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In recent days, children’s education gains its popularity.

Some advocates claim that

parents should teach kids to be good members of society but opponents assert
school is the best place to teach them rules. My essay is going to dig deeper into
the issue and state my personal views.

To commence with, it is believe that parents should train children on how to deal
with society. This is mainly because the offsprings will listen to their parents rather
than teachers. Parents should teach them about attitude like respect, obedience,
politeness. All of this should be taught at an early age so that it can be remembered
by the children. In some books that can easily seen that the education starts at
home and the things learned from early childhood become part of someone’s
personality and characteristics. So parents should be careful about teaching their
kids. Hence, perents can teach kids how to be good members of the society by
being a good example. Children will mimic and follow the things that they have
learnt from the grown-up and it might become their habits in the future.

On the other hand, there are some who rekon school is the best place to learn to be
a good person. This is due to the fact that nowadays most of the parents might be
employed and do not have time for their kids so they will send their kids to the
kindergarten. Due to this fact, school will be the place where the children learn the
rules. The school must also include these qualities so that it can be a trustworthy
place to learn education.

To sum up, each option has its own value and both parents and school are of great
significance in equal measure. In the future I believe lots of kids will become good
people to help the society.

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