List Ds

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*A List (linear linked list) can be defined as a collection of variable number of data items called nodes.

*List are the most commonly used non-primitive data.

* Each node divides into two part. One part information and second part memory address of next node.


single linked list,Double linked list, Single circular linked list,Double circular linked list

Primitive data :

 Integer,
 Character,
 Float,
 Pointer.

Non primitive data :

List :
 Stack
 Queue
 Linked list


 Trees
 Grass


 single dimension array

 2 dimension array
 Multidimension Array

Non primitive data structure.

the most commonly used operation..

 Traversal
 Insertion
 Selection
 Searching
 Sorting
 Merging
 destroy all deleting
 Binary sort
 Linear sort
 Quicksort
 merge sort
 insertion sort
 Selection shot.


Homogeneous element are same element integer float.


Stack is a linear data structure which follows a particular order in which the operation are
performed.non primitive.The order may be last in first or first in last.insertion push deletion pop .

push add a new item. pop it remove the top item from the stack. peek it returns the top item from the
stack but does not remove it.Empty it tests whether the stack is empty .size it returns the number of

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