Business Report For RCM Squire

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Business Report for RCM Squire

Company Overview:
RCM Squire is a new enterprise based in Karimnagar, dedicated to managing medical
claims for outsourced companies in the UAE. The startup will employ a team of 10
coders and one arts background candidate proficient in English and computer
hardware, focusing on MS Excel. The operation will be set up to accommodate two
shifts to optimize productivity and handling of claims.

Staffing Strategy:
The hiring strategy prioritizes local, middle-class candidates within 20km of Karimnagar
to ensure reliability and long-term employment. The company will initially avoid
internships to maintain a stable and experienced workforce.

Financial Overview:
A. One-Time Costs

Item Description Quantity Unit Cost (INR) Total Cost (INR)

Chairs 10 1,000 10,000
Woodwork for Tables 1 5,000 5,000
Total One-Time Costs 15,000

B. Monthly Recurring Expenses

Expense Category Amount (INR)

Salaries (10 coders(9K + 1 accountant 10K) 9100

Office Rent 3,000

Power Bill 2,000

Internet 2,000

Miscellaneous (water, cleaning) 1,000

Computer Rent (3 months rate) 10,000

Mail Subscription 1,000

Total Monthly Recurring Costs 110,000

Revenue Projections Table

Rate per Claim (fils) Monthly Revenue (INR)

50 175,500

75 263,250

D. Monthly Profit/Loss (Excluding One-Time Costs)

Profit at 50 fils per claim: 50,500 INR.

Profit at 75 fils per claim: 135,250 INR.

Operational Structure:
First shift from 8 AM to 5 PM,
Second shift from 11 AM to 8 PM.

Workload: Each coder will manage tasks including coding and resubmission, aiming for
77 claims per coder per day initially.

RCM Squire is poised to start operations with a solid financial and operational plan that
allows for substantial monthly profits, scaling from an initial 50,500 INR to 135,250 INR
depending on the billing rate per claim. The one-time costs are minimal compared to the
ongoing potential revenue, ensuring a quick return on initial investments. This structure
supports sustainable growth and a strong team foundation for future expansions and
service enhancements.

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