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outed tobe made nll, in themselves by refering to femininity. 1 nase Ps re oA aera en Dr ae tro cht cata jean Bs ent om Te Ca Sec ari 8 rns ae Mea ne SC! gy. 37 (Sing 201) 307,98, 28 Julia Kristeva ‘Approaching Abjection//1960 No Beat ithere without imme ify, [Nocjeso ue ar bet har brushes at ‘sant ening om on igh now tender, now fee, ico Hea gine des teks Neither Subjet Nor object ‘Tere looms within abjecton, one of those violent, dare revolts of Being, Girected against thea hat seems fo ernanate from anesnebitant ouside oF Inside, cjeted beyond the scape ofthe posible the tolerable, che hinkabl. ties theres quite clos, but it cannot be assimilated, It eseeches, worses and fascinates dese, which, nevertheless, does not let itself be seduced, Fpprchensive dese tums aside; sickened, it rejects. A certainty proeets i from the shameful ~ 2 certainty of which it is proud holds onto i. But simultaneously, jst the same, that impetus, hat spasm, eat lap is drawn foward an elsewhere 3s tempting as itis condemned. Unflaginy. ke 30 inescapable boomerang 2 vortex of summons and repulsion places the one haunted by itera beside hse ‘Wen am bese ajeton, de ewisted braid facts and thoughts call tysucha ame doesnt have, propel speaking. definable object. Te abject tnt an eject facing me, whic Fname or age. Nor is ian objet, an bchetnes ceaselessly fesnginaystematiquestof desire. What abject 0t ny correlative, which providing me with someone o something ses support, Trou allow me to be more or less detached and autonomous. The abject has ‘only one ust of the abect-that of belng opposed 0 Ifthe object however, yo sine a NETS OF AT ] through ts opposition, sets me within the fale texture of dese for meaning which, as a mater of fc, makes me ceaseless and infty omologosto whats abject. onthe contrary. the etsoned objec, ray ‘cludes and draws me toward the place where meaning cllapes. A certain a0 that merged with its master, 2 superego as Daly driven ie aay es couse, beyond the set, and does nt seem fo age othe laters ales ofthe nme, Andee. roms place ofbaishmen the abectdoesnot cease chalking ‘ts master Without a sign (for him) it beseches a discharge, a eonulion,& ‘ying out. Te each ego ts object. 10 each superego abet Tes thus no ack of cleanness or Health that causes abjection but what diss identity, system, order. What doesnot respect borders, postions, ues, ‘Te n-betwcen the ambiguous, the composite. The watt. thea the criminal witha god conscience. he shameless rapist the ile wh limes saviour ‘Ary crime, because le draws attention othe fragility of the aw abject, but premeditated crime, conning murder, hypcrital revenge ate even more s0 ‘because they heighten the dela of such fragility. He whe dries moray not abject: there canbe sander in amoralty and even in crime that flaunts “isrspect forthe aw ~rebelious, beating and suicidal crime. Abjction, on theotes hand immoral sinister chemingand shady: atero that disembles, aired tha smiles, a passion that ses he bad for barter nstead of inflaming itadetor who sels you up afrend who stabs you. [) ‘The Abjecton of Set Itt be troe thatthe abject simultaneously besecches and pulverzes the subject. one can understand that i experienced atthe peak ofits strength ten tat subject, weary of fates attempts to identify with something on the outside, finds the imposible within: when finds thatthe impossible ‘concise very Beng that its none the than abject. The abjection of self ‘Would be the culminating form of hat experience ofthe subject Which 5 Tevealed that lit objects ae based merely onthe inaugural fos that aid the foundations oft own being. Tere nothing like the abection of eo show thatallabjecton sn fe recognition of the want on which any being. meaning language or desire is founded, One lays passes oo quick over this word ‘want addy psychoanalyst re nally aking int account onl sere ot les ftishized product the object of want But fone imagines (an imagine ‘ane must frit isthe working of imagination whose feundations are bein ig het) the experience of want itself 2 logis reiminay to beng and objet ra the beng ofthe object ~ then one understands that bjecton and even ‘moreso abjetion of sll is sony signified. ls sgn, then, i none but Titeratre Mystical Chestendom turned this abjection of lf into the ultimate ser Approacheg Abotion/1e5 oot of humiiy belore Gof, witness Eizabeth of Hungary who though 2 ese princes delighted in nating so moth sin abssing hese? se mestion seans aso the ordeal secular ane ths time that ajeton can conshate for semeone who in what i termed knowledge of castration, ee in ay tom perverse dodges, presents himself ith i ownbody and => the moa prelous non-object they are no longer sen in heir own right but Fett abject The terion of aalsis can lead us there, a we shall 2, Sch are the pangs and delight of masochism. Tosenally erent fom “uneannlness. moe violet, to, abjetion latonated thouh fale torecogize ts Kn nothings aia, 00 even the Shadow ofa memory imagine acid wh has swallowed uphis parents o0soon, ‘iofghtens himself on that account by himself and, to save ime eects Sd eos up everything that gen co him ~ al its, al objets. as he ‘Si havea Sense ofthe abet ven before things for him are ~ hence before they are sigiable ~ he drives them out, dominated by dive as bei. and ontottes his onm trary, edbed bythe abet. sacred configuration. Fear ‘nents is compound, conjoined to another word thrown up. ven ou {ovtted What he has allowed up instead of matemal love is an emptiness, oF father a teal hated witht word for dhe words ofthe abr: hats what hess to cane himself of less, Wha solace does he cme upon within eh thing Perhaps father exiting but unsettled ovng but unteadymeety ‘Mr apeartn but an apparition tat emains. Without him the hay Brat would rotablyhavenosens athe sced;ablanksubjet he wouldremain.dscomfite, he dump fo ton-ojets that ar always forfeited, fom which on he conta, feted by abeeton heres to extricate Rimsell For hel not mad, he throu tam the abject exis, Out of te daze that has ptifed him before the Cimochable, posable absent body ofthe mother, daze that has cu of his pulses from ee objects that from thei epresetatins out of sucha daze he causes slong with oathing one wordtocopup~ fet The phobichas notes bj than the abject But that word, fea ~ 2 fd haze an ese amines se somes ha i ropped up than shades off Ie a mirage and permeates all ‘word ofthe lnguage with nonexistence, wih a alluinatog ghost hime. ‘Thos tearhavng ben bracketed cece wilscem tenable only fi eraselesty ‘Haff cha theresa burden both repllent and repelled, a deep well of ‘erory that is unapproactable and intimat: the abet eyond the Unconscious Pat another wa. means ha there are ves not sustained by desi. as dese is ways for objets Such Tes are based on excision. They are clearly ‘iainguishable from those understood as nears or psyhote. aricuated by oy se HE LIMITS OF AT negoton ais modalities tronreson, dni and repudiation, Tel dynamics Challenges the theory ofthe unconscious, seeing hat the late s dependent ‘pon a alec of neat] Premises of the Sign Linings of the Sublime {reus pus awl athisjuncure Ifthe abject already awellspringof infor 2 non-object, onthe edges of primal repression, oe can understand sing the Somatic symptom on the one hand and sublimation onthe thes. The spo: Tanguage tha ges uP stuctre within the Body 2 non-asimilble len, a fons. tumoua cancer ha the Lsening devices ofthe unconscious donot ret frit strayed subj is huddled outside the pats of dsr. Subimaton on the contary nothing else than the possbity of naming the prenomina, the pe-objectal whic ae in fat only 2 tans-nominal a tans-objectal Inthe “Symptom the abject permeates me, become abject Troup sublimation. keep itunder contol The abet s edged with the sublime. rs notte same moment ‘onthe journey. bute sme subject spec bring then into being. 1a hs dc 1: a Tas Hse Yo Wa, IH) 125 mie nan nh, we Tain ds me) se esto awe er An yen jin 9} a eo es Ne Eleanor Heartney In Defence of Pornography: A Necessary Transgression//1988 Injusa fen decades. aw dd we get fromthe cleratory Make Love Not Wt f0 thesullen st Say No’? When dd the eral evolution tun fou ad how tthe forces sexuality sobriety unleashed inthe service of mental and physica Fel turn pasonous again leaving society wit the daunting ask of suing those disruptive energies ck into Fandoras ax? Ofcourse we know some ofthe lnoets: ADS the conservative ackabh the esancifation of ae ebuch ad fami ut even all these retets do not ute prepare ws fr the spectacle of ‘adil eins making common case with Chvstan fundamentalists anda Sarton activists ver the eis of poenography, Meanwhile nthe are wor ocrne/n Belene of Fomepept/ 187

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