Varshunn Bhan - HumanRights

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Varshunn Bhan Miskeen

Hidayatullah National Law University



“Freedom cannot be achieved unless women have been emancipated from all kinds of
- Nelson Mandela


"Created Equal," directed by Bill Duke, is a thought-provoking drama that navigates the
treacherous waters of gender discrimination, faith, and the relentless pursuit of justice. In a
world where tradition often takes precedence over equality, this film unfurls the remarkable
journey of Sister Alejandra Batista, played by the talented Edy Ganem, who dares to dream
an unconventional dream—becoming a priest within the hallowed confines of the
Archdiocese of New Orleans. The author tends to review the plot of the film through the lens
of human rights in three parts.

Varshunn Bhan Miskeen
Hidayatullah National Law University


The story commences with Sister Alejandra Batista's consecration as a deaconess, a role she
wholeheartedly embraces with fervent dedication. Her profound affection for serving the
church and her unparalleled grasp of theology should ideally be her launchpad to ascend to
the priesthood. However, an imposing impediment stands in her way—a deeply ingrained
tradition that denies women access to the priesthood.

In the face of daunting adversity, Alejandra's aspirations remain unwavering. She yearns to
shatter the chains of bias and disparity that have permeated the church for centuries. Yet, her
ambitions encounter more than just doubt; they are met with outright resistance from the
male-dominated clergy. These initial hindrances only serve to stoke Alejandra's resolve to
challenge the established order. She embarks on a journey that promises to put her faith,
convictions, and resilience to the ultimate test.


The legal battle kicks off with Alejandra's quest for justice, prompting her to seek the
guidance of Tommy Reilly, a young and ambitious attorney portrayed by Aaron Tveit.
Tommy, initially cautious due to the case's sensitive and volatile nature, gradually succumbs
to Alejandra's unwavering determination and the undeniable injustice she confronts. He
embarks on a mission to confront the Archdiocese, setting the stage for a high-stakes legal

As the case unfolds, Tommy faces hostility and intimidation from influential figures deeply
entrenched within the church hierarchy. Among them is Monsignor Renzulli, brought to life
by the formidable Lou Diamond Phillips, a staunch opponent of Alejandra's pursuit of
priesthood. The courtroom drama that unfolds is fraught with tension as both sides present
compelling arguments, ultimately delving into the intricate legal and moral questions
surrounding gender equality, religious customs, and the boundaries of faith.


Varshunn Bhan Miskeen
Hidayatullah National Law University

As the trial unfolds, Alejandra's faith faces relentless trials, while Tommy confronts his own
preconceived notions regarding religion and gender roles. The case evolves into a symbol of a
broader societal struggle for gender parity, attracting attention from fervent supporters and
outspoken detractors alike. The escalating tension reaches its zenith, culminating in a
gripping climax within the courtroom. At this pivotal moment, the film adeptly unveils the
arguments advocating for Alejandra: that the church's discrimination against her solely stems
from her gender and lacks any justifiable basis.

However, as the dust settles, the movie ends on an intriguing cliffhanger. Judge Watford, the
impartial arbiter of justice in this tumultuous tale, faces a momentous decision. He must
decide whether to grant a mandatory injunction—an injunction that would compel the church
to admit Alejandra to the seminary. Such an order can only be invoked when all other
avenues for pursuing one's priestly aspirations within a Christian context have been
exhausted. But here's the twist: Alejandra does have other options. She can apply to other
seminaries and institutions where her quest for priesthood might be welcomed. Consequently,
Judge Watford's hands are bound; he cannot coerce the Catholic Church into accepting


"Created Equal" explores several central themes, each contributing to its profound narrative.
Let's dissect these themes

Varshunn Bhan Miskeen
Hidayatullah National Law University

1. Gender Discrimination and Inequality:

Institutional Bias: The movie fearlessly tackles the enduring problem of gender bias within
religious establishments, particularly focusing on the Catholic Church. Alejandra's battle
sheds light on the extent to which ingrained customs and biases can foster systemic gender
inequality. Inclusivity and Authority: At its core, the narrative revolves around the issue of
whether women should have the opportunity to take on authoritative roles within religious
bodies. Alejandra's pursuit of the priesthood disrupts the established order and raises inquiries
about why such positions are predominantly allocated to men.

2. Faith and Tradition:

Faith vs. Doctrine: The movie charts a nuanced path through the interplay of individual
spirituality and established religious principles. It delves into how people can maintain
unwavering beliefs in their faith, even when those convictions clash with long-standing
customs. Opposition to Transformation: Monsignor Renzulli's depiction epitomizes the
reluctance to embrace change within religious organizations. His character embodies the
orthodox perspective that upholds age-old gender norms within the church.

3. Pursuit of Justice:
Legal Battle: At the heart of the movie lies the central plot of a legal struggle aimed at
confronting gender bias. Alejandra's determination to take the Archdiocese to court
symbolizes her pursuit of fairness and parity within the legal system.

Varshunn Bhan Miskeen
Hidayatullah National Law University

Courage and Resilience: It emphasizes the bravery necessary to oppose formidable

establishments and advocate for fairness. Both Alejandra and Tommy Reilly display
exceptional tenacity when confronted with challenges.

4. Faith and Identity:

Testing Faith: Alejandra's path examines her faith from profound angles. It demands her
reconciliation of profound devotion to the church with her aspiration to contest its prejudiced

Identity and Belonging: The movie delves into the intricate relationship between faith and
personal identity, as well as the sense of belonging. Alejandra's battle prompts inquiries into
whether it's possible to maintain one's faith while contesting the conventions of their religious

5. Legal and Moral Dilemmas:

Complexity of Legal Issues: The legal conflict delves into intricate legal and ethical
quandaries, including whether religious bodies possess the authority to exclude individuals
based on gender and whether this qualifies as discrimination according to legal standards.

Ethical Considerations: The movie presents moral quandaries concerning religious freedom
and individual liberties, encouraging viewers to ponder the occasional collision of these two

6. The Power of Conviction:

Alejandra's Determination: Alejandra's relentless resolve to achieve priesthood despite
numerous hurdles underscores the potency of unwavering conviction. Her persona epitomizes
the notion that individuals possess the capability to contest deeply entrenched systems when
propelled by firm beliefs.

7. Impact Beyond the Individual:

Societal Implications: The movie depicts how the resolution of Alejandra's case could carry
wider consequences for gender equity within religious establishments, serving as a symbol of
the larger societal endeavour for gender balance and fairness.
Varshunn Bhan Miskeen
Hidayatullah National Law University

8. The Ambiguity of Resolution:

Cliffhanger Ending: The movie concludes with a tantalizing cliffhanger, shrouding the
resolution of Alejandra's case in uncertainty. This enigma encourages viewers to contemplate
the intricacies of the matters in question and how they may lack straightforward remedies.


"Created Equal," skilfully helmed by the talented director Bill Duke, emerges as a
captivating odyssey. It traverses the turbulent terrain of a woman's unwavering battle against
deeply rooted gender bias within the church. Through the prism of a legal confrontation that
pushes the boundaries of faith and equity, the film beckons both characters and viewers to
engage in introspection. It dares them to confront their convictions, to scrutinize deeply
ingrained prejudices, and to recognize the valor required to challenge the pervasive grip of
systemic discrimination.

In its exploration of faith and justice, "Created Equal" imparts a potent message about the
enduring significance of contesting prevailing norms and practices that sustain inequality. It
stands as a symbol of hope and resilience, urging us all to strive for a world where equality is
not a mere aspiration but an unwavering reality.

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