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Diploma in Interior Design

SketchUp 101
(Part 1)

Lesson 27

Summary Notes

3 Lesson outcomes

3 Introduction

3 Core 1: SketchUp basics

6 Core 2: The set up

8 Core 3: Get started

12 Referencing



Lesson outcomes
By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

• Understanding of basic SketchUp concepts

• Compare the various SketchUp Versions available to the student
• Apply installation methods
• Demonstrate an understanding of the SketchUp UI

Bringing your project to life with 3D generated SketchUp views. Today’s lesson is your very first insight into the 3D
modelling program, SketchUp. We start this lesson off by looking at exactly what the SketchUp program is and how it
assists us in our drawing process. From here we look at a typical download of the various SketchUp programs and some
additional tips and tricks on the best computer systems to be using for the job. The interface is the next step as we break
down what the UI looks like and where to find some of the most important modelling tools. This lesson sets us up for
lesson 4 where we begin the drawing process.

‘Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Design is knowing which ones to keep.’

- Scott Adams

Core topic 1 – SketchUp basics

What is SketchUp?
o Sketch up is a 3D modelling CAD program that we as designers, architects’ engineers, and many other professions
which we use to easily create both 2D and 3D drawing out puts. SketchUp is a essentially a 3D modelling program
that has the power to create amazing 3D models which can be used to further create walk through videos as well.
o The SketchUp program is available in a web-based application, which lucky for us, is a free application, as well as
a paid version, called sketch up Pro.
o SketchUp is owned by Trimble Inc.
o Sketchup was created in 1999 by @Last Software. Trimble Navigation (now Trimble Inc.) acquired Sketchup in
2021 who has expended the application to offer a variety of new elements.

Here are someof the benefits of 3Dmodelsfor usasInterior designers:

• Effective client presentation via 3D visualization increases chances of design approvals.

• Live amendments - We can easily make live amendments to the design, PDF and send for presentation. This
obviously reduces the risk of cost.
• A 3D library. There are huge 3D library’s available to us to choose and select models to use at any point which
speeds up the time to create our drawings.



The impact is clear. Have a look on your screen at these 2 drawing views. The plan view on the left is very technical and
information driven, which is brilliant and has its purpose. However, when presented with the 3D model, we get a much
clearer idea and view of what the proposed space will become and will look like. You are almost able to get a feeling of
what it would be like to function in that space. Presentation in 3D has a far higher approval rate that presentation viewing
in 2D views.

What can Sketch UP be used for?

As you know and as I have shown you over the last 2 modules, there are a variety of brilliant CAD programs out there which
makes it extremely difficult to decide and choose between which programs you are going to invest time and money in.
That is what I am here for and I am going to get straight to the point.

I generally like to use:

• AutoCAD: to create and set up all my technical 2D drawings.

& then I use
• SketchUp: to create all my 3D modelling.

Why? Because SketchUp, is a user free program that allows us to create and edit models with speed and precision creating
the most amazing outcomes, with very little frustration. This program is so super easy to navigate and simple to use. I also
find the rendering ability of
SketchUp superior to that of the
AutoCAD program and
therefore stick to 2D modelling
on AutoCAD. I do not create my
2D drawings on SketchUp as I
find for this application,
AutoCAD is superior and more

The various sketch up versions



SketchUp free
SketchUp Free is a good way to get started with modelling and to try SketchUp out
and see if you like it. As the name suggests, this version is a completely free web-
based application so you will need an internet connection to access and use it.

• To access this application, you need to sign up for a free Trimble ID using a
valid email address.
• This version is very different from the desktop versions interface, However
the tools set, and panels are all the same, but they have slightly different
icons. Not something that you cannot live with.

SketchUp pro
SketchUp Pro is one of SketchUp’s paid products and is the version that I use (and
most designers use). This version of the software is suitable for both commercial
and personal use and would be my recommended option if budget allows.

This version of sketch up is desktop based, meaning that you will download the
program to your computer and will not need an internet connection. Being that this
is the most powerful version, it comes at a price. Is a paid version of sketch up and
the premium package as it has all the bells and whistles to sketch up? You are
looking at approx. ($695) per month for this program.



Core topic 2 – The set up

System requirements
With every program that we have looked at and with every program you are going to come across on your design journey,
there are certain hardware and software specifications that your computer will need to allow the program or application
to run. This is no different for the SketchUp program. These are some of the basic requirements to run SketchUp on your



Installing SketchUp
We are going to begin with the installation instructions for windows. SketchUp has a comprehensive site, showcasing a
variety of informative elements such as how to use SketchUp, how to install, how to download etc. I have added a link to
your summary notes for this as well. I am going to walk you through how to download SketchUp the trial version. If you
want to look at the free version, you can find that by clicking on the link.

Step 1:

Open the downloaded installer file as the admin. The security prompt will ask if you allow SketchUp permission to make
changes (Install), you would select accept.

Step 2:

The installation window will open and provide you with the option to

a - Change the language and choose an installation

directory. Click install for the installation to begin and keep
an eye on the progress bar.


Once the installation has finished you will see a message

saying "SketchUp 2021 is Ready to Go!". Click on the
SketchUp Icon to launch the program. message you can
click on the SketchUp icon in the window to launch
SketchUp right away, alternatively you can click Finish to
close out the installer.

Tip: You may want to reboot your computer after

the installation completes.



Core topic 3 – Getting started with SketchUp

Open up
The first time you use SketchUp, you are going to need to sign
in to activate your trial or subscription. After you are signed in,
the Welcome to SketchUp dialog box will appear and you are
able to start drawing. This dialog box is your starting point for
creating a model and appears every time you start SketchUp
(unless you choose to turn it off in the SketchUp Preferences
dialog box).

Step 1

Once the download is complete and you have restarted your

computer you are going to double click on the SketchUp
application on your desktop. (Navigate to where you saved the file, if all else fails have a look in your downloads or type
the word SketchUp into your search bar)

Step 2

Once you have started the opening process you will be prompted to sign in and from here it will ask you to select a
template. This is an important step in the process.

(In this 'welcome to SketchUp dialog box' there are some options available to you; choose a template for your model, set
the default template, open recent files, browse for an existing file, or license a copy of SketchUp Pro, and learn more about

Something to remember here, when you are working on SketchUp, you are drawing everything to its correct scale to
reality. This means that the template you are selecting (In SketchUp’s case, the template of measurement) is important.
Each template has a set of predefined settings for your model’s background and units of measurement. When you start
your new model, selecting a template with the correct unit of measurement is important as it will make modelling
accurate and easier to navigate. This is a simple step: Simply select by clicking on the template in the file panel, that has
units of measurements in line with your measurement system.



Tip: To access the Welcome to SketchUp window anytime, navigate to the menu bar,

select Help > Welcome to SketchUp.

When you become more familiar with sketch up, you can set up your own custom templates to suit your preferences.

Explore the interface

A recap for those of you who did not know, the user interface is the term that we use to describe - 'a device or program
enabling a user to communicate with a computer.' The face of the program in our case that lets us punch in commands
which then prompt the program (computer) to do what we want it to.

Breaking up the tools

The interface is the platform where
you are going to create and set up
some of your amazing drawings. But
how do we go about creating the
drawings? We are going to break up
the elements on your interface to
make the drawing a little bit easier.



1. Title bar
The very first bar you encounter on the top
of your drawing. This bar is the title that
you allocate to the drawing and contains
the standard window controls such as:

Close, maximise and minimise as well as

the name of the file that you are working

When you start your drawing, like on the image on your screen, you will see that the file is named: Untitled, indicating that
you have not yet saved your work. Please use this as a reminder to save your work. A good naming convention is: The
project name, the date, and drawing type if

Menu bar
The menu bar is where most of your tools
and commands can be located. A selection
of tools if you will. Make sure that you make
the correct selection. The tools that you will find here:

• File
• Edit
• View
• Camera
• Draw
• Tools
• Windows
• Help

The getting started tool bar

This is the panel that houses all the basic tools that you are going to need to begin your 3D model. It’s a kind of quick
access section if you will. As it only shows a few of the tools (The most important ones) you might need some additional
ones along your drawing journey. To add to this tool set all you need to do is:

Select View > Toolbars.

In the Toolbars dialog box that opens, select the toolbars you want to see and click close.



Drawing area
It is the area where you are going to
create your 3D models. The area that
you draw up the model. The drawing
space is defined by the drawing axes,
which provide a sense of direction in
3D space while you work.

Blue is vertical

Green is depth

Red is width.

We need to use these Axe’s to draw our objects along.

Meet Suzie
Suzie is my proportion indicator on my drawing. Each drawing on sketch up starts with a
form of a Suzie. Now this is not only for entertainment purposes, but Suzie also provides
us with a human scale proportion to our drawing for reference. So, you are welcome to
give your human figure a name as well.

Status bar
This bar (the status bar) provides us with some important information during the drawing

• Tips - In the middle of the bar

• Measurements - On the far-right hand side of the bar

Some handy tips when using the status bar: By clicking on the man icon in the far-left hand corner,
will bring up the information relating to the model which you can then edit.

• While you are drawing, text will keep popping up in the

middle offering tips, advise and prompts if you are stuck or
unsure about something this is a great help.



Measurement’s box
This box is technical also part of the status bar but deserves an
explanation on its own. This is the tools that is going to ensure your model
is accurate and precise. This box displays the measurements of the object
or tool that you are using at the time. It will show real time dimensions are
you are drawing. You can also type a desired dimension into this box, and
it will create shapes and objects to that size.

Defaults panel
The default panel is a favourite of mine as its the place where I can navigate to
find a whole variety of option for my drawing. This is the panel located on the
right side of the screen, which includes the drawing instructor, materials, styles,
layers, and many other functions. This panel will appear as soon as you open the
SketchUp program. If you want to move it, you simply grab it with your mouse
and drag to its new location. You can also close the default panel by clicking on
the close button in the upper right.

Additional resources
• SketchUp cheat sheet:
• SketchUp free version:
• Additional SketchUp reading:
• Break up the interface:
• Installing SketchUp:

• 2021. SketchUp Hardware and Software Requirements | SketchUp Help. [online]
Available at: <>
• The Little Design Corner. 2021. How to choose the right version of SketchUp: Free vs Pro — The Little Design
Corner. [online] Available at:
• 2021. Installing SketchUp | SketchUp Help. [online] Available at:
• 2021. [online] Available at: <
• How-To Geek. 2021. What is Sketchup (and How Do I Use It)?. [online] Available at:


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