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Principles of Food

Science Syllabus
FSC 201

Tuesday 7 – 9.35 pm

IC 418

Instructor: Dr Cathy Davies

FSC 201 Principles of Food Science Syllabus Fall 08


FSC201: Principles of Food Science
Fall 2008 15 weeks
FSC 201 Principles of Food Science
3 h/ 3 credits IC418
Dr Cathy Davies 856 415 2166
Class Notes & Any Introduction Food Science or Food Technology Book (see below)
Food Science Introductory Texts
Peter S. Murano Understanding Food Science and Technology Thomson Wadsworth
Marion Bennion and Barbara Scheule Introductory Foods Twelve Edition Pearson-Prentice Hall
Peter Barham The Science of Cooking Springer
Harold McGee On Food and Cooking First Scribner Revised Edition Scribner
Ernest R Vieira Elementary Food Science Fourth Edition Aspen (Springer)
Vickie A. Vaclavik Essentials for Food Science Aspen (Springer)
Principles of Food Science is an overview of the physical, chemical and biochemical nature of
food and the principles of food processing. Students will gain a basic understanding of the
molecular components of food and the relationship these components have to food characteristics
and quality. Structure-function relationships of water, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, minerals,
and other natural products in food systems will be covered. Students will also become familiar
with the concepts of food microbial safety and food preservation.
• Prerequisites: CHM 112, BIO 102
Principles of Food Science is an introduction to the science of food. Students will learn the
molecular components of food and the relationship between these molecular components and
food processing. Students will gain an understanding of food production, handling and
preservation. In addition, students will gain an understanding of new technologies and
government regulation of food.

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FSC 201 Principles of Food Science Syllabus Fall 08


This list reflects the core competencies that are essential for all GCC graduates, but does not
include all competencies that our graduates should possess.
This course contributes to the development of these core competencies as noted below. They
contribute to student evaluation.
This list reflects the core competencies that are essential for all GCC graduates, but does not
include all competencies that our graduates should possess.
Critical Thinking and Information Literary
The ability to access, analyze, synthesize, evaluate and apply information from a variety of
sources to make sound decisions.
Mathematical Reasoning
The ability to understand and solve practical problems using mathematical methods.
The ability to work collaboratively with others to solve problems efficiently and effectively.
The ability to communicate one’s thoughts in a clear and concise manner both orally and in
Computer/Technological Literacy
The ability to use technology for research, information processing and communication.
Awareness of the Arts
The ability to understand and appreciate literary, visual or performing arts.
Community Skills
The ability to understand historical and current events in a global context and the social,
political and environmental responsibilities of global citizenship.
Personal Skills
The ability to understand the individual’s responsibility for learning and for maintaining a
healthy lifestyle.
FSC 201 Principles of Food Science CORE COMPETENCIES
This course focuses on five of GCC’s Core Competencies:
• Critical thinking and information literacy
• Communication
• Teamwork
• Personal Skills

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FSC 201 Principles of Food Science Syllabus Fall 08

Student Learning Outcomes

FSC 201 students will: Core Competencies Evaluation / Assessment
1. General Information
• Understand the difference between food
science and technology and nutrition
• Understand the depth of food science Critical thinking and
knowledge information literacy Course work and Exam
• Food Laws and Regulations
• Food Pyramid
• Critique food labels and health claims for
compliance with package and labeling laws.
2. Food Chemistry
• Describe the major and minor components of Critical thinking and
food information literacy
• Identify information on food labels and Course work, writing
calculate nutrient values, and nutrient Personal Skills + exercise, exams
composition of foods and meals. Communication
• Chemistry of changes during in processing and
3. Food Safety
• Identify common food safety issues and health
• Pathogenic microorganisms
• Spoilage microorganisms Critical thinking and Course work, exams and
information literacy, group exercise
• Beneficial microorganisms
• Growth and survival of microorganisms
• Control of microorganisms
• Apply knowledge to a real world situation
4. Food Processing and Engineering
• Basic food groups and raw materials
• Principles of food preservation – water, Critical thinking and Course work, exams and
temperature, etc. information literacy group exercise
• Overview of processing techniques
• Basic engineering principles
5. Success skills Team Work, Critical
• Communication thinking and In class discussions
information literacy +
• Critical thinking Reports, Poster

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• Team work – reports and posters. Group Evaluations

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Objectives Of The Course:

As a result of taking this course, the successful student will be able to:
• Gain an understanding of the scope of the Food Science field.
• Explain the molecular components of food and the relationship between food composition
and food characteristics and quality.
• Describe the key elements in food safety including food spoilage and preservation methods.
• Demonstrate knowledge of food processing methods and the application of these methods to
specific foods.
• Demonstrate knowledge of basic food science literature and develop critical thinking and
problem solving skills and ability to apply working knowledge to real life situations.
Instructor’s Background
I am from Birmingham, England. Birmingham is an industrial city in the middle of England. I
have a B.S. in Nutrition from London University and a Ph.D. in Food Science from the
University of Leeds, which is in the north-east of England. I moved to the US in 1995, living and
working in Cleveland, OH and St. Paul, MN before I came to Delaware.
I am a Food Chemist. I do research on food color and changes during processing and storage.
There are many reasons why I love teaching Principles of Food Science. Food is a wonderful
thing. No one can survive without food. In the US and Europe food appears, as if by magic, on
the supermarket shelf, attractively packaged and ready to eat. How does it get there? I want to
share the fascinating journey that food takes from the farm.
Why do we eat certain foods and not others? We need information on the processes food goes
through and changes it undergoes to help us make intelligent decisions.
Recommendations for success in Food For Thought
1. Attend all class sessions.
2. Be prepared. Check class schedule to find out when work is due.
3. Read all assignments before class to familiarize yourself with the vocabulary and general
4. Read all instructions carefully AND follow them. In previous years, students have thrown
away points for NOT following instructions.
5. Be attentive and courteous. Talking distracts your classmates.
6. Be on time. Announcements (i.e. changes in schedule or reading assignments) will be
made at the beginning of class.
7. Get extra help when needed. Questions are welcomed in and out of class. Do not wait for
exam time to seek extra help. Do not wait until it is too late.
8. Get to know your classmates. Work together and help each other. Talking things over
with other people helps improve everyone's understanding.
9. Make sure you can explain the answer yourself. While copying others' answers without
really understanding them may seem easy at the time, remember that the truth will come out in
the end...
10. Keep a journal with notes, outside readings and extra information that is pertinent to the
case studies as this journal can be used during in-class exams.

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Students attain maximum academic benefit through regular class attendance. Nothing else has
yet been discovered to replace in value the daily, cumulative, educational growth that results
from regular participation in class. This is especially true where ideas, concepts, points of view,
social development, poise, confidence, knowledge and success derive from the interaction of
students and faculty.
Therefore, students are expected to attend all class sessions for which they are scheduled. If you
miss a class it is your responsibility to make up all material missed. You should make
arrangements with someone who attended the class to get copies of handouts and notes as well as
asking to be sent any announcements or changes to the schedule you may have missed.
Method of Evaluation
Grade Distribution
Final Grade
The final grade (total is 400 points) will be calculated as follows:
1. Four exams (25 points each = 100 Total)
2. Cumulative Final Exam (100 points)
3. In class activities and participation (100)
4. Homework (100)
To get a grade in this class you must take the final exam and get at least 60% (240 points) of the
total class score.
To get an A or A- in this class, as well as getting above 90%, you must complete:
1. 5-minute presentation
2. Poster presentation
3. Evaluate poster
4. Submit all homework on time
5. Be present at all review sessions
6. Have perfect attendance (missed no more than one unexcused class period)

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Letter Grades
Letter grades are based on 400 points; a curve has already been incorporated into the grades
shown below:
Grade Percentage
A 93-100%
A- 90-92
B+ 87-89
B 83-86
B- 80-82
C+ 77-79
C 73 -76
C- 70-72
D+ 67-69
D 63-66
D- 60-62
F Less than 60

Course Work
Examinations will be based on lecture notes, assigned textbook reading and handout sheets. The
assigned course notes readings should be read before class to prepare you for class and can be
used to review information discussed in lecture for examinations.
Previous copies of exams are available on request. Please note this course was taught differently
in a different institution so exams this year will be different even though the questions may be
Review sessions will be held before the exam and extra review sessions can be made available if
requested in advance.
Classroom Exercises
Throughout the semester, there are classroom exercises. In-class activities will rarely be
announced in advance. If you miss a class, you will not get credit for participation in the activity.
(See above under attendance what to do if you have an excused absence).
Introductory presentation
Every one is expected to give a 5 minute presentation to introduce themselves and their interest
in food. You should introduce yourself by name, major and year. Explain why you are taking
Food For Thought. If you are a Food Science major who has to take this course, explain why you
are doing Food Science. If you have time you can also share a story about a food experience; it
can be about your best/funniest food experience, it can be about a food that interests you, it can
be about your favorite food. It should not be about food making you ill (those stories get boring
very quickly). The presentations will be timed and points will be deducted for being too short or
too long.
All presentations must be completed by the 30th September.

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To get maximum credit (i.e. an A or A-) you MUST do an introductory presentation

Poster Evaluations
You will evaluate a poster at the poster session on which you are not showing a poster. Make
sure you complete the evaluation sheet as requested. There will be a practice poster evaluation
session as part of the third exam.
Homework (100 points)
Homework is due at the beginning of the class period on the due date. Points will be deducted for
late homework. Make sure you keep a copy. You are responsible for any lost homework, even if
it is the instructor who loses it. If the homework is to be used in class, bring two copies: One to
hand in, and the other for you to keep and use during class discussion.
Examples of good answers to homework are available – please ask your instructor.
• Please follow the instructions that follow carefully. Points will be taken away if you fail to
follow instructions. Points will be awarded for thoughtful, clear, and interesting work.
• All written homework should be typed preferably using a computer.
• You are responsible for keeping a copy of your homework.
• Grading guidelines (rubrics) will be hand out before the deadline. These are to help you decide
what is important for each homework.
• Unless otherwise indicated: All homework is due at the beginning of class (i.e. 7.00 pm) on the
date given. Points will be deducted for late work. I understand that you have a lot of demands
on your time, but I am not interested in excuses for late work.
• If you know you are not able to submit the homework on time, please let your instructor know
as soon as possible. Arrangements can be made if you have an reasonable alternative date in
mind. A reasonable new submission date may reduce points deducted as long as homework is
submitted on the new due date. BUT this can only happen with advance warning, not in class
time. I will not be patient or lenient with people who exploit this.
Attendance is mandatory and will be recorded every day in class. You are responsible for
ensuring your instructor knows you are present. Participation is essential for in class discussions.
Non Credit Students
To obtain a certificate of completion you are expected to participate in all class activities
including homework, exams and discussions.
Specific Conditions for Audit:
If you wish to attend a class regularly, but do not wish to receive grades or credit, you may
register as an auditor, paying the appropriate tuition and fees. Audits are not accepted unless an
audit form is completed by the student and course instructor and officially approved by the Dean
of Students. All audit enrollments must occur during the first half of a semester or its equivalent.
Once the auditor is enrolled, the course cannot be changed to credit. The instructor will
determine the conditions of the audit to which the student must adhere in order to receive an “R”
grade, signifying successful completion of the audit. If the student fails to meet the conditions, a
“W” will be assigned, signifying audit withdrawal.

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Time Management:
The time spent preparing for class, working on assignments, completing assignments, watching
required videos, and preparing for exams typically equals the amount of time you spend in class.
A student wishing to withdraw from a course or the College should formally complete all
withdrawal procedures at the Student Development Office prior to the announced end of the
withdrawal period (the end of the 10th week of a regular semester or two-thirds through shorter
A student who officially withdraws from a course will receive a “W” grade which will not affect
the student’s GPA. Withdrawal is not permitted after the withdrawal period.
Incomplete Grade:
A grade of incomplete (I) may be reported for a student who has carried a course with a passing
grade until the end of the semester, but due to illness or other unusual and substantiated cause
has been unable to complete the final examination or some limited amount of assigned work.
The student and faculty member must complete the "Student Contract for Incomplete" form prior
to a grade of "I" being given. Any incomplete not removed by the end of the following semester
automatically becomes an "F".
Academic Honesty Statement
Gloucester County College is committed to a learning environment that embraces the principles
of honesty. Faculty, students, and administrators share responsibility for maintaining this
environment of academic honesty and integrity, accepting responsibility for all actions, personal
and academic. Each member of our community is expected to read and understand our
Academic Integrity Policy. This policy can be found on the GCC Web site at . The policy gives
faculty authority to impose an academic sanction which is reasonable and commensurate with
the violation.
GCC's Academic Integrity Policy defines plagiarism as "the unacknowledged use of another's
means of expression and/or work product, whether published or unpublished, without proper
credit through the use of quotation marks, citations and other customary means of identifying
sources." Essentially, this means copying the words or ideas of another without the proper
form of academic documentation.
There are two basic kinds of plagiarism: deliberate plagiarism and accidental plagiarism. One
may sound more acceptable than the other, but they are equally serious academic offenses. The
most common act of deliberate plagiarism involves copying another person's work and passing it
off as your own. The most common act of accidental plagiarism involves failing to provide the
proper internal documentation for quoted, summarized and paraphrased ideas from another
person, even if you list the source in your Works Cited.
In this class, deliberate and accidental plagiarism will be treated the same. The first instance of
plagiarism will result in a zero (0) for that assignment and require a student professor conference.
A second offense will result in an F for the course. In addition, a second offense will be reported
to the Dean of Liberal Arts and the Dean of Students.

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Use of cell phones, MP3 players, pagers, and similar electronic devices is not permitted during
class time. Approval must be gained from the instructor prior to student use of audio or video
recording devices in class.
Technical Assistance
The Help Desk provides assistance with network and portal log-in along with campus computer
hardware and software use. The Help Desk office is located on the first floor of the College
Center; the phone number is 415-2298.
Academic And Support Services
The GCC Library provides a wide range of materials and services to promote student learning
and faculty instruction in a friendly and supportive atmosphere. Over 30 computers are available
for students to use for research purposes. Your GCC library card also serves as your student ID.
Computer Lab
The Open Lab in IC431 provides over 50 computers for student use. Students must show their
GCC student ID to access these computers.
Students experiencing difficulty with course material are encouraged to make use of the available
tutoring services.
Peer tutoring and drop-in tutoring are available free of charge in room 603 of the Learning
Resource Center (LRC) - the building to the left of the College Bookstore.
Chemistry tutors have been asked to see that you have attempted to solve homework problems
on your own before they assist you: please bring your work, as far as you can take it, so that the
tutors can see where your difficulty lies and then determine how they can help you understand
and solve the problem and similar problems.
Help with lab reports will be given to you by your professor. If you have any difficulties writing
your lab report please come to my office or call or e-mail me (see above for details). I will
gladly help. The tutors in the Learning Resource Center have been asked to direct all questions
about lab reports to me.
The college offers a Testing Center for faculty and student use. Your instructor will indicate if
this option is available for your class. The Testing Center is a component of the Learning
Resource Center located above the College Store.
Closing Notification
The official College closure notification is:
814 – KYW 1060AM school closing number for day classes
2814 – KYW 1060AM evening school closing number
GCC website:
Or call 468-5000 for a recorded message of school closure notification.

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Principles of Food Science Fall 2008: Tentative Schedule

Week Date Topic Subtopic Exams Work Due

1 2-Sep Introduction to course, Food Science, Food Technology,
Introduction to Food Nutrition, Sensory Science
2 9-Sep Introduction to Food Food Laws & Regulations, Food First Version: Intro
Science labels, Sensory Science 2 Essay
3 16- Introduction to Food Food Pyramid: Food Groups,
Sep Science Sensory Science 3
4 23- Food Chemistry Food Components, Food Labels Exam 1: Intro to Second Version: Intro
Sep redux Food Science Essay
5 30- Food Chemistry Food Labels, Nutrient values, Final Day for
Sep composition Introduction
6 7-Oct Food Chemistry Changes during processing and
7 14- Food Microbiology Food Microorganisms, beneficial, Exam 2: Food
Oct pathogenic, spoilage Chemistry
21- No classes: Professional
Oct Development Day
8 28- Food Microbiology Growth and survival, control First Version: Case
Oct study write ups
9 4- Food Microbiology Case Study Second Version: Case
Nov study write ups

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FSC 201 Schedule Page 2

Week Date Topic Subtopic Exams Work Due

10 11- Food Processing and Food Commodity Groups, Raw Exam 3: Food
Nov Engineering materials, principles of food Microbiology
11 18- Food Processing and Principles of Food Preservation
Nov Engineering
12 25- Food Processing and Overview of Processing Techniques First Version Poster
Nov Engineering
13 2-Dec Food Processing and Basic Engineering Principles Exam 4: Food
Engineering Processing
14 9-Dec Posters and Poster For Presentation
evaluations/Review & evaluations
15 16- Final Exam Cumulative - All
Dec Topics

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