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2(a) 2.(b) 2.(c) erenfafere 1-1 wees gre a 250 rT A ABE: Sitena A aise sree ac wal are ahahrahren were a gra eats aferdt oe Pra: G1 = seat Are | 20 sre mre ates ac ee rH TT we wa APN 15 sey et WP PBs sa aT eT APE | 15 emt Heer a ge TIT 250 aT AF: Re gover ae eet Fara Het Hs TT 3 frog at arataar oe Tah ARTE 20 ete 2st rare ens t SASTE TE araat AiR | 15 a er se ® ea a eas SANT TE agfir oft & Sever a fee oT 15 ec BR wee oT ET 250 Tt H APG Aer mera mre wel, eT a eros AT fractt x wat FART | 20 aa pe cement aren egies Heal we, Re oTraTa FNS a, BUG STE WEG HE EY TaeT HATE | 15 raf ada at tee strat we af S| 15 SECTION ‘A’ Write short notes on the following in about 150 words each: 10x5=50 Sufi tradition of Islam. ~~“ v Threat to tribal languages in India. ~ Examine the debates related to Ramapithecus.y Discuss how Louis Dumont explained caste system. Lv India with special reference to V Discuss salient features of Mesolithic culture in Ind western India. ~~ a7 ‘Answer the following in about 250 words each : -man-spirit complex as an ecological concept.\/ 15 Indian Paleolithic culture can neither be conceived chronologically homo- genous nor as a uniform cultural phase. — Discuss. 15 Discuss the significance of study of religious centres to the understanding of 20 Examine Nature “Indian civilizatio ne J ow we . a-helem-hauh 3a) 3.(b) 4, 4a) 4.(b) 4.(c) 5.(a) 5.(b) 5.(c) 5.(d) 5.(¢) ©© 6.(a) 6.0) Y 6) 742) 9 74) g TAC) B.(a)" 8.(b) 8.(c) a-brl-m-boub Answer the following i jards cach : ; ing in about 375 w ao wii 5 and Indi, Examine the anhrepatoiea. contributions eal wit IP ‘ iVilization, teri enon re as an egalitarian, - What is Jaimani system? Examine the views on Jajmani system 2 5 48 well as exploitative system. Give reasons for its decline- Answer the following in about 250 words each : Indian farmers are not slow to react to economic opportunities. — statement. z Mint Examine the criticisms on the concept of dominant caste. /Acy 15 Discuss the contributions of H. D, Sankalia to prehistoric anthropology in es 2 Discuss this 15 SECTION ‘B’ Write short notes on the following in about 150 words each : 10%5=50 Government Action towards Left Wing Extremism. 4 Role of Gramasabha under PESA. y Impacts of sanctuaries and national parks on tribal populations. Linguistic classification of Indian tribes, v Ethnic movements in India. / Answer the following in about 250 words each: Fifth Schedule and Sixth Schedule of the constitution are built on the foundations laid by the colonial Government. — Discuss. / 20 Discuss the significance of cultural and administrative factors in tribal development. / 15 Examine the impacts of green revolution on rural poor. / 15 Answer the following in about 250 words each : Discuss the criticism levelled against anthropology in the context of ‘Isolation, and assimilation debate’ ‘on tribal populations. 20 Assess the contributions of carly 20th century ethnographic tradition to Indian anthropology. 15 Discuss how British policies dispossessed tribals of their communal properties and agricultural lands. 15 Answer the following in about 250 words each: Discuss alternatives for shifting cultivators in the context of ecological gpsts . $ vy 0 fi 5 and humanistic concems. / j Examine the Impact of non-tribal contact on socio-cultural instintiggs of people with suitable examples. / a Discuss the Social _disabilities suffered by scheduled castes,y We) 15 tribal 1 oS: L2A™ [ER eon Ay He 5S AN Roeder Ge pscct- Aka ond psviicd Uart Tslawic Rewashon ty Leda o(W cexthont ' Tes] sug yeeadh onsuiitid love tewonds God - . Lompastion Spusonks {elmo Vasa)” Leos Yanespec\ve A Cock, toued . _ ° gromiment Cal bwte Iradnds * ORM | Wieanwaddiu Auligar Waheed {ya cx Na Soda ee See T YOR Y Sins eh Indian ea\tosae Ree ARAN ©' © 2 ‘ wee Sols doeltine, 4 Saagbary , Reo. 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Senter. BAA Namspayet EN OMe ay Athde Shoda a odin MMow' Ors Peper Aion a Paras. + Pacasay Lah sponken do uage! Sud’ Ordnwan + \ m as Arcorling ko ONESLO, ban eager Reo miscan ae Oe OMhon Nene 3h eelincliy | Popa |. Ace dom tw Sebev Lddroxp | as Lasse nC Fruon cultunn + Mente: howl te bike onic Fe ot © Ee Coonan) “Teh Ceti ba MOReronnes Wo toupetion midis © Verelogaanal LB tu) PP ae Raghuanath Musa anything tn (his margin . 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