Pablo Picasso

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Pablo Picasso was born on October 25, 1881 in, Spain.

He was the first child of the

family, hhis father was an art teacher. At an early age Pablo showed an interest in
drawing. His first words were "piz, piz", which is short for "lapiz", the Spanish word for
pencil. At the age of 7, Pablo began receiving art instruction from his father. His father
believed that an artist's training should include copying the masters and drawing the
human body from live models. In 1895, Pablo's father accepted a position at Barcelona's
School of Fine Arts. He asked officials to allow his son to take the entrance exam. The
officials were impressed with Pablo's abilities and admitted him to the academy. As a
student he lacked discipline but made friends and continued to grow as an artist. At the
age of 16, Pablo's father joined him in Spain's most distinguished art school, Madrid's
Royal Academy of San Fernando. However, his instruction at the Royal Academy lasted
only a short time as he struggled to accept formal instruction. In spite of these
difficulties, his time in Madrid was not wasted. Pablo visited Madrid's museums and saw
the paintings of Diego Velasquez and Francisco Goya, though it was the works of El
Greco. In 1900, Picasso made his first trip to Paris. At that time Paris was considered to
be the art capitol of Europe. While in Paris, Picasso's work began to attract the attention
of art collectors. Picasso met French artist Henri Matisse and they became lifelong
friends. In 1907, Picasso painted one of his most important works - Les Demoiselles
d'Avignon, - creating with painter and sculptor Georges Braque the new art movement
known as "Cubism". Pablo Picasso died on April 8, 1973, France. He is best remembered
as the co-founder of Cubism. As a young boy, Pablo

BLUE PERIOD is a term used to define to the works produced by Spanish painter Pablo
Picasso between 1901 and 1904, when he painted essentially monochromatic paintings in
blue and blue-green, only occasionally warmed by other colors. These dull works,
inspired by Spain and painted in Barcelona and Paris, are now some of his most popular
works, although he had difficulty selling them at the time. The blue period is the
transition of Picasso's style from classicism to abstract art. When Picasso's close friend
Carlos Casagemas commits suicide, Picasso's shock finds expression in paintings of his
blue period. At that time Picasso was away from home for the first time, and living in
very poor conditions.

ROSE PERIOD started in 1904, a year in which Picasso alternated paintings in the "blue
style", which are somewhat more optimistic in mood and brighter colored. The Rose
Period comes from the time when the style of Pablo Picasso's painting used cheerful
orange and pink colors in contrast to the cool Blue Period. The Rose Period lasted 2
years. Picasso was happy in his relationship with Fernande Olivier whom he had met in
1904. Clowns appear frequently in the Rose Period which will last through the rest of his
long career.

CUBISM has been considered the most influential art movement of the 20th century. In
Cubist artwork, objects are analyzed, broken up and reassembled in an abstracted form—
instead of depicting objects from one viewpoint, the artist depicts the subject from a
multitude of viewpoints to represent the subject in a greater context. It is important to
fully realize the importance of cubism. It isn't just "Picasso's style" but marks the real
beginning of abstract art.

GUERNICA is a painting by Pablo Picasso. It was created in response to the bombing of

Guernica, a Basque Country village in northern Spain by German and Italian warplanes,
during the Spanish Civil War. The Spanish Republican government commissioned
Picasso to create a large painting for the Spanish display at the Exposition at the 1937
World's Fair in Paris. Guernica shows the tragedies of war and the suffering it inflicts
upon individuals, particularly innocent civilians.

The makeup products of today cannot be compared with those of previous

centuries. One can hardly find a makeup product that has little or no chemical
ingredients in its content. And those that have natural elements are not available for
everybody. The amount of applying makeup grows up day by day. The same ways of
applying makeup make people resemble each other and hide their skin problems, creating
fake beauty. But for some people, it is a means of hiding their insecurities, making them
feel more comfortable and self-confident. Also, it is a way not to step back from fashion.
All these factors are not healthy for the skin. Regularly applied makeup causes skin
problems and creates fake beauty, although it is a means of hiding insecurities for some
Brands producing makeup are countless, and most products contain chemical
ingredients, which are reasons for side effects. Girls, who start to apply makeup at an
early age, realize that the quality of their skin declines, and wrinkles appear, especially
around their eyes. Girls having oil or dry skin make their skin even more problematic by
using makeup regularly. Also, the thick layer of makeup does not allow the skin to
breathe. Most brands produce makeup products without writing the ingredients they
contain, and people use them without knowing the content. Some products contain such
chemicals which are harmful to the skin, and some people are allergic. Some girls use
the same brush or sponge for years which can cause different skin infections.
When you look at girls, it seems they have the same facial expression and
characters due to the widely used method of applying makeup. Makeup hides the actual
color of the skin, and the skin color of the face sometimes differs from that of the neck.
It also hides acne and other skin problems, making a face with perfect skin, due to which,
when a girl removes her makeup, she often becomes another person. Girls, who wear
makeup for a long time, cannot go out without makeup. So, it becomes an addiction.
They cannot imagine their faces without makeup. The brands manufacturing makeup
products propagate fake beauty standards in their advertisements, which influences girls'
psychology. And they try to look like the models on advertisement posters without
understanding that unique, natural, and individual beauty is the most attractive thing, that
they should accept themselves the way they look without makeup.
For some people, applying makeup regularly is a way of hiding their insecurities,
as a thick layer of makeup hides skin problems such as acne, spots, and wrinkles. Right-
applied makeup can make a big nose look smaller, cheeks thinner, cheekbones more
vivid, and a large forehead narrower. And girls and women, who have insecurities about
their skin color, forehead, or nose, try to solve this problem by applying makeup almost
every day, which makes them feel more comfortable and self-confident. Also, wearing
makeup is a way not to step back from fashion, as all commercials and well-known
brands propagate the concept of "perfect beauty", which makes everybody look like
same, creates different health problems, and destroys the idea of loving yourself the way
you are.
The beauty standards of today create fake and similar-looking beauty, this idea is
widely spread among young girls and women by commercials of beauty brands. They
propagate to hide their skin problems to feel more comfortable and self-confidants, which
brings to the phycological problem of not loving themselves and trying to resemble
others. Applying makeup regularly causes such skin problems as acne, bad skin quality,
allergies, wrinkles, and infections. This habit soon becomes an addiction for some girls
and women and they cannot go out without wearing makeup. Applying makeup is not
bad for health and psychology if it is done from time to time, but if it is a habitual action,
it destroys your health and causes some psychological problems.

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