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Federal Public Service Commission

AD IB (Federal Organization) Past Paper

CSSPMSMENTOR (Leading Your Way….)

1. Which is the third largest party of Britain?

A. Conservative & Unionist Party C. Scottish National Party
B. Labor Party D. None of these
2. When was Warsaw Pact signed?
A. 1955 C. 1954
B. 1956 D. None of these
3. OIC second summit held in
A. Karachi C. Islamabad
B. Lahore D. None of these
4. Rubber is mainly grown in
A. Northwest Europe C. Southeast Asia
B. Northeast of USA D. None of these
5. Who gave the idea of Law of Inertia?
A. Dalton C. Michael
B. Newton D. None of them
6. Which of the following civilization was shut down by droughts combined with
devastating floods?
A. Indus C. Inca
B. Nile D. None of these
7. At the peaks of high mountain, the boiling temperature of waters
A. Increases C. Remains same
B. Decreases D. None of these
8. Wheat harvested in
A. May C. April
B. July D. None of these
Federal Public Service Commission
AD IB (Federal Organization) Past Paper
CSSPMSMENTOR (Leading Your Way….)

9. Red blood cell function is to

A. Transfer carbon dioxide C. Transfer ammonia
B. Transfer oxygen D. None of these
10. When did Holy Prophet (SAW) migrated to Medina?
A. 622 AD C. 620 AD
B. 630 AD D. None of these
11. Who was the first prime minister of India?
A. Jawaharlal Nehru C. Zakir Hussain
B. Moti lal Nehru D. None of these
12. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) had how many sons?
A. 01 C. 03
B. 02 D. 04
13. The lost city of Machu Picchu is in which country
A. Peru C. Argentina
B. Chile D. Bolivia
14. Tabook War was between
A. Jews & Muslims C. Christians & Muslims
B. Rome & Muslims D. None of these
15. The Indus Basin Treaty was signed in Karachi by
A. Yahya Khan C. Ayub Khan
B. Z.A. Bhutto D. None of these
16. Synonym of Ignominy
A. Disgrace C. Repute
B. Admiration D. None of these

Federal Public Service Commission
AD IB (Federal Organization) Past Paper
CSSPMSMENTOR (Leading Your Way….)

17. Synonym of Nettled

A. Annoy C. Delight
B. Appease D. None of these
18. Antonym of Indignation
A. Umbrage C. Contentment
B. Displeasure D. None of these
19. Antonym of Obstinate
A. Stubborn C. Implacable
B. Submissive D. None of these
20. He said, “Don’t read so fast.”
A. He request her to read so fast. C. He has forbidden her to read fast.
B. He forbade her to read so fast. D. None of these
21. He said, “The sun is stationary.”
A. He told that the sun is stationary. C. He told the sun is stationary.
B. He told that the sun was stationary. D. None of these
22. It ____________ too cold to go out last night and we stayed at home.
A. Used to be C. Has been
B. Was D. None of these
23. Rice needs
A. Refilling soil moisture C. Less water
B. Much water D. None of these
24. Which country joined SAARC after a long time its formation?
A. India C. Bhutan
B. Afghanistan D. None of these

Federal Public Service Commission
AD IB (Federal Organization) Past Paper
CSSPMSMENTOR (Leading Your Way….)

25. Who is the Turkish president at present?

A. Tayyip Erdogan C. Erbakan
B. Bulent Ecevit D. None of these
26. Who is the current secretary general of UN?
A. Kofi Annan C. Antonio Guterres
B. Ban ki Moon D. None of these
27. Which country is the member of BRICS?
A. Bhutan C. Sweden
B. China D. None of these
28. The Pacific Ocean is roughly _______________ in shape.
A. Triangular C. Circular
B. Conical D. None of these
29. The Galapagos Islands belong to which country?
A. Ecuador C. Argentina
B. Peru D. None of these
30. Grey tourism is tourism by
A. Senior citizens C. Snowbirds
B. Eco tourism D. None of these


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