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Background and context

A. Introduction to the topic of entrepreneurial network and its importance in startup success 1
(Karani & Mshenga, 2021).

Overview of the current entrepreneurial landscape and the challenges faced by startups.
Theoretical basis and previous studies on the relationship between entrepreneurial network
and startup success.

Significance of the study.

Importance of understanding the factors influencing startup success for economic

development and job creation(Wang, 2020).

Relevance of entrepreneurial network in addressing the challenges faced by startups and

enhancing their chances of success II (Karani & Mshenga, 2021).

Literature Review A.

Review of existing literature on entrepreneurial network and startup success 1.

Overview of studies highlighting the role of networks and connections in overcoming barriers
and achieving entrepreneurial success2.

Discussion of studies that explore the impact of social media on entrepreneurial success and
the acquisition of entrepreneurial knowledge and skills.

III (Wang, 2020). Methodology

A. Research design 1 (Karani & Mshenga, 2021).

B. Quantitative approach using survey questionnaires to collect data from startup
founders and entrepreneurs.
C. Sampling strategy and sample size determination.
D. Variables and measurement.
E. Measurement of independent variable: Entrepreneurial network (including networks
and connections).
F. Measurement of dependent variable: Startup success (including measures of
profitability, growth, and survival).
G. Measurement of additional variables: a. Social media usage and impact on startup
success b. Entrepreneurial knowledge and skills acquisition IV .

Quantitative study:
Positivism study because it measures quantitative data

Research approach:
Inductive & Deductive
I will use deductive: 1st develop theories then data collection
Inductive: Data collection then theory

Methodological choices:
Mono method and mixed method
In mono method: whether qualitative research or quantitative research, here we have options
In mixed-method we have to use both
Since I’m using mono method and used quantitative method (google)

Research strategy:
How are we collecting data: Since I’m gathering data from questionnaire so it’s survey
strategy, experiments. I’VE used survey strategy

Time horizon:
for how much time period I’ve collected data

Types of time horizon:

Longitudinal study: Long term time period upto 6 or 7 months or years

Cross-sectional: Through surveys, at a single point (one-time) for upto 3 or 4 weeks. There
is the limited time. I’m using cross sectional.

Data collection:
how I’ve collected data whether it’s from survey as a hard form or through google forms, In
google forms I’ve made questionnaire and collected data through questionnaire or through
hard forms e.g printouts. If there is the 400 sample size and 360 or 380 responses I’ve
received and 20 responses people didn’t answer responses properly

Through which city we’ve collected data
Sampling technique: IF population unknown then it’s non probability. Convenience. Data
collection is easy.

Measurement scales: in questionnaire which author questions we have picked. Author name
Scales to ask teacher

A business incubator is an organization or program designed to support the growth and

development of startup companies and early-stage ventures. Business incubators
provide a nurturing environment
that offers a variety of resources, services, and support to entrepreneurs, helping them
overcome challenges and increase the chances of success.

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