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By [3T] -TPC © All rights reserved!


Question 1: The dog felt very __________ when his owners left the house, dressed for a long walk.
A. disillusioned B. deceived C. disappointed D. cheated
Question 2: Do you think there would be less conflict in the world if all people __________ the same language?
A. speak B. spoke C. had spoken D. will speak
Question 3: On Labour Day the workers will march in __________ through the town.
A. progress B. procedure C. procession D. progression
Question 4: It was his __________ to retire from business the following year.
A. intention B. opinion C. meaning D. hope
Question 5: The townspeople were always so well-behaved and __________ that the police had an idle life.
A. systematic B. scrupulous C. meticulous D. orderly
Question 6: The Pyramids are perhaps the most famous of the seven __________ of the ancient world.
A. wonders B. spectacles C. structures D. constructions
Question 7: I was amazed. I asked my father if I could borrow his car and he __________. “Yes”!
A. spoke B. told C. said D. talked
Question 8: The plane __________ down 20 minutes later than scheduled because of bad weather conditions.
A. touched B. flew C. landed D. put
Question 9: Many pop and rock stars love being the __________ of attention.
A. middle B. centre C. element D. point
Question 10: I’m sorry but I forgot __________ your letter. It’s still here, in my pocket.
A. posting B. post C. to post D. that I posted
Question 11: He’s about the same height as his father, but in every other respect he takes __________ his mother.
A. after B. up C. on D. from
Question 12: Rodney __________ for the company for very long before he was promoted.
A. hasn’t been working B. hadn’t been working C. didn’t work D. didn’t use to work
Question 13: Before Denise got contact lenses, she used to __________ glasses.
A. use B. put C. carry D. wear
Question 14: I still feel weak and tired. It’s taking me longer to get __________ the operation than though it
A. over B. by C. up from D. through


By [3T] -TPC © All rights reserved!
Question 15: Because of heavy winds, our plane had to make an emergency __________ on a busy motorway.
A. runway B. land C. stop D. landing
Question 16: I haven’t seen Laura __________. I hope she isn’t ill.
A. later B. late C. lately D. too late
Question 17: Did George __________ anything at the casino last night?
A. gain B. win C. earn D. take
Question 18: One of the causes of the hole in the ozone layer is the use of __________ sprays.
A. air B. can C. tinned D. aerosol
Question 19: The milk had gone __________ because it hadn’t been put back in the fridge.
A. past B. off C. away D. out
Question 20: It doesn’t __________ to me how long you stay. There’s plenty of room.
A. worry B. disturb C. bother D. matter


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