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초 청 장

성명 Name(Family Given Middle) Turat Kyzy Begaiym

국적 Nationality Kyrgyz Republic
생년월일 Date of Birth( 2004.09.24
성별 Gender F
초청과정 Program Bachelor's
한국어연수기관 Language Institution Chungnam National University
학위 수학대학 University Chungnam National University
장학 기간 Scholarship Period March 1, 2024~Februrary 28, 2029
장학금 혜택 Scholarship Benefits A round-trip airfare, Tuition, Monthly Stipend, Insurance Fee

교육부 국립국제교육원은 귀하를 2024 년 대한민국 정부초청 장학생으로 초청하며,

초청기간 동안 왕복 항공료, 학비, 생활비, 보험 비용을 제공합니다.
National Institute for International Education under the Ministry of Education
invites you as a scholar of 2024 Global Korea Scholarship Program. NIIED will
sponsor your studies in Korea throughout the above-mentioned period. The
scholarship benefits include a round-trip air fare, tuition, monthly allowance, and insurance
2024년 1월 15일 January 15, 2024


Ryoo Hyea-Sook
National Institute for International Education
Ministry of Education, Republic of Korea

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