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The Rule of law is that no one is above the law and everyone is

subject to the law.

For the successful functioning of the polity it’s imperative that there
is enforcement of law and of all contracts based on law.
Laws are made for the welfare of the people to maintain harmony
between the conflicting forces in society.
One of the prime objects of making laws is to maintain law and
order in society and develop a peaceful environment for the progress
of the people. Here, the concept of the rule of law plays an
important role in this process.
The rule of law is defined in the Oxford English Dictionary as: "The
authority and influence of law in society, especially when viewed
as a constraint on individual and institutional behavior.
A.V Dicey defines the rule of law as "as absence of arbitrary power
on the part of the state, equality before the law and supremacy of
ordinary law".
One of the main problems in Desi's view of the rule of law is that it
conflicts with another fundamental principle, which is the principle
of parliamentary sovereignty.

This concept states that the Parliament Act can veto any other law.
The concept also states that no other party has the right to repeal or
repeal the Parliament Act.
One of the modern concepts of the rule of law is that there must be
an independent judiciary while ensuring tenure away from legislative
and executive interventions. This is precisely what Joseph Raz said,
that the independence of the judiciary must be guaranteed
It ignores the differences between people in terms of wealth, power
and connections. For example, the cost of bringing legal cases to
court is very high.

The modern concept of the rule of law:

1- Rule of law - to protect and promote the political and civil rights
of an individual in a free society.
2 - It must not contradict religious belief and do not restrict freedom
of speech or freedom of the individual.
3- Non-discrimination against minorities.
4 - Create the social, economic, educational and cultural conditions
in which the individual achieves his legitimate aspirations and

The rule of law has become weaker because of the legislative

mandate of state action and the use of the state to undermine civil
liberties in pursuit of the concept of public interest.
Rule of law is mostly believed to be a modern concept which is a gift
of democracy however it is something which is fundamental to the
very basic idea of good governance
We need to focus on the weaknesses and loopholes so that we can
remove or plug them. Having said this, we cannot resist ourselves
from adding that it is not that only the three organs of the State are
to be blamed for the dismal state of rule of law in the society. Other
actors like the media, civil society and even the ordinary citizen
cannot run away from their respective responsibilities. Therefore it is
equally important that all the actors of the society ensure for the
maintenance of Rule of Law.

1- Oxford English Dictionary online (accessed September 13, 2018; spelling
Americanized). The phrase "the rule of law" is also sometimes used in other senses.
2- Legal service India
3- Jacqueline Martin The English Legal System

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