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Answer Number Answer Number Answer Answer

1 2 Number 3 Number 4
Identify which type of
analytics, recommend
Predictive Descriptive Decisive Prescriptive
decisions using
optimization, simulation
Select which one is the
example of the Years, Geographical Chronological Qualitative Quantitative
Quarters, Months and Classification Classification Classification Classification
Identify an example of All of the
Accuracy Completeness Validity
Good Data Quality mentioned.
It provides first- It is more It implies that It involves
Identify the main feature
hand reliable the data is collecting
of secondary source of
information to compared to collected data from
data is
the researcher primary data from its existing
The indirect
This method is
This method is used when the
Identify which of the method is
suitable when informants are
following situations is suitable when All of the
the field of not capable of
suitable for an indirect it is not mentioned.
investigation is providing
oral investigation possible to
large information to
talk to the
the investigator
The data that is The data that
The data that is
Show which of the collected from is collected
collected from
following statements is the place of from the None of the
the place of
true about the collection origin is known place of mentioned
origin is known
of data as secondary origin is
as primary data
data known as
Attributes of a
Choose which of the
Tools developed database table
following statements Both of the None of the
to query the that can take
about the query tools is Mentioned mentioned
database only numerical
Symbolic Operations on
Group of similar
representation a database to
objects that
Choose Which one of of facts or ideas transform or
differ All of the
the following correctly from which simplify data
significantly mentioned
defines the term cluster information can in order to
from other
potentially be prepare it for
extracted a machine-
This takes only
Systems that
two values. In
can be used
Choose Which one of general, these The natural
without All of the
the following refers to values will be 0 environment of
knowledge of mentioned
the binary attribute and 1, and they a certain species
can be coded as
one bit
A subject-
oriented The actual The stage of
Choose which of the integrated time- discovery phase selecting the
All of the
following correctly variant non- of a knowledge right data for
refers the data selection volatile discovery a KDD
collection of process process
data in support

A measure of the
The task of A subdivision
Choose which one of the accuracy, of the
assigning a of a set of
following correctly classification of None of the
classification to examples into
refers to the task of the a concept that is mentioned
a set of a number of
classification given by a
examples classes
certain theory

Approach to the support systems
design of that contain an
Choose which of the learning information
following correctly algorithms that base filled with None of the
types of
defines the term is structured the knowledge mentioned
method or
"Hybrid" along the lines of an expert
of the theory of formulated in
evolution. terms of if-then

Select which one of the Corporate Management

All of the
following can be Fraud detection Analysis & Risk and market
considered as the correct management analysis
Select which one of the Prediction
following refers to the Prediction Classification and
model regularities or to Evolution
Select which of the
following also used as Data
the first step in the Data selection Data cleaning transformatio
knowledge discovery n
Select which of the
following refers to the
steps of the knowledge Data
Data selection Data cleaning transformatio
discovery process, in integration
which the several data
sources are combined

Select which of the This approach

This approach is This approach is
following can be requires a
expensive for expensive
considered as the very complex All of the
queries that insufficient, and
drawback of the query- integration mentioned
require very frequent
Driven approach in data and filtering
aggregations queries
warehousing process
It means that
It means that
It refers to that the programs
the programs
Select which of the It means that the data that is are not
are totally
following correctly programs are not defined dependent on
dependent on
refers to the term "Data dependent on the separately, not the logical
the physical
Independence" logical attributes included in the attributes and
attributes of
program It refers to
that data that

Evaluate Median, mode,

deciles and percentiles mathematical averages of population
sample averages
are all considered as averages position averages
measures of

Evaluate the median for

the following data -- [ 2 10 4.7 2 4.5

the statistical or the best the the most

Choose what is mean
arithmetic representation middlemost frequently
Choose what Pivot
Table toolbar button of
MS-Excel updates the
Pivot Table Format Report Refresh Data Show Detail
data in a Pivot Table or
Pivot Chart report if the
source data has changed
Provides a
Automatically quick way to
Choose the feature of Can only add
creates formulas view the
the auto calculate of MS- values in a None of these
and adds them to results of an
Excel range of cells
a worksheet arithmetic
operation on
Write The cell reference
in MS-Excel for a range
of cells that starts in cell B1.G10 B1-G10 B1,G10 B1:G10
B1 and goes over to
column G and down to
Write which one is the
Graphics objects on a Help explain the Add interest to a Add emphasis
all of these
chart in MS-Excel are chart data chart to chart data
used to

Solve variance for the

following discrete data [ 40 2.74 5 7.5

Write which one is the

data mining is most Neural Association
Statistical Decision tree
suitable for categorical network(N) rules
Write the use of C4.5 to Regression Association Statistical
Decision tree
build analysis rules induction
Solve the CI on Rs.
25000 180 10483.2 9720 10123.2 9000.3
compounded for 3
Solve the rate of interest
for which Rs. 1200
0.06 0.07 0.075 0.065
amount to Rs.1348.32 in
2 years.
The classification or
c. Data d. Data
mapping of a class Data Sub
b. Data Set Discriminatio Characterisat
using a predefined class Structure
n ion
or group is called:
Select which is the
analysis conducted for
uncovering some
interesting statistical
correlations between Mining of Mining of None of the
various associated- Mining of Clusters Correlations Association above
__________ are the data
objects that don’t comply
with the general model or
behaviour of the available
data Evolution Analysis Outlier Analysis Classification
Transformatio Prediction
Correction of ns for
The primary use of data
Removing the the data correcting the All of the
cleaning is
noisy data inconsistencies wrong data mentioned
Select which of the Information Database All of the
classification of the Data Machine Learning Science Technology mentioned
Write the class under d. Study
Final Class b. Target Class c. InitialClass
study in Data Class
The initial steps Data
concerned in the
Data Selection Data Integration Data Cleaning Transformatio
process of knowledge
Write the full form of Data Marts Dataset Mining Data Mining
DMQL is Query DBMiner Query Query Query
Language Language Language Language
In MS-Excel which
functions will
calculate the number
of workdays between
6/9/2013 and 8/12/2013 Workday Date Networkday Weekday

Select Which of the

following is generally used a. a.
a. Supervised
in finding hidden structure Unsupervised Reinforcem
and patterns in a given learning ent learning
None of the
unlabelled data =IF (logical_test, =IF (logical_test, =IF (logical_test: =IF
Select the correct syntax {[value_if_true]}, TRUE([value_if_tru [value_if_true], (logical_test,
of IF() function {[value_if_false]})(N e]), [value_if_false])( [value_if_true],

Select the cells that

Select When all the numbers
contain number Use =if()
between 0 and 100 in a range
between 0 and 100 Apply Conditional function to
should be displayed in Red
then click Red color Formatting format the
Color, we apply
on Text Color command on required All of the
tool(N) Format menu(Y) numbers red(N) mentioned(N)

Select What type of chart is

good for single series of data
Column Chart(N) Line Chart(N) Pie Chart(Y) Cone Chart(N)
You can change the You can change You can change
Select In MS-Excel data You can position of a data a data point the position of a
marker on a chart are linked automatically apply marker and that value and data marker and
to data points in a worksheet, formatting to a data automatically automatically that
therefore series(N) changes the data that is drawn in automatically
Select In MS Excel which
keyboard shortcut keys to
create a new workbook is
Tab+N(N) Fn+N(N) Alt+N(N) Ctrl+N(Y)

Write when We can check the

conditions against we
applying conditional
Both of the None of the
Cell value(N) Formula(N) mentioned(Y) mentioned(N)
Write the function that will
result in the total number of
entries in the cell range B5 to
B14 Count(Y) MAX(N) MIN(N) SUM(N)
Write the function will
produce results that indicate
whether a student has passed
or failed a course by enter the
text "Pass" or "Fail" Count(N) CountA(N) IF(Y) SUM(N)

Write Which of following

functions MS-Excel have 1
None of 1 and
Only 1(N) Only 2(N) 2(N) Both 1 and 2(Y)
Write the current row in MS- Shift + arrow Shift + Space
Excel Worksheet by pressing Ctrl + Space bar(N) F8 + arrow key(N) key(N) bar(Y)

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