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4 Changes Snyder Pollution

The two types of waste one is a natural, common wastes like smoke, burnt wood, and other
such normal things that we simply have too much to get rid of. The other is the chemicals and
other artificial substances and technologies that affect our environment. These ones typically
last too long to allow decomposition naturally, or are too harmful to allow decomposition.

DDT is a poisonous chemical that is used to destroy natural substances, and cannot be
disposed of through normal means since it will severely damage the environment. Banning
these will effectively eliminate any need to actually dispose of these sorts of chemicals in any
way, since we will not be using or making them.

Industries that cause severe pollution should be willing to at least try to offset the amount of
pollution they are causing, either by donating money to companies that try to prevent pollution
or to create plants that absorb the amount of pollution they release.

Germ warfare is dangerous, since once released, it cannot be controlled. There is no way to
completely prevent it from spreading throughout the world. Germs can also evolve, becoming
more powerful and dangerous. Nuclear weapons, if used, can destroy ecosystems for millenia.
Nuclear weapons are extremely volatile and should not be used at all.

Chemicals should not be used in food at all. We have been eating food with no chemicals for
thousands of years, so why should we start now? As we use these chemicals, years later, we
find out that these chemicals are toxic to us. Just stop using chemicals.

In America, I think that the best alternative to cars is trains and forms of public transportation.
These make use of less fuel per person. These will also make less buses and things on the

Using cloth bags would be better than using paper and plastic because not only are they more
durable, but they don’t use trees, which we need in our ecosystems to survive. And plastics
simply take too long to decompose.

Working for an industry that pollutes is essentially inciting pollution. Refusing to work there
makes things harder for them, which makes less pollution. Working for places that make
pollution also helps make more pollution.

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