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Hello teacher, let me introduce myself.

My full name is Van Le

Dieu Thu and I come from class 19DTA03. Today I wil present the
topic: Succeed in career with talent alone: can or can’t? I think it is
between can and can’t. You can succeed in career with talent alone
but that success doesn’t last long. And this’s a reason why you
can’t succeed because you need to have more qualities to make you
successful. So my answer is that talent is not enough.
Let me give an example. In the Fable/ˈfeɪbl/: The Rabbit and the

Tortoise /ˈtɔːtəs/. A rabbit and a tortoise were good friends. The

rabbit always boasted /ˈbəʊstɪd/ that he could run faster than the
tortoise. So they decided to have a race. The rabbilt ran really fast
and soon left the tortoise far behind. He thought that tortoise is too
slow and he can rest for a while. So he stopped under a tree and
went to sleep. Mean while tortoise kept walking the whole time and
reached the winning point. When the rabbit woke up he saw that
tortoise has already won the race.
In this fable, the rabbit represents a talent but he doesn’t succeed
because he’s very self satisfied about the ability to run fast and he

depends on his talent without hardworking and persistence /pə

ˈsɪstəns/. He think that talent alone will win. But actually he are
defeated. The tortoise represents a hardworking man. He think that
he’s not good at running so he try to run as quickly as possible. It’s
the hard work of tortoise that helped tortoise beat rabbit – a
hardworking man beat a talent. I don't say that not complacent

/kəmˈpleɪsnt/ and hardworking will help you beat talent and you
will achieve success but that’s one of the qualities that makes you
successful in career.
What you need to succeed in career
You need many different qualities to succeed in any given career.
Intelligence, work ethic, hardworking, independent or so on, that
may help you get a very good position at work but grit is one of the
strongest predictors of long-term success and may be the deciding

factor between success and failure /ˈfeɪljə(r)/ throughout one's

career. Grit is the courage /ˈkʌrɪdʒ/and strength of mind that

makes it possible for somebody to continue doing something
difficult or unpleasant. You will certainly be weak at times, and you
may lose focus on your goal for a day, two, or perhaps a week. But
grit will always get you back on track and refocus your attention on
the goal.
Let me give an example “Is talent everything?”. You are

recruited /rɪˈkruːtɪd/into the company because you are very

talented. For some reason, you have to quit your job. After a few
days, your company will get someone like you or even better. Grit
is differentiator. May be you quit job b/c you aren’t under the

pressure of the job or you are a frustrated /frʌˈstreɪtɪd/ and

impatient /ɪmˈpeɪʃnt/person so you lose motivation to work or

sth like that. So grit is what turns your talent into goodwill and
keeps you on top of managers. Grit is what will determine who will
be choosed and promoted first.
- How to develop and sustain grit:
First, you start by defining exactly what it means for you: you want
to improve your output or learn a new skill. Write your goal down
and purpose. And you should attach value to your goal. Sth like you
will get a promotion or increasing your chances of getting a better
job when you finish your course. This will keep you focused
despite the discomfort you must make.
Second, you need to chase /tʃeɪs/small. You must train it like a
muscle till it develops. Choose to scale one step at a time to show
yourself that you can do it. Then keep developing – one step at a
Third, don't rely on external motivation. B/c that motivation’s only

temporary /ˈtemprəri/ or when you don’t get external /ɪk

ˈstɜːnl/ inspiration, you lose all your energy. So make yourself a

Fourth is courage /ˈkʌrɪdʒ/, this’s a part of grit and this courage’s
applied for bigger roles. Courage to pick yourself up when you fall.
You feel stronger to try again after failing.
You also need to have patience and optimism /ˈɒptɪmɪzəm/ to
keep you focused when you wanna give up. Believe that tomorrow
will always be better.
If you have a talent, it's good, you will save your time as well as
your effort and that will be the factor to help you advance faster at
work. But if you think that talent is enough and you don’t practice,
develop more, your talent will kill your success. But if you’re
hardworking, courage, persistence and especially you have grit.
You will achieve resounding success.

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