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Ihr Zeichen / Your Reference

Vom / Dated
Unser Zeichen / Our Reference ST-Luh

Tel Durchwahl / Extension 0431-3019-751

Fax Durchwahl / Extension 0431-3019-464

Datum / Date 07.08.2007


Equipment: Gyro Compass Standard 20 / Standard 22

Bulletin#: 14 / 2007

Subject: Retrofit in combination with

Distributor Compact


Urgent ............ Perform as soon as possible per this instruction.

Routine........... Carry out at next scheduled service call.

Information only.

Hints for exchanging Standard 20 (only in combination with Distributor Compact) against
Standard 22

1. Read off heading of Standard 20 compass

2. Turn off the equipment

3. Remove the cover from Distributor Compact

4. Remove Plug P2 from Distributor Compact

5. Remove Standard 20 compass after gyros have stopped spinning (approx. 20 min after turn

6. Install Standard 22 compass according to Service Manual and the dimensional drawing for
installation requirements

Please refer to the attached cable and connection diagram 10-CO-D-X00015-C

Sheet 1: for 110-224.NG001, SA002, SA004, SA005 without Speed Error Correction (SEC)
and no configured SEC with STD 22
Sheet 2: for 110-224.NG001, SA002, SA004, SA005 without SEC but configured SEC with
STD 22
Sheet 3: for 110-224.NG002, SA001, SA003, SA006, SA007, SA008 with SEC

7. Connect external 24 VDC power supply to the compass. Make sure that the power supply
provides 24 VDC 150 Watts as minimum to the compass. In addition the Distributor Com-
pact requires 24 VDC 30 Watts plus 10 Watts per connected repeater.
Do not use the 24 VDC power from Plug P2 of Distributor Compact for the compass.
This would cause major damage to the Distributor Compact.

8. Connect the course bus from (terminal B4) from Standard 22 to RS422 Input (Terminal
L1) of the Distributor Compact as shown in the attached drawing.

9. Connect the system alarm of Standard 22 and Distributor Compact in series connection as
shown in the attached drawing.

10. Configuration for Distributor Compact without speed error correction

(110-224. NG001, SA002, SA004, SA005):
It can be decided by the captain if Speed Error Correction should be activated or not. If yes
speed and position data must be input to Standard 22 and the alarm contact “Speed Error
Correction” on terminal B6 from Standard 22 must be connected to an alarm panel on the
bridge (please refer to the attached drawing). However this may cause additional effort.

Service Bulletin 14/2007 Page 2 of 4


Configuration for Distributor Compact with speed error correction (110-224.NG002,

SA001, SA003, SA006, SA007, SA008):

If speed error correction is already included in the Distributor Compact then speed error
correction of Standard 22 must be deactivated. Otherwise wrong heading information
will be output.

Please refer to the Standard 22 Service Manual for the required configuration of the
Standard 22 system and continue with commissioning.

11. After the new Standard 22 has settled (5 hours) please adjust the alignment error to achieve
the heading as read off from the old compass. Make sure that the ship has not been moved
during installation. Check the heading (e.g. comparison with bearing of a pier).

With the market launch of the Standard 22 gyro we had a change in the course bus. We still
transmit the values for temperature, gyro current, alignment error, encoder value, run up time and
rate of turn but we are no longer transmit the hight of gyro sphere and conductivity.

Please note:
An Operator Unit must remain in operation.

Please note:
That the alarms differ between Standard 20 and Standard 22. The attached cross
reference table shows the correlation. Please make sure that the crew is informed

Service Bulletin 14/2007 Page 3 of 4


Cross Reference Table for Operator Unit STD.20 in connection with STD.22 Gyro Compass

Error on Message on STD.20 operator Error in STD 22 gyro Faulty PCB

STD.22 display unit

E.L.01 Gyro Error Serial Interface sensor to power pcb faulty PCbP
E.L.02 Gyro Error Inductiv transmission faulty PCbP
E.L.03 Gyro Error Voltage on power pcb faulty PCbP
E.L.04 Operating Voltage Encoder voltage faulty PCbP
E.L.05 Gyro Error Voltage on power pcb faulty PCbP
E.L.06 Encoder Encoder faulty PCbS
E.L.07 Encoder CAN dialog outer sphere to sensor pcb faulty PCbS
E.L.08 Follow Up Follow up system faulty PCbS
E.L.09 Gyro Error CAN 1 or 2 operating voltage faulty PCbC
E.L.10 Gyro Current Supporting liquid error PCbG
E.L.11 Operating Voltage Voltage on outer sphere faulty PCbG
E.L.12 Operating Voltage 24V faulty PCbG
E.L.13 Operating Voltage 15V faulty PCbG
E.L.14 Operating Voltage Heading voltage faulty PCbG
E.L.15 Operating Voltage 72V faulty PCbG
E.L.16 Operating Voltage 78V faulty PCbG
E.L.17 Operating Voltage Gyro supply faulty PCbG
E.L.18 Gyro Current Gyro current faulty PCbG
E.L.19 Height Gyro Sphere Pump voltage faulty PCbG
E.L.20 Height Gyro Sphere Pump current faulty PCbG
E.L.21 Temp. Sensor Teperature sensor faulty PCbG
E.L.22 Operating Voltage Serial interface MC1 / MC2 faulty PCbG
E.L.23 Gyro Error CAN dialog outer sphere to senor pcb faulty PCbG
E.L.24 Heating Heating system faulty PCbG
E.L.25 Watchdog Counter Watchdog counter Status
E.L.26 Power On Counter Power on counter Status
E.L.27 Off Status Off status counter Status

Warning of Message on STD.20 operator

STD. 22 unit

C.L.1 Fan Fan failure Waring

C.L.2 Heating Heater failure Waring
C.L.3 Temp >65°C Supporting liquid >60°C Waring
C.L.4 Temp. Contr. Supporting liquid too low Waring
C.L.5 Gyro Error => Volt. Interr. Voltage cut off Waring

Following values are still transmitted to the STD.20 operator unit:

• Temperature
• Gyro current
• Alignment error
• Encoder value
• Run up time
• Rate of turn

Following values are no longer transmitted to the STD.20 operator unit:

• Hight of Gyro Sphere
• Conductivity

Service Bulletin 14/2007 Page 4 of 4

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