Group 84

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Classification of Groups of Order 84

Sergio Da Silva

Let G be a group of order 84. Let P be a Sylow 7-subgroup, Q be a Sylow 3-subgroup and R a Sylow 2-
subgroup. Now |P| = 7, |Q| = 3, and |R| = 4. Thus P = Z7, Q = Z3 and R = Z4 or Z2 x Z2.

By the Sylow theorems, we have:

n7 = 1; n3 = 1, 4, 7, 28; n2 = 1, 3, 7, 21.

Our goal is to classify all groups of order 84 up to isomorphism by showing:

1) If n3 = 4 we get G ≅ A4 x Z7 .
2) If n3 = 7 we get 4 non-isomorphic groups.
3) If n3 = 28 we get one new group.
4) If n3 = 1 G is isomorphic to a semidirect product.
5) There are 5 non-isomorphic semidirect products with R ≅ Z2 x Z2.
6) There are 4 non-isomrphic semidirect products with R ≅ Z4.

This gives a complete list of 15 isomorphism classes of order 84.

Notation: Let Y21 be the unique non-abelian group of order 21 with a presentation of
Y21 = < x, y | x3 = y7 = 1, xyx-1 = y4 >

1. Case n3 = 4

• Since n7 = 1, P is normal in G. Thus PQ is a subgroup of order 21. It is isomporhpic to either Z21

or Y21. But Y21 has seven 3-Sylows and there are only four available if n3 = 4, so we must have
PQ ismorphic to Z21.

• Z21 has a normal 3-Sylow and so for each 3-sylow Qi , | PQi ∩ PQj | = |P| = 7, for i ≠ j . Thus
each group of order 21 gives us 14 new elements of order 3 or 21. So we have 56 elements of
order 3 or 21. That is there are 28 elements not of order 3 or 21.

• Since P is normal, we may also form a subgroup of order 28, PR. But there are only 28 elements
not of order 3 or 21, and thus at most one group of order 28 in G. So PR is the unique subgroup
of order 28 and thus characteristic and thus normal. All 2-Sylows are conjugate, so are all
contained in PR. Groups of order 28 have n2 = 1, 7, so NG (R) = 12 or 84. In particular, a 3-
Sylow normalizes a 2-Sylow, and so there exists a subgroup of order 12, QR.

• Since n3 = 4, NG (Q) = 21, and so Qi cannot be normal in RQ (or 12 would divide 21). We know
there is a unique subgroup of order 12 that has no normal 3-Sylow, A4. Thus QR is isomorphic
to A4.

• In A4, n3 = 4, so A4 contains all of the 3-Sylows. We can also see that the same can be said about
QRi for each Ri. If we have S = QRi , we know S ≅ A4 as well. But A4 has 8 elements of order 3,
and contains all its 3-Sylows, so |QRi ∩ QRj| ≥ 8, and so the intersection must be 12. And so
each R produces the same group. Thus QR is the unique group of order 12 , and thus
characteristic, and thus normal.

So S and P are both normal and their intersection is trivial, |PS| = 84. Thus PS is isomorphic to A4 x Z7

G1 = A4 x Z7

2. Case n3 = 7

l If n3 = 7, we cannot have groups of order 21 isomorphic to Z21 or else we would be adding 14·7
new elements of order 3 or 21, which is greater than 84. We must then have exactly one group
of order 21, namely, Y21 , which has seven 3-Sylows. Then PQ is the unique subgroup of order
21 and thus characteristic and normal. It intersects with R trivially and |(PQ)R| = 84. Thus we
can form a semidirect product of Z4 or Z2 x Z2 and Y21 .

2.1 Classify Aut(Y21 )

Consider Φ : Y21 → Y21 where Y21 = < x, y | x3 = y7 = 1, xyx-1 = y4>

l We need to send x to a power of x, say xa, and y to a power of y, say yb. We can have a = 1, 2
and b = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Each power will have order 3 or 7 respectively, but we need to check
that the last relation is satisfied as well. That is xaybx-a = y4b needs to hold true.

l Notice that if xyx-1 = y4, then xybx-1 = y4b, so for a = 1, we have all relations satisfied, so any b
will do. However, one can see that if xyx-1 = y4 then x2ybx-2 = xy4bx-1 = y2b. So the generators
would have to satisfy this relation and x2ybx-2 = y4b, and it is easily seen that no b will satisy
this. Thus |Aut(Y21 )| = 6.

l Notice that σ: Y21 → Y21 defined by x → x, and y → y-1 has order 2

2.2 Find all semi-direct products Y21 Z4

Consider all homomorphisms Φ : Z4 → Aut(Y21). Let Z4 = < a >.

l If |Ker(Φ)| = 1, we have an injective map, and so 'a' need to be mapped to an element of

order 4. But |Aut(Y21)| = 6 , and 4 does not divide 6, a contradiction.

l If |Ker(Φ)| = 2, we need to map 'a' into an element of order 2. Since Aut(Y21) has a 2-Sylow
of order 2, all elements of order 2 are conjugate, and mapping to each one will produce
isomorphic semi-direct products. Thus we get only one new group. Using σ from above,
we have:

G2 = < a, x, y | a4 = x3 = y7= 1, xyx-1=y4, axa-1 = x, aya-1 = y-1 >

l If |Ker(Φ)| = 4, we have a trivial homomorphism, and thus a direct product.

G3 = Y21 x Z4

2.3 Find all semi-direct products Y21 Z2 x Z2

Consider all homomorphisms Φ : Z2 x Z2 → Aut(Y21). Let Z2 x Z2 = < a > x < b >.

l If |Ker(Φ)| = 1, we have an injective map, and so Z2 x Z2 needs to be mapped to a

subgroup of order 4. But |Aut(Y21)| = 6 , and 4 does not divide 6, a contradiction.

l If |Ker(Φ)| = 4, we have a trivial map, and thus a direct product.

G4 = Y21 x Z2 x Z2

l If |Ker(Φ)| = 2, we need to map 'a' and 'b' into an element of order 2. Since Aut(Y21) has a
2-Sylow of order 2, all elements of order 2 are conjugate, and mapping to each one will
produce isomorphic semi-direct products. Also mapping 'a' or 'b' separately will only
produce isomorphic semi-direct products by change of name. So we can map 'a' to σ,
and 'b' to the identity. Thus we get only one new group. Using σ from above, we have:

G5 = < a, b, x, y | a2 = b2 = x3 = y7=1, ab = ba, xyx-1=y4, axa-1= x, aya-1= y-1, bxb-1= x, byb-1= y >

2.4 Proof that these groups are not isomorphic.

Lemma 2.1 Let H and K be finite groups. Assume that H is abelian and that
(|H|, |K|) = 1. Let Φ1, Φ2 : K → Aut(H) be two group homomorphisms.
If Ker(Φ1) ≠ Ker(Φ2) then H Φ K≠ H

l Then if we let K = Z4 or Z2 x Z2 and H = Y21 , then H and K clearly satisfy the

conditions from the lemma. Since only one new group was obtained for each
consideration of the order of the kernal, they cannot be isomorphic by the lemma.

3. Case n3 = 28

l Since n7 =1, P is normal in G. Thus PQ is a subgroup of order 21. It is isomporphic to either Z21
or Y21. But Y21 has seven 3-Sylows and and there are 28 available if n3 = 28, so we must have
four subgroups of order 21 isomorphic to Y21. Now we can not have them all isomorphic to Z21
because then we would create (as in part 1) 14·28 new elements, a contradiction.

l Y21 has 6 elements of order 7 and 14 elements of order 3. Thus each group of order 21 gives us
14 new elements of order 3. So we get 56 elements of order 3. That is, there are 28 elements
not of order 3.

l Since P is normal, we may also form a subgroup of order 28, PR. But there are only 28 elements
not of order 3, and thus at most one group of order 28 in G. So PR is the unique subgroup of
order 28 and thus characteristic and normal. All 2-Sylows are conjugate, so are all contained in
PR. Groups of order 28 have n2 = 1, 7, so NG(R) = 12 or 84. In particular, a 3-Sylow normalizes
a 2-Sylow, and so there exists a subgroup of order 12.

l Since n3 = 28, NG(Q) = 3, and so Q must be normal in RQ. We know there is a unique group of
order 12 that does not have a normal 3-Sylow, A4. Thus RQ is isomorphic to A4.

l In A4, n3 = 4, so we have a total of 7 subgroups of order 12 isomorphic to A4 . Since P is normal,

and P and RQ intersect trivially, and |(PQ)R| = 84, we can take the semi-direct product
Z7 A4. Now, we wish to consider only non-trivial homomorphisms, since the trivial one will
just produce a group isomorphic to G1.

l Let A4 = < x, y, z | x2 = y2 = z3 = (xz)3 = 1> and we know |Aut(Z7)| = 6, and Z7 = < a >

Consider Φ : A4 → Aut(Z7).
By the First Isomorphism Theorem A4 / Ker(Φ) ≅ Im(Φ) ≤ Aut(Z7).We can have
|Ker(Φ)| = 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12. We can't have 1 since 12 does not divide 6, or 12 which gives us a
trivial map. Notice that A4 only has one normal proper subgroup, namely the subgroup
< (12)(34), (13)(24) > which has order 4. Thus |Ker(Φ)| = 4, since the kernal must be normal
for Φ to be a homomorphism.

l Now if Ker(Φ) = 4 then |Im(Φ)| = 3, and since Aut(Z7) = Z6, there exists a unique element of
order 3. Also it does not matter how we map the generators of A4 to this unique element, since
they will produce isomorphic semidirect products with a change of name in the generators. This
element of order 3 is σ(a) = a4. Thus we have our group:

G6 = < a, x, y | x2 = y2 = z3 = a7 =1, (xz)3 = 1, xax-1 = a , yay-1 = a , zaz-1 = a4 >

4. Case n3 = 1

l If n3 = 1, then there is a unique 3-Sylow and so Q is normal in G. However P is normal as well,

and by comparison of orders, |P∩Q| =1, so | PQ | = 21, thus PQ = P x Q, or PQ = Z3 x Z7 = Z21.
Moreover, since both P and Q are normal in G, PQ is normal in G.

l We then have (PQ)R as a group, and by comparison of orders, |(PQ)∩ R| = 1, and |(PQ)R| = 84.
Then we have G ismorphic to a semidirect product of PQ (X|) R .That is G ≅ Z21 Z4 or
Z21 Z2 x Z2.

5. Semi-direct Products if R ≅ Z2 x Z2
Let Z2 x Z2 = < x > x < y >. Since 7 and 3 are co-prime we know that Aut(Z21) = Aut(Z7) x Aut(Z3),
which are both cyclic. Then let Z7 = < a > and Z3 = < b >. Also let Aut(Z7) = < σ > and Aut(Z3) = < τ
>, where σ(a) = a3 and τ(b) = b-1 (This can be obtained by trial and error). We also know that |Aut(Z7)|
= 6 and |Aut(Z3)| = 2.

Consider all homomorphisms

Φ : Z2 x Z2 → Aut(Z7) x Aut(Z3)

We have |Ker(Φ)| = 1, 2, 4.

l If |Ker(Φ)| = 4, we have a trivial map and a direct product:

G7 = Z42 x Z2

l If |Ker(Φ)| = 1, we have an injective map and so Z2 x Z2 = Im(Φ) ≤ Aut(Z7) x Aut(Z3). Since

this automorphism group has a unique 2-Sylow of order 4, we have a unique subgroup of order
4 that we can map into. This is < σ3,τ >. We then get one new group.

G8 = < a, b, x, y | x2 = y2 = a7 = b3 = 1, xy = yx, ab = ba, xax-1 = a-1, xbx-1 = b, yay-1 = a, yby-1 = b-1 >
= < a, x | x2 = a7 = 1, xax-1 = a-1 > x < b, y | y2 = b3 = 1, yby-1 = b-1 >
= D14 x D6

l If |Ker(Φ)| = 2, we need 'x' and 'y' to be mapped to elements of order 2, or the identity, that do
not generate a subgroup of order 4 (which was considered above).

We have (σ3, id), (id, τ), and (σ3,τ) as elements of order 2. Note, mapping both 'x' and 'y' to the
element of order 2, or 'x' to that element an 'y' to the identity will produce isomorphic semi-
direct products, since the image generated is the same. We then choose to send 'x' or 'y' (Does
not matter since it is just a change of name) to the element of order 2, and the other to the
identity. We then have 3 new groups:

G9 = < a, b, x, y | x2 = y2 = a7 = b3 = 1, xy = yx, ab = ba, xax-1= a, xbx-1 = b, yay-1 = a-1, yby-1 = b >

= < a, y | y2 = a7 = 1, yay-1 = a-1 > x < b, x | b3 = x2 = 1, xbx = b >
= D14 x Z6

G10 = < a, b, x, y | x2 = y2 = a7 = b3 = 1, xy = yx, ab = ba, xax-1= a, xbx-1 = b, yay-1 = a-1, yby-1 = b-1 >
= < a, b, y | y2 = b3 = a7 = 1, ab = ba, yay-1 = a-1, yby-1 = b-1 > x < x | x2 = 1 >
= D42 x Z2

G11 = < a, b, x, y | x2 = y2 = a7 = b3 = 1, xy = yx, ab = ba, xax-1= a, xbx-1 = b, yay-1 = a, yby-1 = b-1 >
= < b, y | y2 = b3 = 1, yby-1 = b-1 > x < a, x | a7 = x2 = 1, xax = a >
= D6 x Z14

5.1 Proof that they are not isomorphic

It is easily seen that |Z(G9)| = 6, |Z(G10)| = 2, and |Z(G11)| = 14, so none of these can be isomorphic.
Also they cannot be isomorphic to G7 or G8, since the kernal of their respective homomorphisms have
different orders, so by Lemma 2.1, they cannot be isomorphic.
6. Semi-direct Products if R ≅ Z4
Let Z4 = < x > . Since 7 and 3 are co-prime we know that Aut(Z21) = Aut(Z7) x Aut(Z3) which are both
cyclic. Then let Z7 = < a > and Z3 = < b >. Also let Aut(Z7) = < σ > and Aut(Z3) = < τ >, where σ(a) =
a3 and τ(b) = b-1. We also know that |Aut(Z7)| = 6 and |Aut(Z3)| = 2.

Consider all homomorphisms

Φ : Z4 → Aut(Z7) x Aut(Z3)

We have |Ker(Φ)| = 1, 2, 4.

l If |Ker(Φ)| = 4, we have a trivial map and a direct product:

G12 = Z84

l If |Ker(Φ)| = 1, we have an injective map and so 'x' must be mapped to an element of order 4.
Since Aut(Z7) has order 6 and Aut(Z3) of order 2, we have no element of order 4 in either, and
thus no element of order 4 in the direct product.

l If |Ker(Φ)| = 2, |Im(Φ)| = 2, so we want to map 'x' to an element of order 2. Since Aut(Z7) and
Aut(Z3) are cyclic, there exists exactly one element of order 2 in each. Thus our elements of
order 2 are (σ3, id), (id, τ), and (σ3,τ). We then have our final three groups:

G13 = < x, a, b | x4 = a7 = b3 = 1, ab = ba, xax-1 = a-1, xbx-1 = b>

G14 = < x, a, b | x4 = a7 = b3 = 1, ab = ba, xax-1 = a, xbx-1 = b-1 >

G15= < x, a, b | x4 = a7 = b3 = 1, ab = ba, xax-1 = a-1, xbx-1 = b-1 >

A quick check of the centres shows that they are clearly not isomorphic.

7. Groups of order 84 up to isomorphism

G1 = A4 x Z7
G2 = < a, x, y | a4 = x3 = y7= 1, xyx-1=y4, axa-1 = x, aya-1 = y-1 >
G3 = Y21 x Z4
G4 = Y21 x Z2 x Z2
G5 = < a, b, x, y | a2 = b2 = x3 = y7=1, ab = ba, xyx-1=y4, axa-1= x, aya-1= y-1, bxb-1= x,
byb-1= y >
G6 = < a, x, y | x2 = y2 = z3 = a7 =1, (xz)3 = 1, xax-1 = a , yay-1 = a , zaz-1 = a4 >
G7 = Z42 x Z2
G8 = D14 x D6
G9 = D14 x Z6
G10 = D42 x Z2
G11 = D6 x Z14
G12 = Z84
G13 = < x, a, b | x4 = a7 = b3 = 1, ab = ba, xax-1 = a-1, xbx-1 = b>
G14 = < x, a, b | x4 = a7 = b3 = 1, ab = ba, xax-1 = a, xbx-1 = b-1 >
G15= < x, a, b | x4 = a7 = b3 = 1, ab = ba, xax-1 = a-1, xbx-1 = b-1 >

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