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To our Officer In-Charge PMAJ NOEL E DELA CRUZ

To our Camp Commander/IIS

To the Chief Clerk /Training Executive Senior
Police Officer at the same time our Class Tactical



To our exceptionally beautiful Class Coordinator


To all uniformed and non- uniformed personnel of Regional
Training Center 12 To PSJLC BATCH 2024-01
My message for today is addressed to all of us who are
or will be acting as supervisors and managers of our own
respective offices, once we go out of the helm of RTC 12
and complete our respective courses.

In our ranks, often times you will hear police officers,

especially the younger ones and even at times, Tayo
MISMO at certain point naibungat na Rin natin Ang mga
salitang, compliance lang tama na and mga katagang
lousy and snappy are with same salary.

Nasasabi natin to for a reason, maybe out of frustrations

due to some policies and orders that are not aligned with
our expectations and principles, or maybe because of our
workloads or our work environment and situations that
proved to be of inconvenience to us.

Or Minsan we are just saying it to belong, para maging in


SUBALIT, Tama nga ba na ipatronize natin Ang mga

salita at katagang ito? or Tama ba na Sabihin natin ito.?
Remember, in the eyes of your junior PNCOs, you are
the standard, we set the standards on how we perform our
duties and responsibilities, tayo ang kanilang tinitignan,
kung paano natin ginagawa Ang ating mga trabaho where
most likely the juniors will follow through, copy paste
KUMBAGA, eh paano kung copy paste na nga, Mali pa Ang
nakopya, Mali pa Ang kinopyahan...

And if this happens to what future of the PNP are we

looking into?

Cguro at the level of PATROLMAN AND PCPL OR even

PSSG, it might be acceptable, however, for us PSSLC who
will soon be entrusted with a supervisory function in our
units, same also to you dear PSJLC, who will answer to the
challenge of being a good managers in your respective
units. I think, it is the most disheartening phrase to hear.

At times, we are complaining of the behavior and attitude

of those who come after us, but the question is, are we
exhibiting the propriety that we are requiring from them, or
maybe let us question ourselves too, nagawa ba natin ang
ating responsibilidad nang maayos for them to emulate.
Do we have that moral ascendancy and discipline
required of us?

Baka nga naman minsan, our juniors failed in our

expectation because they lacked of a role model whom they
can look up to and follow...

Because instead of practicing the proper discipline,

saying the right words that could motivate them to do better
in their work, we are at the forefront of demoralizing their
morale by uttering these words, Tama na yan, compliance
lang, wag mo masayadong galingan, Kasi snappy and
lousy we all have the same salary.

The worst thing is, habang SINASABI natin Ang mga

salitang ito, parang pinagmamalaki pa natin that as if we
have just delivered the most brilliant idea that was ever

When as a matter of fact, it is not supposed to be;

because supposed to be, we are the one teaching the
proper discipline to them, but how can we do so, when we
are lacking of it?

So, the next time you utter these words as well as the
next time that you act while the junior is watching, think
twice before doing it and ask yourself, am I showing the
right moves, the right call and the right attitude for them to

And the next time that you hear someone utter these
words may you find the courage to disprove them, na Makita
nila, na this organization might not be perfect, but they have
their seniors who are willing to fight for this organization, to
make it better, seniors who wears this uniform with pride
and honor...

And that those who do things in compliance mode, those

who perform in a lousy manner yet received the salary that
other officers worked hard to earn, will hide in the corners in
shame of their behavior...

Sounds ideal right? but of course, Pulis Tayo, we are

public servants... and to accomplish our mandates and
functions efficiently and effectively, we have no other course
to take but the ideal one...

Because here at PNP we are betting on the security and

safety of our people and even of our families and ourselves,
thus, it is only right and proper to ensure that everything is
done in just and right manner and deliver an excellent result
that this organization and our public deserve.

As for juniors, let our message be heard, and teach the

same to your juniors “Yes, alam natin na madaming juniors
na magagaling and would even surpassed our abilities and
even our accomplishments.

However, at work, you may suggest, you may correct, it is

fine it is acceptable; but, to look down, and lost your respect
upon your seniors because you might think that you are
better than them and you have the connections which they
don’t have is uncalled for, kung mas magaling ka, mas
marami kang connection, use it to complement the gap and
make this organization better:

I do hope, you've heard me, you felt me and I do hope that

you will bear this in mind and practice it.
Once again, good morning And God Bless!

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