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+sanjeewani Dear, From Hambantota (Ampan Thottam) to Jaffna (Yalpaanam) all the

people/place/river/mountain names are of

Tamil origin, and got deformed after the arrival of Vijayan from North India.Unitl
1400 there was no Sinhala Language. The Galle Trilingual Inscription
was in three languages, Chinese, Tamil and Persian, that was erected in 1409 in
Galle, Sri Lanka to commemorate the second visit to the island by the Chinese
admiral Zheng He - asof wikipedia. Tissamaharama stone inscription, 200 BC – not in
Sinhala language; only in Tamil Brahmi confirmed by the original Sinhalese,
archeologist: Somadeva of Sri
Lanka - as of wikipedia.
First of all, the word “Sinhala” is a corruption of Sikala – a place name, just
like Sirkaali in Tamil Nadu, and it was easily modified to fit the fabrication of
Sinha-lion story, you guys believed it.Language evolves over time, its natural;
even, there are different dialects in Sinhala too; but hiding the true history is
Thuta Gemunu was an original Tamil, this is how: Thutha + Kaman ; just like Kathir
Kaman; He was fighting Cholas just like Pandyan and Cheran fighting Cholas; Tamil
fighting another Tamil for gaining power and control. You cannot give etymology for
“Thuta” and “Gemunu” in Sinhala. If you try it will end up with one similar to
“Sinhala” which is related to “lion’s blood”, a non-scientific.
All the old architectures and temples and tanks and other structures were built by
the original Tamil kings who were later labeled as Sinhala, just like Chera people
were labeled themselves as Malayalees for political reason; Malayalam is a region
just like Malainadu for central of Sri Lanka; similar to Nuvara and Nuvara
Eliya (corruption of “veliya” – outter). Malayalis also claim that Malayalam as
separate language, and still call it in Tamil as “Malayaalam”.
After all, Vijayan sidelined Kuveni – the original Tamil of the island, and got
married to Pandyan women from South India, still Tamil in origin. And, why couldn’t
he get some from north India? Because the region was under Pandyan’s control! You
have lots of name with the root “Banda”, which is from “Pandya”. And saying that
the islanders were a different race is nonsense, and only a few kilometers of water
separates the island from the mainland, while Andaman and Maldives which is
hundreds of kilometers away has connections.
Look at the people in Maldive Island – Maalai Theevu, a Tamil Name. All of them
were there ever since the Kumari Kandam, under Pandya/Chera. The Sikala island was
not disconnected from mainland before the last ice age: look at the Google Map.
Look at House of Vijaya: Pandukabhaya(437 BC–367 BC) = Panduka + apayan = Pandyan
origin – Tamil name; Mutasiva (367 BC–307 BC) is a Tamil name: mutha + siva =
elder + siva OR Muthu Siva; Devanampiya Tissa (307 BC–267 BC): Thevan + nambya +
theesan = a complete Tamil name; Uttiya (267 BC–257 BC): Uthaya(n) – a Tamil name;
Mahasiva (257 BC–247 BC): Maha Sivan – a Tamil name; Asela (215 BC–205 BC): Aa +
Seelan = a Tamil name.
You cannot hide the truth for a long time! If you are the descendent of the
original people don’t be fooled by the ruling class; it is time to wake up; find
out what really happened. Sinhalam is a version of Old Tamil; just like Kannadam,
Telugu, Malayalam, Thulu etc. Even, Pali was versions of distant old Tamil. But
Sanskrit was a later creation.


Sinhalese are a mix of Nagas and Rakshas ( who are south Indian from about 7000
Years ) and Bengali's.. With people in Colombo having some Portuguese ancestry.
Jayasuriya is a Naga ( i guess South Indian ) But Malinga Is a classic Bengali
look. Ranatunga, Mahanama, Pramaodaya Wickremasinghe are Bengali looking.
Kaluwitharana is the south Indian look. Vass has Portuguese ancestry and Attapattu
- Dutch. When the Britsh left Ceylon the population was less than 7 million. 500
years of European colonization had an effect. Lighter skinned Sinhalese don't play
Cricket, they opt for Rugby, Football, Hockey, Athletics, Swimming etc. For some
strange reason only dark -skinned Sinhalese play cricket. Hence everyone assumes
everyone is dark like Mathews and Jayasuriya. Most Sinhalese have a Rahul
Dravid /Akshay Kumar type complexion.
Sinhalese academics are very clear we are mostly Bengali's not north Indians. Yes
Lanka was an Shivtie Hindu domain just like every country from Afghanistan to Burma
to Cambodia and Vietnam. Its so long ago - what can anyone do. South India was also
Buddhist for a long time 1900 Bc till about 1000 BC. When the Bahamians destroyed
Buddhism and Jain's. Its all in the past , Mate.


If you want a challenge come with proof. if a word is coming out of your mouth, it
can't be a proof. you are a delusional moron. do you have any proof that all the
religious text is based on proof? first prove that then come to argue. up to that
time you can keep this idea in your mind if you are skeptic


a lot of people not able to digest the things against their beliefs. a skeptic
should not be against any new idea. accepting the new idea is up to the individual.
But before making any conclusion you should analyze the possibility. He is
explaining the meaning of the workship, symbols, time frame using the linguistic
and other evidence as a proof. Simply denying is not good. Take the idea and
analyze it with your self if you have a thinking mind.


a lot of people not able to digest the things against their beliefs. a skeptic
mind should not be against any new idea. accepting the new idea is up to the
individual. But before making any conclusion you should analyze the possibility. He
is explaining the meaning of the workship, symbols, time frame using the linguistic
and other evidence as a proof. Simply denying is not good. Take the idea and
analyze it with your self if you have a thinking mind. the same if he asks the
proof of your beliefs and scripture for a evidence will you produce?


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