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End of Term Test 7th forms

Academic year :2013/2014 0 6 / 12 /2013

Name……………………….... N …………7B…… /20


1/LANGUAGE (15 marks)

1/Fill in the blanks with 6 words from the box (3 Marks)

invite / hobbies /a / our /an / at / weather / intelligent

Dear Alex ,

I’m very happy to to have a penfriend . My name is Mary and I am British. I speak Italian and,
of course, English.

I play tennis and volleyball. My 1/…………………. Are reading and , music and dancing . I go to
a big school near my house. I ‘m good 2/……………………….. maths and history.

I‘ve got a brother and a little sister . My father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher.

This is a photo of London. It’s 3/……………….. very beautiful city. People here are very kind.
These days the 4/…………………………….. is very cold . My family and I are very to happy to

Please, accept 6/…………………….. invitation.

Yours, Mary

2/Put the bracketed words in the right tense or form(3 Marks)

Fred is a school boy. He usually 1/(get up)………………… very early and takes the bus to Robinson
school. At the moment, he is at the school library with2/(he)………………………… friends , Rachel
and Mary. He 3/(read)……………………. a play by Shakespeare. He likes 4/(read)………………………
very much . It is his favourite pastime. Mary 5/(listen)………………………… to music and writing a
letter to 6/(she)……………………….. French penfriend
3/Circle the right alternative (3Marks)

Customs officer: Good morning , Madam.

Mrs. Robinson: Good morning, Sir

Customs officer: Can I see your1/(photo / passport/ image), please?

Mrs. Robinson: Here you are.

Customs officer: Is this little girl your daughter?

Mrs. Robinson: No, she’s my brother’s daughter.(2/His/ Its / Her) name’s Suzy

Customs officer: 3/(Do/Does/Are)you have her passport with you ?

Mrs. Robinson: I’m afraid not. It’s with her father.

Customs officer: Is this all your luggage?

Mrs. Robinson: No, my husband, Tim, 4/(have/has/is having)some luggage, too.

Customs officer: Where is he now?

Mrs. Robinson: He5/ (‘s coming / comes/ come). By the way, here is his passport.

Customs officer: Have a nice 6/(way/stay / plane)

Mrs. Robinson: Thank you very much .Bye.

4/Complete the dialogue below with words appropriate to the pictures and write the
times in letters (3Marks)

Mrs .Russel: Tom! It’s time to get up , dear

Tom : 1/……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Mrs .Russel: It’s 2/………………………………………………………………………………………

Tom: It’s Sunday ,mum. I don’t want to get up early.

Mrs. Russel: But you have a music lesson at nine

Get up now, 3/……………………………… your room, 4/………………………………

5/………………………………………. and 6/…………………………………………….. before the music

teacher comes.

Tom: OK , mum.
2/WRITING (5marks)
This is your first letter to your pen friend .Read and complete it with the right information about you . then
invite him/her to visit you

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