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December 13, 2023

1 What is EDA?
1. Exploratory Data Analysis as it seems. It helps understand the data better.
2. Variables and their linkage with the Target Variable
3. To Build the Model
4. Understanding of the data better and its kinda know how about the data and its PATTERNS

1.1 EDA Process

1. Univariate Analysis - Analyising Features Single Handedly.
2. Bivariate Analysis - Predictor Vs Target
3. Missing Values Treatment
4. Outlier Identification - BOX COX TRANSFORMATION..
5. Feature Engineering - Extracting Variables from the Existing variables in the Dataset
6. Ensuring that the Data is following a Standard Scale. If not, apply Standard Scaling.
This 06 Step Process are Called Data Pre-Processing Steps.
7. Model Building Stage - This is the stage where the Data is ready to be used as Input for

1.2 Retail Industry: Big Sales Mart

The data scientists at BigMart have collected 2013 sales data for 1559 products across 10 stores in
different cities. Also, certain attributes of each product and store have been defined. The aim is
to build a predictive model and find out the sales of each product at a particular store. Using this
model, BigMart will try to understand the properties of products and stores which play a key role
in increasing sales.
Please note that the data may have missing values as some stores might not report all the data due
to technical glitches. Hence, it will be required to treat them accordingly.
[1]: # Importing the Required Libraries
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

[90]: train = pd.read_csv("./Downloads/Train_UWu5bXk.csv")
test = pd.read_csv("./Downloads/Test_u94Q5KV.csv")

[3]: # preview the dataset


[3]: Item_Identifier Item_Weight Item_Fat_Content Item_Visibility \

0 FDA15 9.30 Low Fat 0.016047
1 DRC01 5.92 Regular 0.019278
2 FDN15 17.50 Low Fat 0.016760
3 FDX07 19.20 Regular 0.000000
4 NCD19 8.93 Low Fat 0.000000

Item_Type Item_MRP Outlet_Identifier \

0 Dairy 249.8092 OUT049
1 Soft Drinks 48.2692 OUT018
2 Meat 141.6180 OUT049
3 Fruits and Vegetables 182.0950 OUT010
4 Household 53.8614 OUT013

Outlet_Establishment_Year Outlet_Size Outlet_Location_Type \

0 1999 Medium Tier 1
1 2009 Medium Tier 3
2 1999 Medium Tier 1
3 1998 NaN Tier 3
4 1987 High Tier 3

Outlet_Type Item_Outlet_Sales
0 Supermarket Type1 3735.1380
1 Supermarket Type2 443.4228
2 Supermarket Type1 2097.2700
3 Grocery Store 732.3800
4 Supermarket Type1 994.7052

[4]: # Basic Checks on Dataset


(8523, 12)
(5681, 11)

[5]: # finding the Info

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 8523 entries, 0 to 8522
Data columns (total 12 columns):
Item_Identifier 8523 non-null object

Item_Weight 7060 non-null float64
Item_Fat_Content 8523 non-null object
Item_Visibility 8523 non-null float64
Item_Type 8523 non-null object
Item_MRP 8523 non-null float64
Outlet_Identifier 8523 non-null object
Outlet_Establishment_Year 8523 non-null int64
Outlet_Size 6113 non-null object
Outlet_Location_Type 8523 non-null object
Outlet_Type 8523 non-null object
Item_Outlet_Sales 8523 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(4), int64(1), object(7)
memory usage: 799.1+ KB

1.2.1 EDA Step 01. Univariate Analysis

[6]: # Item Outlet Sales

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

[7]: sns.distplot(train.Item_Outlet_Sales, color="brown")

FutureWarning: Using a non-tuple sequence for multidimensional indexing is
deprecated; use `arr[tuple(seq)]` instead of `arr[seq]`. In the future this will
be interpreted as an array index, `arr[np.array(seq)]`, which will result either
in an error or a different result.
return np.add.reduce(sorted[indexer] * weights, axis=axis) / sumval

[7]: <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1c6cf16b390>

[8]: # Summary Statistics of Sales

[8]: count 8523.000000

mean 2181.288914
std 1706.499616
min 33.290000
25% 834.247400
50% 1794.331000
75% 3101.296400
max 13086.964800
Name: Item_Outlet_Sales, dtype: float64

[9]: print(train.columns)

Index(['Item_Identifier', 'Item_Weight', 'Item_Fat_Content', 'Item_Visibility',

'Item_Type', 'Item_MRP', 'Outlet_Identifier',
'Outlet_Establishment_Year', 'Outlet_Size', 'Outlet_Location_Type',
'Outlet_Type', 'Item_Outlet_Sales'],

[10]: sns.distplot(train[pd.notnull(train.Item_Weight)]["Item_Weight"],

[10]: <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1c6cef39438>

1.2.2 Observation: Item Weight

No Shape Identified in Item Weight and However, Item Weight has Missing Values
[11]: train.Item_Weight.describe()

[11]: count 7060.000000

mean 12.857645
std 4.643456
min 4.555000
25% 8.773750
50% 12.600000
75% 16.850000
max 21.350000
Name: Item_Weight, dtype: float64

[12]: # Item Visibility

sns.distplot(train["Item_Visibility"], color="magenta")

[12]: <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1c6cf297ac8>

[13]: train.Item_Visibility.describe()

[13]: count 8523.000000

mean 0.066132
std 0.051598
min 0.000000
25% 0.026989
50% 0.053931
75% 0.094585
max 0.328391
Name: Item_Visibility, dtype: float64

1.2.3 Observation: Item Visibility

Item Visibility has lots of 0s in the Dataset which is not correct. This needs correction
[14]: # Item MRP

[14]: <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1c6cf41c908>

1.2.4 Observation: Item MRP
Item MRP shows 04 different distribution which means it needs treating/Transforming of the
[15]: # Item MRP Vs Sales
plt.scatter(train.Item_MRP, train.Item_Outlet_Sales, color= "hotpink")

[15]: <matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x1c6cf740c88>

[16]: train.head()

[16]: Item_Identifier Item_Weight Item_Fat_Content Item_Visibility \

0 FDA15 9.30 Low Fat 0.016047
1 DRC01 5.92 Regular 0.019278
2 FDN15 17.50 Low Fat 0.016760
3 FDX07 19.20 Regular 0.000000
4 NCD19 8.93 Low Fat 0.000000

Item_Type Item_MRP Outlet_Identifier \

0 Dairy 249.8092 OUT049
1 Soft Drinks 48.2692 OUT018
2 Meat 141.6180 OUT049
3 Fruits and Vegetables 182.0950 OUT010
4 Household 53.8614 OUT013

Outlet_Establishment_Year Outlet_Size Outlet_Location_Type \

0 1999 Medium Tier 1
1 2009 Medium Tier 3
2 1999 Medium Tier 1
3 1998 NaN Tier 3
4 1987 High Tier 3

Outlet_Type Item_Outlet_Sales
0 Supermarket Type1 3735.1380

1 Supermarket Type2 443.4228
2 Supermarket Type1 2097.2700
3 Grocery Store 732.3800
4 Supermarket Type1 994.7052

1.3 Univariate Cat Variables

[17]: # Item Fat Content
sns.countplot(x = "Item_Fat_Content", data = train)

[17]: <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1c6cf77b5f8>

1.3.1 Observation: Item Fat Content

Fat Content is showing Multiple categories of Two Major Categories which are Low Fat and Regular.
Hence, all the remaining cats will be merged.
[91]: # Replacing the Item Fat Content with the resp Cats...
train.Item_Fat_Content = train.Item_Fat_Content.replace(to_replace=["low fat",␣
↪"LF", "reg"],

value = ["Low Fat", "Low Fat", "Regular"])

[19]: sns.countplot(x = "Item_Fat_Content", data = test)

[19]: <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1c6cf780d68>

[92]: # Replacing the Item Fat Content with the resp Cats...
test.Item_Fat_Content = test.Item_Fat_Content.replace(to_replace=["low fat",␣
↪"LF", "reg"],

value = ["Low Fat", "Low Fat", "Regular"])

[21]: sns.countplot(x = "Item_Fat_Content", data = test)

[21]: <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1c6cf859c88>

[22]: # Item Type
sns.countplot(x = "Item_Type", data = train)
plt.xticks(rotation= 90)

1.3.2 Observation: Item Type
1. Fruits and Veggies
2. Snack Foods
3. Frozen Food
These are the most saleable items
[23]: sns.violinplot(x = "Outlet_Size",y = "Item_Outlet_Sales",data = train)

[23]: <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1c6cf8924e0>

1.3.3 Bivariate Analysis - Item Visibility and Sales

[24]: plt.figure(figsize=[8,5])
plt.scatter(train.Item_Visibility, train.Item_Outlet_Sales,
plt.xlabel("Item Visibility")
plt.title("Scatterplot - Visibility Vs Sales")

1.3.4 Observation: Item Visibility Vs Sales
Highly Visible Items have lesser sales.
[25]: # Item Weight Vs Sales
plt.scatter(train.Item_Weight, train.Item_Outlet_Sales,
color="blue", alpha = 0.3)

[25]: <matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x1c6cf955eb8>

1.3.5 Observation: Item Weight Vs Sales
No pattern seen…
[26]: train.head()

[26]: Item_Identifier Item_Weight Item_Fat_Content Item_Visibility \

0 FDA15 9.30 Low Fat 0.016047
1 DRC01 5.92 Regular 0.019278
2 FDN15 17.50 Low Fat 0.016760
3 FDX07 19.20 Regular 0.000000
4 NCD19 8.93 Low Fat 0.000000

Item_Type Item_MRP Outlet_Identifier \

0 Dairy 249.8092 OUT049
1 Soft Drinks 48.2692 OUT018
2 Meat 141.6180 OUT049
3 Fruits and Vegetables 182.0950 OUT010
4 Household 53.8614 OUT013

Outlet_Establishment_Year Outlet_Size Outlet_Location_Type \

0 1999 Medium Tier 1
1 2009 Medium Tier 3
2 1999 Medium Tier 1
3 1998 NaN Tier 3
4 1987 High Tier 3

Outlet_Type Item_Outlet_Sales
0 Supermarket Type1 3735.1380
1 Supermarket Type2 443.4228
2 Supermarket Type1 2097.2700
3 Grocery Store 732.3800
4 Supermarket Type1 994.7052

[27]: # Item Fat Content vs Sales

sns.boxplot(x = "Item_Fat_Content", y = "Item_Outlet_Sales",
data = train)

[27]: <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1c6cf998240>

[28]: sns.distplot(train[train.Item_Fat_Content=="Low Fat"]["Item_Outlet_Sales"])


[28]: <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1c6cfa01470>

[29]: # Item Type Vs Sales
sns.boxplot(x = "Item_Type", y = "Item_Outlet_Sales",
data = train)
plt.xticks(rotation= 90)

[30]: print(train[train.Item_Outlet_Sales>8000].Item_Type.unique())

['Snack Foods' 'Dairy' 'Fruits and Vegetables' 'Frozen Foods'

'Starchy Foods' 'Breads' 'Health and Hygiene' 'Soft Drinks' 'Canned'
'Household' 'Breakfast' 'Meat']

[31]: # Identifying the Outlet

sns.boxplot(x = "Outlet_Identifier",
y = "Item_Outlet_Sales", data=train)
plt.xticks(rotation = 90)

[32]: # Outlet 27 Max Sales Guy on the Street...

[32]: array([1985], dtype=int64)

1.3.6 Observation: Outlet 27

We have observed that if an Outlet is of Medium Size, Belongs to Tier 3 city and is of Supermarket
Type3 then it will have max sales.
What all Items are kept in Outlet 27: All Item Types are being Sold there…
How old is Outlet 27: 28 years of existence

1.3.7 Observation: Outlet 10

We have observed that if an Outlet is of Small Size, Belongs to Tier 3 city and is of Grocery Store
which results in Lower Sales
What all Items are kept in Outlet 10: All Item Types are being Sold there…
How old is Outlet 10: 15 years of existence
[33]: train[(train.Outlet_Size=="Small") & (train.Outlet_Type=="Grocery␣

[33]: count 528.000000
mean 340.329723
std 249.979449
min 33.955800
25% 153.633350
50% 265.321300
75% 460.733600
max 1482.070800
Name: Item_Outlet_Sales, dtype: float64

1.3.8 Observations Store Type

Store Type: Small and Grocery
1. Max Sales is 1500 where as Min is 33
[34]: train.columns

[34]: Index(['Item_Identifier', 'Item_Weight', 'Item_Fat_Content', 'Item_Visibility',

'Item_Type', 'Item_MRP', 'Outlet_Identifier',
'Outlet_Establishment_Year', 'Outlet_Size', 'Outlet_Location_Type',
'Outlet_Type', 'Item_Outlet_Sales'],

[35]: sns.boxplot(x = 'Outlet_Type', y = "Item_Outlet_Sales", data=train)

plt.xticks(rotation = 45)

[35]: (array([0, 1, 2, 3]), <a list of 4 Text xticklabel objects>)

1.3.9 Observation - ‘Outlet_Location_Type’ & Outlet Type
1. Tier 3 has max sales
2. Supermarket Type 03 has Max Sales

1.4 Missing Values

[93]: train.isnull().sum()

[93]: Item_Identifier 0
Item_Weight 1463
Item_Fat_Content 0
Item_Visibility 0
Item_Type 0
Item_MRP 0
Outlet_Identifier 0
Outlet_Establishment_Year 0
Outlet_Size 2410
Outlet_Location_Type 0

Outlet_Type 0
Item_Outlet_Sales 0
dtype: int64

[37]: test.isnull().sum()

[37]: Item_Identifier 0
Item_Weight 976
Item_Fat_Content 0
Item_Visibility 0
Item_Type 0
Item_MRP 0
Outlet_Identifier 0
Outlet_Establishment_Year 0
Outlet_Size 1606
Outlet_Location_Type 0
Outlet_Type 0
dtype: int64

[38]: test.Outlet_Size.value_counts()

[38]: Medium 1862

Small 1592
High 621
Name: Outlet_Size, dtype: int64

[94]: # Outlet Size - Missing Values Filled

train.Outlet_Size.fillna(value = "Medium", inplace= True)

[95]: # Outlet Size - Missing Values Filled

test.Outlet_Size.fillna(value = "Medium", inplace= True)

[41]: # Item Weight - Missing Values


[41]: Item_Identifier Item_Weight Item_Fat_Content Item_Visibility \

0 FDA15 9.30 Low Fat 0.016047
1 DRC01 5.92 Regular 0.019278
2 FDN15 17.50 Low Fat 0.016760
3 FDX07 19.20 Regular 0.000000
4 NCD19 8.93 Low Fat 0.000000

Item_Type Item_MRP Outlet_Identifier \

0 Dairy 249.8092 OUT049
1 Soft Drinks 48.2692 OUT018
2 Meat 141.6180 OUT049
3 Fruits and Vegetables 182.0950 OUT010

4 Household 53.8614 OUT013

Outlet_Establishment_Year Outlet_Size Outlet_Location_Type \

0 1999 Medium Tier 1
1 2009 Medium Tier 3
2 1999 Medium Tier 1
3 1998 Medium Tier 3
4 1987 High Tier 3

Outlet_Type Item_Outlet_Sales
0 Supermarket Type1 3735.1380
1 Supermarket Type2 443.4228
2 Supermarket Type1 2097.2700
3 Grocery Store 732.3800
4 Supermarket Type1 994.7052

[96]: # FDA15

[96]: 2 17.5
759 17.5
4817 17.5
5074 17.5
6163 17.5
6952 NaN
8349 NaN
Name: Item_Weight, dtype: float64

1.5 Understanding how the ID will help impute Item Weight

[97]: df = train[["Item_Identifier", "Item_Weight"]]

[108]: df.head()

[108]: Item_Identifier Item_Weight weight

0 FDA15 9.30 9.30
1 DRC01 5.92 5.92
2 FDN15 17.50 17.50
3 FDX07 19.20 19.20
4 NCD19 8.93 8.93

[116]: train[train.Item_Identifier=="FDA15"]["Item_Weight"]

[116]: 0 9.3
831 9.3
2599 9.3
2643 9.3

4874 9.3
5413 9.3
6696 9.3
7543 9.3
Name: Item_Weight, dtype: float64

[107]: df["weight"]=df.groupby("Item_Identifier")["Item_Weight"].transform(lambda x:x.


A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:

"""Entry point for launching an IPython kernel.

[114]: train["Item_Weight"]=train.groupby("Item_Identifier")["Item_Weight"].
↪transform(lambda x:x.fillna(x.mean()))

[117]: test["Item_Weight"]=test.groupby("Item_Identifier")["Item_Weight"].
↪transform(lambda x:x.fillna(x.mean()))

[118]: train.isnull().sum()

[118]: Item_Identifier 0
Item_Weight 4
Item_Fat_Content 0
Item_Visibility 0
Item_Type 0
Item_MRP 0
Outlet_Identifier 0
Outlet_Establishment_Year 0
Outlet_Size 0
Outlet_Location_Type 0
Outlet_Type 0
Item_Outlet_Sales 0
dtype: int64

[148]: # 04 Missing Values Left


[148]: Empty DataFrame

Columns: [Item_Identifier, Item_Weight, Item_Fat_Content, Item_Visibility,
Item_Type, Item_MRP, Outlet_Identifier, Outlet_Establishment_Year, Outlet_Size,
Outlet_Location_Type, Outlet_Type, Item_Outlet_Sales]

Index: []

[146]: # Frozen Food

train[train.Item_Type=="Baking Goods"]["Item_Weight"].describe()

[146]: count 647.000000

mean 12.285317
std 4.749789
min 4.880000
25% 8.235000
50% 11.650000
75% 15.700000
max 20.850000
Name: Item_Weight, dtype: float64

[139]: # Imputting Median


[137]: # Imputting Median using Iloc

train.iloc[927,1]=12.85 # Frozen Food

[141]: train.iloc[1922, 1] = 13.150000 # Snacks

[144]: train.iloc[4187,1] = 13.350000 # Dairy

[147]: train.iloc[5022, 1] = 11.650000 # Baking Goods

[159]: test.isnull().sum()

[159]: Item_Identifier 0
Item_Weight 0
Item_Fat_Content 0
Item_Visibility 0
Item_Type 0
Item_MRP 0
Outlet_Identifier 0
Outlet_Establishment_Year 0
Outlet_Size 0
Outlet_Location_Type 0
Outlet_Type 0
dtype: int64

[160]: test[pd.isnull(test.Item_Weight)]

[160]: Empty DataFrame

Columns: [Item_Identifier, Item_Weight, Item_Fat_Content, Item_Visibility,

Item_Type, Item_MRP, Outlet_Identifier, Outlet_Establishment_Year, Outlet_Size,
Outlet_Location_Type, Outlet_Type]
Index: []

[158]: # Imputting Missing Value in Test Basis item type

test["Item_Weight"] =
test.groupby("Item_Type")["Item_Weight"].transform(lambda x:x.fillna(x.

1.6 Feature Engineering

1. Item ID
2. Price Per Unit
3. Item Type
4. Establishment Year
[161]: # Item ID

[161]: 'FD'

[162]: itemid=[]
for i in range(0, len(train.Item_Identifier)):

[163]: # Creatng a New Variable called Item Category


[164]: train.head()

[164]: Item_Identifier Item_Weight Item_Fat_Content Item_Visibility \

0 FDA15 9.30 Low Fat 0.016047
1 DRC01 5.92 Regular 0.019278
2 FDN15 17.50 Low Fat 0.016760
3 FDX07 19.20 Regular 0.000000
4 NCD19 8.93 Low Fat 0.000000

Item_Type Item_MRP Outlet_Identifier \

0 Dairy 249.8092 OUT049
1 Soft Drinks 48.2692 OUT018
2 Meat 141.6180 OUT049
3 Fruits and Vegetables 182.0950 OUT010
4 Household 53.8614 OUT013

Outlet_Establishment_Year Outlet_Size Outlet_Location_Type \
0 1999 Medium Tier 1
1 2009 Medium Tier 3
2 1999 Medium Tier 1
3 1998 Medium Tier 3
4 1987 High Tier 3

Outlet_Type Item_Outlet_Sales Item_Category

0 Supermarket Type1 3735.1380 FD
1 Supermarket Type2 443.4228 DR
2 Supermarket Type1 2097.2700 FD
3 Grocery Store 732.3800 FD
4 Supermarket Type1 994.7052 NC

[165]: itemid=[]
for i in range(0, len(test.Item_Identifier)):
# Creatng a New Variable called Item Category

[166]: # Year of Establishment

train["Existence_Years"] = 2013-train.Outlet_Establishment_Year
test["Existence_Years"] = 2013-test.Outlet_Establishment_Year

[167]: # Replacing 0s with Median


[167]: count 5681.000000

mean 0.065684
std 0.051252
min 0.000000
25% 0.027047
50% 0.054154
75% 0.093463
max 0.323637
Name: Item_Visibility, dtype: float64

[168]: # Replacing the Item Visibility 0s with Median Values

train["Item_Visibility"].replace(to_replace=0, value = 0.053931,
inplace = True)

[169]: test["Item_Visibility"].replace(to_replace=0, value = 0.054154,

inplace = True)

[170]: plt.scatter(train.Item_Visibility, train.Item_Outlet_Sales, color="magenta")

[170]: <matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x1c6d1013be0>

[58]: train.head()

[58]: Item_Identifier Item_Weight Item_Fat_Content Item_Visibility \

0 FDA15 9.3 Low Fat 0.016047
1 DRC01 5.92 Regular 0.019278
2 FDN15 17.5 Low Fat 0.016760
3 FDX07 19.2 Regular 0.053931
4 NCD19 8.93 Low Fat 0.053931

Item_Type Item_MRP Outlet_Identifier \

0 Dairy 249.8092 OUT049
1 Soft Drinks 48.2692 OUT018
2 Meat 141.6180 OUT049
3 Fruits and Vegetables 182.0950 OUT010
4 Household 53.8614 OUT013

Outlet_Establishment_Year Outlet_Size Outlet_Location_Type \

0 1999 Medium Tier 1
1 2009 Medium Tier 3
2 1999 Medium Tier 1
3 1998 Medium Tier 3
4 1987 High Tier 3

Outlet_Type Item_Outlet_Sales Item_Category Existence_Years

0 Supermarket Type1 3735.1380 FD 14

1 Supermarket Type2 443.4228 DR 4
2 Supermarket Type1 2097.2700 FD 14
3 Grocery Store 732.3800 FD 15
4 Supermarket Type1 994.7052 NC 26

[171]: train["Item_Weight"]=train.Item_Weight.astype("float")

[172]: test["Item_Weight"]=test.Item_Weight.astype("float")


<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 5681 entries, 0 to 5680
Data columns (total 13 columns):
Item_Identifier 5681 non-null object
Item_Weight 5681 non-null float64
Item_Fat_Content 5681 non-null object
Item_Visibility 5681 non-null float64
Item_Type 5681 non-null object
Item_MRP 5681 non-null float64
Outlet_Identifier 5681 non-null object
Outlet_Establishment_Year 5681 non-null int64
Outlet_Size 5681 non-null object
Outlet_Location_Type 5681 non-null object
Outlet_Type 5681 non-null object
Item_Category 5681 non-null object
Existence_Years 5681 non-null int64
dtypes: float64(3), int64(2), object(8)
memory usage: 577.1+ KB

[174]: # Price Per Unit

train["Price_Per_Unit"] = train.Item_MRP/train.Item_Weight

[175]: test["Price_Per_Unit"] = test.Item_MRP/test.Item_Weight

[176]: train.shape

[176]: (8523, 15)

[177]: test.shape

[177]: (5681, 14)

[178]: plt.scatter(train.Price_Per_Unit, train.Item_Outlet_Sales, color="magenta")

[178]: <matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x1c6d1acaba8>

[180]: # Item Type

[180]: array(['Dairy', 'Soft Drinks', 'Meat', 'Fruits and Vegetables',

'Household', 'Baking Goods', 'Snack Foods', 'Frozen Foods',
'Breakfast', 'Health and Hygiene', 'Hard Drinks', 'Canned',
'Breads', 'Starchy Foods', 'Others', 'Seafood'], dtype=object)

[181]: # Perishables
perishables =['Dairy', 'Meat', 'Fruits and Vegetables','Frozen Foods',

[184]: # where it matches the list of perishables, "Perishables" else "Non Perishables"
train["ItemType_Cat"] = np.where(train.Item_Type.isin(perishables),␣
↪"Perishables", "Non Perishables")

[185]: test["ItemType_Cat"] = np.where(test.Item_Type.isin(perishables),␣

↪"Perishables", "Non Perishables")

[186]: train.head()

[186]: Item_Identifier Item_Weight Item_Fat_Content Item_Visibility \

0 FDA15 9.30 Low Fat 0.016047
1 DRC01 5.92 Regular 0.019278
2 FDN15 17.50 Low Fat 0.016760

3 FDX07 19.20 Regular 0.053931
4 NCD19 8.93 Low Fat 0.053931

Item_Type Item_MRP Outlet_Identifier \

0 Dairy 249.8092 OUT049
1 Soft Drinks 48.2692 OUT018
2 Meat 141.6180 OUT049
3 Fruits and Vegetables 182.0950 OUT010
4 Household 53.8614 OUT013

Outlet_Establishment_Year Outlet_Size Outlet_Location_Type \

0 1999 Medium Tier 1
1 2009 Medium Tier 3
2 1999 Medium Tier 1
3 1998 Medium Tier 3
4 1987 High Tier 3

Outlet_Type Item_Outlet_Sales Item_Category Existence_Years \

0 Supermarket Type1 3735.1380 FD 14
1 Supermarket Type2 443.4228 DR 4
2 Supermarket Type1 2097.2700 FD 14
3 Grocery Store 732.3800 FD 15
4 Supermarket Type1 994.7052 NC 26

Price_Per_Unit ItemType_Cat
0 26.861204 Perishables
1 8.153581 Non Perishables
2 8.092457 Perishables
3 9.484115 Perishables
4 6.031512 Non Perishables

2 Model Building Stage

Data Pre-Processing which includes SS starts from here…
[187]: # Item ID, Outlet IDentifier, Outyear
newtrain = train.drop(["Item_Identifier","Outlet_Identifier",␣
↪"Outlet_Establishment_Year", "Item_Type"],

axis = 1)

[188]: newtest = test.drop(["Item_Identifier","Outlet_Identifier",␣

↪"Outlet_Establishment_Year", "Item_Type"],

axis = 1)

[189]: print(newtrain.shape)

(8523, 12)
(5681, 11)

[190]: newtrain.head()

[190]: Item_Weight Item_Fat_Content Item_Visibility Item_MRP Outlet_Size \

0 9.30 Low Fat 0.016047 249.8092 Medium
1 5.92 Regular 0.019278 48.2692 Medium
2 17.50 Low Fat 0.016760 141.6180 Medium
3 19.20 Regular 0.053931 182.0950 Medium
4 8.93 Low Fat 0.053931 53.8614 High

Outlet_Location_Type Outlet_Type Item_Outlet_Sales Item_Category \

0 Tier 1 Supermarket Type1 3735.1380 FD
1 Tier 3 Supermarket Type2 443.4228 DR
2 Tier 1 Supermarket Type1 2097.2700 FD
3 Tier 3 Grocery Store 732.3800 FD
4 Tier 3 Supermarket Type1 994.7052 NC

Existence_Years Price_Per_Unit ItemType_Cat

0 14 26.861204 Perishables
1 4 8.153581 Non Perishables
2 14 8.092457 Perishables
3 15 9.484115 Perishables
4 26 6.031512 Non Perishables

3 Applying Encoding
Label or OHE
Label encoding is applied where the data or values follow a certain order where we can say that
one value is greater than the other for eg shirt size. S>M>L. However, where we see that there is
no order and hence it is imperative to apply OHE(pd.get_dummies)

[191]: dummy_train = pd.get_dummies(newtrain)

dummy_test = pd.get_dummies(newtest)

[192]: dummy_train.head()

[192]: Item_Weight Item_Visibility Item_MRP Item_Outlet_Sales Existence_Years \

0 9.30 0.016047 249.8092 3735.1380 14
1 5.92 0.019278 48.2692 443.4228 4
2 17.50 0.016760 141.6180 2097.2700 14
3 19.20 0.053931 182.0950 732.3800 15
4 8.93 0.053931 53.8614 994.7052 26

Price_Per_Unit Item_Fat_Content_Low Fat Item_Fat_Content_Regular \

0 26.861204 1 0
1 8.153581 0 1
2 8.092457 1 0
3 9.484115 0 1
4 6.031512 1 0

Outlet_Size_High Outlet_Size_Medium … \
0 0 1 …
1 0 1 …
2 0 1 …
3 0 1 …
4 1 0 …

Outlet_Location_Type_Tier 3 Outlet_Type_Grocery Store \

0 0 0
1 1 0
2 0 0
3 1 1
4 1 0

Outlet_Type_Supermarket Type1 Outlet_Type_Supermarket Type2 \

0 1 0
1 0 1
2 1 0
3 0 0
4 1 0

Outlet_Type_Supermarket Type3 Item_Category_DR Item_Category_FD \

0 0 0 1
1 0 1 0
2 0 0 1
3 0 0 1
4 0 0 0

Item_Category_NC ItemType_Cat_Non Perishables ItemType_Cat_Perishables

0 0 0 1
1 0 1 0
2 0 0 1
3 0 0 1
4 1 1 0

[5 rows x 23 columns]

[193]: # Applying Standard Scaler

from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

[194]: sc= StandardScaler()

[195]: scaled_train = pd.DataFrame(sc.fit_transform(dummy_train),

DataConversionWarning: Data with input dtype uint8, int64, float64 were all
converted to float64 by StandardScaler.
return self.partial_fit(X, y)
DataConversionWarning: Data with input dtype uint8, int64, float64 were all
converted to float64 by StandardScaler.
return, **fit_params).transform(X)

[196]: scaled_test = pd.DataFrame(sc.fit_transform(dummy_test),


DataConversionWarning: Data with input dtype uint8, int64, float64 were all
converted to float64 by StandardScaler.
return self.partial_fit(X, y)
DataConversionWarning: Data with input dtype uint8, int64, float64 were all
converted to float64 by StandardScaler.
return, **fit_params).transform(X)

[197]: # Random Forest Model

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
rf = RandomForestRegressor()

[198]: x = scaled_train.drop("Item_Outlet_Sales", axis = 1)

y = scaled_train.Item_Outlet_Sales

[199]: # Fitting the Model,y)

FutureWarning: The default value of n_estimators will change from 10 in version
0.20 to 100 in 0.22.
"10 in version 0.20 to 100 in 0.22.", FutureWarning)

[199]: RandomForestRegressor(bootstrap=True, criterion='mse', max_depth=None,

max_features='auto', max_leaf_nodes=None,
min_impurity_decrease=0.0, min_impurity_split=None,
min_samples_leaf=1, min_samples_split=2,
min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.0, n_estimators=10, n_jobs=None,
oob_score=False, random_state=None, verbose=0, warm_start=False)

[201]: # Predict using Test Set

pred = rf.predict(scaled_test) # Scaled Values

3.0.1 Conversion of Scaled Value into Original Values…
e^x and Log(e)
1. This will be achieved using Standard Scaler…
2. U will have to run the standard scaler of the column which you wish to transform and then
apply Inverse Transform to bring it back into the org values
[213]: # Apply Standard Scaler
mysales = sc.fit_transform(pd.DataFrame(train.Item_Outlet_Sales))

[205]: # Inverse Transform

sales = sc.inverse_transform(pred)

[207]: # Preparing Data Frame for Submission into CSV

solution = pd.DataFrame({"Item_Identifier":test.Item_Identifier,

[208]: # Exporting the solution in csv

solution.to_csv("Random Forest Model.csv", index=False) # 1254.26374553713

[209]: cd


[210]: # Decision tree Model

from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor
dtree = DecisionTreeRegressor()

[212]: pred_tree =,y).predict(scaled_test)

[214]: # Inverse Transform

sales = sc.inverse_transform(pred_tree)

[216]: # Preparing Data Frame for Submission into CSV

solution = pd.DataFrame({"Item_Identifier":test.Item_Identifier,

# Exporting the solution in csv

solution.to_csv("Tree Model.csv", index=False) # 1625.8461570796003.

[217]: # Adaboost
from sklearn.ensemble import AdaBoostRegressor
ada =AdaBoostRegressor()

[218]: pred_ada =,y).predict(scaled_test)

[219]: # Inverse Transform
sales = sc.inverse_transform(pred_ada)

[220]: # Preparing Data Frame for Submission into CSV

solution = pd.DataFrame({"Item_Identifier":test.Item_Identifier,

# Exporting the solution in csv

solution.to_csv("ADA.csv", index=False) # 1339

[ ]:


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