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Multiple choice
What is one of the predicted trends in post-pandemic tourism?
1) Increased focus on budget travel
2) Emphasis on wellness and health tourism
3) Decreased interest in travel
4) Preference for long-term travel​
True or false with justifications
According to the text, travel agency advertisements have decreased in frequency due to
ongoing restrictions. Justify your answer.
True: _____________________________________________________
False: ____________________________________________________
Match the following types of tourism with their definitions:
1. Volunteer tourism __ a) Tourism focused on volunteering in foreign destinations.
2. Peace tourism __ b) Tourism that prioritizes health and well-being experiences
3. Wellness tourism __ c) Tourism involving visits to sites related to peace and conflict.
Short answer
What are two major factors that will shape travel decisions in the post-pandemic era?
Tourists in the post-COVID era will be less willing to compromise on their next trip and will
have much higher expectations of ___________ service providers.
Identify true statements
Identify which of the following statements are true according to the text:
1. Post-pandemic tourists will prioritize destinations over personal needs. ___
2. Peace tourism involves visiting places to learn about and contribute to peace efforts. ___
3. Volunteer tourism has been widely criticized and is considered ineffective. ___
Finding words in the text
Find the word in the text that means "the practice of traveling to improve health and
Complete sentences using words from the text
Complete the sentence using words from the text:
With economic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic, effective ________ isn’t only desired,
it’s necessary.
Matching headings with paragraphs
Match the following headings with the correct paragraph from the text:
1. The rise of health and wellness tourism ________________
2. The importance of human-oriented tourism _______________
3. The future of travel advertising ______________
Identifying References
To whom or what does "Carbone" refer in the text?

Multiple choice
2) Emphasis on wellness and health tourism
True or false with justifications
False, The text states that travel agency adverts have become more frequent recently​.
1-a, 2-c, 3-b
Short answer
Economic issues and COVID-19-related travel conditions
Identify true statements
1- false
2- true
3- false
Finding words in the text
Wellness tourism
Complete sentences using words from the text
Matching headings with paragraphs
1- Paragraph 7
2- Paragraph 8
3- Paragraph 3
Identifying References
Fabio Carbone, a tourism academic mentioned in the text.

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