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Your Inner Teacher

is there for you...

You will fifind joy in it.

Pathways of Light 30-Day Home Study Program

Listen & Receive
Read Me First ................................................................................................................................ 1
Week 1 (Day 1) .............................................................................................................................. 9
Text of Listen & Receive Meditation ......................................................................................... 11
Day 2 ............................................................................................................................................. 17
Day 3 ............................................................................................................................................ 21
Day 4 ............................................................................................................................................ 25
Day 5 ............................................................................................................................................ 29
Day 6 ............................................................................................................................................ 33
Day 7 ............................................................................................................................................. 37
Week 2 (Day 8) ............................................................................................................................ 42
Day 9 ............................................................................................................................................ 50
Day 10 ........................................................................................................................................... 54
Day 11 ........................................................................................................................................... 58
Day 12 ........................................................................................................................................... 62
Day 13 ........................................................................................................................................... 66
Day 14 ........................................................................................................................................... 70
Week 3 (Day 15) .......................................................................................................................... 75
Day 16 .......................................................................................................................................... 83
Day 17 ........................................................................................................................................... 87
Day 18 ........................................................................................................................................... 91
Day 19 ........................................................................................................................................... 95
Day 20 ........................................................................................................................................... 99
Day 21 ......................................................................................................................................... 103
Week 4 (Day 22) ........................................................................................................................ 108
Day 23 ........................................................................................................................................ 116
Day 24 ......................................................................................................................................... 120
Day 25 ......................................................................................................................................... 124
Day 26 ......................................................................................................................................... 128
Day 27 ......................................................................................................................................... 132
Day 28 ......................................................................................................................................... 136
Day 29 ......................................................................................................................................... 140
Day 30 ......................................................................................................................................... 144
About Pathways of Light........................................................................................................... 151
Pathways of Light Resources .................................................................................................... 152

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Read Me First

You have a Teacher

Who is perfect for you
and that Teacher is always
present in your mind, waiting
for you to listen and receive.
Quieting your mind and
listening to this Inner Teacher
is your ultimate pathway Home.

This 30-day home study program, Listen & Receive, is a cooperative
venture between you and your Inner Teacher — your Sacred Self.
As you consistently follow the prescribed guidelines, the most
important part of this course will be given to you by your Inner
As you do the processes each day, your habit of connecting with
your Inner Teacher will grow stronger and stronger, until it
becomes an automatic habit — a response which leads to your
awakening at a pace which is perfect for you.

How to Participate in This
30-Day Home Study Program
1. Read the thought for the day in the morning as soon as
possible after you wake up.
2. Click Here to listen to, “Training Your
Mind to Receive God’s Love” in a quiet place
where you will not be interrupted. Note:
you may prefer to read the script provided
at the beginning of each week while your
Inner Teacher gives you additional insight
at your own pace.
3. Write what you receive from your Inner
Teacher in your Journal or on the pages
provided for the morning and evening
of each day. Click Here to download the Journal. Writ-
ing what you receive will strengthen your connection
and remind you of your decision to listen to your Inner
Teacher throughout the day. It will also set the stage for
receiving Inner Wisdom during your sleeping hours.
4. Refer to the focus card for the week. Click here to print all
focus cards to take with you. Refer to it frequently to remind
you of your commitment to listen and receive from your
Inner Teacher all through the day.
5. If you can, write any additional notes on what you receive
from your Inner Teacher in your Journal during the day.
6. In the evening, or just before you go to
sleep, review the material for the day
and listen to the MP3 (or slowly read
the script) again. Do this in a position
in which you will not fall asleep.
7. Write what you receive from your In-
ner Teacher. Ask your Inner Teacher
to work with you during your sleeping
hours to reinforce your connection
and awaken to your True Self.

Is It From Spirit or the Little Ego Self?
In learning to receive from your Inner Teacher, it is important to
discern whether the message is coming from Love or fear, from
Spirit or the little, limited self. The following are some clues to help
you know the difference.

Thoughts and feelings that come from the fearful, little self:
1. If the thought comes from the little, limited self, there is a
feeling of tension, anxiety or uneasiness. There is a feeling of
needing to defend or blame something or someone outside of
yourself for your feelings or circumstances.
2. The little, limited self brings up events or situations from the
past and ruminates about them. It feels it is a victim and has
thoughts of righteous indignation.
3. Fear, or the little ego self, worries about the future and will
always try to lay plans to defend against some catastrophe that
may come in the future.
4. Thoughts from fear, or the little ego self-identity, focus on what
is “wrong” with others, reflected as blame, anger or resentment.
The limited, little self believes you are alone and uses guilt to
keep you thinking you are separate.
5. The little ego self tries to keep everything and everyone at a
safe distance. While it fears being alone, it fears oneness more.
6. The little ego self is afraid of true intimacy
— true communication. It believes in
wearing a mask of self-protection because
it thinks that it is unworthy and helpless. It
is sure that it will be hurt if its barriers are
laid down. It does not trust being loving,
giving and open with itself or anyone
because it has to maintain its sense of
separation for protection.
7. The little, ego self makes the idea
of evil and sin real in its mind.
Because of its belief that guilt is
real, the little self needs to punish
itself and others. That is how it
maintains its separation.
8. The little, ego self thinks that its job
is to compare and evaluate what is
“right” or “wrong” with everything
and everyone in this world. It thinks that its job is to straighten
everyone out if they are “wrong.”
9. The little, ego self believes that some people are “good” and
some people are “bad.” It does not believe that we are all equal
children of God. It is always trying to make a hierarchy of
goodness and badness about everyone and everything.
10. Because the little, ego self believes in scarcity and lack, it al-
ways thinks it doesn’t have enough — enough love, enough
stuff, enough money, enough health — or worries it won’t
have enough in the future.
11. The little, ego self believes it is a body, with a separate mind.
Because of this, it places exclusive focus on “getting” in the
material world and thinks that giving is losing.
12. Because the little, ego self believes it is a body with a separate
mind, it feels compelled to focus on enhancing and preserving
the way its body looks according to current cultural standards.
It is constantly comparing and judging its body according to
this standard and is always concerned with how its body is
going to be accepted or judged by others.
13. Because the little, ego self believes it is a body with a separate
mind, grasping for pleasure or happiness through its body’s
senses is all that it knows about. It thinks that this is its life

14. The ego self thinks that its judgment is its guiding light. It
avoids going to the Inner Teacher because it thinks it already
knows all there is to know. The ego is certain that its beliefs
are all that is real and true, leaving no room to listen and
receive from Spirit.

Thoughts and feelings that come from your Inner Teacher:

1. Your Inner Teacher does not see you as a body with a separate
mind. Your Inner Teacher sees you as a child of God — one
in God — still as God created you.
2. Your Inner Teacher knows where your true happiness lies
and, if you listen, will guide you to the awareness of eternal,
everlasting happiness.
3. Your Inner Teacher always extends the feeling of peace and
unconditional Love. It does not condemn. Rather, It sees past
all your limited beliefs about yourself, others and the world.
It knows these beliefs are not true.
4. Your Inner Teacher does not believe in separation. There are
no barriers, no fears — only total love, peace and joy. Because
of this, your Inner Teacher knows you are safe, no matter what
you believe is happening in this world.
5. Your Inner Teacher is there to hold your hand and help you
move past belief in separation and lim-
itation. It is the part of you that knows
the way Home.
6. Your Inner Teacher is there to show you
how to express your true Love Essence.
Your Inner Teacher will help you change
your beliefs so that you can align your
mind with the pure joy and Love of your
Inner Light.

7. Your Inner Teacher knows that Love is always the answer, and
that condemnation leads to a sick mind and body. Your Inner
Teacher wants you to be well and knows how to heal your
8. This Spirit within is always gentle and loving, and instills you
with the feelings of peace, safety, gratitude, well-being and
awareness of your innate abundance.
9. Your Inner Teacher knows that It is your True Self. It is in your
mind ready to guide you, if you are willing to listen and receive
without preconceived ideas.

Ways Your Inner Teacher Guides You

As you work with this 30-day home study program, you will become
more aware of the many ways guidance comes to you throughout
the day. A seemingly chance meeting or phone call will bring an
answer to a question. A thought will pop into your mind “out of
nowhere” that simplifies something you are trying to do.
What you receive from your Inner Teacher may come as verbal
thoughts in your mind, mental images, feelings, or a sense of
knowing. If at first nothing seems to come to you during the quiet
time at the end of the recording, simply be aware of how you feel.
Take notes on the feelings you observe.
You may notice that your focus shifts back and forth between
listening to your Inner Teacher and
thoughts of concern about your life.
Observe this process without judgment.
Then refocus on listening. When these
thoughts of concern come, mentally
imagine taking these thoughts to your
Inner Teacher for understanding and
healing. Take notes on your experience. With twice-a-day practice,
maintaining your focus on listening to your Inner Teacher will
quickly become easier and easier.

Letting go of your belief in the ego thought system takes time.
For most, it’s a lifetime process. You do not need to feel guilty or
tense when you recognize an ego thought in your mind. The best
way to help yourself is to take this separate-self thought to your
Inner Teacher to be transformed.

Additional Resources
If you are having difficulty with allowing yourself to be aware of
the Presence of your Inner Teacher, there is a profound body of
work called A Course in Miracles, which has the purpose of helping
you remove the barriers to your awareness of Love’s Presence. It
is highly recommended reading.
If you are interested in a more complete list of helpful materials
for awakening, Click here to go to the Pathways of Light website
at Or call toll free 1-800-323-7284.
International, call +1 386-615-7284. Click here for information
about the weekly Help with Inner Guidance support group.
Your Donation helps us continue our service of helping people
become Self directed by helping them access their Inner Wis-
dom. Through your support, we are able to continue to expand
our offering of group work, courses, home-study programs,
CD’S, DVD’S, inspirational materials, Miracles News magazine
and services over the Internet throughout the world.
Click Here to donate from your PayPal account.
To donate using a credit/debit card, Click Here
Click Here to subscribe to Miracles News magazine mailed quar-
terly to your home.

Questions and answers that are most
commonly asked about this program:
Q. What if I wish to lead myself through the script, or am not in
a place to play the meditation, “Training Your Mind to Receive
God’s Love”?
A. The script, “Training Your Mind to Receive God’s Love,” is at the
beginning of each week. You can use it to guide yourself through
the process. Do what is most comfortable for you each day.
Q. What if I miss a day or more? Do I need to start over, or do I
continue on from where I stopped?
A. Your Inner Teacher has this answer. Go to your Inner Teacher
and ask. You will receive guidance that is perfect for you.
Q. Is it beneficial to go through the 30-Day Program more than once?
A. This program can be used again and again. Many have found
that each time they go through it, they receive insight at a deeper
Q. In the material for each day, the terms, “Inner Teacher,” “Real
Self,” “Sacred Self,” “True Self,” “God” and “Inner Light” seem to be
used interchangeably. Is that true?
A. Yes. All the terms are referring to the infinite Source of Wisdom
and Love that is innate within you. You may have other terms
which feel more comfortable to you. You may choose to use your
own terms, such as “Higher Power,” “Higher Self,” “Holy Spirit,”
or “Light of God.”
Q. What if I seem to be receiving a message that is fearful or judg-
A. Realize that this is not coming from your Inner Teacher, but
from the ego’s thought system. If this happens, relax more deeply.
Ask your Inner Teacher to help you strengthen your awareness
of Love and the peace that comes with It.

Your Inner Teacher
is there for you...

You will fifind joy in it.

Week 1

Pathways of Light 30-Day Home Study Program

Back to day: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
To print a page with all four weekly focus cards,
Click here.
Link to MP3 Audio File:
“Training Your Mind to Receive God’s Love”
Click on title to play.

Meditation Download Instructions

Audio Download Instructions for MacOS: To save the audio file, ctrl-click
on the player and select “Save Audio As…” from the menu.

Audio Download Instructions for Windows: To save the audio file, open
player link and right click on the page. A box comes up that says “save
link as” to send to download file.

Download Journal:
Click Here to download Listen & Receive Journal






Training Your Mind to Receive God’s Love
(The following script is the meditation that goes with this Listen
& Receive 30-Day Home Study Program.)

Relax… (with each “…” take time to do it) Still your mind…
soften… let go… Allow your mind to quiet… Melt into peace…
Let the sharp edges soften… When a thought about your outer
world comes into your mind, gently lay it down for now…
Now is your time to tune in to your Sacred Self… your Inner
Wisdom… Now is the time to immerse your mind in Sacred
Light… (Imagine this.)
Give yourself the time to go to your Holy Temple within… where
your Aware Self, your Sacred Self, resides. Imagine yourself
there… Images or an inner knowing may come to help you…
Allow yourself to be with your Aware Self for a time of mind
healing… Rest in this sacred, Inner Light of peace and Love…
In this Light, you realize that all experience comes from
thought… from ideas… from belief… You are now receptive
to the thought of being immersed in God’s Love… (Imagine this.)
In this Light, you allow yourself to be aware of being accepted
and loved completely, without reservation… You melt into
this Love…
In this Light, you recognize that God’s Love is not out-
side you or separate from you… It is in you… It is in
your mind, and you are one with the feeling of being im-
mersed in God’s Love… surrounded by the Light of
Love… You stay receptive and open to receiving Love…
(Imagine this.)

You recognize that to give Love, you must first let It in and
receive It… In this sacred Light, you acknowledge that perfect
Love is in your mind…… You see that It extends and includes
all…… (Imagine this.)
You see that God’s Love goes to all equally, completely… with
no hesitation or reservation… without conditions… without
In the warmth of Love, you realize your sense of identity is
changing… You are accepting God’s Love and extending It
equally to all… (Imagine this.)
You feel at peace in recognizing that your purpose is to extend
Love equally to all… While you are extending Love, you see
no differences… You Love all equally… You see all having all
in truth… (Imagine this.)
You are in the gentle flow, the gentle extension of Light… You
are in the gentle, healing flow of recognizing oneness in Love…
Your mind is being trained to be in the flow of Love… to think
in the consciousness of oneness and Light…
You rest in this sacred Light as long as you are guided by
your Inner Teacher… You soak in the Truth… about yourself
and the world… Your connection to the Sacred Light within
is open and flowing smoothly… You now receive insight from
your Inner Teacher about how to extend to all the Love that
you receive from within…

(You may receive feelings, mental images, thoughts or a

knowing. Write what you receive in your Journal for today.
You may find that you receive more as you begin to write.)

Day 1 — Quieting Your Mind
Accept what is yours. You have it all. Nothing can stop you from
being all that you Are. Your lessons in awakening to your True Self
are being learned one step at a time. Know that you can handle
everything that comes to you.
Let your day be a constant flow of listen-
ing and receiving, over and over, until it
becomes a spontaneous habit. It becomes
your highest priority to listen to the inner
direction of your True Self first. You decide
when you are aware of being immersed in
God’s Love. You decide by your willingness
to make listening and receiving a constant
habit in your life.
You will not find happiness in the outer world that compares to
the joy and happiness you will find by listening to and receiving
from your Inner Teacher. There is nothing you could be, or do,
or know, that is more valuable than this inner achievement.
You have experienced what it is like to put your attention on the
ego’s goals. You know the limitations, the ups and downs, the
tension, anxiety and instability found in pursuing these goals. You
know the frustration of achieving goals which bring temporary
happiness, but leave you with a feeling that there must be more.
You are now ready to settle down, quiet your mind, and “listen
and receive” from your Inner Teacher. As you do this, a gentle-
ness comes over your mind… a stillness… a patience… a sense
of well-being…
Lay aside the familiar anxiety levels, the tension and the sadness.
Go deeper — beyond the chatter normally found in your mind.
Move past fearful, limited thoughts. Your goal is to listen to and
receive insight from your Inner Teacher. Stay with it. Go to the

quiet place in your mind — to that place where there is peace.
Taste the sweetness of peace… the relaxed feeling of letting go.
Thank yourself for allowing it in. Allow
yourself to be in deep peace. You will
love the feeling of well-being that comes
with deep peace. You will be drawn to
it like a butterfly to flowers. You will be
profoundly moved by listening to your
Sacred Self. Be willing to train your
mind to receive God’s Love.

In the morning, after reading the above thoughts, Click Here to

do the process, or slowly read the script on pages 11-12, opening
your mind to your Inner Teacher. Take notes on what you receive
on the next page or in your Journal.
Today, refer to the Week One focus card. You may choose to print
the Week 1 focus card to carry with you. It says:
I know that no outer circumstance can deter me from my one and
only goal — to wake up to my Self by listening to and receiving
from my Inner Teacher.
Read it thoughtfully when you take a break or when you change
from one activity to another.
In the evening, when it is appropriate or before you go to sleep,
review today’s message. Click Here to listen or slowly read the
script, opening your mind again to your Inner Teacher. Take notes
in your Journal or on the pages provided for each day. Ask your
Inner Teacher to work with you during your sleeping hours to
reinforce your connection and awaken to your True Self.

Day 2 — Recognizing the Decoys
Duck hunters set out “decoys” to
trick ducks into thinking there
are real ducks in the water.
When the ducks are attracted
to these decoys, these illusions
of reality, they put themselves in
a position to be caught.
With your morning and evening
practice in listening and receiving from your Inner Teacher today,
you will be learning to see through fear thoughts and recognize
them for what they are. You will learn not to be fooled and caught
by these ego decoys.
Listening and receiving is the perfect
solution when you are walking in ter-
ritory that is known to be laden with
“mind traps.” The only way you can
really know where those mind traps
are is to listen to and receive from
your Real Self.
The false, little self has been just a
decoy all along. You don’t need to be
attracted to it any longer when you
can now clearly see it for the decoy
that it is.
By listening and receiving, you shift your attention to your Real
Self. You are in a constant state of listening — being attentive to
your Real Self, Who has been in the back of your mind all along
— just waiting to be felt and accepted.

In the morning, after reading the above thoughts, Click Here to
do the process, or slowly read the script on pages 11-12, opening
your mind to your Inner Teacher. Take notes on what you receive
in your Journal.
Today, refer to the Week One focus card that says:
I know that no outer circumstance can deter me from my one and
only goal — to wake up to my Self by listening to and receiving
from my Inner Teacher.
Read it thoughtfully when you take a break or when you change
from one activity to another.
In the evening, before you go to sleep, review today’s message.
Then Click Here to listen or slowly read the script, opening your
mind again to your Inner Teacher. Take notes in your Journal
or on the pages provided. Ask your Inner Teacher to work with
you during your sleeping hours to reinforce your connection and
awaken to your True Self.

Day 3 — Opening the Door to Your Real Self
Your True Self is always there in the quiet
part of your mind… patient… knowing
that you are safe, no matter how many
decoys you have believed in at any time.
You will know when you have opened
the door to your Real Self. You will feel
the Presence of Love melting your fearful
thoughts away. You will blend with this
Presence and feel one with It.
Practicing this has value beyond measure. You are developing a
new habit. In time, with continual practice, you shift your iden-
tity from your little self to your True Self. In this state of mind,
you know there is only one Self — one unified Mind — and you
recognize that anything else is a decoy.
This is a process. It takes being gentle and patient with yourself.
It takes knowing that your Real Self already exists and is whole
and complete — now. You are in the process of getting to know
your Real Self and letting go of the decoys or “false images of self.”
You are training your mind to
identify with the Real You and
to not be fooled by the decoy of
a belief in a limited, little, sepa-
rated you.
Be still and listen. You need do
nothing more than have a sim-
ple willingness not to decide by
Be still and listen. You will hear
the Truth. The will of your True
Self is that you be happy.

Listening to your True Self frees you from confusion, pain, and
endless games of ego desires. The will of your True Self is your will.
Be still and listen. You will be given the Truth. You will feel the
strength of Love within you. You will not doubt the way again.
All will be made clear to you.
Be still and listen. The gates are open, and you can only be glad
for the Light that extends through you to everyone. Gentle wak-
ing into Love is assured. You will remember Who you are and
everyone will remember their true Home in complete oneness.

In the morning, after reading the above thoughts, Click Here to

do the process, or slowly read the script on pages 11-12, opening
your mind to your Inner Teacher. Take notes on what you receive
in the your Journal.
Today, refer to the Week One focus card that says:
I know that no outer circumstance can deter me from my one and
only goal — to wake up to my Self by listening to and receiving
from my Inner Teacher.
Read it thoughtfully when you take a break or when you change
from one activity to another.
In the evening, before you go to sleep, review today’s message.
Then Click Here to listen or slowly read the script, opening your
mind again to your Inner Teacher. Take notes in your Journal.
Ask your Inner Teacher to work with you during your sleeping
hours to reinforce your connection and awaken to your True Self.

Day 4 — Receiving Help from Your Real Self
There has been a strong habit of letting
your thoughts and feelings be governed by
what happens in the world around you. It
has been a habit to put the thoughts and
beliefs of the outer world in control. It is
so familiar to have the values found in the
outer world lead you around by the nose.
It is so familiar to give your power away to
the thoughts of the ego — where the beliefs
in separation, scarcity, lovelessness and fear
are found.
You have identified with these beliefs so profoundly that it seems
difficult to let go.
The easy way out of these habits is to build a consistent habit of
listening to and receiving from your Inner Teacher. Many of the
“to do’s” which seem so important to your little self are not really
necessary to your Real Self. You can’t “wake up” without help from
your Real Self. It is the part of your mind that is totally aware and
sane. Following your fearful, ego mind will not help you wake up,
for it is always ready and willing to give you a million alternatives
other than listening to and receiving from your Real Self.
As you listen to and receive from your Inner Teacher, you learn to
fly. You see that you have wings. When you fly, you see everything
from a “higher” perspective.
Your inner sight is clear. You
see decoys for what they are.
With listening and receiving,
you receive clarity. The real
meaning of your life and why
you are here comes to the sur-
face of your mind. The cobwebs
are cleared from your mind.

You see past the insane belief in separation. Seeing oneness is
your only goal. The old values are lifted from your mind. What
you see as “valuable” now comes from your Self; the rest is seen
as a useless decoy and you are not attracted to it.

In the morning, after reading the above thoughts, Click Here to

do the process, or slowly read the script on pages 11-12, opening
your mind to your Inner Teacher. Take notes on what you receive
in your Journal.
Today, refer to the Week One focus card that says:
I know that no outer circumstance can deter me from my one and
only goal — to wake up to my Self by listening to and receiving
from my Inner Teacher.
Read it thoughtfully when you take a break or when you change
from one activity to another.
In the evening, before you go to sleep, review today’s message.
Then Click Here to listen or slowly read the script, opening your
mind again to your Inner Teacher. Take notes in your Journal.
Ask your Inner Teacher to work with you during your sleeping
hours to reinforce your connection and awaken to your True Self.

Day 5 — Letting Go of How You See the World
Allowing the Love of God into your
awareness is your highest priority. Love
will show you everything you need to
know. You let Love into your awareness
by relaxing and being willing to let go
of your grip on how you see the world.
You let God’s Love in by softening, by
breathing deeply and allowing your
mind and body to relax. You let God’s
Love in by stilling your mind and going
to your Inner Teacher, your Sacred Self, for insight.
Love always answers. You will recognize the Presence of Love
when you are truly willing to listen and receive. Be gentle with
yourself and continue to practice softening and letting go. Once
the flow begins, practice staying with it.
When you find your mind wandering into fearful thinking, gently
bring it back to listening to and receiving from your Inner Teach-
er. With patient practice, you will learn to listen and receive all
through the day.
If you find your mind condemning yourself or another, observe it,
then bring this judgmental thought to your Inner Teacher. Listen
and receive insight regarding this
limited thought. Let your mind be
cleared of hurtful thoughts by taking
them all to your Inner Teacher for
insight. If you remain relaxed, your
Inner Teacher will help you see what
is meaningful and what is meaning-
less. Your Inner Teacher will help you
let go of what is not helpful to your
awakening to your True Self.

In the morning, after reading the above thoughts, Click Here to
do the process, or slowly read the script on pages 11-12, opening
your mind to your Inner Teacher. Take notes on what you receive
in your Journal.
Today, refer to the Week One focus card that says:
I know that no outer circumstance can deter me from my one and
only goal — to wake up to my Self by listening to and receiving
from my Inner Teacher.
Read it thoughtfully when you take a break or when you change
from one activity to another.
In the evening, before you go to sleep, review today’s message.
Then Click Here to listen or slowly read the script, opening your
mind again to your Inner Teacher. Take notes in your Journal.
Ask your Inner Teacher to work with you during your sleeping
hours to reinforce your connection and awaken to your True Self.

Day 6 — Quieting Your Ego Mind
The most important element in lis-
tening and receiving is being willing
to turn off the “ego spigot.” When
the ego thoughts of being separate
and seeing differences are flowing
through the spigot, your Sacred Self
can’t get through.
When you still your mind and are
willing to take these thoughts to your
Inner Teacher, they are transformed.
Your Inner Teacher speaks with a quiet
voice and waits patiently for your willing-
ness to listen and receive.
Once the ego spigot is turned off by softening and being willing
to go to your Inner Teacher, the flow of Spirit can come through.
You keep the flow going by stay-
ing receptive and relaxed.
Love is always surrounding you.
You are always immersed in
Love. Really knowing this takes
bringing your mind to that Sa-
cred place within and letting it be
healed by listening and receiving.
The feeling of Love is yours to feel. The thought of Love is yours
to think. The knowing of Love is yours to know. Love can lead
you Home.

In the morning, after reading the above thoughts, Click Here to
do the process, or slowly read the script on pages 11-12, opening
your mind to your Inner Teacher. Take notes on what you receive
in your Journal.
Today, refer to the Week One focus card that says:
I know that no outer circumstance can deter me from my one and
only goal — to wake up to my Self by listening to and receiving
from my Inner Teacher.
Read it thoughtfully when you take a break or when you change
from one activity to another.
In the evening, before you go to sleep, review today’s message.
Then Click Here to listen or slowly read the script, opening your
mind again to your Inner Teacher. Take notes in your Journal.
Ask your Inner Teacher to work with you during your sleeping
hours to reinforce your connection and awaken to your True Self.

Day 7 — Switching Channels
Be gentle with yourself today. Keep
your connection open to your Inner
Teacher. Continue to be aware of
receiving God’s Love and giving that
Love away to everyone you come in
contact with today.
Your Inner Teacher sees everyone,
like you, in the Light of Who they
truly are. As you are open and recep-
tive, your Inner Teacher will show
you that everyone is of the same
Light that you are. Your Sacred Self shows you your connectedness
and how you are the same Light. You are gradually shown that the
Light of God is all there really is to see. You see past the behavior
of the little self to the radiant Essence of everyone.
You leave all judgment and self-evaluation to your Inner Teach-
er. You give all decisions to your Sacred Self. You recognize that
your little personality self does not know the answers, but your
True Self does.
Your mind is at peace. You are patient with
yourself and others. The little self has
been running the show for quite a
while. Now it is your Inner Teach-
er’s turn to guide the “ship” of
your life to help you awaken to
all that is You.
You switch channels from your
little, separate self to your True Self.
This channel is all you choose to

In the morning, after reading the above thoughts, Click here to
do the process, or slowly read the script on pages 11-12, opening
your mind to your Inner Teacher. Take notes on what you receive
in your Journal.
Today, refer to the Week One focus card that says:
I know that no outer circumstance can deter me from my one and
only goal — to wake up to my Self by listening to and receiving
from my Inner Teacher.
Read it thoughtfully when you take a break or when you change
from one activity to another.
In the evening, before you go to sleep, review today’s message.
Then Click Here to listen or slowly read the script, opening your
mind again to your Inner Teacher. Take notes in your Journal.
Ask your Inner Teacher to work with you during your sleeping
hours to reinforce your connection and awaken to your True Self.

You have a Teacher
Who is perfect for you
and that Teacher is always
present in your mind, waiting
for you to listen and receive.
Quieting your mind and
listening to this Inner Teacher
is your ultimate pathway Home.

Your Inner Teacher
is there for you...

You will fifind joy in it.

Week 2

Pathways of Light 30-Day Home Study Program

Back to day: 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Link to MP3 Audio File:

“Training Your Mind to Receive God’s Love”
Click on title to play.
For instructions to download audio file: CLICK HERE

Download Journal:
Click here to download Listen & Receive Journal






Training Your Mind to Receive God’s Love
(The following script is the meditation that goes with this Listen
& Receive 30-Day Home Study Program.)

Relax… (with each “…” take time to do it) Still your mind…
soften… let go… Allow your mind to quiet… Melt into peace…
Let the sharp edges soften… When a thought about your outer
world comes into your mind, gently lay it down for now…
Now is your time to tune in to your Sacred Self… your Inner
Wisdom… Now is the time to immerse your mind in Sacred
Light… (Imagine this.)
Give yourself the time to go to your Holy Temple within… where
your Aware Self, your Sacred Self, resides. Imagine yourself
there… Images or an inner knowing may come to help you…
Allow yourself to be with your Aware Self for a time of mind
healing… Rest in this sacred, Inner Light of peace and Love…
In this Light, you realize that all experience comes from
thought… from ideas… from belief… You are now receptive
to the thought of being immersed in God’s Love… (Imagine this.)
In this Light, you allow yourself to be aware of being accepted
and loved completely, without reservation… You melt into
this Love…
In this Light, you recognize that God’s Love is not out-
side you or separate from you… It is in you… It is in
your mind, and you are one with the feeling of being im-
mersed in God’s Love… surrounded by the Light of
Love… You stay receptive and open to receiving Love…
(Imagine this.)

You recognize that to give Love, you must first let It in and
receive It… In this sacred Light, you acknowledge that perfect
Love is in your mind…… You see that It extends and includes
all…… (Imagine this.)
You see that God’s Love goes to all equally, completely… with
no hesitation or reservation… without conditions… without
In the warmth of Love, you realize your sense of identity is
changing… You are accepting God’s Love and extending It
equally to all… (Imagine this.)
You feel at peace in recognizing that your purpose is to extend
Love equally to all… While you are extending Love, you see
no differences… You Love all equally… You see all having all
in truth… (Imagine this.)
You are in the gentle flow, the gentle extension of Light… You
are in the gentle, healing flow of recognizing oneness in Love…
Your mind is being trained to be in the flow of Love… to think
in the consciousness of oneness and Light…
You rest in this sacred Light as long as you are guided by
your Inner Teacher… You soak in the Truth… about yourself
and the world… Your connection to the Sacred Light within
is open and flowing smoothly… You now receive insight from
your Inner Teacher about how to extend to all the Love that
you receive from within…

(You may receive feelings, mental images, thoughts or a

knowing. Write what you receive in your Journal for today.
You may find that you receive more as you begin to write.)

Day 8 — Seeing Past Time and Space
You are moving to a new threshold
of awareness. You are seeing past
time and space to timelessness.
You are seeing your connectedness
with all where you did not see it
You are seeing the Light of God in
the people in your life, rather than
the little, limited separated selves.
Be willing to see past beliefs people
have about themselves, you and
the world. Be willing to look beyond mass consciousness behav-
ior. Let your Inner Teacher show you the true Essence of Light
in everyone you connect with or think of today.
As you do this, you gradually move past focusing on physical
bodies, which reinforces a sense of separation. You let your Inner
Teacher show you that everyone and everything is of the same
Light that you are.
With the help of your Inner Teacher, you look past differences
and see the same Light of Love everywhere you look. The past
falls away. You move more and more into timelessness.
Step by step, your In-
ner Teacher helps you
see the eternal Truth of
your oneness.

In the morning, after reading the above thoughts, Click Here to
do the process, or slowly read the script on pages 44-45, opening
your mind to your Inner Teacher. Take notes on what you receive
in your Journal.
Today, refer to the Week Two focus card that says:
Our Inner Teacher loves everyone… equally. I am willing
to see past people’s mass consciousness beliefs and behavior.
I let my Inner Teacher show me that everyone and everything is
of the same Light that I am.
Read it thoughtfully when you take a break or when you change
from one activity to another.
In the evening, before you go to sleep, review today’s message.
Then Click Here to listen or slowly read the script, opening your
mind again to your Inner Teacher. Take notes in your Journal.
Ask your Inner Teacher to work with you during your sleeping
hours to reinforce your connection and awaken to your True Self.

Day 9 — Giving Your Thoughts to Your True Self
Be willing to give all your
thoughts to your inner Sacred
Self. As you go through your day,
decide to give all the thoughts
you do not want to keep to your
True Self for transformation.
Mentally say, “Inner Teacher, I
no longer want to hold on to this
limited or judgmental thought. I
hand it to you. You know what
to do with it. I surrender to Your Love.
“I let that Love guide me and carry me through this day. I am
willing to stay in the flow of Love to the best of my ability today.
“I continue to reinforce my new
habit of constantly listening to
and receiving from my Inner
Teacher, my Sacred Self.
“I radiate the Love I receive from
my Sacred Self today.”

In the morning, after reading the above thoughts, Click Here to
do the process, or slowly read the script on pages 44-45, opening
your mind to your Inner Teacher. Take notes on what you receive
in your Journal.
Today, refer to the Week Two focus card that says:
Our Inner Teacher loves everyone… equally. I am willing
to see past people’s mass consciousness beliefs and behavior.
I let my Inner Teacher show me that everyone and everything is
of the same Light that I am.
Read it thoughtfully when you take a break or when you change
from one activity to another.
In the evening, before you go to sleep, review today’s message.
Then Click Here to listen or slowly read the script, opening your
mind again to your Inner Teacher. Take notes in your Journal.
Ask your Inner Teacher to work with you during your sleeping
hours to reinforce your connection and awaken to your True Self.

Day 10 — You Deserve Love
All through your day today, ask your
Inner Teacher to give you insight
into how you can extend Love to
those in your life.
Let your Inner Teacher be an alive,
vivid Presence in your mind. Think
of it as having your own personal
Tutor. But, unlike the outer world,
the only cost of having this Tutor is
your willingness to listen and receive.
Your Inner Teacher has been waiting patiently for you to be ready
to listen. Your Inner Teacher is eager to give you the unconditional
Love you so deserve.
Your Sacred Self wants to show you the Light that resides in every-
one. Focusing on what is “wrong” about others has only brought
you pain, and the Light that you are wants only happiness and joy
for you. The Light within knows exactly how to bring you true
joy and peace, and is always waiting for you to listen and receive.
Let the Presence of Love be alive
for you today. Your past pro-
gramming — the limited tapes
you took on from mass con-
sciousness — cannot remain in
your mind if you recognize it and
take it to your Inner Teacher for
Gentle… easy… and soft… is
the way of Spirit. You can reflect
the way of Spirit in everything
you do today. Love is your way

In the morning, after reading the above thoughts, Click Here to
do the process, or slowly read the script on pages 44-45, opening
your mind to your Inner Teacher. Take notes on what you receive
in your Journal.
Today, refer to the Week Two focus card that says:
Our Inner Teacher loves everyone… equally. I am willing
to see past people’s mass consciousness beliefs and behavior.
I let my Inner Teacher show me that everyone and everything is
of the same Light that I am.
Read it thoughtfully when you take a break or when you change
from one activity to another.
In the evening, before you go to sleep, review today’s message.
Then Click Here to listen or slowly read the script, opening your
mind again to your Inner Teacher. Take notes in your Journal.
Ask your Inner Teacher to work with you during your sleeping
hours to reinforce your connection and awaken to your True Self.

Day 11 — Finding the Keys
You are discovering that your gentle,
loving Self is Who you are. Your self-im-
age is transforming. You feel more at
peace. You feel more relaxed. The sharp
edges are softening.
You feel freer and more confident. You
have a stronger sense of your true Sa-
cred Self identity. The outer world is
still there, but you feel differently about
it. You recognize that how you react
or respond to everything outside is a
reflection of your own inner thoughts.
You feel more full of care… care–full. You know that deep in your
mind, you have the highest and most valuable Resource possible
for you to have. You feel relief… and gratitude that this Source
within will lead you out of pain and struggle. You have the keys
to this Source of Love — listening and receiving.
Give yourself little “time outs”
from the busy-ness of the day
— to go within and feel the Pres-
ence of Love within you. Allow
yourself to feel the Love. When
you allow yourself to know how
much you are loved, you will
just naturally let that love flow to
everyone around you. You know
that Love cannot be contained.

In the morning, after reading the above thoughts, Click Here to
do the process, or slowly read the script on pages 44-45, opening
your mind to your Inner Teacher. Take notes on what you receive
in your Journal.
Today, refer to the Week Two focus card that says:
Our Inner Teacher loves everyone… equally. I am willing
to see past people’s mass consciousness beliefs and behavior.
I let my Inner Teacher show me that everyone and everything is
of the same Light that I am.
Read it thoughtfully when you take a break or when you change
from one activity to another.
In the evening, before you go to sleep, review today’s message.
Then Click Here to listen or slowly read the script, opening your
mind again to your Inner Teacher. Take notes in your Journal.
Ask your Inner Teacher to work with you during your sleeping
hours to reinforce your connection and awaken to your True Self.

Day 12 — Receiving Messages
Today is a day of receiving messages…
messages for the moment — now… mes-
sages that will help you make this minute
a sacred time of awakening… messages
that will train your mind in the ways of
living in joy and gratitude.
The more value you put on receiving
these constant little messages, the more
they will flow naturally into your mind.
The Light that you are wants to extend through you and from
you. This becomes easier as you are willing to practice focusing
your thoughts on the Light in others instead of dwelling on their
little selves.
The fullness of Love is felt in yourself as you are willing to let go of
the past and let your Inner Teach-
er show you the infinite Truth in
others. When the infinite Truth is
all you want to see, you will see it.
You can experience receiving mes-
sages from your Inner Teacher as
a constant flow throughout your
day. You can do it. Your Inner
Teacher is always there for you.

In the morning, after reading the above thoughts, Click Here to
do the process, or slowly read the script on pages 44-45, opening
your mind to your Inner Teacher. Take notes on what you receive
in your Journal.
Today, refer to the Week Two focus card with you that says:
Our Inner Teacher loves everyone… equally. I am willing
to see past people’s mass consciousness beliefs and behavior.
I let my Inner Teacher show me that everyone and everything is
of the same Light that I am.
Read it thoughtfully when you take a break or when you change
from one activity to another.
In the evening, before you go to sleep, review today’s message.
Then Click Here to listen or slowly read the script, opening your
mind again to your Inner Teacher. Take notes in your Journal.
Ask your Inner Teacher to work with you during your sleeping
hours to reinforce your connection and awaken to your True Self.

Day 13 — Relax and Let the Truth In
In Reality, you are free of the past,
and your Sacred Self knows it. The
past is gone and the flow of Love
that you are is always there in the
present moment.
Recognize that as you continue
strengthening your habit of
listening and receiving from
your Inner Teacher, your True
Self comes through you more
strongly. You will see it in little ways. You will notice how your
feelings towards others are being transformed.
The truth of their Sacred Self is being brought to your awareness.
The old resentments are fading and are being replaced by your
recognition of the Truth in them. This helps you relax around
them and let the Truth come into your mind even more.
It is like a spiral: The more you focus on the Truth of the Sacred
Self in others, the more you relax and let the Truth of your Sacred
Self flow into your awareness. And, as you recognize the truth
about the Light within you, you just naturally see it in others.
There is a growing recognition that your mind is the source of
what you see “outside.”
You are recognizing that how
you see others is a reflection
of how you see yourself — who
you think you are.
This gives you constant feed-
back and a good motivation
to continue listening to and
receiving from your Inner

In the morning, after reading the above thoughts, Click Here to
do the process, or slowly read the script on pages 44-45, opening
your mind to your Inner Teacher. Take notes on what you receive
in your Journal.
Today, refer to the Week Two focus card that says:
Our Inner Teacher loves everyone… equally. I am willing
to see past people’s mass consciousness beliefs and behavior.
I let my Inner Teacher show me that everyone and everything is
of the same Light that I am.
Read it thoughtfully when you take a break or when you change
from one activity to another.
In the evening, before you go to sleep, review today’s message.
Then Click Here to listen or slowly read the script, opening your
mind again to your Inner Teacher. Take notes in your Journal.
Ask your Inner Teacher to work with you during your sleeping
hours to reinforce your connection and awaken to your True Self.

Day 14 — Gratitude
(Note: Read this as an affirmation.)
As I listen to my Inner Teacher, I
know that everyone in my life is
there for a reason. As I recognize
the Light of Love within me more
and more, I naturally want to extend
It out.
In every moment I am given the
perfect circumstances to do that. I
feel grateful to my Inner Teacher that my purpose is so clear. I
have this minute to give Love… and then I have the next minute…
and the process continues, bringing me more joy and a deeper
sense of peace.
I am at the right place at the right time.
My conviction about the importance of focusing on Divine Love
is brought to a peak in my awareness. Gratitude for being able to
give Love is very full in my mind.
Because the presence of my Inner
Teacher is so strong in my mind, time
becomes a vehicle for extending Love
to everyone equally.
This extension of Love is my vehicle for
living in joy and peace. I want to be hap-
py and I know that this is how happiness
comes to me — it comes through me.

In the morning, after reading the above thoughts, Click Here to
do the process, or slowly read the script on pages 44-45, opening
your mind to your Inner Teacher. Take notes on what you receive
in your Journal.
Today, refer to the Week Two focus card that says:
Our Inner Teacher loves everyone… equally. I am willing
to see past people’s mass consciousness beliefs and behavior.
I let my Inner Teacher show me that everyone and everything is
of the same Light that I am.
Read it thoughtfully when you take a break or when you change
from one activity to another.
In the evening, before you go to sleep, review today’s message.
Then Click Here to listen or slowly read the script, opening your
mind again to your Inner Teacher. Take notes in your Journal.
Ask your Inner Teacher to work with you during your sleeping
hours to reinforce your connection and awaken to your True Self.

You have a Teacher
Who is perfect for you
and that Teacher is always
present in your mind, waiting
for you to listen and receive.
Quieting your mind and
listening to this Inner Teacher
is your ultimate pathway Home.

Your Inner Teacher
is there for you...

You will fifind joy in it.

Week 3

Pathways of Light 30-Day Home Study Program

Back to day: 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Link to MP3 Audio File:

“Training Your Mind to Receive God’s Love”
Click on title to play.
For instructions to download audio file: CLICK HERE

Download Journal:
Click here to download Listen & Receive Journal






Training Your Mind to Receive God’s Love
(The following script is the meditation that goes with this Listen
& Receive 30-Day Home Study Program.)

Relax… (with each “…” take time to do it) Still your mind…
soften… let go… Allow your mind to quiet… Melt into peace…
Let the sharp edges soften… When a thought about your outer
world comes into your mind, gently lay it down for now…
Now is your time to tune in to your Sacred Self… your Inner
Wisdom… Now is the time to immerse your mind in Sacred
Light… (Imagine this.)
Give yourself the time to go to your Holy Temple within… where
your Aware Self, your Sacred Self, resides. Imagine yourself
there… Images or an inner knowing may come to help you…
Allow yourself to be with your Aware Self for a time of mind
healing… Rest in this sacred, Inner Light of peace and Love…
In this Light, you realize that all experience comes from
thought… from ideas… from belief… You are now receptive
to the thought of being immersed in God’s Love… (Imagine this.)
In this Light, you allow yourself to be aware of being accepted
and loved completely, without reservation… You melt into
this Love…
In this Light, you recognize that God’s Love is not out-
side you or separate from you… It is in you… It is in
your mind, and you are one with the feeling of being im-
mersed in God’s Love… surrounded by the Light of
Love… You stay receptive and open to receiving Love…
(Imagine this.)

You recognize that to give Love, you must first let It in and
receive It… In this sacred Light, you acknowledge that perfect
Love is in your mind…… You see that It extends and includes
all…… (Imagine this.)
You see that God’s Love goes to all equally, completely… with
no hesitation or reservation… without conditions… without
In the warmth of Love, you realize your sense of identity is
changing… You are accepting God’s Love and extending It
equally to all… (Imagine this.)
You feel at peace in recognizing that your purpose is to extend
Love equally to all… While you are extending Love, you see
no differences… You Love all equally… You see all having all
in truth… (Imagine this.)
You are in the gentle flow, the gentle extension of Light… You
are in the gentle, healing flow of recognizing oneness in Love…
Your mind is being trained to be in the flow of Love… to think
in the consciousness of oneness and Light…
You rest in this sacred Light as long as you are guided by
your Inner Teacher… You soak in the Truth… about yourself
and the world… Your connection to the Sacred Light within
is open and flowing smoothly… You now receive insight from
your Inner Teacher about how to extend to all the Love that
you receive from within…

(You may receive feelings, mental images, thoughts or a

knowing. Write what you receive in your Journal for today.
You may find that you receive more as you begin to write.)

Day 15 — Making Shifts in Your Mind
Your mind is your point of power. Your
mind is where everything begins. What
you believe in — what your thoughts
dwell on — determines your experience.
When you are coming from a state of
mind where you think of yourself as
limited, weak and separate from your
inner Source of Love, your outer circum-
stances will reflect that belief or focus.
When you are coming from a state of mind where you are willing
to let go of that little, limited self-image, your unlimited Inner
Teacher has a chance to steer your mind into more unlimited,
abundant thinking.
As you are ready and receptive to learning a new way of thinking
from your Inner Teacher, the old ways of thinking and the old
stressful ways of being will naturally
fall away from lack of attention. Your
Inner Teacher leads you into new
territory — a new frontier of thought.
You are naturally led into life circum-
stances which reflect this new way of
thinking. Changes occur.
You may find your job changing or
new people may come into your life.
Your Inner Teacher knows the perfect circumstances to facilitate
your awakening to your true abundance.

In the morning, after reading the above thoughts, Click Here to
do the process, or slowly read the script on pages 77-78, opening
your mind to your Inner Teacher. Take notes on what you receive
in your Journal.
Today, refer to the Week Three focus card that says:
I am willing to let go of a separate, limited self-image. I let
my Inner Teacher lead me to my natural, abundant state.
I trust that my Inner Teacher is leading me to my true inheritance
as a child of God.
Read it thoughtfully when you take a break or when you change
from one activity to another.
In the evening, before you go to sleep, review today’s message.
Then Click Here to listen or slowly read the script, opening your
mind again to your Inner Teacher. Take notes in your Journal.
Ask your Inner Teacher to work with you during your sleeping
hours to reinforce your connection and awaken to your True Self.

Day 16 — Love Is the Answer

Love is synonymous with abundance.

Fear is synonymous with scarcity. You
are learning that anger comes from
fear, and fear, which leads to scarcity
thoughts, is not who you are.
You are learning that you are choos-
ing fear or love with every thought. It is
helpful to be discerning where your thoughts
are coming from — fear or love. One leads to
reinforcing the belief in limitation, and the other
leads to reinforcing the belief that you have it all and can choose
to accept it.
When you are coming from the perspective of your True Self,
your thoughts lead to expressing your natural, abundant state.
Your Inner Teacher can help you get to this state of mind so it
can be reflected in your life.
It is important to recognize that your old mass consciousness
programming does not lead you to your natural, abundant state.
Your old, limited programming tells you
that giving is losing. Your Inner Teacher
knows that giving is receiving. Your Inner
Teacher knows that you are Love and that
the more you give Love, the more you
receive Love.
Your Inner Teacher knows that in giving
Love, you come into your natural, abun-
dant state.

In the morning, after reading the above thoughts, Click Here to
do the process, or slowly read the script on pages 77-78, opening
your mind to your Inner Teacher. Take notes on what you receive
in your Journal.
Today, refer to the Week Three focus card that says:
I am willing to let go of a separate, limited self-image. I let
my Inner Teacher lead me to my natural, abundant state.
I trust that my Inner Teacher is leading me to my true inheritance
as a child of God.
Read it thoughtfully when you take a break or when you change
from one activity to another.
In the evening, before you go to sleep, review today’s message.
Then Click Here to listen or slowly read the script, opening your
mind again to your Inner Teacher. Take notes in your Journal.
Ask your Inner Teacher to work with you during your sleeping
hours to reinforce your connection and awaken to your True Self.

Day 17 — You Have It All
At first you don’t believe that
you have it all. When you look
around you, the opposite seems
to be true. At times you feel that
life is quite a struggle and that
you have to run just to hang on
to what you have.
Your Inner Teacher has a com-
pletely different way of looking at this world. It sees you as a
vehicle for extending Love. Your Inner Teacher is aware of your
oneness with All That Is. This means you are not separate from
anything. This is very difficult to comprehend from the world’s
separated-self thinking. It appears to be the opposite of what
seems to be reality in this world.
An openness to a new way of thinking from your one True Self
leads to letting go of the thoughts which create limitation. This
is where your true abundance lies. Accepting that you have it all
comes in stages. This thought is so foreign to your old way of
thinking that at first it gets rejected as preposterous.
Little by little, your Inner Teacher reinforces the new thought that,
because you are one Self, you do have it all. Nothing is outside
of you. All is one.
As you are willing, your Inner
Teacher takes you by the hand and
leads you gently into a whole new
world of awareness of your oneness.
This comes little by little, in many,
wonderful, little, easy steps. Your
Inner Teacher is willing to lead you
to your natural state of abundance.
Are you willing to follow?

In the morning, after reading the above thoughts, Click Here to
do the process, or slowly read the script on pages 77-78, opening
your mind to your Inner Teacher. Take notes on what you receive
in your Journal.
Today, refer to the Week Three focus card that says:
I am willing to let go of a separate, limited self-image. I let
my Inner Teacher lead me to my natural, abundant state.
I trust that my Inner Teacher is leading me to my true inheritance
as a child of God.
Read it thoughtfully when you take a break or when you change
from one activity to another.
In the evening, before you go to sleep, review today’s message.
Then Click Here to listen or slowly read the script, opening your
mind again to your Inner Teacher. Take notes in your Journal.
Ask your Inner Teacher to work with you during your sleeping
hours to reinforce your connection and awaken to your True Self.

Day 18 — Keeping Pace
Your Inner Teacher knows the perfect pace for your awakening.
You are naturally being led to the awareness of your True Self.
When you resist the perfect pace for your awakening, you will find
many difficulties. You may feel anxious,
tense, disgruntled or unsettled. When
you feel these feelings, it is your cue
to open up to listening and receiving
insight from your Inner Teacher.
When you feel anger, fear or a sense
of lack, it is time to let go and let your
Inner Teacher lead you to the Light of
your natural, abundant state. When
you reach this abundant state of mind,
your thinking is clear, calm and full of
peace and joy.
You are learning that paying attention to your “state of mind” is
very important. When you are coming from your old, limited state
of mind, you will focus on the material world and think that this
is all that is important. Because you have been believing in lack,
the focus from your old, limited state of mind is on getting and
not giving.
Your Inner Teacher lifts your state of mind to a new place. In your
new state of mind, you learn
what is important and what is
valueless. You learn that you are
not what you thought, or what
you were taught in the past. Your
new self-image is emerging as
you are willing to be led by your
Inner Teacher.

In the morning, after reading the above thoughts, Click Here to
do the process, or slowly read the script on pages 77-78, opening
your mind to your Inner Teacher. Take notes on what you receive
in your Journal.
Today, refer to the Week Three focus card that says:
I am willing to let go of a separate, limited self-image. I let
my Inner Teacher lead me to my natural, abundant state.
I trust that my Inner Teacher is leading me to my true inheritance
as a child of God.
Read it thoughtfully when you take a break or when you change
from one activity to another.
In the evening, before you go to sleep, review today’s message.
Then Click Here to listen or slowly read the script, opening your
mind again to your Inner Teacher. Take notes in your Journal.
Ask your Inner Teacher to work with you during your sleeping
hours to reinforce your connection and awaken to your True Self.

Day 19 — A Whole New World Is Emerging
You are Love. You always have been
Love. You always will be Love. No
belief to the contrary stops that re-
ality from being true. Your Inner
Teacher is leading you Home to the
truth about Who you are and What
you are a part of.
Your Inner Teacher is leading you
away from “separation thinking” and
toward “oneness thinking.” And everyone is in the same boat.
Everyone is being led in the same direction as they are ready to
open and listen. Everyone in time and space feels an emptiness,
an inner hunger to come Home to Love.
Like the movie, E.T., everyone wants to “phone Home.” At Home
in Love is where our heart is. We are
learning to follow our heart. We are
learning our heart will lead us to
our natural abundance — our true
inheritance as children of God.
When you listen and receive, you are
“phoning Home.” You are following
your natural instinct to awaken to
your true Reality.
We are in a time when the hunger to awaken is becoming very
strong. In this world, we have attempted to fill that hunger with
such things as accumulating possessions, looking for outer accep-
tance, overeating, or abusing drugs and alcohol. These have all been
attempts to find the peace and Love of God in the wrong places.
With the help of our Inner Teacher, we are learning how to
reconnect with our true Home, the real source of Love and

In the morning, after reading the above thoughts, Click Here to
do the process, or slowly read the script on pages 77-78, opening
your mind to your Inner Teacher. Take notes on what you receive
in your Journal.
Today, refer to the Week Three focus card that says:
I am willing to let go of a separate, limited self-image. I let
my Inner Teacher lead me to my natural, abundant state.
I trust that my Inner Teacher is leading me to my true inheritance
as a child of God.
Read it thoughtfully when you take a break or when you change
from one activity to another.
In the evening, before you go to sleep, review today’s message.
Then Click Here to listen or slowly read the script, opening your
mind again to your Inner Teacher. Take notes in your Journal.
Ask your Inner Teacher to work with you during your sleeping
hours to reinforce your connection and awaken to your True Self.

Day 20 — Follow Your Heart
Your Inner Teacher works through won-
derful synchronicities to lead you to your
wholeness. Listening can mean watching
the events of your day through the lens of
your Inner Teacher. As you do this, you
step back and open to a new perspective.
You are able to see the calls for Home,
no matter how distorted they may look.
You will be able to recognize your calls
for Home, even if they come in the form
of pushing It away. When we are coming
from fear, we push Love, our natural
Home, away.
We all want Love, but we are afraid of It at the same time. This
creates a sense of inner turmoil and self-doubt. Your Inner Teacher
will be able to help you see the calls for Home in yourself and
others with clarity and compassion. When we are confused in
our thinking, we push the memory of our wholeness away. We
blame and project our belief in weakness onto others. We make
excuses for feeling so weak by blaming someone or something
in the outer world.
Our Inner Teacher is there to lead us past this scarcity thinking
to our full abundant state of mind.
Your inner promptings, your
“inner knowing,” the pull of
your heart, is leading you
Home. Trust in your inner
Source to guide you to per-
fect happiness.

In the morning, after reading the above thoughts, Click Here to
do the process, or slowly read the script on pages 77-78, opening
your mind to your Inner Teacher. Take notes on what you receive
in your Journal.
Today, refer to the Week Three focus card that says:
I am willing to let go of a separate, limited self-image. I let
my Inner Teacher lead me to my natural, abundant state.
I trust that my Inner Teacher is leading me to my true inheritance
as a child of God.
Read it thoughtfully when you take a break or when you change
from one activity to another.
In the evening, before you go to sleep, review today’s message.
Then Click Here to listen or slowly read the script, opening your
mind again to your Inner Teacher. Take notes in your Journal.
Ask your Inner Teacher to work with you during your sleeping
hours to reinforce your connection and awaken to your True Self.

Day 21 — Trust
We have been believing in duality, when
in truth there is only oneness. This con-
fusion has led to the seeming creation of
a world of duality. Within this confused
thought system, our oneness in God has
been forgotten.
We are now coming to a time of remember-
ing. Because we are all children of God, we
all have an Inner Teacher to bring us Home.
Whether we recognize it or not, we all are
being guided to let go of a separated, little
self-image. We are learning to trust our Inner Teacher’s direction
rather than our little ego-self ’s beliefs.
We are willing to get off the merry-go-round of inner turmoil
based on believing we are a weak, vulnerable self, separated off
from everyone else. Our Inner Guide is always there, ready to
help us get off this delusionary charade, which
is based on competing, judging, seeing dif-
ferences and comparing. This delusionary
thought system does not reflect our
natural abundant state.
Believing in separation is like insist-
ing on wandering in the wilderness,
tired and hungry, when we have the
way to infinite abundance right in
our own mind. Trusting our Inner
Teacher to lead us to our true inher-
itance is our one goal.

In the morning, after reading the above thoughts, Click Here to
do the process, or slowly read the script on pages 77-78, opening
your mind to your Inner Teacher. Take notes on what you receive
in your Journal.
Today, refer to the Week Three focus card that says:
I am willing to let go of a separate, limited self-image. I let
my Inner Teacher lead me to my natural, abundant state.
I trust that my Inner Teacher is leading me to my true inheritance
as a child of God.
Read it thoughtfully when you take a break or when you change
from one activity to another.
In the evening, before you go to sleep, review today’s message.
Then Click Here to listen to the recording or slowly read the script,
opening your mind again to your Inner Teacher. Take notes in
your Journal. Ask your Inner Teacher to work with you during
your sleeping hours to reinforce your connection and awaken to
your True Self.

You have a Teacher
Who is perfect for you
and that Teacher is always
present in your mind, waiting
for you to listen and receive.
Quieting your mind and
listening to this Inner Teacher
is your ultimate pathway Home.

Your Inner Teacher
is there for you...

You will fifind joy in it.

Week 4

Pathways of Light 30-Day Home Study Program

Back to day: 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Link to MP3 Audio File:

“Training Your Mind to Receive God’s Love”
Click on title to play.
For instructions to download audio file: CLICK HERE

Download Journal:
Click here to download Listen & Receive Journal






Training Your Mind to Receive God’s Love
(The following script is the meditation that goes with this Listen
& Receive 30-Day Home Study Program.)

Relax… (with each “…” take time to do it) Still your mind…
soften… let go… Allow your mind to quiet… Melt into peace…
Let the sharp edges soften… When a thought about your outer
world comes into your mind, gently lay it down for now…
Now is your time to tune in to your Sacred Self… your Inner
Wisdom… Now is the time to immerse your mind in Sacred
Light… (Imagine this.)
Give yourself the time to go to your Holy Temple within… where
your Aware Self, your Sacred Self, resides. Imagine yourself
there… Images or an inner knowing may come to help you…
Allow yourself to be with your Aware Self for a time of mind
healing… Rest in this sacred, Inner Light of peace and Love…
In this Light, you realize that all experience comes from
thought… from ideas… from belief… You are now receptive
to the thought of being immersed in God’s Love… (Imagine this.)
In this Light, you allow yourself to be aware of being accepted
and loved completely, without reservation… You melt into
this Love…
In this Light, you recognize that God’s Love is not out-
side you or separate from you… It is in you… It is in
your mind, and you are one with the feeling of being im-
mersed in God’s Love… surrounded by the Light of
Love… You stay receptive and open to receiving Love…
(Imagine this.)

You recognize that to give Love, you must first let It in and
receive It… In this sacred Light, you acknowledge that perfect
Love is in your mind…… You see that It extends and includes
all…… (Imagine this.)
You see that God’s Love goes to all equally, completely… with
no hesitation or reservation… without conditions… without
In the warmth of Love, you realize your sense of identity is
changing… You are accepting God’s Love and extending It
equally to all… (Imagine this.)
You feel at peace in recognizing that your purpose is to extend
Love equally to all… While you are extending Love, you see
no differences… You Love all equally… You see all having all
in truth… (Imagine this.)
You are in the gentle flow, the gentle extension of Light… You
are in the gentle, healing flow of recognizing oneness in Love…
Your mind is being trained to be in the flow of Love… to think
in the consciousness of oneness and Light…
You rest in this sacred Light as long as you are guided by
your Inner Teacher… You soak in the Truth… about yourself
and the world… Your connection to the Sacred Light within
is open and flowing smoothly… You now receive insight from
your Inner Teacher about how to extend to all the Love that
you receive from within…

(You may receive feelings, mental images, thoughts or a

knowing. Write what you receive in your Journal for today.
You may find that you receive more as you begin to write.)

Day 22 — You Are Loved
Your Inner Teacher is always there for
you. If you are experiencing difficulty,
imagine that the barriers are being re-
moved in a way that suits you best. Re-
laxing into it helps. Trying and efforting
hinders the process. Fear, holding on
to tension, and judgment also hinder
the process.
Recognizing that you are fully sup-
ported and loved helps remove those barriers. You can take any
thought or circumstance to your Inner Teacher, and you will only
be loved, not judged. You can relax with your Inner Teacher, who
always loves you and sees you as innocent. Your Inner Teacher
knows what you are going through and knows how to lead you
out of all difficulties. Your Sacred Self can clear your mind of
confused thinking.
Sometimes our thoughts can get into a tangled mess, like when
our hair gets all messed up. If we ask, our Inner Teacher can comb
out our thoughts and take the knots out so that they are smooth
and in harmony again. Our Sacred Self brings
peace into our lives.
The more you practice going to your Inner
Teacher for clarity, the easier it comes and
flows with perfect synchronicity. Your sense
of gratitude increases. Your sense of safety and
well-being expands. You are being gently led
Home by your Inner Teacher, who is always
there for you.

In the morning, after reading the above thoughts, Click Here
to do the process on the recording, or slowly read the script on
pages 110-111, opening your mind to your Inner Teacher. Take
notes on what you receive in your Journal.
Today, refer to the Week Four focus card that says:
I accept God’s Love and extend It equally to all.
Read it thoughtfully when you take a break or when you change
from one activity to another.
In the evening, before you go to sleep, review today’s message.
Then Click Here to listen or slowly read the script, opening your
mind again to your Inner Teacher. Take notes in your Journal.
Ask your Inner Teacher to work with you during your sleeping
hours to reinforce your connection and awaken to your True Self.

Day 23 — There Is No Hurry
As you continue to let your Inner
Teacher guide your life, your sense of
urgency, anxiety and hurry dissipates.
The calm feeling of peace and well-
being begins to replace the old, anxious
feelings from the past.
It becomes easier and easier to still your
mind, freeing it from the chatter of judg-
ing yourself or others. A growing feeling
of calm is replacing those old habits.
As fears come up, you observe them calmly and focus on taking
them to your Inner Teacher for renewed clarity and insight. You
see your growth and feel very hopeful.
You let nothing get in the way of your sacred time with your
Inner Teacher. You see it as the most valuable time of your day.
You feel as if a weight is being lifted from your shoulders. You
feel lighter, brighter and more peaceful. You pass by what used
to “catch you,” because you know too much now to buy back
into the old game of judgment. It no
longer attracts you. You appreciate
how much you are loved by your
Inner Teacher, and you see the value
of loving unconditionally. It becomes
your joy to let the Love you receive
flow through you to others.

In the morning, after reading the above thoughts, Click Here
to do the process, or slowly read the script on pages 110-111,
opening your mind to your Inner Teacher. Take notes on what
you receive in your Journal.
Today, refer to the Week Four focus card that says:
I accept God’s Love and extend It equally to all.
Read it thoughtfully when you take a break or when you change
from one activity to another.
In the evening, before you go to sleep, review today’s message.
Then Click Here to listen or slowly read the script, opening your
mind again to your Inner Teacher. Take notes in your Journal.
Ask your Inner Teacher to work with you during your sleeping
hours to reinforce your connection and awaken to your True Self.

Day 24 — Seeing Past Limits
You are beginning to see past lim-
ited thinking more and more. Your
sense of inner happiness and joy
is increasing. Your happiness just
flows out from you with no effort.
You know your Inner Teacher is
always there — just waiting, eager
to extend Love to you and through
you. You know the pressure is off.
You are feeling the strength and
power of Love. You see miracles
occur as the increasing connection
with your Inner Teacher removes the heavy baggage of the past.
You are seeing how important it is to step back and let your Sacred
Self lead the way. You are seeing more and more that your Inner
Teacher is constantly leading you to greater levels of peace and
joy. Your trust and sense of inner se-
curity is growing. You are growing in
confidence as you give up the struggle
of trying to do it yourself.
The idea of surrendering to the ways
of your Inner Teacher is seen, not as a
threat, but as a welcome and refresh-
ing rest from the old ego struggles.
You give peace a chance to change
your life today.

In the morning, after reading the above thoughts, Click Here
to do the process, or slowly read the script on pages 110-111,
opening your mind to your Inner Teacher. Take notes on what
you receive in your Journal.
Today, refer to the Week Four focus card that says:
I accept God’s Love and extend It equally to all.
Read it thoughtfully when you take a break or when you change
from one activity to another.
In the evening, before you go to sleep, review today’s message.
Then Click Here to listen or slowly read the script, opening your
mind again to your Inner Teacher. Take notes in your Journal.
Ask your Inner Teacher to work with you during your sleeping
hours to reinforce your connection and awaken to your True Self.

Day 25 — Love Heals All Problems
The strength of Love is keeping you
safe. You relax more and more into
the healing flow of Love. Your sen-
sitivity to Love is increasing. You
are being led Home through your
acceptance of the Love that you are.
Your sense of littleness is dissipating.
Your sense of magnitude is expand-
ing. Love is your Teacher. It teaches
you in Its wise, gentle ways.
You feel so vibrant and healthy as you let Love heal all your belief
in problems today. You feel radiant and expansive. Your belief in
being limited to a body is falling away. You see that your mind is
being healed of all mistaken and confused thinking. A sense of
gentleness and ease pervades all you do today. You are learning
to let your Inner Teacher take over.
You see that your job is to pay attention to your thoughts and let
the Light of your Sacred Self shine on them. You are vigilant and
watchful to catch those old habits and let them go..
You are not doing this out of a sense
of obligation to anyone or anything
outside of you, but because this is
what will bring you happiness and
keep you healthy and abundant. You
are willing to come Home to Love.
You see clearly that this is where
the answer lies to all your perceived

In the morning, after reading the above thoughts, Click Here
to do the process, or slowly read the script on pages 110-111,
opening your mind to your Inner Teacher. Take notes on what
you receive in your Journal.
Today, refer to the Week Four focus card that says:
I accept God’s Love and extend It equally to all.
Read it thoughtfully when you take a break or when you change
from one activity to another.
In the evening, before you go to sleep, review today’s message.
Then Click Here to listen or slowly read the script, opening your
mind again to your Inner Teacher. Take notes in your Journal.
Ask your Inner Teacher to work with you during your sleeping
hours to reinforce your connection and awaken to your True Self.

Day 26 — Ease Guides Your Way Today
You are learning to trust the
infinite power of your Inner
Teacher more and more today.
The Light is dawning in your
mind. Your confidence is grow-
ing. You know you can do it and
you are doing it. You are find-
ing your Self. It has not always
been easy. You have forgotten
so often.
You are finding within you a growing sense of ease… a sense
of inner peace… You remember that the circumstances you are
attracting into your life are in perfect order for your continued
growth. You remember that your Inner Teacher is enthusiastically
looking forward to another day
full of opportunities to extend
Love through you.
Your life today is seen as a gift
— a beautiful gift to open up
minute-by-minute with joy. You
can think of today as being your
birth-day — a new day of giving
birth to Love in new and excit-
ing ways, with the guidance of
your Inner Teacher.

In the morning, after reading the above thoughts, Click Here
to do the process, or slowly read the script on pages 110-111,
opening your mind to your Inner Teacher. Take notes on what
you receive in your Journal.
Today, refer to the Week Four focus card that says:
I accept God’s Love and extend It equally to all.
Read it thoughtfully when you take a break or when you change
from one activity to another.
In the evening, before you go to sleep, review today’s message.
Then Click Here to listen or slowly read the script, opening your
mind again to your Inner Teacher. Take notes in your Journal.
Ask your Inner Teacher to work with you during your sleeping
hours to reinforce your connection and awaken to your True Self.

Day 27 — Letting Go
(Note: Read this as an affirmation.)
Today I practice letting go and let-
ting my Inner Teacher be my Guide.
I recognize that my little, personality
self does not know the way. I let go
of willfully trying to “have it my
way,” or even thinking that I know
the way.
Today I am willing to follow the lead of my Sacred Self, my inner
Light. I still my mind… I relax and get quiet… I am patient and
wait… I allow myself to be lifted up and taken to a state of mind
where peace and joy abide.
I am willing to let go of trying to do it myself. I recognize in true
humility that the little self that has been trying to do it alone
doesn’t know how. I give up the hopeless journey of trying to
think I am separate from my Inner Teacher, my Sacred Self. I
make the commitment to give up the struggle of trying to believe
I am separate, isolated, alone and vulnerable. I willingly lay it
down today.
Instead, I feel the spark of Light
within. I focus on this Light
steadily, until I feel the strength
of my true Nature. I rest in the
Love of my true Nature today,
knowing that the strength and
power of Love will help me see
past all illusionary beliefs I have
carried in the past. I lay them
down today. I let go. I give today to my Inner Teacher to guide
me through every step.

In the morning, after reading the above thoughts, Click Here
to do the process, or slowly read the script on pages 110-111,
opening your mind to your Inner Teacher. Take notes on what
you receive in your Journal.
Today, refer to the Week Four focus card that says:
I accept God’s Love and extend It equally to all.
Read it thoughtfully when you take a break or when you change
from one activity to another.
In the evening, before you go to sleep, review today’s message.
Then Click Here to listen or slowly read the script, opening your
mind again to your Inner Teacher. Take notes in your Journal.
Ask your Inner Teacher to work with you during your sleeping
hours to reinforce your connection and awaken to your True Self.

Day 28 — My Inner Treasure
(Note: Read this as an affirmation.)
I recognize that I can be at peace
with myself and others today. I can
give up conflict. I can trust that my
Inner Teacher is guiding me. I am
willing to listen and receive today. I
have found my inner Treasure. It is
the Love that I am.
I rest in that Love today. I celebrate
and feel the joy in acknowledging and extending that Love. If I find
that I have wandered away and forgotten where my treasure lies,
instead of judging myself, I congratulate myself for remembering.
I come back to my true Nature and rest in Love again. I see that
it is always there, waiting patiently
for my return.
I am willing to have my mind trans-
formed by my Inner Teacher today.
Even when I am occupied with rou-
tine “doing” in the world, I feel the
safe presence of my Inner Teacher
gently guiding me, encouraging me,
loving me all through the day.
I feel so grateful, so safe, in the loving
presence of my Inner Teacher.

In the morning, after reading the above thoughts, Click Here
to do the process, or slowly read the script on pages 110-111,
opening your mind to your Inner Teacher. Take notes on what
you receive in your Journal.
Today, refer to the Week Four focus card that says:
I accept God’s Love and extend It equally to all.
Read it thoughtfully when you take a break or when you change
from one activity to another.
In the evening, before you go to sleep, review today’s message.
Then Click Here to listen or slowly read the script, opening your
mind again to your Inner Teacher. Take notes in your Journal.
Ask your Inner Teacher to work with you during your sleeping
hours to reinforce your connection and awaken to your True Self.

Day 29 — I Soften All the Rough Edges
(Note: Read this as an affirmation.)
Inner Teacher, here I am. I am getting the
hang of this. With practice, this “letting
go” is getting easier. I am seeing how nice
it is to experience softening all the rough
edges. Even though I know clearly that I
am not who I thought I was, I also know
that I need continued practice in letting
go and letting You lead the way.
I am past the rebellious teenager stage of trying to do it myself. I
recognize there is a Higher Power that has my best interest in mind.
I am seeing that softening the rough edges takes both my willing-
ness and Your guidance. I feel freer knowing this, and trusting in
You. I see now that You are my safety — not my job, nor who is
going to be nice to me today, nor my bank account.
My trust in You is growing. I have had enough experience now
in letting You take the lead that I see that it works.
My job now is to be consistent in remembering that You, my Inner
Teacher, are here to guide me out of my belief in separation and
into recognizing our oneness.
I am willing to do my job of
letting go and letting You do
Your job of guiding and teach-
ing me.
What a relief to know that You
are always there. I am willing
to give You my hand, and let
You lead me Home.

In the morning, after reading the above thoughts, Click Here
to do the process, or slowly read the script on pages 110-111,
opening your mind to your Inner Teacher. Take notes on what
you receive in your Journal.
Today, refer to the Week Four focus card that says:
I accept God’s Love and extend It equally to all.
Read it thoughtfully when you take a break or when you change
from one activity to another.
In the evening, before you go to sleep, review today’s message.
Then Click Here to listen or slowly read the script, opening your
mind again to your Inner Teacher. Take notes in your Journal.
Ask your Inner Teacher to work with you during your sleeping
hours to reinforce your connection and awaken to your True Self.

Day 30 — Celebration
(Note: Read this as an affirmation.)
It has taken a lot for me to get this far
in letting go of taking the lead. I have
resisted mightily. The dance of life is
much more fun with You taking the
lead. I can relax now. I finally “get
it” that I am not supposed to lead.
That is a remarkable and important
This is my day to celebrate the relinquishment of a job that was
never mine to do. No wonder it was such a struggle. I just got
mixed up about what my job was. I see now that my job is the easy
part. My job is to follow Your lead. Because I have lost my way on
this ancient journey, I am not the one that knows the way back.
I am so thankful, Inner Teacher, to have finally opened my con-
nection to You. I am so thankful that I am letting You take the
lead. If I forget and start trying to lead, I ask You to remind me
of my job so I can remember to let You do Your job.
When the roles are straight again, my fear dissolves. No wonder
I have experienced fear, scarcity and lack. I was not equipped to
do that job and was making a mess of it.
I spend this day in celebration,
knowing that I am willing to put
my Sacred Self in charge.
Thank You, Inner Teacher, for tak-
ing the lead in bringing me Home
to Love.

In the morning, after reading the above thoughts, Click Here
to do the process, or slowly read the script on pages 110-111,
opening your mind to your Inner Teacher. Take notes on what
you receive in your Journal.
Today, refer to the Week Four focus card that says:
I accept God’s Love and extend It equally to all.
Read it thoughtfully when you take a break or when you change
from one activity to another.
In the evening, before you go to sleep, review today’s message.
Then Click Here to listen or slowly read the script, opening your
mind again to your Inner Teacher. Take notes in your Journal.
Ask your Inner Teacher to work with you during your sleeping
hours to reinforce your connection and awaken to your True Self.

You have a Teacher

Who is perfect for you

and that Teacher is always

present in your mind, waiting for

you to listen and receive. Quieting

your mind and

listening to this Inner Teacher

is your ultimate pathway Home.

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