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Javier: welcome gentleman’s, good morning, ¿how are they?

Elías, Nelson, Ignacio: good, thanks

Javier: okey, I am Javier Corbalán and, with my colleague, we are from the
human resources department of Mediterráneo Inc. This company has been in the
construction business for 40 years.

Gabriel: Hello, I’m Gabriel Nuñez. In this company we carry out residential,
commercial and public works projects. We saw your resumes and we want to hire
one of you, are you ready?

Elías, Ignacio and Nelson: yes

Gabriel: Okay Ignacio, tell me about your work experiences.

Ignacio: I worked in Jujuy for the construction company Gonzales SRL for 4
years, and I was in charge of 250 workers.

Javier and Gabriel: okey okey

Javier: Elías, I see you have worked for many companies. Tell me about your
last experience.

Elías: It was interesting. I worked for 10 months at a sugar mill, but I resigned.

Javier: ¿why?

Elías: because the Company doesn’t invest in health and safety.

Javier and Gabriel: okey, fine

Gabriel: ¿and you nelson? ¿What can you tell me about your work experience?

Nelson: i don’t have experience, but i did an internship in Sigma by one year

Gabriel: ¿Why didn’t you continue?

Nelson: no, because I didn’t have time to study

Gabriel and Javier: okey

Javier: Nelson, I can see that your English is very good, where did you learn the

Nelson: I had classes at the university, but I actually learned by watching series
and movies

Gabriel and Javier: Very good

Gabriel: And you?

Ignacio: I have started a course eleven months ago

Elías: I have a basic level learned at the university

Javier: Our company has a high accident rate, what would you do to reduce it?

Nelson: I would do a risk analysis with the BS 8800 method because it is

supported by law

Elías: I would use the ntp330 method because it is more complete

Ignacio: I consider that the William Fine method is the ideal

Javier: Mmm okey, good answers

Gabriel: do you have vehicle?

Elias: yes, I have

Ignacio: yes

Nelson: no, I don’t have

Javier: do you know how to use the office package?

Nelson: Yes, I took an office course at INI

Ignacio: me too, I took a course

Elias: I didn’t take a course, but I know how to use it

Gabriel: yes, what salary do you expect for month?

Elías: From my experience, I expect a salary of 2000 dollars

Ignacio: I also want 2000 dollars, I think it is appropriate

Nelson: Well, because of my lack of experience, I can receive a lower salary

Gabriel: ¿how much?

Nelson: 1000 dollars

Gabriel: Javier, do you have another question?

Javier: No, I think we have the necessary information. With this we end the

Gabriel: Okay gentlemen’s, we will talk to our team and as soon as we have a
decision we will call you. Thanks for coming.

Javier: Thanks for coming sirs and good luck

Elías, Ignacio and Nelson: Thank you for the opportunity

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