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I am working on the python Django project, and it is an flashcards web application for language or any.

vocab learning websites. it consists of three parts

user account,
flashcard management,
learning mode,
spaced repetition algorithm.

The user account contains the Design Login Form/Window which is the design to just a username
input field (possibly with a label like "Enter Username").

User account also contains Implement Username Login. When the user enters a username, the code
checks if it exists in your storage method and grants access if found. If needed add a clear welcome
message including the username.

User account also contains Implement Username Storage Choose a method to store usernames – could
be a simple list in memory (not ideal for long-term use) or a file on your computer.

Flashcard management includes the add delete and create flashcards options. The learning card
section will memories each flashcard count which the user answers the correct and incorrect. The
spaced repetition algorithm contains the shaffling of those flashcards which the user answers the incorrect
so that the user learns the flashcards as soon as possible.
Now your task is to give me the whole code of this project on Django framework with clear instructions
and source code with the explanations because I am not professional programmer.

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