Exun: Under - Score v18.0

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Exun Clan Presents

Under_Score Volume 18
Event Partners

Community Partners

By S h reya n s h Agarwal
CONTENTS From the Principal’s Desk 03

From the Vice Principals’ Desks 04

From the Founder’s Desk 05

Teachers Speak 06

Expert Addresses 10

Articles and More 15

< v i n es >

Wins and Achivements 22

Table Of

Computer Science Department 28

Members 29

Team Underscore 30

Green Magazine: We care for the environment and so we cut down our pages by adding QR coded
links for our content. It reduced down the pages from around 100 to 36. You can visit https://
lnexun.com/underscore-v18-0-index/ or view the individual QR codes for each article.
From the
Principals’ Desks
The development of technology
and artificial intelligence has
created new opportunities and
career prospects for the youth of
this generation. What are the
careers you think have great

Artificial Intelligence is something

that has become a common
household name. It has created
careers in fields which were
previously unknown. Machine
M r. A n i l K a t h u r i a learning engineers are the

Mathematics and Computer

Science have always gone hand in
hand, ever since the inception of
the field. How do you suggest
children start integrating
Mathematics earlier into
Computer Science, as many see
the subject as a way to escape
the pure sciences?

As a teacher, I believe that

amalgamation of mathematics
and computer science from an
early age is a fantastic...
M r. N a r e s h M i g l a n i

From the

Principal’s Desk
How have things changed with
time with respect to technology?
Do you think students are too
addicted to their electronic
devices these days?

When I first joined this school, we

were told to enter the marks in an
application called Wordstar and
clearly a lot has changed since
then. There are several uses of AI
in teaching and learning in
classrooms. However, I feel that
we are getting too addicted to
mobile phones and laptops.
Wherever you go, people are
staring into their< v i n es

Currently, there are assessments

on Speaking and Listening skills. I
strongly feel that CBSE will soon
introduce tests on Awareness
skills. For instance, if a burglar
Ms. Padma Srinivasan enters the house, people would not
get to know as they would be busy
on their phones and unaware of
their surroundings....

Absolutely. This question is

To continue
not only relevant to me but reading, scan
this QR code
also to other...

Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers

Ajith Kumar | In-Charge, RoboKnights

According to you, what are some ways to bring

awareness and encourage more students to
pursue robotics as an essential skill, while
helping them inculcate a deeper interest in
technology and allied subjects?
1) Allowing more time for the robotics activity so that
students can complete their projects and observe the
result of their efforts.

2) Recognition of the efforts like adding some weightage in

the mark system or academic credits so that the students
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are benefitted when applying for higher level courses...

Anjana Virmani | Faculty, Computer Science

India has fit perfectly into the concept of Digital

Village , connecting people from Tier-3 sections
of society , coming together and deliberating.
This has thus shrunk the distances. How, as per
you, a change has been observed and how do you
see India as a tech giant, 50 years from now?

India's integration into the concept of the Digital Village

has been transformative; facilitating connectivity and
engagement among people from Tier-3 sections of
To read more, society. This digital transformation has significantly
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reduced geographical and socio economic distances...

From the

Founder’s Desk

Mr. Mukesh Kumar

Vice Principal & HOD, Computer Science

Founder and In-charge, Exun Clan

As a computer science teacher, I’ve A great example of machine learning

been interacting with tech-minded based machines function would be
students for a long time. That being ChatGPT, which we have all heard
said, I have seen immense development about. On one hand, it represents the
with regard to technology, and other cutting edge of technology and has the
allied fields. In the current age, it is truly potential to revolutionize industries.
astonishing, but also overwhelming, While on the flipside, students have
how intertwined we are with been using it to solve questions, to
technology. And now, even more with create essays or in literature and even
the advent of Machine Learning and asking for suggestions. Although it is an
data engineering . Machine learning in integral part of our lives, it poses
today's world is not just a buzzword; it's several ethical issues such as originality
a tangible force driving innovation in of content and limited learning and
fields from healthcare to finance, and creativity...
even education in schools and
universities. When I see talented
students around me showing To continue
remarkable skills in machine learning reading, scan
and AI, it just proves how this skill has this QR code
become relevant in today's world.

Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers S

Shekhar Sharma | Faculty, Computer Science

The development of technology and artificial
intelligence has created new opportunities and
career prospects for the youth of this
generation. What are the careers you think have
great scope?
As a teacher, I believe that overdependence on
technology can make children lazy and limit their creative
ability in the following ways:

Reduced physical activity: Children who spend too much

time on screens are less likely to engage in physical
To read more, activity, which is...

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Sarika Kaushal | In-Charge, Digex

In the past 2 decades, revolutionary changes

have been involved in technology globally.
Rewinding back, what do you believe has
changed the most ?

Over the past two decades, the world has witnessed an

extraordinary transformation driven by revolutionary
changes in technology. The rapid evolution of technology
has touched nearly every aspect of our lives, from the
way we communicate and work to how we access
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information and conduct business. As we rewind the...

Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers S

Shalini Harisukh | Incharge, CubXL

The development of technology and artificial
intelligence has created new opportunities and
career prospects for the youth of this
generation. What are the careers you think
have great scope?

Technology can definitely provide assistance in disaster-

struck areas as it has numerous use cases. Search and
rescue operations in vulnerable zones can be easily
carried out with the help of drones and other remote
controlled vehicles. Advanced healthcare technology
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can provide medical...

Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting

the kids working together and motivating
them, the teacher is the most important.”

Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers Speak Teachers

Mohitendra Dey | In Charge, DomainSquare+

The development of technology and artificial
intelligence has created new opportunities and
career prospects for the youth of this
generation. What are the careers you think
have great scope?
I think such academic websites are a great tool for
students. They provide extra questions for them to
practice as well as allowing to revise previously
learned concepts. However, over-dependence on such
content can have a negative impact. It can lead to
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reduced attention in classroom teaching...

Hema Jain | Coordinator Exun Clan

Computer science is a rapidly evolving field.

How do you stay updated with the latest trends
and technologies to ensure your teaching
remains relevant?

Considering the rapid evolution of computer science in

the recent years, I find it imperative to stay updated. At
the time of my joining DPS R K Puram computer
science was an extremely niche subject. Within the
blink of an eye, it has now become one of the most in
To read more, demand skill, which all youngsters...
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Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Expe

Yoovan Pattnaik

Director, Exun Clan
Exun isn’t just a club to me– it’s a second home, a sanctuary
of personal growth, and a cradle of my best memories. To
claim that my journey as a human being would be
incomplete without it is an understatement. Over the years,
Exun has become the backdrop to many of best
experiences. From the thrill of competitions to the joy of
collaborative projects, Exun has not only provided me with
opportunities to display my strengths but also meet people
who share similar interests. The friendships forged are
irreplaceable, and the knowledge I’ve gained through its
activities is invaluable. As I venture into a new chapter in life,
I carry with me the knowledge and a mindset nurtured by
Exun. It’s a place where creativity knows no bounds, and
collaboration is encouraged, fostering a spirit of continuous

Kavin Desi Valli 

Former Exun President

Anup Dev Pattnaik

Director, Exun Clan
I first learned about Exun when I joined DPSRKP in 9th grade.
Initially, I assumed it was all about technical departments like
Hardware and quizzing, so I dismissed the idea of joining.
However, after getting into DaVinci Resolve and sharing my
work with friends, they encouraged me to give Exun a shot. In
2022, I successfully cleared the induction. Many people, like
me, might have misconceptions that Exun is just for nerds,
and it's true, it's a friendly and outgoing bunch of nerds. As an
extrovert, I found it easy to socialize with everyone in Exun.
The meetings outside egurukul, the team competitions, and
the friends I made along the way are memories I'll always
cherish. I assure you this is 0% chatgpt, don't go around
checking this for ai. In the end, if you ever doubt your abilities
in Exun, remember that you are an expert, just like the club
name suggests: 'Experts Unlimited.’

Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Ex

Pratyush Vempati

President, Exun Clan

I joined Exun in 8th for much of the wrong reasons - sibling

rivalry was one. The last thing I expected was to find
something that transformed my life so much, such that there
is not a day that goes by I don't stare at the row of Exun
stickers cluttered to my monitors edges and wonder how I'm
actually going to be able to leave. I realized a little while ago
that nearly everything I've done since that time has been
shaped or supported by this club. Always remember thats its
okay to have a cookie sometimes, and its V, not I.

Kavin Desi Valli 

Former Exun President

Adi Mathur

Vice President, Exun Clan

I remember how excited I was when I got the email

accepting me into Exun, a few months after I'd joined the
school. I was looking forward to joining a community of
highly technically skilled people that I could build things and
go to competitions with. What I got was so much more. It
became like a family to me. My seniors taught me the value
of responsibility that I will carry through the rest of my life,
and my juniors and peers motivated me to keep pushing
myself. All the memories I made in endless late night
meetings and high pressure competitions will remain the
fondest of my time in high school. We, not I.

Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Expe

Siddhartha Verma

Chief Advisor, Exun Clan
Although I was inducted only last year, my first interaction
with Exun went way back. Participating as a non-
competitive in Sudocrypt (and failing miserably too), cryptic
hunts were just not for me ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯) and encouragement
from members at that time along was probably the driving
force to continue delving into this beautiful world of tech.
Within the span of these life-changing two years, the blur of
memories that I have acquired have truly shaped my
perspectives and are something I shall cherish till the end of
time itself. It's astounding, to come to terms with being part
of something with such a scale and legacy. Exun is not just a
club but a community. A community of fellow members,
alumni, and teachers, all woven together by the threads of
'We, not I' and shared love for technology. The show has
been on the road for more than 30 years and I am certain
there is more to come. Well enough rambling from me, I
wish everyone the best. Viel Glück und viel Spaß!

Krrish Aggarwal

President, Domain Square+

DomainSquare+ is more than just a club; it's a second family

to me. Winning competitions, countless after-school sessions
and friendly rivalries are just a few of the many highlights
that make this club extraordinary. It has undeniably shaped
me into a better person. The journey from joining in 10th
grade to assuming the role of president in 12th grade was an
ecstatic and transformative experience. The memories I've
created with DomainSquare+ and Exun Clan are indelible
and they hold a special place in my heart. Being part of this
incredible journey has been an absolute pleasure and I
eagerly anticipate the ongoing success of this remarkable
community in the future. With love <3

Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Ex

Eshan Sharma

Director, Exun Clan

Exun Clan gave me the opportunity to try things I

never believed I could do in school. Aside from the
department I was in, I learned a lot about other
departments when working on projects for
tournaments or even managing the Exun event itself.
Speaking with so many inspiring and enthusiastic
people from Exun club members, people of other
schools to the alumni encouraged me so much as a
person to continue doing things I enjoyed.

Kavin Desi Valli 

Former Exun President Kanishka Verma

Chief Advisor, Exun Clan

Hey Class 9 Kanishka, I just wanted to say a huge thanks to

you. You walked into this club, and now, it's my entire world.
You used to think people were exaggerating when they called
Exun their home, but for me, it's my absolute favorite place,
my comfort zone. The folks here are amazing, and the
experiences you have in this club stick with you for life. You
learn so much about yourself and help others learn too.
Staying up all night to finish work but ending up chatting with
fellow Exunites is just a regular thing here. Batchmates,
seniors, juniors – they all feel like family. And Mukesh sir –
words can't do justice to the support he gives us (not to
mention the therapy and food!).

From being a newbie web dev adhoc who was scared of

everything to doing what I love today, it's been the most
fulfilling journey of my life. I can't and don't want to believe
that it's coming to an end. I'm just so grateful to have been a
part of this. Juniors, please keep me in the loop as long as you
want, even after I graduate because Exun is... <3

Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Expert Addresses Ex

Parth Aggarwal

President, CubXL
As the president of CubXL, I'm immensely proud of the
journey we've embarked on together. CubXL isn't just a club,
it's a community where students with a passion for solving
Rubik's cubes and twisty puzzles have come together to
learn, grow, and connect. Over the past year, we've honed
our skills, nurtured camaraderie, given back to our
community, and fostered innovation. We look ahead to a
future filled with bigger competitions, expanded outreach,
and continued development. CubXL is not just about solving
puzzles; it's about celebrating curiosity, creativity, and
intellectual growth, and I am deeply grateful to every
member for their unwavering support and dedication

Swarnika Bharadwaj

President, RoboKnights
RoboKnights has been my home ever since I entered this
school. From soldering wires in the seventh grade to
organising my first ‘Robosoccer’ event in eleventh, serving
as the leader of this remarkable group has been a privilege
and a journey filled with innovation, camaraderie, and
growth. Over the years, my single aim was to achieve great
strides in the field, following the legacy of innovation left
behind by our alumni. Slowly, I learned how to conceptualize
these ideas and bring them to life through collective efforts:
learning from my co-members along the way. Together,
we've nurtured a thriving community of learners,
collaborators, and dreamers, where the possibilities of
technology seem limitless: and I couldn’t be more grateful to
undergo this transformative experience. It has been one I
will always hold dear.

Articles & More
AI is going to make life better for the
masses the way the invention of the
internet did; this is a fact which
everyone can agree on. So why not
Is Integration of an AI
integrate this in houses? Devices like Assistant Inside People's
the Google Home already exist, but Houses The Way of The
they aren't used in the majority of Future?

households mainly...

By Shaurya Markanda
To read more, scan this QR

It's been a while since ChatGPT, a large

language model (LLM) by OpenAI, has
exploded into the mainstream. A large
language model like ChatGPT
essentially copies the entire Internet as
The Impact and a dataset to learn from. It then uses
Future of ChatGPT 
natural language processing (NLP)...

By Aryamaan
To read more, scan this QR

Articles & More
In a bustling busy world that we live in,
many of us often seek a break from the
everyday noise & crowd, and the toll of
daily life. A common way to
Solace in Solitude, the accomplish this is through immersion in
Singleplayer’s fiction- the imaginary places where we
can forget our own situations and dive
headfirst into vast

By Shaneil Dylan Sequiera

To read more, scan this QR

By Ananya Shrivastav
By Anika Gupta
Articles & More
How a Chip Changed the World:

The Story of the First Computer Chip

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is equivalent to magic."

Technological advancements; they have However, the device was not a true monolithic
revolutionized almost every aspect of our lives, integrated circuit chip as it had external gold-wire
permeating industries like automotive and connections which would make it difficult to mass-
consumer electronics, while reshaping the way we produce the product to sell it. Approximately six
live, work, and communicate. From the advent of months after Jack Kilby, Robert Noyce created the
the internet to the rise of artificial intelligence to first true IC chip. To make the chip more efficient,
quantum computing and Starlink, these rather than using Germanium, Robert Noyce used
advancements have propelled us into a new era of Silicon. Noyce's Silicon Chip was made using a
unprecedented connectivity and convenience, but planar process and had interconnecting on-chip
how did these unimaginable advancements unfold? 
aluminum lines. In the 1980s, this innovation led to
Well, we all can express our gratitude to Jack Kilby the personal computer revolution, resulting in a
and Robert Noyce for their ground-breaking range of consumer products incorporating
innovation: Enter the Computer Chip. 

integrated circuits. As a result, the computers

became less bulky. This chip was also the foundation
The revolutionary silicon-chip, also referred to as an of NASA's Apollo Program who became the single
'integrated circuit' (IC) is known to have changed largest consumer of integrated circuits and
the course of history and science. If it weren't for computer chips in the 60s.

the chip innovation, the comfortable life we live

today would have been truly inconceivable. 

Following Moore's law, these advancements make

today's computer chips significantly more powerful
Originally, the IC was Jack Kilby's idea which he and thousands of times faster than those of the
implemented in 1958. The IC prototype consisted of early 1970s. 

a transistor, a capacitor, and the equivalent of three

resistors all on the same single chip. Naturally, the These devices have paved the way for
invention had a profound effect on the technology unprecedented advancements in technology,
of the era as it reduced the 'tyranny of numbers' to enabling the creation of powerful computers,
one. In the patent he registered on 6 February 1959, smartphones, and other devices that have become
Kilby elucidated his invention as "a body of indispensable in our daily lives. 

semiconductor material wherein all the components As we look to the future, it is evident that computer
of the electronic circuit are completely integrated". chips will continue to shape and redefine our world,
driving innovation and opening up endless
possibilities for the betterment of society.

By Saanvi Verma

Articles & More
Role of Big Data in Decision Making
Role of Big Data in Decision Making

In today's paced world with the generation of This invaluable technique enables businesses to
data both organizations and individuals are make decisions with confidence whether it's
realizing the value of using data analytics to make choosing investments or managing their supply
well informed choices.This Article delves into the chains effectively. So, for taking any decision it is
significance of data analytics in decision making the data which provides an organization with a
processes and its relevance, in our data society. right decision at the right time and this data
We find ourselves in the midst of a revolution cannot be read as it is very complicated and vast,
driven by data, where organizations have access that too depends on the business of the
to amounts of information, from sources. This organization.

flood of data has the potential to overwhelm

decision makers making it difficult to extract With decision making comes accuracy as well.
information. However, data analytics comes to Various techniques and tools enhance the
the rescue by transforming this data into insights decision-making ability. Firms such as Amazon,
that can guide effective decision making.
Netflix have developed algorithms to find
correlation between customer searches, past
Data analytics allows for an organized way of purchase history to predict which products a
tackling problems. Through the collection, customer is likely to buy. Customers are reminded
processing and analysis of data decision makers about their past searches or recommended
can develop a comprehension of the challenges products based on their purchase history. This
they face. Whether it involves addressing creates opportunity for customers buying some
inefficiencies, in-factory operations, enhancing of the recommended products thereby boosting
customer service or optimizing marketing sales. This technique results in as much as one
campaigns data analytics equips us with the tools third of their new sales (Artun and Levin, 2015).
to pinpoint areas of concern and formulate Telecom companies scrape through massive
solutions. Predictive analytics is a tool that volumes of data to predict which customers are
harnesses the potential of data analysis. By most likely to leave them. This helps in designing
examining data, organizations can gain insights policies towards customer retention.

into trends and effectively predict changes in the

market, customer behavior and other crucial
By Harshil Batra

The art challenges the technology, and the

technology inspires the art.
- John Lasseter

B y A n a nya M a n g l a , Te j a s Ag a r wa l , S h reya n s h Ag a r wa l , Ag r i m a Ve r m a

B y Pra t y u s h Ve m p a t i
Wins &
Programming Winners Vishesh Saraswat
Neil Sindwani Programming Runners Up Battacharya

Crossword Runners Up Aarush Semwal Gaming Runners Up Naunidh Singh Kohli

Samedh Aggarwal

Kunwar Singh Parmar

Bhawaansh Anand

Gaming Runners Up Kunwar Singh Parmar
 Praveer Singh Bedi

Naunidh Singh Kohli Jaysal Manchanda

Filmmaking Sana Chawla
 Design Second
 Aarshia Gupta

Winners Runners Up Agrima Verma

Shaurya Gupta

Gurmani Kaur
 Sneha Chandra
Faizah Naqvi Authority 450 Winners Bhuvnesh Nagpal

Mannat Kaur


MINET X 2022 Shaurya Pratap

Mother’s International School Aakarsh Gupta


Sanskriti School
Cinem@trix Winners Ayushman Mishra

Ekansh Sahu

Medhashree Saxena

Aikagra Gupta

Tinkerthon Winners Aarav Dayal

Quest@trix Second Aarush Semwal
 Aaahana Mehrotra
Runners Up Tanmay Arora

Vishesh Saraswat
 Build.IT Runners Up Shreyansh Aggarwal
Pratyush Vempati Sneha Pandey
Parav Jaikrishnan

Innovate@trix Second Eshan Sharma
 Design Second
 Eshan Sharma


Runners Up Garv Jain
 Runners Up Agrima Verma

Aanya Yaduvanshi

Ananya Mangla
 3D Innovate Runners Up AdiSneha Chandra
Programming Second Vishesh Saraswat

Runners Up Saksham Raheja
ORDIN@TRIX Second Bhuvnesh Nagpal



Tagore International School Runners Up Tanmay Arora

Junior Design Second Avika Jain

Runners Up Anisha Mahajan

BYTE.IT 2022

Bal Bharti Public School, Pitampura

Under_Score 22
Diorama Winners Faizah Naqvi
 Cipher Geeks Winners Neil Sindwani

Kaina Guliani Dhananjay Bhattacharya

Shaurya Pratap
Filmmaking Second Aikagra Gupta
Runners Up Gurmani Kaur

Medhashree Saxena Off The Map
 Second Aikagra Gupta

Tactus (Gaming) Runners Up Krrish Aggarwal
Winners Krrish Aggarwal
H H L 3 0

Mamta Modern Sr. Sec. School ( -Block
H ,

Vikaspuri New Delhi - 8)

Mount St. Mary’s. Delhi Cantt.

, 11001

Programming Second Neil Sindwani

Runners Up Shaurya Pratap
Bladestorm Winners Srivastava
Kunwar Singh Kohli

Naunidh Singh Kohli

Jaysal Machanda
 enCORE Second Exun Clan
Praveer Singh Bedi
 Runners Up
Bhawaansh Anand

Gaming Winners Praveer Singh Bedi

Jaysal Manchanda
Kryptos Winners Vaibhav Sahni


Scottish H
igh International School
H Delhi Public School Dwarka

Scottish igh International School


Overall Winners
Webtales Second C

Ayon C
(C)rosshair Naunidh Singh Kohli
 Runners Up Aaahana Mehrotra
Akhil Sachdeva

Samedh Aggarwa l

Rishit adav

Y D8A Runners Up Mannat Kaur

Bhawaansh Anan d
 Siddhartha Verma
Kunwar Singh Parmar

Praveer Singh Bedi
Game Ove r

Second Naunidh Singh Kohli

[ ]
Runners Up Bhawaansh Anan d

Kumar Singh Parmar

Praveer Singh Bedi
(C)lick Runners Up Sana Chawla

Shaurya Gupta (DIGEX)
Spawn.GD Runners Up Shaurya Singha l

(C)ode Winners Yash Sehga l

Shaurya Malhotra
Kahini Kashyap
Code Wars Second Dhananjay
(C) NC V8. Y 0
Runners Up Bhattacharya

(C) NC V8. Y
Delhi Public School Bhopal ,
0 Spurti Nimbal i

Delhi Public School Bhopal ,

DECAGON 2 22 0

Venkateshwar International School

Under_Score 24
Overall Winners

Gaming Second Kunwar Singh Crossword Winners Aarush Semwal

Runners Up Parmar Avika Jain

Gaming Second Arohi Ahuja

Runners Up Surprise Runners Up Kavin Valli

Vishesh Saraswat
Runners Up Spurti Nimbali
Programming Programming Runners Up Bhuvnesh Nagpal

Neil Sindwani

Group Winners Arush Dua

Discussion Group Runners Up Apoorva
Discussion Dhanesh Ghadge
Group Runners Up Shreshta Singh
Discussion Hackathon Runners Up Darsh Sikka

Samik Tuteja

Quiz Second Tanmay Arora

Runners Up Pratyush Vempati

Ryan International School, Mayur Vihar

Quiz Winners Priyansh Bansal

Siddhartha Verma
DPS International, Saket
Web dev Winners Ayon C

Akansh Rajan

Crossword Second Aarush Semwal

Cambridge School, Noida
Runners Up Bhuvnesh Nagpal

Second Stuti Kathria
Discussion Runners Up

Graphy Second Stuti Kathuria

Runners Up Angad Singh
Runners Up Shreyansh Agarwal
 Development Aadibhav Prasad

Ananya Mangla
 Nabhay Khanna

Sneha Pandey
Techate Special Stuti Kathuria
 Cryptic Hunt Top 5 Exun Clan
Mention Mannat Kaur

OptikSync Honourable Aarush Semwal

Mention XINO 2022
W3BTek Second Aaahana Mehrotra
 DPS Rohini
Runners Up Dipanshu Choradia

Spawnkill Winners Kunwar Singh Parmar

(Valorant) Naunidh Singh Kohli

Pratyush Venmpati

Rishit Yadav
 Success is not final;
failure is not fatal...
Kabeer Bawa

Aditya Chopra


Air Force Bal Bharti School, Lodi Colony - Winston S. Churchill

Under_Score 23
Gaming Runners Up Naunidh Singh Kohli

Web-D Runners Up Aaahana Mehrotra
 Kunwar Singh Parmar

Akansh Rajan
Programming Second 
 Vishesh Saraswat

Gaming Second Kunwar Singh Parmar
 Runners Up Darsh Sikka
Runners Up Ayush Arora

Filmmaking Second 
 Aikagra Gupta
Runners Up

Cambridge School Indirapuram

Consolium Second
 Aryaman Reddy

Programming Winners Darsh Sikka
Runners Up Jasraj Singh Gujral
Nabhay Khanna

Shaurya Pratap

Web-D Runners Up Srivastava

Counterstrafe Winners Naunidh Singh Kohli

Kunwar Singh Parmar

Mannat Kaur
Aditya Chopra

Praveer Singh Bedi

Quiz Winners Shivansh Bhatngar
Bhawaansh Anand
Yoovan Pattnaik
Studio 404 Winners Aikagra Gupta

Durlabh Biswas

Aniruddha Gupta
Winners Aanya Yaduvanshi
Discussion Snap It! Runners Up Aditya Goel

Take-De-Bait Runners Up Arush Dua

Film Making Runners Up Medashree Saxena
Aaahana Mehrotra
Faizah Naqvi

Battle Bot Second
 Vibhum Aggarwal

Shaurya Gupta
Runners Up Adhiraj Jain
Gurmani Kaur

Gaming Second 
 Naunidh Singh Kohli

Runners Up Kunwar Singh Pawar Apeejay School, Panchsheel Park

Overall Winners

Techathlon Runners Up Exun Clan

KR.Mangalam World School, Vikaspuri
 Shireen Rajora
Discussion Runners Uo

Quiz Second 
 Tanmay Arora

Success is a
Runners Up Kavin Desi Valli
Surprise Winners Kunwar Singh Pawar

series of small Cubing 2x2 Winners

Naunidh Singh Kohli
Garv Jhuremalani

wins. Cubing 3x3 Runners Up Nikhil Lal

- Jaime Tardy Delhi Pubic School, Vasant Kunj

Under_Score 25
Coliseum Runners Up Praveer Singh Bedi
Sumo-Bot Winners Yuvraj Matta
Adhiraj Jain Designathon Runners Up Aadhya Dhar

Winners Shreyansh Agarwal

Console Krrish Aggarwal Augustya Adityadi
Hackathon Second 
 Aarav Dayal

Runners Up Mannat Kaur

Discovery/Createch 4.0
Darsh Sikka

Ryan International School, Vasant Kunj
Aaahana Mehrotra
 Aikagra Gupta

[Filmmaking] Runners Up Faizah Naqvi

Shiven Gupta
Web Coders Special Ayon C

Mention Akansh Rajan

Binary Second 
 Vedant Singh nQuest

 Stuti Kathuria

Masters Runners Up (surprise) Runners Up Pratyush Vempati

Krrish Aggarwal

Medashree Saxena

Gamer’s Runners Up Aarav Dayal

Special Tanvi Agrawal

Delhi Public School, Sushant Lok
Mention Shivangi Priya

Action Ayushman Mishra

Robosoccer Winners Kushagra Goel

Yuvraj Matta

GEEK-<A/>-HERTZ Shaurya Markanda

KR.Mangalam World School, Vikaspuri

Gamedev Runners Up Shaurya Singhal

3D Mania Winners Aayush Gaur

Bhavya Verma

The Senate
 Winners Aanya Yaduvanshi

[Group Quiz Winners Yoovan Pattnaik

Discussion] Darsh Sikka

Jai Goel
Proving Winners Aanya Yaduvanshi

Grounds- Avni Gupta
Girls ACON 1.0

D.A.V Public School Sec-14
Logic Magic Winners Vedant Singh

Runners Up Darsh Sikka

Delhi Public School Mathura Road

Under_Score 26
Group Winners Arush Dua Creative- Runners Up Sneha Chandra

Discussion Designathon Aarshia Gupta

Shreyansh Agrawal

Garv Jain

 Runners Up Dhananjay Eshan Sharma

[Competitive Bhattacharya
 Mehul Srivastava
Programming] Nabhay Khanna
Crossword Runners Up Aarush Semwal

Yoovan Pattnaik
Video Editing Second
 Mohit Gupta
Runners Up

AI/ML Runners Up Aniruddha Gupta Amity International School, Sector 46 Gurgaon

BlenDesign Second
 Zonish Siddiqui

Runners Up

Gaming Second
 Krrish Aggarwal

Runners Up Rushil Pawaria

Apeejay School Noida

INOI Qualified
Adi Mathur

Darsh Sikka

Pratyush Vempati

Zonal Computing Olympiad

Indian Association for Research in Computer Science

Procodr Second Shaurya Pratap

Runners Up Srivastava

Darsh Sikka

Lotus Valley Gurgaon


Computer Science


M r. A j i t h Ku m a r Ms. Anjana Virmani Ms. Hema Jain M r. M o h i t D e y

M r. M u k e s h Ku m a r Ms. Sangeeta Rana M s . S a r i k a Ka u s h a l Ms. Shalini Harisukh

M r. S h e k a r S h a r m a M r. D i n y M a t h e w M r. T h o m a s C . A . M r. J o s e p h K .V.

M r. S h a n k a r G i r i M r. R a m Ku m a r M r. Ka l i r a m

Under_Score 28
Nyra Bhushan

Shaurya Malhotra

Ahaan Purohit

Anav Jain

Adi Mathur
Darsh Sikka

Eshan Sharma
Nabhay Khanna
Aayush Gaur 
Aryaman Reddy

Parav Jaikrishan
Adhiraj Jain
Aayush Gaur

Zonish Siddiqui
Adi Mathur


Pihu Upadhyay
Shaurya Pratap
Adhyann Singal 

Adi Mathur 
Aditya Chopra

Siddhartha Verma
Tanishq Arora
Akhil Sachdeva

Mana Sharma
Agrima Verma
Agastya Vatts
Aikagra Gupta

Anup Dev Pattnaik

Shashank Roy
Arhaan Gupta
Aryaman Reddy

Dhananjay Bhattacharya
Vaibhav Sekhri
Arhaan Sharma
Aryan Daga

Mridul Agarwal
Akansh Rajan
Aryan Daga
Atharva Mittal

Navya Garg
Ayon Choudhury
Aryan Gupta
Bhawaansh Anand

Pratyush Vempati
Jai Goel
Bhavya Verma
Devansh Gupta

Yoovan Pattnaik
Ahaana Pandit
Jasnoor Kaur
Dishita Negi

Kanishka Verma
Avika Jain
Karun Sharma
Dronn Bawa

Sneha Pandey
Dishita Negi
Kushagra Goel
Jasraj Singh Gujral

Garv Jain
Tarush Aran
Mannat Kaur
Kaustubh Tiwari

Nehaara Kaushik
Medhansh Pandya
Krrish Aggarwal

Naina Lal Mehta

Hitaarth Soni
Neil Sindwani
Mishaa Kalra

Rihit Wadhwa
Neil Saksena

Stuti Kathuria
Nanya Gupta
Pratiti Mehndiratta

Mannat Kaur
Kanav Lall Rishit Aggarwal
Pratyush Vempati

Shreya Nirvan
Shaurya Markanda
Rishit Yadav

Aaahana Mehrotra
Shiven Kanodia
Rohak Tiwari

Aarush Semwal
Swarnika Bhardwaj
Rudrajit Chaliha

S Shrikirti
Tanishq Gogia
Samarth Mehta

Samik Tuteja
Uddhav Oberoi
Samedh Aggarwal

Shiven Kanodia
Vani Sen
Shaurya Gautam

Shresth Singh
Vibhum Aggarwal
Shaurya Malhotra

Aanya Yaduvanshi
Yuvraj Matta

Shreeya V Nair

Avni Gupta
Aarav Sachin Vijan 
Suhani Sinha

Saksham Raheja
Tanmay Vidhani

Akshat Jain
Utsav Chandra Yadav

Aarav Dayal
Atharv Sachin Vijan
Uzair Ahmed Khan
Aikagra Gupta
Garv Jhuremalani

Shreyansh Agarwal
Jaiveer Gulyani

Tejas Agarwal
Krishnav Singh 

Ananya Mangla
Nikhil Lal 

Arush Dua
Parth Agrawal 

Pavni Goel
Yoovan Pattnaik

Anisha Mahajan
Yuvraj Agarwal

Abhiveer Luthra

Ananya Shrivastav

Anwita Chandra

Aryaman M Reddy

Under_Score 29


Ananya Mangla Shreya Nirvan Sneha Pandey Kanishka Verma

Ananya Shrivastav Kavya Dayal Kanav Lall


Aanya Yaduvanshi Arush Dua Shaurya Markanda Advay Sriraman Divyansh Jai


Aarav Sachin
Harshil Batra Krishna Samanyu Srivastava

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centric social
platform for

Exun Clan, Delhi Public School

R.K. Puram, New Delhi, India

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