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The chart below illustrates the price in Euros of 800 grams of four types of bread

in one European country over a period of 5 years.

Overall, the price of wholegrain stayed unchanged over the period while there were
considerable upward trends for the other bread brands.

A glance at the chart reveals that in 2001 the brown and white bread was charged
at 0.6 euros. The former one rose steadily, and in 2003 it was 1.6 euros which were
the same rate in 2005 after declined to 0.2 euros. Later one price also stood up
sharply in 2002 price was 1 later it climbed gradually, and three years later it was
1.3 euros.

In 2001, wholegrain had 0.2 euros more than other three bread rate. After 2003 it
declined and had the same price as four years ago had in 2005. For rye, in 2001 it
was the same price as brown pieces of bread had which was same in 2003 and
2004 however, before that it touched a dipping rate. 2004 late it grew to 0.1 euros.

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