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Hemant ha A P (Government First Grade Co llege, Rippo npet e )
Ho me / Exam / Exam Result

Kuvempu University
Exam Mont h: Jan/Feb-2023 I-Sem Exam Type: Regular Exam Program Level: UG Program Name: Bachelor of Business


St udent Reg No: U06GR21M0017 St udent Name: Hemantha A P Term/Semest er: I View

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Course Course Maximum Minimum SE IA Marks Credit Letter

Sl.No. Credits Grade Status
Code Name Marks Marks Marks Marks Scored Points Grade

1 33121 Management 100 40 40 33 73 4 8 32 A Pass

and Pract ice

Result : PASS SGPA : 8 CGPA : 6.58 Term Grade : A+

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*Not e: This cannot be t reat ed as original marks sheet . This result published here is for t he immediat e informat ion of st udent . Original marks sheet will be issued by
respect ive universit y

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