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Ôn tập viết lại câu unit 11

1. Factories dump waste into rivers. A lot of fish die.


3. They go to work by taxi. They don’t save a lot of money.

They won't

4. People build too many houses. Land for farming decreases.

Land for farming

5. The Earth becomes hotter. The polar ice cap melts.


6. You don’t write on both sides. You waste your paper.


7. We use recycled products. We won't harm the environment.


8. People breathe polluted air. They suffer from lung diseases.


Unit 12
No. Adjective Adjective in comparative form
1. intelligent ......................................................
2. old ......................................................
3. large ......................................................
4. boring ......................................................
5. narrow ......................................................
6. busy ......................................................
7. quiet ......................................................
8. ambitious ......................................................
9. colorful ......................................................
10. comfortable ......................................................
11. big ......................................................
12. hot ......................................................
13. beautiful ......................................................
14. good ......................................................
15. far ......................................................

I. Complete the sentences. Use the superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.
1. _______ robot, or nanobot, can enhance the precision of a surgeon. (small)
2. This is _______ travelling robot vacuum I have watched on TV. (slow)
3. What are some of _______ things you could order a robot to do? (funny)
4. I think 250-Year-Old Automaton was _______ robot in the world. (old)
5. Is Saarang Sumesh no longer _______ robot maker in India? (young)
6. Robots replacing humans to do most jobs wouldn’t be _______ future. (bad)
7. At the current time, Japan is the world's _______ producer of robots. (big)
8. For starters in robotics, what is _______ robot that one can make? (easy)
9. _______ space probe mankind has launched from Earth is Voyager 1. (far)
10. This path finder robot reaches the destination with _______ route around obstacles. (short)
II. Complete the sentences. Use comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in
1. Your robot is so much _______ than the one I bought last summer. (nice)
2. Space robots can explore the _______ planets in the solar system. (hot)
3. This flying robot is only slightly _______ than the diameter of a pencil. (tall)
4. What is the cheapest drone with the _______ flight time? (long)
5. This robot can walk upstairs and his arms stretch _______ than a car. (wide)
6. Investment in new robot technologies has become _______ than before. (large)
7. My pen friend said, 'There is nothing _______ than being served by a robot!' (bad)
8. Where can I buy the _______ robot vacuum for pet hair cleanup? (good)
9. Singapore was the country with the _______ robot density in 2019. (high)
10. Explorers built this robot to work in the _______ temperatures on Earth. (cold)
III. Choose the best answers to complete the sentences.
1. Using robots is one of _______ ways to explore this deep cave.
A. safest B. the safer C. safer D. the safest
2. Robots work 24/7 at a _______ price than _______ wage exists today.
A. lower much - lowest B. much lowest - the lower
C. much lower - the lowest D. lower much - the lowest
3. _______ robot was designed for war, almost _______ than a human.
A. The smartest - smarter B. Smarter - smartest
C. The smartest - smartest D. Smarter - the smartest
4. The automotive industry is one of _______ users of industrial robots.
A. the larger B. the largest C. larger D. largest
5. A robot called Cheetah is _______ than the _______ human, Usain Bolt.
A. the faster - fastest B. faster - fastest
C. the faster - the fastest D. faster - the fastest
6. Can we put those robots in order from _______ to _______?
A. heaviest - lightest B. the heavier - the lighter
C. heavier - lighter D. the heaviest - the lightest
7. RoboBee is currently the world's _______ robot, even a paper clip is _______ it.
A. smallest - bigger B. the smallest - bigger
C. smallest - bigger than D. the smallest - bigger than
8. Robots don’t get tired and some are _______ than the _______ human.
A. far stronger – strongest B. far strongest - strongest
C. stronger far - strongest D. stronger far - stronger
9. Even if you’re _______ person in the world, our robot _______ after your mess.
A. tidier - cleans up B. the tidier - will clean up
C. tidiest - cleans up D. the tidiest - will clean up
10. The _______ robot mowers are _______ a petrol-powered lawnmower.
A. noisier - much quieter B. noisiest - much quieter than
C. noisiest - quieter much D. noisier - quieter much than
IV. Choose the word or phrase that needs correcting.
1. Can the smartest robots understand and speak much than 100 languages?
2. Robots will be very useful because they won’t do almost everything instead of us.
3. This is the smallest of all home robots, and I can put them in my school bag.
4. Dr. Adam’s home robot do the dishes, irons clothes, and puts toys away.
5. A doctor robot can helps sick people and do many things like humans.

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