangnan instinctively
wanted to turn it off. But he
still couldn’t help her
curiosity, thinking of her
promis to Xu Chang. This is
not a meeting if she look at
the introduction. And she
was really curious. At that
time, she let him go abroad,
what did he experience, at
least now he looks very
She glanced at Shen
Zhiyang’s resume. It turned
out that after graduating
from the M School of
Finance, he entered a
well-known financial
company in M Country.
After that, his career became
prosperous and became an
executive. Two years ago,
he also established his own
company. Qin Xiangnan
didn’t expect Shen Zhiyang
to be so powerful. Maybe
she didn’t know much about
him before. For more than a
year with him, it seemed
that she didn’t care much
about him, and she never
asked him anything. .
At that time she thought she
liked him, and now thinking
about it, just used to feeling
that he was there.
Thinking about it, she was
fascinated. At this time,
someone knocked on the
door, Qin Xiangnan came
back, and ran to open the
Unexpectedly, Xu Chang
was standing outside the
door, and Qin Xiangnan was
shocked and happy.
“Why are you here?”
“I came off work early
today to see how your face
Qin Xiangnan hurriedly
covered her left face. “It’s
too ugly, don’t look at it.”
Xu Chang broke her hand
away. “It’s pretty ugly, so
I’ll get used to it.”
She was angry and
hammered his chest with a
small pink fist .
“I’m going to cook, haven’t
you eaten yet?” she asked
“Well, I’m very hungry. I
haven’t eaten the the food
you cooked. But look at you
so stupid, it should not be
good to eat.”
Qin Xiangnan was so angry
that she pinched his neck
and finally dropped a
sentence. “Love to eat or not
to eat!” She ran to the
kitchen to do her big
Fortunately, the refrigerator
was full of food a few days
She peeked at him in the
kitchen and saw him bored,
and said, “I’ll take a while,
do you want to watch TV.”
“No, can I borrow your
computer, I just want to
check some information.”
“Yes, it’s on the table.”
After she said this, she
suddenly remembered
something. She immediately
threw a vegetable in her
hand, and ran out.
In front of Xu Chang, she
snapped the computer on the
“What are you doing?” Xu
Chang was surprised,
looking at her move
“Oh, I forgot, my computer
is broken. You should watch
TV.” She blinked and pulled
him to sit on the sofa.
Xu Chang is suspicious.
She pressed him on the sofa
and turned on the TV
remote control. Said a
sentence: “Don’t move. I’ll
Then she walked into the
room with the computer,
ready to hide it.
“Qin Xiangnan!” Xu Chang
stopped her, she was
“The computers are broken,
what are you doing hiding?”
She was stumped by him.
“Have you ever heard the
words to hide a head and
show the tail?”
She suddenly panicked.
“Why can’t I understand
what you’re talking about?”
“Here !” He reached out.
“No!” She could not give it
to him.
“I think you have a
problem.” Xu Chang’s face
Qin Xiangnan’s guilty
conscience, thinking of any
way to let him give up? He
is so clever, it is futile to
compile any reason at this
time. She sighed, and felt
“You promise first, you will
not be angry after you read
it, and you are not allowed
to be violent to me. Also,
what you see is by no means
what you think. I won’t lie
to you.”
“Okay. I promise,” he
She nervously handed him
the computer. He took it, put
it on the table, and turned it
Shen Zhiyang’s resume
jumped out of the webpage
that Qin Xiangnan looked at
Her heart beat faster and she
dared not look at him with
her head down, ready to
accept the roar from Xu
Chang to herself.
Unexpectedly, after waiting
for a long time, Xu Chang
said nothing.
She looked up at him and
found that he was seriously
looking for his medical
information. She was
“Xu Chang, are you angry?”
“Didn’t I promise you?” he
said calmly.
“Oh.” But she was still
afraid that he would
suddenly erupt afterwards.
“What are you doing, don’t
cook, do you want to starve
me to death?”
She said well, and ran to the
kitchen tremblingly.
She still kept peeking at him
afterwards and found that he
was still busy with his
business, and she was
In the evening, she showed
her cooking skills and made
three dishes and one soup.
Xu Chang, who was always
picky, praised her, and she
was complacent.
After dinner, Xu Chang was
busy looking up the
information. Qin Xiangnan
swiped Weibo on the sofa.
When she saw the fun, she
giggled and made Xu Chang
look at her from time to
When it was almost ten
o’clock, Qin Xiangnan felt
tired, and she began to order
“Xu Chang, you should go
Xu Chang looked at the time
and said it was too early.
She said oh, then watch
another funny video. She
looked at him and laughed
from time to time, and this
time she laughed back and
Xu Chang closed the
computer and said to her,
“You are too noisy. I can’t
work anymore.”
She saw that her computer
was closed. Presumably, he
had to leave, and quickly
got up and gave way.
“Then you go back early, I
am also sleepy.” She
stretched her waist.
Xu Chang was pushed out
of the door by her, said
goodbye and be careful on
the way, just about to close
the door, he propped up
with one hand.
Qin Xiangnan wondered,
“What are you doing?”
He suddenly smiled evilly at
her, “I don’t want to leave
She was surprised, what
does that mean? Ask him:
“Are you not going to work
“Go to work.” He answered.
“Then why do you still need
to check the information
He suddenly laughed out
loud, “Who said I want to
check the information
Qin Xiangnan suddenly
realized, blushing slightly:
“No… I… I’m not
ready… …”
He squeezed her slightly hot
face, “Where do you want to
She was embarrassed,
“Then what do you mean,
you bullied me again.” She
snorted, trying to close the
door, he held the door again.
“I’m serious, I’m gong to
the car to get my clothes,
prepare to put the quilt on
the sofa.” He finished and
went downstairs.
Qin Xiangnan just reacted.
He was about to sleep on the
couch tonight, and she was
She went back to the house
and moved the quilt out, but
she still wondered why Xu
Chang even brought his
Unexpectedly, Xu Chang
said the clothes are still a
big bag. She was surprised.
Is he going to move?
“I sometimes stay in the
hospital, so I will prepare a
Qin Xiangnan nodded.
“You take a shower and go
to bed early after washing.”
Xu Chang said to her.
She gave another nod.
Qin Xiangnan glanced at
him embarrassingly when he
came out of the shower and
said, “You go to wash, I
have prepared towels and
toiletries for you. I’m going
to bed.”
She finished walking into
the room and closed the
door After thinking for a
while, the door was gently
“Qin Xiangnan, I won’t eat
you, why is the door
locked!” She was shocked,
and this was heard by him.
Out of trust, the lock was
opened again, and she
shouted out: “No lock, let
She got angry and got into
the bed. Close her eyes and
prepared to sleep.
But she couldn’t sleep
anymore. She could not hear
the sound of the water
whizzing in the bathroom.
After looking at the time, it
was almost eleven. She
tossed and turned, unable to
sleep. After thinking about it,
she sent a message to Li
Qin Xiangnan: Li Susu, are
you asleep?
Li Susu: Sleep.
Qin Xiangnan: Ask you a
question, what if the
boyfriend is not interested in
the girlfriend?
Li Susu: Fuck! Do you have
a boyfriend?
Qin Xiangnan: You answer
my question first.
Li Susu: Who is it?
Qin Xiangnan: Nevermind,
Li Susu: Wouldn’t it be Xu
Qin Xiangnan: Why would
you think that
Li Susu: [Sprinkle Flower]
[Sprinkle Flower] [Excited]
Qin Xiangnan:
Li Susu: Men and women
who are in love often like to
pretend to be reserved, just
get used to it. But if this
person is Xu Chang, then it
is not necessary.
Qin Xiangnan: What do you
Li Susu: Think about it for
yourself, take him down
with your beauty. [Come
Qin Xiangnan threw her cell
phone, come on. She
thought that Li Susu, who
had a lot of experience in
love, had any coup. What’s
more, her beauty no longer
exists in these days, and Xu
Chang really can’t stop
facing the pig’s head.
It’s better to watch a funny
little video to distract your
attention. She was lying on
her side, touching her face
with her right hand, holding
the phone with her left hand,
and turning down the
volume of the phone to the
lowest level. When she saw
the funny part, she couldn’t
help but lower her voice and
giggled twice.
When she saw it, she
couldn’t hold it anymore.
she buried it in the bed,
wrapped it from head to toe,
and even got a hair thread in,
and gave herself a small safe
space. She was dumb and
giggled. She was overjoyed.
After seeing it for a while,
she kept a posture
uncomfortably, so she
changed my posture.
Because the left face was
still swollen, she had to look
up, holding the phone to her
face with both hands, and
continued to watch.
After brushing several funny
videos in a row, her stomach
hurt when she laughed.
“Don’t sleep in the middle
of the night, what are you
laughing at?” Xu Chang
shouted outside, scaring her
with a trembling hand and
smashing her phone with
her face. “Ouch”, it hurts.
“What’s wrong with you?”
“Nothing, the phone
smashed into the face.” She
rubbed and said.
“You can’t look at your
mobile phone in bed. Lying
on your left and right sides
will exert the most pressure
on your left and right eyes,
which will cause deviations
in your vision. It will also
cause physiological
curvature of the cervical
spine. The most important
thing is that the radiation
received by the mobile
phone signals will affect the
human brain nervous system.
Longer time will reduce
intelligence, you are already
stupid, do you want to be
even more stupid?”
She was speechless and just
looked at the phone. “Got it,
go to sleep immediately.”
She lowered her phone
Unexpectedly, she just
watched the video and
passed the biological clock
that she usually sleeps in.
She opened her eyes and
couldn’t sleep! She still
can’t help but want to watch
her cell phone, but it’s not
okay to watch funny videos,
so she’ll post on Weibo.
After a while, Xu Chang
actually called her. Ok? Is it
necessary to call just in one
room? She picked it up.
“What are you doing and
wasting phone bills?” she
“Qin Xiangnan, you
answering the phone so
quickly, are you looking at
your cell phone again?”
She was fooled by him?
“I just can’t sleep.”
“Then, I will talk to you.”
The suggestion is good.
“Okay, you speak.” She
“What phone bill do you
waste, I’m coming in?” Huh?
What does this mean?
When she reacted, she
hurriedly jumped out of bed,
straightened her hair,
adjusted her pajamas, and
turned on the lamp on the
bedside table.
Quietly said: “Come in.”
When Xu Chang came in,
he saw Qin Xiangnan
leaning on the pillow, a look
of sorrow, and the warm
yellow table lamp shining
on her half of the face was
very beautiful.
“You just laughed so loudly
now, now you’re showing a
languorous look. What are
you doing?”
Qin Xiangnan was pierced
relentlessly by Xu Chang,
her teeth tickled, and she
wasn’t pretending.
She snorted coldly at him,
“Say something soon.”
“It’s not that you can’t sleep.
Let me speak with you.”
Did she say that?
She couldn’t stand still
while chatting. She took the
initiative to move half of the
bed, a pair of hands, patting
the empty seat, “Sit!”
Xu Chang sat down with no
mercy, no, it should be half
leaned down, sitting on the
bedside, leaning on her
Qin Xiangnan suddenly felt
something was wrong, hey?
Was she routinely used by
The woman in love is
entangled. Qin Xiangnan,
who had just been depressed
by her boyfriend who was
not interested in her, was
upset at the moment.
But what she worried about
disappeared in the next
“It’s late, I won’t talk to you
anymore. Give me your
phone. Go to bed again.”
She listened to his close
voice, feeling very at ease in
her heart and handing over
the phone obediently.
Retract in the be
“Then when do you sleep?”
she asked him.
“When you fall asleep, I
will go out.”
She uttered a hum.
He turned off the lamp. The
room was completely dark,
they were not too close, they
were in an extremely
suitable distance, there was
no noise outside, and the
night was particularly quiet.
Qin Xiangnan only heard
her own calm heartbeat,
slowly and regularly
When Qin Xiangnan woke
up, she was lying on her
back on the bed. It was
already dawn. Today was
the last day of leave, and she
was ecstatic.
The sun outside is nice.
Today should be a sunny
The habit of these two days
is to get up and touch the
left face in the morning. It
seems that the swelling has
been reduced a lot.
She struggled on the bed for
a while, sat up, stretched
beautifully. Unexpectedly,
the range was a bit large,
and she accidentally hit
something with her right
hand. She turned her head to
look at it, and was startled
by an extra person around
Yesterday, Xu Chang, who
said that he would leave
when she fell asleep, is still
He hadn’t woken up yet,
lying half on the pillow,
even without the quilt
covering him. She glanced
at the air conditioner and it
should not be cold at 28
degrees. His eyes are closed
and his eyelashes are
shaking slightly, which is
really beautiful. Qin
Xiangnan could see for a
while, and glanced at the
phone, it was already seven
o’clock. Should she get out
of bed? Should she wake
him up?
She hesitated, and decided
not to wake him up first,
while he was asleep, it was
better to take a few more
look. Can’t help but stretch
out the devil’s claw again,
want to touch the beautiful
face. When reaching into the
air, Xu Chang suddenly
opened his eyes.
The two stared at each other
for a few seconds.
Xu Chang hesitated and said,
“What do you want to do?”
She choked for a moment
and thought for a while,
“Give you… cover you with
a quilt…” After finishing
talking, she would withdraw
her hand that was stopped in
mid-air and pull up the
corner. He was covered with
an upper body, pretending to
be flat.
Xu Chang looked at her and
chuckled, “I’m already
“Oh, is it.” She continued to
act silly.
Xu Chang opened the quilt,
raised his eyebrows gently,
pinched her chin with his
right hand, and looked at her
She groaned in her heart and
said “What are you doing?”
with a guilty conscience,
He slowly moved his face
closer to her. Qin Xiangnan
seemed to have guessed
what he wanted to do, and
began to get nervous.
Unexpectedly, he stopped
suddenly and stared at her.
After a while, he said: “It
doesn’t look so ugly.”
She was choked by this
sentence, so she has been
ugly to him these two days?
Ha ha, men are really big
hoofs, they all pretend to be
good with their appearance.
She sneered. “The next time
you get off work early and
come, I won’t even lend you
the sofa.”
He chuckled.
She ignored him, put on
slippers and got out of bed,
opened the curtains, and the
sunlight came in gently.
In November, the
temperature is just right.
Qin Xiangnan is preparing
breakfast, Xu Chang is still
washing. Someone came
knocking on the door, she
felt strange, who would
come early in the morning.
As soon as I opened the
door, she saw Qin Xiangbei
leaning against the wall with
one hand and carrying a
plastic bag.
After seeing her, stretch out
the plastic bag in front of
her. “Mom told me to bring
it to you.”
“It’s probably wonton
dumplings, I didn’t check
“Oh.” Qin Xiangnan looked
at him in a poor state of
mind, and asked by the way:
” No,” he said lazily.
“Oh. Are you going to
work?” she asked casually.
“Yeah,” he answered
perfunctoryly. There was
another concern: “Your face
is better?”
“Yes. Recently busy?” she
asked again.
“It’s okay.”
One doesn’t care and the
other doesn’t make sense.
He talked to her at the door
one by one.
“Your brother is here?” Xu
Chang saw the two people at
the door chatting blankly.
“Qin Xiangnan, won’t you
let your brother come in?”
Qin Xiangbei was
completely shocked by the
voice of the man in the
room. The original lazy
expression suddenly showed
a colorful and wonderful
expression. He didn’t expect
Qin Xiangnan to have a man
hidden in his house. This
man was no one else, it was
him Xu Chang.
Qin Xiangnan had long
forgotten that there were
still people in his family.
Unexpectedly, Xu Chang’s
sudden voice made her
caught off guard. She didn’t
know what to say.
Qin Xiangbei recovered,
and smiled meaningfully,
“Oh… It turns out you…”
He didn’t say that,
regardless of the stupid Qin
Xiangnan who was standing
at the door, he walked
straight in, a look on his
face He glanced at Xu
Chang with a bad intention:
“Yes, brother-in-law.”
This brother-in-law made
Qin Xiangnan almost
choked with her own saliva.
She explained awkwardly:
“Qin Xiangbei, don’t you
want to be crooked.”
“Oh, don’t want to be
crooked, don’t want to be
crooked, otherwise my sister
will be angry.” Qin
Xiangbei gave Xu Chang a
meaningful wink.
Xu Chang just smiled and
didn’t answer. Qin
Xiangnan thought Xu
Chang’s refutation was the
default. She flew a glare at
“Hey, brother-in-law, you
cooked breakfast, I just
didn’t eat yet, let’s eat
together.” Qin Xiangbei
rubbed his face without
shame, and Qin Xiangnan
couldn’t get away.
She grumbled, and was
half-dead by the unwelcome
kindness early in the
morning, and had to cook
breakfast for him.
Seeing Qin Xiangbei and
Xu Chang chatting happily,
she couldn’t talk for a while.
Buried half of the face in the
bowl and looked at the two
of them with eyes closed.
Qin Xiangnan feels that they
are far more intimate than
themselves, and she feels
jealous in her heart.
“Hurry up and go to work
after eating.” She was angry
because of jealousy.
Qin Xiangbei glanced at her
and continued to chat with
Xu Chang, completely
treating her as a transparent
Oh well.
At her urging, she finally
drove them away.
“Qin Xiangnan, we’re to
work.” Qin Xiangbei
greeted her and pulled Xu
Chang out.
She stood in front of the
door in pajamas and
watched the two go out one
after the other, almost hand
in hand. She sighed
meaningfully, feeling like
she was sending two
children to school.
After three days of rest, Qin
Xiangnan’s face not so
swollen, leaving only a
slight bruise, which could
not be seen under the cover
of the foundation. After
restoring her beauty, she
was not idle for a moment.
Recently, Mr. Pang, the
leader, also focused on the
last issue and continued to
ask everyone to focus on the
internet financial industry.
Then began to arrange tasks
for everyone, and by the
way opened a
commendation meeting.
“Well, I know that everyone
is busy lately, but you can’t
slack off. Recently, the
situation outside is like this.
The internet finance
industry is booming. This
month, the relevant
departments have
strengthened supervision, so
many companies have fallen
down. We must continue to
follow up the reports, hitting
the iron while it’s hot. This
time I have to commend
Xiao Qin and Xiao Chen.
Although Xiao Chen has
just graduated, she is full of
energy. This kind of work is
worth encouraging.”
Chen Xiaoqi was praised by
name and was a little shy.
Leader Pang continued:
“Also, Xiao Qin really
worked hard for you this
time. Shee was injured due
to work and her spirit is
commendable and worthy of
Qin Xiangnan quickly said
that this is her job and
should be done. But her
heart was galloping.
“And, it is very important,
because Xiao Qin took a
punch for Mr. Shen of X
company, the other party
expressed apology, and also
took the initiative to ask us
to talk, want to use our
“Daily News” to declare
their company’s capital
chain. The problem, by the
way, to explain to the
people that this is just a
short-term difficulty. The
company must quickly come
up with a solution. This
matter, continue to be
responsible for Xiao Qin
and Xiao Chen. You have
done well before and
continue to work hard. “
Qin Xiangnan choked,
quickly rejected this errand.
“Mr. Pang, can I not take
this job? You have to ask
Brother Feng for help, he
knows this piece better than
Brother Feng quickly quit,
“Reporter Qin, how dare I,
Mr. Shen specified that they
want you. I can’t afford to
offend this person.”
Pang always thought of Qin
Xiangnan as modest,
continued to encourage and
said: “No worries, Xiao Qin.
I know you have experience.
I will be assured to have
“Mr. Pang, I really can’t do
it. I rested for three days and
there are still many things
left unfinished. I’m afraid I
don’t have time to take over
this matter again.”
“It’s okay, Xiao Qin, you
hand over the matter with
Brother Feng. You should
pay more attention to the
company’s affairs. Just like
that, if it’s okay, just let it
Leader Pang did not wait for
Qin Xiangnan to continue to
refute, and he packed things
up, and others also walked
out of the meeting room.
Qin Xiangnan gritted her
teeth and overtook him,
“Leader Pang, I really can’t
do it. I’ll tell you in private.
That President Shen, knows
me, we have a history.”
Leader Pang was surprised,
“It’s it like that. Why did the
assistant specifically ask
you to go? Xiao Qin, have
you misunderstood
“I didn’t get it wrong, Mr.
Pang, you still let Brother
Feng go. Let’s not miss this
opportunity in “Daily
News”, Brother Feng knows
this piece quite well. You
see, I really have a
“Then, let me ask General
Secretary Shen to change or
not. We should respect
others anyway. We can’t say
that we can substitute
Qin Xiangnan nodded and
listened to the leader’s
arrangement first.
Company X, Stella and
Shen Zhiyang are reporting
today’s work arrangements.
“Mr. Shen, your ticket for
returning to country M has
been booked for you next
“Cancel, there are still many
things to be dealt with, and I
will notify you at a specific
“Okay, there is one more
thing…” Stella looked at
Shen Zhiyang and said,
“The Daily News just called
and asked if it’s fine if
reporter Qin will not come
over and be changed to
another person.”
Shen Zhiyang’s finger
holding the pen deepened
and his fingernails were pale.
Put down the pen and
looked at Stella.
“I’m afraid not. If it is not
reporter Qin, then cancel it.”
Shen Zhiyang said coldly,
frowning slightly.
“Okay, I will tell them. Mr.
Shen, there is nothing else
on my side. Do you have
any other arrangements?”
“Help me book dinner for
thursday night…”
When Qin Xiangnan learned
that Shen Zhiyang refused,
she was ashamed. Leader
Pang encouraged her to do it
with confidence, and it was
so settled that she had to
On the one hand, Chen
Xiaoqi was also particularly
curious about the delicate
relationship between Qin
Xiangnan and Shen
“Sister Xiangnan, what
happened to you and Shen
Zhiyang? I think he is very
unusual for you.”
Qin Xiangnan sighed
slightly and said nothing.
Chen Xiaoqi began to guess:
“Is he an ex-boyfriend?”
“Don’t gossip.” She still
thought about how to
smooth the matter, and she
was not in a mood to
explain to Chen Xiaoqi.
“It seems really an
ex-boyfriend ah did not
expect. Sister Xiangnan is
really powerful. A doctor
Xu, a president Shen, the
two male god in my heart. I
really envy you ah.”
Qin Xiangnan glanced at her:
“Otherwise, I’ll give you
“I don’t dare…” She
quickly waved her hand.
To see Shen Zhiyang is
already a matter of course.
This is her job, it is
impossible to give up work
because of personal grudges,
she has always been a
dedicated person.
Then, she had to ask Xu
Chang to talk good words
and coax him, it should be
fine. Just like last time, he
was not angry when he
discovered the “secret” of
the computer. Xu Chang
still speaks very well.
Qin Xiangnan found a
hidden place, made a call to
Xu Chang, and was quickly
connected by him.
She began to greet and say
something non-key.
“Well, are you busy today?”
“It’s fine. What’s wrong?”
She suddenly felt that it was
not good, “I didn’t disturb
“No, you don’t want to
“I just have, I’m going to
tell you something. It’s
more important. It’s…
alas…how to say…” Her
heart is full of twists and
turns, and her tongue is
often knotted.
“It doesn’t seem very
important? I’m busy, let’s
talk about it.”
“Ah? Then you are busy.
That is to say, I’ll hang up.”
When she hung up the
phone, she was relieved and
thought about it. She didn’t
say anything about it. Forget
it, find another opportunity.
It was really not easy to find
this opportunity. Xu Chang
was too busy to see anyone
in these two days, and she
didn’t want to disturb him
during working hours. Qin
Xiangnan thought about
meeting only because of
work. She would never say
a word to Shen Zhiyang in
private. If it was discovered,
Xu Chang could still take
The interview with
Company X was scheduled
for Thursday afternoon.
Both Qin Xiangnan and
Chen Xiaoqi were preparing
materials in the morning and
made a list of questions.
They gave Mr. Pang a
glance. Mr. Pang thought
that there was no problem
and encouraged her to
perform well.
Qin Xiangnan was
originally open-hearted, but
she still shrank from
company X.
“Xiaoqi, otherwise, are you
going in alone today? I said
that I suddenly can’t come
here temporarily. I think it’s
all right now, and they can’t
cancel it directly.”
“No, I can’t do it alone. I’m
so nervous today. If you
don’t go, I’m done.” Chen
Xiaoqi begged her. Qin
Xiangnan couldn’t stop her,
so she went in awkwardly.
The lady at the reception
received them politely and
arranged in a meeting room.
Qin Xiangnan took a deep
breath to keep herself calm.
Today she wore a formal
dress, a light gray blazer and
an A-line skirt, eight
centimeters of black
high-heeled shoes, put her
hair in a bun, and put on a
light makeup, which made
her look more capable.
It didn’t take long for the
meeting room door to be
pushed open, and Stella
walked in first and nodded
to the two. Then, Shen
Zhiyang walked in. Today
he still has a dark suit and
tie, short and neat hair,
handsome eyebrows, and a
straight posture.
Qin Xiangnan stood up,
smiled with workplace
standards, exposed eight
teeth, and extended her right
hand: “Hello, President
Shen. I am honored to be
invited to your company for
an interview today.”
Shen Zhiyang also extended
his right hand and gently
held it, he was indifferent.
With a smile, “Hello.”
The four then sat down and
Qin Xiangnan opened the
“Mr. Shen, can we start?”
She showed a professional
Shen Zhiyang nodded
slightly and made a please
“I would like to ask Mr.
Shen, if your company’s E
products cannot be
redeemed as scheduled,
have you taken
corresponding measures…”
…… After an entire
interview, Qin Xiangnan
made no mistakes, and Shen
Zhiyang responded calmly.
She thought that she would
feel a lot of pressure in
seeing him this time. She
didn’t expect that she would
have been completely
immersed in the interview in
the later period except for
the anxiety at the beginning.
She had no other ideas at all.
Just like his identity is only
President Shen, and she is
just reporter Qin
At the end, Qin Xiangnan
also went to be courteous
with him.
“Thank you Mr. Shen for
taking time out of your busy
schedule this time. If you
have the opportunity next
time, remember to call us
“Daily News”. We will be
honored.” Qin Xiangnan’s
concluding remarks are
“Sure.” Shen Zhiyang
answered her with a smile.
Later, a few more polite
words, they finally ended
the interview. Qin Xiangnan
was completely relieved.
After Stella sent Qin
Xiangnan and Chen Xiaoqi
out, Qin Xiangnan made up
her mind that they would
never meet again.
Chen Xiaoqi admired her
again. “Sister Xiangnan, you
are really good. You can
calm down in the face of
such a handsome
multinational company CEO.
Moreover, I really can’t see
that President Shen and you
know each other.”
Qin Xiangnan smiled: “Just
pretending to be like that.
Come on. We have
completed the task, and you
can make a mission to
Leader Pang, and we won’t
be here in the future.”
They watched the time too
early, and they went back to
the company to organize the
recording and write the
After being busy for a while,
Qin Xiangnan received a
strange call.
“Are you reporter Qin?”
The other party is a girl.
“Yes, who are you?”
”I’m Ms. Stella,
Secretary of Shen Zhiyang.
This is the case. After the
interview today, Mr. Shen
feels that some important
details have not been
clarified. He has already
told me here. It’s clear, I’ll
just ask you directly. You
see, do you have time
This sounds undeniable, but
Qin Xiangnan really doesn’t
want to go.
“Hello Stella, can I let my
colleague go for me, I still
have something to do at
“I’m afraid it’s inconvenient.
The details omitted by Mr.
Shen are more important.
I’m afraid that mistakes will
cause a certain social
“That…” Qin Xiangnan still
“Reporter Qin, I will send
you the time and place on
your mobile phone. I just
have something to do. Let’s
meet up and talk.”
Stella couldn’t think about it
and hung up the phone.
Sure enough, within a
minute, a text message
At seven o’clock in the
evening, Qin Xiangnan
came to the appointed place.
This place is a western-style
restaurant with an
old-fashioned house on the
riverside in the city center.
She wondered why she had
to ask for such a place when
talking about things. She
stepped on high heels and
wore a formal dress, and it
was a bit inappropriate to
appear in this place.
Under the guidance of the
waiter, Qin Xiangnan was
taken to Stella’s private
The whole style of this
restaurant is dim,
accompanied by soothing
violin music, suitable for
candlelight dinner for young
When she stepped into the
private room and found that
there was no one inside,
what attracted her was a
huge floor-to-ceiling
window in front of her, and
the scenery outside was
imprinted into her eyes. You
can see the colorful neon
lights on the other side of
the river, the high-rise
buildings with lights, and
the twinkling ships in the
winding river. It is really
This scene reminded her of
the days when several
young boys and girls aged
17 or 18 were dreaming,
facing the same night scene,
waiting for the moment
when the o’clock sounded.
The fireworks that bloomed
that night were as bright and
beautiful as the bright stars
“Xiao Nan.” Shen
Zhiyang’s voice made her
pull back from her
She turned around and
panicked, “Why are you
here, what about Stella?”
He didn’t answer.
She understood that this is a
She wanted to leave, but he
grabbed her arm, she shook
her hand, he would not let
go. The two did not say a
word and struggled for a
moment before she gave up.
“What the hell do you
want?” She was angry and
“Aren’t you here to talk
about business, so can I.”
His words didn’t sound like
a lie.
“Then let me go first.” She
glared at him.
He let go. Pulled a chair and
let her sit. She did not resist.
After he sat opposite her,
Qin Xiangnan took out the
recording pen and opened it,
“You say it.”
Shen Zhiyang didn’t speak.
Qin Xiangnan was angry,
“If you don’t say anything,
I’ll go.”
He said slowly: “I was here
for you on Valentine’s Day
that year, but you didn’t
show up.”
She froze…
He continued to say: “I
bought a bunch of flowers. I
remember it was a big red
rose. I imagined how happy
you are when you see it. But
I didn’t wait.”
She saw that his eyes were
lost, melancholic, as they
are back to the bloody and
flesh-like Shen Zhiyang
who was laughing, angry
and worried again instead of
the ever-growing expression
of Mr. Shen.
“I’m not here to hear you
say this.” She interrupted
“I want to make it clear,
otherwise, I can never let go
of it in my heart.” His words
seemed to be a request, and
she couldn’t bear it.
She thought, since he wants
to make it clear, then make
it clear, and there will be no
trouble in the future.
“Shen Zhiyang, I’m sorry, I
used to be wrong. I really
didn’t like you back then,
and I was with you
because… I liked Xu Chang
at that time, but I didn’t
know, I was too mad him.
So, when I was knew that
you gave up the opportunity
to study abroad because of
me, I was guilty. You
shouldn’t have made
sacrifices for me. You are
right, I will not be sad if you
left, will not be jealous,
angry, or make trouble just
because I don’t like you.
Fortunately, in the end you
made the most correct
decision. I’m glad to see
you succeed like this now.”
“If you were really staying
because of me, maybe you
wouldn’t be able to become
the person you are now, and
I, will be guilty for a
lifetime. Even if we are
together, neither of us will
be happy.”
He was silent for a while.
“Shen Zhiyang, you are so
good, you will definitely
meet someone more suitable
for you.”
After a long time, he
laughed, a bitter but also a
relief smile. “I see. Xiao
Nan, you are cruel.”
“I’m sorry.” She can only
say to him, only these three
“I’ll be back in country M
next week. If we can, can
we still be friends?”
“No,” she said surely.
Hearing such an answer, he
smiled bitterly again. “Then
at least today.”
“Well, only today.”
Shen Zhiyang and Qin
Xiangnan ate the last supper.
He told her how he worked
hard step by step in the past
few years, and she listened
to him seriously.
She knew that Shen Zhiyang
had too many experiences,
and he was no longer the
young man who didn’t care
about anything and said that
he didn’t want to have a
future but love, and the
responsibility he carried on
him allowed him to grow.
Even if Qin Xiangnan left
him with a scar, she believes
that Shen Zhiyang now has
the ability to heal the scar.
In Shen Zhiyang’s heart,
Qin Xiangnan has always
been the best memory in his
heart. He still remember the
silly, stupid opponent who
spoke at the first sight. He
also remember the girl who
was talking to her in the
ward with cold jokes and no
trouble. Remember the
pretty girl in the school
uniform and ponytails
walking out of the school
gate in the sunset,
remembering the joy he had
when she promised to be his
girlfriend. Remembering the
cute face that was shy every
time he hugged and kissed
her, even if she would not
reciprocate, unable to touch,
unable to see, he was also
He will hide this feeling in
his heart, forever…
This evening, both of them
were relieved.
Qin Xiangnan said goodbye
to him in her heart.
Goodbye, Shen Zhiyang, the
proud boy at the gate of the
school in the sunset.
Shen Zhiyang insisted on
sending Qin Xiangnan home,
she agreed, and she also
believed that Shen Zhiyang
had completely let go of her,
so she didn’t have to refuse.
They were the purest friends
without any burden tonight.
He took her downstairs.
Under the dim street light,
he looked calm and said to
her, “Xiao Nan, goodbye.”
Qin Xiangnan looked at him
with a smile, “Shen Zhiyang,
She turned around and Shen
Zhiyang got on the car and
found a recording pen on the
“Xiao Nan, you forgot your
She turned around and
found him holding her voice
recorder in his hand. She ran
over and took it. “Thank…”
She didn’t expect the word
“Thank” in the back to be
spoken. Qin Xiangnan
suddenly saw a figure flash
in front of her, followed by
a bang. He punched him
“Xu Chang, what are you
doing?” She looked at Shen
Zhiyang who was knocked
to the ground by Xu Chang,
bleeding from the corners of
his lips.
Shen Zhiyang slowly stood
up, rubbed the corners of his
mouth with his hands, then
smiled coldly at Xu Chang,
then, with a bang, Shen
Zhiyang gave him a punch
in the same way.
“Ah, Xu Chang!” Qin
Xiangnan looked
dumbfounded and hurried to
see Xu Chang.
Shen Zhiyang laughed,
“You remember, use this
method to protect her in the
After that, Shen Zhiyang got
on the car, started the car,
and drove away.
Xu Chang was stunned…
Qin Xiangnan was
distressed and angry, “What
are you doing, don’t ask
clearly, then come up to
beat people.” She lifted him
up and wiped the blood on
the corner of his mouth. “I
and he have made it clear
that he will not come to see
me again in the future, he
will leave next week.”
Xu Chang said nothing, and
the two went upstairs.
Qin Xiangnan was still
angry, she really didn’t
expect Xu Chang to beat
people indiscriminately, and
had no confidence in her.
She grunted and looked for
the key in the bag. She
couldn’t find it for a long
time. The more anxious the
more she couldn’t find it.
She also blamed this
emotion on Xu Chang and
glanced at him. The key was
found below.
Opening the door, she
habitually turned on the
light. Unexpectedly, Xu
Chang suddenly stopped her
hand to turn on the light and
pressed her whole person
against the door. She was
slammed into the door with
the back of her head. In the
darkness, followed by his
crazy kiss, it seemed to
devour her entire person.
She was pressed between
him and the door panel,
oppressing her to be
breathless. She pushed him
away hard, but did not
expect that he would bite
She was very angry,
obviously he was wrong,
why did she seem to do
something wrong, she lifted
her feet and kicked his calf
heavily with high heels. Xu
Chang finally let her go. She
gasped for a long breath and
rubbed the lips he had bitten.
She turned on the light and
saw his expression clearly,
looking sad and pained.
She ignored him,
rummaging through a locker
in the living room for a
while, took out a box of
medicine and stuffed it into
his hand, “Medicine for last
time I was beaten, you go
back and apply it.”
He didn’t seem to hear
anything, stunned.
She was still angry and said
to him: “You can go back.
Anyway I don’t want to care
about you now.”
Then she went back to the
room and slammed the
Qin Xiangnan was very
disappointed with Xu Chang
today. What he did today
was a distrust of her. She
and Shen Zhiyang had long
ended. She told him clearly,
but he still didn’t believe
She was sulking in the room
by herself, feeling calmer.
Thinking of Xu Chang’s
presence, but there was no
movement outside, did he
leave? Although Xu Chang
was wrong today, she did
have something wrong.
When she met with Shen
Zhiyang, she didn’t tell him,
not because she didn’t find a
chance to explain to him,
she knew it was just an
excuse, but because she was
afraid to tell him. Later he
will be angry, he will
disagree. He would not
understand her because she
had to meet Shen Zhiyang
because of work. She
understood that if Xu Chang
knew that she met him again,
the problem would be very
serious, so she took the
fluke and thought she would
not find anything if she did
not say.
Thinking of this, Xu Chang
was right to be angry. She
was wrong first, but he was
even more ridiculous today.
Beating people first, and
still be violent against her!
At ten o’clock in the
evening, Qin Xiangnan
wanted to go out for a
shower, but in case he
hadn’t left yet, she would
say something to him.
After struggling for a while,
she decided to look outside
with a stinky face.
She quietly opened the door,
protruding half of her body,
and the lights were still on,
there was no sound. She
really found Xu Chang
sitting there on the sofa, he
had not left.
Qin Xiangnan walked over
to him and saw that the
ointment she gave him was
placed on the coffee table
intact. She said coldly,
“Why don’t you leave ?”
She was even more angry.
He didn’t say a word today.
What does he mean?
“Don’t you want to talk to
me anymore? Well, you are
very good. You are so
interesting. You will always
be in a high position. You
used to be and now you are.
Are you used to others
asking for you, Xu Chang,
you don’t want to think
about it. If you didn’t put on
a stinky racket ten years ago,
would I promise Shen
Zhiyang? What do you think,
you don’t tell me, how can I
know? Is your Qing Gao so
Qin Xiangnan saw that he
remained silent, “I am tired
today, but I feel even more
tired because of you.”
After she finished speaking,
she turned around, and after
just two steps, she was
hugged tightly from behind.
“You’re right…If I told you
earlier that I liked you ten
years ago, there would be
nothing wrong with Shen
Zhiyang. I’m such a strange
person. I like you, but I dare
not say it and hide it in my
heart. Although I hate Shen
Zhiyang very much, I really
admire him. From the first
time he saw you, he said he
wanted to know you, he
courageously pursues you,
he makes you laugh and
makes you happy, I can’t do
all this. I know how
cowardly and selfish I used
to be, and everything is my
own problem before I lost
you. Fortunately, when I
met you again, you are still
waiting for me in the same
place. Fortunately, you like
me too.”
After a pause, he continued,
“I pretended to be high, and
the former me and the
present me are still in a high
position. I will not lose my
way to ask others. But, I am
different from you, you
want me to do it. I’ll do
anything. I know I’m wrong.
I act very distrustful of you.
It’s my duty to be punched
by him today. I won’t be
like this in the future. I
know that you and him will
be nothing. But I’m in my
heart, there is always a thorn.
This thorn existed ten years
ago, and it hurts when you
touch it. I feel pain when I
think of you meeting with
him. I also feel pain when I
look at his information that
day. I saw you standing
today. Together, I can’t
stand the pain any more.”
Qin Xiangnan listened to
what he said, and her nose
was sore. She broke free of
his hand and turned back to
hug him.
“Xu Chang, you are very
good, you have been good
to me before, but I was too
stupid to realize your
goodness. Because of you, I
can be admitted to a good
university, because of you, I
can have confidence in
myself. I know that when I
was hospitalized, you spent
several days organizing
review materials for me, but
I didn’t want to hurt your
heart. I was really bad. I
went to see Shen Zhiyang
today, I should have told
you earlier, I do not want to
make you unhappy. I really
only went to see him
because of work, do not
worry, we’ve made it clear.
It won’t happen again.”
Her tears fell. Xu Chang
held her face and wiped her
tears one by one with his
thumb. “I know. I won’t be
angry even if he shows up
She stopped her tears and
felt much better.
“Xu Chang, your face seems
to be swollen. I’ll give you
some medicine.”
Qin Xiangnan carefully
squeezed the ointment on
her fingers and gently
applied it to his face. He
“Does it hurt? I know it
hurts. I was beaten last time,
huh, huh. But I’m not you.
If you swell into a pig’s
head, I won’t say you are
Xu Chang looked at her
seriously, He smiled at the
cute little dimple on her face,
and her mouth was bitten
because of his previous bite.
At this time, she was red
and swollen. Today she has
a pill head, which is even
more lively and cute.
He couldn’t help but put his
lips on her lips, and Qin
Xiangnan stopped the
movement of the hand that
was rubbing him.
Xu Chang pressed her
against the sofa and kissed
her tenderly. One hand
slipped silently from under
the hem of her shirt. Qin
Xiangnan shivered and held
his hand up from the shirt. .
Xu Chang left her lips and
gently said in her ear: “Did
you just scold me because of
what I thought and never
told you? I’ll tell you now, I
want you, can I?”
She froze, her heart beating
accelerate. After thinking
for a moment, he said,
“But… you don’t have any
tableware.” [I think we all
know what Xiangnan meant
here ;)]
Xu Chang paused and
instantly understood what
she said meant with
tableware. He smiled and
said, “I have.”
She was dumbfounded.
When he came, his hands
were empty. Where is the
tableware, is it hidden in the
Xu Chang saw her in a daze,
and said, “The last time I
left a bag of clothes here.”
Qin Xiangnan suddenly
realized that last time he
took a large bag of clothes
like he was moving house.
There were actually
tableware in it.
“In the closet. Did you think
about this last time?” She
didn’t dare to ask.
He said in her ear with a
very soft voice: “Of course.”
Qin Xiangnan took out a
bag of clothes she had
stored here from the cabinet,
and Xu Chang really found
a bag of tableware.
Her cheeks are hot and she
dare not look at him.
“You go to take a bath
first.” Xu Chang said.
She gave a cry. After
thinking for a while, she
said, “Let’s go first.” She
remembered that last time
because she took a bath first,
she found out that he had
washed his clothes last night
and was too shy the next
She added another sentence:
“I’ll wash the clothes.”
“Qin Xiangnan, I’m going
to tell you about this. The
clothes should be washed
every day, otherwise you
know how many bacteria
will be produced? Tens of
millions of viruses and
bacteria. Don’t you think
it’s terrible? These harmful
microorganisms will enter
the human body and cause
great harm to the human
Can he not ruin the mood?
After the two people
finished the shower, Qin
Xiangnan stayed in the
bathroom for a long time,
washing clothes like carving
flowers, washing them and
putting them in the washing
machine to dry them, she
stood by and watched, doing
nothing else. After that, the
clothes were hung for
another half day. After
finishing everything, she
was still thinking about
what had not been done.
She did not expect to be
roared by Xu Chang: “Qin
Xiangnan, it’s almost dawn,
you are not sleeping yet.”
She had to walk into the
room slowly, and her heart
went up and down her
She found that he was
sitting on the bed and took a
book of his own and read,
“I’m going to finish reading
one of the books. Did you
do a major cleaning in the
middle of the night?”
Qin Xiangnan didn’t speak.
She wondered why Xu
Chang was so calm until she
saw that he closed the book
in his hand and put it on the
nightstand. She realized, eh?
Is it reversed?
She burrowed into the bed,
covered the quilt over her
head, and closed her eyes to
sleep. She listened to his
movements with her ears,
and then heard him click off
the lamp. She started to get
In an instant, a body was
heavily pressed up, and she
was breathless.
When he was about to take
the next step, she suddenly
asked him:
“Xu Chang, can I ask you a
He thought she was
asking a stupid question like
“Do you love me”, he used a
low voice and replied: “You
“This problem has been
bothering me for a long time.
You doctors has seen so
many different kinds of
human bodies, will you still
be interested in the body of
your girlfriend? Will I be a
pile of dead meat in your
“You try it since I don’t
This question finally got the
answer in the next morning.
Qin Xiangnan felt that she
was no different from the
She woke up on one arm
early in the morning, and
she glanced at her phone,
which was the biological
clock time for her to get up,
seven o’clock. Today is
Friday, she has to get up to
work. She glanced at the
original owner of this arm,
still asleep with his eyes
closed, and she was secretly
happy: Little fans, the male
god you like is mine.
“What are you laughing at?”
Xu Chang opened his eyes
when h heard her giggle and
saw her face buried under
the quilt.
She was taken aback by his
question, why did he always
wake up so imperceptibly.
“I’m laughing, haha, it turns
out that you are also nervous.
Xu Chang pretended to be
angry because of her laugh,
and raised his eyebrows
again: “Tonight, do you
want to study ergonomics
Qin Xiangnan was ashamed:
“I don’t want it.”
She suddenly remembered
something, oops: “Potato
did not again yesterday?”
Xu Chang reacted that the
potato was the new name
she gave to his cat, “It’s
okay. Fed it yesterday
morning for the amount of
three meals.”
She was mad. What kind of
owner is this, torturing the
cat, letting it starve.
Xu Chang thought for a
while and said, “Otherwise,
I will give this cat to you,
will you help me raise it?”
She saw the light in his eyes.
It’s wrong to think about it:
“I don’t want to shovel it off
every day!”
Well, let this clean-up work
be done by Dr. Xu who
loves to clean.
At breakfast, Li Susu called.
“Qin Xiangnan, I want to
share a piece of joyful news
with you.”
“What news?”
“I’m pregnant!” There was a
deafening voice on the
phone. Li Susu was agitated
over the phone. Her voice
was heard even by Xu
Chang sitting next to him.
“Really? Can I be a
“Really, Qin Xiangnan, the
baby is only 6 weeks old.”
Qin Xiangnan also seemed
to be infected by Li Susu’s
happiness and she choked
“Then I will see you in two
days. You must take good
care of yourself.”
“Uh huh.”
Qin Xiangnan, who hung up
the phone, was still
immersed in joy. “Xu Chang,
do you know that Li Susu is
“I heard, and it’s not that
you are pregnant. What are
you going to do with your
Qin Xiangnan choked, and
this sounded strange,
especially after what
happened last night. She
blushed and her heartbeat
“I’m going to see her in two
days. Do you want to go
together?” she asked.
“Yes, just tomorrow, I will
be free tomorrow.”
Before going to see Li Susu,
Qin Xiangnan and Xu
Chang were going to the
mother and baby store to
buy a gift for her. The two
of them were dumbfounded
when they saw a wide
variety of maternity and
baby products.
A young clerk came over
and asked them: “How are
you, how old is your baby
what you want to buy??”
“Just over six weeks, I do
not know what to buy,
recommend us the things in
your shop.”
“Mother&Child is a
one-stop shop supplies for
everything from children’s
clothes, diapers, milk
powders, and toys. You two
can choose at will. Or buy
the things that should be
bought, and feel
comfortable waiting for the
baby to be born.”
Qin Xiangnan thought that
this sales person is really
good. She just want to buy a
gift, and she must buy all?
She turned to Xu Chang and
said, “Why not buy a small
“I’ll listen to you.”
The two picked a suit each
and found that Qin
Xiangnan picked the blue
baby boy’s suit, and Xu
Chang picked the suit that is
for a girl that is pink and
also has lace skirts.
Qin Xiangnan asked him:
“Dr. Xu, why does our
country not allow children’s
sex to be checked in the
stomach, but the clothes of
newborn children are
divided into male and
female babies. Isn’t this
Xu Chang answered her:
“It’s safe to say that you are
stupid. You don’t know men
and women, you need to
buy two sets. Isn’t the
business the happiest?”
Qin Xiangnan suddenly
Then the two of them took a
suit and went to check out.
The salesperson looked at
their little clothes and
smiled and said, “It seems
that the father likes a
daughter, and the mother
likes a son.”
Qin Xiangnan just wanted to
explain what she heard, Xu
Chang said, “The daughter
is better.”
She was stunned. Why? Xu
Chang’s face did not
With a baby’s gift, they
came to Li Susu’s house. Li
Susu realized her dreams
when she was young. When
she became a big boss, her
family was also quite
luxurious. It was a
three-storey villa.
Qin Xiangnan was so
excited when she saw Li
Susu that she became
curious about baby. Staring
at Li Susu’s flat stomach,
wondering if there is a baby
in it?
“Will he kick you?” Qin
Xiangnan asked her.
Xu Chang, with a black line
on the side, “Fetal
movement usually only
occurs in 16 to 20 weeks.”
Qin Xiangnan glanced at
him: “You are not a
gynecologist and
obstetrician. You need to
talk more.”
“Isn’t this common
sense? ?”
Li Susu was amused by the
Su Mingxuan, a prospective
father, was also happy. He
ridiculed Xu Chang, “When
would you also have a child,
we will pair our babies.”
Xu Chang ignored him, Qin
Xiangnan felt strange, he
was not blushing and not
beating when he was in the
mother & baby store when
the sales person thought that
he was a prospective father.
When faced with Su
Mingxuan’s problem,
shouldn’t he follow Su
Mingxuan’s question to
make her angry? Isn’t this
his usual style?
Qin Xiangnan and Li Susu
chatted for a while and
studied the two little clothes
they just bought. They
laughed like two
twenty-eight-year-old fools
and said that they were so
Su Mingxuan and Xu Chang
poured out bitter water:
“You really don’t know, a
woman can do it when she
is pregnant. I will be sent to
ask to do this, and I will do
that. She will be hungry in
the middle of the night and
tell me to go out and buy
food “. “
“How do I think that you
seem to enjoy it.”
Su Mingxuan touched his
head, embarrassed: “Hey,
indeed I am willing. In fact,
a woman being pregnant is
hard. She might look happy
now but during the morning,
she will suffer and vomits
even if she doesn’t do
Xu Chang smiled and said
In order not to disturb Li
Susu to take a good rest, Qin
Xiangnan sat for a while and
On the way back, Qin
Xiangnan couldn’t help her
curiosity and asked Xu
“Why did Su Mingxuan just
ask you if you want pair the
babies? You didn’t
Xu Chang paused and said,
“Because you are too
stupid.” .”
Qin Xiangnan didn’t seem
to understand. “Why do you
always think of scolding me
and calling me stupid.
Besides, what does this have
to do with babies.”
“Of course, because you are
stupid, I am clever, then
future children may inherit
your IQ. Su Mingxuan and
Li Susu are both stupid, and
their children must not be
clever. I don’t want to push
my daughter into the fire
Qin Xiangnan was
speechless for a while. What
a magical brain circuit he is,
even the children’s IQ
inheritance is considered.
She sneered twice.
Within a few days, Qin
Xiangnan experienced
another thrilling event.
This happened in her
community. When she went
to work in the morning, she
saw five or six aunts and
uncles gathered around her.
She was terrified and kept
looking upstairs. Qin
Xiangnan hurried over to
see that there was a child
hanging from the balcony
on the third floor of the
Why is it hanging? This
little boy happened to be
stuck between the two
clothes rails on the balcony.
He supported the rail above
the clothes, and his legs
were swaying in the air,
pedaling incessantly. But
strangely, this little boy
about four or five years old,
in such an extremely
dangerous situation, did not
cry or make noises, and was
very calm.
“Uncle, how could this kid
run to the balcony?” Qin
Xiangnan asked an uncle
beside her.
“Probably the adult is going
out, leaving the child at
home alone, the window is
not closed, the child is
naughty, climb out
curiously.” Uncle shook his
head eagerly.
“Have you knocked on the
door? Is nobody really
home?” she asked.
“No one, alas, the fire call
has just been called. Why is
this adult so careless.”
“Yeah, I’m really worried,”
said an aunt beside him.
“Such an adult shouldn’t
have a child.”
Qin Xiangnan watched that
the child was still hanging
on the clothes rail and his
feet were still kicking. She
felt that if she continued to
pedal like this, it would be
bad if her body fell out of
control, or if the clothes rail
became loose. She ran up to
the flower bed and shouted
at the little boy stuck in the
“Child, don’t move, be
careful and don’t fall down,
wait for your uncle and aunt
to rescue you.”
Unexpectedly, the child
listened to Qin Xiangnan’s
words and his answer
almost made her spit blood.
He said: “I’m Superman, I
want to fly.”
“Child, Superman wouldn’t
do such a dangerous thing.
Tell Auntie, how did you
get stuck on this?”
“I flew from above. “
Qin Xiangnan was surprised.
It turned out that this little
boy had such a skin.
Fortunately, he was stuck on
the clothes rack on the third
“Then you can’t fly
anymore now, you are
already Superman.
Superman can only be one
time. Don’t move, be
“Why does Superman can
only be one time, I haven’t
flown enough.”
Qin Xiangnan really wanted
to immediately kick him
fiercely, and the beat him to
be honest.
Superman has only one
mana, you have just used up
the only mana, so you are
fine. If you fly again, you
will definitely fall, you will
fall, and your ass will be
battered. It hurts very
much.” She didn’t know
what she was talking about
nonsense, but she also
pretended to look very
“Really? Will it hurt when I
fly again?” The little boy
was a little scared after
listening to it, and his feet
weren’t pedaling.
“Of course, you don’t want
to drop your ass and bloom,
so stop moving.” She
threatened him.
After a while, the child may
feel a little bit of pain.
“Auntie, I’m tired, it hurts
so much. Why don’t you
come to save me?”
“You insist on it and I will
come immediately.” She
was also anxious, in fact, it
didn’t take five minutes, but
the child did not bear it.
At this time, an uncle
onlooker suddenly shouted,
“Ah, how did one of the
child’s arms come out.”
Qin Xiangnan was surprised,
and looked up to find that
the child had two creaks
stuck on the balcony pole.
Put it down, and now there
is still one hanging on it,
and now the whole body is
“Little Superman, hold your
hand fast, or your ass will be
battered soon.”
“Auntie, it hurts.”
“Hold on.” Qin Xiangnan
was anxious. Thinking of
something to catch, she
hurriedly shouted to the
uncles and aunts: “Everyone
can help, who can bring a
bed sheet, he can’t hold it
An aunt heard it and
hurriedly answered: “I’ll go
get it, I’ll go get it.”
Qin Xiangnan still
comforted him while
preparing for the possibility
that he could fall at any time.
She stood on the flower bed,
thinking that if he fell, she
could pick him up faster.
“Auntie, I really can’t hold
on, my hand hurts. I’m not a
Superman anymore.”
“Little Superman has been
very powerful, and has been
persisting for so long, if you
persist, you will be even
more powerful.”
Just finished this sentence,
Qin Xiangnan saw that
child’s other hand was
slowly sliding down, falling
a little bit, and almost
completely detached.
In an instant, the little boy
fell down, and Qin
Xiangnan quickly found the
right direction to pick him
up. Fortunately, the little
boy first fell on the clothes
rail on the second floor,
there was a buffer, and then
fell from the gap, she caught
him. The gravity of the little
boy, made both of them fall
in the flower bed.
The aunts and uncles rushed
over quickly.
“Oh, girl, you’re really too
powerful, are you okay ?”
Qin Xiangnan eased from
the panic and released her
hand holding the little boy
tightly, “Little Superman,
are you okay?”
The little boy was originally
scared. He had to close her
eyes tightly and slowly
opened his eyes when he
heard her words: “Auntie, I
seem to fly again, I’m really
Qin Xiangnan vomited
blood again, resisting the
urge to hit people and
smiled. She touched his face:
“You are Superman, but you
must remember that you
can’t do it again in the
future, it’s really dangerous,
you know?”
Little Superman nodded and
climbed up from the ground.
What did it look like?
Nothing happened.
The aunts also lifted Qin
Xiangnan, and she felt that
her right foot was sore, and
she could not stand steadily.
She might have just saved
her heart and sprained her
foot when she flew over.
“Oh, girl, your foot is
probably injured. It really
scared us to death, but it’s
After a while, the fire
brigade and the superman’s
mother also came one after
another. Everyone was
relieved when they saw the
false alarm.
Little Superman’s mother
thanked her, and at the same
time expressed her apology.
Qin Xiangnan still severely
criticized her for not being
so heart-warming in the
The problem that followed
was that she sprained her
foot again, which meant that
she had to, again, go to the
When she jumped around
like a frog and registered in
line, she realized that this
scene was so familiar.
A few months ago, she
appeared so embarrassed in
front of Xu Chang. They
still pretended not to know
each other that day, one was
tall and the other was stupid.
Unexpectedly, a few months
later, right and wrong, her
relationship with Xu Chang
has developed so close.
History is always strikingly
similar. Perhaps this is
Murphy’s Law. Today, Xu
Chang happened to be in the
outpatient clinic, and Qin
Xiangnan happened to be in
his clinic.
She began to tremble, would
he be angry again for a
This time the tension is
different from the last time.
Last time when she saw Xu
Chang’s name, she was
surprised and did not
believe it. The person
named Xu Chang had been
gradually cleared from her
memory. Unexpectedly, she
was pulled back in an
instant. Maybe she never
forgot. However, it was just
that she chose not to
remember. Just like she
clearly liked him ten years
ago, but hid this kind of love,
even she could not find it.
There is a place for Xu
Chang in her memory, but
she deliberately sealed the
Fortunately, destiny tied the
two together again.
Her name flashed on the
screen, and Qin Xiangnan
jumped in one leg…
Qin Xiangnan leaned
against the door frame,
folded her hands over her
chest, and looked at him
with a smile, a look of
”Dr. Xu~” she shouted
Xu Chang looked up and
saw her. Surprise appeared
in his eyes, gradually
becoming angry.
”How can you… occupy
public resources and come
to see me?”
Qin Xiangnan didn’t
understand what he meant at
first, and it took a long time
to understand, “Xu Chang,
what are you talking about?
Am I so idle? Hurry and
come over. Help me!”
Xu Chang was surprised, it
seemed that she was really
hurt. Quickly got up and
helped her.
The treatment of this patient
is really extraordinary. Qin
Xiangnan became the queen
mother in seconds. It is
estimated that it was Xu
Chang’s first time in his
”What’s the matter with
you?” Xu Chang asked her
“It’s a long story. Hey, you
can’t do it slowly, help me
sit down.”
After Qin Xiangnan sat
down, she tilted her injured
leg directly on Xu Chang’s
leg. Look, the person in love
is afraid to do anything…
“Dr. Xu, look at my ankle.
Is it broken?”
Xu Chang squeezed it
arrogantly. Qin Xiangnan
felt pain, “Oh!”
”Dr. Xu, do you treat
patients so rudely?” She
cried in pain and patted him
with both hands.
”You don’t want your feet
anymore. Do you want to be
disabled to be satisfied!
What did you do today?”
After that, he squeezed her
Qin Xiangnan had just
thought that she was the
best-treated patient of Dr.
Xu, but did not expect to be
subverted in an instant. She
was obviously the poorest
”I was a Superwoman today,
do you believe it or not.”
She looked proud.
Unexpectedly, he sneered,
“Is it Superman of Salted
Eggs? Fool’s “egg”.”
She was so angry that she
pinched his neck.
”Qin Xiangnan, how dare
you… murder a
Qin Xiangnan blushed, let
go of his hand, and stopped
making trouble with him.
“Dr. Xu, don’t you think
I’m fine? Is it OK to go
”It looks like it’s okay. Let’s
go take an x-ray.”
”I don’t want to go, I
believe Dr. Xu’s
judgment.” .
Xu Chang immediately gave
her an glare: “Will you go?”
She shivered: “Go, hurry up.
Help me get up!”
This is still a false alarm.
According to Dr. Xu’s
judgment, a few days off is
Qin Xiangnan flirted with
scorn in Xu Chang’s office,
so as not to affect his work,
she insisted on going by
Unexpectedly, when she
walked out of the clinic, she
met Lin Ruier who was
Qin Xiangnan struggled: If
Lin Ruier greeted her, she
will pretend to be polite, and
if Lin Ruier ignored her, she
will pretend not to see.
”Why are you here?” Lin
Ruier saw Qin Xiangnan’s
embarrassment and seemed
to understand: “Your foot is
injured? Come to Dr. Xu?”
”Well, yes, hello, Dr. Lin.”
Lin Rui’er was blank.
Glancing at her expressively,
she said, “Are you Qin
Xiangbei’s sister?”
Qin Xiangnan nodded.
”I didn’t know it until I
heard Dr. Qin say it. You
and Xu Chang have known
each other for a long time?”
She nodded again.
Lin Ruier paused for a
moment, her eyes didn’t
stay on her, and said, “Then
bless you.”
After that, she bypassed Qin
Xiangnan and walked away
without looking back.
Qin Xiangnan could not
know whether this Lin
Rui’er really blessed them
or still had a hint of fantasy.
Look at her proud eyes, just
like Xu Chang before. If
you didn’t know Xu Chang
yourself, maybe they were
the perfect match. The same
university, the same hospital,
the same department, the
same career, have the same
language, get along together
every day, and can even
fight side by side. Qin
Xiangnan herself has an
insurmountable gap with Xu
Chang. He always thinks
she is stupid. She also
knows that she is indeed
inferior to Lin Rui’er. If she
is not, Xu Chang should
have been with Lin Ruier. .
Qin Xiangnan was injured
again this time, and began to
wonder whether he always
did so.
She felt annoyed and sent
something to her circle of
friend: who can find the
curve of my ankle. She took
another photo of her ankle,
swollen like a bun, and
clicked to send it.
Friends liked and
commented a lot, and Qin
Xiangnan remembered these
friends. There are also some
excessive comments, such
as Li Susu’s “A Beautiful
Pig’s Trotter”.
Qin Xiangnan looked
smiling and angry.
At the same time, she also
sent a serious statement on
Weibo: her foot was injured,
she rested at home and was
unable to work for three
days. The picture is a funny
picture of her work. Weibo
is much more friendly than
friends, and fans have
expressed their concern. The
fan named “Jiangyang
Bandit” also commented
below: Take a good rest.
These simple four words,
just like the previous “Come
on”, Qin Xiangnan has
always been curious about
this “Jiangyang Bandit”.
She clicked his Weibo again
and found that he also
updated Weibo two days
ago S city airport, the
picture is the airport photos.
A simple line of text
Goodbye, my eighteen.
Qin Xiangnan repeatedly
looked at it, reminiscent of
the Weibo he had located in
country M six months ago,
and suddenly understood
who the “Jiangyang Bandit”
was. She wanted to keep
this secret in her heart, not
to delete him, nor to tell Xu
Chang, so she let the
“Jiangyang Bandit” appear
silently on her Weibo fans.
Occasional comments like
In the evening, she finished
her meal and sat in front of
the computer busy with her
affairs. Someone knocked
on the door, and she guessed
Xu Chang was coming,
knocking on the door, and it
turned out to be true.
”Have you eaten?” she
asked him.
”Eaten.” Xu Chang walked
in, put down his things,
opened his bag, took out the
computer, put it on the table,
turned on the phone, sat
down, and started working.
Qin Xiangnan was surprised,
he really regarded this as his
home, even brought the
Well, it happened that she
also had something to do.
The two sat face to face,
each doing their own work.
After being busy for a while,
Qin Xiangnan couldn’t help
but peek at him and saw him
look very serious, and
became more and more
fascinated, especially
wanting to knock him down.
She began to make some
sound intentionally to let
him find out.
She got up, took one cup
after another to pour water,
deliberately swayed in front
of him, seeing that he had
no response, and sat down
with disappointment.
After a while, she coughed
and fixed her hair, but he
did not respond.
She picked up the glass and
poured a glass of water, but
he did not respond.
She was lost.
Picking up the glass and
taking a sip of water, she
didn’t expect the water to be
hot. “Poof” made her cough.
Looking up, Xu Chang
looked at her like a fool.
”Qin Xiangnan, what stupid
things are you doing?”
”I…” Seducing him?
”I’m thirsty, you are busy,
don’t worry about me.” She
waved her hand.
Xu Chang sighed, got up
and closed the computer,
walked to her and said, “Are
Qin Xiangnan looked at him
Unexpectedly, what he said
next made her heart fall to
the bottom.
”I will be on a business trip
for a month tomorrow. I will
have some information
tonight. I will go back in
time and leave tomorrow
”Oh.” She was particularly
”You won’t ask me where
would I go? What are you
going to do?” he said.
”Then where are you going,
what are you doing?” She
looked at him, her eyes full
of reluctance.
”Go to City B, academic
exchanges.” He answered.
”Oh.” She said dejectedly.
“Then are you leaving
Qin Xiangnan’s sense of
loss overflowed in words,
Xu Chang looked in her
She turned him round and
round and walked out:
“Then, when you get there,
call me.”
”Okay.” He touched her
face, “Don’t run around,
take care of yourself.”
”Hmm.” She closed the door
gently, and if she looked at
him again, she would cry.
She returned to the
computer lonely, staring
absently at the computer
screen, the original taste of
separation was such a bitter
After a while, she heard
someone knocking on the
door again. She was
surprised and jumped with
some expectation to open
the door.
As soon as the door opened,
Xu Chang held her tightly in
his arms. She has not
responded yet. She heard Xu
Chang say in her ear:
”I thought about it, my
potato cat will be hungry
this month, and when I
come back, it may become a
corpse. Say, can you take
care of the potatoes for
Qin Xiangnan hesitated. Xu
Chang continued:
”Also, I can’t bear it. Stay
with me tonight, okay?”
”Okay.” Qin Xiangnan
smiled sweetly.
Qin Xiangnan packed up a
lot of things, Xu Chang sat
down and looked at her.
”Are you going to evacuate
your house? Otherwise, you
won’t be back in the
She snorted scornfully.
Then, dragged two large
boxes and began to migrate
in the middle of the night.
”I tell you, Xu Chang, I am
only responsible for taking
care of potatoes. I won’t
clean your place. When you
come back, don’t dismiss
the mess. This is you
begging me to go.”
”Yes, yes, I beg you to go.”
Xu Chang was helpless.
When he arrived at his
house, the potato “meowed”
clinged together, and Qin
Xiangnan picked it up: “We
meet again, baby potato. I’m
going to get along with you
for a month. Don’t be
bothered by me. Who told
your master not to want
Xu Chang’s face was black.
When she last came, she just
glanced at the living room
of his house, this time Xu
Chang begged her to come,
so she started to visit with a
big swing.
”Xu Chang, I think the color
of the curtains in your house
is not good-looking, and
should be matched with
light colors, which is more
suitable for furniture.”
”Xu Chang, why don’t you
have a large floor mirror in
your house? Every morning
you don’t go out to see if
you are handsome right?”
“Xu Chang, the lights in
your room is too harsh. “
“Xu Chang, the balcony in
your home big ah, you may
lie here in the sun. “
“Xu Chang, where to put
my clothes ah? “
”Xu Chang, come and help
me move things in.”
”Qin Xiangnan, you’re so
annoying. I’m working.”
”Oh…” She had to sort out
her own things in a huff.
After being busy for a long
time, she discovered that it
was already eleven o’clock
in the evening. She went to
take a bath, then lay
comfortably on Xu Chang’s
big bed, smelling his own
She woke up in the middle
of the night and found that
Xu Chang had not yet slept.
She stumbled out to see that
Xu Chang was still working
”Xu Chang, aren’t you
going to bed today?” she
asked him sleepily.
”Well, I will have a meeting
tomorrow. It will be almost
morning when I finish
sorting out the information.
I sort out things in the
morning and go directly.
You don’t have to wait for
”Okay.” Qin Xiangnan
thought he was really tired
and pathetic. It was so good
to accompany him tonight.
She climbed into bed and
continued to sleep, smelling
Xu Chang’s smell, and went
to sleep.
When the sky was dark, she
felt a big hand touch her
face, and she opened her
eyes vaguely.
”Xu Chang, what time is
”Just at six o’clock, you
continue to sleep, I’m
leaving.” He kissed her
forehead gently and left her.
She faintly felt the sound of
dragging the box, and then
gently closed the door…
Qin Xiangnan was
completely awake, he left,
and her heart was suddenly
This feeling has never been
felt before. Of course, she
has experienced parting with
friends and family but has
never been as uncomfortable
as she was now.
After Xu Chang left, Qin
Xiangnan was lying in bed
and could no longer sleep,
staring at the ceiling until
seven in the morning and
waking up.
After seeing her get up,
potato “meowed”.
Qin Xiangnan poured some
cat food for him and talked
to him: “Your master is
gone. I have been wronged.
You stay with me for a few
She took three days off, and
her legs had not completely
swollen, so these three days,
she stayed with the potato
without going anywhere.
The refrigerator at Xu
Chang’s house was full of
delicious food, enough for
her to eat for a few days.
On the first day, she was
busy with a day’s work, and
Xu Chang only sent her a
WeChat to tell her that he
had arrived in City B.
Because of her busy work,
she did not miss him.
The next day, she finished
most of her work, holding
the cat and lazing in the sun
on the balcony. “Potato, do
you miss your master?”
”Meow,” Little Potato
answered her.
”Since you miss him too, I
will send him a WeChat.”
She sent Xu Chang a selfie
of herself and Little Potato,
looking forward to his reply.
After a long time without
seeing him reply, she was
slightly lost.
”Your master is too busy to
take look at you. Don’t be
sad, I’ll accompany you.”
She touched the potato’s
neck, and the small potato
narrowed his eyes
After dinner, when she was
going to sleep, she finally
waited for the phone call she
had been expecting for a
long time.
”Qin Xiangnan, have you
eaten well and rested well?”
”Of course, I have taken
good care of your cat. Are
you busy these two days?”
she asked him.
”Well, just wait a few days.
Are your feet better?”
”It’s much better, just rest
for another day.”
”Well, okay.” The two of
them suddenly seemed to
have nothing to say.
”There’s nothing else, I’ll
hung up.” Xu Chang said.
”OK, bye.”
Qin Xiangnan, who hung up
the phone, was lost again.
Xu Chang was busy every
day. She even had a terrible
idea in her mind. If she
followed her parents’
arrangements and was a
doctor, she would be able to
become a colleague like Lin
Rui’er and work with him to
discuss issues together.
On the third day off, Qin
Xiangnan panicked and
began to clean Xu Chang’s
house. At that time, she only
told Xu Chang that she only
talked about taking care of
Mopping the floor and
wiping the furniture, she
was very busy. After
finishing these tasks, she
began to sort things, and she
put everything back into
place after finishing.
While organizing his
bookcase, he found many
photos piled up together and
sandwiched between books.
Qin Xiangnan was as
excited as she was when she
discovered the treasure.
Although he knew that
peeping was not very good,
this was really attractive to
She read a few photos and
found that this should be a
picture of Xu Chang when
he was in college, a group
photo with his classmates, a
graduation photo, and
something like the photos he
took when he won the
research award. Qin
Xiangnan looked at them
one by one, and felt that Xu
Chang at that time was more
shining than in high school.
Every photo he took with
his classmates, she could
catch him at first glance.
She was like peeping
through Xu Chang’s time
when he didn’t have her.
She was a bit sour. It turned
out that she hadn’t appeared
beside him in those years.
He had a good life. He
would laugh and be happy.
This inexplicable sourness
made her feel ashamed. She
asked herself if she hoped
Xu Chang would have a bad
time in those years. The
answer is no. Maybe she
just regretted that she did
not stay with him in those
years throughout these
After reading several photos,
a sudden photo made her
tremble abruptly. The two
people above laughed so
happy. Besides Xu Chang,
there was another person
whom she knew, Lin Rui’er.
They seemed to be sitting in
the classroom, there were
some people beside them,
but the background had
been blurred, only the two
of them were left, and they
laughed so happy, Lin
Rui’er’s eyes were full of
Xu Chang, the kind where
she clearly liked him very
much. Xu Chang looked at
the camera and it was
estimated that someone was
shooting them and was
discovered by Xu Chang.
What were they talking
about? Why do they laugh
so happily?
Qin Xiangnan held the
picture tightly, her heart was
dull and heavy. After
calming down for a moment,
she rearranged the pile of
photos and stuffed them into
their original positions.
The little potato clapped up
again, and “meowed”.
”Potato, are you hungry
again, then let’s go to dinner,
and I am hungry too.”
After three days of vacation,
Qin Xiangnan entered the
normal working track again.
Every day’s busyness,
exhaustion after getting off
work makes the time pass
extremely fast, and two
weeks have passed since Xu
Chang went to City B. In the
past two weeks, Xu Chang
occasionally called to greet
her and potato, and Qin
Xiangnan would tell him
what she encountered when
she went to work. After that,
the two will be silent again.
She missed the sentence
when she missed him. She
thought he was so busy and
thought she would become
his burden.
On the same day, Leader
Pang held another meeting.
Following the last storm in
the Internet finance industry,
the industry has stabilized a
lot during this period. Many
enterprises have been
eliminated. The rest are
enterprises that have no
problems after being
reviewed and monitored by
relevant departments. Of
course including Shen
Zhiyang’s X company.
”Everyone suffered during
this time. I just received a
notice that a full-time
journalist seminar will be
held in City B next week. It
will take about three days.
Tomorrow, we need to send
two representatives to pass.
I know everyone during this
time are busy, not really
want to travel, so who wants
to go?”
Qin Xiangnan heared his “B
city “, the eyes are bright,
“Brother Pang, I’ll go. “
“Xiao Qin, you are still
injured. Just take a good rest,
don’t run around. I’ll ask
others to go.” Leader Pang
is still very concerned about
Qin Xiangnan was anxious,
“Leader Pang, I’m okay.
That’s it. I’ll go home to
organize things today, and I
will start on time
Seeing her being so positive,
Leader Pang couldn’t say
”So there is still a quota,
who can take the time to
spare?” Leader Pang asked.
”I’ll go, Leader Pang. This
is the first time I have
participated in this seminar.
I need to accumulate some
experience.” Chen Xiaoqi
”Okay, then Xiao Qin and
Xiao Chen should be well
prepared. Adjourned!”
Qin Xiangnan did not
expect this trip to be so
clever and so wonderful that
she could not help but
Chen Xiaoqi was confused,
“Xiangnan, what are you
laughing at? Are you so
happy going on a business
”Of course, you didn’t say
that, can you accumulate
experience?” She smirked in
her heart.
”Oh.” Chen Xiaoqi nodded
That night, Qin Xiangnan
sorted out her simple
luggage and went out to find
a pet store, where she
deposited potato.
Before leaving, she touched
the potato reluctantly. “I’m
sorry, Little Potato, I’m
going to find your master
tomorrow. I can’t
accompany you in these two
days. When I come back, I
must come to pick you up as
soon as possible .” The
abandoned potato
“meowed” and stared at her.
Qin Xiangnan said goodbye
to it and left with some
When she set off the next
morning, she was excited
and chose her best-looking
coat, put a black slim
sweater skirt inside, put on a
makeup, looked at the
mirror, and was very
satisfied with her dress.
The weather in December
was approaching the cold
winter. It was a bit cold
when going out in the
morning, but her heart was
After arriving at the airport,
she met with Chen Xiaoqi.
Chen Xiaoqi looked at her
more and more strangely.
“Sister Xiangnan, you seem
to be very happy today. Can
you really accumulate a lot
of experience this time on a
business trip. Did you often
have such seminars for
journalists before?”
Qin Xiangnan laughed twice
and said, “This is also the
first time I participated, I
don’t know, it should be the
cuts and the like, I plan to
fish in the muddy water,
haha. I will rely on you for
these two days.”
”Ah? How does this work,
Sister Xiangnan, since this.
What are you going to do?”
Qin Xiangnan smiled and
said nothing.
On the plane, Qin Xiangnan
was still very excited. She
had passed by Xu Chang
last night. Today, she was in
the city B hospital. She
planned to give him a
Chen Xiaoqi fell asleep on
the plane, Qin Xiangnan
looked at her and covered
her with a blanket. Then she
took out a book, but she
couldn’t read a word. She
was full of thoughts waiting
to see Xu Chang’s face.
After more than two hours,
the plane landed safely. Qin
Xiangnan became the first
group of passengers eager to
get off the plane. Chen
Xiaoqi felt strange, she
followed her quickly and
squeezed to the front.
”Sister Xiangnan, what are
you doing so fast? We don’t
have much time yet?”
Qin Xiangnan handed the
small box in her hand to
Chen Xiaoqi: “Xiaoqi,
please, please help me bring
the things to the hotel. I’m
going to a place first, you
will go to the seminar
yourself later, and I’ll come
after finishing some things.”
Chen Xiaoqi suspiciously,
“Ah? Where are you going?
Didn’t you come to the
seminar this time?”
Qin Xiangnana: “Well, I’m
going to the hospital.”
Chen Xiaoqi startled, “Sister
Xiangnan, what are you
doing at the hospital, are
you uncomfortable?”
Qin Xiangnan shook her
head and whispered in her
ear. Chen Xiaoqi suddenly
realized: “No wonder, you
look so happy, rest assured,
I will go to the seminar first,
you come slowly, I promise
not to talk to Leader Pang.”
Qin Xiangnan gave her a
satisfied look and hurriedly
booked a taxi, went straight
to the hospital where Xu
Chang was.
This hospital used to be
where Xu Chang worked for
three years. She even
thought about every brick
and piece of land she had
stepped on under her feet.
Has Xu Chang stepped on it
countless times? This sky,
this tree, this side. Has this
wall, this corner, been
noticed and seen by Xu
She asked the sister of the
front nurse in the orthopedic
department at the hospital
and learned that Xu Chang
was now in the conference
room. The younger sister at
the front desk politely asked
a little nurse to take her past.
The little nurse is a quiet,
unspoken girl.
Qin Xiangnan asked her: “Is
Dr. Xu alone in the
conference room? Will I
bother him now?” The little
nurse thought for a while
and said, “Just now I know
Dr. Xu and other doctors are
having a meeting. This
meeting is over. Other
doctors have already come
out, only Dr. Xu is still
Qin Xiangnan nodded and
waited for the little nurse to
arrive at the door of the
meeting room. She thanked
her, and the ensuing tension
and excitement followed.
She took a deep breath,
straightened her hair, and
knocked on the door of the
meeting room.
”Come in.” She heard a very
familiar voice.
She took a deep breath again,
opened the door, and
After opening the door, she
was stunned.
In addition to Xu Chang,
Lin Rui’er is also there.
The two of them sat close
together, looking at the
computer screen, as if
discussing something.
Qin Xiangnan’s smile
immediately froze.
They were sitting sideways
to the door. After hearing
the door opening, they
turned to look at her.
At this moment, she deeply
regretted why she came over
today and why she came to
visit him specially.
Xu Chang saw her and was
surprised. She didn’t see the
joy in his eyes, just
”Why are you here?” Xu
Chang asked her.
She tried to keep herself
calm and calm again.
She smiled, walked in, and
said to him: “I just came
here on a business trip today,
and I came to see you by the
Xu Chang said lightly.
Lin Rui’er saw her and said,
“You talk slowly, Dr. Xu,
then I will go first.”
Xu Chang nodded. Lin
Rui’er went out and closed
the door gently.
The two were speechless for
a while, Qin Xiangnan said
first: “You are busy, I just
came to see, I will have
something to do, I will go
Xu Chang stood up and
gently hugged her in his
arms. “I haven’t seen you in
two weeks. You seem to
have lost weight.”
She didn’t answer for a
while. After a long time, she
broke away from his arms
and said, “I’m going.”
”I’ll send you.” Xu Chang
”No, you are busy.” She
said lightly.
She glanced at him, smiled
slightly, turned to open the
door, walked out, and closed
the door gently.
After Qin Xiangnan left the
hospital, she directly took a
taxi to the journalist seminar.
Unexpectedly, she arrived
before Chen Xiaoqi.
When Chen Xiaoqi saw her,
she was very surprised:
“Sister Xiangnan, didn’t you
go and see Dr. Xu, why did
you come so early?”
She smiled faintly: “He’s
Chen Xiaoqi snorted
without asking much. .
This seminar was really just
over. Only some very
well-known domestic
journalists will come to the
stage to speak, and then
there will be
commendations for
journalists who have made
outstanding contributions.
Chen Xiaoqi heard it with
great interest, and poked
Qin Xiangnan on the side:
“Sister Xiangnan, you say,
when can we win the
Qin Xiangnan didn’t seem
to hear what she said, and
said nothing.
“Sister Xiangnan?”
“Ah? What did you just
say?” She recovered.
“I said, when can we win
the prize?” Chen Xiaoqi
repeated the question just
“Well, you still need to
work hard.”
Chen Xiaoqi nodded, her
eyes glowing with
Qin Xiangnan was in a
trance on this day, and all of
her brains were just pictures
of when she saw Xu Chang.
She came to City B this time
to make the worst wrong
decision. If she did not
come, she would not go to
see Xu Chang. She doesn’t
even know that Lin Rui’er is
also there. She doesn’t want
to know this at all, and
doesn’t want to see the
picture of the two of them
At the end of the seminar,
Qin Xiangnan and Chen
Xiaoqi went back to the
hotel to rest. After they ate
something casually at the
hotel, they prepared to go
back to their rooms to rest
because they will continue
to participate in the seminar
At eight o’clock in the
evening, Xu Chang called
her. Asked where she was,
she told him that she had
returned to City S, and he
doubted it. After hanging up
the phone, she was ready to
go to bed early because she
was really tired this day.
To get dressed up in the
morning, she got up an hour
early, and the excitement in
the morning was taken over
by the tiredness at night.
At nine o’clock, she had
fallen asleep, but she was
woken up when she heard
the knock on the door. She
felt strange. Thinking of not
being at home, she was too
lazy to open the door and
continue to sleep.
Unexpectedly, Xu Chang
called again, and she
“Where are you?” he asked
“At your house.” She lied to
“Then I want to see you.”
She was suddenly taken
aback. Quickly said: “I have
fallen asleep. It’s already
dark, no need to videocall.”
“Qin Xiangnan, why did
you lie to me, open the
door.” She was surprised,
and then heard the knock on
the door.
“Open the door!” he
“What are you doing? I’m
tired today and don’t want
to see you.”
“What’s wrong with you?”
he asked her.
She calmed down and said,
“Nothing, nothing. Don’t
“Did you get angry when
you saw Dr. Lin?”
“No.” Not only for this
reason, she said in her heart.
Xu Chang paused on the
phone and continued:
“Don’t get me wrong. This
time, not only Dr. Lin, but
also Dr. Wang and Dr. Qian
are there. It was just when
you came, they just left.”
“I know , I’m not angry
because of this. I’m tired
today.” She didn’t want to
talk to him any more, so she
hung up the phone.
Xu Chang continued to
knock on the door, she
covered her ears.
After a while, the knock on
the door disappeared, and
she was finally relieved. But
the original sleepiness was
gone, and she lay in bed and
recalled the scene she saw
today. What is she really
angry about? Is she angry
with Xu Chang and Lin
Rui’er? Yes or no?
The more reason is that she
missed him so much for so
many days, afraid that he
would be too busy and she
would disturb him. It turned
out that he had been with
Lin Rui’er all the time. They
have a lot of words to say,
they work together and get
along together. Except for
the daily greetings from Xu
Chang, he and Xu Chang
had nothing to say.
After a while, Chen Xiaoqi
called her and Qin Xiangnan
picked it up.
“Sister Xiangnan, is there
any information that I can
“What information do you
need that you can’t do it
“No, ah, I’m still learning it.
I need it now.”
“Okay. Come, come and get
it.” After a while, Chen
Xiaoqi came and knocked
on the door. Qin Xiangnan
got up from the bed and ran
to open the door.
When she opened the door,
she was startled. Why was
Xu Chang still here?
She immediately understood
that she was too stupid, and
she was relegated again.
Chen Xiaoqi, a traitor.
Qin Xiangnan’s first
reaction was to close the
door quickly but Xu Chang
seemed to know what she
was going to do, opened the
door instantly, and then
went in and also dragged a
Qin Xiangnan was surprised:
“What are you doing?”
He smiled smugly, “I’m
staying here.”
Qin Xiangnan pushed him
to drive him away, but she
was hugged and thrown on
the bed, and then he came
up and bullied her.
She pushed him angrily with
her feet, and shouted: “You
go away, don’t touch me!”
Xu Chang blocked her
shouting mouth with his lips,
she snorted twice, struggled,
exhausted her strength
finally gave up.
After a moment, Xu Chang
let go of her, looked at her
sullen expression, and asked
her: “You can tell me now,
what’s wrong with you?”
She pushed him away and
sat up. She was very angry
and asked him: “Xu Chang,
do you… do you always
think I’m stupid and think
I’m not worthy of you?”
He was surprised why she
asked this question and
hugged her in his arms,
saying: “Stupid. You’re a bit
stupid, but when did I say
that you don’t deserve me?”
She took a deep breath and
asked him: “Are you really
busy these days?”
“Yeah, very busy.”
“Then you are here What
are you busy with? Do you
think I won’t understand it,
only Dr. Lin can understand
“So, are you still angry with
Dr. Lin?” he asked her.
“No, no matter whether it is
Dr. Lin, or Dr. Wang or Dr.
Qian, you will only tell
them things, not tell me,
Xu Chang does not
Qin Xiangnan was mad, in
fact, she did not know what
to say. How would she
make Xu Chang understand
what she feels.
Then she asked a question:
“If I didn’t know you first,
would you be with Dr.
He thought about it and
answered her: “This
hypothesis does not exist. If
I don’t know you, then
someone will not ask me
this question.”
Qin Xiangnan still spat
blood, and she finally
concluded to him: “I think
only people like Lin Rui’er
can deserve you. You and
her are classmates and
colleagues. You work
together, study together, she
understands your ideas, you
also understand her ideas.
You have a common
language, you can work
together. You are proud,
you are a match made in
Xu Chang listened to her
words. Paused, then he
seemed to understand
something. He laughed
twice. Qin Xiangnan was
angry that he could still
laugh at this time. Does it
mean that she’s right?
Xu Chang lifted her face
and asked her to look at him,
saying, “Qin Xiangnan,
don’t you want to be
arrogant? What do you
mean by being this inferior?
In my eyes, you are the best,
you are the most beautiful,
the most lovely. Although
you are a bit stupid, but you
work hard, you have your
advantages. Even if Dr. Lin
is good, what does she have
to do with me? I only like
you, even if she is good, I
will not look at her more.
Do you understand? ?”
Qin Xiangnan blinked, she
asked incredulously:”Are
you saying the truth?”
“Of course,” he said with
certainty. “I have been
really busy these past few
days and I have ignored you
and made you
uncomfortable. What is the
mess in your little head?”
“Xu Chang, I have
something to tell you. I
accidentally saw the photos
of you in college, only to
realize that you have not
lived with me in these ten
years. So I have been
thinking, if we did not meet
again, will you be with Dr.
Lin, or any other girl, if you
haven’t known me yet?”
Xu Chang thought for a
while and said, “Your
hypothesis is not right.”
“I mean if.”
He thought for a moment
and said, “If I didn’t meet
you again, I won’t be with
Dr. Lin or other girls.” He
paused and said gently in
her ear: “If there is no
reunion, I will go to you.
Even if you are already with
someone else, I will snatch
“So, destined to be together,
we will be together.”
“For you, I am willing to
change my life.”
The next day, after waking
up, Qin Xiangnan found
herself lying in Xu Chang’s
arms. Yesterday’s sweet
words still echoed in her
ears, she suddenly smiled
shyly. Looking at Xu Chang
who slept so well, she
couldn’t help but reach out
and touch his handsome
cheek. Xu Chang seemed to
be awake and said, “Qin
Xiangnan, I’m not going to
work today, don’t quarrel
with me.”
She looked at the time, at
eight o’clock, she
remembered to continue to
participate in the seminar at
ten o’clock today. Yes, there
is still some time. She
continued to stare at him for
a while. Presumably he was
really tired these days, she
suddenly felt distressed.
Yesterday, she still had
trouble with him, quarreled
with him, and he… she
blushed and was
embarrassed again.
After lying down for a while,
she was ready to get up. She
crept up and went to the
bathroom to wash.
The phone next to the pillow
rang. Xu Chang fumbled for
a while, found the phone,
and pressed the connect
“Hello, who is this?” He
said in a voice that sounded
like he just woke up.
“Huh? Did you make a
mistake? You made a
mistake. This is Xiaonan’s
mobile phone.”
Xu Chang was startled,
opened her eyes, and found
that the caller ID was
“Mother”, and was Qin
Xiangnan’s mother.
“Auntie, hello, are you
looking for Xiao Nan?” He
woke up instantly.
“Ah, yes. Who are you?”
Zhao Mei at this time was
the one who was scared.
“I’m her boyfriend. I will
ask Xiao Nan to answer the
“Oh. Good…” Zhao Mei
didn’t respond for a while.
Xu Chang got out of bed
and handed the mobile
phone to Qin Xiangnan who
was brushing her teeth. She
saw the ‘mother’ displayed
on the screen, and she was
also taken aback. How di
Xu Chang pick it up?
After glaring at him, she
answered the phone in
“Hey, Mom.”
“Xiao Nan, who was that?
When did you have a
boyfriend ah? Why didn’t
you tell mom? Are you
trying to live with him?
When did this happen ah?
When will bring him back at
Qin Xiangnan was
wondering how to answer
Zhao Mei’s series of
questions. “Mom, I will tell
you about this later. Why
did you call me today?”
“Oh, you are really making
me mad. One by one. Don’t
you know what your brother
told me earlier?”
“What did he tell you? What
happened to Qin Xiangbei?”
she wondered.
“He said he was going to get
Zhao Mei had really
guessed before, and Qin
Xiangbei really wouldn’t
tell them even if they got
Xu Chang, who had just
been disturbed by sleep, also
got up at this time, “What’s
wrong with your brother?”
Qin Xiangnan sighed, “He
said he was getting
Xu Chang smiled
meaningfully: “This is a
good thing. Why do you
sigh? Does him getting
married makes you unhappy?
We can hurry up and do it
before him.”
Qin Xiangnan punched him
furiously: “No. I just think
that my didn’t discuss with
us every time before he did
things. Just like when he
had taken the medical
university in City B. Now
he even directly informs us
about such a big marriage.
Does he have a brain and
does not consider the
consequences of doing so. Is
he crazy?”
“I think he thinks about
everything he does, but he
doesn’t want to tell you.
Don’t worry about him,
think about yourself, when
will you take me home to
see your parents. You want
me to never see the light?”
Qin Xiangnan was shy:
“After you go back on a
business trip…”
Xu Chang said today that he
does not have to go to work,
so he stayed in the hotel and
Qin Xiangnan and Chen
Xiaoqi continued to attend
the journalist seminar.
Seeing Qin Xiangnan, Chen
Xiaoqi knew that she
betrayed her yesterday, she
took the initiative to
apologize: “I’m sorry, Sister
Xiangnan. Yesterday Dr. Xu
came to me and asked me if
you were still in City B. I
told him. It’s awkward, I’ll
be a peacemaker, otherwise
you went to him so
excitedly yesterday, and
ended up going back in vain,
I felt sorry for you.”
Qin Xiangnan sighed and
forgave her. “Forget it,
Xiaoqi, I have to thank you,
otherwise some things will
not be clear, I will be sad.
You will understand it when
you fall in love.”
Chen Xiaoqi nodded.
This meeting was held until
four o’clock in the afternoon.
After the end, she wanted to
go back to Xu Chang
quickly, but did not expect
to receive an unexpected
call, Lin Ruier actually
asked her to meet. Qin
Xiangnan wondered if Lin
Rui’er was going to threaten
her as a white lotus, crying
to her about Xu Chang and
her accumulated feelings
over the years? Well, Qin
Xiangnan must not be a
cowardly idiot, she will take
the posture of a lady in the
palace to deal with the white
Lin Rui’er met her in a cafe.
Qin Xiangnan saw her and
smiled politely and
friendlyly at her.
“Dr. Lin, I didn’t expect that
you would come to me.”
Lin Ruier saw her and gave
the same friendly smile, said:
“Hello, Qin Xiangnan. I will
order directly. You know
me and Xu Chang have
known each other for so
many years , I have always
liked him before.”
Qin Xiangnan thought to
herself, she really was going
to war.
“I know. But Xu Chang has
never liked you.” She said
Lin Ruier seemed to pause,
and continued: “Don’t get
me wrong, I didn’t want to
rob him from you today.
Actually, I have put him
down now. I have known
him for so many years,
although he doesn’t like me,
at first, I thought that as
long as I stayed with him
forever, he would like me
someday. But I was wrong, I
thought no one stayed with
him longer than me, I didn’t
expect you to know him
before me. Later, I just
wanted to understand,
because he liked you first,
so he didn’t accept me for
so many years.”
Qin Xiangnan listened
“Do you know about Xu
Chang’s mother?”
Qin Xiangnan was shocked
and shook her head. She
really didn’t know that and
had never heard him
mention it. She only know
that his parents divorced
when he was very young.
“Xu Chang’s father died in
his third year of high school,
and his mother was in City
B, so he came to City B to
go to university.”
It turned out that this was
the case. Qin Xiangnan had
always thought Xu Chang
did it because of her. It
turned out that she was
thinking too much.
Lin Rui’er continued: “His
mother remarried long ago
and gave birth to his sister.
So he didn’t live with his
mother when he was in
college. Even the tuition
fees were paid by
scholarship and the money
he earned from working He
has had a lot of hard work
before. Others have seen his
bright side. No one thought
he paid twice the effort of
others. But he was really
excellent. He won many
awards in various
competitions during his
college life. He didn’t have
such a hard time. The cat
was raised by him five years
ago. I know that he is really
lonely, and he doesn’t even
have someone to talk to.
Although I have been with
him all the time, he won’t
talk to me. To talk about
what he feels. I think only
you will make him happy.”
“So, please treat him well in
the future, don’t hurt him
anymore, he is not as strong
as you think.”
Qin Xiangnan heard these
words. She was stunned… It
turns out that Xu Chang
hasn’t been very good in
recent years. He has always
been a proud man, and he
certainly won’t tell her
about these things.
“Thank you, Dr. Lin, I
didn’t expect you to tell me
“I’ve already decided, I
think I will still transfer to
City B to work, this is my
home. Don’t worry about
my relationship with hi. If
he really has anything with
me, it should have happened
years ago.” Lin Rui’er
smiled bitterly.
At this moment, Qin
Xiangnan was deeply
moved. The proud and
inexhaustible Xu Chang, the
dazzling person, the perfect
one, his excellence was not
given to him by God. He put
twice the effort to be able to
become what he is now. She
dare not imagine that his
father died in high school
that year and fled to his
mother, but the mother
refused to accept him. How
bitter, helpless and lonely he
should be.
Looking back at her life, she
have been living in a honey
pot for several years, with
her father and mother, and
loved ones.
After talking with Lin Ruier
for a long time, they said
goodbye in front of the
coffee shop. Qin Xiangnan
looked at her departing back.
The equally proud Lin
Rui’er, who had
accompanied and liked Xu
Chang for so many years,
was still able to turn around
and walk away so dashingly.
If it was her, could she do
When she returned to the
hotel with a lot of thought,
she saw Xu Chang sitting at
the computer with a serious
look on his face. She
suddenly felt soft in her
heart and had an urge to
protect him.
She walked to Xu Chang’s
back, stretched out two arms,
hugged his neck from
behind him, and her cheek
pressed tightly to his side
Xu Chang is a bit strange:
“When did you become so
Qin Xiangnan kissed his
cheek softly and said, “I will
stick to you like this in the
future. One day, you will
find me annoying and will
you drive me away?” ?”
He sneered: “Do you want
to run? It’s not that easy.”
She smiled and said sweetly
in his ear: “Xu Chang, you
are so nice.”
Qin Xiangnan tentatively
explored the gap between
then and asked Xu Chang:
“I’ll finish the meeting
tomorrow morning and I can
go back in the afternoon. I
heard…I heard that your
mother is also in City B, do
you need to visit her?”
Xu Chang was a little
surprised. After a pause, he
said, “No need to disturb her.
We haven’t contacted for
many years. She has been
doing very well.”
“Oh…” Qin Xiangnan was a
little sad, Xu Chang is so
good, how can his mother
do this to him.
“Can you leave a few days
later?” he asked her.
“Ah?” She was surprised
and smiled: “Are you
reluctant to see me leave?”
“Yes, yes, I can’t bear it.”
Qin Xiangnan was satisfied
with this answer.
“I think these two days, I
will take you to some
places.” He said.
She was a little delighted
and asked him expectantly,
“Where are we going?”
Xu Chang raised his
eyebrows, “Take back the
missing ten years.”
Qin Xiangnan didn’t expect
that Xu Chang knew her so
well. She just said that she
saw photos of him in college,
and thought he had a good
time in the past few years.
He could guess that she was
crazy and jealous in her
heart. She wanted to
experience this decade with
Xu Chang took her to the
Medical University of City
B, where Xu Chang stayed
for seven years. He took her
through every classroom,
laboratory, cafeteria,
dormitory where he had
taken classes. Qin Xiangnan
felt that this brick and tile
had Xu Chang breathing.
The sky here is blue, the
grass here is green. Here,
the students were also
vigorous, as if they saw Xu
Chang’s vigorous look.
They sat in the warm sun in
the auditorium beside the
playground, and Qin
Xiangnan’s head rested on
his shoulder.
“Xu Chang, I used to think
God was very unfair. God
gave you too much. You
look good and smart. I think
you didn’t study hard and
your grades are still so good.
Then think about how hard
you work, it may be easily
seen by others? You must
have paid a lot of money
behind our back, right?”
Xu Chang chuckled twice,
“You are wrong, do you
think everyone is as stupid
as you? In learning, it really
didn’t take much effort.”
Qin Xiangnan was angry
and pouted, “You mean, you
are a genius?”
He nodded.
Qin Xiangnan was so mad
that she took out a small
powder fist to hammer him
and was caught by Xu
“Qin Xiangnan, I suddenly
remembered that there was
still a place I didn’t take you
to see.”
She looked surprised and
looked at him with the look
of expectation.
She asked: “Where?”
His mouth a hooked up and
said: “Dissecting room!”
In the evening, she met with
Xu Chang’s two college
students that are now
excellent doctor.
When Qin Xiangnan saw his
two classmates, she
remembered that she
accidentally turned to Xu
Chang’s photo that day and
took photos with her
classmates. The frequency
of the two appeared quite
high. It is estimated to be
the best friend.
“Xu Chang, is this your
girlfriend? Really
beautiful.” A classmate
praised her, she was a little
Xu Chang introduced
generously, “Yes, this is Qin
Xiangnan. My girlfriend.”
Both classmates expressed
envy that their two single
dogs were busy working
every day and had no time
to fall in love.
Another classmate seemed
to think of something and
asked, “Hey, Xu Chang,
your girlfriend will not be
the girl in that picture? They
look a bit alike…”
Xu Chang nodded with a
smile. Qin Xiangnan was
surprised, what photo?
The two students ridiculed,
“I really envy you, Xu
Chang. At that time, we all
felt that you were awkward
and looked so handsome.
What kind of girl could not
be found. You had to look at
this photo and I missed it.
Unexpectedly, you really
got her ah. “
Qin Xiangnan was
suspicious. Looking at
photos with unrequited love?
Why does it sound so
Several people had dinner
while reminiscing about the
good times in college. Qin
Xiangnan listened to them
talking and felt really good.
Although she did not exist
in his life in the past, she
listened to it as if she was in
In the evening Xu Chang
drank a lot of wine, Qin
Xiangnan helped him back
to the hotel. Looking at his
drunk and unconscious state,
Qin Xiangnan wanted to
tease him.
“Xu Chang, you said, what
is the photo that you love
for so long?”
Xu Chang didn’t answer.
Hmmp, she thought he was
drunk and asked him angrily:
“Is there a woman who
looks good and similar with
This time he seemed to
wake up and pinched her
face and said, “How can
there be a woman who looks
like you, you are so cute and
Qin Xiangnan was a little
satisfied, but still pouted,
and asked him: “What photo
is that? When did I give you
a photo?”
Xu Chang didn’t speak, took
out his wallet from the coat
pocket, and gave it to her.
“Look at it yourself.”
She took it suspiciously,
opened his wallet, and saw a
one-inch photo clipped
inside, a blue background, a
girl in a white coat and
ponytails, this is what she
was like in high school. .
Qin Xiangnan couldn’t
remember when she had this
picture and how it ended up
in Xu Chang’s hands.
She questioned him: “Where
did this come from?”
Xu Chang didn’t speak, as if
drunk, fell to the pillow and
fell asleep.
In the third year of that year,
Xu Chang secretly took Qin
Xiangnan’s blue notebook,
peeping at her thoughts, and
accidentally turned to a
one-inch photo sandwiched
in the note. The girl smiled
so beautifully, Xu Chang
was surprised and liked it.
Qin Xiangnan originally
needed to return to City S
after the seminar on
Thursdya. In response to Xu
Chang’s request, she stayed
until Sunday morning. Chen
Xiaoqi went back as early as
the seminar ended on
Qin Xiangnan was sorting
things on Sunday morning.
Although Xu Chang will
also go back in a week, the
short separation made her
sad. Early in the morning,
she began to be unhappy.
“Do you want to look bitter
and full of hatred? Are you
so reluctant to leave me?”
Xu Chang despised this look
of her very much.
“You think too much, I’m
too happy to leave. It’s
annoying to be with you
every day.” She hardened
her mouth.
“Well, otherwise I’ll go
back to work in City B, so
you don’t have to worry
about seeing me every day.”
“You dare!” Qin Xiangnan
grabbed his collar and said
angrily: “Do you want to
talk to Dr. Lin? Come back
to City B and work together
again, don’t you? If you
have this idea, I will break
your leg!”
“You are terrible. I used to
sympathize with your
brother, you are bullying
him every day. Now you
brother is going to get
married, are you going to
transfer your target to me
now? “
Qin Xiangnan put away her
hands on his collar and
helped him to smooth the
collar. She laughed twice:
“How come. I’m always
very gentle. Didn’t you see
Xu Chang snickered and
picked up the luggage.
“Let’s go.”
“Oh. Huh? Why did you
also move your luggage?”
she asked him.
“I’m going to change hotel.”
Qin Xiangnan did not say
After arriving at the airport,
Qin Xiangnan reluctantly
said goodbye to him.
“I’m going. I’ll wait for you
back at home. I will help
you take care of your kitten,
and I won’t mess with your
things anymore.”
Xu Chang pinched her face
and said: ” It doesn’t matter.
Just look at it, I don’t have a
secret. As long as you don’t
dismantle my house.”
“Really? Then I’m
welcome…” Qin Xiangnan
was excited and wanted to
rub her hands.
“Well, don’t forget, you will
take me to see your parents
after I go back. Also, I will
show you a very important
person…” Xu Chang said.
Qin Xiangnan wondered
who else was so important
to him. Before she asked
him, he hurried her away.
The two spent a lot of time
together before finally
After getting on the plane,
Qin Xiangnan sat next to the
corridor, preparing to spend
her time reading books
along the way.
After not reading two pages,
the passenger sitting by her
window came over and
stood beside her, and she
was ready to get up.
The other party said politely
to her, “Thank you.”
Qin Xiangnan froze, this
familiar voice. She looked
up and met Xu Chang’s
smiling eyes.
“Why are you here…you
lied to me again…” Qin
Xiangnan was surprised and
was angry again.
“There will be nothing next
week, so I will go back in
advance.” She looked at him
in a leisurely manner,
feeling angrily.
“Xu Chang, you’re really
hateful.” She snorted.
“Only I am allowed to
surprise you. Can I not?” He
touched her head
Along the way, Qin
Xiangnan fell asleep
peacefully on Xu Chang’s
shoulders. Xu Chang
covered her with a blanket
and looked at her sleeping
face, his mouth slightly
The important person Xu
Chang said to bring her to
see was his grandmother.
When he was very young,
his parents divorced. He
lived with his father and
grandmother, but later his
father died. Xu Chang went
to B city to go to university,
and grandmother lived alone.
Xu Chang occasionally went
to visit her.
This is an old community,
Qin Xiangnan asked him
“You used to live here, it’s
quite close to my house. Did
you spend your childhood
“Of course.” Xu Chang
glanced at her: “You
wouldn’t be curious about
my childhood again, even
when I was in high school
before, would you want to
cross the foot?”
Qin Xiangnan seemed to be
guessed by him. “Oh, how
do you know me so much. “
Xu Chang shook his head
and sighed.
Xu Chang knocked on the
door of grandma’s house,
Qin Xiangnan was a little
nervous, this was the first
time she saw his relatives.
After the door opened, Qin
Xiangnan saw his
grandmother was a very
kind old woman in her
“Grandma, this is your
granddaughter-in-law, Qin
Xiangnan.” Xu Chang
introduced her to
his grandma proudly.
“Hello grandma. You can
call me Xiao Nan.” Qin
Xiangnan held her hand.
“Oh, so good.” Grandma
looked at her very happily
and hurriedly greeted them
to come in. She took out a
bunch of fruit snacks and
stuffed them with her. Qin
Xiangnan looked at her
cheerfully and felt very
“Grandma, you are home
alone, is it particularly
boring, I will come to see
you often.”
“You are such a good
child.” She sighed again and
said: “Hey, you are very
welcome to see me. Xiao
Chang is always too busy
and can’t always come to
Qin Xiangnan heard his
grandmother calling him
“Xiao Chang”. Somehow,
she was excited again and
glanced at Xu Chang.
Secretly laughing.
“Grandma, what did Xu
Chang look like when he
was a kid? Was he as pretty
as he is now?” She turned
on gossip mode again.
“Of course he looks good,
Xiao Chang has always
looked good. It’s also very
good, especially obedient.
It’s just… a little pitiful. At
a young age, his mother left
him, and then his father…”
Grandma seemed to recall
the past and was sad… “At
that time, Xiao Chang
wanted to stay with me
during the college entrance
examination, but, I think he
is pitiful, let him go to live
with his mother. I don’t
know if he is happy there,
does he blame me?
Fortunately, he is back now,
and like his father, he
became a doctor.”
Xu Chang didn’t speak. Qin
Xiangnan held his
grandmother’s hand and
said, “Grandma, Xu Chang,
how could he blame you.
Whatever he does is the best.
No matter where he is, he is
the best one. I really envy
you. There is such a good
Grandma looked at Qin
Xiangnan with kind eyes
and was very satisfied with
this granddaughter-in-law.
Later, Qin Xiangnan went to
see Xu Chang’s childhood
as she wished. Grandma’s
house still keeps everything
about Xu Chang, although
Xu Chang’s room is old, but
still clean and tidy.
“Xiao Changchang, I want
to see your childhood
“Can’t you speak well, do
you want me to be your
grandson?” He glanced at
Xu Chang pulled out an old
photo album from the
drawer, and Qin Xiangnan’s
eyes lit up.
“Haha, so cute, I really like
this little boy. It seems to be
much cuter than you.”
Xu Chang is speechless,
isn’t it the same person?
She looked at every picture
of his childhood and
touched the little boy’s face,
“Xu Chang, what did you do
when you were young?”
“Why did you ask me this
question, in your own heart
you don’t know?”
“I know I know, I mean,
when you were so young, I
didn’t know you. You and I
didn’t intersect, but fate is
so magical, maybe, we saw
each other when we were
young, do you believe it? “
“Faith, maybe we’ve met in
our past life.”
Qin Xiangnan blushed, and
her heart was especially
“Huh? Is this beautiful
woman your mother?” Qin
Xiangnan pointed to a photo
of a young woman who
looked no more than
twenty-five years old and
embraced a young boy
about one year old. Big eyes,
pure and pleasant, it is also a
big beauty in the current
“Yes.” Xu Chang didn’t say
much, and it seemed that he
didn’t think much about his
Qin Xiangnan saw that he
was unwilling to mention
more, so she said nothing
One afternoon, she almost
turned this room upside
down, and it always seemed
as if she always find
something new.
“Xu Chang, these books are
really interesting. Why are
they all philosophy books of
life. You studied these when
you were younger? She
asked curiously.
“Don’t you think I read
novels like you?” She likes
to read novel books in high
school. Does he even know
this? She remembers that
Gao Yi and Li Susu were
obsessed with a novel book
for some time. That novel
was also remade into a TV
series. Then she chased and
watched TV every night.
She started discussing the
plot the next day at school.
Does he know everything?
She remembers that when
she was a freshman, she
liked to visit the bookstore
with Li Susu. She bought all
the campus youth novels. It
was precisely because she
was addicted to it that her
grades suddenly plummeted.
Qin Xiangnan smiled silly:
“Actually, I have a secret to
tell you.”
“What?” Xu Chang guessed
that the secret she said must
be boring.
She said shyly: “Every time
I read those novel books
before, every time they
describe the appearance of
the male character, I will
think of you…”
Xu Chang hooked his lips,
“So you started to like me
so early.”
“Of course not. I just think
you look similar with the
male leads. I like your face.”
“Superficial.” He laughed at
Qin Xiangnan looked from
his book to all his textbooks,
as well as a pile of
workbooks and test papers.
She was surprised to find
that he actually kept the
mathematics and physics
papers she had done.
“Oh, why this is still there,
so shameful.”
“Keep the evidence and see
how stupid you were.”
“You… don’t go too far.”
She reached out and tried to
hit him, but she was pulled
by him into his arms.
“This are your things. Of
course I have to keep it. At
that time, all I could think
off were those that are
related to you.” His voice
was very gentle, and Qin
Xiangnan felt warm in her
She suddenly remembered
something, and asked him:
“How many things are you
still hiding from me, my
photos, my test papers, what
else besides these?”
Xu Chang thought for a
moment, “I have to think
about it, maybe there are so
many things…”
Qin Xiangnan was anxious
when she heard him, “I
didn’t expect Xu Chang, a
handsome guy with a clear
and proud appearance, is a
Xu Chang laughed badly,
“You said I was pervert?
Then let you know what is
the real pervert… …”
Qin Xiangnan took two
steps back, “What are you
doing… Don’t come over…
“Xiao Chang, Xiao Nan,
what’s the matter? Why are
you yelling?” Grandma
knocked on the door
outside .
Qin Xiangnan was very
embarrassed and quickly
said: “Nothing, grandma,
Xu Chang he… he killed a
cockroach, I was a little
“Oh, so, how come there are
cockroaches. Hey, it seems
that I have to clean it
tomorrow again.”
Qin Xiangnan deeply
doubted that Xu Chang’s
obsession with cleanliness
must have been inherited
from his grandma.
After Qin Xiangnan
completely turned the whole
room upside down, she
smiled with satisfaction, “It
turns out that a boy’s room
is so boring.”
Xu Chang immediately
refuted her: “Boring still
looks so hard. Almost
tearing the wall apart.”
He remembered again,
“When will you show me
the interesting room?”
Qin Xiangnan rolled her
eyes at him: “You have seen
it before, I don’t know what
my secret is.”
“I’m curious, why did you
suddenly say you like me
that night, did you…”
Qin Xiangnan really thought
Xu Chang was too smart,
and it seems that she has to
destroy the notebook over
there next time, “Oh, at that
time, I suddenly had a flash
of light, only to find that
you are so tall and
handsome. A tall and good
person cannot be robbed.
“Oh…” Xu Chang nodded.
“That’s true.”
Qin Xiangbei’s wedding
was scheduled the next year
year, and there were still
two months left. Qin
Xiangnan took the time to
go home and help her
mother prepare for her
brother’s wedding.
Coincidentally, Zhao Mei
told her that Qin Xiangbei
will also bring his girlfriend
to meet at home today, and
Qin Xiangnan can finally
see her prospective
sister-in-law. Before that,
she had been curious about
what kind of girl could
surrender to her brother’s
character, until she saw her.
The first thing Qin
Xiangnan saw when she
opened the door was that
Qin Xiangbei was holding
the girl’s arm. She was very
intimate. She blinked
vigorously, not wrong, but
her own brother was holding
the other’s arm. Look at the
girl again, she looks so cute,
her eyes smile like a
crooked moon. Qin
Xiangnan thought that the
girl looked so soft and weak,
but she was very strong in
her heart. Even she could
not subdue Qin Xiangbei,
the girl must not be simple.
Qin Xiangnan cleared her
throat, “Qin Xiangbei, pay
attention to the scale, don’t
pull in front of my parents.”
Qin Xiangbei gave her a
squinted look, and gave a
tender look at his cute
girlfriend: “Wei Wei, don’t
care about her. She is the
tigress of our family. I don’t
like her the most.”
Qin Xiangnan turned pale
for a while. “Qin Xiangbei,
you actually vilified me in
front of others.”
His girlfriend saw Qin
Xiangnan , smiled politely:
“You are sister Xiangnan, I
know. You have loved to
quarrel since you were a
Qin Xiangnan wondered
how she learned this phrase
“from an early age,” Qin
Xiangbei even told her
everything about their
childhood to discredit her.
She hurriedly greeted his
girlfriend to come in,
“What’s your name?”
Little cutie smiled and said:
“My name is Sun Weiwei.”
Sun Weiwei, the name is a
bit familiar, seems to have
heard it somewhere.
At this time, Zhao Mei
walked out of the kitchen
and saw them coming. “Oh,
here it is. Sit down, sit down.
Xiao Nan, what are you
doing stupidly standing here,
hurry up and bring some
Qin Xiangnan sighed, it
seems that her status is very
low today.
Zhao Mei and Sun Weiwei
made a few comments. Qin
Xiangnan could see that the
girl was a gentle and
sensible little girl. She
didn’t expect her brother to
like this one.
Qin Xiangnan couldn’t help
but open the heart of gossip.
“Wei Wei, how did you and
Qin Xiangbei meet? I have
never heard him mention
you. He has just told us even
about such a big marriage.”
Qin Xiangbei is inexplicably
protective: “Qin Xiangnan,
you don’t bully Weiwei. I’m
still here.”
“Which of your eyes sees
me bullying her? I care
about you normally. I am
your sister, what attitude do
you use to speak to me.”
Qin Xiangnan looked at him
“Don’t be noisy.” Sun
Weiwei pulled Qin
Xiangbei’s arm: “Qin
Xiangbei, you can’t speak
“Okay, I’ll listen to you.”
Qin Xiangbei glanced at her
Qin Xiangnan was
speechless for a moment,
and it seemed that his
brother was really obedient
to this Sun Weiwei.
“Qin Xiangbei, then I ask
you, why did you marry so
suddenly, we haven’t heard
it before.”
“Oh, don’t ask too much.
Anyway, you are ready to
be an aunt.”
” What?
Qin Xiangnan and Zhao Mei
were surprised… Qin
Xiangnan shouted: “Well,
you Qin Xiangbei, are you
bullying other girls?”
“How can I, how could I
bully her.” Qin Xiangbei
hugged Sun Weiwei’s arm
Zhao Mei smiled, “Hey,
Xiao Nan, why are you
fierce? This is a good thing.
Xiao Bei is right, it is time
to get married soon. Wei
Wei, you can’t be too tired
now, let Xiao Bei take good
care of you, okay?”
Sun Weiwei nodded shyly.
Zhao Mei was busy cooking
and told Qin Xiangnan to
take good care of Sun
Qin Xiangnan quickly
agreed. In a flash, she was
demoted again.
“Sister Xiangnan, don’t be
angry, I know you care
about us. You can rest
assured that we have
carefully considered the
matter of marriage.”
Looking at Sun Weiwei’s
sensible attitude, Qin
Xiangnan was still very
satisfied with this younger
sister-in-law. She just felt it
was a pity to match her with
Qin Xiangbei.
“Sister Xiangnan, I heard
that you were with Xu
Chang, the school’s
schoolmate at that time?”
Qin Xiangnan looked
surprised. “Did you also
come from the same school
as me?”
“Yeah, Qin Xiangbei and I
are high school classmates
ah.” Qin Xiangnan suddenly
realized something.
“Not only that, we are also
junior high school
classmates.” Sun Weiwei
smiled, her eyes bent, very
The stories of Qin Xiangbei
and Sun Weiwei are also
quite dramatic.
When he was in junior high
school, Qin Xiangbei was
young and ignorant, but he
was also a playful character.
Sun Weiwei is his deskmate.
She is the best student in the
eyes of the teachers,
obedient, and also the
Qin Xiangbei couldn’t bear
to see her particularly. He
thought she was pretentious
and liked to pretend to be
good in front of the teachers
and like to control him.
Every time Qin Xiangbei
slept in a class, Sun Weiwei
would stab him with an
angry pen, he was awakened
in shock, and then see Sun
Weiwei smiling insincerely
at him. He felt that this girl
was really not simple, the
appearance was weak, in
fact, she is very fierce. Just
like his sister Qin Xiangnan,
he is very scared of these
For some time, Qin
Xiangbei somehow mixed
up with some bad teenagers
in some schools and began a
class skipping career. He
had so few lessons every
week that disappeared
without a trace. At that time,
Qin Xiangbei was a
downright rebellious boy.
Even Zhao Mei and Qin
Chaoming could not take
him, and heard the phone
call from the teacher. It’s a
Sun Weiwei, as the class
monitor, ordered him every
time: “Qin Xiangbei, if you
skip class again, I will
definitely tell the class
teacher again.”
“It turned out to be your
whistle, Sun Weiwei, don’t
you do too much business,
will you? Good girl, we
don’t make any mistakes.”
“I’m the monitor, of course
I’m in charge of you. Your
grades drag the back of the
class, do you know?”
Qin Xiangbei didn’t take her
in his eyes at all. What
could a girl do with him?
At that time, the rebellious
teenager was nothing more
than studying hard and
going to the Internet cafe to
play games. Qin Xiangbei
was addicted to the game, so
his grades were very poor,
reaching the bottom. His
parents would scold him
every time they saw his
results, and Qin Xiangnan
would laugh at him.
Qin Xiangbei was extremely
nervous during the final
exam on the first day. Then,
with a crooked brain, he
played a cheat sheet.
Probably because he was
too nervous, the cheat sheet
was beaten several times,
and a piece of paper actually
fell to the ground, which
was discovered by the
When the teacher picked up
this cheat sheet, Qin
Xiangbei knew that he was
“Who owns his cheat
sheet?” In fact, the teacher
knew in his heart that it
must have been done by
poor students. He first
suspected that Qin Xiangbei.
Qin Xiangbei is ready to
admit and confess leniency.
Unexpectedly, he was
robbed of his credit before
he even spoke.
“Teacher, it’s mine.” He
was surprised, and it was
Sun Weiwei who said this.
The teacher couldn’t believe
it: “Sun Weiwei, how could
it be yours?”
“I…because I didn’t review
well this time, so…”
Qin Xiangbei wondered
what this good student does,
even for such things. Are
you rushing to admit it? He
was not so shameful and
asked a girl to take the
“Teacher, it’s mine.” He
confessed voluntarily.
The teacher was angry and
felt that he was being played
by these two people, so he
reported them to the
teaching office.
Sun Weiwei is a good
student. This cheat sheet
was indeed not hers. She
only gave her a verbal
warning, and Qin Xiangbei
did not live up to her
“Sun Weiwei, are you sick?
Do you want to control this
kind of thing?” He yelled at
Sun Weiwei glanced at him
and said something that
shocked him.
“Qin Xiangbei, I’m not here
to help you. I’m just curious
about what it feels like to be
a bad student and make you
like it so much. It turns out
that’s how it is. In this case,
why don’t you be a good
student and let more people
admire you. “
Qin Xiangbei scolded her
sentence sick, and sped
Then he continued to be a
bad student. He really didn’t
understand why this Sun
Weiwei was so annoying.
She had to stare at him
every day for class and not
to say anything, but also to
prevent him from skipping
class. Even once she caught
him back to class.
At that time, he and several
gangsters were playing
games in Internet cafes. Sun
Weiwei appeared suddenly,
shutting down his computer,
and Qin Xiangbei jumped.
“Sun Weiwei, are you sick?
What do you bother about
me all day?” He raised an
eyebrow. “Oh~ Do you like
“Who would like you? You
don’t look in the mirror. Do
you deserve it? It’s not like
a student. I was entrusted by
the class teacher to make me
optimistic about you. You
should go back to class and
don’t drag the hind legs of
the class.”
“Then you don’t care. Go
back and tell the teacher that
skipping class is my own
business. They don’t need to
ask you to persuade me.”
After that he continued to
turn on the computer and
then played games.
Sun Weiwei is very angry.
She is a person who can be a
sand and tolerate things. As
a class leader, she should
lead the whole class. If there
are such students in the class,
she is responsible.
As soon as she gritted her
teeth, she drove a machine
and sat next to him: “Qin
Xiangbei, learn about it?”
Qin Xiangbei was so scared
that he was gone. “What are
you doing? What are you
kidding? This isn’t what you
played. Go away.”
“Don’t underestimate me.
Come on. Let you see how
powerful I am.”
Qin Xiangbei really
underestimated her and
didn’t expect a good student
who looked so weak,
playing games so ruthlessly.
He was beaten up by her,
too faceless, and was
instantly subdued by her
“I think your game is
playing so poorly, it’s better
to go back and have a good
lesson. If you dare to come
again, then I will continue to
discuss with you.” Sun
Weiwei looked at him with
a look of despising pride.
Qin Xiangbei shivered
straight, and finally sighed,
“Women are so
In fact, Sun Weiwei played
the game so well because
she had a big brother, and
she would learn when she
was free. Of course, she is
not a bemused person, and
her brother has already gone
to college.
In this way, Sun Weiwei
packed up the Qin Xiangbei
who loved to skip classes
and was obedient.
But Qin Xiangbei, who
returned to the classroom,
still didn’t learn and had no
skills. In class, he was either
sleeping or dazed. Sun
Weiwei would stab him
with a thing, and even stab
him with a pen tip. Qin
Xiangbei was really afraid
of this girl. Her sister is
terrible. Even more
frightening is that this cruel
girl is a little white rabbit in
appearance and pretends to
be a good.
Sun Weiwei has become a
nightmare for Qin Xiangbei.
Whenever he got a mess in
the exams, Sun Weiwei
always came up with a way
to punish him. Such as
punishment, if he did not
follow, she would threaten
him with the game.
The young and ignorant Qin
Xiangbei thought it was a
nightmare. It was only after
the third year that he
gradually realized that he
was used to such a
After the third year, as Xu
Chang began to give him
homework, he gradually
understood the importance
of learning, and his
achievements progressed by
leaps and bounds.
And that nasty girl suddenly
didn’t care much about him,
often accustomed to the
existence of a person, one
day this person suddenly
disappeared, this feeling is
very uncomfortable.
It wasn’t until one day that
he saw Sun Weiwei walking
close to another boy, he
gradually realized that he
had fallen in love with the
devil girl.
Qin Xiangbei is not the
same as Xu Chang. He likes
Sun Weiwei to make the
whole class aware, because
once he saw Sun Weiwei
and the so-called first-class
boy, who walked together
and saw them laughing
together. He was so angry
that he ran directly to
confess to Sun Weiwei.
“Sun Weiwei, don’t be with
this person anymore.” Qin
Xiangnan went angrily at
the first sentence.
Sun Weiwei looked at him
in surprise: “Who am I with
is non of your business!”
Qin Xiangbei was very
angry, “Sun Weiwei, you
provoked me first! I like you
now. “
She was surprised that she
did not expect him to be so
direct, and then she told him
more directly: “But I don’t
like you.”
Qin Xiangbei is someone
with a temper. This time, he
really likes Sun Weiwei.
After being rejected on the
spot, he didn’t give up. He
confessed to her again and
He finally came up with a
way. He began to pretend
that he hadn’t learned
anything and skipped
classes again. Sure enough,
Sun Weiwei was fooled.
When Sun Weiwei caight
Qin Xiangnan in the internet
cafe again, he deliberately
angered her: “What are you
doing here?”
“Why are you like this
again?” She asked him
“Is it your business? You go
and take care of your little
boyfriend and don’t waste
your time on me.” Qin
Xiangbei didn’t even look at
“He’s not my boyfriend.”
“I don’t care. Go away and
don’t bother me!”
“Qin Xiangbei, when on
earth will you go back to
“Sun Weiwei, I don’t have
class, and what’s our
relationship? Unless…” Qin
Xiangbei paused. “Unless
you are my girlfriend, I will
start to study hard.”
Sun Weiwei said nothing
and Qin Xiangbei saw that
he was ignored and
continued to play the game.
She was helpless, “Qin
Xiangbie, shall we make a
“I have very high demands
on my boyfriend, unless you
are admitted to the same
high school as me, I will
promise to be with you.”
Qin Xiangbei looked excited,
“Are you serious?”
“Okay, deal!”
Qin Xiangbei was
pretending to be mournful.
When he received Sun
Weiwei’s reply, he was even
more determined. In just a
few months, his results
ranked top three in the class.
In this round, Qin Xiangbei
firmly won!
After the high schol
entrance examination, Qin
Xiangbei and Sun Weiwei
was admitted to the same
high school. During the
summer vacation, Qin
Xiangbei took his admission
letter and went to see Sun
“Do you have anything else
to say?” He looked smug.
Sun Weiwei didn’t speak.
She did not expect that Qin
Xiangbei, a poor student,
instantly became an
excellent student like her.
She lamented that she had
despised him before. So,
under his intense pursuit,
she agreed half-heartedly.
Qin Xiangbei maintained his
grades in high school for
three years. Although he is
not as good as Xu Chang, he
is indeed good too. Sun
Weiwei looked up at him
The two of them had a
stable relationship for their
three years in high school.
Sun Weiwei has always
been a little white rabbit
with a crazy heart. They will
play games together, drag
racing together, skip class
together, and have done
many crazy things.
Qin Xiangbei’s father
wanted him to be a doctor,
and he is different from Qin
Xiangnan. He has already
decided to be a doctor. But
his father, Qin Chaoming,
suddenly objected and said
that he should not be a
doctor. He couldn’t
understand his father’s
backslash and had a big
fight with him. He was very
angry and decided to take
the test to the medical
university in City B. like Xu
Chang, he also left.
Of course, he went to City B
and told Sun Weiwei. She
also promised that she
would also go to a
university in City B.
Qin Xiangbei finally went to
the medical university in
City B but suddenly, Sun
Weiwei lied to him and
stayed in City S.
He asked very angrily why
she didn’t go to City B with
Sun Weiwei told him: “I’m
sorry, Qin Xiangbei. My
mother’s health has not been
good in the past two years.
I’m afraid that after I leave,
I won’t have the time to take
care of her.”
“Then why didn’t you tell
me earlier. If I knew, I
would have chose to stay
Sun Weiwei spat out blood,
and finally, under Qin
Xiangbei’s forcing, she
finally said, “My dad did
something wrong in the
company and he went to jail.
My mother fell ill and the
family still owes so much
debt. I don’t think I can
deserve you…”
Qin Xiangbei gasped. “Sun
Weiwei, do you think I, Qin
Xiangbei, will care about
this? Are you looking down
on me?”
“But I care.” She said.
“Your heart is cruel. I
should have known that you
are a ruthless person!”
The two of them broke up
after the third year. He
really couldn’t understand
why Sun Weiwei chose to
leave him because of this
reason. He didn’t care about
those things at all. What he
liked was the person Sun
Weiwei was. What does it
have anything to do with her
family? She is almost a
devil. She came to provoke
him first but she can
withdraw anytime. How can
her heart be so cruel.
Qin Xiangbei went to city B
with anger. In order to
forget her as soon as
possible, he had many
girlfriends during college.
But he did not really like
any of them.
He couldn’t be like Xu
Chang who stayed in love
with Qin Xiangnan. He will
not refuse to a girl who likes
him. During the seven years
of college, he had unlimited
scenery but he has never
forgotten the little devil Sun
Weiwei in his heart.
Four months ago, it was an
ordinary day. Qin Xiangbei
went to work in the pediatric
outpatient clinic, but after so
many years, he met the little
devil in his heart.
When Sun Weiwei appeared
in front of him holding a
three-year-old girl, he
almost went crazy.
Sun Weiwei also recognized
him, she couldn’t believe
she could meet him here.
Qin Xiangbei looked down
at her condescendingly:
“Sun Weiwei, is this your
Sun Weiwei looked
awkward and nodded. The
little girl in her arms
developed a high fever and
fell asleep.
Qin Xiangbei looked at the
little girl and said, “It looks
like you.”
Although he looked calm,
his heart was messy. She
was already married? This
ruthless woman got married
so soon. At first, she left
him cruelly, and she married
someone else in a blink of
an eye. It was ridiculous that
even a child was born.
Qin Xiangbei examined the
child, “It’s the common cold.
Take some medicines. If the
fever is at least 38 degrees,
take antipyretics. If it does
not subside in three days,
come back.”
Sun Weiwei did not say
anything but thanks.
Before she left, he couldn’t
help but ask her: “Why
didn’t the child’s father
Sun Weiwei was a little
surprised and said lightly:
“He is on a business trip.”
Qin Xiangbei said nothing.
After she left, Qin Xiangbei
went crazy. His heart was
messy. He recalled all the
memories about her. He did
a lot of crazy things with her.
He hated how he couldn’t be
as cruel as her. Why
couldn’t he let go of her in
his heart?
That night, he borrowed a
motorcycle. In the night of
the city S, he drove like
crazy. No one knew who he
was, no one knew why he
did it. He vented all his
anger in his heart. He hated
the devilish woman.
Unexpectedly, the woman
appeared again three days
later, and her daughter still
had a high fever. The test
results showed that the
white blood cells were too
high and needed infusion.
Her daughter was crying in
her arms, she seemed to be
unable to parry, coaxing her
to say: “Yiyi, be good, you
will be fine after taking
medicine and injections.”
Qin Xiangbei couldn’t
handle it, “Is the child’s
father still on a business trip?
Doesn’t it matter that the
child is sick?”
“He hasn’t returned yet.”
“Do you take care of the
everyday? Don’t you have
to go to work?” He knew he
shouldn’t be nosy.
“I am a freelancer,” she
“I remember you entered the
Chinese department,
Qin Xiangbei didn’t ask any
more, watching her coaxing
her daughter and holding
her infusion. His heart felt
After getting off work, Qin
Xiangbie checked her on the
internet and found out that
she was actually a famous
Because of the need for
infusion for three
consecutive days, the
second and third day, Sun
Weiwei still came with the
child alone. On the third day,
the little girl’s condition was
already very good. The
fever has retreated and the
words became more
Qin Xiangbei opened her
throat, “Open your mouth,
The little girl, “Ah.”
“It’s much better. Go home
and pay attention to rest,
drink plenty of water.”
“Thank you.” Sun Weiwei’s
attitude was still very cold.
“Aunt, do I still need to take
medicine at home? Yiyi
doesn’t want to take
medicine anymore. It’s too
Qin Xiangbei was shocked.
“What did you call her?”
“Aunt, Yiyi has always
called her like this.” The
little girl blinked naively.
“Sun Yiyi, shut up!” Sun
Weiwei scolded her.
The poor girl immediately
covered her mouth.
Qin Xiangbie was surprised.
He looked at Sun Weiwei,
seeing her embarrassed. He
angrily asked her: “Sun
Weiwei, why did you
deceive me?!”
With Qin Xiangbei’s
coercion and the help of the
little girl, he finally got Sun
Weiwei’s phone number and
added her WeChat.
He touched Yiyi’s cute little
face: “Yiyi, uncle doctor
will always ask you to play,
“That’s not possible. Yiyi
doesn’t want to be sick.”
“Who said that I can only
play with you because
you’re sick. Next time,
uncle doctor will take off his
coat and play with you,
Qin Xiangbei has since
launched a fierce and
offensive pursuit. He really
can’t forget Sun Weiwei, the
little woman with a weak
appearance but a strong
Qin Xiangbei went to her as
soon as he was free and later
learned that Yiyi’s father,
Sun Weiwei’s brother, was
really on a business trip
abroad, and Yiyi was also a
poor child. Her mother died
of an illness a year ago.
Sun Weiwei’s father has
been released from prison,
and her mother died when
she was on college. She had
a good time in the past few
years. Although her career is
successful, she has never
been really happy because
of the changes in her family.
She treats Yiyi as her own
daughter because her
brother is very busy with
work and it can be said that
the two was very dependent
to each other.
Sun Weiwei initially
rejected Qin Xiangbei. She
felt that her family situation
was a burden to him but Qin
Xiangbei didn’t care at all.
And he wanted to be with
her with all his heart.
He has always been clever
and started to know her the
routine from Yiyi.
“Yiyi, do you like uncle
“Like.” The little girl said
“Do you want uncle doctor
to be your uncle [her aunt’s
“What is ‘uncle’?” Yiyi
asked Qin Xiangbei.
He smiled, “The person
your aunt likes.”
Sun Weiwei gave him a
glare and said: “Qin
Xiangbei, don’t talk
nonsense in front of Yiyi.
Who likes you?”
Qin Xiangbei snorted,
“Whoever wants you to like,
Yiyi likes it.”
Later, he took Yiyi away
from her side.
Qin Xiangbei took her to the
amusement park, took her to
eat delicious food. Yiyi
completely fell in love with
this uncle doctor.
That day, Qin Xiangbei was
having dinner with Yiyi.
Sun Weiwei wanted to kill
him on the other side of the
“Qin Xiangbei, it’s so late,
why haven’t you sent Yiyi
“Yiyi can’t bear to leave me.
Right, Yiyi?” Qin Xiangbei
gave Yiyi the phone.
“Yes, I like uncle doctor.”
Sun Weiwei was terribly
angry. “Sun Yiyi, then do
you want uncle doctor or
“I want doctor uncle but I
can’t bear to leave aunt.”
Qin Xiangbei answered the
phone, “Sun Weiwei, you
heard it. She likes me, and
it’s nothing for you.”
“But I have a way. Sun
Weiwei, you can stay with
me so Yiyi can like us both.
Yiyi, is it okay for you?”
“Okay!” The answer was
crisp and cute.
“Qin Xiangbei, just die!”
When Qin Xiangbei sent
Yiyi back, Yiyi lay in his
arms and fell asleep
Sun Weiwei angrily took
Yiyi from his arms, put her
into a small bed, gently
undressed her and covered
her with a quilt. Yiyi’s face
was red, and she was
murmuring “uncle doctor”
in her sleep. Sun Weiwei
shook her head helplessly,
patting her chest gently.
She came out of the room
when she fell asleep. She
saw that Qin Xiangbei has
not left yet.
“Why don’t you leave. I
warn you, in the future, you
can no longer let Yiyi come
back so late. Her physique
has not been very good, I
am afraid she will catch a
cold again.”
Qin Xiangbei stared at Sun
Weiwei blankly: “You look
the same as before, you
haven’t change at all.”
“Qin Xiangbei, I don’t want
to tell you this!” She said
coldly. “Because Yiyi likes
you, I promised her to play
with you, otherwise, I won’t
even want to see you.”
“Why did you become like
this, have you really
forgotten everything? Did
you?” he questioned her.
After she paused for a long
time, she looked at him with
cold eyes, and answered him
with only four words: “I
have forgotten.”
Qin Xiangbei felt a tingle in
his heart, and his face was
blue, and he only recovered
after a while. “Sun Weiwei,
your heart will always be so
cruel. You can rest assured
that I won’t be entangled
with you in the future. Like
I never appeared!”
Qin Xiangbei slammed the
door and Sun Weiwei
relaxed. Sat slowly on the
sofa in one breath, her eyes
Qin Xiangbei seemed to
return to the time when he
graduated from high school
that day. She told him that
she couldn’t go to City B
with him. He was so
heartbroken that he couldn’t
breathe. Why is it that he is
the one who is sad every
time, and why is she is
always so cruel.
For several days in a row,
Qin Xiangbei tried not to
think about her. Wasn’t she
just a woman? What’s so
great, he’s been here for so
many years, and he can still
be smart now. How could
Qin Xiangbei fall for a
But he was really wrong.
Maybe he was thinking too
much for a few days in a
row. In addition, he was on
duty at night, and he was in
contact with the sick
children. He didn’t get
through it.
At this time, he was lying on
the bed, all he thought was
Sun Weiwei. When he was
happy before, when she was
desperate. He was
uncomfortable and groggy,
he didn’t want to go on like
this anymore, he wanted
Sun Weiwei to come back to
He decided to pursue her
He called Sun Weiwei and
was picked up by her after a
long time.
“Do you have anything
else?” She said coldly.
“Nothing… I want to ask if
Yiyi is good…” He spoke in
a weak voice.
“Yiyi is fine, what’s wrong
with you? Are you sick?”
“Well, I’m fine, just sleep
for a day.”
Sun Weiwei heard his very
tired and weak voice on the
phone. She was anxious but
she still pretending to be
calm, “Take medicine, have
you seen a doctor?”
“No medicine. I myself am
a doctor, I know what they
would say. I’ll just sleep.”
After hanging up the phone
Qin Xiangbei was very
embarrassed. He didn’t
know if he would win this
game. He thought, if Sun
Weiwei is really so cruel,
don’t come to see him, then
he will give up completely.
Unexpectedly, Sun Weiwei
was still fooled just like
back then. Qin Xiangbei
pretended to be depraved
and skipped class, she was
also fooled.
Only this time, he was really
When he saw that Sun
Weiwei had brought a pack
of medicine, she cooked
porridge for him, and when
she ran over, he was mad
with joy, but the surface was
still calm.
“What are you doing?
Didn’t I tell you that I just
needed sleep?”
“Qin Xiangbei, you are
really strange, you are a
doctor, don’t you
understand? Why don’t you
take medicine.”
He didn’t speak. In fact, he
had taken medicine for a
long time, and after seeing
her, he felt that he was a lot
“You have some porridge
first,” she said.
He pretended to be very
weak and lay half on the bed.
“No strength, you can feed
“You…” Sun Weiwei had
no choice but to see him
really sick, she had to feed
him obediently.
Qin Xiangbei was happy,
but he had to pretend to be
After drinking the porridge,
Sun Weiwei was going to let
him take medicine.
Qin Xiangbei looked at her
and was studying how cute
these medicines should be.
“Sun Weiwei, come over
and touch my forehead to
see if it is very hot. My head
is dizzy.”
She was a little embarrassed.
“Can’t you touch it
“My hands are also hot, how
can I feel it?” He said.
Under the his guise, she
walked reluctantly and
reached out her right hand to
reach his forehead.
Unexpectedly, the next
second, Qin Xiangbei
grabbed her hand and
yanked her hard, and she
fell in his arms.
“Qin Xiangbei, what are you
doing?” She pushed him
Although Qin Xiangbei was
ill, his strength was not
small. One turned over and
he pressed her under him.
Sun Weiwei blushed, “Qin
Xiangbei, you lied to me?
Are you pretending to be
Qin Xiangbei grabbed her
small hand and put it on his
forehead, she felt the palm
temperature from his hot
“I didn’t lie to you, I was
really sick.” He smiled
badly and said, “But
sickness doesn’t affect…”
Sun Weiwei was surprised
and didn’t understand what
he meant? Just about to say
what does not affect?
Suddenly he suddenly
approached her, her lips
covered with a hot thing.
Sun Weiwei didn’t resist
him. After all these years,
she really still can’t forget
him. No boy like Qin
Xiangbei can let her open
her heart and be true to
herself. She has been a good
girl in the eyes of others
since childhood, obedient
and sensible, but she knows
that she doesn’t like this.
She hopes she can do what
she wants to do like her
brother, but her parents’
education since childhood
was that girls should be
gentle and good, so she
always pretend and holding
herself back. Until she met
Qin Xiangbei, he could give
her all the happiness. He
would not restrain her. They
used to drag racing, skip
class, and play games
together. These exciting
things made her feel crazy
and infatuated. These
memories made her feel
Qin Xiangbei was a crazy
boy. The young boy used to
be, and he still is. Nothing
can stop him if he wants to
do something. He went to B
city alone to go to college,
and his parents could not
take him.
And he wants her now,
although he has a high fever,
but these can not stop him.
In this round, he won again.
After a long time, he said in
her ear: “I knew you would
care about me. Although
you look ruthless, you still
worry about me and can’t
forget me.”
Sun Weiwei’s cheeks were
hot and was silent.
He hugged her, and
suddenly thought of
something, asked her: “Is
Yiyi along at home?”
“Her father came back.”
“Oh, you’re not allowed to
go back today. “
“You… “
Many months later, Sun
Weiwei told him with fear
that she was pregnant. Qin
Xiangbei was crazy and
assured her that he would be
He understood that this time,
she could never escape.
After listening to the stories
of the two of them, Qin
Xiangnan was shocked.
“Qin Xiangbei, for so many
years, you never told me
that you really didn’t treat
me as a sister!”
Qin Xiangbei glanced at her
and said, “How can you
control me over the past few
years? You can’t manage
your own affairs.
Fortunately, Xu Chang still
likes you, otherwise you are
so stupid, so fierce, who
dares to marry you.”
Qin Xiangnan rolled her
eyes, facing the Sun Weiwei
said: “After you marry. You
can depend on me. You can
discipline him.”
Sun Weiwei smile bloomed.
Qin Xiangbei held her arm
tightly apart and said, “Let
me be honest.”
Qin Xiangbei was startled
and let go, and Qin
Xiangnan laughed aside.
“Qin Xiangbei, I didn’t
expect you to have this
Qin Xiangnan and Sun
Weiwei at first sight, she
likes the girl so much, the
two of them seem to have
endless topics, but the most
talked about is talking about
their men.
Sun Weiwei said: “Sister
Xiangnan, do you agree that
they are addicted to
“Yes, you also found out. I
don’t want to be lazy. I’m
really tired of living.”
“Also, I’m too busy. I don’t
have a fixed time to get off
work every day. Even on
weekends, I might be on
duty. I even find it difficult
to make an appointment.”
Qin Xiangnan nodded.
“What to say, after all, they
are also saving lives and
helping the wounded, the
responsibility is more
Qin Xiangbei really wanted
to cry with Xu Chang at this
After the meeting, Zhao Mei
made dinner and greeted
everyone to come over for
dinner. Qin Xiangnan
helped Qin Chaoming
watching TV silently to the
Zhao Mei looked at Qin
Xiangbei and Sun Weiwei
had a good relationship and
was very satisfied.
Qin Xiangbei kept feeding
vegetables to Sun Weiwei,
she snorted: “Qin Xiangbei,
you are treating me like a
“You have a life in your
stomach now, you have to
eat more.”
Zhao Mei on the side also
agreed: “Yes, eat more.
Weiwei, you are too thin.”
Qin Xiangnan looked at
Zhao Mei, looking like she
should never be hungry for
her grandson. She felt funny
and sneered twice.
Unexpectedly, Zhao Mei’s
goal was immediately
transferred to Qin Xiangnan.
“Xiao Nan, you see your
brother is getting married.
When are you going to bring
your boyfriend back to see
Qin Xiangnan was a little
embarrassed and said in a
perfunctory way, wait for
him to be free.
Zhao Mei asked her: “What
is he doing so busy?”
“Also a doctor.” She
Qin Xiangbei inserted a
sentence, “Mom, you know
this person too, you can rest
assured, well, it’s more than
enough for my sister.”
“I know? Who?” Zhao Mei
Qin Xiangnan was shy, Qin
Xiangbei looked anxious.
He answered it for her. “Oh,
Qin Xiangnan, you are
dumb. We all know that
there is something
embarrassing that I can’t
stand you. Mom, my sister’s
boyfriend is Xu Chang. Do
you remember? It was Xu
Chang who gave us
homework before ah!”
Zhao Mei seemed taken
aback, “Who are you talking
“Xu Chang! Mom, you are
also surprised. Xu Chang is
so good, why did he like my
sister. Qin Xiangnan, you
really picked a good one!!”
Qin Xiangnan stretched out
his hand to scratch him, Qin
Xiangbei dodged one behind
him, hiding behind Sun
Weiwei, “Weiwei, save
The three laughed for a
Zhao Mei seemed to be
worried, and her face was a
bit ugly.
Qin Xiangnan looked at her
strangely and said, “Mom,
what’s wrong with you?
You don’t… don’t like Xu
Zhao Mei shook her head
and asked Qin Xiangnan
seriously: “Xiao Nan, let me
ask you. Do you really like
Xu Chang?”
Qin Xiangnan nodded.
“So how does he treat you?”
“Very good.” She blushed.
Zhao Mei nodded
meaningfully, “That’s fine,
you will take him back to
see us in a few days.You
have to hurry up, how old
are you?”
Qin Xiangnan nodded.
At this dinner, the three
children ate very happy, and
it was really hilarious. Zhao
Mei seemed to have
something to worry about.
From time to time, she
looked at Qin Chaoming,
who was silently eating
aside, his eyes flashing.
At the end of the year, Qin
Xiangnan and Xu Chang
were extremely busy, and
they rarely met. Occasional
video calls to comfort her
when she miss him, but she
still feels very at ease.
In one week, it’s almost
New Year. Xu Chang
promised that he would
accompany her to meet her
parents on New Year’s Eve
this year.
In the last week of the
previous year, Qin
Xiangnan was busy doing
an annual summary every
day. Too many things
happened in this year. She
was injured countless times.
She has seen natural
disasters of all sizes,
witnessed the rapid
development of this city,
and felt the humanities of
this city feelings.
Chen Xiaoqi and her
gossiped, this year’s
assessment will promote a
colleague as a new
“Sister Xiangnan, I think the
new supervisor must be
“Don’t talk nonsense, we
are all bulls here, I think
Brother Feng is more
Chen Xiaoqi cut out,
“Brother Feng is pretty good
at work. It’s awesome, but
being a person is hard to say.
It’s like you. Anyway, we
all like you. If you are a
supervisor, we are
Qin Xiangnan was not
particularly interested in the
position of this supervisor.
She naturally felt that she
was not a leader. It is
expected that her ideal is to
be a simple reporter. Once
she takes up leadership, she
will have to assume more
responsibilities, not to
mention that her chances of
going out will be less. She
does not like this.
But when Chen Xiaoqi said
so, she did have some
emotions. If you can get
promoted, it means
everyone’s affirmation of
her ability to work.
The evaluation results came
out two days before the New
Year. President Pang held
an annual summary
“First of all, everyone, you
have worked very hard this
year, and everyone has paid
a lot. The bonus will not be
given to everyone, and there
is another issue that
everyone is most concerned
about, that is, who is the
new supervisor. After our
leaders’ comprehensive
consideration, I still think
that Xiao Feng is
outstanding in all aspects,
has strong working ability
and is very experienced, so
let Xiao Feng take up the
new supervisor position.
Xiao Feng, you can continue
to work hard and don’t let
us down.”
Hearing this result, Qin
Xiangnan was a little
disappointed, but she was
still very happy to
congratulate Brother Feng.
Brother Feng is also very
happy to say that he must
work harder next year and
live up to everyone’s
After the meeting was over,
Chen Xiaoqi disturbed Qin
Xiangnan. “Sister Xiangnan,
I didn’t expect that the new
supervisor was really
snatched by Brother Feng.
It’s unfair.”
Qin Xiangnan quickly asked
her to stop talking nonsense,
“Xiaoqi, what does that
mean? It means that my
efforts are still not enough,
and there is still a lot of
room to improve.”
Chen Xiaoqi nodded and
felt reasonable. “So, Sister
Xiangnan, let’s work hard in
the future, we must not let
others look at each other.”
Qin Xiangnan also cheered
herself in her heart.
On New Year’s Eve,
thousands of families are all
brightly lit, filled with
happy laughter of reunion.
Qin Xiangnan returned to
her home first and was
making dumplings with
Zhao Mei and Sun Weiwei.
Qin Xiangbei accompanied
Qin Chaoming while
watching TV. Qin
Chaoming was still a little
confused on this day, but he
seemed quite happy.
Zhao Mei looked at the time,
“Xiao Nan, why hasn’t Xu
Chang come yet? Would
you like to call him to urge.”
Qin Xiangnan washed her
hand and called Xu Chang.
“Xu Chang, why haven’t
you come yet.”
“I’ve arrived, and I’m
parking.” Qin Xiangnan was
a little nervous, and her
heart beat faster.
“Then let me pick you up.”
In order to go down, Qin
Xiangnan first calmed down
and offered to pick him up.
She put on her coat and said
to Zhao Mei, she went on.
When she saw Xu Chang,
she was a little excited.
They hadn’t seen each other
for several days.
Xu Chang wore a dark
woolen coat today, with a
slender figure, which made
him extremely handsome,
and Qin Xiangnan almost
“Qin Xiangnan, what is
stupid, come and move
Xu Chang took out large
and small gift boxes from
the trunk, Qin Xiangnan
took some. Shee asked him,
“Why did it take you so
“I went to see my grandma
just now.”
Qin Xiangnan gave a cry.
Can’t help but stand on
one’s feet, kissed him secret.
Xu Chang seemed to stay
for a moment, and laughed:
“Are you doing something
wrong again?”
Qin Xiangnan grunted,
thinking he was really
puzzled. Amorous, walking
in front of him with a big
swing and went upstairs.
When she walked to the
door of the house, she
started to feel nervous again.
Although it was not the first
time that Xu Chang met her
family, it still felt wonderful.
Maybe his identity was
different, and her
relationship with Xu Chang
was different.
She said to Xu Chang at the
door: “If my mother asks us
how we are together later,
you will say that you have
looked right recently, but
don’t mention what I like
about you, otherwise my
mother must think that I
didn’t learn well that year.
Do you understand?”
Xu Chang laughed twice
and said, “I know, I won’t
mention that you secretly
loved me.”
“You…” Qin Xiangnan just
wanted to hammer him, and
the door was just opened.
Zhao Mei looked at the two
of them: “What are you
doing, you’re all there, still
standing at the door stupidly.
Xu Chang, come in
Zhao Mei greeted Xu Chang
enthusiastically, regardless
of Qin Xiangnan standing
stupidly at the door. Her
position fell again.
“Xu Chang, I haven’t seen
you for so many years, you
are still so handsome, our
family’s Xiao Nan is really
Xu Chang smiled,
“AuntXiao Nan is so good, I
am blessed.”
Qin Xiangnan listened and
felt especially satisfied.
Qin Xiangbei saw Xu
Chang coming and quickly
came over: “Brother, you’re
here. Oh, no, brother-in-law,
you’re here.”
Qin Xiangbei made a quick
change, and Qin Xiangnan
was speechless.
Qin Xiangbei proudly
introduced Xu Chang to his
prospective wife.
“Brother-in-law, this is Sun
Weiwei, we will get married
next month.”
“I know. I really
congratulate you. I didn’t
expect you to be much
stronger than your sister.”
Xu Chang said.
Qin Xiangnan gave him a
glare. “Xu Chang, you are
stupid. If I get married early,
what else do you have?”
Qin Xiangbei laughed twice,
Xu Chang would be said to
be stupid.
Sun Weiwei glanced at Xu
Chang and was a little bit
shy, “Xu Chang, I
remember you. You were
the school grass, I still
remember that you sang a
song at the orientation party.
Many girls of our class were
crazy abot you.”
Qin Xiangbei was a little
unhappy after listening to
this, “Sun Weiwei, you are
really bold, actually
bragging in front of me,
were you like other girls.”
Sun Weiwei immediately
showed the murderer’s evil
expression and pinched Qin
Xiangbei’s arm with two
fingers. “What are you
talking about?”
Qin Xiangbei yelled twice,
“Women’s life, I am wrong.

Qin Xiangnan said to Xu
Chang: “Look, now I do not
have a shot, since I was able
to rein him now.”
Xu Chang held her hand,
gently said something in her
ear: “I just like you.”
in Xiangnan leaned on his
arm sheepishly.
At this time, Zhao Mei
roared in the kitchen: “Xiao
Nan, please come and help
me, don’t sit and play!”
Qin Xiangnan let out Xu
Chang angrily, and said
aloud: “Come, don’t rush! “
Zhao Mei saw Qin
Xiangnan coming in, closed
the kitchen door, and said to
her: “Xu Chang didn’t come
home when he graduated
from the third year of high
school. Has he told you
Qin Xiangnan felt strange,
“How did you ask this
suddenly? He didn’t say it,
wasn’t he sad because his
father died?”
Zhao Mei nodded.
The mother and daughter
were busy in the kitchen for
a while. When everything
was ready, they greeted
everyone to come and eat.
Qin Xiangnan routinely
lifted up her father who was
sitting on the sofa watching
TV silently and told him to
sit at the dining table.
Qin Xiangnan was close to
Xu Chang and gave him a
lot of delicious food. “This
is made by me. You must
eat it.”
Xu Chang nodded with a
Zhao Mei asked her: “Xiao
Nan, when are you going to
get married? Xiao Bei is
almost going to be a dad.
When will you be dragged.”
Qin Xiangnan didn’t speak,
her eyes glanced at Xu
Xu Chang, “Auntie, find a
free time next year and get
Qin Xiangnan was surprised,
so fast? She is not ready yet.
At this time, Qin Chaoming,
who was sitting quietly at
the edge of the meal,
suddenly opened his eyes
and said excitedly: “Who is
married? Xiao Nan is going
to get married?”
Qin Xiangbei, who was
sitting next to him,
answered him: “Yes, Dad.
My sister is getting married
and marrying Xu Chang.”
Qin Chaoming looked
puzzled. “Xu Chang? Who
is Xu Chang?”
Qin Xiangbei pointed to Xu
Chang. “Dad, he is Xu
Chang. Do you remember
him?” “
After Qin Chaoming look at
the past, stared at Xu Chang
for a moment, suddenly
frightened eyes, as if
affected by any stimulus and
shouted: “How come you
came to me? I didn’t mean it.
I know I hurt you, I hurt
Except Zhao Mei and Xu
Chang, everyone else was
“Dad, what are you talking
about? What’s wrong with
you…” Qin Xiangbei patted
his back and placated him.
But Qin Chaoming’s
emotions were still agitated,
and he kept talking: “I hurt
you, I hurt you…”
Qin Xiangnan saw her
father’s sudden loss of
emotions and looked at Xu
Chang suspiciously, but she
saw him expressionless.
Surprised, what the hell is
going on.
Zhao Mei appeased Qin
Chaoming: “You, the
Chinese New Year, don’t go
mad, you are so mad at me.”
Qin Chaoming still couldn’t
calm his emotions.
At this time, Xu Chang
stood up: “Auntie, otherwise,
I will go first, and I will
come to see you again.”
After that, he got up and
Qin Xiangnan was surprised,
and quickly pulled Xu
Chang: “Xu Chang, where
are you going, what’s
Xu Chang glanced at her
and said with a smile, “I will
explain to you later.” Then
he walked out the door.
“Xu Chang, you wait for me,
I will come in a while.” Qin
Xiangnan shouted at his
Turned around and asked
Zhao Mei: “Mom, what’s
going on!”
Zhao Mei sighed.
Zhao Mei talked about the
medical accident that year.
Speaking of Xu Chang’s
father, Xu Zhijie, got a knife
for Qin Chaoming then he
died on the spot. Qin
Xiangnan covered her
mouth in disbelief.
“Mom, do you mean that the
operation failed because of
Dad’s mistakes?”
“Yes, but your dad was
afraid and did not take the
initiative to take
responsibility. The boy’s
family members were angry,
but they made trouble to Xu
Chang’s dad. When he came
to persuade them, he was
stabbed on his throat by the
boy’s family. Later, your
father resigned because of
guilt, and his mental state
was not always good.”
“Mom, why didn’t you tell
me then?” Qin Xiangnan’s
eyes turned red and asked
her excitedly.
“You were preparing for the
college entrance
examination at that time,
and this matter has nothing
to do with you sister and
brother. How could I tell
“So, is Xu Chang right?”
Zhao Mei shook her head: “I
don’t know if he knows this.
Things, but looking at his
reaction just now, it seems
to know…”
Qin Xiangnan froze. After a
long time, she recovered,
“Mom, I’m going to see him.
Qin Xiangbei, you take
good care of our father.”
Qin Xiangbei nodded. Qin
Xiangnan quickly chased
Qin Xiangnan ran
downstairs anxiously, and
she was worried that Xu
Chang had left.
Fortunately, when going
downstairs, Xu Chang was
still there. He stood quietly
beside the car door, and Qin
Xiangnan could not see
whether his expression was
good or bad.
When Xu Chang saw her
going downstairs, she
laughed: “How come you
came down.”
Qin Xiangnan stepped
forward, her nose sour, and
fell into his arms.
“Xu Chang, you have
known for a long time,
Her tears were twirling in
her eyes, and her heart was
particularly uncomfortable.
Why does a good New
Year’s Eve become like this
now? Why did his father do
the wrong thing? Why did
Xu Chang’s father bear her
father’s fault? Why? Why
Xu Chang touched the back
of her head and said, “I
know what to do. This
matter has passed.”
Qin Xiangnan couldn’t hold
back anymore, and her tears
fell. “How can I pass? It was
my dad who hurt your dad
ah. Why does your father
have to bear the
consequences for my
father’s mistakes? Xu
Chang, I’m sorry…”
“Fool, what does it have to
do with you. Why should
you say sorry.” Xu Chang
said calmly.
“I’m sorry, Xu Chang…”
She kept apologizing to him.
Although this apology
didn’t help, but only an
apology would make her
feel better about her guilt.
“Don’t cry…”
She looked up at him, he
still smiled at her, and she
was even more distressed.
“Xu Chang, did you
particularly hate my dad?”
she asked him with a snot.
Xu Chang paused and said
slowly: “Hate.”
Qin Xiangnan couldn’t stop
tears when he heard this
sentence. “You hate it, it’s
my father’s fault. Then, did
you hate me?” “
He wiped her tears off and
said, “How could I hate you,
I like you too late.”
She couldn’t believe it, “Did
you really hate me? You
didn’t come to our house
suddenly, yes?” Because
you hate my dad and hate
me, right?”
Xu Chang shook his head,
“No, I don’t hate you. At
that time, I just hated your
father after the incident, and
then I wanted to open it up.
This thing has passed, there
is no need to hold on. And
your father is like this now,
Has been punished. I have
long since let go. Otherwise,
what am I doing here
Qin Xiangnan hugged him
tightly, leaning his head on
his chest, and said, “Xu
Chang, why are you so good.
You make me more
uncomfortable. “
“Don’t be sad. Today is
New Year’s Eve, let’s have
a good New Year.”
Qin Xiangnan still has a
confession in her heart,
although Xu Chang
comforted herself long ago,
but this is her father’s life
after all, her father became
an indirect murderer.
Without this matter, Xu
Chang would not go to the
city of B to go to university,
nor would he have such a
hard life in recent years,
maybe he had a more
perfect life.
Even more uncomfortable is
that Xu Chang knew all the
things, and he must be sad
in his heart. He was a
teenager in the third year of
that year, and he had to bear
such grief. He lost his father
and found that he was the
father of the girl he liked.
What a blow to his father
who died. Qin Xiangnan
didn’t believe Xu Chang
would ever hate her, or
angered her, but Xu Chang
really liked her too much in
order to let go of such
She gradually realized how
much Xu Chang liked
herself, which made her feel
more guilty. How can she
have such a good Xu
On New Year’s Eve, Qin
Xiangnan had a special
Xu Chang took her around
the city. Although it was a
Chinese New Year, there
were still many people
outside, most of them were
together in a lively family.
Only the two of them, like
the two who were singled
out, were particularly
dissonant with the people
around them.
They came to the riverside
in the urban area, where
they used to cross the New
Year together when they
were young. It was cold at
night, Xu Chang held her
tightly to his chest, his chin
against the top of her head,
and looked at the scenery on
the other side.
Although cold, Qin
Xiangnan felt particularly
warm in her heart.
“Xu Chang, how did you
live during the past new
years?” Qin Xiangnan asked
“Sometimes I come back to
live with my grandma,
sometimes I live alone in
City B.”
Qin Xiangnan heard a little
sadness, remembering that
she and her parents and
younger brother spend their
New Year together at home,
but Xu Chang is alone. She
really wanted to hug the
once lone Xu Chang.
“You can rest assured that I
will be with you every year
in the future, and I will
never let you live alone.”
She said with a smile.
“Do you mean, are you
going to marry me?”
“When did I say that.” She
became ashamed.
Xu Chang smiled and said
nothing. After a long time,
he said: “We will get
married next year.”
Qin Xiangnan was a little
angry: “Xu Chang, are you
proposing to me? It’s that
simple? I don’t want to. “
Xu Chang knocked on her
head and said, “Aren’t you
willing? Then who do you
want to marry?”
She snorted and muttered,
“Who will marry you.”
At twelve midnight, when
the bell rang, Qin Xiangnan
looked at Xu Chang when
the clock for twelve times,
and smiled slightly, “Xu
Chang, happy new year!”
Xu Chang held her face and
said, “Qin Xiangnan, happy
new year!”
Then, he bowed his head
and kissed her .
On the first day of the first
lunar month and the first
day of the new year, Qin
Xiangnan woke up in Xu
Chang’s arms. She quickly
picked up her mobile phone
and opened her circle of
friends. Last night, she
posted a circle of friends
telling the world that she
and Xu Chang’s
self-portraits were posted
with a “Happy New Year!”
Unexpectedly, one night,
this circle of friends actually
received so many likes and
The most amazing thing was
her high school classmates,
who was amazed at how she
took Xu Chang. Qin
Xiangnan looked at the
comments and giggled.
“What are you laughing
early in the morning?” Xu
Chang was awakened by her
Qin Xiangnan put her
mobile phone in front of
him, “Look, so many
comments and likes, so
many people envy me, can I
not laugh, haha.”
“Qin Xiangnan, you don’t
know, good things can’t be
taken out to dry?”
Qin Xiangnan listened and
asked him, “What if?”
“In case, others covet me.
You are so stupid, can you
withstand it?”
“Dare you!” Qin Xiangnan
picked up her phone and
smashed his head.
“Qin Xiangnan, what are
you doing? Don’t you like
my face? How could you
disfigure it?”
“That’s better, no one would
have dared to covet you.
You’re mine!”
Two people early in the
morning, the ground was
noisy on the bed, and it was
almost noon. Qin Xiangnan
felt hungry, so she wriggled
to get up and cook.
Xu Chang took three days
off during the New Year,
and started working on the
fourth day of the New Year.
Qin Xiangnan was bored at
home and went back home.
When she saw Zhao Mei,
she was still a little uneasy,
so she asked her how she
was feeling after the
Zhao Mei sighed and said:
“After you left, your dad
finally got better, but just
couldn’t recognize people in
the past few days. Later, Xu
Chang, did you say
“No, Xu Chang did not
remember to hate Dad.”
Zhao Mei finally let out a
sigh of relief. “It seems that
Xu Chang is really a good
boy. He must really like you.
You must never lose your
temper with him in the
future. “
”I know, mom, I won’t lose
my temper.”
“That’s fine, I’m completely
relieved if you get married
early. These days, I’ve
broken my heart for your
brother’s marriage. He is
good, he is busy with his
own affairs, clapping with
both hands, regardless of
Qin Xiangnan comforted her:
“Is it not brother who trusts
you? In the future, Wei Wei
will give you a grandson,
and you will be happy.”
“This is the hope.” Zhao
Mei was happy when she
remembered her grandson.
Time flies so fast that Qin
Xiangbei and Sun Weiwei’s
wedding day arrived.
That day, Qin Xiangnan, as
Sun Weiwei’s bridesmaid,
followed the bride all the
way. Originally, she was
unwilling to be a bridesmaid,
but Zhao Mei asked her to
take good care of her
pregnant Sun Weiwei that
day. She had to agree, and
more importantly, Xu
Chang would be a best man.
Sun Weiwei has been
pregnant for almost three
months. Although her
stomach is not visible, her
morning sickness is
particularly obvious. Early
in the morning, Qin
Xiangnan took care of her
dressing, and took a sip of
breakfast, but began to
Qin Xiangnan was a little
worried and patted her on
the back: “Wei Wei, are you
“It’s okay, I will definitely
perform well today. I have
more to eat now.”
Qin Xiangnan looked at her
with some distress. It turned
out she was pregnant. It’s so
terrible, the man is the big
hoof, why should the
woman suffer.
When everything is ready,
Sun Weiwei sits beautifully
on the bed and waits for Qin
Xiangbei to come to pick
her out. There are two
bridesmaids besides Qin
In addition, Sun Weiwei’s
family is full of people, and
her brother and her niece
Yiyi are also there.
Yiyi looked at her aunt and
was very happy. She kept
shouting, “Oh, aunt is a
bride, uncle doctor will be
my uncle!”
At 10:58 in the morning,
Qin Xiangbei knocked on
the bride’s room At the door,
Sun Weiwei grabbed Qin
Xiangnan’s arm, “Sister
Xiangnan, I’m so nervous.”
Qin Xiangnan also followed
the blind nervousness, but
still comforted Sun Weiwei:
“Don’t be nervous, don’t be
nervous. Just sit and watch
them make trouble “
The other two bridesmaids
had a lot of problems for the
bridegroom and groomsmen
at the door, preventing them
from coming in.”
“Groom official, you plug in
some red envelopes,
otherwise such a beautiful
bride can be so easy for you
to marry.”
“Yeah, yeah.” The others
also agreed.
Qin Xiangbei said at the
door: “What I have today is
money, scatter!”
The bridesmaids and some
female dependents blocked
the door and opened a gap
in the door. Qin Xiangbei
threw in a stack of red
“Now let me go in.” Qin
Xiangbei was very anxious.
“No, no, let’s sing a love
song first, then do ten
push-ups, let’s consider
letting go again.”
Qin Xiangbei sang a song
that didn’t know anything
with his broken throat, Sun
Weiwei snickered inside.
After completing ten
push-ups, the bridesmaids
were not satisfied yet and
started playing the truth
game again.
This game didn’t know who
came up with it, it made
everyone present laugh
A bridesmaid asked a
question: “When was the
first time you kissed?” This
made Qin Xiangbei think.
“How can I remember such
a long time?”
“No, you must say.”
“Probably It’s the summer
vacation of the third year.”
“Oh~ early love…”
Everyone started to coax
and Sun Weiwei blushed.
“Please ask the bridegroom
official to say the three
advantages of the bride.”
Qin Xiangbei laughed twice,
“This is not easy, beautiful,
cute and sexy.”
“Unsatisfied… This is
not…” The bridesmaids
want Qin Xiangbei
recounted the three
advantages of the bride.
“Why doesn’t it matter, let
me think about it…” Qin
Xiangbei thought for a
moment, “Wei Wei is a
particularly kind person.
When we were in junior
high school, she saw that I
didn’t study hard and
skipped classes all day. She
was very angry when I was
playing games. We were
just ordinary classmates at
the time. She all cared so
much about me, showing
how good she is. She is also
a very filial girl. When her
mother was sick, she chose
to talk to me and we broke
up and stayed in S City to
take care of her mother.
Although I was very sad and
hated her very much, I now
understand her very well.
She regards her family as
important, even more
important than herself. She,
she will not change the
person she decides. When
she was pursued, she
rejected me countless times.
She looked cruel, but she
was a hard-hearted person.
She cared about me, liked
me, and treated me well, but
I hated her. I’m really an
asshole. If time can go back
in time, I won’t let her leave
me again. It won’t work for
a minute. In the years when
she left me, I have never
forgotten her. In the future, I
will never let go of her. I
will always treat her
When Qin Xiangbei said
this, the audience was quiet.
Qin Xiangnan had never
heard of her younger brother
would say such decent
words, she looked at Sun
Weiwei, the bride had
already burst into tears. She
wiped her tears clean, “Wei
Wei, my brother really grew
Qin Xiangbei finally passed
the test of the bridesmaids
and entered the room.
In addition to Qin Xiangbei,
there are three groomsmen.
Of course, Xu Chang is also
among them. Qin Xiangnan
winked at him, and Xu
Chang just smiled slightly.
Qin Xiangbei kneeled to
Sun Weiwei on one knee
and said, “Wei Wei, you
marry me.”
Sun Weiwei nodded.
In the crowd, they finally
walked through various
complicated processes, and
Qin Xiangbei took Sun
Weiwei into the car.
In the gap before the
wedding, Qin Xiangnan
finally had the opportunity
to say a few words with Xu
“I didn’t expect marriage to
be so troublesome. Xu
Chang, I think I am afraid of
marriage.” Qin Xiangnan
said with a sigh.
Xu Chang’s face was a little
ugly, and then he finally
suffocated a sentence: “This
shouldn’t be your
consideration. You should
learn it today, sooner or
later.” It seems that she
can’t escape his magic
Qin Xiangnan thought about
it for a while, without
considering such annoying
things, she carefully looked
at Xu Chang, “Xu Chang,
you today… seems to be
handsome again to a new
height. Just now the two
bridesmaids are still secretly
talking about you, I am
really unpredictable.”
Xu Chang sneered. “Do you
think I’m better than you?
The two best men still talk
about you.”
Qin Xiangnan heard this and
became complacent. “Huh,
there are people who have
coveted me. This is fair. “
Xu Chang is very speechless.
What does this compare to?
He feels that Qin Xiangnan
underestimates herself too.
In his eyes, she is equally
good and very beautiful, but
she always feels that she is
inferior to him and does not
know when he can correct
this concept.
Soon, the wedding
ceremony began. When the
bride and groom stood in the
middle of the stage, the
master of ceremonies
introduced their love, the
parents’ training, and the
testimony of relatives and
friends. Finally, the bride
and groom exchanged rings
and read oaths. The scene
was very touching and
warm. At this moment, Qin
Xiangnan felt that marriage
was actually not terrible.
The two people met, knew
each other, and fell in love.
Under the witness of
relatives and friends, it was
actually a very sacred and
happy thing to walk into the
palace of marriage.
Qin Xiangnan saw Lin
Rui’er in surprise at the
wedding banquet, and she
hurried forward to say hello.
“Unexpectedly, Dr. Lin also
came to my brother’s
wedding today.”
Lin Ruier smiled
happily and said: “Of course,
Qin Xiangbei and I are
seven-year college
classmates. Today, many of
our classmates are from B
city came over. I didn’t
expect that Qin Xiangbei, a
mixed demon king, had
married earlier than our
college classmates. He was
really powerful.”
Qin Xiangnan made a few
words with her and asked
her, “Are you working
smoothly in City B? “
“Of course, when I left Xu
Chang’s world, I found that
there are still many
meaningful things. In the
past, I only cared about Xu
Chang, but now I found that
there are many things worth
cherishing besides love. Not
to mention, there are so
many good men chasing me,
each one is no worse than
Xu Chang.”
Qin Xiangnan laughed, Lin
Rui’er was able to put down
so quickly, she was also
very happy. This has
nothing to do with Xu
Chang. I just think that such
a good girl should be worthy
of being loved.
After Qin Xiangbei’s
wedding, she returned to her
normal life.
After unveiling the beautiful
veil during the wedding, Qin
Xiangnan suddenly feared
the marriage again. Part of
the reason is that she
discovered that two
pregnant women, Li Susu
and Sun Weiwei, were very
difficult when conceiving a
new life. Every day they
vomit, swell, and even their
body shape will change. She
is worried that if one day
she will become like this,
how many people will covet
Xu Chang, in case she really
can’t bear it…
Especially after she was
exposed to domestic
violence news.
Someone reported that the
violence of a man in a
community was serious and
seriously disturbed the
people. It was reported to
the police. When she and
Chen Xiaoqi arrived, the
woman was taken to the
hospital and the man was
taken to the police station
for investigation. They
visited and investigated
some neighbors.
“This man is playing too
hard this time. I guess the
woman is either seriously
injured or disabled.” An
aunt said in response.
“Then do you know why
that man always beats his
“Is there anything else, not
just because of some trivial
things in life? If the two
have different family
concepts, they will quarrel if
there is some conflict.”
Qin Xiangnan felt strange,
just because of the trivial
things in his life, was he
sure there was no deep
“How long have they been
married?” Qin Xiangnan
asked her.
“It’s just two or three years.
Married is oil, salt, sauce
and vinegar tea. What love
is all fart. I guess this
woman doesn’t understand
the reality, thinking that
after marriage, she is spoiled
by men.”
They surveyed other
neighbors and said that men
have problems and women
have problems.
Qin Xiangnan seemed to
have been stimulated since
that day. As soon as Zhao
Mei asked when she was
married to Xu Chang, she
would say it for a while,
using the busy work as an
Xu Chang felt that she had a
very serious fear of
marriage, and she couldn’t
even have the sensitive
words “marry” or
“marriage” in front of her. If
accidentally mentioned. It
would be as restless as being
stepped on the tail.
What she often said to Xu
Chang was: “Xu Chang, I
think we are so good now,
without restraint, and we are
so busy, don’t worry…”
Xu Chang understood her
meaning and had to promise
her temporarily. But he still
asked a friend who was a
psychologist to consult Qin
Xiangnan’s psychological
After some consultations,
the doctor in the heart
finally concluded that Qin
Xiangnan’s marriage-phobia
is ultimately because she
still has a low self-esteem in
front of Xu Chang, and
always gives herself a
psychological hint. If she
becomes ugly, will Xu
Chang not like he. After
marriage, there is no
romance, only the trivial life,
will Xu Chang treat her as
well as before.
This problem can only be
overcome by Qin Xiangnan
himself. No matter what Xu
Chang says or does, it will
not help.
They had to put the problem
first, let her divert attention,
and let time heal everything.
A few days later, news of
the magnitude 6 earthquake
in City C spread all over the
country and shook
everyone’s heart.
As a reporter, Qin Xiangnan
paid particular attention to
this news. Seeing the
terrible picture of the
collapse of the building, the
cracking of the land, and the
heavy casualties on the TV
news, Qin Xiangnan’s heart
was choked.
The Daily News has an
emergency meeting.
President Pang briefly told
the main points of this
“The earthquake in City C
cannot be delayed. We need
to send some reporters to
City C urgently and set off
tonight. What you have to
remember is that this
mission is to pass the
situation of the disaster area
as quickly as possible to
avoid rumors and stable the
people’s hearts. Let direct or
indirect rescue forces from
all parts of the country be
Qin Xiangnan immediately
registered for the team
involved in the earthquake
report. President Pang
looked at her and said,
“Xiao Qin, you don’t have
to think about it anymore.
You are a girl. This journey
will be very difficult and
Qin Xiangnan answered him
affirmatively: “I’m not
afraid, I’m going “
In addition to Qin Xiangnan,
Chen Xiaoqi, Feng Ge, and
several other colleagues
have also expressed their
intention to go to C City.
On the same day, they all
went home to sort things,
and set off at night. Qin
Xiangnan didn’t dare to tell
her family about this, for
fear that they will be
worried. For Xu Chang, she
had to say that even if she
didn’t say, he would find
Before leaving, she called
Xu Chang. Unexpectedly,
after she told him to go to C
city tonight, Xu Chang told
her an amazing news.
“Qin Xiangnan, I’m going
to City C too, many people
in our hospital will go and
will organize a medical
Her heart twitched, “Xu
Chang, you must pay
attention to safety.”
“You too.”
That night, Qin Xiangnan
and her colleagues boarded
a plane and headed to City
C. The hardest hit area is
Dingxian, the most remote
suburban county of C city.
At ten o’clock in the
evening, a group of them
landed at the airport of C
city, and then took a vehicle
to Dingxian. The rain
continued at night, the
temperature was a little low,
and it was faintly visible all
the way with more and more
collapsed houses, local
residents used snakeskin
bags to build very simple
earthquake-proof sheds. At
twelve in the morning, they
finally arrived in Dingxian
and were arranged in a
simple earthquake-proof
Xu Chang and the medical
team arrived in Dingxian at
about 12 o’clock in the
evening. Due to the severe
disaster in Dingxian, most
residents have been
evacuated due to water,
power and gas cuts. Due to
the lack of water and
electricity, the ambulance
point can only do some
simple treatments such as
bandaging, infusion or
oxygen delivery. There is no
condition for emergency
surgery. All patients must be
quickly transferred to the C
city district for treatment
after simple treatment. Xu
Chang followed the medical
team to the C City Hospital
and lived in a shockproof
shed at the door of the
This night, Qin Xiangnan
missed Xu Chang
incomparably, thinking
about where he was, not far
from herself, she hope this
disaster can pass early, and
everyone can be rescued as
soon as possible.
Because Dingxian had cut
off water and electricity, and
there was no signal, Qin
Xiangnan could not contact
Xu Chang. She could only
wait for everything to
recover and contact him as
soon as possible.
After a few hours of rest in a
simple shed. Before dawn,
she was ready to set off to
check the details of the local
earthquake. Several people
in the “Daily News” are
going to act separately.
There are a total of six
people. Only Qin Xiangnan
and Chen Xiaoqi are girls.
They originally wanted to
split the two girls, but Chen
Xiaoqi insisted on being
with Qin Xiangnan.
Under the leadership of a
local village official, Qin
Xiangnan and Chen Xiaoqi
decided to first check the
disaster relief situation of
some schools.
They walked 10 kilometers
on foot and walked for more
than three hours. The ruins
that were visible on the way,
as well as some rescue
fighters, medical teams, and
volunteers, were crying out
This way, the tears of the
two girls never broke.
This road is extremely
difficult to walk, there is no
flat ground, walls
everywhere, gravel, and
some roads are also broken.
When they arrived at an
elementary school, they
were both stunned. This
school is located in the heart
of the earthquake and is
beyond recognition. Many
rescuers, medical teams, and
some local people and
parents came. They
followed a few rescuers into
the rubble.
When their footsteps
stopped in front of the ruins,
the voices of countless
children came. Vaguely can
hear the voice for help. Qin
Xiangnan’s heart has been
tangled together.
Dozens of special policemen
have been rescued here
since six o’clock in the
morning, and probably
hundreds of children have
been rescued. However, the
disaster situation here is too
serious, and many children
are still under pressure.
Qin Xiangnan felt that she
was particularly helpless at
this time. In the face of such
cries, she was weak in
power and had no ability to
help. She felt deeply
Several parents were crying
here and there, and the
public also wept several
times for the child’s wave of
childish worries for help.
This is the second day of the
earthquake. These children
have been crushed in the
rubble for a whole day.
They have spent a long
night. How did such a
young child survive this
night, everyone dare not
dare not imagine.
A young special police
officer was crying while she
rescued. Chen Xiaoqi was
very moved. She filmed the
The special police saw Qin
Xiangnan and Chen Xiaoqi,
and ran quickly to say:
“Don’t stand here, it’s too
dangerous here. Go to the
Chen Xiaoqi said: “We are
reporters, we need to know
the situation here.”
This special police took a
long breath: “We have been
rescuing from 6 o’clock in
the morning, and many
children are trapped
underneath. Because the
rescue tools in our hands are
only shovel and steel
brazing, it is really
powerless, helpless, we are
not afraid to pry now. The
slab, worried that the whole
building collapsed, did not
dare to take a rude way to
rescue. The following are all
Chen Xiaoqi saw his tears in
his eyes, and also shed tears.
“What’s your name, where
do you come from?”
“We are all special police
from S City, and came here
at noon yesterday. My name
is Ling Ran, you can call me
Xiao Ling. I will let you
know if there are any
circumstances. Go to the
playground. It’s too
dangerous here. These
buildings may collapse at
any time.”
Qin Xiangnan nodded and
went to the playground to
At twelve noon, Qin
Xiangnan and Chen Xiaoqi
simply ate some dry food,
and they waited here with
great anxiety. They learned
from Ling Ran that many
children had been rescued
one after another, and about
thirty others had not been
rescued. They are trying to
find a way to save all the
This elementary school is
the central elementary
school in Dingxian County.
Dingxian County is remote
and has a class for each
grade, with a total of about
300 children. She heard
local people say that when
the earthquake happened
yesterday, it was just at
eight o’clock in the morning,
and there were one or two
classes on the ground floor.
Fortunately, most of the
teachers and students
A villager also said: “My
daughter was also in class
here yesterday. Thankfully,
she escaped from it. She
said that a little boy saved
her. The little boy is still in
the hospital and should be
seriously injured. “
Qin Xiangnan was surprised
and asked him: “How did
the little boy rescued your
Qin Xiangnan felt a little
worried when she heard,
“Can you tell me what the
boy’s name is? Where is it
The villager said: “The boy
lives in our village. He’s
called Li Hao. I heard that
yesterday because of the
water and power outage in
Dingxian, all the patients
were transferred to the
urban hospital.”
Qin Xiangnan said thanks.
She feels that the little boy’s
deeds are very touching. If
he is fine, she must write a
special report for him.
At about two o’clock in the
afternoon, Ling Ran came
over and said excitedly: “A
new batch of rescue tools
has arrived, which greatly
increased the rescue efforts.
It is estimated that these
children will be rescued
“Great, This is really good
news.” Chen Xiaoqi finally
got a little better from the
depression. “Ling Ran, you
have to be careful.”
Ling Ran nodded and turned
and ran to the rubble.
Qin Xiangnan felt that he
was also anxious when she
waited here, or he would
look elsewhere and come
back later.
Chen Xiaoqi followed her.
This seismic center area
happens to be in the county
seat of Dingxian County.
Dingxian County is a
remote rural area. Although
it is a county town, it has no
tall buildings. The tallest
buildings are three or four
floors. Surrounding the
school are the living areas of
some villagers. It’s a mess
here now, and she can’t see
the original look at all.
Qin Xiangnan took pictures
wherever they planned to go.
Rescue teams, medical
teams everywhere on the
road, some of the injured
were extremely seriously
injured, and both of them
were worried.
After walking for about an
hour, they found most of the
rubble and the rescue team
was about to start digging.
They planned to go back to
elementary school to check
the situation.
Back at the elementary
school, at six o’clock in the
evening, they found Ling
Ran. Ling Ran was still in
rescue. When they came
back, they greeted quickly:
“It’s almost the same, there
should be a few children left.
Only some rescued. The
child is no longer there…”
Qin Xiangnan breath
stagnated. The young child
lost his beautiful life in this
disaster. It is really a pity
and a heartache.
After waiting for an hour in
elementary school, she
planned to go back. Before
leaving, Chen Xiaoqi asked
Ling Ran’s contact
information and told him to
contact them if there was
any situation afterwards.
Although there is no signal
in Dingxian, she believe it
will be restored soon.
When she went back, she
found that the road was
much better than when they
came in the morning. Most
of the walls and broken
bricks on the pavement have
been cleaned up. Qin
Xiangnan feels that the
country’s work is still very
strong. She believe this
disaster will pass soon.
It took them only two and a
half hours to walk back to
the quake-proof shed they
had installed. When they
returned, Qin Xiangnan felt
that both legs were about to
Chen Xiaoqi is better than
her. They are entangled in
why there is no signal yet.
They cannot send today’s
At this time, Qin Xiangnan
began to worry about Xu
Chang again. Today, the
villager said that all the
wounded were transferred to
the urban hospital. Is Xu
Chang also there? Hope he
is all right.
At 11 o’clock in the evening,
the signal finally recovered,
and Qin Xiangnan called Xu
Chang for the first time, and
the phone beeped a few
Several reporters from the
Daily News held a brief
meeting at night and
exchanged what they saw
today. They felt that the
disaster relief was timely,
thanks to the soldiers and
volunteers who came from
all directions.
After arranging the task for
tomorrow, Qin Xiangnan
decided to go to Xiacheng
District Hospital tomorrow.
On the one hand, she
wanted to see the situation
of the injured, on the other
hand, she wanted to see Xu
In this simple
earthquake-proof shed,
several people are crowded
together in a compartment.
Qin Xiangnan and Chen
Xiaoqi also have several
little girls living in a room.
Those little girls are
volunteers from other
This evening, she didn’t
wait for Xu Chang’s phone,
thinking that maybe he was
busy, and she would see him
At five o’clock the next
morning, she and Chen
Xiaoqi took a goods vehicle
and went to the C City
District Hospital. After two
hours of bumps,s he finally
arrived at the urban hospital.
There were wounded people
who were transported from
Dingxian everywhere. Qin
Xiangnan asked some
doctors and nurses and said
that they didn’t know Xu
Chang. She thought about
looking at the situation of
the injured first, and then
looking for the little boy
named Li Hao.
There are probably hundreds
of serious injuries, and some
minor injuries require them
to be discharged because the
hospital can’t live with so
many injured. Qin Xiangnan
asked a nurse if there was a
little boy named Li Hao here.
The nurse checked it in the
computer and confirmed it
was there.
According to the ward
number provided by the
nurse, Qin Xiangnan and
Chen Xiaoqi went to the
Finally found this little boy
named Li Hao, his feet tied
with plaster, his face was
okay, his mother was
“Hello, is this boy Li Hao?”
His mother nodded. “Are
Qin Xiangnanliang issued a
press card. “We are
reporters. We want to
interview your son. I heard
he saved a little girl and got
hurt like this?”
His mother was a little sad
and said, “Yeah, he
wouldn’t have been okay.
He has already escaped.
Seeing that his classmates
are still standing under the
high wall, he ran over and
pushed. Who knows the
next seconds, the wall
collapsed. Fortunately, only
two legs were broken. The
doctor said that there might
be sequelae even if it is
better in the future.”
Qin Xiangnan comforted her:
“Your son is great.”
She looked at the boy: “Li
Hao, Why did you save your
classmates at that time?”
Li Hao blinked and said, “I
saw her standing there, I
was afraid that she would be
hit by a wall, and the teacher
said that if I encountered
difficulties, I would help
each other, so I rushed to
“Then your leg is broken
now, do you regret it?”
“I don’t regret it. If I don’t
go to her, the injured one
would be her. She is a girl,
and I should protect her.”
Qin Xiangnan and Chen
Xiaoqi were all very moved.
Such a little boy actually
ignored his life and didn’t
consider anything, saving
his classmates. She decided
to report the boy’s story.
They have successively
interviewed some injured
people who suffered minor
injuries. After everything is
over, she is ready to
continue looking for Xu
But after asking around, no
one knew him. She
wondered if Xu Chang was
not here, he was somewhere
She called him and found
that it was turned off, and
she became more and more
After looking around, she
still couldn’t find it, she was
about to give up.
Chen Xiaoqi comforted her:
“Sister Xiangnan, don’t
worry, Dr. Xu should be
somewhere else.”
Qin Xiangnan nodded.
At three o’clock in the
afternoon, the two of them
planned to return to
Dingxian by taking
a vehicle.
Unexpectedly, before
leaving, Qin Xiangnan met a
person he knew, Dr. Xu
Chang’s colleague Qian, she
was very excited.
Doctor Qian also seemed
taken aback, “Are you not
Dr. Xu’s girlfriend?”
“Yes, Dr. Qian, where is Xu
Chang? Is he here?” Qin
Xiangnan asked him
Dr. Qian shook his head, “It
just so happened that Dr. Xu
went to Dingxian in the
morning. We were busy one
night last night. Dingxian
told me that a group of
doctors needed to go to the
disaster-stricken area to
participate in the treatment.
Dr. Xu went He probably
thought you were also in
Dingxian County.”
Qin Xiangnan thanked him
and hurried to Dingxian
County with Chen Xiaoqi.
It was almost six o’clock in
Dingxian. Qin Xiangnan
didn’t know where Xu
Chang was. She continued
to call him.
She asked the volunteers
who went to the hardest hit
area today, have they ever
met a doctor from S City?
The volunteers answered her
and said,
“Today’s rescue team is too
much, and we don’t know
where they all come from.”
Qin Xiangnan had no choice
but to wait for Xu Chang to
call her.
Qin Xiangnan asked Chen
Xiaoqi again: “Is there any
news about Ling Ran? Is
there anything else on his
Chen Xiaoqi said: “I just
asked, all the primary
schools have been rescued,
but some children were
really injured when they
were rescued. It is no longer
possible. He also said that
they will continue to change
schools to rescue tomorrow,
but it has been three days
now, I am afraid that they
will be rescued…”
Chen Xiaoqi didn’t say
anything, and Qin Xiangnan
didn’t speak. Both of them
were very heavy.
This was the third night they
lived in this quakeproof
shed, and it will be 72 hours
soon. These fighters are
really great, and they have
not stopped to participate in
the rescue. Compared to
them, Qin Xiangnan feels
that she can live in this shed.
The conditions are very
good. I don’t know where
Xu Chang lived today. He
was busy all night
At 11 pm, Qin Xiangnan
had fallen asleep, and she
was really tired these two
days. The first two nights
she slept for four or five
hours, walked so many ways,
and saw so many injuries.
When confused, I heard
someone shouting: “Is
reporter Qin living here?”
Qin Xiangnan opened her
eyes sleepily and returned
the sentence: “Yes, I am.
What happened?”
The person outside seemed
to be A local villager, he got
an affirmative answer, and
seemed to be very happy.
He quickly said, “Reporter
Qin, someone came to see
you. Come out and see
Qin Xiangnan is excited,
will it be Xu Chang? She
quickly put on her clothes
and got up.
Open the door and find that
the outside is dark, there is
no light, and nothing can be
“Qin Xiangnan…” There
was a trembling in her heart,
Xu Chang’s voice.
In the dark, someone held
her in his arms, she could
feel that he was Xu Chang.
Xu Chang took her to find
an unoccupied cubicle with
some supplies in it. When
the lamp was turned on, Qin
Xiangnan finally saw Xu
Chang’s face. In just a few
days, he was thin, his hair
was a little messy, there
were dark circles under his
eyes, and there were short
blue stubbles on his chin.
Qin Xiangnan stared at him
for a while, and her heart
burst into soreness.
Xu Chang also staring at her,
she simply said: “I am not
Qin Xiangnan laughed. “Ah,
no one will covet you. I can
be rest assured.”i
Xu Chang also laughed and
put her in his arms again.
“Xu Chang, where were you
“I was in the hardest hit area.
I was thinking that I might
still be able to meet you, but
I didn’t see you all day, and
I was a bit worried. I asked
all the way to know you
guys live here. Fortunately,
you’re alright.”
Qin Xiangnan felt warm in
her heart. “Did you take the
three-hour road today? I’ve
traveled a long way.”
“No, it’s already open.
Bumping along the way,
finally arrived.”
“Xu Chang, you are so good,
you are so tired but still
come to me.” She leaned her
head against his chest.
“Qin Xiangnan, do you
know what day it is today?”
Qin Xiangnan suspiciously,
“What day?”
Xu Chang laughed, “Happy
birthday, Qin Xiangnan!”
She was surprised, today is
her birthday? She forgot all
by herself.
“It’s half an hour away, but
fortunately it’s too late,” he
Qin Xiangnan showed some
tears, “Thank you, you are
so kind to me.”
On this special birthday,
there are no birthday cakes
and no gifts. But for Qin
Xiangnan, it was the most
meaningful birthday in her
Xu Chang found a bucket of
instant noodles in the
material room, and then he
inserted a sausage on it.
“Is this cake great?” Xu
Chang looked smug.
“This is really the best cake.
I want to make a post on my
circle of friends and make
people all over the world
envy me.” Qin Xiangnan
“Then make a wish, I won’t
sing the birthday song, it’s
too childish,” he said.
Qin Xiangnan closed her
eyes and placed her hands
on her chest with her fingers
crossed. Make a wish.
The wish is simple: she
hopes that the disaster will
pass sooner and everyone
will be safe.
Two people had their most
memorable birthday in this
simple material room.
In the evening, Xu Chang
lived in Feng Ge’s
compartment, and Qin
Xiangnan planned to go to
the disaster-hit area with Xu
Chang tomorrow.
At six o’clock the next
morning, a group of people
set off for the Dingxian
earthquake center. It has
been open to traffic since
yesterday, and they haves
almost arrived in about half
an hour.
After arriving, Xu Chang
still followed the medical
team to participate in the
rescue, Qin Xiangnan was
separated from him.
Aftershocks will still occur
in the past few days. Due to
the close proximity of the
Dingxian People’s Hospital
to the earthquake center and
the strong sense of the
earthquake, all patients have
been evacuated and placed
in open areas of the hospital.
In the past two days, the
blood-stained wounded
were continuously sent to
the hospital. Due to the
shortage of staff at that time,
the urban hospital was
required to send additional
personnel to join the rescue
team in time. According to
the injured, many houses in
Dagang Town, Dingxian
County collapsed, the
boulders fell seriously, and
many people were killed or
injured. At present, after
three days have passed,
many people have not been
rescued and urgently need
medical treatment. After
knowing the serious disaster
situation, the medical team
immediately submitted an
application to the hospital
for rescue, and Xu Chang
was among them.
Qin Xiangnan and Chen
Xiaoqi still checked the
situation of the local school.
They contacted Ling Ran
and learned that a group of
special police officers were
participating in a
kindergarten rescue. The
two hurried over.
There are about 100
children in this kindergarten,
and about 20 faculty
members. When the
earthquake struck, the
children were panicked and
did not escape in an orderly
manner like the previous
elementary school. After
three days of rescue, more
than a dozen children are
still trapped in the rubble
and their lives are still
These children are younger
than primary school students,
and even small classes may
not even call for help. Many
people and parents have
come to the school. Unlike
the parents two days ago,
these parents are already
numb, they no longer cry
and grab the earth, each of
them looks calm and quietly
waiting for rescue. Probably,
the time is really too long, it
has been three days!
A new rescue tool was
added today, and Qin
Xiangnan prayed that the
dozen children must be safe
and sound.
The time passed by one
minute and one second.
Surprisingly, the children
were rescued one after
another. Although some
children were dying, there
was still hope of being
saved. Some children were
still conscious, but they
were hungry for three days
and even cried. The strength
is gone.
When the little lives were
rescued, everyone held their
breath, and even some
SWAT soldiers could not
carry them, and wept
silently on the side.
In the present moment, the
previous worries and
worries are not worth
mentioning. At this time,
only life is the most
At about three o’clock in the
afternoon, a special
policeman shouted: “There
is an adult here, come on!”
Everyone hurried to the
ruins, and Qin Xiangnan and
Chen Xiaoqi also rushed
When they looked at it,
under a few stone slabs,
they could vaguely see the
shape of a person, all
covered with dust. SWAT
soldiers pried open the stone
slabs piece by piece. After
half an hour, they finally
saw a young woman
She lay on the ground in a
“bow” posture, her hands
and feet supported on the
ground, and a prefabricated
board on her back, she had
stopped breathing.
And under her, there are two
young children. She may be
their teacher. She used her
body to protect the two
Qin Xiangnan filmed this
touching scene, and
everyone’s eyes were filled
with tears.
The rescue team lifted three
people out of the rubble.
The young female teacher
showed no signs of life.
Fortunately, the two young
children were still alive.
The two little girls were
only slightly bruised, and
after three days of torture,
they had fallen asleep.
Everyone was moved by
this scene, what a shocking
scene. Unimaginable, when
the earthquake is coming,
the earth shakes. She bowed,
lying on the ground tightly
with open arms,
accompanied by thunderous
noises, hail-like tiles and
dust falling on her head,
hands, and back, and blood
burst forth suddenly. She
gritted her teeth and held her
hands and feet desperately,
like a hen guarding a chick,
two surviving students were
curled up beneath her, and
her body with open wings
guarded for eternity…
Saturday night, the last child
was successfully rescued…
After a hard day, these
soldiers were already tired
and lying down. They lay
down one by one in the
small playground of the
kindergarten. No one said a
word, and they were all
excavated behind them were
tile brick and broken wall.
Qin Xiangnan and Chen
Xiaoqi were very
uncomfortable. These
special police officers
participated in rescue day
and night. They were a
group of young fighters.
They had fathers and
mothers, or they were
married and had children.
But these days, they have
long forgotten their little
home. Behind the head,
there was only one belief in
their heart, which was to
rescue everyone.
Chen Xiaoqi walked over to
Ling Ran and saw him half
leaning on a stone slab, his
eyes closed, frowning.
“Ling Ran, what are you
thinking?” Chen Xiaoqi
asked him.
Ling Ran opened his eyes
and said slowly: “I was
thinking, what were the
children doing here a few
days ago. Are they running
on this playground or
singing and dancing in the
classroom? Is there a child
who is very naughty?
Always annoys the teacher
when they take a nap. Will
they eat picky food?”
Chen Xiaoqi didn’t speak.
After a long time, she said:
“They must be very good,
they like the teacher, and the
teacher loves them. After a
while, the place will return
to its original appearance,
and all children will be full
of laughter.”
Ling Ran smiled slightly.
“Ling Ran, how long do you
have to stay?” Chen Xiaoqi
asked him.
“Depending on the situation,
I also hope that we can
complete the task sooner
and end sooner. What about
Chen Xiaoqi shook her head,
“I don’t know.”
“I really admire that you are
a girl and will come to this
place.” Ling Ran looking at
her and said.
Chen Xiaoqi said proudly:
“What is there, this is my
job. Isn’t our Xiangnan also
a girl, she is my idol,
wherever she goes, I also
Ling Ran looked at the
distance Qin Xiangnan, who
was looking at the photos,
said: “Your sister Xiangnan,
so young, looks not much
older than you, and becomes
your idol?”
Chen Xiaoqi chuckled twice:
“What does this have to do
with age? At that time, she
was covering me. And she
looks beautiful, works hard,
and is full of enthusiasm.
Did you know? Her
boyfriend is a super
handsome guy, a doctor, and
he joined the medical team
this time.”
“Is it? Really powerful…”
Ling Ran said with a smile.
Qin Xiangnan came to call
her and was ready to go
back, she responded.
Turned her head to look at
Ling Ran, and said, “Ling
Ran, after this end, go back
to S City. I will ask you to
eat, you will not refuse me.”
“Of course not, I hope this
meal can be eaten early.”
Chen Xiaoqi nodded and
repeated his words: “Well, I
hope to eat early.” The two
said goodbye, Qin Xiangnan
and Chen Xiaoqi left the
earthquake center and went
to the temporary shelter.
After returning to the
shockproof shed, Qin
Xiangnan couldn’t help but
make a call to Xu Chang,
and no one answered.
This evening, they had a
rich dinner. In order to
thank them, the local people
made some delicious food.
The reporters and some
volunteers sat together and
ate the richest meal in so
many days.
Several people talked about
the moving deeds they saw
in the past few days.
Everyone had a strange
feeling in their hearts. They
were touching,
heart-wrenching, and
anticipating, but all people
thought about one thing, and
they wanted this to end
These reporters and
volunteers are from all
corners of the world.
Everyone tells about their
hometown, previous
occupations, and the
situation at home. One night
passed in this atmosphere.
At ten o’clock in the
evening, Qin Xiangnan still
didn’t make a call to Xu
Chang. But received a call
from Qin Xiangbei.
“Qin Xiangnan, I heard
about your situation. Did
you go with Xu Chang?”
“Yeah. Did Mom know?”
She was worried.
“Of course she knows. She
is watching the news every
day. Rest assured, Mom
supports you, we all support
Qin Xiangnan was a little
touched. She was originally
worried that her family
would not understand, and
she didn’t tell them.
“How is Weiwei doing these
days? Has morning sickness
improved?” she asked.
“Much better, rest assured, I
will take care of her.” He
paused, “Qin Xiangnan, be
sure to pay attention to
“Well, I know.” She replied.
For so many years, she and
Qin Xiangbei will quarrel
almost every time they talk.
Only this time, the two of
them are so calm, her
brother will still care about
her, and her heart is warm.
At eleven in the evening,
she was going to bed. At
this time, she finally
received a call from Xu
Chang. She quickly put on
her coat, ran out of the
shockproof shed, and
answered the phone outside.
“Xu Chang…” She called
his name but couldn’t say
“Huh.” He replied lightly.
“Are you tired today?” she
“Somewhat, we went to
Dagang Town for rescue
today. That place was the
worst in Dingxian. Many
people couldn’t be saved…”
Qin Xiangnan didn’t speak,
and the two listened to each
others’ breath on the
phone… …
“Xu Chang, I went to
kindergarten today and saw
a very touching scene…”
Qin Xiangnan said on the
phone the touching story of
a teacher who saw today
how to protect two children.
“I was really touched when I
saw it.”
“Really, very touching.” Xu
Chang answered her.
There was another silence.
Qin Xiangnan looked up at
the night sky. Today’s
weather looks very good,
and there are actually
several stars in the night
“Xu Chang, I miss you…”
She looked at the night sky
and said what she most
wanted to say in the past
few days.
“Me too, I miss you…”
Qin Xiangnan didn’t enter
the shockproof shed. She
stood outside and looked up,
counting the stars. In S City,
she rarely saw such stars,
only colorful lights, neon
In this remote C city
Dingxian, she was alone,
watching the night sky
The next morning was the
fourth day of the earthquake.
The reporters of the “Daily
News” discussed the
arrangements for today.
Brother Feng is now in
charge, and he will be
responsible for the
“The most serious place this
time is Dagang Town. We
have been there two days
ago. Although the rescue
was timely, most people
have been rescued. But there
are still some people who
have been in the rubble and
have not been rescued. Xiao
Zhang goes to Dagang
Town again. Xiaoqin and
Xiaochen, please go to other
schools to see the situation.”
Qin Xiangnan thought of Xu
Chang being in Dagang
Town, she said, “Can I also
go to Dagang Town? We are
in front I have been to
several schools in the past
two days, and most of the
schools have been rescued.”
Brother Feng shook his head.
“There are serious casualties
in Dagang Town, and there
are aftershocks. The town is
surrounded by mountains, at
any time. There may be a
boulder rolling down, and
you two girls will not go.”
“But, I want to go…” Qin
Xiangnan really wanted to
go. On the one hand, most
of the schools have really
rescued these days, and the
other the aspect, she wants
to see Xu Chang, she wants
to fight alongside him.
Brother Feng still refused
her, she was very angry,
“Brother Feng, you will not
let me go, then I will find a
way to go.”
“It’s inconvenient here, after
half an hour by car, you still
have to take a section of the
mountain road.”
“I don’t care, I always have
a way to go anyway.” She
said very firmly.
Brother Feng feels strange.
Qin Xiangnan has always
been very obedient to the
arrangement. Why did he
not so persuade this time?
Chen Xiaoqi looked at this
situation and realized,
“Brother Feng, let Sister
Xiangnan go, and her
boyfriend is also in Dagang
Town, you should
understand her mood.”
Brother Feng suddenly
realized that he really
couldn’t bear Qin Xiangnan
and agreed.
“That Xiao Qin, you and I
will go to Dagang Town,
Xiao Zhang and Xiao Chen
go to school to see.”
Everyone agreed to this
arrangement, Qin Xiangnan
was a little excited.
But this excitement
disappeared completely as
she and Feng Brother
arrived in Dagang Town.
The casualties here are
really too serious. It was in
the center of the earthquake,
and the town was
surrounded by mountains.
The boulders on the
mountain rolled down
during the earthquake, and it
was even worse.
There are thousands of
families in Dagang
Township. After the first
three days, most of them
have been rescued, but there
are still many villagers who
are still under the ruins.
Everyone understands that
there is little hope, but as
long as there is a silver
lining Will give up.
After she arrived in Dagang
Town, she finally saw Xu
Chang, but it was just a
Xu Chang and several
doctors rescued the scene.
These injured people were
rescued from the rubble one
by one. They were all very
injured. Xu Chang could
only deal with the wounds
urgently. Then the injured
people were sent to the
county hospital. Then go to
the urban hospital.
Qin Xiangnan glanced at Xu
Chang from afar, and Xu
Chang seemed to see her too,
but neither of them said
Qin Xiangnan felt he was
more tired than he looked
two days ago. He loves
clean people so much that
he has blood and stains on
his body. She looked a little
distressed, but at this
juncture, everyone was very
tired and very hard. She
knew Xu Chang was no
longer the most special one.
She and Feng followed the
rescue team and went deep
into the center of Dagang
Town. The whole Dagang
Town was almost square in
shape because they were
surrounded by mountains.
They entered the center.
This area is not close to the
mountain and the boulder
did not roll but it was the
place with the strongest
shock during the
When a corpse was lifted
out, Qin Xiangnan looked
shocked. She had been
expecting that the next time
she lifted was not a corpse,
but a wounded person still
There was a villager who
followed him all the time,
and when he saw each body
lifted out, he had to step
forward and check it. Qin
Xiangnan observed him,
looking like he was in his
thirties, with a thin figure
and a slightly dark
Qin Xiangnan asked him:
“Hello, are you a villager
The man glanced at her and
did not answer.
She continued to say to him:
“I am a reporter, you look a
little anxious…”
The man finally sighed and
said to Qin Xiangnan: “My
wife and children, as well as
my mother, have not come
out. My child is only two
years old. I work outside all
the year round. When I
heard the news of the
earthquake here, I hurried
home. For so many days, I
haven’t even seen their
bodies, and there is no news
at all…”
Qin Xiangnan didn’t speak,
she was in a state of
confusion, how could such a
skinny man survive such
stressful three days? She
could hardly imagine.
After half an hour later,
another body was lifted out,
and the man stepped
forward to check. When he
saw his face that day, he
burst into tears and cried,
Qin Xiangnan’s heart
squeezed and she held back
her tears.
The man cried for a long
time, almost kneeling on the
ground, crying silently. The
rescue team carried his wife
away, he did not follow,
because he had to wait for
his mother and children.
She hope the remaining two
relatives are fine, Qin
Xiangnan prayed in her
Brother Feng looked at her,
sighed, and said, “We have
met several villagers like
these two days ago. They
have lost their family
members. Some of the
family members of the
villagers are not there. In
this world, he was the only
one left. I was sad when I
saw it.”
Qin Xiangnan looked at him.
She also saw the Brother
Feng like this for the first
time. The former Feng
worked hard and the young
reporters were afraid of him.
All said he was merciless,
but today stood in front of
her, a man with blood and
flesh. He showed sadness
and said sad words…
“Brother Feng, we used to
misunderstand you before,
we all think you have a
strong working ability. Life
is a mess, and now think
about it, you are the one
with the most real
temperament. You, the
supervisor, deserve my
Brother Feng looked at her
and said nothing.
At one o’clock in the
afternoon, several more
rescue teams joined the
team and brought more
rescue tools.
The man was still waiting
for his mother and children,
and had not eaten a sip or
drank a sip of water.
Qin Xiangnan took out a
bottle of water and a bag of
biscuits from the bag and
handed it to him, saying:
“Get something, you can’t
be exhausted yourself to see
The man took it and thanked
her. Qin Xiangnan watched
him stuffing the biscuits into
his mouth bit by bit, without
stopping, he stuffed them all
in two minutes. She
understood that this time,
the man had no taste at all.
After stepping up rescue
efforts, the man’s mother
was also found.
Unfortunately, there were
no signs of life. This time
the man didn’t cry and just
wept silently.
He said to Qin Xiangnan:
“My mother is in her 60’s,
and I haven’t been filial to
her. I graduated from junior
high school and started to go
out to work. My mother is at
home, doing farm work and
earning meager income.
Every time I give her money,
she doesn’t want it. Later,
when I was older, at the age
of marrying my wife, my
mom introduced me to the
blind date. Finally, I got
married, and my wife gave
me a son, and I was outside.
I also made a lot of money
working, and my mother
was finally able to bring her
grandchildren at home and
enjoy the blessings. I never
expected…” The man’s
tears kept flowing.
“Be strong, your mother
must hope you are alive.”
Qin Xiangnan knew how
weak it was to say this
sentence at this time.
At about three o’clock in the
afternoon, a rescuer yelled
at the edge of a ruin: “There
is a child here, and there is
Everyone ran anxiously, and
the man ran desperately.
Sure enough, everyone saw
a child pressed under the
rubble, and the man yelled,
“Ning Ning, you must hold
on. Dad is here, Dad is here
to save you!” The rescue
team put a piece of slate on
the child The plot moved
away, and the child’s feet
got stuck in the stone joint.
The rescue team thought of
various ways, but there was
no way to take his foot out
of the stone.
Everyone was in a cold
sweat. The child’s father
continued to comfort the
boy. Although the child was
unconscious, “Ning Ning,
don’t be afraid, you must
hold on.”
A rescuer said: “I’m afraid
the child’s legs are no
longer good. Well, so many
days stuck in it, even if it
was taken out of the stone
crack, I was afraid that I
couldn’t keep it.” He looked
at the child’s father, “Father
of the child, can you think
about it, give up the child’s
leg first and save a life.”
The man froze, his face
Brother Feng stepped
forward and comforted him:
“As long as the child’s life
is still there, there is hope. If
it drags on, I’m afraid…”
The man gritted his teeth,
clenched his fists, and said,
“Cut the leg.” After he
turned, he burst into tears.
Qin Xiangnan couldn’t bear
to watch this scene, turned
around and prayed quietly.
Half an hour later, the little
boy was rescued. The man
followed the boy to the
hospital. When he left, he
glanced at Qin Xiangnan
and Feng and said, “Thank
you.” Qin Xiangnan felt
sour for a while, but in fact
they did nothing. How small
the power is, but this man
thanked them. As a reporter,
the greatest ability is to
restore the scene to the
outside world. They have no
ability to save people, but
this thank you is their
greatest encouragement.
At four o’clock in the
afternoon, the rescue work
in this area was nearing its
end, and Qin Xiangnan and
Feng lowly walked back.
Halfway through, all of a
sudden the ground began to
shake violently, and there
was a deafening sound
around her. Brother Feng
hurriedly took her to an
empty place. Qin Xiangnan
was particularly afraid. The
tremors shook the sky.
A few minutes later, the
aftershock stopped. Qin
Xiangnan asked Feng: “This
is the aftershocks ?”
”Yes, these days there are
still aftershocks, today the
aftershocks felt bigger than
a few days ago I hope
evryone’s okay.”
The two of them continued
to walk back slowly, but
still lingered with the
aftershock just now. They
were going the same way
they came before, then they
will still return to the
original starting point
afterwards, and they will see
Xu Chang once, Qin
Xiangnan thought.
Unexpectedly, after this
aftershock, the boulders on
the mountain rolled down,
which was extremely
difficult to go. When she
walked to Xu Chang’s
temporary medical station,
they found that the situation
here was very bad. The
aftershocks just collapsed
the few buildings left here
and turned them into rubble.
Fortunately, the people had
already evacuated.
The situation at the medical
station was abnormally
chaotic. New wounded
people kept coming in. Qin
Xiangnan looked for Xu
Chang and found that she
didn’t see anyone else.
But she was embarrassed to
ask those doctors and nurses,
they are very busy, she
wanted to wait and see.
In a recent aftershock, some
volunteers and rescuers
were accidentally injured.
This is very heartbreaking.
After waiting for a long time,
Xu Chang still didn’t show
up. She couldn’t hold her
back and asked a nurse who
was bandaging the wound.
“Hello, may I ask if Dr. Xu
Chang is still here?”
The little nurse’s hands did
not stop, but she looked a
little strange. She glanced at
Qin Xiangnan, “Who are
“I am a reporter. I am
looking for Xu Chang
Doctor, he is still here in the
morning,” she said.
“The aftershock just now,
Dr. Xu happened to save
people in front of the ruin. A
large mountain of rocks
rolled down. Dr. Xu pushed
a volunteer away, but he
was hit by a stone. When I
saw it, he had a bloody hand.
He has been sent to the
hospital now.”
“What are you talking
about?” Qin Xiangnan
couldn’t believe it after
hearing it, and her face
instantly turned pale.
She must see him
“Do you know which
hospital he is in? Is it the
county hospital?”
“At present, the wounded
are all sent to the county
hospital. I don’t know the
situation later. We are too
busy here.” The nurse said
and bandages a person’s
Qin Xiangnan’s heart
choked, she was going to
the county hospital, she had
to take a ride to the county
Brother Feng, who was
waiting outside, saw her and
ran over quickly. “Xiao Qin,
what’s wrong with you?”
“Dr. Xu is injured, I have to
go to the county hospital.”
She looked pale and
panicked. The ambulance
here wants to take a car to
the county hospital.
“Xiao Qin, don’t worry, you
calm down first. I will go
with you.”
Qin Xiangnan and Feng got
on an ambulance and rushed
to the county hospital after
half an hour. The aftershock
caused the road to roll off
some gravel, leaving the
original ten-minute drive for
a full half-hour.
When she got off the car,
she ran to the hospital and
found that all the wounded
in the hospital ward had
been evacuated outside the
hospital. She looked around
the hospital again, but did
not find Xu Chang.
She went to ask a nurse. The
hospital’s computer system
was also very chaotic.
Aftershocks came too
suddenly. There was no time
to register so many injured
people. Qin Xiangnan had
no choice but to continue
looking for someone. She
wished to turn the hospital
upside down and still did
not see Xu Chang.
Brother Feng advised her
not to worry, “Xiao Qin, he
may go to the urban hospital,
or we can find a way to find
it in the urban hospital.”
Qin Xiangnan nodded.
Two hours later, at nine in
the evening, they finally
arrived at the urban hospital.
Qin Xiangnan asked the
nurse desk, and the nurse
finally found Xu Chang
right here. After asking all
the way, she learned that Xu
Chang’s left hand had
comminuted fracture is now
undergoing surgery.
Outside the operating room,
she saw the volunteer
pushed away by Xu Chang.
It was a young boy in his
“I am a medical student.
After learning about the
earthquake this time, some
students and I came here to
be volunteers. Fortunately, I
met Dr. Xu in the past two
days. He taught me a lot.
During the aftershock today,
me and him, as well as other
volunteers, were busy
treating the wounded. No
one expected that a rock on
the mountain would
suddenly fall down. I didn’t
react, and Dr. Xu pushed me
away. I’m fine, Dr. Xu, he
was injured, and his hand
bleeds a lot of blood. I’m
scared. If there will be any
sequelae in his hand, what
should I do…”
Qin Xiangnan didn’t speak.
She was also afraid, how
important Xu Chang’s hand
is, he is a doctor. His hands
are used to cure illnesses
and save people. What
should he do if something
goes wrong?
The more she thought, the
more afraid she was, she
buried her face in the palm
of her hand and squatted on
the ground…
Brother Feng comforted her:
“It will be fine…”
She didn’t know how long it
had passed. She felt that the
night was very long and
longer than any time before
Xu Chang’s operation was
finally over. He was
transferred to the general
Because of the earthquake,
there were not enough beds.
Six people lived in a small
The ward was very noisy.
Apart from the patient, there
were family members and
people from all over the
room, chattering, but Qin
Xiangnan could not hear
anything at this time.
She quietly looked at Xu
Chang, who had fallen
asleep before the anesthetic,
and his left hand was tightly
wrapped in white gauze.
He looked really haggard,
and his eyes were deep. Qin
Xiangnan touched the short
green stubble on his face
and pricked it between her
fingers one by one.
After a long time, Xu Chang
woke up, and he saw Qin
Xiangnan sitting at the bed
looking at him.
“Qin Xiangnan…” He
called her. This sound rolled
all the emotions in Qin
Xiangnan’s heart. Her tired,
sad, worried, frightened, and
fearful complex emotions
were released at this
moment, and her tears came
out constantly, and she burst
into tears.
“Don’t cry, am I good?” He
comforted her. He wanted to
raise his hand to dry her
tears, but his left hand
couldn’t lift it. He changed
his right hand and reached
towards her, but he was too
far away to reach it and
stopped in mid-air.
“Hurry up and let me wipe
your tears.”
Qin Xiangnan heard this and
smiled, put his right hand
back, and wiped away the
“Xu Chang, if you have
problems with your hand
and can’t be a doctor, what
should you do?” she asked
him worriedly.
Xu Chang thought for a
while and said, “It doesn’t
matter, I’m so smart, I can
do anything.”
She laughed again. In fact,
she knew that this was what
he had comforted her.
Qin Xiangnan glanced at the
time, it was already twelve
in the evening, but the room
was still very noisy.
“Xu Chang, if you don’t
want to sleep again, I’ll be
with you.”
“No, I have just slept for so
long, or you sleep, you must
be very tired these two
After listening to his words,
Qin Xiangnan was lying on
his right hand half-heartedly
with her head resting and
squinting her shoulders.
The room was very noisy,
but she slept soundly.
This night, she sat in a lot of
messy dreams, dreamed of
the terrified eyes of many
children, fled around in the
school, did not know why
she had to escape, and then
she also ran with these
children. Running
desperately, ran, down to a
mountain, the children were
gone, she saw Xu Chang
standing at the foot of the
mountain, he said: “Qin
Xiangnan, why are you
coming now.” She ran to
him quickly, when suddenly.
Seeing a stone rolling
behind him, she shouted:
“Xu Chang, run!”
“Where am I going?” Qin
Xiangnan woke up from the
dream and found himself
still leaning on Xu Chang..
She crawled out of bed and
looked at the time. At three
o’clock in the morning, the
room was finally quiet.
“I just had a dream.” She
lowered her voice and
“I know, you still dream of
me.” He said.
“Well, I also dreamed of the
children. They looked
scared, confused, and ran
desperately. I think they
must be like this when the
earthquake happened. They
ran away in panic. These
children are really pitiful. “
Xu Chang took her hand and
comforted her and said, “It
will pass soon.” The
The next morning, Qin
Xiangnan called Feng.
“Xiao Qin, you don’t have
to come here today, stay in
the hospital and take care of
Dr. Xu. You can rest
assured that Dagang Town
has almost rescued, we can
go back immediately. I will
go back to see it today, do
the aftermath work, “
Qin Xiangnan was happy:
“That’s really great.What do
you call me now I’m in the
hospital today, just to see
what can be newsworthy. “
“So much the better, Xiao
This is really the most
exciting news. The rescue
work is nearing completion
and they can go back
“Xu Chang, when my side is
over, let’s go back together.
Let’s go back to S City and
check your hands.”
Xu Chang smiled, “Okay,
I’ll listen to you.”
Qin Xiangnan is in the
urban hospital. She
interviewed some of the
wounded and found no
valuable clues to report. She
planned to give up. It
happened that she saw the
man in his thirties and his
injured son yesterday.
The little boy lost one leg,
but nothing else. The man
looked calm and much
better than he saw
“Ning Ning will be fine, you
can rest assured.” Qin
Xiangnan comforted him.
“Thank you so much. Ning
Ning and I will live well in
the future. Although Ning
Ning has no mother and
grandma, at least there is me.
Although he lost a leg, I will
be his legs. I must let him
live strong, no matter how
difficult it will be in the
future, I will be able to
survive it.”
Qin Xiangnan nodded, and
as long as there is hope in
life, he must live well.
After returning to Xu
Chang’s ward, it was still
noisy, and the volunteer
who was rescued by Xu
Chang came today.
Qin Xiangnan greeted him
and asked him: “Is the
rescue work in Dagang
Town nearing its end
He nodded. “Yes, the rescue
work in Dingxian County is
almost finished thanks to the
rescue teams in all
directions, as well as
medical teams like Dr. Xu.”
Qin Xiangnan smiled: “Of
course I have to thank you
volunteers and helped a lot.”
He was a little embarrassed,
“Thank you very much, Dr.
Xu. He is my life-saving
“Are you also from S City?”
“Yeah, oh, I haven’t said
that. I was a junior in S City
Medical University. My
name is Zhang Yuanting.
My sister just call me Xiao
Qin Xiangnan smiled.
“Reading in the future will
be the best reward for Dr.
“Well, I would like to be an
excellent doctor like Dr. Xu.
It would be better if I could
be a colleague with Dr. Xu
in the future.”
Qin Xiangnan said she was
very optimistic about him
and told him to work harder
in the future.
After Xiao Zhang left, Xu
Chang greeted her and
hurried over, Qin Xiangnan
walked past suspiciously.
“What are you doing?” she
asked him.
“Have you seen the circle of
friends?” he asked her.
“No, I’m not free, what’s
wrong.” She finished taking
the phone out of her pocket.
She opened the circle of
friends and turned a few
down, but found nothing
“Turn down again.” Xu
Chang urged her.
She turned down a few more,
until staying in a circle of
friends sent by Xu Chang,
this is the circle of friends
he sent at two o’clock last
Xu Chang: Experience life
and death and will protect
my fairy forever.
And a picture of Qin
Xiangnan falling asleep last
night while leaning on Xu
Chang’s shoulder.
Qin Xiangnan questioned
him: “When did you
secretly took a photo, you
are too much.” But her heart
was very sweet.
Xu Chang smiled, “The
good things are to be taken
out and basked.”
Qin Xiangnan is strange,
why is this so familiar,
“Aren’t you saying that
good things can’t be taken
out and basked? In case…”
Xu Chang snorted : “I’m not
afraid, in case someone
covets you, I can withstand
Qin Xiangnan was very
happy in her heart, but she
pretended to be angry:
“Anyway, you can’t take a
picture of me secretly and
send it to your circle of
friends, in case I’m seen by
your little fans and be hated
by them.”
Xu Chang took out his
mobile phone and turned out
this circle of friends. “Look,
everyone is praising you.
You’re so good, don’t you
Qin Xiangnan looked at the
comments received by Xu
Chang. There were more
than 100 comments, which
was really scary.
Sure enough, they all
praised her, some said she
was beautiful, some said she
was brave, and some said
she matched Xu Chang very
well. Qin Xiangnan looked
at these comments with
“Qin Xiangnan, you see, in
the eyes of others, how good
you are, and you are good
enough for me. Don’t think
about it in the future, okay?
No matter what you become
in the future, I will not want
you. I’ll love you all my life
and protect you.”
“Okay.” She nodded, feeling
warm in her heart.
One day later, all the
reporters in the “Daily
News” finished their work
and returned to S City. Xu
Chang and Qin Xiangnan
also flew out of City C
Although they only went for
a week, they felt like it was
a century.
The first thing she did when
they returned to city S was
to take Xu Chang to the
hospital. The doctor said
that he had done this
operation successfully. It
should not be a problem in a
few months, but he should
not be taken lightly.
At this time, in order to take
good care of Xu Chang, Qin
Xiangnan completely
moved to Xu Chang’s home.
She was rushing to do
whatever dirty work, and
completely took him as a
young master.
“Qin Xiangnan, I think these
days have been very good. I
have a maid who prepares
my clothes, feeds me, and
the maid can make money.
It seems that my injury was
really worth it.”
Qin Xiangnan heard this and
a mop was thrown over,
“Xu Chang, don’t go too far.
I’m waiting for you to
quickly relieve me off work
and support the family.”
Xu Chang snorted, “I don’t
have a home. You don’t
want to marry me.”
Qin Xiangnan froze.
In fact, her phobia was only
during the time before she
went to city C. this
earthquake made her
understand that it was not
worth mentioning. When
she heard that Xu Chang
was injured while saving
people, her heart was
painful that she almost
couldn’t breath. At that time,
she thought that It would
have been better if she was
the one who got injured. Her
hand is not important but Xu
Chang’s hand was different.
He is using it to save people,
he can’t lose his hand.
Fortunately, Xu Chang’s
hand are all right now.
Otherwise, she is really
willing to take care of him
for life. Let him be a young
master for life, as long as
she is beside him.
At this time when she went
to the disaster area, she saw
people losing their loved
ones. This pain could not be
forgotten. In front of these,
isn’t her phobia of marriage
Moreover, Xu Chang said
that she deserves him. No
matter what she becomes in
the future, he will always
want her. She is willing to
be his partner even if they
quarrel for some petty
things in the future, she
won’t care anymore. Love
can become a part of life.
She is willing to live with
him through everything.
But how would she tell him
that her phobia was already
gone? It’s impossible to lick
face and say, “Xu Chang,
let’s get married” that was
too embarrassing.
She had to pretend that she
was the same, not
acknowledging or opposing.
Unexpectedly, her phobia
was cured but another
phobia followed. She could
hear people mumbling:
“Save me, save me…” and
then all around the ruins,
she stood alone in the
middle hearing all the cries
for help. She was frightened.
She wanted to ask for help
but there was no one around.
She shouted: “Help!”
She woke up, she opened
her eyes and found that she
had returned to S City, and
everything had passed.
Xu Chang was awakened by
her shouting, he turned on
the light and saw her
sweating in vain, her face
“What’s wrong with you,
are you having nightmares
again?” Xu Chang wiped
the sweat off her forehead.
She nodded, her expression
still trance.
Xu Chang hugged her
tightly in her arms, “What
did you dream about again
this time?”
“I dreamed that many
children asked me for help. I
was standing alone in the
middle of the ruins, and I
couldn’t help them.”
“This is not your problem,
not everyone can save
people.” He comforted her.
“However, I am clearly on
the spot, but I can’t save any
person. I think my power is
too small.”
“You don’t have to blame
yourself. This is not
something that can be
solved by one person’s
power. Don’t think about it
anymore. Go to bed
Xu Chang patted her back
gently, kissed her forehead,
and appeased her.
Xu Chang realized that her
problem was very serious,
so he still found a
psychiatrist friend who had
consulted the marriage
phobia last time.
“Dr. Zhao, is there any way
for her to heal such
psychological trauma as
soon as possible?”
“Dr. Xu, your girlfriend had
a marriage phobia then and
now this?”
Xu Chang felt a little
embarrassed. After a while
he said: “She is more
“There is no better treatment
for this kind of
psychological trauma, that is,
to maintain a good mood,
build self-confidence, and
properly transfer attention. I
said so much the rest, it
depends on what Dr. Xu
Xu Chang nodded
In the evening, Qin
Xiangnan cooked in the
kitchen, and Xu Chang was
investigating information
about this psychological
“Xu Chang, you haven’t
been to work recently. What
do you stare at a computer
every day?” Qin Xiangnan
asked him out of his head
from the kitchen.
“You have no end to
learning, do you
Qin Xiangnan yelled and
continued to cook. After a
while, she was cat-waisted,
crouching and trying to
make a surprise attack to see
what he was doing.
Unexpectedly, Xu Chang
had already discovered it
and immediately switched
She quietly walked behind
him, thinking that she had
succeeded in the raid,
“Huh,” she said, “What do
you think of this?”
Xu Chang pretended to be
startled, “Why don’t you
walk without sound, who is
scared to death.”
Qin Xiangnan chuckled
twice, “But what do you
think of this?”
At this time Xu Chang’s
computer screen jumped
abruptly, and Qin Xiangnan
looked suspiciously.
“I want to take advantage of
this time not to work, go out
to play.” Xu Chang said.
“Oh, then you, have fun.”
Qin Xiangnan was
somewhat lost.
“Are you pretending? What
am I going to do alone? Of
course I will go with you.”
She sighed with excitement,
“But I’m going to work.”
“Can’t you ask for leave?
This time is so hard, take a
good rest.”
Qin Xiangnan heard Xu
Chang say this, she hugged
his neck happily, “Well, you
are the one who told me to
“Well, yes, I told you to
go.” Xu Chang said
Two days later, Qin
Xiangnan took a week off
from the unit. After handing
over the work, he started a
romantic trip with Xu
They are ready to punch in
the internet celebrity
attractions. It was a salt lake
in the western region, and
the scenery was very
beautiful. Qin Xiangnan fell
in love with this place at the
first sight when she saw the
tourist guide.
After a long journey, she
finally reached this
outrageously beautiful
This salt lake is endless, but
only 20 centimeters deep,
not even the depth of the
lake’s center. Around the
lake, mountains were rising
from the ground, and the
clear lake water imprinted
them on the lake.
Qin Xiangnan was spinning
and dancing on the lake in
excitement. She wore a red
long dress, and her red
reflection was printed on the
lake, as if she was showing
the wonderful figure like a
Xu Chang took beautiful
pictures of her. She splashed
water on the lake and pulled
Xu Chang to the center of
the lake. The two made a lot
of noise.
In the evening, they tried the
local cuisine. Qin
Xiangnan’s mood was very
relaxed on this day, away
from the hustle and bustle of
the metropolis of S City, she
came to such an empty and
beautiful place, she
suddenly threw away the
shackles, let go of her mind,
and put her body. They have
been purified, and more
importantly, there is the
person they love the most.
This evening, Qin Xiangnan
accidentally did not have a
nightmare, but had a sweet
She dreamed that she was
standing in the middle of
this salt lake, wearing a
beautiful wedding dress,
wearing a white gauze. Xu
Chang stood in front of her
and asked her: “Qin
Xiangnan, are you willing to
marry me?” Then she
pounced on him and shouted
out loudly: “I will!”
“I will!” Qin Xiangnan
opened her eyes suddenly,
not knowing where she was,
and slowly remembered
what was going on.
Xu Chang turned on the
lamp, looked at her and
asked, “Are you having
nightmares again?”
She shook her head, “No, go
to bed.”
Although she had a
beautiful dream, she woke
up and found that this was
not true. Lost for a while.
She hugged Xu Chang’s
waist, but fortunately he was
around, better than anything.
The next day, they planned
to go to the prairie to see
cattle and sheep, but Qin
Xiangnan went to bed
together and found that she
had an altitude sickness, and
her head had been dizzy.
Xu Chang looked at her
uncomfortably and said, “If
you don’t go today, take a
day off and go again
“Then how to do it, the plan
has been decided and I must
go.” Xu Chang looked at her
like this. Determined to go,
he had to agree.
Before they set off, they
were ready to rent a car, but
suddenly they remembered
that Xu Chang was injured
in his left hand. It was
inconvenient to drive, and
the road was far away. It
was also very dangerous to
drive with one hand. After
thinking for a long time,
they don’t know what to do.
At this time, two pretty girls,
one tall and one short, but
very cute. The two
happened to rent a car, and
when they heard what they
said, they ran and asked,
“Are you going to the
grassland too?”
Qin Xiangnan said yes.
The tall girl said: “We are
going too. We will need a
car, I can drive.”,
Qin Xiangnan was very
happy, thinking that the
problem was solved. Just
ask Xu Chang: “Xu Chang,
what do you say?”
Xu Chang hesitated, and
when she saw some
disagreement, she pulled
him aside and asked him
quietly, “Why not, isn’t it
” It seems not very
convenient.” He said.
“Oh, what’s the matter, I
don’t mind it.” Qin
Xiangnan thought, she
didn’t mind being two
beautiful girls, Xu Chang
wanted to do so much.
“Okay, then.” Xu Chang
finally agreed, and she said
to the two girls that she
agreed to share the car.
In this way, they set off with
the two girls.
They introduced each other
along the way, only to
realize that the two girls
were from city B, the tall
girl said that she was Xiao
Mei, and the short girl was
named Xiao Ling.
Qin Xiangnan had some
altitude sickness, and after
sitting in the car for a long
time, she felt dizzy and
didn’t want to talk much.
Xiaomei and Xiaoling saw
that she did not speak, so
they asked Xu Chang.
“Hey, handsome, is she your
girlfriend or wife.” Xiaomei
asked him.
“Girlfriend.” He answered.
“Oh, handsome guy, your
hand is hurt? How did it
hurt, it looks very serious.”
“Accidentally hurt.”
Xiao Mei snorted. Seeing
that Xu Chang was not
chatty, she stopped talking
and chatted with Xiao Ling.
From their conversation,
they heard that they are a
pair of friends. Xiao Ling
seemed to have came out of
a break up and Xiao Mei
came out to accompany her.
About an hour later, there
was a sudden heavy rain.
Qin Xiangnan was anxious.
“What Chang, what should I
do if it rains?”
“We will find a place to rest
first.” He said.
“Then how to do it. We
have been driving for a
while, maybe it won’t be
possible in a while.” She
thought that today’s
itinerary had been booked.
Xiao Mei also agreed:
“Yeah. Let’s go.”
Xu Chang didn’t say
anything and agreed by
Unexpectedly, the rain
became heavier and the road
became difficult. Xiao Mei
drove through a muddy road
and was a little worried:
“Oh, it seems a bit
dangerous. We can go
Xu Chang thought that it
was okay but Qin Xiangnan
was a little unhappy: “But
we’ve drove in a while, isn’t
it a pity to go back?”
Xiao Ling also felt pity: “I
think that we should
continue. I heard that the
prairie is so vast and
beautiful and not to be
Qin Xiangnan read the
weather forecast, “It won’t
rain for a while. Let’s go.
Xu Chang, shall we?”
“Okay.” With Xu Chang’s
affirmation, Xiao Mei had to
continue driving forward.
Sure enough, as the car
drove for a while, it
continued to rain. The
weather here was really
changeable. Qin Xiangnan
was happy, but her motion
sickness became more and
more serious. In addition to
dizziness, her chest was
tight and she had difficulty
Xu Chang looked at her so
uncomfortable and a little
bit distressed and said: “You
should have listened to me
today and not come out.
Take a good day off. I’m
afraid you will vomit in a
Qin Xiangnan leaned on Xu
Chang’s shoulder. She
closed her eyes and tried to
restrain herself from puking.
Unexpectedly, although the
weather has improved, the
car broke down halfway.
They got off the car to
check, Xu Chang judged
that there should be a
problem with the engine,
and the car could not be
driven off.
Xu Chang suggested to find
a place to rest, and then find
a way to repair the car. But
Qin Xiangnan thought that
they should be there in an
hour and just needed to walk
“Qin Xiangnan, you are
stupid. You have to drive
for half an hour and walk
for a few hours.” He must
not listen to her this time.
“It’s a big deal, try to get a
ride while walking,” she
“No.” He disagreed. “You
were uncomfortable. If you
go on, I’m afraid you will
Qin Xiangnan was unwilling.
“It doesn’t matter. I’m much
better now. I can go.”
“Anyway this time you have
to listen to me. Rest first,
and then think of a way.” He
gave her no room for
Xiao Mei and Xiao Ling
also said: “Since the car
broke down, let’s find a
place to rest.”
Since all three said so, Qin
Xiangnan had to agree, but
she was still a little
Several people found a
restaurant nearby, preparing
to eat something before
trying to repair the car.
At dinner, Qin Xiangnan’s
motion sickness came again.
She wanted to vomit in an
instant, but she didn’t want
to worry Xu Chang.
“Xu Chang, I’m going to the
toilet, and I’ll come back
Xu Chang nodded.
She ran out quickly and
vomited when she found the
toilet. In fact, she couldn’t
spit out anything. She hadn’t
eaten much in the morning.
After retching for a few
times, she washed her face,
sorted herself out, and then
went back.
When she walked to the
door of the hotel and heard
Xiao Mei’s voice, she
“Handsome guy, your
girlfriend doesn’t seem very
sensible. It’s raining so
much today. Why did she
force me to drive over? You
don’t know how muddy and
dangerous this road is.”
Xiao Ling also echoed:
“Yeah, handsome man, are
you particularly afraid of
your girlfriend. Why do you
always listen to her. Is she
always fierce to you?”
Qin Xiangnan did not hear
Xu Chang’s reply. She fixed
her mood, walked in, sat
down, and started eating.
After eating, they asked the
restaurant owner where to
repair the car. The
enthusiastic boss made a
phone call, and soon a
mechanic came with a tool.
After repairing for a long
time, the mechanic still
didn’t get it right. Qin
Xiangnan was anxious. It
was already 3 o’clock in the
afternoon. It would be dark
if they went on repairing it,
so she went to see the
“Xu Chang, can we think of
other ways?” she asked.
“The car must be repaired
before it can be returned. Or,
stay here for one night today
and see it tomorrow.”
“But…” she hesitated.
“Listen, your physical
condition should have been
taken care of. Otherwise,
you won’t have to do so
much today,” he said.
Qin Xiangnan was a little
angry, and when she thought
back to Xiao Mei Xiao Ling,
she was even more annoyed,
“Xu Chang, are you blaming
Xu Chang choked and
sighed, “How could I blame
you. I’m worried about your
She didn’t speak, but she
was still angry.
Later, the mechanic said that
if the repair is not good
today, the parts have to be
replaced, and the parts will
be taken and repaired
Qin Xiangnan watched
today’s itinerary just as it
was, and didn’t mention
how lost it was.
They found a hotel nearby
to stay. Qin Xiangnan was
lying in bed because of her
After a while, Xiao Mei
suddenly knocked on the
door, “Handsome guy,
beautiful woman, Xiaoling
has a fever, and is vomiting
and has a diarrhea. Do you
have any medicine?”
Xu Chang opened the door
and Xiao Mei said anxiously
outside: “Handsome, Xiao
Ling suddenly developed a
fever and has been vomiting.
I want to ask if you have
any antipyretics or
something.” Xu Chang
thought about it and said,
“I’ll go see her.”
“Not allowed to go!” She
got up and shouted at Xu
Chang. “You are not a
physician, what are you
going to do?”
Xu Chang saw her reaction
was suddenly so big, walked
over and said to her: “I will
see everything. Just take a
look, don’t think about it.”
Qin Xiangnan did not speak.
Xu Chang then ignored her
and went out with Xiao Mei.
The more she thought, the
more angry she was, and the
more she thought of Xiao
Mei and Xiao Ling today,
the more angry she became.
She got up from the bed, put
on her clothes, and walked
out the door.
She didn’t know which
room Xiao Mei and Xiao
Ling was in, but the hotel
was very small, with a total
of three floors.
After a while, she heard
Xiao Mei’s voice, and the
door of their room was not
“Handsome, why is your
girlfriend like this? It turns
out that you are a doctor.
Isn’t it a matter of for a
doctor to see a patient? How
can she stop you from
saving someone? Is she too
pretentious? I think you
really got a bag of anger
Qin Xiangnan still didn’t
hear Xu Chang’s answer.
Xiao Mei continued: “Don’t
you think about our Xiao
Ling. Xiao Ling is the most
understanding girl.”
At this time, Xu Chang
finally said: “I won’t think
about it. She’s okay, just ate
some bad food, coupled
with motion sickness, she
just needed to take a break.”
After a while, Xu Chang
walked out of the two’s
room and saw Qin Xiangnan
standing at the door,
Qin Xiangnan snorted
towards him and turned
away. She walked very fast,
Xu Chang chased behind.
When he ran to their room,
Qin Xiangnan flashed into
the door and shut the door
with Xu Chang outside.
“Qin Xiangnan, what are
you doing? Open the door.”
He knocked outside.
“Xu Chang, I don’t want to
care about you.” She really
felt suffocated today.
Unexpectedly, he confessed
the error in the next second,
“I’m wrong, open the door
Qin Xiangnan softened after
listening to him, but because
of his face, and the anger
had not disappeared, she
would not open the door.
“Are you blaming me today?
Do you think I am right?”
“I will not blame you. I like
how you treat me. If you are
fierce, I am happy. I am
wrong today. I didn’t listen
to you. If you want to see
the prairie, even if I walk
with you for a few hours, I
should let you see it. I will
listen to you next time.
Except… when someone is
sick, I still have to go
becaue I am a doctor. I’ll
listen to you, I promise!”
Qin Xiangnan snickered,
opened the door
immediately, and said to
him: “I know, I’ll spare you
He laughed and quickly
entered the room. After
entering, he carried her with
one hand.
She yelled, “What are you
“I just forgot to say a little,
and this has to listen to
“Nasty, don’t press my
The next morning, the
mechanic repaired the car,
After driving for half an
hour, the four finally saw
the vast prairie, as well as
many yaks. Qin Xiangnan
was very happy this day.
Although she saw it one day
late, she was already
Today the weather is very
good. The two of them lied
on the grass, looking at the
blue sky and white clouds,
and the surrounding cattle
and sheep are in groups,
forgetting all their worries.
“Xu Chang, I really want to
stay here forever, and I
don’t want to go back.”
“Yes, you are here to be a
cowherd and eat dried beef.
How good.” He said.
“What about you?” she
“Of course I have to go back,
She was angry, “Do you
want to say that you can
find someone else at that
Xu Chang shook his head,
“I mean, when…you send
me more to just order some
beef jerky.” He said with a
Qin Xiangnan hit him with a
small pink fist, “Then I will
go back. I will be where you
Xu Chang turned his head to
look at her, squeezed her
face, and said, “Even if you
don’t go back, I won’t find
someone else. The position
in my heart will always be
reserved for you alone.”
At four in the afternoon, the
four drove back.
When the four were
separated, Xiao Mei also
tried to hook Xu Chang
again: “Handsome guy,
come to City B. Next time,
find me and Xiao Ling to
Qin Xiangnan snorted in her
heart, only heard Xu Chang
say: “No , I only play with
my girlfriend. I can’t look
down on others.”
Xiao Mei and Xiao Ling
glared dry, Qin Xiangnan
smirked aside.
This romantic trip, the two
quickly spent in sweetness.
After seven days of playing,
they finally returned to S
City. This time, after Xu
Chang’s treatment, Qin
Xiangnan’s phobia of the
earthquake was finally
Three months later, Xu
Chang’s hands were
completely free of problems,
and he was finally able to
work normally. Qin
Xiangnan wanted to move
back to her home, but Xu
Chang disagreed. Under his
soft grinding, she relaxed
and agreed not to move back.
But the status is different
from the previous three
“Xu Chang, this is you
begging me to live here.”
She has a proud little
“Yes, yes, I beg you.” He
was helpless.
“Well, you’re not ready to
cook yet.” She said fiercely
with her hands folded on her
“Immediately, no one can be
hungry.” She nodded in
In fact, Xu Chang has been
as busy as a dog every day
since he went to work, and
he is even busier than before.
Qin Xiangnan is a little
better than him, and she can
go home every day no
matter how late. But Xu
Chang is different, and he
may not be seen for several
nights. She had to eat with
the cat.
“Little potato, what do you
say your master is doing?”
“Meow,” Potato looked at
her with a wink.
“You also think you miss
him, and me too. But we
can’t disturb him. Your
master is busy working. He
is a great doctor. He can
save others’ lives. He is the
best person I know. He is
smart, kind and responsible.
The most important thing is
that he looks handsome,
She poured some cat food
for potatoes. “Eat your
When she was sleeping at
night, she felt like someone
crawled into the bed, and
then he put her hands
around her waist.
“Xu Chang, you are back.”
She said sleepily.
“Well, I had a major
operation today and I was a
little tired.”
“Well, you go to sleep.”
After this sentence, Qin
Xiangnan heard his even
She rolled over and reached
out to hug him, as long as he
was there, she would always
love him.
On this day, Qin Xiangnan
was working at the company.
President Pang held a
meeting and said that he
wanted to announce good
news to everyone.
“Everyone, everyone knows
that before the C City
earthquake, several of our
“Daily News” reporters took
the initiative to the front line,
bringing back the first line
of information to the people
of the country. These
reporters are all worthy of
our respect. Here, first of all,
I commend the reporters on
behalf of the “Daily News”.
You are all great.” Mr. Pang
gave some applause, and
everyone also applauded.
Then he continued: “The
good news today is that the
annual S City Reporter
Selection Party will be held
next month. According to
internal information, all six
reporters from the “Daily
News” who went to the
front line won the award.
Now, this is the supreme
“Really?” Chen Xiaoqi
couldn’t restrain the joy in
her heart, knowing that she
was speechless, she quickly
covered her mouth.
“Of course it is true. Xiao
Chen, you can take the
limelight this time.”
President Pang ridiculed.
Chen Xiaoqi was ecstatic,
grabbing Qin Xiangnan’s
arm, and was very excited,
“Sister Xiangnan, did you
hear that? We won the
award, the highest honor of
a reporter in city S. Oh my
God, I can still get such a
grand prize in my lifetime.
Ah. I have to tell my parents
to go, so excited haha.”
Everyone laughed when
they saw Chen Xiaoqi being
so excited.
“Xiao Chen, you should tell
your parents that journalists
who won this award can
invite their friends and
relatives to participate in
this awards ceremony and
witness your honor
together.” President Pang
“Really? That’s great.”
Chen Xiaoqi was crazy and
happy, and they also smiled.
Qin Xiangnan is also very
happy. After working for so
many years, she has never
won such an award. If she
can win this time, it will be
of great help to her future
career and also prove her
strength and value as a
After the meeting, Chen
Xiaoqi asked her with
excitement: “Sister Xiang
Nan, will you invite Dr. Xu
to participate in the award
ceremony this time? He will
be proud of you when he
sees you.”
Qin Xiangnan heard her
saying this, looking forward
to it, “Look at the situation,
he has been busy recently.”
“You can’t miss this time no
matter how busy. Anyway, I
will let my parents, and …
all come to participate.” Qin
Xiangnan was also very
happy when she looked at
Chen Xiaoqi’s staring
expectant eyes.
In the evening, Qin
Xiangnan told her mother
Zhao Mei of the good news.
“Really, Xiao Nan, you are
awesome. Mom is happy for
you. You can rest assured
that I will take your dad
with you that day and let
him see that our family’s
Xiao Nan has grown up and
won glory for our family.”
“Thank you mom, I know
you are the best.” She said
with a smile.
“I’ll let your brother and
Weiwei have to gor.”
“Mom, how about Weiweii,
and she is also more than six
months pregnant now.”
“Weiwei is fine, don’t worry
about it. You still have to
think about your
relationship with Xu Chang,
when do you plan to get
Hey, she also thinks, “Xu
Chang is very busy recently,
and I will discuss it when
I’m free. That’s it, I’ll hung
up, Mom.”
Xu Chang didn’t come back
that evening. In order not to
disturb his work, she didn’t
call to tell him the good
Unexpectedly, the next
morning, Xu Chang dragged
his tired body back.
“You are back!” Qin
Xiangnan smiled at him
Xu Chang is strange, “Are
you doing something wrong
She was angry. “Why do
you always think of me so
badly. I have good news to
tell you.”
Seeing her mysteriously, he
was also curious , “What?”
“This year’s S City
reporter’s selection, I won
the award, but this is S
City’s highest honor. How
about it, I’m not terrible.”
She looked proud.
Xu Chang also smiled, “You
are so good, you are so
powerful, and I am a little
She suspiciously, “What are
you worried about?”
“I worry that I am not
worthy of you.” He
She chuckled, “Why do you
want to learn from me?”
Xu Chang smiled slightly,
hugged her in his arms, and
said in her ear: “None of us
is worthy of you. In my eyes
you are the best. Aren’t you
She laughed, “Then are you
free next month on the tenth?
The winner can invite
family and friends to
witness the honor. I want
you to go and see how
beautiful I am to get the
award. “
“Okay, I will definitely take
the time, and I will be proud
of you.”
She tipped her toes and
pecked gently on his lips,
“Xu Chang, you are so
The S City reporter awards
party in anticipation was
coming soon.
The six reporters awarded
by the “Daily News” except
for Qin Xiangnan and Chen
Xiaoqi are girls, and the
other four boys today dress
up one handsome and one
Today, Chen Xiaoqi wore a
pure white pettiskirt, a
straight shoulder, makeup
which made her particularly
When she saw Qin
Xiangnan appear, she was
immediately stunned.
Sister Xiangnan, you are too
beautiful today.”
She saw that Qin Xiangnan
was wearing a pink
mopping skirt today, the
texture of the hem was
elegant and gentle, and the
upper body was tubeless and
backless, showing her
perfect curve vividly. The
hair seemed to be braided
randomly on the side of the
ear, with a light makeup,
and she was more delicate
and charming.
“Where, Xiaoqi, you are
super beautiful.” She
exaggerated Chen Xiaoqi in
her heart.
Several people took the
company car to the party
site and arranged it in the
auditorium of a superior
hotel in the city center.
After arriving at the scene, a
group of people were
arranged to sit in the front
row of the auditorium.
Chen Xiaoqi was watching
around, “Hey, Sister
Xiangnan, did you see your
family coming?”
After hearing her words,
Qin Xiangnan also found it.
She turned around and saw
Zhao Mei and Qin
Chaoming sitting in the
back two rows. Excited and
waved to them.
Zhao Mei also saw her,
quickly waved at her, and
grabbed Qin Chaoming’s
hand, shaking it.
Zhao Mei pointed to the two
people behind him, and Qin
Xiangnan discovered that
Qin Xiangbei and Sun
Weiwei were sitting behind.
Qin Xiangbei leaned lazily
on Sun Weiwei’s shoulders,
and Sun Weiwei looked
much rounder, and it was
almost seven months since
she was pregnant.
She saw Qin Xiangnan
saying hello to them, and
she smiled, her eyes bent
like two moons. Poke Qin
Xiangbei lying on her
shoulder, beckoning him to
say hello to Qin Xiangnan,
Qin Xiangbei looked like a
ruined dream, and left her
shoulder reluctantly, looking
towards Qin Xiangnan,
slowly raising his right hand.
After swinging his arm
twice, he quickly put it
down, and continued to lean
on Sun Weiwei’s shoulders,
squinting his eyes. Sun
Weiwei was speechless and
smiled apologetically at her.
Qin Xiangnan has long been
accustomed to her brother’s
style and still looks at them
with a smile. She looked
around again and didn’t see
Xu Chang. As a matter of
fact, the organizer would
arrange the family in the
next few rows, not too far
She thought Xu Chang
should still be busy. He was
half an hour away from the
beginning, and he would be
there in a while.
“Sister Xiangnan, is Dr. Xu
coming? Why didn’t I see
him.” Chen Xiaoqi asked
“He hasn’t come yet. He
said that he will definitely
come today. It’s not half an
hour yet.”
Chen Xiaoqi nodded.
Turning her head and
looking back, when he saw
a person, she suddenly
waved her hand excitedly,
hoping that the whole
person would stand up.
Qin Xiangnan was surprised
to see her so excited.
Looking in the direction of
her waving hand, she saw a
person who made her
unexpected. Ling Ran!
“Isn’t this the special
policeman Ling Ran we met
in City C? Why is he here
too?” Qin Xiangnan
Chen Xiaoqi suddenly
blushed, “Sister Xiangnan,
he…is my boyfriend.”
The story of Chen Xiaoqi
and Ling Ran is very
After the two of them met in
Dingxian County, Chen
Xiaoqi invited him back to S
City and invited him to
dinner, Ling Ran readily
Ling Ran was a special
policeman, usually a very
cool boy, but when he was
in Dingxian, he saw that the
children who lost their lives
could not be recovered, and
burst into tears. This soft
side was actually seen by a
strange girl, but he was still
Chen Xiaoqi is a carefree
girl. After returning to S
City, she invited Ling Ran
and said that she would do
an interview with him, let
him be on the news, and
show the tenderness of
police to the world. Ling
Ran refused when he heard
it. How could his reputation
be destroyed?
One refused, one strongly
invited, you come and go,
and you have such a
relationship. Chen Xiaoqi
felt that he was usually so
cool. She was completely in
love with the person she saw
in city C. She fell in love
with this handsome guy who
defended his homeland and
won glory for the country,
and began to pursue him
Ling Ran thought she was
annoying at first, but after a
long time, he discovered
that she was a particularly
kind, brave, and innocent
girl. And she threatened him
by taking a picture of him in
tears in City C. He had to
succumb to her and agreed
to socialize with her. Chen
Xiaoqi stayed in the cloud
and saw the moon, and fell
in love with Ling Ran.
“Okay, Xiaoqi, did you look
at people in City C? You
really do.” Qin Xiangnan
“Oh, why not? At that time,
I didn’t think so much.”
Qin Xiangnan looked at
Chen Xiaoqi with a happy
face, and said: “Ling Ran is
a good person, he looks cool
on the outside, but his heart
is very soft. You must
cherish him well. Such a
boy can’t afford to be hurt.”
“I see.” Chen Xiaoqi
Ten minutes before leaving
the field, Qin Xiangnan
looked around and still
couldn’t find Xu Chang’s
figure. She was a little
At this time, her mobile
phone vibrated, it was Xu
Chang who called.
“Xu Chang, are you here?”
“I’m sorry, I have a
temporary surgery today,
and I can’t go.”
She groaned in her heart,
“It’s okay, are you busy, my
parents and brother are here.
I’m already happy, you can
go back and watch the
replay online.”
“You will not be angry.”
“Of course not. Your affairs
are very important. I
understand it. You can do
the operation with peace of
mind. Don’t think about it.”
Qin Xiangnan hung up the
phone. Although she really
understood Xu Chang, she
couldn’t help but feel lost.
Ten minutes later, the party
officially started. When the
host came to the stage and
made some official remarks,
the awards finally began,
and everyone was nervous
and excited.
Chen Xiaoqi held Qin
Xiangnan’s hand tightly and
sweated out their hands.
“The following is the
Outstanding Contribution
Award. In this year’s C City
earthquake, they took the
initiative to go to the front
line of the disaster area, not
afraid of life and death, and
spread the scene of the
disaster area to the world at
the fastest speed. Let us
invite you with the warmest
applause. Six reporters from
the “Daily Newsy” come to
the stage to receive the
award. The Outstanding
Contribution Award was
awarded to you, and you
deserve it.”
Chen Xiaoqi was still
shaking, Qin Xiangnan
grabbed her hand and came
to power with her.
When the spotlights hit the
six reporters, when the
audience applauded
thunderously, when the
award winners shook hands
and congratulated them one
by one, the six reporters on
this stage were excited, but
more were full of pride.
“Congratulations to these
six reporters, would you
please send a representative
to give the award speech.”
The six people were a little
embarrassed. How could
there be any award speech,
not prepared.
Chen Xiaoqi said quietly:
“Not me, I don’t know what
to say, you are the leader,
you are the leader.”
“I can’t, I am very nervous
today.” She saw brother
Feng sweating.
“Hey, Sister Xiangnan, you
go, you look pretty, and give
us a long face.” Chen
Xiaoqi shoved Qin
Xiangnan again.
Qin Xiangnan was also
nervous and wanted to
refuse. Someone was
pushed forward by Chen
Xiaoqi and took a step
“Then we have invited this
beautiful journalist to make
a speech.” The host looked
at her, and she had to walk
She kept herself as calm as
possible. Although her legs
and feet were trembling, she
picked up the microphone
the host gave her and took a
deep breath.
She saw Zhao Mei and Qin
Chaoming under the stage
smiling at her, saw Sun
Weiwei applauding and
cheering her, saw Qin
Xiangbei lying lazily on Sun
Weiwei’s shoulder, and
gave her a thumbs up.
Seeing that all the audience
on stage looked at
themselves with expectant
“Hello everyone, I am a
reporter from “Daily News”.
My name is Qin Xiangnan. I
am very happy to be on the
podium today with my five
outstanding colleagues and
won the Outstanding
Contribution Award. This
award belongs to more than
six of us. It belongs to all
the rescue teams, medical
teams and volunteers who
went to the front line to
fight for the relief operation.
We only used our eyes and
cameras to record, and they
were the real soldiers.
Sweated to pry open the
stones that weighed on the
victims, to save the dying
life, to appease the sadness
of the families of the victims,
and to thank all the selfless
devoted people on the front
line. They are the ones who
make the news reported by
our reporters more valuable.
more meaningful.”
She paused and continued:
“When I was young, I saw
an article interviewing a
reporter in a magazine. That
reporter’s words deeply
infected me before I was
allowed to become a
reporter. In this way, he said:
Experience the news scene
carefully and listen to the
voices of the masses in
order to gain the power to
infect people’s hearts. This
sentence became my
original intention as a
reporter. In future work, no
matter what difficulties I
encounter, I will definitely
not forget this original
intention and be a better
Qin Xiangnan finished the
speech and stood up with
applause! She was full of
If Xu Chang is here, he can
see, it is even better…
After they stepped down,
they still couldn’t restrain
their mood. Chen Xiaoqi
said in her ear: “Sister
Xiangnan, what you just
said is really great!” Qin
Xiangnan smiled.
After a few awards later,
today’s party ended here.
At the end of the meeting,
President Pang suddenly
said: “Several of our “Daily
News” will wait for a brief
meeting, family members,
and so on, and celebrate the
feast at night.”
Qin Xiangnan felt strange.
What will happen?
She sat on the chair and
obeyed the leadership’s
arrangement. Suddenly all
the lights went out, and she
grabbed Chen Xiaoqi’s arm.
“What’s the matter? Power
outage?” Chen Xiaoqi didn’t
answer her.
At this time, the music
suddenly played on the
sound. A prelude to a song,
she seemed to hear the
sound of someone playing
the guitar. Then, she heard a
very beautiful song.
The first time I saw
your shy smile
You have made me
receive the signal of love
The chaotic world is
full of beautiful hearts
I like to kiss you gently
in my arms
Quietly feel your soft
Little shoulders also
have a lot to rely on
My life is simple
Because of your
I think I just hold your
hand forever
This voice… Qin
Xiangnan’s heart
At this time, a spotlight on
the stage shone down and
Qin Xiangnan breathed for a
while… under the spotlight,
it is Xu Chang. He was
sitting, playing guitar,
I have been expecting
to live a complicated
life simply
because of your
I wanted to hold your
hand like this. Forever
Qin Xiangnan suddenly
understood what was going
on, her tears could not help
but fall down. At this time,
Xu Chang stood up, put
down the guitar, picked up
the microphone in front, and
slowly walked towards her.
Honor and love you
For the rest of you life
to be together and to
see the flowers
have this dialogue
The long road has
never changed
As long as you are in
my life
To listen to him sing this
moving song towards her,
her heart jumps out of her
chest. Xu Chang reached out
and took her to the stage. At
this time, all the lights in the
audience lit up, and the
audience under the stage
swarmed up, waiting for
him to speak quietly.
Xu Chang looked at her
affectionately, took her hand,
and said with a smile: “Ten
years ago, because of my
stupidity, I missed a girl. I
missed her for ten years and
loved her for ten years.
Today, I was fortunate to
hold the girl’s hand, and I
would not let go.”
He took a dark box from his
pocket and opened it,
kneeling on one knee, “Qin
Xiangnan, would you marry
The people around started
cheering and cheering. Qin
Xiangnan’s nose was sour,
looking at the affectionate
man in front of her, saying
what she thought for a long
time: “I will!”
The wedding was held two
months later. Qin Xiangnan
had just been a bridesmaid
not long ago, and she is
already familiar with the
matter of marriage.
For the difficult task of
picking up the bride, each
groom may have to take a
turn. She don’t know who
came up with the truth game
last time when Qin Xiangbei
received Sun Weiwei. This
game is used again today.
Li Susu and Sun Weiwei are
both about to give birth in
half a month. She sits on the
side with a big belly
watching the fun. The
difficult task of making the
bridegroom difficult was
given to the bridesmaid
group represented by Chen
Xu Chang and the
groomsmen were blocked
outside the door. As early as
a few days ago, he knew
there would be such a thing,
and the topic Qin Xiangnan
had already thought about it.
She secretly sold him a pass.
“Xu Chang, do you want to
know what the problem is?
If you ask me, I will tell
Xu Chang snorted. “What
problem can make me
She waited for his attitude.
This time when Xu Chang’s
turn came, he was a little
Chen Xiaoqi made a list,
cleared her throat, and
shouted: “Listen outside,
there are a total of ten
questions. Please ask the
groom to randomly pick
three questions to answer. If
you answer all the questions
correctly, you can pick up
the bride.
“I’ll do it myself.” Xu
Chang said: “First, second,
and third questions.”
Thinking about this question,
the more difficult it is to go
Chen Xiaoqi began to read
the questions: “The first
question I ask. A high
school senior, sitting in front
of third place in front of the
groom’s left fourth who was
The side of the Su
Mingxuan began to stir,
“It’s a simple question, is
certainly the bride “”
Xu Chang thought for a
while and answered: “Li
Su Mingxuan was surprised.
“Congratulations on the
correct answer to the first
Ji Yuan laughed aside: “Su
Mingxuan, you don’t even
know where your wife is
sitting, ha ha ha!”
Su Mingxuan embarrassed.
Scratched his head: “Am I
not trying to mislead the
Xu Chang glanced at him:
“Who’s side are you on?”
Chen Xiaoqi continued the
question: “The second
question, I ask. At high
school first semester final
exam, what was the bride’s
math exam score?”
Everyone felt excited,
“What’s the problem, can
you remember?”
Xu Chang frowned, “Do
you really want me to say?”
Chen Xiaoqi cleared her
throat: “Of course!”
He looked at the look
around the people around
him and gently said: “39
Everyone laughed. Xu
Chang is embarrassed,
thinking about Qin
Xiangnan being a fool, this
kind of problems are there!
“The answer is correct.
Please listen to the last
question. When did the
bridegroom started liking
the bride?”
Everyone started to coax.
“Xu Chang, you have to
think about this question. If
you get it wrong, the bride
should be unhappy.” “
Xu Chang said: “This
question has bugs. How
does the bride know when I
liked her, and how can there
be a standard answer?”
Chen Xiaoqi chuckled:
“This question is open and
answered until the bride is
Xu Chang thought about it
and said, “When I was in the
third year of senior high
Everyone wowed and
started to tease.
“Wait a moment, I have to
ask the bride if she is
satisfied.” Chen Xiaoqi ran
over and returned within a
few seconds. “The bride
expressed dissatisfaction,
please ask the bridegroom to
continue to answer!”
Xu Chang gritted his teeth.
Several seconds later, Chen
Xiaoqi replied “not
“Not satisfied!
Xu Chang did not withdraw
this time, and he didn’t
know her before.
“Groom, you have to think
carefully Oh~” Chen Xiaoqi
“When I was a kid! “
“Unsatisfactory! “
“Birth! “
“Unsatisfactory! “
Xu Chang calmed down
after taking the wrong
answer and took a deep
breath. “The last life and
this life, the next life, the
next life, the third life, I
only like Qin Xiangnan!
“The answer is satisfactory,
please invite the groom into
the house!”
Everyone laughed wildly.
“Xu Chang, I didn’t expect
you to have this today too!”
After some hardships,
everyone finally entered the
house in laughter.
At this time the bride was
sitting on the edge of the
bed, bowing her head with a
Xu Chang was very excited.
He had never seen such a
beautiful woman, he was
about to take a step and was
stopped by Chen Xiaoqi.
“Groom, it’s not time to
pick up the bride. You have
to find the bride’s shoes. It’s
a five-minute time limit, and
now the time starts!”
She saw that the groom was
motionless, and the
groomsmen began to worry,
one in each corner they
started looking in the corner,
but they couldn’t find it.
“Groom, there are still two
minutes, are you in a
“There is one minute!”
“There are thirty seconds,
twenty seconds…”
Xu Chang finally said:
“Don’t look for it, the shoes
are on both of them.
Underneath the skirt.” He
looked at Li Susu and Sun
Weiwei, who were sitting on
the side, always looking at
the bustle.
The two of them blinked
and looked at him. The
bride was surprised!
He smiled faintly: “I just
found them everywhere.
Only the two of them didn’t
move at all, and they looked
a little nervous. It’s not too
late, can we pick up the
Chen Xiaoqi silently took
one from each of them.
Shoes, looked at the bride
The groomsmen started to
coax, “What other tricks do
you have, let them out!”
The bridesmaids expressed
their surrender. After Xu
Chang successfully received
the bride, he went to the
hotel to start their wedding
When the romantic and
sacred wedding ended, Qin
Xiangnan’s whole bones fell
“Xu Chang, it turned out
that getting married is much
more tiring than being a
bridesmaid.” She lay down
on the couch in the lounge,
she hasn’t changed her red
dress yet, and she looked
absolutely unlovable.
Xu Chang glanced at her:
“Why, regret it?”
She was too tired to say a
“You will rest for a while, I
will go as soon as I
changed.” Xu Chang said
this sentence, and in a blink
of an eye, he was gone.
She sighed and closed her
eyes for a while.
After a while, she heard a
burst of high-heeled shoes.
From far and near, she
slowly opened her eyes.
Qin Xiangnan was a little
stunned. Standing in front of
her was a strange young girl.
She looked very beautiful,
but she looked familiar
especially her eyebrows.
She smiled sweetly and was
looking at her.
“Who are you?”
The girl was a little
embarrassed and said shyly:
Qin Xiangnan was
frightened by this claim and
completely lost the
sleepiness just now.
The girl saw her surprised
and said with a smile: “I am
Xu Chang’s sister.”
Sister? She thought about
this sentence carefully. Xu
Chang’s sister? When did he
have a younger sister?
“It’s a half-sister…”
Qin Xiangnan reacted in an
instant, and it turned out
She carefully observed the
girl in front of her. About 25
years old, with a beautiful
and soft appearance, but her
eyebrows were like Xu
Chang’s. She suddenly felt a
kind of intimacy was born.
Qin Xiangnan got up and
took her hand, said: “So you
have come to our wedding, I
don’t even know.”
The girl shook her head,
“No, we just came to see.”
She was surprised by her
‘we’. “Is your mother here
She nodded. “My mother,
she didn’t come in, just at
the door of the hotel.”
That was Xu Chang’s
mother, she remembered the
one at Xu Chang’s
grandma’s house. In the
photo, the very beautiful
young woman looks like the
girl in front of her.
“Can I see her?”
The girl thought for a while.
“We came here secretly,
brother… He didn’t want to
see us very much, I’m
“I’ll just take a look, can I? I
promise not to tell you
brother. “
At the entrance of the hotel,
Qin Xiangnan finally saw
Xu Chang’s mother. She
was sitting in the car. She
looked only about fifty
years old. She was beautiful,
dignified, and
temperamental. When she
saw Qin Xiangnan, her
mother smiled. Slightly
nodded to her.
She didn’t dare to go
forward. This was Xu
Chang’s mother. When he
was young, she abandoned
him ruthlessly and never
returned. Xu Chang no
longer has a mother’s pain
and love, when he was
crying when he was a child,
when he was bullied, when
he wanted his mother’s
comfort, when he was alone,
where is his mother? When
Xu Chang went to
university in city B alone,
how did his mother treat
After so many years, his
mother has not given him a
trace of love, and Qin
Xiangnan has nothing to say
to the woman in front of her.
If Xu Chang doesn’t want to
see her, then never see her
“Sister-in-law, I’m going.”
Xu Chang’s sister said
softly, holding her hand.
Qin Xiangnan nodded.
The younger sister got into
the car and whispered
something to her mother.
She didn’t hear it, and she
didn’t want to hear it.
Looking at the car and going
away, she said quietly in her
heart: Goodbye.
When she returned to the
lounge, she found Xu Chang
was looking for her.
“Where have you been?” he
asked anxiously.
She made an excuse and
pretended and said softly:
“Oh, it’s just a little boring,
go out and see the place
He nodded.
“Have all the guests leave?
Is it possible to go back, I’m
“Yeah.” Xu Chang took her
hand, hooked her mouth,
and said, “Go home, Mrs.
Three months later. One
morning, Qin Xiangnan
slept in bed. Xu Chang had
already prepared breakfast.
He climbed into the bed and
said in her ear: “Little lazy
cat, get up for breakfast.”
She turned over and said in
a confused voice: “I’m so
sleepy, I’ll sleep for a
Xu Chang was helpless: ”
You’ll be late for work.”
He picked her up from the
bed and Qin Xiangnan eyes
were still closed. He shook
his head and said, “You help
me get dressed.” She sighed,
After getting up, Qin
Xiangnan was finally awake.
“What did you make
She ran happily, “Wow, it’s
fried eggs, and…”
She smelled it and suddenly
began to retort, “Xu Chang,
did you put anything weird
into it today?”
Xu Chang said, “No.”
“Then why do I smell
something bad?” She
finished covering her mouth
and gagged again.
He froze for a few seconds,
then, with an unidentified
smile, said to her: “Qin
Xiangnan, it seems that you
can’t go to work today.”
One day in July, the child
Xu Xinyu was watching TV
while eating at the
grandmother’s house. With
the popsicle, the cartoon of
“Piglet” is on the TV, and
she laughs.
At this time, an uninvited
guest came, Qin Yinuo
grabbed the remote control
and changed to a “Wang
Wang team”, shouting: “Go,
Go, Go”!
Xu Xinyu cried and cried, “I
want to see Paige, woo!”
Zhao Mei hurried over when
she heard the cry, “Oh,
Yinuo, you let your sister.”
Qin Yinuo pouted Mouth,
“Hum, don’t let it, grandma,
I want to eat ice cream.”
“Oh, your sister ate the last
one, grandma will buy it for
you tomorrow.”
“No, no! I want ice cream.
I’m going to have ice
cream!” Qin Yinuo began to
spit on the ground.
Xu Xinyu on the other side
also shouted: “I want to see
Zhao Mei’s head ached, “Oh,
you two little guys, don’t
cry anymore. Yinuo, you are
the elder brother…”
“Mom, why did my
daughter cry again? Has Qin
Yinuo bullied her again?”
Qin Xiangnan, who came
back from work to pick up
her daughter, was fierce.
“Aunt, I want to eat ice
cream, my sister eats the last
ice cream, ohh~”
Qin Xiangnan helped him,
and took Xu Xinyu away,
“Yinuo, aunt will buy it for
you tomorrow, but you can’t
make your sister cry in the
future!” “
“Oh, Xiao Nan, why are you
so fierce to children?” Zhao
Mei hugged Qin Yinuo, who
was rolling on the ground.
Qin Xiangnan was angry,
picked up the phone and
called Qin Xiangbei.
“Qin Xiangbei, take care of
your son! He bullied my
daughter again!”
“Qin Xiangnan, do you
know what this is called?
How did you bully me in
those days? My good son!”
Qin Xiangnan ignored him
and said to Zhao Mei:
“Mom, I’m taking Xinyu
home. I’ll bring her back in
a week.”
“Got it. Go back early. Has
Xu Chang been busy these
days again?”
“Well, he haven’t been
home for a few days.”
While lying in bed at night,
Qin Xiangnan told her
daughter the story of Snow
White, turned off the light,
and patted her on the back,
“Okay, we turn off the lights
and go to bed.”
“Mom, dad won’t come
back today? I miss him.” Xu
Xinyu curled up beside her
Qin Xiangnan hugged her
daughter, “Well, Dad, he is
a doctor. His work is very
busy. He has to save many
many patients every day. He
is also a hero of mom and
Xinyu, he will protect us
and protect Xin Yu from
being bullied by bad
Hearing her daughter’s even
breathing, she was covered
with a quilt, and she gently
went to bed.
Go to the table, turn on the
computer, and finish the rest
of the work today.
At twelve in the middle of
the night, Qin Xiangnan
stretched out her waist lazily
and was about to go to bed.
She heard some movement
outside the door.
“Xu Chang, you are back.”
She looked at him with a
“Well, you haven’t slept
yet?” Xu Chang walked to
her and gently hugged her in
his arms.
“I haven’t seen you for
several days,” he said.
“I’m fine, Xinyu she misses
“I’ll go see her.”
Xu Chang walked into the
room, turned on the desk
lamp, looked at this cute
little face sleeping, smiled
slightly, and dropped a
gentle kiss on her forehead.

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