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English 1: Autoevaluación

semana 4
Autoevaluación semana 4:
Palabras interrogativas y posesivos

Possessive Adjectives and Wh-Question words

1. Recongize the Wh-Question words and match it to their meaning. Write the letter in the correct space.
Reconoce las palabras para preguntar con WH y relaciónalas con su significado. Escribe la letra en el espacio
a. Where ¿Quién? How ______
b. With
¿Cómo? When ______
c. What
d. Who ¿Dónde? Where _____
e. When
f. White ¿Cuándo? Who _____
g. How
¿Qué? What _____

2. Complete the question with the correct word. Completa la pregunta con la palabra correcta.
What, Who, Where, When, How, Whose, Which, Whose
1_what is your teacher? 2_how_are you? _3_what_is your brother?
4_what_is your name? 5__what__is your birthday? _6__how__old are you?
7 what _ is this? 8_what__is your favorite color? 9__what__are you now?
10_where _are you from? 11 __what__time is it? 12__what__ is this office?
3. Complete the chart with the possessive adjective. Completa el cuadro con el adjetivo posesivo.

I _am______

you _are_____

he __is____

she __is____

it __is___

we __are____

you _are_____

they __are ____

4. Use the correct adjective possessive in each sentence. Use el adjetivo posesivo correcto en cada oración.
1. Here is the cat. _they_________milk is in the kitchen. 2. The cat is white. __its____ hair is white.
3. That is Martin. __the________house is green. 4. That is Laura. __the_____house is blue.
5. I am from México. _what________hometown is Guadalajara. 6. I am a woman. ___my___name is Rita.
7. I am a man. ___my___name is Marcos. 8. Luis is in the office. ___the_____office is big.
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