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Empowered Light Leader Presents:


Here are 10 ways for you to start

remembering and reconnecting to
your light language
I truly believe that we are all capable of
remembering our soul language. Light
Language is a unique form of channeling.
All humans are natural channels. Your
higher self is the vehicle for light language.
This list is designed to help you develop a
practice to strengthen your connection to
your higher self and remember the
language of your codes of light. I hope that
it helps you on your journey to
remembering your multidimensional self.

Love Sarah
1. Create a Sacred Space
If you want to remember you soul
language you must create a sacred
space within to do that. Creating a
scared space could mean a physical
space that is just for you where you
practice and meditate but it could
also mean creating a space within
your heart to open up to receive
more light and wisdom. Creating a
space also involves clearing and
cleansing what no longer serves
you, both physically mentally and
2. Set an Intention
If you would like to remember you
light language and start to channel
it is important to set an intention.
This way you are telling the universe
you are now ready. Start your light
language practice.
Example: "I am a divine channel on
Earth. I now open to start receiving
and remembering my language of
light. I open my heart and I allow
my soul language to come forward."
3. Listen to Light
One of the best ways to activate and
attune the frequency of light
language to listen to it. While you
listen do not try to understand what
is being said, instead listen with your
intuition and the heart and feel
what is being said. Imagine as if you
are listening to music. Keep a
journal of all your thoughts, feelings
and emotions when you listen
without judgment.
4. Meditation Practice
Start a meditation practice! Meditation
allows you to silence your mind and
listen to the heart, which is the gateway
in which we receive our light codes.
Before you set the intention to channel
light language try deep beathing and
clearing your busy mind for at least 10
minutes. This will raise your vibration
and opens you up to receive divine
guidance. I like to start my meditation
with I am affirmations and a practice of
5. Clear Your Energy
The more conscious you can be of
your thoughts and energy the more
conscious you can be of your
vibration. It is very important that
you have a practice in which you are
able to be aware negative thoughts
and emotions and that you are
clearing your energy regularly. This
can be done by meditations, energy
healing, affirmations, visualization,
sage, Epsom salt baths and
spending time in nature!
6. You Might Already
Be Speaking It!
•Light Language and channeling is
more common and natural than we
realize. Many of us spoke it as a child
and forgot or thought it was
jibberish. A good way to tell you are
already speaking it is, a feeling of
energy moving though you, as if you
cannot control it, you feel uplifted, or
healed in some way. You may feel a
sense of guidance being present
with you that is more than your
human self.
7. Mantras and
The use of song, mantras and
chanting will allow you to open your
throat chakra and your heart center.
You can choose a mantra or song
you like and then just allow yourself
to start chanting or singing from
your heart with no expectations. My
favorite mantras are Om Namaha
Shivaya, Hare Krishna, Om So Hum,
The Ganesh Mantra
8 Learn about the
When you understand your energy
centers and how to release negative
emotions and patterns it gives you a
better understanding of what you
need to focus on. Learning about
the chakras will help you better
understand yourself and how to
clear them so you can be a more
open channel for light.
9. Practice
Establishing a practice shows the
universe that you are ready to honor
your spiritual gifts. The more you
practice the more familiar you will be
with what it feels like to connect to
the heart and to allow the energy to
flow through you. It will also get easier
to shut off the mind will be.
Example: saying I AM affirmations
and mantras, deep breathing, moving
the body, setting an intention to
channel light codes clearing my
energy and journaling.
10. Stop Doubting
Yourself and Release
A common block I see for people is
they doubt if what they are
channeling is "real" and they have
some expectation of what they
think channeling should be.
Remember the imagination is the
gateway to the heart and our
spiritual connection. The only thing
that is real is the love within!

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