Summary of RSU 38 Union Survey

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What is going well in your school(s)?

● Strong Building-Level Leadership and Support: Many schools reported having

supportive and hardworking principals who listen to staff concerns and create a positive

work environment.

● Collaborative Culture: There is a sense of community and teamwork among staff

members in many schools. Teachers feel supported by their colleagues and work together

to improve student learning.

● Focus on Students: There is a strong focus on student well-being, achievement, and

social-emotional learning in many schools.

● Effective Instructional Practices: Some schools mentioned successful implementations

of research-based practices and student-centered learning environments.

● Open Communication: There are schools where there are opportunities for open

dialogue among colleagues and administration regarding curriculum and school

● Positive Student Outcomes: Students in many schools are described as happy, engaged,

and making academic progress.

● Innovative Approach: The school uses a research-based, integrated curriculum that

allows for creativity and differentiation in instruction.

● Parental Involvement: There seems to be more parental involvement in decisions.

● Effective Programs: Programs like the advisor system and MTSS (Multi-Tiered System

of Supports) are seen as beneficial.

What is a CHALLENGE in your school(s)?


Work Culture and Morale:

● Teacher burnout due to heavy workload, unrealistic expectations, and insufficient time for

planning and collaboration.

● Lack of work-life balance and feelings of being undervalued and unsupported.

● High teacher turnover and difficulty attracting and retaining qualified staff.

Curriculum and Instruction:

● Concerns about the implementation of new curriculum and instructional practices without

proper research, pilot testing, or teacher training.

● A feeling that standardized testing and regimented curriculum are prioritized over student

engagement and research-based practices.

● Lack of support for social-emotional learning and social justice standards.

School Climate and Safety:

● Increased behavioral issues and disruptions in classrooms.

● Inadequate support for students with significant behavioral needs.

● Concerns about safety protocols and building access.

Resources and Support:

● Staffing shortages, including unfilled positions, lack of substitutes, and limited support


● Insufficient time for professional development and collaboration.

● Budgetary constraints impacting resources and materials.

● Insufficient support for students: There are concerns about students with behavior

issues not receiving timely support, causing disruptions for others. There are also

concerns about large caseloads for support staff.

● Disorganized implementation: There are frustrations with inconsistent application of

programs like PBIS, frequent schedule changes, and a lack of clear communication about

new initiatives.

● Inefficient use of time: Meetings are seen as a major time drain that takes away from

working directly with students.

● Announcements/phone system: At one elementary school, there is an outdated phone

system that forces staff to make announcements twice; this is cumbersome for office staff

and may be a safety concern in the event of an emergency.

● Safety Concerns: Teachers are concerned about safety measures such as limited building

access and unaddressed behavioral issues.


Focus and Clarity:

● Broad Job Descriptions: Teachers feel their job descriptions are too broad and would

like a clearer focus on academics.

● Too Many Priorities: There are too many competing priorities, making it hard for

teachers to know where to focus their energy.

● Meeting Overload: There are too many meetings, taking away from instructional time

and planning.

Resources and Support:

● Transportation: Difficulties obtaining transportation for field trips and extracurricular

activities limit student experiences.

● Time Management: There is not enough time in the schedule to address complex

student behavior issues, collaboration, and completing all required tasks.

Student Learning:

● Academic Focus: There is a concern that academics are not the top priority, with sports

taking precedence at times.

● Student Engagement: Some comments suggest a need to develop student grit and


What CONCERNS in your school(s) do you wish would be addressed?

● Communication and Transparency: There seems to be a general feeling that teachers

are out of the loop regarding decision-making and implementation of new initiatives.
● Teacher Support: Teachers feel overwhelmed by workload, lack resources and

professional development, and don't get enough time for planning and collaboration.

● School Climate: Issues with behavior management, inconsistency in student

expectations, and a feeling that the needs of LGBTQ+ students are not being met.

● Work-Life Balance: Teachers struggle to balance their workload with their personal

lives and feel burnt out.

● Inconsistent expectations and practices: There are variations in how students are

expected to behave and how the curriculum is implemented, creating confusion for

students and extra work for teachers.

● Lack of support for students: There are concerns about students with behavior issues

not receiving timely support, causing disruptions for others. There are also concerns

about insufficient resources for social-emotional needs.

● Ineffective schedule: The current schedule creates issues for both students and teachers.

Students have long stretches without breaks, and the transition times between classes are


● Insufficient resources: The school lacks full-time staff for music, technology, and

potentially other areas. The building itself has maintenance issues. There are also

concerns about budget limitations.

● Work Culture: The workload for teachers is unsustainable due to staffing shortages and

lack of substitutes.

● Professional Development: There are concerns that the current professional

development is not aligned with teacher needs and that there is a lack of time for

collaboration and planning.

● Staff Retention: Low morale, workload, and lack of support are leading to high staff


● Restructuring Concerns: Teachers are concerned that the proposed restructuring will be

detrimental to student learning and will not consider the unique aspects of the middle

school's current structure.

● Building Relationships: There seems to be a lack of understanding between the middle

school and other schools in the district about each other's programs and philosophies.


Building Concerns:

● Indoor Air Quality: There are concerns about the cleanliness of heater ducts and air

filters in classrooms and hallways, potentially impacting air quality.

● Bathroom Facilities: Many students feel uncomfortable with the current state of the


Student Well-being:

● Social-Emotional Needs: There seems to be a lack of adequate resources to address the

social-emotional needs of students.

● Stress and Sleep: Many students are reporting high levels of stress and sleep deprivation.

● Teacher Morale: Teachers feel their concerns are not being taken seriously and that

change is difficult to achieve.

Needs and Improvements:

● Increased Resources: More resources are needed for both staff development and to

address student social-emotional needs.

● Improved Communication: Teachers would like to feel their voices are heard and that

their concerns are taken seriously.

● Time for Collaboration: Teachers need more dedicated time to collaborate and address

student needs.

● Improved Facilities: The school building needs better upkeep, particularly regarding air

quality and restrooms.

● Focus on Student Stress: The school should explore ways to help students manage

stress and improve sleep habits.


What is going well as a DISTRICT?


● Communication: There seems to be an effort to improve communication between the

administration and staff through surveys and committees.

● Staff Appreciation: The district is trying to show appreciation for staff through gestures

like recognizing their work.

● Student Support: There are strong social-emotional learning programs in place, and the

district offers a wide variety of classes and extracurricular activities.

● Staff Collaboration: There are opportunities for collaboration among teachers from

different schools, and support from colleagues within buildings.

● Technology: Staff and students have good access to technology, and the IT department is


● Positive Initiatives: Bridges seems to be successful, and events like Open House and

Game Nights were well received.

● Building Maintenance: The school buildings are well-maintained by the custodial staff.
● Positive School Climate: There is a sense of community within the schools, and students

feel like they belong.

● Dedicated Staff: Teachers are described as hard-working and dedicated to student


● Community Support: The district benefits from strong community support.

● Collaboration: There is some collaboration between teachers from different schools in

the district.

● Student Meals: All students can get a free meal every day.

● Flexible Paid Time: Teachers appreciate the ability to use earned paid time in one hour


● Strong School Leadership: The high school and middle school principals seem to be

well-respected and provide good leadership for their schools.

● Supportive Staff: There is a sense of community among the staff, and many teachers are

dedicated and eager to do well for their students.

● Student Well-being: There is a focus on student well-being, with strong social-emotional

learning programs like counseling, an advisor system, and a wellness center.

● Positive School Climate: Students generally feel happy and well-rounded at school.

● Community Support: The district seems to have a strong and supportive community.

● Stable Enrollment: The district has stable enrollment numbers.

● Collaboration: There is collaboration among teachers from different schools.

● Positive School Climate: Students are described as excited to learn and have access to

challenging courses.

● Flexible Work Schedule: Teachers appreciate the ability to use earned paid time in one

hour increments.
● Professional Development: Departments are getting some opportunities for professional

development time together across schools.

● Reliable Pay: Teachers receive their paychecks on time.

● Course Variety: There are a wide variety of classes and extracurricular activities for


● Strong Leadership: There is strong leadership at the school level.

● District Support: The district office provides excellent IT support and responds quickly

to HR questions.

What CHALLENGES do you have with the district?


● Teacher Retention: There seems to be a concern about staff retention, and there is a need

for open conversations about how to improve the situation.

● Lack of Teacher Autonomy: Teachers feel they have little control over curriculum and

instruction, with decisions being handed down from central administration, including

from the superintendent, curriculum coordinator, maintenance director.

● Communication Issues: There seems to be a top-down communication style from

district-level administration, with limited opportunities for teacher input and a sense that

decisions are made behind closed doors. Additionally, communication can be unclear or

contradictory. Includes superintendent, curriculum coordinator, maintenance director.

● Top-Down Decision Making: Teachers feel there's a lack of transparency around

decision-making, and that their concerns are not being heard or addressed by the

administration. Includes superintendent, curriculum coordinator, maintenance director.

● Work Overload and Compensation: Teachers feel overburdened with work and

underpaid compared to other districts.

● Curriculum Concerns: There are concerns about the implementation of new curriculum

without proper support or training, and a feeling that a "one size fits all" approach is

being taken across different grade levels.

● Staff Morale: Low teacher morale seems to be a widespread issue, stemming from the

factors mentioned above.

● Inequity and unfair treatment: There are concerns about unequal distribution of

resources and support across different grade levels and staff positions.

● Feeling undervalued: Teachers feel their work is not appreciated by district

administration, and that efforts to boost morale are superficial.

● Safety concerns: There are concerns about the lack of a landline for emergencies and the

handling of situations like power outages.


Leadership and Trust:

● Teachers feel a lack of trust and respect from the superintendent and curriculum


● There is a perception of a "them vs us" mentality from central administration.

● Communication is seen as limited, manipulative, and lacking transparency.

● Decisions are made behind closed doors and imposed without teacher input.

● The superintendent's leadership style is seen as aggressive, disrespectful, and unwilling to

engage in open dialogue.

Curriculum and Instruction:

● The proposed restructuring plan for the middle school raises concerns about increased

class sizes and a potential negative impact on student learning.

● The district seems to prioritize standardized testing and regimented curriculum over

student engagement and research-based practices.

● There are concerns about a lack of support for social-emotional learning and social

justice standards.

Communication and Collaboration:

● Communication between central administration and the middle school is seen as

inadequate and lacking transparency.

● There are limited opportunities for collaboration between teachers within the middle

school and with colleagues from other schools.

● SAC meetings are perceived as disruptive and not well-organized.

Compensation and Recognition:

● Teachers feel underpaid compared to other districts.

● There seems to be a lack of recognition for the unique and successful practices

implemented at the middle school.

Support for Middle School: There seems to be a specific concern that the administration does

not understand or value the unique aspects of the middle school program.


Leadership and Trust:

● There seems to be a lack of trust in the district administration. Teachers perceive the

superintendent as a bully who doesn't value their input.

● Micromanagement of principals by the superintendent further erodes trust and creates a

stressful work environment.

Teacher Morale:
● The multi-year plan to address morale seems ineffective, with inconvenient committee

meetings and a lack of visible progress.

Additional Areas:

● Inappropriate use of administrative leave disrupts student learning.

● Strict approval process for personal days is seen as disrespectful.

● Teachers feel underpaid compared to colleagues in other districts.

What concerns with the DISTRICT do you wish would be addressed?

● Lack of trust and autonomy for teachers: Teachers feel that central administration

micromanages teachers and doesn't value their professional judgment. There seems to be

a sense that decisions are made behind closed doors without teacher input.

● Communication issues: Communication from the top down is unclear, contradictory,

and not timely. Teachers feel like their voices are not being heard by the school board or


● Teacher workload and morale: Teachers are overloaded with work and underpaid

compared to other districts. This is leading to low morale and burnout.

● Ineffective leadership: Teachers feel the superintendent is not a good leader who does

not prioritize the needs of teachers or students.

● Curriculum concerns: Teachers have concerns about the implementation of new

curriculum without proper support or training. There is also a concern that the curriculum

is not evidence-based and may not be effective.

● Inequitable treatment: There are concerns about unequal distribution of resources,

support, and professional development across different grade levels and staff positions

(e.g., specialists vs classroom teachers).

● Schedule issues: The current elementary schedule creates problems for both teachers and

students, with long stretches without breaks and unreliable transition times.

● Lack of Transparency and Trust: Teachers feel the superintendent and central office are

not transparent and don't value their input. There are accusations of micromanagement

and decisions being made without considering research or the unique needs of the middle


● Disrespectful Treatment: Teachers feel the superintendent and curriculum coordinator do

not treat them with respect and have made disparaging remarks.

● Expertise in Middle Level Education: There is a concern that the superintendent and

curriculum coordinator do not have the background or understanding of best practices for

middle school education.

● Resistance to Collaboration: Attempts by the middle school leadership team to

collaborate with the superintendent have been rebuffed.

● Support for middle school: Teachers feel the middle school is misunderstood and

undervalued by the administration.


Teacher Morale and Involvement:

● Teachers feel undervalued and uninvolved in decision-making processes.

● There is a desire for more transparency and opportunities to provide feedback on major

● The superintendent's communication style is seen as aggressive and unprofessional.

Trust and Leadership:

● Teachers feel a lack of trust from the superintendent.

● Principals are micromanaged and not empowered to lead their schools.

Resource Allocation:

● There are concerns about inadequate funding for professional development, textbooks,

and class resources.

● Academics seem to be de-prioritized compared to athletics.

Use of Administrative Leave:

● Teachers feel administrative leave is used too frequently and not just for serious


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