Q2-Week 4 - PR1

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V (Bicol)
Schools Division of Naga City
Carolina, Naga City, Camarines Sur


2ND Semester, Quarter 2- Week 4

Name: ____________________________________ Grade & Section: ___________ Score: ________

Lesson 4: Infer Patterns and Themes from the Gathered Data


Hi! Welcome again to our research class. In the previous lesson, you have learned on how you can collect
information for your research topic, covering the step to define a data and making a research design. Now,
you are ready to gain more knowledge about doing research.


After studying this chapter, you will be able to:

 infer and explain patterns and themes from data (CS_RS11- IVd-f-2), and
 relate the findings to pertinent literature (CS_RS11- IVd-f-3)


Concept Elaboration

In this lesson, the next task expected of you is to analyze data carefully. For most researchers, this is the
heaviest task but it is the most fulfilling.

Qualitative data analysis is an ongoing and cyclical process which includes identification, examination,
and interpretation of certain patterns and themes in the data. It determines how these patterns and themes
help answer the research questions.

This part will guide you on how to make this task easy. Below are the processes in doing a qualitative
analysis. This are the processes on how to do a qualitative analysis

 Know your data. Reread your written observations, relisten the audio recorded interviews, or rewatch
the movie or clip. After doing either those things to a number of times, write down peculiar things you
have noticed. (So, it’s better to have your handy dandy notebook at hand for this eureka moment.)

 Focus your analysis. Focus yourself to consistent and or varied responses. For example: your research
question is, “Why are some high school students sometimes late for school?” Common responses would
be school’s distance, woke up late, tons of chores prior going to school, slept late, etcetera.

 Do coding. Always consult your research questions or you might end up coding unnecessary
information. Coding is simply categorizing the data and reducing them thereby making them more

Kinds of Codes:
a. Predefined codes- codes formulated by the researcher based on literature reviews.
b. Emergent codes- codes that becomes apparent as one reviews the data.

 Enter and organize your data. It’s easy- you may either use a computer or even just a piece of paper
however, this requires a bucketful or even an ocean of patience to succeed. First go back to your
transcribed interviews (word for word written conversation), observation data, and focus group data.
Underline and annotate which responses typically answer to a specific code. (Sometimes, participants
answer using the vernacular. Allow them to do so, so that they can express their feelings better.)

 Clean your data. Go through your data once more if there are data errors. Remember to stay truthful to
the raw data as much as possible.

 Identify meaningful patterns and themes. Identifying meaningful patterns and theme is the heart and
soul of the entire qualitative data analysis. To do this, the codes and themes are checked and from there,
you will interpret the meaning of the data in relation to the research questions.

 Interpret your data. After analyzing, coding, and organizing the data, identifying the patterns and
themes, you are now ready to interpret your data. In interpreting the data, you will synthesize your tables
to a paragraph. The themes and patterns explain your findings and they are backed up with literature


Directions: Rearrange the jumbled letters to form a concept about data collection and analysis
procedure. (5 pts)
_______1. It is a set of procedures and methods that is used to collect and analyze measures of the
variables given in the objectives. (GESDIN CEHERSAR)
_______2. It is a program, person, or event in a defined time frame. (DATSEYCUS)
_______3. It is a list of names which shows the characteristics of the target population. (MAPSGLIN
_______4. It involves a study of a certain cultural group to get information about its characteristics
and group activities. (THAGYONERPH)
_______5. It is conducted in a step-by step process through systematic methods and procedures.



Below is a sample interview regarding SAKURAGI: A Phenomenological Study of Cutting Classes in

Balulang National High School. After reading the transcript, look for possible themes or patterns and try
building your own coding guide. (10 pts)

Interviewee 1: “Some of the students are playing SAKURAGI because they feel they are bored. They want to
play computer at the house of their classmate named Melissa. Some also are having dates with their bf/gf or
just hanging out in the basketball court at Green Heights.”

Interviewee 2: “My classmate is only strolling around Centrio. He is bored in listening discussion in his
teacher since he thought that after high school he will only be a construction worker. All he wants is to pass.”

Interviewee 3: “Of course, it is very simple here in Balulang National High School. Since there are no school
fences, so it is very easy to escape just to play computer games or hanging out with friends. Then, sometimes
our teachers have a meeting and it is bored to always write in our activity or notebook.”
Interviewee 4: “Oh it’s really clear that my classmates are only flirting with their beautiful and handsome
teachers just to get fame!”

Interviewee 5: “Usually, some of our classmates are only imitating with their group of friends just to tell
them that they are fame!”

Research Question: Why do some students in Balulang National High School cut classes?

Answers Coding


After creating your codes coming from the transcription in activity 2, write your interpretation.
Remember to include some review of related literature to support your answer. (10pts)


Criteria Description Points Earned

Content of the interpretation Central ideas are expressed 5
Has In-depth analysis of the
Argument and analysis with article and the argument
the use of related literature presented are expressed clearly 5
and used related literature to
support the claims

Prepared by: Bernardo I. Moral Jr., SHS Teacher II

Checked by: Nida L. Ebora, School Principal II

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