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Lesson Plan

School’s name: CCT:

AEE’s name: ID: Group:

5th Grade Product 1: Exchange Social practice of the language: Learning outcomes:
Exchanges expressions to organize gatherings - Explores and exchanges expressions to
Learning Environment: Communicative Activity: organize reunions
Learning and community Exchanges related to specific purposes - Interprets expressions used by speakers
- Participates as speaker or listener in an
exchange role
Suggested activities Knowing about the language
Session 1 (Background):
Warm up: 5 minutes
Materials: Magnetic flashcards provided by the Language Department. - communication
As a routine, greet students and display the date on the board. Practice a conjugating-verbs routine with choral repetition. - written channel
1. I listen, she listens (students repeat) 2. I speak, he speaks (students repeat) 3. I clap, she claps (students repeat) - oral channel
4. I stretch, he stretches (students repeat) 5. I sit down, we sit down (students repeat) 6. I relax, we relax (students repeat).
- sender
Presentation: 15 minutes - speaker
Materials: Marker, board, and images 1-63. - writer
Ask students: “Do you like to talk to your friends? Do you like to chat on your cellphone? Do you send e-mails?”
Foster independence in the use of English any time possible, brainstorm words related to communication. Display image-1 words. - receiver
noise written writer notes letters clarity listener reader spoken speaker calls conversations - reader
Note: The words in the box will be used in a diagram and chart, make sure they are all included. - listener
Draw the communication diagram on the board, use image 1 and 2 as examples to illustrate the communication process.
- interference
example example

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Communication is a process. It means that steps must be taken to achieve a result, which is an exchange of information. The
elements of the communication process are; sender, receiver, medium, channel and interference.

• Sender (who sends the message).

• Receiver (who receives, interprets, and responds the message received from the sender).
• Medium (form in which the message is communicated, in form of a letter, e-mail, phone call, etc.).
• Channel (the chosen message form; it could be spoken or written).
• Interference (any factor that gets in the way of the message being accurately received like the noise).

Practice: 10 minutes
Material: Board, markers, notebook image 1-6. Questions
Invite volunteers to classify the words from the box (image 1), below each category. Use images 2-6 to aid students answer. -What´s the medium?
After that ask students to copy it on their notebook. -What´s the channel?
-Who´s the sender?
notes letters written Writer punctuation reader
-What´s the message?
calls conversations spoken speaker noise listener -Who´s the receiver?
gestures body language non-verbal LSM interpreter clarity deaf -Who´s the receiver?

Production: 10 minutes
Material: Students´ notebook
Ask about different elements in the communication process according to a specific purpose, to help students identify the concepts
seen before.

1. Which medium helps you organize homework? Notes, letters or e-mails.

2. Which medium can help deaf people to communicate? Body language, gestures, LSM
3. What medium help you organize a party? Invitation letter or phone call?
4. Who invites to a party? Sender or receiver?
5. For an invitation letter, which channel will you use? Written, oral or non-verbal.
6. For an invitation to have breakfast next morning, which channel will you use? Written, oral or non-verbal.
7. For an invitation to play during recess, which channel will you use? Written, oral or non-verbal.
8. In a WhatsApp conversation, what is the communication channel of? It can be oral, written or non-verbal in a video call
9. Which interference affects phone calls? Wi-Fi poor signal or punctuation.
10. Which interference affects written messages? Punctuation.

Warm up: 10 minutes

Material: Students´ notebook.
Invite students to modify questions (replace key words) to ask about communication process to organize a party, or reuse any of
the ones used before.

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Session 2 Knowing about the language
Warm up: 5 minutes (Background):
Materials: Magnetic flashcards provided by the Language Department.
As a routine, greet students and display the date on the board. Practice a conjugating-verbs routine with choral repetition.
1. I listen, she listens (students repeat) 2. I speak, he speaks (students repeat) 3. I clap, she claps (students repeat)
4. I stretch, he stretches (students repeat) 5. I sit down, we sit down (students repeat) 6. I relax, we relax (students repeat).

Presentation: 10 minutes Purposes of listening:

Materials: Board and markers - to gain new information
Tell students they will be able to exchange information during a conversation in this unit. - to learn
- to lead to action
“A conversation is talk between two or more people in which thoughts, feelings, and ideas are expressed, questions are asked and - to understand instructions
answered, or news and information is exchanged”. Explain students “listening is the most important ability during a conversation
because it gives us information about the exchange, and it help us understand the other person”.
Write on the board the following chart. Ask students to copy it in their notebooks.

Listening: is receiving information through the ears. When we listen, we use our ears to receive individual sounds
and we use our brain to convert this into a message, it requires being focus and paying attention.
To gain new information To learn To lead to action To understand instructions

Tell students that to be a good listener we need to follow 3 rules of listening. Ask students to draw an illustration that describes each
one of the rules of active listening:
1. Stop talking 2. Avoid distraction 3. Focus on what is being said. Rules of active listening
- stop talking
Practice: 15 minutes - avoid distraction
Materials: N/A - focus on what is being said
Write the following conversation on the board. Ask students to listen a conversation. Remind them put into practice the rules of
listening. Read aloud. Students have to unscramble the sentences and fill in the blanks.
Secretary: Star company, E.G. How can I help you? (can/How/you/help/I)
Mr. Reyes: This is Mr. Reyes. A)_______________________________?
Secretary: She´s out now. B) ____________________________? (you/to leave/ Would/a message/like)
Mr. Reyes: Yes. Please tell her that I´m calling to arrange a meeting for next Friday.
Secretary: Ok! Anything else?
Mr. Reyes: Yes. C) ___________________________________? (you/Could/before 9:00pm/her/to call/ ask/me/back)
Secretary: Sure. D)____________________________? (you/me/give/your/phone number/Could)
Mr. Reyes: My number is 555-839-99
Secretary: You´re welcome. Have a nice day!

Once students filled out the conversation, model it. Ask girls to read aloud the secretaries´ speech, boys will read Mr. Reyes´ part.
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Production: 15 minutes
Materials: N/A
Ask students to change part of the conversation with their own information. They have to change the name, the phone number,
the name of the company, etc. Work in pairs to role-play the conversation. Girls will play the secretary; boys will play Mr. Reyes.
Then change then names of the dialogue and switch roles.

Wrap up: 5 minutes

Materials: Students ‘notebooks
Ask a pair of volunteers to come up to the front to role-play the conversation.
Session 3 Knowing about the language
Warm up: 5 minutes (Background):
Material: N/A
Tell students they will practice a stretching exercise called “Sky reaches”. Have students stand up and swing arms up to the sky.
Rise up on your tippy toes. Reach for the sky while keeping your body tight. Hold for 15 seconds, ask students to count aloud along
with you. Lower your heels and arms. Repeat this exercise three times. Have students see and name verb-flashcards (given by the
Language Department) at the beginning of each session.

Presentation: 15 minutes Types of exchange / channel

Material: Board, markers. - spoken
The purpose of the exchange is to inform, greet, invite, ask, remind or congratulate someone. Explain students that the exchange - written
could be written, non-verbal or spoken. Some examples of written exchanges are notes, letters, text messages, internet messages, - non-verbal
invitations, etc. Spoken exchanges (orally) such as conversations, phone calls, etc. Both exchanges; written or spoken, could be
addressed to one person or a large group of people. Nonverbal exchange is how we express our feelings, thoughts, and share Spoken
information without using spoken language. Examples of nonverbal communication are body language, gestures, facial expressions, - conversation
touch, and the use of images. Ask students to copy the chart in their notebook and draw a small picture that represents the types of - phone calls
- body language
Spoken Non-verbal Written - gestures
•conversations •body language •notes - facial expressions
•phone calls •gestures •letters - use of images
•facial expressions •text messages
•use of images •invitations Written
•internet messages - notes
- letters
- text messages
Tell students that the exchange could be formal or informal. Draw on the board the following chart. Mention students that it is - invitations
important to use the appropriate greeting and farewell, depending on the destination of the exchange. Ask students to think about - internet messages
any other greetings and farewells that could be used to complete the chart. Ask them to copy it in their notebooks.

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Greetings Farewells
Formal Informal Formal Informal
Good morning Hi/ Hello Goodbye Bye
Good afternoon What’s up Sincerely See you later
How are you doing? How are things with you? Have a good day See you around
Excuse me. How is it going? Kind regards Talk to you later
Dear Mr. / Mrs. Hey. Regards Love

Practice: 15 minutes
Material: Board, markers, students´ notebooks.
Show images 4-6. Ask students identify if the exchanges are formal or informal.

There is no popcorn at
home. My friends are
coming over to watch
some movies.
Could you bring some
when you come back
Love you!

Internet message (WhatsApp) Letter Note

Tell students the parts of the message are the following:

Message: The information transmitted

Opening: The part where the exchange starts, it is usually a greeting and the date.
Closing: The part where the exchange ends, it is usually a farewell and the signature of the sender.
Sender: The person who sends the message
Receiver: The person who receives the message.

Write on the board the following invitation letter and explain every part of the message. Ask volunteers to come up to the front to
label the parts of the messages. Finally, students will copy it in their notebook. Use the image 7 included in this Lesson Plan.
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September 1st, 2023
Dear Sara, opening  date
greeting 
body (message)
How are you? I would like to invite you to my birthday party. The party will be
next Saturday September 14th 2023 in Kidzania from 3:00-7:00 pm. You can bring
your sister too. I hope you can come!
(farewell) Your friend,
(sender) Howie Smith
Production: 10 minutes
Material: Board, markers, students´ notebooks.
Ask students to work in pairs. Have them rewrite the letter in their notebook with their own information. Each student is going to
re-write the invitation letter to his/her classmate. After that, tell them to read aloud the invitation letter to their classmate.

Wrap up: 5 minutes

Material: Students´ notebook
Ask two volunteers to come up to the front to read aloud their invitation letter.

Session 4 Knowing about the language

Warm up: 5 minutes (Background):
Material: N/A Regular verbs
Tell students they will exercise like Robots. Ask them to stand up. They have to hop forward, then immediately backward. At the -play – played
same time, students have to raise one arm up and one arm down. They have to keep hopping front and back while alternating -cry – cried
arms up and down simultaneously. Repeat this exercise 5 times. Ask students to count aloud. Have students see and name verb- -jump – jumped
flashcards (given by the Language Department) at the beginning of each session. -dance – danced
-laugh – laughed
Presentation: 15 minutes
Material: Board and markers Irregular verbs
Explain students “a verb is one of the main parts of a sentence that expresses an action or an occurrence. A verb can be regular or -run - ran
irregular. Regular verbs form their past and past participle forms by adding –ed. Irregular verbs form their past and past participle -see - saw
forms in different ways.” Draw the following chart on the board. -eat - ate
-go - went
Regular verbs form their past and past Irregular verbs form their past and past
participle forms by adding –ed. participle forms in different ways. Verbs
play – played dance – danced run – ran go – went - accept
cry – cried laugh – laughed see– saw find – found - open
jump – jumped eat – ate - stop
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Practice: 15 minutes - wash
Material: Board, markers, students´ notebooks. - paint
Prepare in advance a paper sheet with the following verbs on them, each verb in one of the paper squares.

Base form regular verb Past tense regular verb Base form irregular verb Past tense irregular verb
accept accepted catch caught
open opened cut cut
stop stopped do did
watch watched lose lost
paint painted make made

To start the game, put all cards facing against table so that the images are not visible, mix them and paste them on the board.
Explain the rules of participation to the students. You are going to say a math problem aloud. E.g. 3 plus 7. Students have to solve
the math problem quickly so they can participate. If they know the answer, they must raise their hand. The first person who
answers correctly has a chance to come up to the board to find a pair. Once all the verbs are correctly identified with the past
tense form practice the pronunciation with students.

Production: 15 minutes
Material: Board and markers
Ask students to work in pairs. Have them rewrite the letter in their notebook with their own information. Each student is going to
re-write the invitation letter to his/her classmate. After that, tell them to read aloud the invitation letter to their classmate.

Mark: Hi Richard!
Richard: Oh. Hi, Mark! How are you?
Mark: I am good. I had a lot of fun yesterday.
Richard: Yeah? How was your weekend?
Mark: It was amazing! I went to the cinema to watch the new Superheroes Movie. I
cried a lot. It was emotional. Then I had dinner with my family at Peter Piper
Pizza! I played every game there and ate 5 slices of pizza.
Richard: Sounds like an amazing weekend! The bell is about to ring so, see you later Mark!
Mark: See you later, Richard!
Wrap up: 5 minutes
Material: N/A
Choose 3 teams to come up to the front to act out the conversation.

Session 5 Knowing about the language

Warm up: 5 minutes (Background):
Material: N/A
Tell students they will exercise like Robots. Ask them to stand up. They have to hop forward, then immediately backward. At the
same time, students have to raise one arm up and one arm down. They have to keep hopping front and back while alternating

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arms up and down simultaneously. Repeat this exercise 5 times. Ask students to count aloud. Have students see and name verb-
flashcards (given by the Language Department).
Presentation: 15 minutes
Material: Board and markers
- accept
Ask students to work in pairs. Tell students they have to fill in the blanks the conversation. Explain that the second conversation can
- decline
be used to decline an invitation without being rude. Highlight the importance of having a respectful exchange every time we talk
with somebody else.
Exchange expressions to organize
Accept Decline
Jim: Hello! Jim: Hello!
Kim: _____________ Kim: _____________ - Would you like to go to the movies?
Jim: Good! How was your weekend? Jim: Good! How was your weekend? - That sounds awesome.
Kim: _____________. Kim: _____________. - Okay, great! See you there!
Jim: That sounds awesome! By the way, would you like to Jim: Terrific! By the way, would you like to go to the - Oh, I am sorry
go to the movies? movies? - I can’t.
Kim: _____________ What movie would you like to see? Kim: When do you want to go? - We can go next weekend.
Jim: _____________ Jim: _____________
Kim: What time does it start? Kim: Oh, I am sorry, I can’t. I will go ____________.
Jim :_____________ However, we can go next weekend.
Kim: Okay, great! See you there! Jim: _____________
Jim: _____________ Kim: Okay! Later!
Jim: _____________
Practice: 10 minutes
Material: Students´ notebooks.
Ask a pair of students to come up to the front to act out the conversation they wrote. Correct any mistakes they could have.
Register students´ grades in the official Evaluation Record Sheet.

Production: 15 minutes
Material: Paper sheets
Have students to continue working in pairs. Give each pair a piece of paper. Explain they have to write an exchange of information
based on the conversations reviewed during the project. They can use the previously modeled conversation to make their own
exchange. They will be allowed to use their notes, and bilingual dictionaries. Check that the message is clear and includes all the
necessary information (time, date, and requested action). Check grammar, spelling and punctuation. After that, invite them to come
to the front of the class and share their dialogue. Observe that your students respect the turns of participation and put in practice
what they have learned through this unit. E.g., be a good listener, maintain eye contact, pay attention to the speaker, etc.

Wrap up: 5 minutes

Material: Soft balls
Play “hot potato” with the students. Ask students stand up. Explain to the students the rules of the Hot Potato. The ball will be the
“Hot Potato”. The first student receiving it, has to pass the ball to the student standing behind him. The students have to pass it on
as long as you sing the Hot Potato song. Once you stop, the student holding the ball has to pass to the front and act the exchange
with his teammate.

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Assessment tools: References and resources:
Session 2: Students were able to differentiate types of exchanges. Aprendizajes Clave 5th grade
Session 3: Students were able to differentiate vocabulary used in formal and informal exchanges. Child´s listening skills
Session 4: Students were able to create a dialogue in past simple and practice it respecting the turns of participation.
Session 5: Rubric for the dialogue, it has to include greetings, farewell, sender, receiver and message. school conversation
The dialogue includes 5 elements of the message 10 hello teacher song
The dialogue includes 4 elements of the message 9
The dialogue includes 3 elements of the message 8 Activity Book Richmond publisher 5 “yes
The dialogue includes 2 elements of the message 7 we can”
Activity Book SM publisher 5 “Think in

In order to have a successful class development it is very important to consider the recommendations stated in the lesson plan form available in SAPI:

Principal’s name and signature: Date:

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Image 2

Image 3

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There is no popcorn at
home. My friends are
coming over to watch
some movies.
Could you bring some
when you come back
Love you!

Image 4 Image 5

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September 1st , 2022
Dear Sara,

How are you? I would like to invite you to my birthday party. The party will next
Saturday September 14th 2019 in Kidzania from 3:00-7:00 pm. You can bring your
sister too. I hope you can come!

Your friend,

Howie Smith

September 1st , 2022

Dear Sara,

How are you? I would like to invite you to my birthday party. The party will next
Saturday September 14th 2019 in Kidzania from 3:00-7:00 pm. You can bring your
sister too. I hope you can come!

Your friend,

Howie Smith

September 1st , 2022

Dear Sara,

How are you? I would like to invite you to my birthday party. The party will next
Saturday September 14th 2019 in Kidzania from 3:00-7:00 pm. You can bring your
sister too. I hope you can come!

Your friend,

Howie Smith

Image 6 Image 7
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