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Anxiety, OCD, and related diseases

Fear = CNS’s emotional and psychological response to a serious threat to one’s well-being
fight-flight response (adaptive emotion-has survival purpose)
Anxiety= CNS’s emotional and physiological response to a vague sense of threat or danger
wider range, too easily triggered, too often, lasts for too long

1. G A D=(generalized anxiety disorder) 6months or MORE- meta worrying (worried

about worry)
- disproportionate, ongoing anxiety and worry about multiple matters (wide range)
- 2 symptoms include at least 3 of the following: edginess, fatigue, poor
concentration, irritability, sleep problems,
-significant impairment and distress
2. Agoraphobia= 6months= of public transport, parking, and open spaces/ concerned
that they won’t be able to escape those situations/ avoidance/significant impairment
and distress
3. S A D= (social anxiety disorder)=
4. Phobias = specific phobia / persistent and unreasonable fear of an object, situation,
or activity.
5. Panic disorder= panic attacks=short bouts of panic
sudden-reach a peak within minutes pass gradually
Panic disorder recurrent, repeated P.A (unpredictable)= 2 or more
unforseen/repeated P.A
At least 1M of concern about P.A
At least 1 month of dysfunctional behavioral changes associated with P.A
Avoidance + significance impairment and distress

Related Disorder

O= excessive thoughts, repeated, constant, COGNITIVE (happen in our mind)

C = to take action to deal with the excessive thoughts /responses to a person’s obsessive

Body dysmorphia
1. Define fear and anxiety.
2. Which anxiety disorders do we have?
3. What is GAD?
4. Explanations for developing it?
5. What is SAD?
6. What is agoraphobia?
7. Define phobias.
8. What is panic disorder and panic attack?
9. What is OCD?
10. Related disorders?

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