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FRIDAY PRAYER (ِ‫)ص ََلةِ ا جْلُ ُم َعة‬



Salamun Alykum,
62:9 says there is a calling for Jumah (congregation)
Would you please clarify the aforementioned verses in details for me?
Shaan Muhammad


‫ِخيج ٌرِلَّ ُك ج‬
“ِ‫نِ ُكنتُ جمِتَ جعلَ ُمو َن‬
ِ ِِ‫ِم‬ َ ‫ِوذَ ُرواِالجبَِيج َعِذَل ُك جم‬ َّ
َ ‫ِاَّلل‬
َّ ‫اس َع جواِِ ََلِذ جكر‬
‫لص ََلةِمنِيَ جومِا جْلُ ُم َعةِفَ ج‬
َّ ‫يِل‬
َ ‫ِآمنُواِِذَاِنُود‬
َ ‫ين‬َ ‫”يَاأَيُّ َهاِالذ‬
The above verse 62:9 is the only verse in the whole Quran which is used to
prove the practice of offering Friday Prayer (Namaz - e - Juma) from the
Quran as an obligatory order of Allah to shut down your business and go to
Friday Congregation, listen compulsory Khutba (sermon) and offer
necessary Friday Prayer in the mosque.
Also, the above verse 62:9 of the Quran is significantly read in the Khutba
(sermon) of Friday Congregation to emphasize the importance of Friday
Prayer from Quranic prospect.
However, the translation of conventional and Quranist scholars does not
match with the revealed Arabic text of this verse 62:9 in which Allah is
describing the scientific process of giving life after death but in the
translation all scholars have concealed Allah’s message and falsely
brought Friday Prayer, its Azan (call for prayer) and its Khutba (sermon) as
Hence, it is difficult to reach the correct interpretation of this verse 62:9
without conducting an in depth analysis and cross checking of the Arabic
words used in the revealed text of this verse 62:9, which is as under.

‫ِو َذ ُرواِالجبَ جِي َعِ َذل ُك جمِ َخ جي ٌرِلَّ ُك ج‬

“ِ‫ِمِِنِ ُكنتُ جمِتَ جعلَ ُمو َن‬ َّ
َ ‫ِاَّلل‬
َّ ‫اس َع جواِِ ََلِذ جكر‬
‫لص ََلةِمنِيَ جومِا جْلُ ُم َعةِفَ ج‬
َّ ‫يِل‬
َ ‫ِآمنُواِِ َذاِنُود‬
َ ‫ين‬َ ‫”يَاأَيُّ َهاِالذ‬
َ ‫ين‬ َّ
َ ‫ ”يَاأَيُّ َهاِالذ‬O those who have faith/who are believers. “‫ ”ِذَا‬when/as soon
as, so then.
َ ‫ ”نُود‬is the derivative product of proto root “‫( ”ن د‬ND). As a rule all vowels
(‫ِو‬،‫ِی‬،‫ )ا‬are evicted from an Arabic word to get its root word to determine the
correct root meaning of any Arabic word. These root words can be bilateral,
trilateral and quadrilateral etc. However, our deviated scholars and their
blind disciples who falsely preach the Quran don’t usually count bilateral
root words of many Arabic words used in the Quran and always try to make
them trilateral by unfair means to derive the meaning of the Quranic words
according to their own choice. To achieve this evil purpose they normally
add vowels “‫ ”و‬or “‫ ”ی‬etc. in the actual bilateral root words of Quranic
phrases and invent unrecognized Arabic root words outside the
grammatical rules and translate the Quran with these fake root words
giving them false meaning which are not recognized and never used in
standard Arabic language. Whereas, in standard Arabic only consonants
are kept in a root word and all vowels are deleted no matter how many
consonants are left to make a root word and there is no rule of adding any
vowel in genuine Arabic root words. In some typical cases only one
consonant left in a word and in many cases only 2 consonants left. In this
typical case these one or two consonants are called “proto root” and are
used to derive the correct meaning of their derivatives. Therefore, this is
not necessary to modify these proto roots of one or two consonants into a
trilateral root word by adding any vowel in them. Hence, this is one of the
false practice of adding vowels in the root words due to which we do not
have the correct understanding of the verses of the Quran. Also, this is one
of the biggest cause of not understanding the “‫( ”صَلۃ‬Salaah) mentioned in
the Quran. Traditional scholars have invented two root words “‫ ”صلی‬and “‫”صلو‬
to derive the false meaning of “‫ ”صَلۃ‬to mean contact prayer from “‫ ”صلی‬and
greeting, darood and peace etc. from “‫”صلو‬. Whereas, Quranist scholars
have invented their own root word “‫ ”وصل‬to translate the same Quranic word
“‫ ”صَلۃ‬and its derivatives. If you carefully look at all three fake root words
“‫”صلی‬, “‫ ”صلو‬and “‫ ”وصل‬you will find an outside the rule addition of vowels “‫”و‬
and “‫ ”ی‬in all of them.

I have explained the correct proto root of “‫ ”صَلۃ‬in my article “SALAAH “‫”صَلۃ‬
But a non-qualified post matric diploma holder Quranist Allama (so called
doctor of knowledge) raised an objection against taking the correct proto
root of “‫ ”صَلۃ‬which I have mentioned in my above article and he wrote to
one of my readers that proto root “‫ ”صل‬mentioned by me was an absurd root
of “‫ ”صَلۃ‬which does not exist in Arabic language nor is it existed in any
dictionary. He also stressed that the correct root word of “ ‫ ”صَلۃ‬is “‫”وصل‬. This
is because he is not a scholar but a repeating parrot of his Quranist
founders. So, he only knows and repeats whatever he was told by his
Quran-only school of thought. To mislead people further he also falsely
claimed that he has been checking this word “‫ ”صل‬in all dictionaries but
couldn’t find it anywhere. To cover his lies he especially refers to Edward
Williams Lane’s Arabic Lexicon in his false articles as this is the only Arabic
dictionary he knows the name of which.
Anyway, I wrote another article for my readers “NON QUALIFIED
In this article I gave him linguistic proofs and evidence of correct proto root
“‫ ”صل‬of “‫ ”صَلۃ‬together with the screen shots of the same Edward Williams
Lane’s Arabic Lexicon in which this word “‫ ”صل‬is existed in the same way as
it is mentioned in all other reputable Arabic dictionaries. You can also view
these evidence in the above article and find for yourself whether this word
“‫ ”صل‬is absurd and not found in any dictionary or this is the correct root
word of “‫ ”صَلۃ‬which is found in all reputable Arabic dictionaries and was
concealed by evil scholars to derive Quranic word “‫ ”صَلۃ‬from the fake root
words invented by them to sabotage the actual statements of the Quran.
Anyhow, the correct proto root of this word “ِ‫ي‬
َ ‫ ”نُود‬of the above verse 62:9 is
“‫( ”ن د‬ND), which is a bilateral root “ِ‫ ”ند‬used and recognized in regular
standard Arabic language to mean: reclaim, debt, rebate, subtract, deduct,
invade, going beyond, opponent, surpass, overcome, stir, triumph over,
prevail over, obtain, win (especially something wanted or needed) or
benefit, profit from something or from doing something, match for, engaged
in, contend with, party (in a lawsuit), take away, take off, take out, underbid,
undercharge, lapse, shed, project, overthrow, push down, negotiate (legal
term),refund, redeem, as a synonym of “‫صم‬ ‫”خ ج‬,
َ flee, run away, shun, as
synonym of “ِ‫” َش َر َد‬, to allow someone to leave a prison or somewhere they
have been kept by force, to let escape, suddenly leave somebody, escape
from somebody, placing someone, transform, the smoke of a gum or spice
producing a sweet smell when burned, synonym of “ِ‫”م جبتَل‬,
ُ sprinkled with;
made wet with, damp, moist, cold and sticky to the touch, a thing which is
wet, slightly wet, wet with dew, soaked, covered with water or other liquid,
synonym of “‫ ”نَظري‬person equal in rank or capacity or comrade, chum,
companion, buddy, mate, person or thing equal in rank or importance,
person or thing exactly like, or closely corresponding to, another,
counterpart; equal; similar person or thing, parallel, one who is equal to
another, brother, analogue, coordinate, double, duplicate, like, one of a
pair, one of two, twin, equal, peer, match, rival, rail at, carp, to express,
convict, to form and give a judgment of, denounce, smear, inveigh,
castigate and fulminate.
“ِ‫ ”نُود‬is the product of proto root “‫ ”ند‬correctly means: reclaimed, sway, clout,
blow, run, amplitude, act on, induce, transformed, modified, related, stir,
involve, impress, fill in for, fluctuated, rotated, follow in turn, follow, vary,
come and go, shifted, substituted, interchanged, oscillated, vacillated,
ascendancy, ascendency, jump, leg up, strength, stuff, credited, charged,
dominated, warranted, zap, bend, molded, yielded, prepossess, wrap,
swing, stroke, motion, measure, flow, pulsation, pulse, vibration, shake,
surge, tick, swell, throb, thump, hit, flap, flicker, buffet, alternate, jerk,
palpitate, twitch, pulsate, quake, belong, be allied to, be associated with, be
classified among, be part of, fit in, have a place, be housed, be one of
family with, owe allegiance, be contained in, be one of, run with, be
included in, bang, bash, clip, clump, collision, concussion, crack, cut,
impact, jab, jar, jolt, thrust, kick, knock, expose, dip, saturate, raise.
Whereas, “‫ ”نُواد‬is active participle or doer of action of “ِ‫”نُود‬.

However, “‫ ”نويد‬is ‘Iranian good news’ in Persian language which is based

on Persian word “‫ ”ندا‬that is used in the translation of Arabic Quran.

Arabic word “‫ ”نَدي‬is a subject noun of “‫”ند‬means: of wet, damp, dewy, moist,
wet through, washing, spray, sprinkling, bedewed; dabbled, drenched,
humid, moistened, wetted, precipitation, clammy, dewy, dabble to put in or
out of water, make something wet, make something feel cool, give new
strength or vigour, spatter or cause to spatter, synonym of “‫” ُجود‬, generosity,
liberality, bounty, freedom in giving; generosity, the state or quality of being
noble or generous, free giving, munificence, reclaiming and subject of
In general Arabic “‫ ”ندوية‬is called a panel and the term “‫ ”مناقشةِندوية‬is used to
mean ‘Panel Discussion’.
Arabic name “‫ ”نادية‬means moist, tender, and delicate, which is an active
participle or doer of “‫ ”ندية‬to mean express feelings, but not to exclaim or to
call out loudly in words, contrary to what our deviated scholars invent from
Arabic word “‫ ”نداء‬taking it as a Persian word “‫ ”ندا‬to falsely means ‘Azan’,
‘Call out for Prayer’, ‘Loud Call’, ‘Shout’ or ‘making a Loud Sound’ etc.
Whereas, Azan or ‘call out’ for prayer (Namaz) does not express feeling
without words but in fact Azan or ‘call out’ for prayer is consisted of words
and calling in an extra loud voice.
However, only if preposition “‫ ”ب‬comes after Arabic word “‫”نادى‬
َ then as an
idiom it means “‫‘”د جع َوة‬
َ ‘claim’, ‘invitation’, request, appeal, ‘summon’,
‘command’ or ‘send to’ because grammatically this idiom becomes “ِ‫”صاحِب‬,
which is an action of inviting, sending summon, holding, advocating,
maintaining, sponsoring and supporting something or someone. Whereas,
َ is a gerund of the verb “‫ ”ند‬and “‫ ”ن َداء‬is used as addressing nouns,
pronouns, and adjectives of a person or thing. Arabic word “‫ ”ن َداء‬is also
used as a legal term to mean ‘Solicitation’ and ‘Appeal’. A legal term “ِ‫يوجه‬
‫ ”نداء‬is used throughout the legal system of Arab countries to mean ‘launch
an appeal’ and the same term “‫ ”يوجهِنداء‬is also known as a political term to
mean ‘make an appeal’.
Arabic idioms are made exactly in the same way as English idioms are
made in conjunction with the prepositions and their meaning also change in
both Arabic and English languages with the change of their prepositions.
For example English verb ‘get’ means ‘gain’, ‘obtain’, ‘earn’, ‘win’, ‘grab’
and having something etc. If its conjunction is made with preposition, ‘on’
then meaning wise ‘get on’ is different to ‘get up’, ‘get in’ or ‘get out’ etc.
according to the use of preposition with “get”. The same grammatical rule,
of using different prepositions with Arabic words, is used in Arabic
language to understand Arabic sentences correctly. However, these
linguistic rules are violated in the translation of the Quran with the fake
assumption that the statements of the Quran are none grammatical.
However, the idiots don’t know that no sentence of any language is formed
without correctly following the recognized grammatically structure of placing
the words in a particular sequence to describe what is being said in a
sentence. The way how native speakers of any language form sentences is
called grammar, which has nothing do with the lame excuses of not
considering grammar in the translation of the Quran by saying that Arabic
grammar was made after the revelation of the Quran. In reality it makes no
difference whether Arabic grammar was written before or after the
revelation of the Quran but this is the fact that no language comes into
existence without forming its words in a particular sequence of speaking
and understanding what is being said otherwise no one can explain or
describe anything with dispersed words or unformed non-grammatical
vocabulary. Moreover, if there is no grammar in the Quran then there is no
way of understanding Quranic orders and their applications in the past,
present or future times. Also, God’s orders are absolutely unchangeable,
very certain and quite clear, which do not depend on our scholars’ evil
guess work or their infidel choice of taking whatever meaning of Quranic
words. Therefore, only those evils who insert their own words in the
translation of the Quran and mix past and present sentences of the Quran
into future and vice versa they falsely claim that no grammar was used in
the Quran. Their whole purpose is to preach their non-Quranic pagan
beliefs in the name of the Quran and they are really digging their graves in
the hell fire, together with their blind followers.
A popular financial term “‫ ”نادىِالدائنني‬is used throughout the Arab word to
mean ‘Creditor's club’ but the same word “‫ ”نادى‬is falsely translated in the
Quran to mean ‘caller’, ‘he called’ and ‘your Lord called’ !
Whereas, in standard Arabic “‫ ”ناد‬is generally taken to mean: club,
association, grouping, people joined together for a common purpose;
organization, society, union.
The same Arabic word “‫ ”ناد‬is used throughout the Arab world as a legal
term to mean ‘Council’. An exclusive club is called “‫ ”نادِخاص‬and ‘Country
club’ is called “‫ ”نادِريفي‬in Arabic language. An open air club is called “ِ‫ناد‬
‫ ”مكشوف‬and a ‘Service club’ is called “‫”نادِألهلِاملهنةِالواحدة‬. Whereas, ‘clubman’ is
called “‫”عضوِيفِناد‬.

The popular Arabic word “‫ ”نَ جد َوة‬is derived from the same proto root to mean
“‫”حلج َقة‬,
َ i.e. colloquium, association, board, group of people joined together
for a common purpose; organization, confederation, society, league, union,
corporation, club, members circle, academic board to discuss a particular
subject, specific class at a university for discussion and also “‫”َملس‬,
‫ َج‬i.e.
board, council, sitting for a specific purpose, group meeting, association,
symposium, forum and club etc.
The Arabic term “‫ ”ندوةِعامة‬is used for a ‘Public Forum’ or a Board of People.

Throughout the education system of Arab world a ‘sandwich course’ run by

educational institutions is called “‫”ندوةِِعادةِتدريب‬. Panel discussion is called
“‫”ندوةِنقاش‬, and Panel of discussion is called “‫”ندوةِمناقشة‬

Furthermore, “‫ ”الندوة‬is also United Nation (UN) Arabic term which is

internationally used to mean “FORUM” or “BOARD”
Therefore, if United Nation (UN), Arab legal system, international Arab
finance, Arab institutions, Arab academies and standard Arabic language
do not use this Arabic word “‫ ”نداء‬and its derivatives to mean “Azan”, “call for
prayer” or “call” why do we use these Arabic words to mean “Azan” or “call
for prayer” in the translation of Arabic Quran, especially if the Maker of the
Quran, Allah Himself said that He did not make His Quran in the language
other than Arabic?
Hence, taking Arabic words of the Quran in the meaning different to
generally spoken and understood standard Arabic language is an open
deviation and violation against Allah’s words and they are not Muslim who
have been doing this transgression to bring in the translations of the Quran
all dark aged forbidden rituals of Iranian Manichaeism and Arab Paganism.
So, the above linguistic research has proven that the word “ِ‫ي‬
َ ‫ ”نُود‬of the
verse 62:9 is not “Azan” or “call for any ritual prayer” but falsely inserted in
the translation of the Quran to bring in Islam the notorious Manichaean
pagan weekly congregation which they used to conduct on every Friday
before their countless idols. This is the well-known historical fact that Friday
was declared the day of blessing (‫ )مبارک‬by Iranian Manichaean and Arab
pagans. Whereas, the Quran did not give any preference or importance to
Friday over rest of the days of the week nor did Quran call Friday a day of
blessing. However, to attend the weekly big idol worship, pre-Islam
polytheist pagans used to eagerly start preparations for their weekly idol
congregation, the so called Friday prayer, since the morning of every
Friday by taking bath, putting on good cloths, wearing perfumes and
blessing each other as we can see todays some people still say to each
other “‫”جمعہ مبارک‬, Happy Friday, Friday Greetings and Juma Mubarak.
However, if you look at the use of proto root “‫ ”ند‬and its derivatives in the
verses of the Quran you will find for yourself that no derivative of this proto
root “‫ ”ند‬has been used in the Quran to mean “Azan” or calling for any
If we take “‫اد جوا‬
َ َ‫”ن‬, “ِ‫ادى‬
َ َ‫ ”ن‬and “‫ودوا‬
ُ ُ‫ ”ن‬to mean Azan or call for prayer then the
following verses of the Quran “ِ‫اب ا جْلَنَّة‬
َِ ‫َص َح‬
‫اد جوا أ ج‬
َ َ‫( ” َون‬7:46), “ِ‫اب النَّار‬
ُِ ‫َص َح‬
‫ادىِ أ ج‬
َ َ‫( ” َون‬7:50),
“ُ‫ودوا ِأَ جِن تلج ُك ُِم ا جْلَنَِّة‬
ُ ُ‫( ” َون‬7:43) and “ِ‫اب النَّار‬
َِ ‫َص َح‬
‫اب ا جْلَنَّةِ أ ج‬
ُِ ‫َص َح‬
‫ادىِ أ ج‬
َ َ‫( ” َون‬7:44) are saying that
Azan or call for prayer will be given to both people of the Paradise ( ‫اب‬
ُِ ‫َص َح‬
ِ‫ )ا جْلَنَّة‬and people of the Hell fire (ِ‫اب النَّار‬
َِ ‫َص َح‬
‫ )أ ج‬and if this is correct will prayer
(Namaz) be established and offered in both the Hell and the Paradise?
Those evils who falsely translate the word “ِ‫ي‬
َ ‫ ”نُود‬with “ِ‫لص ََلة‬
َّ ‫ ”ل‬in the verse 62:9
to mean Azan or call for prayer (Namaz) and further link it with “ِ‫ ”يَ جومِا جْلُ ُم َعة‬to
mean Friday why don’t they translate the verse 38:56 “ِ‫اد‬
ُ ‫سِالجم َه‬
َ ‫صلَ جونَ َهاِفَب جئ‬
‫َّمِيَ ج‬
َ ‫”ج َهن‬
َ to
mean ‘Hell is there where they offer their prayer (Namaz) that is an evil
resting place’? Nor do they translate the verse 14:29 “ِ‫سِالج َق َر ُار‬
َ ‫اِوب جئ‬
َ ‫صلَ جونَ َه‬
‫َّمِيَ ج‬
َ ‫”ج َهن‬
َ to
mean ‘Hell is where they offer their prayer (Namaz), what an evil
establishment/place to stay’. Neither they translate the verses 82:14 –15
“ِ‫صلَ جونَ َهاِيَ جوَمِالدين‬ ٍ ‫يِجح‬
‫ِيَ ج‬-ِ‫يم‬ َ ‫ ” َوِ َّنِالج ُف َّج َارِلَف‬to mean ‘And the wicked in Hell fire - offer
their contact prayer (Namaz) therein on the Day of Judgment’!
Also, if “‫ ”صالة‬is the contact prayer (Namaz) why don’t they translate the
verse 33:43 “ُِ‫ِوَم ََلئ َكتُه‬
َ ‫يِعلَيج ُك جم‬
َ ‫صل‬َ ُ‫”ه َوِالَّذيِي‬
ُ to mean ‘He (God) is who offers prayer
(Namaz) on you and His angels too’? The reason why they don’t translate
the derivatives of “‫ ”صَلۃ‬to mean contact prayer (Namaz) in the above
verses is because the derivatives of “‫ ”صَلۃ‬to mean prayer (Namaz) do not
fit in these verses due to which these Manichean pagans have invented
another fake root word of “‫ ”صَلۃ‬to translate the above verses so that they
can easily get away from possible objections raised by people saying how
can God and His angels offer prayer (Namaz) towards or on the Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) and how can prayer (Namaz) be offered in the Hell fire?
So, the evils have made their evilness consistent throughout the Quran by
using unfair means of inventing false root words of the same Quranic word
Likewise, outside the rules of ejecting the vowels (‫ ی‬،‫ و‬،‫ )ا‬to get a true root
word, they have invented the fake root word “‫ ”ندو‬to falsely translate the
derivatives of the proto root “‫ ”ند‬throughout the Quran. An example of this
discrepancy can be seen on the following popular Quranic website:
You can see on the, dictionary page of the above website, the entry of the
verse 40:10:4 in which the word “ِ‫اد جو َن‬
َ َ‫ ”يُن‬has been taken to mean ‘will be
cried out to them’ but in the next entry the same word “ِ‫اد جو َن‬
َ َ‫ ”يُن‬of the verse
41:44 is translated to mean ‘are being called’.
Is there really no difference in two statements of the same word “ِ‫اد جو َن‬
َ َ‫ ”يُن‬to
mean ‘will be cried out to them’ and ‘are being called’? They are not
only translated in altogether different tenses of present and future but also
the invented meaning of “ِ‫اد جو َن‬
َ َ‫”يُن‬, i.e. ‘cried out’ and ‘being called’ are totally
different to each other. This is the reason why evil scholars and their blind
disciples falsely claim that there is no use of grammar in the Quran
because they have invented their polytheist pagan beliefs in their
misleading translations of the Quran.
If you go further to the same page of the above Quranic website you will
find the word“‫ ”نَديًّا‬of the verse 19:73 to mean ‘(in) assembly’ and “‫ ”نَادي ُك ُِم‬of
the verse 29:29 to mean ‘your meetings’. Whereas, “ُ‫ ”نَاديَِه‬of the verse
96:17 is translated to mean ‘his associates’ and “ِ‫ ”ن َداء‬of the verse 19:3 is
translated to mean ‘a call’. However, these Quranic words are actually the
derivatives of the same proto root “‫ ”نِد‬in which “‫ ”نَديًّا‬is the combination of
“‫”ًا‬+ “‫”نَديًّا“ = ”نَدي‬and “‫ ”نَادي ُك ُِم‬is actually a combined phrase ‫ ُك ُِم‬+ ‫ نَادي ُك ُِم = نَادي‬in
which “‫ ” ُك ُِم‬is the second person plural objective pronoun and “‫ ”نَادي‬is an
active participle of “‫ ”نَدي‬the correct meaning of which has been explained
above. However, this “‫ ”نَادي‬of “‫ ”نَادي ُك ُِم‬is translated to mean ‘meetings’ in the
verse 29:29 but the same word “‫ ”نَادي‬is translated to mean ‘he called’, ‘call
out’ and ‘call’ in the verses 79:23, 68:48, 43:51, 38:41, 28:74, 28:65,
28:62, 26:10, 21:89, 21:87, 21:83, 21:76, 21:11, 19:3, 11:45, 11:42, 7:50,
7:48, 7:44 and 3:193 in which Arabic word “ِ‫ ”ن َداء‬has been purposely
replaced with Persian similar word “‫ ”ندا‬to bring ‘call’ in the translation of
these verses and the same Persian ‘call’ has been further converted into
‘Azan’ and ‘call for the prayer’.
Hence, “ِ‫ي‬
َ ‫ ”نُود‬is not a call for prayer or Azan of Namaz but a conjugated
gerund (verbal noun) correctly means: being reclaimed, being transformed,
being assembled, being shifted, being swayed, being clouted, being blown,
being run with, giving an amplitude, being act on, being induced, being
modified, being related, being associated with, being met, being stirred,
being involved, being impressed, being filled in for, being fluctuated, being
rotated, being followed in turn, being followed, being varied, having come
and go, being substituted, being interchanged, being oscillated, being
vacillated, being ascended, being jumped, being legged up, being
strengthened, being stuffed, being credited, being charged, being
dominated, being warranted, being zapped, being bended, being molded,
being yielded, being prepossessed, being wrapped, being stroked, being
moved, being measured, being flown, being pulsated, having pulse, being
vibrated, being shaken, being surged, being ticked, being swollen, being
throbbed, being thumped, being hit, being flapped, being flickered, being
buffeted, being alternated, having jerked, being palpitated, being twitched,
being quaked, have belonging, being aliened, being classified among,
being made part of something, being fitted in, being placed, being housed,
becoming one of family in or with, owing allegiance, being contained in,
becoming one of something, being included in, being banged, being
bashed, being clipped, being clumped, being collided, being concussion,
being cracked, being cut, having impact, being jabbed, being jarred, being
jolted, having thrust, being kicked, being knocked, being exposed, being
dipped, being saturated, being raised, being formed, being clubbed, being
paneled, be surpass, being overcome, being stirred, having triumph over,
being prevailed over, being obtained, being won (especially something
wanted or needed) being matched for, being engaged in, being contend
with, being taken away, being taken off, being taken out, being rebating,
being undercharge, being underbid, being lapsed, being shed, being
projected, being overthrown, being pushed down, being redeemed, being
allowed someone to leave a prison or somewhere they have been kept by
force, to let be escaped, escaped from somebody, being liquid, being
analogue, being given a judgment of, being denounced, being smeared,
being fulminated, being condemned, being doomed, being judged, being
interchanged, being ascended, being bended, being yielded, being swung,
being stroked, being banged, being clipped, being clumped, had collision,
had concussion, being impacted, being exposed.
The next phrase of the verse 62:9 is “ِ‫لص ََلة‬
َّ ‫ ”ل‬which is a combination ofِِ‫ص ََلة‬+‫ِل‬
ِ‫ ل‬+in which the very first prefixed “ِ‫ ”ل‬is a preposition to mean ‘to/in order
to/for’ and second “‫ ”ل‬is abbreviation or short of definite noun “‫ ”ال‬because
in this typical case of linguistic knot alif of “‫ ”ال‬is not pronounced nor is
written. However, “ِ‫”ص ََلة‬
َّ correctly means connection, approach, reach
out, follow, relation, combine, cling, get together, embrace, link, joint,
join, encirclement, hold, grip, hug, coalition, bondage, application and
amalgamation. Quran uses “‫”ص ََلة‬
َّ and its derivations as verbs, nouns and
other participles in the above meanings to describe Quranic statements
(verses) within their context. Therefore, the combined phrase “ِ‫لص ََلة‬
َّ ‫ ”ل‬of the
verse 62:9 that we are studying correctly means: for the contact, for the
connection, for the alliance, for the amalgamation, for the banding together,
for the bunch, for the coalition, for the combination, for the conjunction, for
the syndication, for the tie-in, for the union, for the hook up, for the
incorporation, for the joining, for the merging, for the relationship, for the
outfit, for the clan, for the relation, for the matrimony, for the concord, for
the concurrence, for the congruity, for the tie, for the mutuality, for the
friendliness, for the attachment, for the coupling, for the bonding, for the
fastening, for the application etc.
The next word “‫ ”من‬is a preposition to mean ‘of/from’ and “ِ‫ ”يَ جوم‬is generally
taken to mean ‘day’ but “ِ‫ ”يَ جوم‬also refers to ‘time when something happens,
materializes, turns out and arises’ as seen its plural “ِ‫ ”أَيَّ ٍام‬in the verse 7:54
when skies and earth were created. As the phenomena of ‘day’ and night
were not existed before creating the skies and the earth so “ِ‫ ”أَيَّ ٍام‬the plural of
“ِ‫ ”يَ جوم‬was used to refer ‘period of time used to materialize’ skies and earth.

The next word of this verse 62:9 is “ِ‫ ”ا جْلُ ُم َعة‬which needs serious attention to
reach the correct meaning of this verse 62:9.
First of all we will take Allah’s direction from the Quran how to study or
understand His message revealed in the Quran. In this regards the
statement “ِ‫”وَرتلِالج ُق جرآ َنِتَ جرتيَل‬
َ of the verse 73:4 is mere important which clearly
discards all scholarly invented methods of understanding the Quran in
which our scholars and those who deliver the teaching of the Quran have
been misguiding us that no grammar has been used in the Quran and to
understand the Quranic statements we need to search them throughout the
Quran by comparing the statements and words of other verses of the
Quran. They falsely claim that the Quran does not describe anything at one
spot in its column or context therefore, it is necessary to go through all
verses of the Quran if you want to understand something from the Quran.
This strict meter fits in the proverbs of "No this-No that", i.e. making
something as difficult as impossible. So, no one will go through the whole
Quran to understand any single verse and whatever the evil scholars have
already invented will be blindly accepted.
However, the words “ِ‫”وَرتلِالج ُق جرآ َنِتَ جرتيَل‬
َ of the verse 73:4 are very clear in which
the word “‫”رتل‬
َ means ‘column, context, line, row, file, range, packet,
place, string and running place of something. This something is the next
word “ِ‫( ”الج ُق جرآ َن‬the Quran) which is “ِ‫”تَ جرتيَل‬. The suffix alif placed at the end of
“ِ‫ ”تَ جرتيَل‬refers to the subject “ِ‫( ”الج ُق جرآ َن‬the Quran) and “‫ ”تَ جرتيل‬is known synonym of
َ which is ‘Arabic Grammar’ (‫)علمَِتجويد‬.
َ However, “‫ ”تَ جرتيل‬is also taken to
mean ‘of standard measures’, ‘of regular orders’, ‘of arranged columns’, ‘of
organized range or string of contexts and gears’
In worldwide recognised Arabic language this Arabic word “‫ ”رتل‬is used as a
United Nation (UN) Arabic term to mean ‘Packet’, ‘tank’ and ‘column’.
Transportation of Arab world uses “‫ ”رتل‬to mean ‘transport column’. The
same word “‫ ”رتل‬is used to mean ‘set’, ‘gear’ and ‘string’ in science,
technology and medicine throughout the Arabic word.
Whereas, different to the Arabic language which is worldwide spoken and
understood, the same word “‫ ”رتل‬is falsely translated in the Arabic Quran to
mean ‘recite slowly’, ‘chant’ and ‘read’!
However, Allah says in the verse 73:4 “ِ‫”وَرتلِالج ُق جرآ َنِتَ جرتيَل‬
َ and columned the
Quran a grammatical form (word to word correct translation)
According to the correct translation of the above verse 73:4 the statements
of the Quran will be understood within their columns or contexts observing
the essential characteristics of each word of the Quran within their context,
column and place where it was revelation. This verse of the Quran proves
those scholars wrong who have invented so many false ways to
understand the Quran moving Quranic words from one context or one
column to another to invent the meaning of their choice.
Therefore, the column or context of the verse 62:9, which we are studying
in this article, is not Friday Prayer but ‘DEATH’ (ِ‫ت‬
َ ‫ )ال َجم جو‬as mentioned in the
previous verses 62:6, 62:7, and 628. Hence, the verse we are studying
62:9 also came in the same context or column of ‘death’ and extends this
context of death to life after death. Whereas, the next verse 62:10 fully
explains the activities in the life after death.
So, the word “ِ‫ ”ا جْلُ ُم َعة‬of the verse 62:9 that we are studying is actually derived
out of Arabic root word “‫ ”مجع‬correctly means ‘to put together’, such as
Allah says for the Quran “ُ‫مج َع ِهُِ َوقُ جرآنَِه‬ َ ‫( ”ِ َّن‬75:17) that is upon Us putting it
‫ِعلَجي نَاِ َج‬
together and its reading.
Therefore, as a whole this phrase “‫ ”يَ جِومِا جْلُ ُم َعة‬of the verse 62:9 is the day
when our body and soul is put together and we are raised again after our
This is because the verse 73:4 urges us to understand the statements
(verses) of the Quran within their columns or contexts, which is life after
death in our the verse 62:9 that we are studying as seen in the verses 62:6,
62:7, 62:8 and 62:10. Therefore, the verse in question 62:9 cannot abruptly
jump out of its context or column of death and life after death to sudden
Friday Prayer and its call or Azan.
Also, the words “ِ‫َِي َمعُ ُك جمِليَ جومِِا جْلَ جمع‬
‫‘ ”يَ جو َم َج‬Day puts you together is day of the
compilation or putting together’, of the verse 64:9 are making it
absolutely clear that “ِ‫ ”يَ جومِا جْلُ ُم َعة‬in the verse 62:9 has been used to mean ‘Day
of compilation’ or ‘Day of putting together’.
Furthermore, no combined phrase of “ِ‫ ”يَ جوم‬and “‫ ”مجع‬exists in the Quran to
mean “Friday”. Hence, all combined phrases of “ِ‫ ”يَ جوم‬and “‫ ”مجع‬used in the
Quran are as under which came throughout the Quran only in the columns
or contexts of life after death or hereafter in which a new life is given by
putting our body and soul together.
As seen in the verse 3:9 “ِ‫ب فيه‬
َِ ‫ِريج‬ ٍ
َ ‫ ” َجام ُِعِالنَّاسِليَ جوم ََِل‬Compiler of the people for
day no doubt in it.
In the verse 4:140 “‫ِمجيعا‬
َ ‫َّم‬
َ ‫ِج َهن‬
َ ‫ينِيف‬
َ ‫ِوالج َكافر‬
َ ‫ني‬ َِّ ‫ ”ِ َّن‬That God is collector
َ ‫ِاَّللَِ َجام ُِعِال ُجمنَافق‬
/compiler of the hypocrites and the concealers in Hell putting them
In the verse 11:103 “‫َّاس‬
ُِ ‫عٌِلَهُِالن‬
ِ ‫كِيَ جوِمٌِ َجَم ُمو‬
َ ‫ ”ذَل‬That is day for Him putting the
people together/compilation of the people.
In the verse 42:7 “‫بِفيه‬
َ ‫ِريج‬
َ ‫ ”يَ جوَِمِا جْلَ جمعََِِل‬Day of putting together no doubt in it.
In the verse 64:9 “ِ‫َِي َمعُ ُك جمِليَ جومِِا جْلَ جمع‬
‫‘ ”يَ جو َم َج‬Day puts you together is the day of
the compilation or putting together’.
Now, the only phrase of “ِ‫ ”يَ جوم‬and “‫ ”مجع‬is left in the whole Quran, which is “ِ‫يَ جوم‬
ِ‫ ”ا جْلُ ُم َعة‬of the verse 62:9 that we are studying to determine whether this
phrase “ِ‫ ”يَ جومِا جْلُ ُم َعة‬of the verse 62:9 is really ‘Friday’ or is it also the ‘Day of
Compilation’ like all other phrases of “ِ‫ ”يَ جوم‬and “‫ ”مجع‬of the Quran, which we
have seen in the above lines.
If you are a totally blind pagan then obviously this phrase “ِ‫ ”يَ جومِا جْلُ ُم َعة‬of the
verse 62:9 is ‘Friday’ for you but if you are rational, truthful and honest with
yourself then in the light of all phrases of “ِ‫ ”يَ جوم‬and “‫ ”مجع‬of the whole Quran
you will find for yourself that ‘Friday’ is just a fake addition in the Quran and
like all other phrases of “ِ‫ ”يَ جِوم‬and “‫ ”مجع‬the phrase “ِ‫ ”يَ جومِا جْلُ ُم َعة‬of the verse 62:9
is also the ‘Day of Compilation’.
Moreover, to make clear the so called Azan or call for Friday prayer I would
like to come around the derivatives of “‫ ”نداء‬again with reference to the word
“‫ ”يوم‬used in the Quran.
The word “‫ ”نَادي‬is also found in the combination of “‫ ”يوم‬in the Quranic phrase
“ِ‫ ”يَ جوَمِيُنَاديه جم‬revealed in the verses 28:62, 28:65 and 28:72 in which the most
interesting and considerable thing is the context or column of hereafter,
death and life after death in which this phrase “ِ‫ ”يَ جوَمِيُنَاديه جم‬of the same words
“‫ ”يوم‬and “‫ ”نَادي‬is found in the Quran. As in the verse 28:61 the phrase “ِ‫يَ جوَم‬
ِ‫ ”الجقيَ َامة‬describes the last day of individual’s life, then in the verse 28:68 the
words “ُِ‫ِماِيَ َشاء‬
َ ‫َِيجلُ ُق‬
َ‫ك‬ َ ُّ‫”وَرب‬
َ describe that your Lord creates what He desires, the
verse 28:72 repeats “ِ‫”يَ جوَمِالجقيَ َامة‬, then the next house is mentioned “َِ‫ِاْلخ َرة‬
‫َّار ج‬
َ ‫ ”الد‬in
the verses 28:77and “ِ‫ك‬
َ َ‫”أ جَهل‬to mean death again mentioned in the next verse
28:78 under the same column or context of the phrase “ِ‫ ”يَ جوَمِيُنَاديه جم‬of “‫”نَادي‬
and “‫”يوم‬.

So, if “‫ ”نَادي‬is Azan or call for contact prayer then in the above verses only
dead people will shout Azan or call for prayer after their death!
Therefore, the extensive research throughout the Quran does not verify
that the phrase “ِ‫ ”يَ جومِا جْلُ ُم َعة‬of the verse 62:9 is ‘Friday’ nor is it certified by the
Quran that the word “ِِ‫ي‬
َ ‫ ”نُود‬of the same verse is Azan or call for Friday
However, I am pretty much sure that the adamant blind pagans will still
reject all above stated verses of the Quran and take “ِ‫ ”يَ جومِا جْلُ ُم َعة‬and “ِ‫ي‬
َ ‫ ”نُود‬of
the verse 62:9 to mean ‘Friday’ and the Azan or call for Friday
One more thing I would like to clarify is the use of Arabic Sign Vowels
Damma ("u" sound), Fathah ("a" sound) and Kasra ("i" sound) on Arabic
letters. These vowels help us to join words so a full sound can be achieved
to pronounce them but they have nothing to do with the meanings nor do
they change the root meanings of any Arabic word. Therefore, putting a
loop like comma over the letter “ِ‫”ج‬
ُ of “ِ‫ ”ا جْلُ ُم َعة‬is only a way of producing a "u"
sound which does not alter its core meaning “putting together” and
“compilation” etc. Furthermore, the Quran was not revealed with any sign
marking or case markers, which are still not used in regular Arabic
literature, Arabic books, Arabic magazines and Arabic newspapers but they
are only added in the Quran well after the death of Prophet Muhammad
However, according to the linguistic rules the function of ‘Case Markers’ is
to indicate the role of nouns in the sentences without changing their
meanings, which is not necessarily to be achieved by using case markers
such as Damma “’” ("u" sound), Fathah “ً
َِ ” ("a" sound) and Kasra “ًِ” ("i"
sound) but the word order and prepositions are also used to achieve this in
standard Arabic. However, those who emphasized the need of Case
Markers on the words of the Quran they initially used these case markers
on the last letters of Arabic nouns used in the Quran to identify their role in
the sentence, such as Damma “’” ("u" sound, a comma like symbol) used
on the last letter of a noun indicates that this noun is a subject of the verb,
which is called Nominative Case. Likewise, Fathah “ً
َِ ” ("a" sound, a dash
like symbol) used on the last letter of a noun indicates that this noun is a
direct object of the transitive verb, which is called Accusative Case and
Kasra “ًِ” ("i" sound, an underscore or a dash like symbol) used under the
last letter of a noun indicates that this noun is a possessor of another noun,
which is called Genitive Case ('s, of, its, his, her, their, the). This is the
Case Marking system which has been made extremely complex and
difficult to understand.

Therefore, using the sign markers of Damma “’”, Fathah “ً

َِ ” and Kasra “ًِ”
with the first letter of any Arabic word like “ِ‫ي‬
َ ‫”نُود‬, “ِ‫لص ََلة‬
َّ ‫”ل‬, “ِ‫ ”يَ جوم‬and “ِ‫ ”ا جْلُ ُم َعة‬etc. is
nothing but to create a full sound to pronounce them without making any
change to their meaning. However, the case markers of the last letter of
these words will only be counted to indicate their roles in the whole
sentence of this verse 62:9. So, if we look at these words even in the light
of their Case Markers the sign of Fathah “ً
َِ ” on the gerund (verbal noun)
َ ‫ ”نُود‬makes it an object, purpose, aim, goal or target of “ِ‫لص ََلة‬
َّ ‫ ”ل‬and Kasra
“ًِ” under the last letters of “ِ‫لص ََلة‬
َّ ‫”ل‬, “ِ‫ ”يَ جوم‬and “ِ‫ ”ا جْلُ ُم َعة‬makes them possessing
each other, i.e. being an Accusative Case “ِ‫ي‬
َ ‫ ”نُود‬is the purpose, aim or
objective of the “ِ‫”ص ََلة‬
َّ of “ِ‫ ”يَ جوم‬of “ِ‫”ا جْلُُم َعة‬. As “ِ‫لص ََلة‬
َّ ‫”ل‬, “ِ‫ ”يَ جوم‬and “ِ‫ ”ا جْلُ ُم َعة‬are Genitive
Case. So, preposition “of” will be used with all genitive nouns because of
their possessive properties indicated by Kasra “ًِ” under heir last letters.

Therefore, to bring in the translation of the Quran, their pagan congregation

of Friday our evil scholars played with “ِ‫ي‬
َ ‫ ”نُود‬which is a productive verbal
noun (gerund) of proto root “‫( ”ن د‬ND) in which “‫ ”و‬between “‫ ”ن‬and “‫”د‬
makes it their product “‫ ”نود‬like “‫ ”رسول‬is a product of “‫ ”رسل‬and suffix “‫”ی‬
makes this product “‫ ”نود‬a gerund “ِ‫ي‬ َ ‫ ”نُود‬which is a verbal noun in its
grammatical formation and on top of this noun “ِ‫ي‬
َ ‫ ”نُود‬an Accusative Case
Marker “ًِ”
َ makes this noun “ِ‫ي‬
َ ‫ ”نُود‬the actual purpose, aim or objective of
“ِ‫لص ََلةِمنِيَ جومِا جْلُ ُم َعة‬
َّ ‫”ل‬. Whereas, contrary to the above statement of the Quran,
the Azan or call for traditional Friday congregation is not the actual
objective or aim but the Azan or call is not counted as the actual aim or
purpose of the day but only Friday congregation is considered the actual
aim or purpose. Hence, there is no way of taking “ِ‫ي‬َ ‫ ”نُود‬to mean Azan or call
for Friday Prayer or Friday congregation.
Therefore, the Quranic words “ِ‫ي‬
َ ‫ ”ِذَاِنُود‬correctly means: when you are being
reclaimed/being awakened/being raised/being assembled/being
transformed/being obtained/being projected/being redeemed/being shifted/
being charged/ being interchanged/being turned/being induced/being
kicked/being commanded/being measured/being judged/being formed/
being warranted/being prepossessed/being wrapped/being shaken/being
surged/being ticked/being twitched/being fitted in/being placed/being
housed/being contained in/being banged/being clipped/being clumped/
being engaged in/being overthrown/being pushed down/being doomed/
being yielded. “ِ‫لص ََلة‬
َّ ‫ ”ل‬to bound, to follow, to get together, to couple, for the,
joining, for the approach, for the grip, for the meeting, for the
amalgamation, for the alliance, for the coalition, for the conjunction, for the
syndication, for the tie-in, for the union, for the hook up, for the
incorporation, for the merging, for the concurrence, for the attachment, for
the incoming, for the arriving, for the association, for the connection, for the
bonding, for the application. “ِ‫ ”منِيَ جومِا جْلُ ُم َعة‬of/ from day of the compilation/the
day of putting together.
“‫اس َع جوا‬
‫ ”فَ ج‬is the command verb of “‫”س َعى‬
َ in passive voice to correctly means “ِ‫”َتَ َّر َك‬
move, proceed, trigger, peddle, persuade, raise, switch, sneezewort, run,
walk, transmit, footstep, be activated, progress, advance,
“ِ‫ ”ِ ََل‬means: to into at, for, until, till, within, down,

However, in the fake translation of the Quran the same word “‫”س َعى‬
َ and its
derivatives are falsely translated to mean strive and try came from Persian
“‫س َعى‬
َ ”.
Arabic “ِ‫ ”ذ جكر‬means: mentioned, illustrated, quoted, proclaimed, extracted,
noted, reference and citation of “ِ‫”اَّلل‬
َّ God.

However, Arabic word “ِ‫ ”ذ جكر‬has been replaced with the similar Persian “ِ‫”ذ جكر‬
to invent the Khutba (sermon) of Friday prayer because Persian “ِ‫”ذ جكر‬
means: remember, recall and remind which has been used in the
translation of the whole Quran.
“‫ ”ذَ ُروا‬is derived from “‫ ”ذَر‬to mean: atomize, sperm, tiny particle, stock, tiny
insect, argentine ant, small ant, spray, hole that lets liquid, specks, motes,
dispersal, dissemination, fine dust, bestrew, disperse, disseminate,
disperse, Insufflate, interlard.
The same word “‫ ”ذر‬is used in Arab industries to mean powdering and
The definite noun “ِ‫ ”الجبَ جي َع‬means: the slot, the vending, the transaction, the
disposal, the promotion, the marketing, the merchandising, the hawking,
A legal term “‫ ”احتكرِالبيع‬is used throughout the Arab world to mean “Capture
the Market”. The Arabic term “‫ ”بيعِاَلستغَلل‬is used to mean “Renting” and a
Slot machine is called “‫”آلةِبيع‬. The same word “‫ ”البيع‬is used as a legal term
to mean “transfer agent and “‫ ”البيع‬alone is used as a financial term to mean
“Realizable value”.
However, to get trade centers, shops and business closed for Friday prayer
the same word “ِ‫ ”الجبَ جي َع‬of the verse 62:9 is translated to mean “Trade”,
“Business”, “Sale” and “Bargaining”, and the verb “‫ ” َذ ُروا‬is falsely translated
to mean “leave off”, “leave”, “cease”, “put one side”, “quit” and “drop” and
falsely inserted in the translation of this verse 62:9 “to cease your
business”, “to quit your trade”, “to drop your sale”, “to put your work aside”,
“to leave your bargain” for Friday prayer. Whereas, in Arabic the word “‫”َتارة‬
is used for trade, business is called “‫ ”اعمال‬and bargain is called “‫ ”صفقة‬in
Arabic. The Persian word “‫ ”بیع‬is used to mean “Sale” which is seen in the
legal ‘deeds of sale’ called “‫ ”بیع نامہ‬in Persian and Urdu languages. The
combination of “‫ ”بیع نامہ‬cannot be Arabic ‘deed of sale’ because “‫ ”نامہ‬is not
an Arabic word. So, this Persian phrase “‫( ”بیع نامہ‬deed of sale) contains
both Persian words “‫ ”بیع‬and “‫”نامہ‬, and this is not possible that Persians use
“‫ ”نامہ‬of their Persian language and “‫ ”بیع‬of Arabic language to make “‫”بیع نامہ‬
to mean ‘deed of sale’. Therefore, if the Quranic word “‫ ”بیع‬is translated to
mean “Sale”, “Business” and “Bargain” etc. it means in the translation of the
Quran Arabic word “‫ ”بيع‬has been replaced with Persian word “‫ ”بیع‬to destroy
the actual statement of Allah revealed in Arabic Quran.
Hence, our Manichaean Pagan scholars issued their evil orders on behalf
of Allah and urged all Muslim nation to establish their pagan prayer on
Friday and go straight to the hell fire. By urging us to offer Friday prayer our
scholars, our patrons, our leaders, our teachers, our parents, our brothers,
our siblings, our relatives, and our friends have been making us deviated
Manichaean pagans and the true followers of Parsi (Iranian) prophet Mani.
Therefore, we really need to ponder upon the Arabic words of the Quran
and understand Allah’s statements revealed in the Quran without listening
to anyone, especially to those deviated pagans who have been preaching
and teaching the Quranic interpretations of Manichaean invaders. Had they
known the correct interpretation of the Quran the current idolism in Islam
would have been buried ages ago and we would have become true
Muslims as Allah has described in the Quran.
Hence, we have been badly surrounded by idolist Manichaean Pagans who
have imposed on us their dark aged Manichaeism in the name of Islam and
concealed the actual Islam, which was brought by Quran.
The next phrase of the verse 62:9 is “ِ‫ ”ذَل ُك جم‬which is a combination of ‫ ُك جِم‬+ِ‫ِذَل‬
in which “ِ‫ ” ُك جم‬is the second person objective plural pronoun to mean
‘your/yours/your one and yourself’’. Whereas, “ِ‫ ”ذَل‬means:

“ِ‫ ” َذل‬means: capitulation, sucking up, surrender, respond as required to, be

humble to, give right of way to other traffic, start, cringe , crawl, creep,
grovel before, humble or lower oneself before, submit to, yield to,
subservience, attachment, bondage, load, hook, habitat, security blanket,
subjection, subordination, vulnerability, contingency, yoke, servility,
dependency, dependence, inability, self-abasement, self-abnegation,
sheepishness, reserve, obedience, behavior, accordance, acquiescence,
compliance, conformability, conformity, docility, duteousness, dutifulness,
tractability, willingness, duty, manageability, observance, orderliness,
quietness, respect, reverence, subordination, amenability, amenableness,
dole, dolefulness, vapors, meekness, obsequiousness, submissiveness,
subservience, coming under someone’s responsibility, under someone’s
training, coming down in someone’s mouth.
So, “ِ‫ ” َذل ُك جم‬correctly means: to be your capitulation, be sucking up yourself,
to surrender yourself, be responded as required to yourself , to give right of
way to your traffic, to be started yourself, your cringe , your crawl, your
creep, your grovel before, your yield to, your subservience, your
attachment, your bondage, load yourself, hook yourself, habitat yourself,
your security blanket, your vulnerability, your contingency, your yoke, your
dependency, your dependence, your inability, self-abasement, self-
abnegation, sheepishness, reserved yourself, your conformity, your duty,
manage yourself, your dole, your training, coming yourself down in its
The next word “ِ‫ ” َخ جي ٌر‬means: well-being, welfare, fitness, health, prosperity,
maintenance of someone, state of easy life in which one has and uses
resources of comfort, state of life in which one can afford to live well and
freehanded, state of being feasible, increase in power, affluence yielded or
produced an output or return, state of having all necessary things to live an
appropriate life, benefit, usefulness, advantage, profit, gain, saving and
strengthening influence or favour. The next phrase “ِ‫ ”لَّ ُك جم‬is the combination
of prepositionِ‫ِل‬to mean to/in order to/for, and “ِ‫ ” ُك جم‬is the second person
objective plural pronoun to mean your/yours/yours one/yourself. Particle “‫”ِن‬
is used to mean ‘if’, ‘that’, ‘while’, ‘in a view of’, ‘such that’, ‘so as to’ etc.
The idiom “ِ‫ ” ُكنتُ جم‬is actually a typical combination of ِِ‫ت‬+ِ‫ن‬
‫ِ ُك ُج‬in which “‫” ُكن‬
means, be, become, turnout, fall in, manifest, make, institute and “ِ‫”ت‬
‫ ُج‬from
“‫ ”متم‬takes it down to the bottom, done, and has been done. However,
throughout the translation of the Quran all idioms of “ِ‫”ت‬
‫ ُج‬such as “ِ‫ ” ُكنتُ جم‬etc.
are wrongly taken to mean “you” ignoring the fact that the addressee or
addressees are not repeated again and again in a sentence and they don’t
come next to each other such as seen the addressees “ِ‫ ”و َن‬have been
already embedded in the next word “ِ‫”تَ جعلَ ُمو َن‬. Therefore, in this case taking “ِ‫”ت‬
to mean addresses and again taking addresses in the next phrase “ِ‫”تَ جعلَ ُمو َن‬
makes no sense and disturbs the actual linguistic statement. Hence, the
phrase “ِ‫ ”تَ جعلَ ُمو َن‬refers the addresses who have knowledge of what has been
earlier described or the addresses who have understood or having
understanding of the statement.
Now, you can see the correct translation of this verse 62:9.
“ِ‫ِخ جي ٌرِِلَّ ُك جمِِنِ ُكنتُ جمِتَ جعلَ ُمو َن‬
َ ‫ِو َذ ُرواِالجبَ جي َعِِ َذل ُك جم‬
َ ‫ِاَّلل‬
َّ ‫اس َع جواِِ ََلِذ جكر‬
‫لص ََلةِمنِيَ جومِا جْلُ ُم َعةِفَ ج‬
َّ ‫يِل‬
َ ‫ِآمنُواِِ َذاِنُود‬
َ ‫ين‬ َّ
َ ‫”يَِاِأَيُّ َهاِالذ‬
“‫آمنُوا‬ َِ ‫( ”يَاِأَيُّ َهاِالَّذ‬O’ those who have faith) “‫ي‬
َ ِ‫ين‬ َِ ‫( ”ِذَاِنُود‬when you are being
reclaimed/assembled/transformed/raised) “ِ‫لص ََلة‬
َّ ‫( ”ل‬for the coalition
bondage/application) “‫( ”من‬of/from) “ِ‫( ”يَ جومِِا جْلُ ُم َعة‬day of the compilation/
putting together) “‫اسعَ جوا‬
‫( ”فَ ج‬then/so you cause to move) “ِ‫( ”ِ ََل‬till/up to) “ ِ‫ذ جكر‬
َِّ (God mentioned/noted down) “‫”و َذ ُروا‬
‫”اَّلل‬ َ (and your atomized tiny particle
disseminated/inserted) “ِ‫( ”الجبَ جي َع‬the vending slot) “ِ‫( ”ذَل ُك جم‬your load/your
security blanket) “‫( ” َِخ جي ٌِر لَّ ُك جِم‬for your well-being/welfare/to necessitate
your life) “‫( ”ِنِ ُكنتُ جِمِتَ جعلَ ُمو َِن‬that you institute understanding/that you
become understood)” (word to word correct translation of the verse 62:9
of the Quran)
“O’ those who have faith when you are being transformed for the
coalition bondage application of the compilation day then you cause
to move till God noted down and your atomized tiny particle inserted
the vending slot, your security blanket to necessitate your life that
you institute understanding” (word to word correct fluent translation of

“O’ those who have faith when you are transformed for the meeting of
the compilation day so you cause to move until God mentioned and
your atomized tiny particle inserted the vending slot, loaded you for
your well-being that you become understood” (word to word correct
simple translation of 62:9)
You can try using all correct meanings of "‫ "صَلۃ‬given in the above
paragraphs such as 'get to gather', 'bonding', 'approach', 'follow', 'join',
'link', 'connection', 'relation', 'arrival', 'amalgamation', 'application' etc. but it
will make no difference in the correct understanding of this verse 62:9.
The above mentioned word to word correct translation of the above
Quranic verse 62:9 is not based on any personal assumption, any personal
opinion, any personal view, any personal dogma or any personal belief but
it has been carefully derived from an in depth analysis and a substantial
research on each single Arabic word of this verse 62:9.
Moreover, in the context of this verse 62:9 ‘death’ and ‘life after death’ has
been discussed as seen in the words of the verse 62:6 “‫ِصادقني‬ َ ‫تِِنِ ُكنتُ جم‬
َ ‫َّواِال َجم جو‬
ُ ‫”فَ تَ َمن‬
then express your desire for Death, if ye are truthful (Translation of Yousuf
Ali). The words of the next verse 62:7 “ُِ‫”وََلِيَتَ َمن جَّونَه‬
َ But never will they express
their desire (for Death) (Translation of Yousuf Ali) and the next verse 62:8
“ِ‫ادةِفَ يُ نَبئُ ُكمِِبَاِ ُكنتُ جمِتَ جع َملُو َن‬ َّ ‫ِو‬
َ ‫الش َه‬ َ ‫ِعاِلِالجغَجيب‬
َ ‫ُِثَِّتُ َردُّو َنِِ ََل‬ ُ ُ‫تِالَّذيِتَف ُّرو َنِمنجهُِفَِإنَّه‬
ُ ‫ِم ََلقي ُك جم‬ َ ‫ ”قُ جلِِ َّنِال َجم جو‬Say: "The
Death from which ye flee will truly overtake you: then will ye be sent back to
the Knower of things secret and open: and He will tell you (the truth of) the
things that ye did!" (62:8, Translation of Yousuf Ali).
Say, "Indeed, the death from which you flee indeed, it will meet you. Then
you will be returned to the Knower of the unseen and the witnessed, and
He will inform you about what you used to do" (62:8, Translation of
Say: "The death that you are fleeing from, it will come to find you. Then you
will be returned to the Knower of all secrets and declarations, then He will
inform you of everything you had done" (62:8, Translation of Free Minds).
Say, "Behold, the death from which you shrink so much is bound to
overtake you, and then you will be returned to the Knower of the Invisible
and the Visible. And then He will inform you of what you truly
accomplished." (62:8, Translation of Quran Expert QXP Shabbir Ahemd).
All Quranist and traditional scholars have translated the above verses 62:6,
62:7 and 62:8 in the same context of death similar to the above sample
translations and as you have seen in all translations of the verse 62:8 that
firstly it is said that no one can escape from death which meets everyone
and everyone is informed what they have done, which is the state of life
after death otherwise dead people cannot be informed nor do the dead
people understand anything unless their souls and bodies are put together
and bring dead people to life again after their death but when these
Manichean Pagan scholars reached the next verse 62:9 they translated it
completely out of the context of life after death and abruptly invented
weekly pagan congregation, the so called Friday prayer together with its
Azan (call) and its Khutba (sermon).
How strange is it that death has been described in all verses of the
context and the verse 62:8 is clearly describing death and life after
death in which people are given life to understand the doings of their
previous lives and the next verse 62:9 comes in the same context of
life after death in which Allah is further revealing all scientific details
how dead are made alive by reverting them into a compressed form of
tiny particles or sperm and re-injecting them into vending slot (a
productive womb) from there they are reproduced and actively move
around for a mentioned period of time?
However, our non-God fearing evil scholars did not think even once how
cruelly they have distorted the actual valuable statement of God that was
revealed in the Arabic text of the above verse 62:9 of the Quran, which was
made to understand Allah’s scientific procedure of rewinding human cells to
regenerate life from dead.
Rewinding cells is a hot topic of genetic engineering of modern time which
has created cloned life such as ‘Dolly the sheep’ and working on stem cell
technologies to grow human organs, cloning and reversing the age.
What more proof is required to believe that the Quran is the true revelation
of God if in the above verse 62:9 God Himself has described the advance
genetic engineering techniques of rewinding the cells to regenerate life?
This is one of the hot subject of the world on which top scientists of the
world have been seriously working together. Professor John Gurdon of
Cambridge University, Professor Chris Mason of UCL University of London,
Head of the Division of Stem Cell Biology and Developmental Genetics,
Robin Lovell-Badge of the National Institute for Medical Research London,
Professor Charles Vacanti of tissue engineering and stem cells at Harvard
University Medical School and stem cell biologist Haruko Obokata, leader
of Japan's cellular reprogramming and development who have been
working on rewinding the cell did not know that God has already revealed
in the Quran that disseminated emission of compressed clipping
atomization of human cells on the loading carrier of long narrow
aperture puts them together in pairwise and interatomic interactions
of unified bonding triggers them to yield their cloning, rebirth or
generating a new life for a limited appointed time. (62:9 scientific
Hence, this is our bad luck that more than 1400 years ago Allah has taught
us the natural genetic engineering technique of rewinding the cells to
produce cloning life but our illiterate pagan scholars twisted this precious
statement of the Quran to their useless pagan congregation of Friday
prayer and kept the whole Muslim nation in the dark and away from the true
education of God by dumping us in their dark aged Friday congregation.
Hence, it is not Allah’s orders to take part in Friday Congregation nor is it
mentioned anywhere in the Quran to perform this pagan ritual of Friday
Prayer, which is performed on the wicked orders of the deviated evil
scholars who have destroyed Allah’s orders revealed in the Quran and
turned us towards unforgiveable paganism leading us to the hell fire.
We are in fact heavily surrounded by Manichaean Pagans who morally and
physically force us to offer their pagan prayer and be idolists like them. If
we truly believe in Allah’s words revealed in the Arabic text of the Quran we
should ponder upon them because only Allah’s words are our beacons and
we are answerable before Allah alone from what He has mentioned in His
vigilant words of the Quran alone.
Kashif Khan

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