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BS Elementary Education (Cagayan de Oro College)

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Teacher MARIA EROES A. GUNDAYA Learning Area English
Time/Dates Quarter 2nd
1. Content Standards 1. Demonstrates understanding of the various forms and conventions of print, non-
print, and digital materials.
2. Demonstrates understanding of non-verbal communication to communicate with
3. Performance Standards 1. Evaluates effectively the message constructed and conveyed in various viewing
2. Applies knowledge of non-verbal skills to respectfully give the speaker undivided
attention and acknowledge the message.
3. Learning Competencies/ Examining images which present particular viewpoint, e.g. stereotypes (gender,
Objectives age, cultural),opinions on an issue
ll. CONTENT Examine images which present a stereotype.
A. References
1. Teachers Guide pages 2nd Quarter- Week 2-Day 5
2. Learner’s Materials pages 2nd Quarter- Week 2-Day 5
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from Powerpoint, video clips, pictures
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources
lV. PROCEDURE Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
Preliminary Activities  Opening prayer
Indicator 4  Call students to state the behavioral  Show respect at all times.
standards to be maintained during  Raise your hand if you want to
the class. answer or say something.
 Listen to the discussion.

A. Reviewing previous lesson (1) Many species of bats are endangered

or presenting the new lesson or already extinct. (2) It is vital that we
join forces to protect the bats that
Indicator 1 remain. (3) Bats fee on harmful insect
pests.(4) They are also responsible for
up to 95% of the residing animals of the
tropical rain forests.(5)Without those
forests our delicate balance of oxygen  It is vital that we join forces to
and moisture could be destroyed. protect the bats that remain.

Which among the sentences tell the

viewpoint of the writer?

Viewpoint refers to the opinion of the

writer while theme is the message
conveyed in a text.
B. Establishing a purpose for
the lesson Present the lesson of the day.
C. Presenting
examples/Instances of the
new lesson
 What product is being promoted -a detergent
Indicator 2 in the advertisement?
 Who promotes Ariel detergent -a lady or a woman
 What would the viewer think if it
was a father or a man who -Most will say that father does not
endorsed Ariel detergent? was clothes.
D. Discussing new concepts Stereotype- a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular
and practicing new skill #1 type of person or thing.
Ex. The Ariel detergent ad presented a while ago, if it is a man who
Indicator 3 endorsed the ad most will say that father does not was clothes.
What are the different kinds of stereotype?

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1. Gender Stereotype- a generalized view about attribute, characteristics, or the

Indicator 2 roles that are possessed or performed by women and men.
ex. Women do the household chores.
Men takes care finances, work on the car, and do the home repairs.
2. Cultural stereotype- an opinion on another person based on who they are,
where they’re from, or the language they speak without getting to know the

ex. Filipinos are hospitable.

Poor people are lazy.
3. Age stereotype
ex. Teenagers are irresponsible.
Adults are more intelligent.
E. Discussing new concepts (Call pupils to answer each question. Remind the pupils to respect each answer. )
and practicing new skill #2
Directions: Identify if the statement shows a stereotype by writing a checkmark on
Indicator 5 the blank. Write an X if it does not.
___1. Chubby people are healthy.
___2. We have to take a bath daily
___3. Stargazing is an interesting activity.
___4.Girls like playing with paper dolls.
___5. Older people are weak and sickly.
F. Developing mastery (leads (Facilitate ideas from the pupils. Guide them to understand the message of the
to formative assessment 3) picture and remind them to respect each opinion.)

Indicator 9 Directions: Examine the stereotype shown in the picture.

G. Finding practical applications

of concepts and skills in daily 1. Group Activity
living Group I – Make a campaign commercial of Pres. Rodrigo R. Duterte.

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Indicator 8 Group II - Create a poster about the common qualities of Filipinos.

Group III – Read the dialogue and write the sentences that express stereotype
information. Can you spot the five?

Indicator 6  Each group will present their outcome after they finished the activity. Each
presentation will be graded accordingly.
H. Making generalizations and  Is there anything wrong with these (answers may vary)
abstractions about the stereotypes?
 What is your opinion on (answers may vary)
I. Evaluating Learning Directions: Complete the stereotype sentences by providing appropriate words to
the following topics as portrayed in the television and social media platforms.
Answers can be selected from the words inside the parenthesis.
1. Babies are ________. (cute, old)
2._______________ love basketball than movies. (Boys, Girls)
3. Politicians are _________________. ( frowning, smiling)
4. Filipino workers are _______________. ( lazy, hard-working)
5. ________________ love gadgets than books. ( Teenagers, Grandparents)
J. Additional activities for Directions: Put a / on the blank for sentences that show stereotype information and
application or remediation X if not.
____1. Ozamiznons are religious individuals.
Indicator 7 ____2. I think I can be a good actor in television.
____3. All my pupils are smart and cooperative.
____4. Every fruit in our place is delicious and good for the health.
____5. All the government officials are honest.
Indicate special cases including but
not limited to continuation of lesson
plan to the following day in case
pre-teaching or lack of time,
transfer of lesson to the following
day, in cases of class suspension,

Prepared by:


Teacher III
Checked by:
Master Teacher - II


Identifying the research-based knowledge and or principles of teaching and learning used as
basis for planning /designing the lesson.

The lesson plan prepared applies the research-based knowledge process through cooperative learning. The cooperative learning
strategy features small group activity which developed the student’s social skills through presentation of their work. Cooperation,
competitiveness and individualism were incorporated throughout the lesson. Students cooperate with their team members to finish task
on times. They show competitiveness to win and earned extra points for the group and each student were given chance to participate
and answer questions during the process.

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