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Bill no.

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(Total Amount Ove)
IIUIIIIIIIHIIIIH IE iiIll I IIIIIIIU 111a111 m1111111 1 11 1 111 111111 11 11011m
Amount to Pay
Php 2,059.00
Mr. Samuel Ponayo Ramos Acc.ount Number •1D (,edit Limrt (Php)
BLK 5 LOT 2 PHASE 1BARANGAY 990237154 20
, 00.00
BiUJng Pe<ood l,fnm/d<J/yy) Due Date
10/ 4/2 4 to 11/ 5/ 2 4 1 4/0 5/2 4


�I GFi.ber1699 200Mbps UNLI - Data Statement Summary

Cha.rges For This Month

Monthly Recurring Fee (MRF) 2059.00

Monthly Plan 2059.00
Total Php 2059.00

Previous Bill Activity

Previous Bill Amount 2,0 59.00

Payment 2,0 59.00

Remaining Balance Php0.00

Amount to pay Php 2059.00

Pltu4! examineycwr Stat�nt of Acc;ovnt immediately. If no

cfiscr�pan,;y iJ reported within 30 days from this bill r;ut>(tff,
the contents of this statement will be- eonsidte-red coffect..

1n compuance wtth RA 9".510or me c.reott 1nt0f1Tlat1on Systems

Alt (0$.A.), �'ll t>e sending baSI<;: ctedit informauon about
your Gtobe accoont/s.,,nctud,ng any overdue balance., tc the
C1ecfit Information C °c!c (CK), astate-run agency. on a
�:� � �r!'at ������!:!�:� on Uw�e

For details of your d\afges pleue 509 inside ?ages.

Payments made after you-r cut-off date m.1.y not be di.splayed on this bilL
Amount is indusi\le of VAT, ;f appl:cabte.
Amovnt is ind1.1Sive of Overs,eu CommuniQition T�. jf appt:uble.

I © Thank you for your payment.

Pay your bills at any of our convenient payment channels

SamHfay Posting Other Payment Channels

• Globe Online Bills Payment Over the Counter ATM, Internet, Phone & Mobile Banking ATM & Phone Banking
( •PNB & PNB Savings Sank • Bancnet (excl phone) •PNB
•Glot>e Stoces •!<CBC •800
• 8PI •BPI
•BavadCenlcr •Robinsons Bank Mobile Banking
•Robinson s Department Store • Landbank •GCash
• Ceboana thuiller •Met�bank:
: g� =�Savl09S •SM Paym(?f1t Cmter
{Dept Store, Savemore. Hyperman:) •Secunty Rank
•Securtty Bank • UCP8 Credit Card provider)
Autopay (Enroll via
•East West Sank •UCPB
•M.LhuiWer •Ul'liiO(I Bank ATM & Internet Banking •Olibar'lk

•One Networir Bank •tandbank Mandaue • Union Bank •Security Bank/Diners


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lnnove Communications. Inc.

A wholly-own.ed sub5kt.lry o4Globe Tt'l«om, w.

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