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ĐỀ 1
I. Listen and complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
First name Kirsty
Surname Allen
Address (1) ___________Windham Road, Richmond
Postcode (2) ______________________
Home. Tel 020 8927 7651
Mobile. Tel (3) ______________________
Flight number (4) ______________________
Seat number (5) ______________________
From New York
To London Heathrow
Questions 6-8: Choose THREE letters from A to F
What items did Kirsty’s bag contain?
A. 17 pounds B. Pens C. Her passport
D. A book E. 200 dollars F. Her house keys
Questions 9-10: Choose a letter (A, B, C or D) that correctly answer questions 9 and 10.
9. What has Kirsty done regarding to the loss of her credit card?
A. informed the police but not the credit card company.
B. informed the credit card company but not the police.
C. informed both the police and the credit card company.
D. informed neither the police nor the credit card company.
10. What must Kirsty do after the call regarding to her lost handbag?
A. call back after one hour and a half.
B. Just wait for a call back.
C. call back after one hour and a half if she has heard nothing.
D. call back the next day if she has heard nothing.
II. * Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others .
1. A. action B. national C. partial D. question
2. A. tidal B. sight C. describe D. cinema
3. A. connect B. comfort C. computer D. contest
4. A. cough B. though C. rough D. tough
5. A. pleased B. erased C. increased D. amused
* Choose one word whose stress pattern is different from the others.
6. A. medical B. restaurant C. remember D. government
7. A. household B. homework C. garbage D. throughout
8. A. electrical B. interesting C. necessary D. beautifully
9. A. celebrate B. consider C. expression D. criteria
10. A. partner B. between C. visit D. program
III. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to complete the sentences.
1. I don’t like my nextdoor neighbor, who often ………..ill of everyone behind his back
A. says B. speaks C. tells D. whispers
2. There was nothing they could do ………..leave the car at the roadside where it had broken down.
A. unless B. than C. but D. in stead of
3. I have to get my picture ………..for my website.
A. take B. taken C. taking D. took
4. The staff are working at weekend………..delay the project any further.
A. so that not to B. so not to C. so as not to D. for not
5. We were so disappointed that most of the guests………..when we arrived at the party.
A. leave B. left C. have left D. had left
6. Because his argument was so confusing………..people understood it.
A. a few B. much C. few D. many
7. There are a lot of letters………...right now.
A. to be written B. to have written C. to be writing D. to write
8. Many people like the slow ………..of life in the countryside.
A. step B. pace C. speed D. space
9. I am tired of my neighbours ………...noise every night.
A. to make B. make C. having made D. making
10. Doctors advise us.………...too many hours watching television.
A. not to spend B. not being spend C. not spend D. not spending
11. There are chances that Manchester United………..the last match against Juventus.
A. will win B. won C. has won D. would win
12. I like detective stories where I can’t ……….. who committed the murder!
A. work up B. work for C. work out D. work on
13. I am leaving the keys under the pot in the garden ………..you should be home earlier than usual.
A. because B. in case C. so that D. though
14. I was made ………..hard when I was at high school.
A. studying B. studied C. to study D. study
15. I regret………...you the story. I really didn’t know it would make you disappointed.
A. tell B. telling C. to tell D. told
16. She is a ...............girl with ..............
A. green-eyes/red hair B. green-eyed/red hairs C. green-eye/ared hair D. green-eyed/red hair
IV. Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition.
1. We should cover the burned area __________ a thick sterile dressing.
2. They fell __________ love ___________ each other almost immediately and were married in a few weeks.
3. Next month I’m going to Scotland __________ a short holiday.
4. Their parents are very proud __________________ their results.
5. What is the difference _____________ “clean up” and “clean out”?
6. We are going to hold a discussion ______________ recycling.
7. The boy fell _____________ his bike and hit his head _____________ the road.
8. Santa Claus is based ______________the description of Saint Nicholas.
V. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words in capital letters.
1. The gold, silver, and bronze_________________ took their places on the podium for the presentation ceremony. (MEDAL)
2. ________________, dark clouds soon appeared and it began to rain. (FORTUNE)
3. Laura blames her_____________on being single, but I’m not so sure. (HAPPY)
4. Many ___________ of the older generation were there. (REPRESENT)
5. She has cut herself, and it is __________________ quite badly. (BLOOD)
6. His health was seriously affected and he suffered from constant _____ _______. (SLEEP)
7. Bao is _________ _____ kind and generous to everyone. (EXTREME)
8. I’m pleased to hear that you had an ___ _________ Christmas vacation. (ENJOY)
9. This knife is _______ _______ - it can cut everything. (USE)
10. The Scouting Association is the largest _________ youth organization in the world.(VOLUNTEER)
VI. Put the sentences (A – J) in the correct order (1 – 10 ) to make a meaningful conversation.
A. Goodbye.
B. Yes, can you come at ten to three on Wednesday afternoon?
C. What name is it, please?
D. Yes, that’s fine.
E. It’s Tom Smith.
F. Yes, can I make an appointment with doctor Wall, please?
G. No, I’m sorry, I can’t. What about the evening?
H. Good morning. Can I help you?
I. Thank you Mr. Smith. Goodbye.
J. Doctor Wall isn’t here in the evening on Wednesday, I’m afraid. I can put you in at half past six on Thursday evening.
VII. Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets to complete the following sentences.
1. How many times you ________________ (be) to London this year?
2. The two girls ________________ (play) chess over there are my classmates.
3. We must take an umbrella. It ________________ (rain).
4. The guests ________________ (arrive) while I ________________ (still / cook).
5. The rice-cooking festival ________________ (hold) every two years.
6. I often ________________ (climb) trees when I was a little girl.
7. Two miles (be) enough for her to go jogging every morning.
8. I’m very bored. My mother always ________________ (complain) about her housework.
VIII. Read the passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet t indicate the correct answer to each of the following
It was once believed that being overweight was healthy, but nowadays few people subscribe to this viewpoint. While many
people are fighting the battle to reduce weight, studies are being conducted concerning the appetite and how it is controlled by both
emotional and biochemical factors. Some of the conclusions of these studies may give insights into how to deal with weight problems.
For example, when several hundred people were asked about their eating habits in times of stress, 44 percent said they reacted to
stressful situations by eating. Further investigations with both humans and animals indicated that it is not food which release tension but
rather the act of chewing.
A test in which subjects were blindfolded showed that obese people have a keener sense of taste and crave more flavorful food
than non- obese people. When deprived of the variety and intensity of taste, obese people are not satisfied and consequently eat more
to fulfill this need. Blood samples taken from people after they were shown a picture of food revealed that overweight people reacted with
an increase in blood insulin, a chemical associated with appetite. This did not happen to average-weight people.
In another experiment, results showed that certain people have a specific, biologically induced hunger for carbohydrates
subsides. Eating carbohydrates raises the level of serotonin, a neurotransmitter in the brain. Enough serotonin produces a sense of
satiation, and hunger for carbohydrates subsides.
Exercise has been recommended as an important part of a weight-loss program. However, it has been found that mild exercise,
such as using stairs instead of the elevator, is better in the long run than taking on a strenuous program, such as jogging, which many
people find difficult to continue over a long periods of time and which also increases appetite.
1. Years ago being overweight meant_______.
A. being rich B. being stylish C. being physically strong D. being unhealthy
2. The word “crave” in line 9, can be best replaced with
A. devour B. absorb C. season D. desire.
3. It can be inferred from the passage that_______.
A. overweight people are tense B. These of people don’t eat when under stress
C. Weight watchers should chew of something inedible when tense
D. 56 percent of the population isn’t overweight.
4. It can be inferred from the passage that_______.
A. Thin people don’t enjoy food B. A variety of foods and strong flavors satisfies heavy people.
C. Overweight people have an abnormal sense of taste. D. Deprivation of food makes people fat.
5. According to the passage, Insulin
A. increase in the bloodstream when people eat large amounts of food B. Can be used to lessen the appetite. C.
Causes a chemical reaction when food is seen.D. levels don’t change in average weight people who see food.
6. It can be inferred that for certain people.
A. Eating carbohydrates eliminates hunger. B. Carbohydrates biologically induce hunger.
C. Carbohydrates don’t satisfy a hunger person. D. Carbohydrates subside when serotonin is produced.
7. What can be said about serotonin?
A. it is a chemical that increase the appetite B. Only certain people produce it in their brain.
C. it tells the brain when a person is full D. It neurotransmits carbohydrates to the train.
8. In order to lose weight, it would be a good idea for heavy people to
A. jog 3 miles a day and chew on carrot sticks B. walk up stairs and look a t pictures of food.
C. Eat plenty of chewy carbohydrates D. Avoid stressful situation and eat spicy foods.
9. Which of the following exercises might be best for an overweight person to engage in daily?
A. an evening walk B. along swim C. cross-country skiing D. 10 mile bicycle rides.
10. Strenuous programs are believed
A. to make people feel like eating
B. To be favorite exercise for many people in their attempt at losing weight in the long run.
C. To be as good as mild exercises for gaining weight
D. to be as easy as mild exercise to continue over long periods of time
IX. Fill in each numbered space with ONE appropriate word.
The video to the global smash hit song Gangnam Style has become the most-watched clip (1)____ ________Youtube’s history.
It has had almost 825 million views in the past five months and is moving quickly towards one billion. The video currently has 5,473,726
likes and 338,504 (2)_ __________. Canadian teen idol Justin Bieber previously held the record for the most Youtube views with his
2010 blackbuster Baby. Gangnam Style is by 34-year-old South Korean (3)__ __________,Psy. His iconic dance and catchy tune (4)__
_________captured the imagination of millions of people (5)__ ________. The video pokes fun at the glitzy Gangnam district of South
Korea’s capital Seoul. In it, he is seen dancing around the city pretending to ride a (6)_horse______and twirl a lasso.
Gannam Style first appeared on Youtube in July. It (7)_ _________just five month to reach the 800-million mark, over two year
quicker than Bieber’s song. A statement from Youtube Tends called the rise (8)_ __________popularity of the video as “unprecedented”.
It said “The video has been a massive hit at a global level unlike anything we’ve ever seen before. Each day, Gangnam Style is still
being watched (9)____________7 and 10 million times”. The dance has led to thousands of copycat videos being posted online, each
with their own version of it. Even U.N Secrectary-General Ban Ki-Moon attempted it. Mr. Ban joked: “I’m a bit jealous. Until two days
(10)_________________, someone told me I was the most famous Korean in the world. Now I have to relinquish that”.
X. Read the following text then choose from the list A-F the best sentence to fill each of the spaces. There is one extra sentence which
you do not need.
I have recently become very worried about my 15-year-old son, Nick. Although he was never brilliant at school, he used to get
reasonable good marks. (1) ______.
He used to be such a good swimmer that he won several prizes. But now he has given up training. And instead of neat clothes
he used to wear, all he ever puts on is the same pair of shabby of old jeans and a dirty sweatshirt.
(2) ______. Nick was in the kitchen. The radio was so loud that he didn’t hear me come behind him. My handbag was on the
table. (3) ______.
We had a terrible row. Finally, he broke down and confessed everything. He has been going every day to a big amusement
arcade near his school and playing electronics games with nick names like Space Warrior and Alien Invaders. I had always thought they
were harmless. (4) ______.
He has promised he won’t go there again, but I think he’s too addicted to stop. (5) ______. What can I do to help him?
A. But now I realize that he’s so hooked on them, he’ll even steal from his own mother in order to pay for the habit.
B. Even if he wanted to, he couldn’t - and he doesn’t .
C. I often leave it there so that I won’t forget it when I go out.
D. He had taken some money out of it and was just about to put it in his pocket.
E. But that isn’t all. Last Sunday, I got up earlier than usual.
F. But now his work has become so bad that his teachers say he is just wasting his time there.

XI. Rewrite each of the following sentences so that it means the same as the first one, beginning with the given words.
1. “You shouldn’t lend him any more money,” Mrs. Tuyet said to Nga.
 Mrs. Tuyet ………………………………………
2. Everyone was surprised to see Geoff leave the party early.
 To ……………………………………….
3. It was so late that nothing could be done.
 It was too ……………………………………….
4. Is this the best price you can offer?
 Can’t you ………………………………………?
5. They never made us do anything we didn’t want to do.
 We ……………………………………….
6. If the hole on the ozone layer had been discovered sooner, fewer people would have got skin cancer.
 Had ……………………………………….
7. I last saw him when I was a student.
 I haven’t ……………………………………….
8. “Don’t forget to bring your passports with you when you go abroad.”
 She reminded ……………………………………….
9. Smoking is not allowed in the ward.
 Would you ………………………………………?
10. He failed the exam because of his laziness.
 Because he ……………………………………….

I. Listen and complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Questions 1 – 5
First name Kirsty
Surname Allen
Address (1) ___48________Windham Road, Richmond
Postcode (2)______R16 GH7_____________
Home. Tel 020 8927 7651
Mobile. Tel (3)________07754 897 432___________
Flight number (4)________PA 365___________
Seat number (5)_________E6__________
From New York
To London Heathrow
Questions 6-8: Choose THREE letters from A to F
What items did Kirsty’s bag contain?
A. 17 pounds B. Pens C. Her passport
D. A book E. 200 dollars F. Her house keys
Questions 9-10: Choose a letter (A, B, C or D) that correctly answer questions 9 and 10.
9. What has Kirsty done regarding to the loss of her credit card?
A. informed the police but not the credit card company.
B. informed the credit card company but not the police.
C. informed both the police and the credit card company.
D. informed neither the police nor the credit card company.
10. What must Kirsty do after the call regarding to her lost handbag?
A. call back after one hour and a half.
B. Just wait for a call back.
C. call back after one hour and a half if she has heard nothing.
D. call back the next day if she has heard nothing.
II. * Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others .
1. A. action B. national C. partial D. question
2. A. tidal B. sight C. describe D. cinema
3. A. connect B. comfort C. computer D. contest
4. A. cough B. though C. rough D. tough
5. A. pleased B. erased C. increased D. amused
* Choose one word whose stress pattern is different from the others.
6. A. medical B. restaurant C. remember D. government
7. A. household B. homework C. garbage D. throughout
8. A. electrical B. interesting C. necessary D. beautifully
9. A. celebrate B. consider C. expression D. criteria
10. A. partner B. between C. visit D. program
III. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to complete the sentences.
1. I don’t like my nextdoor neighbor, who often ………..ill of everyone behind his back
A. says B. speaks C. tells D. whispers
2. There was nothing they could do ………..leave the car at the roadside where it had broken down.
A. unless B. than C. but D. in stead of
3. I have to get my picture ………..for my website.
A. take B. taken C. taking D. took
4. The staff are working at weekend………..delay the project any further.
A. so that not to B. so not to C. so as not to D. for not
5. We were so disappointed that most of the guests………..when we arrived at the party.
A. leave B. left C. have left D. had left
6. Because his argument was so confusing………..people understood it.
A. a few B. much C. few D. many
7. There are a lot of letters………...right now.
A. to be written B. to have written C. to be writing D. to write
8. Many people like the slow ………..of life in the countryside.
A. step B. pace C. speed D. space
9. I am tired of my neighbours ………...noise every night.
A. to make B. make C. having made D. making
10. Doctors advise us.………...too many hours watching television.
A. not to spend B. not being spend C. not spend D. not spending
11. There are chances that Manchester United………..the last match against Juventus.
A. will win B. won C. has won D. would win
12. I like detective stories where I can’t ……….. who committed the murder!
A. work up B. work for C. work out D. work on
13. I am leaving the keys under the pot in the garden ………..you should be home earlier than usual.
A. because B. in case C. so that D. though
14. I was made ………..hard when I was at high school.
A. studying B. studied C. to study D. study
15. I regret………...you the story. I really didn’t know it would make you disappointed.
A. tell B. telling C. to tell D. told
16. She is a ...............girl with ..............
A. green-eyes/red hair B. green-eyed/red hairs
C. green-eye/ared hair D. green-eyed/red hair
IV. Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition.
1. We should cover the burned area ____with____ a thick sterile dressing.
2. They fell __in______ love ___with_____ each other almost immediately and were married in a few weeks.
3. Next month I’m going to Scotland _ for_______ a short holiday.
4. Their parents are very proud _____of___ their results.
5. What is the difference ___between_____ “clean up” and “clean out”?
6. We are going to hold a discussion ____about____ recycling.
7. The boy fell ____off____ his bike and hit his head ____on___ the road.
8. Santa Claus is based ____on____ the description of Saint Nicholas.
V. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words in capital letters.
1. The gold, silver, and bronze___medalists__________ took their places on the podium for the presentation ceremony. (MEDAL)
2. ________Unfortunately____, dark clouds soon appeared and it began to rain. (FORTUNE)
3. Laura blames her_____unhappiness_________on being single, but I’m not so sure. (HAPPY)
4. Many ____representatives________ of the older generation were there. (REPRESENT)
5. She has cut herself, and it is ____bleed________ quite badly. (BLOOD)
6. His health was seriously affected and he suffered from constant _____sleeplessness_______. (SLEEP)
7. Bao is _________extremely_____ kind and generous to everyone. (EXTREME)
8. I’m pleased to hear that you had an ___enjoyable _________ Christmas vacation. (ENJOY)
9. This knife is _______useful_______ - it can cut everything. (USE)
10. The Scouting Association is the largest __voluntary______ youth organization in the world.(VOLUNTEER)
VI. Put the sentences (A – J) in the correct order (1 – 10 ) to make a meaningful conversation.
A. Goodbye.
B. Yes, can you come at ten to three on Wednesday afternoon?
C. What name is it, please?
D. Yes, that’s fine.
E. It’s Tom Smith.
F. Yes, can I make an appointment with doctor Wall, please?
G. No, I’m sorry, I can’t. What about the evening?
H. Good morning. Can I help you?
I. Thank you Mr. Smith. Goodbye.
J. Doctor Wall isn’t here in the evening on Wednesday, I’m afraid. I can put you in at half past six on Thursday evening.
Your answers: 1. ___H____ 2. __F_____ 3. ___B____ 4. __G_____ 5. ____J____
6. ___D____ 7. ____C___ 8. ____E___ 9. __I_____ 10. __A_____

VII. Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets to complete the following sentences.
1. How many times you (be) to London this year?  have…..been
2. The two girls (play) chess over there are my classmates.  playing
3. We must take an umbrella. It (rain).  is going to rain
4. The guests (arrive) while I (still / cook). arrived, was still cooking
5. The rice-cooking festival (hold) every two years.  is held
6. I often (climb) trees when I was a little girl.  climbed
7. Two miles (be) enough for her to go jogging every morning.  is
8. I’m very bored. My mother always (complain) about her housework.  is always complaning
VIII. Read the passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet t indicate the correct answer to each of the following
It was once believed that being overweight was healthy, but nowadays few people subscribe to this viewpoint. While many
people are fighting the battle to reduce weight, studies are being conducted concerning the appetite and how it is controlled by both
emotional and biochemical factors. Some of the conclusions of these studies may give insights into how to deal with weight problems.
For example, when several hundred people were asked about their eating habits in times of stress, 44 percent said they reacted to
stressful situations by eating. Further investigations with both humans and animals indicated that it is not food which release tension but
rather the act of chewing.
A test in which subjects were blindfolded showed that obese people have a keener sense of taste and crave more flavorful food
than non- obese people. When deprived of the variety and intensity of taste, obese people are not satisfied and consequently eat more
to fulfill this need. Blood samples taken from people after they were shown a picture of food revealed that overweight people reacted with
an increase in blood insulin, a chemical associated with appetite. This did not happen to average-weight people.
In another experiment, results showed that certain people have a specific, biologically induced hunger for carbohydrates
subsides. Eating carbohydrates raises the level of serotonin, a neurotransmitter in the brain. Enough serotonin produces a sense of
satiation, and hunger for carbohydrates subsides.
Exercise has been recommended as an important part of a weight-loss program. However, it has been found that mild exercise,
such as using stairs instead of the elevator, is better in the long run than taking on a strenuous program, such as jogging, which many
people find difficult to continue over a long periods of time and which also increases appetite.
1. Years ago being overweight meant_______.
A. being rich B. being stylish C. being physically strong D. being unhealthy
2. The word “crave” in line 8, can be best replaced with
A. devour B. absorb C. season D. desire.
3. It can be inferred from the passage that_______.
A. overweight people are tense
B. These of people don’t eat when under stress
C. Weight watchers should chew of something inedible when tense
D. 56 percent of the population isn’t overweight.
4. It can be inferred from the passage that_______.
A. Thin people don’t enjoy food
B. A variety of foods and strong flavors satisfies heavy people.
C. Overweight people have an abnormal sense of taste.
D. Deprivation of food makes people fat.
5. According to the passage, Insulin
A. increase in the bloodstream when people eat large amounts of food
B. Can be used to lessen the appetite.
C. Causes a chemical reaction when food is seen.
D. levels don’t change in average weight people who see food.
6. It can be inferred that for certain people.
A. Eating carbohydrates eliminates hunger.
B. Carbohydrates biologically induce hunger.
C. Carbohydrates don’t satisfy a hunger person.
D. Carbohydrates subside when serotonin is produced.
7. What can be said about serotonin?
A. it is a chemical that increase the appetite
B. Only certain people produce it in their brain.
C. it tells the brain when a person is full
D. It neurotransmits carbohydrates to the train.
8. In order to lose weight, it would be a good idea for heavy people to
A. jog 3 miles a day and chew on carrot sticks
B. walk up stairs and look a t pictures of food.
C. Eat plenty of chewy carbohydrates
D. Avoid stressful situation and eat spicy foods.
9. Which of the following exercises might be best for an overweight person to engage in daily?
A. an evening walk B. along swim
C. cross-country skiing D. 10 mile bicycle rides.
10. Strenuous programs are believed
A. to make people feel like eating
B. To be favorite exercise for many people in their attempt at losing weight in the long run.
C. To be as good as mild exercises for gaining weight
D. to be as easy as mild exercise to continue over long periods of time
IX. Fill in each numbered space with ONE appropriate word.
The video to the global smash hit song Gangnam Style has become the most-watched clip (1)____ in___Youtube’s history. It
has had almost 825 million views in the past five months and is moving quickly towards one billion. The video currently has 5,473,726
likes and 338,504 (2)_dislike______. Canadian teen idol Justin Bieber previously held the record for the most Youtube views with his
2010 blackbuster Baby. Gangnam Style is by 34-year-old South Korean (3)__singer_____,Psy. His iconic dance and catchy tune
(4)__have_____captured the imagination of millions of people (5)__worldwide____. The video pokes fun at the glitzy Gangnam district of
South Korea’s capital Seoul. In it, he is seen dancing around the city pretending to ride a (6)_horse______and twirl a lasso.
Gannam Style first appeared on Youtube in July. It (7)__took_____just five month to reach the 800-million mark, over two year
quicker than Bieber’s song. A statement from Youtube Tends called the rise (8)__in_____popularity of the video as “unprecedented”. It
said “The video has been a massive hit at a global level unlike anything we’ve ever seen before. Each day, Gangnam Style is still being
watched (9)___between____7 and 10 million times”. The dance has led to thousands of copycat videos being posted online, each with
their own version of it. Even U.N Secrectary-General Ban Ki-Moon attempted it. Mr. Ban joked: “I’m a bit jealous. Until two days
(10)_ago_____, someone told me I was the most famous Korean in the world. Now I have to relinquish that”.
X. Read the following text then choose from the list A-F the best sentence to fill each of the spaces. There is one extra sentence which
you do not need.
I have recently become very worried about my 15-year-old son, Nick. Although he was never brilliant at school, he used to get
reasonable good marks. (1) ______.
He used to be such a good swimmer that he won several prizes. But now he has given up training. And instead of neat clothes
he used to wear, all he ever puts on is the same pair of shabby of old jeans and a dirty sweatshirt.
(2) ______. Nick was in the kitchen. The radio was so loud that he didn’t hear me come behind him. My handbag was on the
table. (3) ______.
We had a terrible row. Finally, he broke down and confessed everything. He has been going every day to a big amusement
arcade near his school and playing electronics games with nick names like Space Warrior and Alien Invaders. I had always thought they
were harmless. (4) ______.
He has promised he won’t go there again, but I think he’s too addicted to stop. (5) ______. What can I do to help him?
A. But now I realize that he’s so hooked on them, he’ll even steal from his own mother in order to pay for the habit.
B. Even if he wanted to, he couldn’t - and he doesn’t .
C. I often leave it there so that I won’t forget it when I go out.
D. He had taken some money out of it and was just about to put it in his pocket.
E. But that isn’t all. Last Sunday, I got up earlier than usual.
F. But now his work has become so bad that his teachers say he is just wasting his time there.
Your answers: 1. _F______ 2. __E_____ 3. ___D____ 4. ___A____ 5. ___B_____

XI. Rewrite each of the following sentences so that it means the same as the first one, beginning with the given words.
1. “You shouldn’t lend him any more money,” Mrs. Tuyet said to Nga.
 Mrs. Tuyet advised Nga not to lend him any more money.
2. Everyone was surprised to see Geoff leave the party early.
 To every one’s surprise, Geoff left the party early.
3. It was so late that nothing could be done.
 It was too late to do anything.
4. Is this the best price you can offer?
 Can’t you offer a better price?
5. They never made us do anything we didn’t want to do.
 We were never made to doanything we didn’t want to.
6. If the hole on the ozone layer had been discovered sooner, fewer people would have got skin cancer.
 Had the hole in the ozone layer been discovered sooner, fewer peole would have got skin caner.
7. I last saw him when I was a student.
 I haven’t seen hime since I was a student.
8. “Don’t forget to bring your passports with you when you go abroad.”
 She reminded me to bring my pasports with me when I went aboard.
9. Smoking is not allowed in the ward.
 Would you mind not smoking in the ward?
10. He failed the exam because of his laziness.
 Because he was lazy, he failed the exam.
I: 20 điểm, mỗi câu đúng HS được 2 điểm
1. 48 2. R16 GH7 3. 07754 897 432 4. PA 365 5. E6
6 – 8. B, D, E in any order 9. C 10. C
II: 10 điểm, mỗi câu đúng HS được 1 điểm
1. D 2. D 3. B 4. B 5. C
6. C 7. D 8. A 9. A 10. B
III: 16 điểm, mỗi câu đúng HS được 1 điểm
1. B 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. C 7. A
8. B 9. D 10. A 11. A 12. C 13. B 14. C
15. B 16. D
IV: 8 điểm, mỗi câu đúng HS được 1 điểm
1. with 5. between
2. in - with 6. about
3. for 7. off - on
4. of 8. on
V: 20 điểm, mỗi câu đúng HS được 2 điểm
1. medallists/ medalists 6. sleeplessness
2. Unfortunately 7. extremely
3. unhappiness 8. enjoyable
4. representatives 9. useful
5. bleeding 10. voluntary

VI: 20 điểm, mỗi câu đúng HS được 2 điểm

1. H 2.F 3. B 4. G5. J
6. D 7. C 8. E 9. I 10. A
VII: 16 điểm, mỗi câu đúng HS được 2 điểm
1. have (you) been / have … been
2. playing
3. is going to rain
4. arrived / was still cooking
5. is held
6. climbed
7. is
8. is always complaining
VIII: 20 điểm, mỗi câu đúng HS được 2 điểm
1. C 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.A.
IX. 20 điểm, mỗi câu đúng HS được 2 điểm
1. in2. dislikes 3. singer 4. have 5. worldwide
6. horse 7. took 8. in 9. between 10. ago
X: 10 điểm, mỗi câu đúng HS được 2 điểm
1. F 2. E 3. D 4. A 5. B
XI: 20 điểm, mỗi câu đúng HS được 2 điểm
1. Mrs. Tuyet advised Nga not to lend him any more money.
2. To everyone’s surprise, Geoff left the party early.
3. It was too late to do anything.
(Or: It was too late for anything to be done.)
4. Can’t you offer a better price?
5. We were never made to do anything we didn’t want to.
6. Had the hole in the ozone layer been discovered sooner, fewer people would have got skin cancer.
7. I haven’t seen him since I was a student.
8. She reminded me to bring my passports with me when I went abroad.
9. Would you mind not smoking in the ward?
10. Because he was lazy, he failed the exam.


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