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W03 Proofread Email

Subject line: why you should switch to eletters e-letters instead of newsletters.

I sent this email am writing to alert you to a way to save money.

Newsletters are periodicals used to advertise or update our costumers with information about your
product or blog. tThey can be printed or emailed and are an excellent way to maintain regular contact
with our costumers and drive traffic to your site. hHowever, there is a lot of expense with printed
newsletters (paperpaper, printingprinting, stamps) and there areis no assurance that your
costumerscustomers received our document.

having used Using an elettere-letter can be an effectiveeffective, lowcostlow-cost method for staying in
touch with your customerscustomers. iIt helps reduce churn and can easily generate more business
from customerscustomers, you have already spent a great deal of effort to winwin, since there are no
mailing and printing costs involvedinvolved. iIt is also very gentle toon your bottomlinebottom line
another benefit is the almost instantaneous delivery that email affords - you dontdon’t worry whether
the Post Office will get the newsletter to your customers in time for them to take advantage of athe
special offers.

mMicrosoft oOffice word makes it simple to create and send eletterse-letters. costumersCustomers will
appreciate the regular communicationcommunication, and youwe could be rewarded with more
business from your existing costumercustomer base.

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