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Name: ________________________ Date: ________________________ 31

Human Use of Forests

Since the beginning of time, humans have used forests to their advantage. Our use of
forests has changed as humans have developed new technologies. There is concern that
our forests are not being managed properly, and that if we continue using them the way
we do now, we will damage the wildlife that need forests to survive.

How Humans Used Forests in the Past

For thousands of years, people have found food and medicine in forest ecosystems.
Berries, apples, nuts, sugar, and syrup are all examples of foods that
are found in forests. Tea brewed from tree leaves and stems helped
treat illnesses. Alder leaves and bark can be used to stop crams and
cure a fever and Spruce bark tea was used to cure scurvy.
People also used forests to extract wood to build things like shelters, furniture,
fences, canoes, snowshoes and wagons. These things made life easier by providing people
with comfortable places to live and ways to travel. Tools were also built out of things
found in forests. Wood and rocks were used to make hammers, and tree branches were
used to make traps for hunting.
When humans made things in the past, it required quite a bit of work. This meant that
when something was made, it wasn’t wasted. It was needed and it took time and effort to
make, so it was cherished.

How Humans Use Forests in the Present

In today’s world, lumber is a valuable natural resource that provinces and countries sell to
other places to make money. A lumber mill or saw mill is a facility where logs are cut into
lumber. We now have machines that can take a chopped down tree and turn it into
different shaped pieces of lumber in minutes. This lumber is sold in stores all over Canada
and the world. We use wood to build houses, boats, as fuel for fires, for paper, sporting
equipment, pencils, musical instruments and much more.
We still use forests in the same manner as humans did in the
past, but more is wasted in today’s world. This is because it is so
easy for businesses to manufacture wood products and sell them
to us. The problem is that half of the world’s forests have already
disappeared. As it stands now, the world loses more than 23 million
acres of forests each year.
Deforestation is the permanent removal of trees,
Deforestation happens for two main reasons – (1) to produce
lumber for humans, (2) to clear forests for farming.

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Name: ________________________ Date: ________________________ 32

True or False Circle whether the statement is true or false

1. People wasted more in the past than they do now True False

2. Lumber is wood that has been made into certain shapes and sizes True False

3. Deforestation is the replanting of trees after you cut them down True False

4. Many forests are cut down to provide space for farming True False

5. Each year, 20 million acres of forests are destroyed True False

Making Connections What does the reading remind you of in your life?






Questions Use information from the text to support your answer

1. How were forests used in the past compared to how they are used in the present?





2. What is deforestation? Why is it happening and why do you think it is a problem?





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Name: ________________________ Date: ________________________ 33

What Does Reforestation Mean?

Humans need wood in order to build many of the things we use everyday. Loggers are
workers who cut down trees. Logging can be a problem if the trees that are cut down
are not replanted. Developers clear-cut forests so they can build houses, stores and sell
land to farms. Farms need a lot of space to allow their livestock to graze. Some
forests are cleared because of forest fires that are occurring due to climate change.
Reforestation is the process of replanting trees that will thrive and create
healthy forests for many years.
Why is Reforestation Important?
We need to replant trees for the following reasons:
• Plants are needed for animals to survive. We eat plants in the form of fruits and
vegetables and most of the animals we eat, also eat plants.
• If we cut down trees and forests without replanting, we will run out of
• Plants are needed to absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen for us to
• Plants prevent soil erosion. Soil erosion happens when soil is blown or
washed away by wind or water. When plants firmly grow into the soil, they
hold the soil in place.

Making Connections What does this reading remind you of in your life?




Questions Use information from the text to support your answer

1. Why are forests disappearing?



2. Why is reforestation important?




© Super Simple Sheets

Name: ________________________ Date: ________________________ 34

Research Choose an issue that is hurting forests and learn more about it

Forests around the world are in decline. The wildlife living in forests are suffering for
many reasons. Choose one of the reasons below and learn more about it by answering
the questions. Try searching the name of your issue + hurting forestry.
For example: Agriculture hurting forestry
• Agriculture – Huge forests are being burned or cleared to make space for crops
and livestock
• Illegal logging – businesses are clearing forests and selling lumber without replanting.
• Pulp, Paper and Disposable Packaging – Logging for pulp and paper production is
leading to deforestation.
• Forest Fires and Climate Change – Fires are clearing forests at a higher rate with
climate change getting worse
• Roads and Development – Clearing forests to build roads and businesses

Questions Answer the questions below about your forestry issue

1. What is the issue?

2. Why is this a problem? Find at least one statistic (number) that shows how big the
problem is.




3. Explain which plants and animals are being affected?





4. Where in the world is this problem happening a lot? Name a city, country, or forest
and explain why it is bad there.






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