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Class – 10th

50 mcq questions

Topic – entrepreneur skill

1. **What is an entrepreneur?**

- a) A person who works for a salary

- b) A person who starts and runs a business

- c) A person who donates to charity

- d) A person who manages household chores

2. **Which of the following is a key characteristic of an entrepreneur?**

- a) Risk aversion

- b) Risk-taking

- c) Laziness

- d) Inconsistency

3. **What does a business plan typically include?**

- a) Personal details

- b) Goals, strategies, and financial projections

- c) Travel itinerary

- d) Daily routine

4. **Which of the following is not a type of business ownership?**

- a) Sole proprietorship

- b) Partnership
- c) Corporation

- d) Scholarship

5. **What is market research?**

- a) Studying market trends and consumer preferences

- b) Looking for jobs

- c) Shopping online

- d) Reading books

6. **What does SWOT stand for in SWOT analysis?**

- a) Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats

- b) Strong, Weak, Open, Tall

- c) Simple, Wise, Ordinary, Timely

- d) Smart, Witty, Outstanding, Talented

7. **Which of the following is a source of business finance?**

- a) Lottery winnings

- b) Bank loans

- c) Hobbies

- d) Daily allowance

8. **What is innovation in entrepreneurship?**

- a) Copying other businesses

- b) Introducing new ideas and products

- c) Following traditional methods

- d) Avoiding changes

9. **Which of these is a characteristic of a successful entrepreneur?**

- a) Inflexibility

- b) Creativity

- c) Pessimism

- d) Irresponsibility

10. **What is a business pitch?**

- a) A presentation to attract investors

- b) A place where baseball is played

- c) A type of musical note

- d) A speech given at a wedding

11. **Which of the following is not a type of market segmentation?**

- a) Geographic

- b) Demographic

- c) Psychographic

- d) Mathematical

12. **What is a target market?**

- a) The market you aim to hit with your product

- b) A random group of people

- c) All consumers in the world

- d) People who dislike your product

13. **Which of these is a common reason for business failure?**

- a) Effective planning

- b) Poor management

- c) Good customer service

- d) Strong financial backing

14. **What does ROI stand for?**

- a) Return on Investment

- b) Revenue of Investment

- c) Rate of Innovation

- d) Range of Income

15. **What is an elevator pitch?**

- a) A short, persuasive speech

- b) A place to buy elevators

- c) A speech given in an elevator

- d) A long, detailed business plan

16. **What does bootstrapping mean in business?**

- a) Starting a business with little to no external funding

- b) Wearing boots to work

- c) Closing a business

- d) Taking a loan
17. **Which of these is a benefit of entrepreneurship?**

- a) Guaranteed success

- b) Independence and flexibility

- c) No risk involved

- d) High initial salary

18. **What is a unique selling proposition (USP)?**

- a) A feature that makes a product unique and attractive

- b) A type of advertisement

- c) A government policy

- d) A common product feature

19. **Which of the following is a legal structure for a business?**

- a) Informal group

- b) Limited Liability Company (LLC)

- c) Friendship circle

- d) Family gathering

20. **What is a business incubator?**

- a) A program that supports new businesses

- b) A type of bird

- c) A place to store eggs

- d) An investment firm
21. **What is crowdfunding?**

- a) Raising small amounts of money from a large number of people

- b) Investing in stocks

- c) Donating to charity

- d) Taking a bank loan

22. **Which of these is an example of a fixed cost?**

- a) Raw materials

- b) Monthly rent

- c) Advertising

- d) Utilities

23. **What is a startup?**

- a) A new business venture

- b) An old, established company

- c) A government organization

- d) A hobby project

24. **Which of the following is essential for business success?**

- a) Understanding customer needs

- b) Ignoring competition

- c) High employee turnover

- d) Rigid business model

25. **What is the primary goal of a social entrepreneur?**

- a) Maximizing profits

- b) Addressing social issues

- c) Personal fame

- d) Business monopoly

26. **What does MVP stand for in business?**

- a) Minimum Viable Product

- b) Most Valuable Player

- c) Maximum Value Proposition

- d) Market Vision Plan

27. **What is cash flow?**

- a) The total profit of a business

- b) The movement of money in and out of a business

- c) The amount of cash in a bank account

- d) The overall revenue of a business

28. **What is the purpose of a feasibility study?**

- a) To assess the viability of a business idea

- b) To create advertisements

- c) To design a website

- d) To hire employees

29. **Which of these is an example of variable cost?**

- a) Rent
- b) Raw materials

- c) Salaries

- d) Insurance

30. **What is a franchise?**

- a) A business that operates under a parent company’s brand and business model

- b) A government agency

- c) An independent startup

- d) A type of investment

31. **Which of these is a primary role of an entrepreneur?**

- a) Employee

- b) Innovator

- c) Spectator

- d) Critic

32. **What does the term “scalability” refer to in a business context?**

- a) Ability to expand and handle increased workload

- b) Reducing business operations

- c) Maintaining current size

- d) Decreasing market share

33. **What is a business model?**

- a) A plan for making a profit

- b) A type of employee
- c) A financial statement

- d) A marketing slogan

34. **What is the main objective of a competitive analysis?**

- a) To understand competitors’ strengths and weaknesses

- b) To copy competitors

- c) To ignore the competition

- d) To collaborate with competitors

35. **What does B2B stand for?**

- a) Business to Business

- b) Back to Back

- c) Business to Buyer

- d) Back to Business

36. **What is the primary focus of customer relationship management (CRM)?**

- a) Building and maintaining relationships with customers

- b) Creating new products

- c) Managing employees

- d) Conducting market research

37. **Which of the following is a financial statement?**

- a) Income Statement

- b) Marketing Plan

- c) Employee Handbook
- d) Vision Statement

38. **What is the role of an angel investor?**

- a) Providing early-stage funding for startups

- b) Managing daily operations

- c) Conducting market research

- d) Writing business plans

39. **What is equity financing?**

- a) Raising money by selling shares of the company

- b) Taking a loan from a bank

- c) Applying for a grant

- d) Leasing equipment

40. **What is a break-even point?**

- a) The point where total revenue equals total costs

- b) The start of a business

- c) The highest profit point

- d) The end of a business

41. **What does SEO stand for in digital marketing?**

- a) Search Engine Optimization

- b) Social Engagement Options

- c) Secure Electronic Ordering

- d) Strategic Enterprise Operations

42. **Which of the following best describes an intrapreneur?**

- a) An employee who acts like an entrepreneur within a company

- b) A person who travels frequently for business

- c) A freelance worker

d) A retired entrepreneur

43. **What is the primary function of a business accelerator?**

- a) To help startups grow rapidly

- b) To close failing businesses

- c) To provide long-term employment

- d) To reduce business operations

44. **What is a prototype?**

- a) An early sample or model of a product

- b) A marketing campaign

- c) A business meeting

- d) A type of software

45. **Which of the following is a disadvantage of sole proprietorship?**

- a) Easy to establish

- b) Limited resources and liability

- c) Full control over decisions

- d) Direct access to profits

46. **What is the significance of a value proposition?**

- a) Explains why customers should buy a product

- b) Details the company’s legal structure

- c) Describes the company’s history

- d) Lists the company’s employees

47. **Which of the following is a non-financial measure of business performance?**

- a) Customer satisfaction

- b) Net profit

- c) Revenue growth

- d) Cash flow

48. **What is the main purpose of a pitch deck?**

- a) To present business ideas to potential investors

- b) To onboard new employees

- c) To track financial performance

- d) To develop marketing strategies

49. **What does the term “bootstrapping” mean in entrepreneurship?**

- a) Starting a business with minimal financial resources

- b) Seeking venture capital

- c) Selling a business

- d) Outsourcing business functions

50. **What is a mission statement?**

- a) A brief description of a company’s purpose and goals

- b) A list of products offered

- c) An employee handbook

- d) A financial report


1. b) A person who starts and runs a business

2. b) Risk-taking

3. b) Goals, strategies, and financial projections

4. d) Scholarship

5. a) Studying market trends and consumer preferences

6. a) Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats

7. b) Bank loans

8. b) Introducing new ideas and products

9. b) Creativity

10. a) A presentation to attract investors

11. d) Mathematical

12. a) The market you aim to hit with your product

13. b) Poor management

14. a) Return on Investment

15. a) A short, persuasive speech

16. a) Starting a business with little to no external funding

17. b) Independence and flexibility

18. a) A feature that makes a product unique and attractive

19. b) Limited Liability Company (LLC)

20. a) A program that supports new businesses

21. a) Raising small amounts of money from a large number of people

22. b) Monthly rent

23. a) A new business venture

24. a) Understanding customer needs

25. b) Addressing social issues

26. a) Minimum Viable Product

27. b) The movement of money in and out of a business

28. a) To assess the viability of a business idea

29. b) Raw materials

30. a) A business that operates under a parent company’s brand and business model

31. b) Innovator

32. a) Ability to expand and handle increased workload

33. a) A plan for making a profit

34. a) To understand competitors’ strengths and weaknesses

35. a) Business to Business

36. a) Building and maintaining relationships with customers

37. a) Income Statement

38. a) Providing early-stage funding for startups

39. a) Raising money by selling shares of the company

40. a) The point where total revenue equals total costs

41. a) Search Engine Optimization

42. a) An employee who acts like an entrepreneur within a company

43. a) To help startups grow rapidly

44. a) An early sample or model of a product

45. b) Limited resources and liability

46. a) Explains why customers should buy a product

47. a) Customer satisfaction

48. a) To present business ideas to potential investors

49. a) Starting a business with minimal financial resources

50. a) A brief description of a company’s purpose and goals

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