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[Hideomi Side]

He was extremely thirsty. He quickly gulped down the water

in the glass, but it wasn’t enough to quench my thirst. The
dishes laid out before him were all excellent. No, they were
supposed to be excellent.

In the midst of overwhelming tension, he had no leisure to

savor the flavors. It wasn’t just his own fate and ambition at
stake, but also the future of his family hanging in the

For prefectural assemblyman Hideomi Tojo, this moment

was a make-or-break gamble, a once-in-a-lifetime

“I never expected you to be acquainted with Miss… The

world is small, isn’t it?” (Old man)

“So, the person Boss mentioned marrying was Himiyama-

san’s older brother.” (Yukito)

“Ouyo. I was worried because your single days seemed to

last forever, but you finally made it. Anyway Bouzu, thanks
for saving Miss, even though I’m bald now. I’m relieved too,
you know.” (Old man)
“Why is that? I should be the one thanking you for saving
me.” (Yukito)

“Don’t worry about thanking me for that. But you know,

until Himiyama met you, she was in a slump. I couldn’t bear
watching her like that, especially since I’ve known her since
she was little.” (Old man)

As he listened to their pleasant conversation from behind

the counter, cold sweat trickled down his forehead.

A woman is sitting across from him in the tatami room.

Hideomi is much older than her, but in the face of power,
such things are meaningless. Hideomi knows this firsthand,
and even the soft smile on the other woman’s face is
nothing but an object of fear.

Misaki Himiyama, a woman who had no inherent power

herself. Yet, from Hideomi’s viewpoint, she seemed to reside
in an elevated realm. And that perception was not entirely

“I hope you will be prepared for that since you have harmed
my sweet little Yukito with such a trivial thing. You may have
already understood that deeply.” (Misaki)

“I deeply apologize for the trouble I have caused.” (Hideomi)

Without shame or concern for his reputation, he bowed his

head. If he couldn’t obtain forgiveness here, everything
would be over.

He had crossed paths with an entity he must never defy.

Hideomi was nothing more than a pebble on the roadside.

Even if he were easily replaced, he couldn’t complain about

being easily disposed of. It would have been a complete
failure without even being given a chance. Hideomi had no
choice but to cling to the slim hope he managed to salvage.

“There’s no need for you to apologize to me.”

Even so, he continued bowing his head. Reminding himself

of his own thoughtlessness.

Hideomi often frequented high-class Japanese restaurants

and gourmet establishments. It wasn’t just for casual dining;
sometimes, he conducted highly confidential discussions
that couldn’t be leaked to the outside world.

But, the place I’m currently in is completely different from


‘Kyomatsu.’ It is a privileged culinary establishment

reserved only for the invited guests of the Himeyama family.

Hideomi also learned about it for the first time, but not even
a signboard existed at the entrance. If not for this
opportunity, he might never have known about it forever.
Had it not been for this desperate situation, he would have
been overcome with emotion at being invited to this place.

“Meh! Please, Himiyama-san, forgive him already. He’s

trembling like a stray puppy. It’s too pitiful to watch.”

“Yukito-kun… But you’ve been through such difficult times


“Well? it feels like you were enjoying it… Anyway, I became

friends with Senpai. So, I don’t want to do anything that
would make her sad.”

“Mou! Can’t you get angry a little? You’re always so kind.”

“Your brother is getting married. It’s supposed to be a
joyous occasion. A pardon, a pardon.”

“Haa. If things continue like this, I’ll become a bad woman.”

“I think you’ve already been bad enough.”

“Ara, I feel like impulsively showering someone with this

overflowing maternal instinct.”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

“What should I do? I feel an overwhelming desire to spoil

someone. Is there anyone close by?”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

“I did it out of frustration. I never thought you would make

such a confession.”

“Boss, there’s a random attacker coming! Help!” (Yukito)

“U… U… I’m so glad for you, Miss..” (Old man)

“Hopeless.” (Yukito)

Hideomi keenly felt it. The boy was being showered with
such favor and affection. Yet he had carelessly attempted to
eliminate such a person. He never considered the risks
involved in doing so.

This was not limited to this young boy alone. Anyone would
be furious if someone dear to them was harmed. Hideomi
also has a beloved family. Above all, he cherished his
daughter. If his daughter were to experience the same
ordeal, he would never forgive the perpetrator.
When did he become so arrogant? When did he become so
self-absorbed? He was consumed by self-reproach.

“I have no choice. For Yukito-kun’s sake, I will personally

convey it to my grandfather.”


“But please swear that you won’t cause any trouble for
Yukito from now on. There won’t be a second chance. If
something like this happens again… I will definitely crush

“I promise.”

A ray of light shines through. However, Hideomi’s heart

remains clouded. The boy he had tried to eliminate was the
one who reached out to save him from the sinking ship. A
complex mix of inadequacy and gratitude fills him. It’s so
embarrassing that he feels like yelling at himself.

“I don’t want Himiyama-san, who is always so kind to me, to

say anything dangerous like crushing him.”

“I-I’m sorry! Let’s play with American crackers later, okay?”

“The Bubble Generation, huh.”

The woman who had emitted such a strong aura of

intimidation now panics and fumbles around.

He realizes firsthand that the person he should never anger

is this boy.

“I couldn’t help it. You saved my life. I am sorry. It’s not

something that can be simply put away with words like that.
It is the responsibility of adults to protect children. That’s
what I–“

He sought self-preservation to avoid his own ruin. It’s a

responsible position. He doesn’t think it’s a bad thing. His
daughter changed after that incident. She became calm, as
if she had changed as a person, and started to empathize
with others.

After decades, tears well up in Hideomi’s eyes. His daughter

knew. Perhaps she wanted to become like him. To be a kind
and magnanimous presence who can forgive others.

“I don’t think I can repay the debt of gratitude with

something like this, but from now on, if anything happens to
you, I will definitely lend you my strength. Whenever you’re
in trouble, anytime. I want you to consult with me about

He had jumped into the political world with the

determination to become someone who could help others,
someone who could save those in need, and change the
current situation, even if only a little. Hideomi was recalling
his original intentions from his youthful days.

“Well then, without further ado, please help me get away

from Himiyama-san.”

“…………I’m sorry. I feel guilty as soon as I say it, but I alone

am not enough.”

“Adults are liars!”

He averted his gaze from the boy who was hugged tightly.

Some things are impossible. There are things he can’t

accept without thinking. That was the sorrowful reality.
“Hey, Yukito-kun. My grandfather wants to see you. Do you
have time?”
Chapter 1: A Moving Monster

Behold the most popular guy on campus! It’s me, Yukito

Kokonoe, the legendary heartthrob, or so they say. I can’t
help but question it though, because I have no experience
with such things. I’m used to being disliked, but being liked
is a whole new experience for me.

Confused by these new developments, I have more than just

that on my mind. After returning from my suspension, the
atmosphere at school completely changed. It’s probably
thanks to the efforts of Akari, Hinagi, Shiori, my sister,
Goddess Senpai and the student council president. I’m
grateful, but sometimes it feels like they’re going overboard.

As an acknowledged introverted loner, it’s absurd that I’ve

become some kind of saint while still underage.
Unbeknownst to me, the troubadour known as Sato and the
scheme of Miyahara resulted in the serialization of the
“Legend of Yukito Kokonoe, the Saint” in the school

The first part was ‘Rebellion,’ the second part was

‘Resurgence,’ and currently, the third part, ‘Dawn,’ is being
published. I don’t really understand what they’re talking
about. Apparently, it’s a popular article, but who knows?
Anyway, I have to properly express my gratitude for being

I gave my sister a wooden carving I made myself—a fierce-

looking salmon held in her mouth—to intimidate others. The
response was rather ambiguous, and she advised me to
improve my sense of style.

Perhaps it is because she is a saint, but for some reason, I

have been getting a lot of requests for advice from
students, including senior students. Recently, even the
teachers have been asking me for advice.

The other day, the math teacher asked me to predict the

trifecta in a horse race. I reported it to the principal, but just
for fun, I made the prediction and it turned out to be correct.
Beginner’s luck, I guess.

“Everyone’s gathered.”

In the morning, the tired-looking Sayuri-sensei glanced

around the classroom.

The oppressive heat unique to this time of year saps my

motivation, but I feel a sense of duty and can’t help but
speak up.

“I thought a beautiful idol had entered the room, but it’s just
Sensei. Good morning.”

“I have the intention to give you a score of 5 for no reason.”


“Don’t blatantly flatter her.”

Hinagi-chan scolds me, but she doesn’t scold me when I

flatter her. That’s not fair.

“Students like me, who can’t expect to get any marks on

internal examinations, have to earn points like this.”
“You, stop dazzling me with just your face. I can’t stand
having a student like you around.”

“They do exist, though…”

Sighs mixed with murmurs can be heard from various

directions. This is just…

“We have an important announcement today, so listen


Oh, it seems there’s a message from Sayuri-sensei. It’s rare

for her to share unnecessary information.

“It’s about the frequent incidents of dojo invaders, which is

quite an anachronism.”

“Like something out of the Showa era.”

“Oi! Don’t make fun of the Showa era. And be careful not to
say disrespectful things like ‘I’ve only seen it in textbooks’ in
front of Sanjoji-sensei, okay?”

Speaking of Showa, it’s like a fantasy world for us.

“Uhyahyahya. But, dojo invaders… Fufu… in this era.


The outdated term is so hilarious that it’s causing an uproar.

I’m banging on the desk while laughing uncontrollably.

An artifact from a lost history. It’s hilarious that there are

people doing such ridiculous things nowadays.

“Let’s all laugh heartily! What’s with these dojo invaders!

Get with the times!”

“O-oi, Yukito. I have a bad feeling about this.”

“Yeah, Yuki. Laughing hysterically with a serious face is

“It’s quite absurd to have such an idiot around. I’d like to

see their parents’ faces.”

“Hohou. The dojo invaders are causing havoc under the

pretense of martial training, mainly targeting the basketball
club within the school grounds.”


I suddenly went silent. What’s happening? I can’t laugh all

of a sudden.

“I agree that I’d like to see their parents’ faces, but I just
saw them during the open class the other day. I wonder who
that person could be. Would you recognize them, Yukito

“Well… um, I’m not sure?”

Cold sweat starts trickling down slowly. I glance at the

person next to me, and the handsome guy next to me has
the same reaction. Shiori turns her face away and gazes
outside the window with an innocent expression. Ah, a

“You seem unusually unsure. What’s wrong, huh? Come on,

Yukito Kokonoe, laugh. Do you have any inkling? Based on
eyewitness testimonies, we’ve also identified the
characteristics of the group involved. They consist mainly of
overly hot-headed person, exceptionally agile person, and
unusually tall girl. In addition, there’s a particularly
suspicious individual wearing a mask. What’s the matter?
Do you recognize anyone? Hmm? What’s your answer, hey!”
“Who on earth are they?!”

They clearly look like suspicious individuals. Too suspicious.

We should call the police.

“By the way, Yukito Kokonoe, what do you call a match

where the winner unmasks their opponent?”

“Don’t underestimate me, sensei. I know that. It’s called

Mascara Contra if both wrestlers wear masks. If one is
unmasked, it’s called Mascara Contra Cabellera, and the
loser has to cut their hair. It’s a traditional showdown where
their pride is at stake.”

It’s common sense in Mexico!

“As expected, you’ve studied well. You’re quite



Oh, stop praising me. It’s making me blush.

“The group behind these incidents is called ‘Snow Rabbits.'”

[TL: is Yukito’s name but it means snow rabbit]

“They’re known as ‘Snorabi-chan’ for short.”

“You! It’s you! What exactly are you plotting!? You’ve only
been here for a few months. This isn’t anime or manga.
Can’t you be a bit more obedient?”

“There’s also the possibility of it being a light novel.”

“What are you talking about? Seriously, you always worry

about me. Thanks to you, my position in the staff room
keeps rising, which is… well, I’m grateful for it.”
Sayuri-sensei chuckles. As a respected teacher who
manages not only the first-year class but also the most
troublesome students in the school, Sayuri’-senseis teaching
ability is highly regarded (according to the Student Council

You could say that she’s been burdened with all the
troublesome matters. I’m sorry, sensei.

“Mihou and Kamishiro, even you guys are in tog—-

“Ito as well.”

Ah, the unnoticeable Ito seems down.

“Gohon. It’s an issue outside of school, so I won’t interfere

with your private matters. But be careful not to escalate the
situation any further. Got it?”


An eerie silence fills the classroom.

“You’re making me nervous! Answer me!”

The fresh, handsome man opened his mouth as if troubled.

“Sensei, it’s probably impossible.”

We watched in a daze as Sayuri-sensei, a little teary-eyed,

wobbled out of the classroom.

And now, the “Yukito Kokonoe Appreciation Arc” begins!


“Hey, hey, Yuki, can I touch it?”

“Go ahead.”

“Yay! So fluffy!”

Pat pat. Shiori relentlessly pets my head without mercy.

“I never expected my true identity to be exposed to Sayuri-


“Rather, was there any element in which she wouldn’t find


“What? My disguise is flawless.”

“Isn’t it too late to ask about your peculiar behavior? Why a


The fresh handsome guy asks a question that is really a new


“I just like it! I love Yuki with the bunny mask. It’s so fluffy
and soft.”

Inspired by Frederick II, I wear a bunny mask, but of course,

it’s not for fashion or being stylish. It’s purely out of
necessity. I prioritize practicality.

“For some reason, I seem to attract trouble wherever I go.”

“Well… that’s true. There’s no denying that.”

“I want to live a quiet life without causing any commotion,

but I’m constantly attracting attention at school. I’ve been a
burden to Yuri-san as well, and that’s when I came up with
an idea. How can I make myself less noticeable?”

“Hou? For now, I’ll listen to the rest without saying

“The solution is quite simple. It’s the old saying ‘The
brightest flame casts the darkest shadow.’ In other words, if
I wear a mask, no one will recognize me. I’ll be anonymous.
I won’t cause trouble, and I won’t stand out.”

“What you’re saying is correct, but what you’re doing is

completely wrong.”

“The mask was meant to make you less noticeable? Yuki,

you’re incredibly conspicuous!”


Shiori, who was petting me, freezes in shock.

Even though I said it was inspired by Frederick II, I want her

to be reassured that I didn’t use real animal skin or anything
like that. It’s made of safe and reliable synthetic leather. I
spent nights sewing it with a sewing machine, and it’s my

“It’s fine, isn’t it? I’ve found my stride like this. There’s not
much time left until the tournament. We can’t afford to miss
valuable opportunities for practical combat just because the
school found out!”

As usual, our passionate and hot-blooded senpai is fired up.

As our passionate senpai says, the third-year students who
will graduate this year don’t have much time. Even if we
plan practice matches with other schools, it’s not something
we can do frequently. That’s why I thought of ways to train
outside of club activities in our private time.

“If we go too far and cause a commotion, it will be

disastrous. So, let’s moderate our actions, Toshirou.”
Today, both our passionate senpai and Takamiya senpai,
who has feelings for him, are here. It’s clear to anyone that
they have a trusting relationship between them.

Confessing would probably lead to an immediate realization,

but as an outsider, it’s rather awkward.

On the weekend, we gathered at the outdoor court. It’s not

mandatory, but the basketball club members without any
prior engagements faithfully participate every week. It’s
good that they’re enthusiastic.

Although Sayuri-sensei called it “dojo intrusion,” it’s

certainly not a savage imitation.

It’s strictly a straightforward approach. I’m simply using the

charming and handsome man’s help to write a polite letter,
inviting them to play basketball together.

“I’ve been waiting, Kouki. And today, I’ll expose your true

“You cheeky rabbit. I’ll defeat you again!”

“Senpai, you know this guy’s true identity, right?”

“Gai was complaining about why you didn’t come to me.”

“Has my senpai become more mature? It feels like going

back in time, and I’m happy about it.”

The refreshing handsome man is talking to the towering

man in front of him. Kouki Mihou, whom we usually don’t
see at school, is there. The giant named Daigo is apparently
his senior from middle school. They had a lot of interactions
in the basketball club back then. He’s a good person who
continues to join us for the second week. Kouki has many
acquaintances, but I can tell that they’re comfortable
around each other. I know a lot of fresh, good-looking guys,
but I can tell that he is one of those guys that I don’t feel
comfortable with.

“Last time, I couldn’t steal the ball from you! I’ve been
looking forward to this revenge!”

“I won’t let you! Ussassassassa!”

By the way, the main opponents are the passionate senpais

who lack practical experience, so I mostly watch. However,
there’s a mysterious rule that if I lose in a one-on-one
match, for some reason, my mask gets removed. Why only
me…? It’s unjust, unfair….

I suddenly ponder. People have different faces, and in

relationships with others, we construct various versions of
ourselves. That means that others are the ones who bring
about change within ourselves. Perhaps change can only
occur through interactions with others. No, it should be said
that there must be a motive to change.

If I were to remain a loner, I wouldn’t have needed to

change. If no one was around me, if I was always alone, I
could have stayed the same. Not changing would have been
acceptable. But now…

“You know, Yuki, you’re really amazing. Only you can do

something like this”

Shiori says, smiling without a care in the world. I’ve been

clouding that smile.

“Just saying thank you isn’t enough. Every day is so, so

enjoyable. I’m sure everyone else feels the same way.
Mihou-kun, the senpais too. That’s why there are always so
many people around Yuki. Because it’s surely fun— that’s
what it is.”

Before I knew it, I couldn’t be alone. I won’t say that this is

not stressful. Even this morning, when I woke up in the
morning, my mother was sleeping next to me. This is
already the seventh time this month.

“I’ve become friends with Hinagi Suzurikawa. My rival in

love. But you know, I wish that days like this, days when we
can laugh at each other like this, could go on forever and

Shiori has changed. So has Hinagi. She chose to change and

stepped forward. She is no longer weak like before. There
are no more shadows. Maybe I am the only one who thinks
they are the same as they used to be. I have not been able
to keep up with the speed of change. I have been left
behind by their growth. Let’s catch up with them. No matter
how slowly, one step at a time.

“Ahaha. It’s fun!

Why is she getting taller again? She had grown up. Not only
in height, but also in mind.

“Aim for 180 cm, Usa!”

“That’s the only thing I don’t want to do!”

“By the way, doesn’t it seem like there are a lot more

The court of Stubas is filled with several teams in addition to

the senior players we invited, such as Daigo and the other
members of the powerful Tei-Wang High School basketball
team. Some of the basketball teams we have invited, others
we don’t know.

Although the number of participants had been gradually

increasing, it had unexpectedly become a huge success.

“Yukito-kun, long time no see.”

“Who are you, Usa?”

I turned around as someone called me from behind, and

there was my university senior, Hiyakuma.

“Hello, Usa. Did Hiyakuma senpai come to practice too,


“Kuku… I see, so that’s why there are so many people here.”

“Um, what do you mean?”

Shiori, who knows Hiyakuma senpai from Stubas, asked.

According to Hiyakuma-senpai, there’s been a peculiar buzz

in town about a mysterious figure wearing a skillful rabbit
mask, known as the enigmatic Bunny Man, who disrupts
basketball courts. There are rumors that some basketball
teams are waiting for challenges from the Bunny Man. The
situation had become more serious than what Sayuri-sensei
warned about.

It seems that one enticing factor is that the Bunny Man’s

true identity will be revealed upon winning.

As a result, the outdoor court was bustling with spectators

who gathered to catch a glimpse of the Bunny Man, as well
as basketball teams and street basketball enthusiasts who
came to challenge him. It created an unprecedented lively

“It’s great for us that Stobas is gaining popularity. We don’t

have to worry about finding opponents. There are even
strong high school teams participating, so it’s unexpected
that it would generate excitement in this way.”

Come to think of it, I’ve been hearing voices here and there
saying, “There’s the Bunny Man!” and “Wow, he really
exists!” People are asking to take photos together and
various other things. Photo shoot, OK!

“Yukito, whether you wear the mask or not…”

“Don’t say it. Don’t mention it.”

“Yuki, you really stood out! Oh, my ears twitched.”

“I didn’t intend for it to turn out like this, Usa…”

The monster “Invitation from the Bunnyman” soon became

the status quo of the basketball team.

Unbeknownst to me, the Bunnyman meme contamination

was quietly spreading throughout the country.

This was the beginning of what would later become the

“Third Basketball Boom”.

[Shiori PoV]

“Expressing gratitude…?”
“For all the help you’ve given me as well.” (Yuki)

The classroom buzzes with excitement upon hearing those

words. Naturally, I’m included.

Yuki, who just finished serving his suspension, says he wants

to thank us. It’s true that we worked hard to have his
suspension lifted, but the ones at fault were Tojo-senpai and
the school, not Yuki. He had done nothing wrong. If
anything, he should be the one receiving apologies for the
unjust punishment.

Yuki already has done so much for me and the others, more
than we can ever repay.

There was never any obligation for Yuki to thank us.

However, those words are like a deadly poison to a maiden

in love.

Because, because Yuki wants to thank me! How can I let this
opportunity slip away!?

The self-questioning quickly reaches a conclusion. Being

weak-willed, I immediately pounce on the bait right in front
of me.

“A-Anything is fine!?”

“Impossible to do ‘anything.’ Saying ‘anything’ leads to

disastrous outcomes. The other day, when I told my mom I
would do anything, she asked if we could sleep together five
days a week. It was terrifying.”

“Too much child affection?!”

“It was tough after that. I said I would do anything, but
when I asked her to spare me just one day, she insisted on
six days instead. I was completely cornered. What did I do

“Because you said ‘anything’!”

Fortunately, Yuri-san was there, so it should be fine, but Yuki

is truly loved by his family.

But still, this is a difficult task. What should I ask for?

I absentmindedly touch my wristwatch. It has become a

habit without me realizing it. I feel hesitant about receiving
gifts. Just recently, Yuki gave me a custom-made wristwatch
of my own.

And it was made by Yuki himself. I don’t know the details,

but I can tell it’s quite valuable.

More than anything, it’s my precious treasure filled with

Yuki’s efforts and thoughts.

What should I ask for? I pondered, and suddenly, I

remembered a video I saw on the internet last night.

A nearby aquarium was recommended as a great date spot.

They even have dolphin shows. I haven’t been to an
aquarium since elementary school.

A date with Yuki! I can’t help but smile. I’ve been chasing
after Yuki for quite some time now. What lies ahead is
unknown, and every day is a desperate struggle, just
wanting to apologize.

But Yuki gave me a chance to start over. If that’s the case,

I’ll show him that I can build everything from scratch once
again—to fulfill this love.

I’ll reset everything and start from here.

“Hey, how about we go out and have fun together? I heard

we can interact with the fish too. Want to go see them?”

“I see, fish. Fish, huh… Wait a minute? Yeah, lets check it


[Shiori PoV]

The morning sun gradually illuminates the blackened

surface of the water. A magnificent and fantastical scene
unfolds before me.

I’m left speechless and mesmerized. The overwhelming

scale gives me goosebumps.

As far as the eye can see, the vast ocean stretches out. The
sun’s rays reflect off the shimmering blue surface of the
sea, resembling precious jewels.

Seagulls gracefully dance through the sky, and fish leap

from the water in the distance.

The fresh scent of the sea fills my nostrils. Everything feels

like a first-time experience.

Indeed, I said I wanted to go see fish. I even mentioned

being able to interact with them.
But isn’t this a bit too much? I’m at a loss.

Yuki’s actions were unexpected, but it seems I still lack a

proper understanding of this enigmatic person named Yuki.

On the ship sailing through the Pacific, overwhelmed with

emotion, I shout to release the frustration in my heart.

“Yuki, you idiooooooooooooooooot!

[Yuki PoV]

“Thank you very much, Boss. Shiori seems to be enjoying it


Shiori shouts something loudly towards the sea. It seems

she likes it.

“Bouzu, I’m sorry I didn’t check, but when she said she
wanted to see the fish, she didn’t mean go fishing, she
meant the aquarium, didn’t she?”

“The aquarium? That won’t do. We can’t eat fish there, can

“…Bouzu, you need to learn some common sense. By the

way, it seems like even after finding out we were going on a
boat, she decided to come along. She must really like you,
Bouzu. Take good care of her.”

To fulfill Shiori’s request to see fish, I asked the captain for

permission and joined the fishing trip.
It was surprising to learn that Shiori had an interest in
fishing and wanted to interact with fish. People can be quite
different from what they appear to be. Shiori is skilled at
swimming and seems to have a strong affinity with the sea.

It’s early in the morning, but the view from the deck dispels
any drowsiness. The sea expands 360 degrees. The entire
field of vision is dyed with the colors of the ocean, evoking a
sense of loneliness as if I’ve been left behind by the sea.

A few days ago, when I told Shiori that we had obtained

permission to board the ship, she started clapping her
hands with joy. I wonder if she was that happy. I suppose
there’s something gratifying about being able to fulfill
someone’s request.

We, as rookie sailors, can’t disturb the fishermen. Of course,

I can’t let Shiori do anything dangerous, so she’s wearing a
life jacket borrowed from the captain.

Since I had ridden ferries before, but this was my first time
on a fishing boat, I was unfamiliar with the process. While
the captain skillfully began the fishing operation, we held
fishing rods in hand for some fishing. I started teaching
Shiori, who had no fishing experience, from scratch, starting
with how to put bait on the hook.

“A small shrimp?”

“It looks like an amaebi, but it’s not actually a shrimp. It’s
called scattered bait, and we use it to attract fish.”

“But it’s a shrimp, right?”

“Amaebi looks like shrimp, but it’s not shrimp. It’s called
soramaki-yae, and it’s used to attract fish.”
We scattered the Amaebi from the boat onto the sea
surface. Shiori’s question was reasonable. After all, it
definitely looked like a shrimp. Although it appears to be a
shrimp, Amaebi is a type of plankton. Living creatures are
mysterious. I also prepared some Okiami. Once Shiori gets
used to fishing, she can try using them.

There are also isome (lugworms) and gokai (sandworms),

but they won’t be needed since Shiori was on the verge of
tears just seeing them. As far as I know, there are only a few
girls who excel in handling insects. Shakado may look like a
small animal, but she might be the most reliable one. Truly,
appearances can be deceiving.

“Wawa! Yuki, how do I attach this?”

I took over from Shiori, who was struggling to put the

Amaebi on the hook. Although it was my first time fishing
from a boat, I had some fishing experience. I had studied
various things to be prepared in case I was ever kicked out
of home. With basic survival skills like fire-starting and
fishing, I could at least survive on a deserted island if I
happened to drift there. Depending only on fish would result
in a nutritionally unbalanced diet.

“After attaching the bait, swing the rod like this and cast it.”

With a strong swing of the rod, the weight at the tip of the
hook would pull it away and fly into the distance.

Once I confirmed it splashed into the water, all that was left
was to wait for a bite.

“So this is how you fish. At one point I wondered what would
happen, but I’m thrilled!”
I felt sorry for Shiori, who was excited, but fishing
sometimes requires patience. When they’re not biting, they
really won’t bite. Even if you change your location, there are
times when you don’t get any bites.

In the first place, if there are no fish in that area, you won’t
catch any. However, today we were fishing from a boat. The
boat was equipped with a fish finder, so it was unlikely that
we wouldn’t catch anything.

“Yuki! I got a bite! Does this mean I caught something?

What should I do from here?”

Was this beginner’s luck too? Shiori was already reeling in a

catch as she said that.

…It seems like we’ll have some fun after all.

“Yay! I caught one! Yuki, I caught a fish!”

“Congratulations. It’s a horse mackerel.”

After a struggle, Shiori finally reels in the fish. Although I

helped, it’s the first fish Shiori has ever caught.

“Huh?… It’s surprisingly small? It felt so heavy!”

She seems a bit disappointed. For Shiori, it seemed to have

enough weight. I remember having the same impression
when I caught my first fish. It’s quite a nostalgic memory.

“That’s the weight of life. Fish desperately resist being

caught because they don’t want to be caught.”

“Uh… I see, I get it now. So this is the weight of life… I took

the life of this fish.”
Strictly speaking, the fish is still alive, but Shiori gazes at
the fish she caught with deep emotion.

“Are you scared?”

“N-no. But I have to understand. That we take lives to

survive and eat. We buy fish at department stores, but
they’re always processed, and even when we eat sushi, I’ve
never really thought about it.”

That’s why we Japanese say “itadakimasu” before meals,


“…I almost killed you, Yuki. I took your life…”

She starts trembling and having a flashback, so I gently

stroke her back to calm her down.

“I’m here, living like this, and back then, I didn’t want you to
feel guilty. I helped you because I wanted you to keep living.
So don’t take life for granted.”


“Come on, we’re just getting started. I want to fish too.”

I give Shiori a push on her back. Knowing the weight of life,

she will grow from this experience.

“Yuki, I’ll do my best!”

She’s fine now. I feel relieved. Perhaps I didn’t need to worry

in the first place.

“Oh, right. Bouzu, how about we clean them here?”

As the captain pulls up the net with the winch, it reveals a

variety of colorful fish.
There are octopuses and such, but we release anything
unnecessary. According to the captain, this catch is enough.

“Sure thing, Boss. Fumu, let’s start with the horse mackerel
Shiori caught.”

“If you’re going to eat it as filets, be careful of parasites. You

can tell by looking at them.”

I efficiently filet the horse mackerel, just as Boss taught me.

Shiori is attentively watching the process.

“It’s gross, you know. You don’t have to watch.”

“No, if we’re going to eat it, I don’t think I should look away.
Besides, I want to learn how to cook… even though I’m not

I see her looking uncertain. It seems like she has a long way
to go.

Anyway, I wash the cut mackerel, place it in a small dish,

and dip it in soy sauce.

“So, Bouzu, how is it?”

“It’s completely different just because it’s fresh. Shiori, do

you want to try it too?”

Shiori timidly puts a piece of fillet in her mouth.

“It’s the fish I caught. It’s my responsibility to eat it, right?

Itadakimasu… It’s so juicy!”

Shiori’s eyes widened. It’s the fish she caught. The taste
must be extraordinary. Just like a horse mackerel.
“You’re enjoying your meal. When we get back to the port,
I’ll treat you to something nice. By the way, Lady, you
actually wanted to go to the aquarium, didn’t you? Did you
have fun today?”

“Hahaha… You saw through me. I never imagined I would be

on a boat like this. But I had a great time and had a valuable
experience. Thank you so much for today!”

“It seems like Bouzu didn’t notice, but he really lacks

common sense. You’ll have a hard time, but next time,
clearly tell him it’s a proper date to the aquarium.”


“Wait a minute. Shiori never said anything about an


“All right, let’s head back.”

—-Unbelievable!? Is this good-looking mature man’s

communicative ability? In such a short time, he understands
Shiori better than I do. I unintentionally caught a glimpse of
why charming older men are popular.

“Yuki, thank you for today too. This kind of experience

couldn’t be had at the aquarium, right?”

Shiori’s satisfied smile shines as brilliantly as the sun

reflecting on the sea’s surface.

For the early morning group, the classroom flows with a

leisurely atmosphere.
Among the sparse classmates, everyone rummages through
their bags to find what they need.

“I caused trouble for Yukito, so I can’t receive any


“It’s true that you helped me. Besides, I’ve already made it
for you.”

During the suspension incident, Hinagi helped me without

considering herself. For Hinagi, who has struggled in the
past, it couldn’t have been an easy choice.

Nevertheless, she chose to help. While saying it would be

cool if I helped her, in the end, I was the one who was
helped. Therefore, I must express my gratitude.

“Thank you. It’s cute, and soft… so fluffy. Yukito is talented.”

“Do you think so?”

“I can only do simple things like sewing buttons.”

I hand the Yukito Bear plushie to Hinagi. I also made one for

Recently, since my mother does most of the household

chores, I have less to do at home.

Feeling idle and anxious about my own purpose, I started

studying sewing.

One of the results of my efforts is the requested Yukito-kun


“It’s not just an ordinary stuffed animal. If you hit here, it

screams! It contains a collection of nine different death
cries. Perfect for stress relief.”
I press the head part, and it emits a sound of me screaming,

The fact that someone specifically requested a plushie

resembling me suggests it’s for stress relief.

When feeling angry, they can step on it, punch it, or throw it
against the wall.

If that’s the case, the screams are indispensable to enhance

the sense of realism. I’ve really done a good job.

Hinagi squeezes the chest of the Yukito Bear. A scream of

“Ngyaaaaaa!” echoes.

“Why screams! It’s too horrifying! Seriously, you’re such an

idiot. It would have been better if it called my name or

Hinagi pouts a little. Next time, I’ll listen to her request and
record her voice.

“And also, look at this.”

“…This is a book, right?”

“It’s the Pop-up Hinagi-chan Picture Book.”

When I open the book, a young Hinagi-chan pops out. The

content is very simple, telling the heartwarming story of
adventurous Hinagi-chan, who experiences various things
and becomes happy.

“You used to like picture books, right?”

“What are you talking about? But this is amazing. I can’t

believe you made something like this… Huh, the last page is
As Hinagi flips through the book, her hand stops at the last

“Your future, your path will continue from here on. It won’t
be an end.”


As she looked at the finished picture book that incorporated

educational elements, Hinagi-chan’s eyes turned red once

That’s right, that’s right. When we were children, Hinagi-

chan loved picture books. She often came to me and said,
“Yu-chan, let’s read together!” It was always me who read it
aloud while Hinagi-chan exclaimed, “Amazing!” in
admiration. It’s nostalgic.

“I’ve been thinking, Yukito, do you like crafts and such?”

“…I’m not sure. I haven’t really thought about it.”

I’ve never been conscious of it, but maybe I don’t dislike

getting engrossed in something.

“I’m thinking of joining a club too. Now that I’m a high

school student, I want to start something new.”

Wiping away her teary eyes, Hinagi-chan showed a smile.

She, too, is growing as she walks through the blank pages.
She’s trying to live her own life, not just focusing on me and
neglecting herself as she did when she first entered school.

There’s no need for unnecessary words. I’ll just respect her


“Yeah, I’ve decided. I’ll join the art club!”

“Not the brass band club?”

When Hinagi was in junior high school, she was in the brass
band club. Now Hinagi-chan is in the brass band club as

“I like the brass band too, but I wanted to try expressing

myself through something tangible.”

“I see.”

Seeing her gradually growing, step by step, I couldn’t help

but feel proud.


“Come on, Yukito-kun, hurry up! I’m starving. I’m so


She seemed annoyed. Fearing divine punishment, I

immediately apologized.

“I’m sorry, esteemed divine being, Takami Musuhi no


[TL: Takami Musuhi No Mikoto ( ) is the name of a deity

found in Japanese mythology. In the “Kojiki,” it is mentioned
as one of the gods that appeared at the beginning of
heaven and earth, alongside Ame No minaka nushi no Kami
and Kamu Musubi no Kami. The name can also be written as
Takami Musubi no Kami. “Musu” signifies birth or creation,
while “Hi” represents spiritual power or essence.]

It’s the Floor Boss, also known as Goddess-senpai, who

always appears on the emergency staircase, but I had
informed her of the plan in advance.
“The divinity is too heavy! By the way, why can you say that
complicated name so smoothly, but you can’t remember my
name? Tell me the truth. You actually remember, don’t you?
You’re doing it on purpose, right? Just pretending to forget to
hide your embarrassment when we’re alone together, isn’t

“N-No, that’s not true. I definitely remember.”

“Then, say it.”

Yare yare. I’ve been quite underestimated. I do remember

Goddess-senpai’s real name.

“As I recall… umm, the Shogi that moves in a strange way.

It’s not Argent… not Shokugeki… Wait. Was it—-Bringer?”

“Why can’t you remember it!?”

“It’s not Mera.”

“It’s Mera! No, wait, not that either. It’s Souma, not Zoma.
So-u-ma. It’s a lovely name, Souma Kyoka, the Mirror of the
Equine Blossoms. Remember it properly!”

“But, everyone around calls you Goddess-senpai, that’s the

prevailing rumor, right?”

“It’s because you started calling me that, that it spread!

Why are you saying it as if it doesn’t matter!?”

“Well, well. I’ll give you a baguette.”

I handed the baguette I had in my hand to Goddess-senpai. I

noticed that she had been eyeing the baguette a few times
since earlier.
To calm down the agitated Goddess-senpai, offering an
offering is the best way.

“Yukito-kun, you said you would make me lunch in return,


“It’s not store-bought. I baked it myself. Here, have some.

It’s Dragon Fruit Jam.”

Due to the size being too large to bake in the oven at home,
I borrowed the head chef’s help.

“That’s amazing, but honestly, it’s really impressive! I’m

curious about the jam with such a strong and unique name,
but even if I receive such a big and hard baguette for lunch,
I won’t be able to finish it. Wait, are you planning to make
me say that line just now!?”

“There is French bread, but there is no Japanese bread.”

“Hey, listen to me for a moment! It’s like I’m the only one
saying embarrassing things.”

What’s “Japanese bread” supposed to be? Panpan-zemi (a

seminar on bread)?

“I understand. I’ve prepared it properly. Please nibble on the

baguette during class, like a squirrel hoarding food. Oh, and
here’s this pistachio jam, too.”

Apart from the baguette, I hand over a bento box.

“You made a bento for me too?”

“I stopped by the home economics room to warm it up.

Please, it’s Unadon (grilled eel on rice).”
“Luxurious! It’s suddenly a significant upgrade. …Is this still
in the bento category?”

“I learned it from someone and prepared it myself. Then I

made it into a grilled eel style.”

“Are you planning to become a cook, Yukito-kun?”

“I don’t have such intentions…”

The head chef even said to me, “If you ever run into trouble
in the future, I’ll make you the successor of this shop.”. The
owner’s son seems to be a regular company employee. He
laughed boldly, saying that he had no particular intention to
impose on the store and that it would be fine if it ended in
his generation, but it seems to be the same everywhere that
people are troubled by the lack of successors.

“By the way, don’t you have something for yourself, Yukito-

“I have this.”

I take out a block from the paper bag.

“Ah, a high-quality loaf of bread that you hardly see these


“I’ve never tried eating it before.”

“I haven’t either. Can I have it a little bit later?”

“Sure, go ahead. I wasn’t sure if I could finish it all.”

“Why did you bring a whole loaf then!?”

Quenching my thirst with a tapioca drink, I immediately tear

off a piece and try it.
“How is it?”

“It’s plain.”

“…………Maybe try to use some jam?”


The high-quality loaf of bread, despite its simplicity, was


“It’s a line-up like someone who missed the boom.”

Ugh. I secretly receive a blow from the merciless comeback

of the current high school girl, but I won’t be discouraged.

“And I have one more thing as a token of gratitude.”

“Hmm, did you bring something else for me?”

“It’s not food, but here it is! Behold, an A3 tapestry

featuring a freshly taken photo of Goddess Senpai!”

“That’s the bonus item from last time!”


“–HA!? What am I even…?”

Perhaps Goddess-senpai received some divine revelation.

She’s becoming even more goddess-like.

To avoid any misunderstanding, let me clarify.

“It’s not just a bonus item, it’s available for purchase.”

“You’ve been doing as you please for far too long. But fine,
I’ll take it for now.”
I got scolded.

“Mmm, it’s delicious! But eel is quite expensive, isn’t it? I

feel a bit guilty.”

“Don’t worry about it, the cost is only for the ingredients. By
the way, did you know that the midsummer day of the ox is
not limited to Saturdays? It means you can eat it today
without any problem.”

“Heh, really!”

In the afternoon, we became a little wiser through this


Long before the beginning of the common era, there existed

a prehistoric civilization. The romance of ancient civilizations
with advanced technology surpassing the present day is
endless, but for us living in the present, knowing the history
after the start of the era and the year 1 AD is challenging

While indulging in the grand history and letting our thoughts

wander, there is something important we must not forget.
Let’s reflect upon the humble and trivial history.

Within the nine-square-meter room, there exist two distinct

eras: the ‘Old Era of My Room’ and the ‘New Era of My
Room.’ The transformation was truly dramatic.

My modest and lifeless room has completely changed,

adorned with pastel colors spreading throughout.

The prehistoric civilization has vanished without a trace.

Even finding remnants has become a challenge.
And suddenly, a dresser appeared. It wasn’t there just

Of course, it is evident that the culprit behind this change is

either my mother or sister, or perhaps both. Despite me
meekly protesting their casual intrusion into my room, they
pay no attention. Dependent family members can be tough
to handle.

As I silently weep in my heart, studying in this restless

room, an unprecedented crisis suddenly befalls me. It is a
predicament comparable to forgetting the function
calculator essential for my qualification exam. This is the
Great King Angolmois that Nostradamus prophesied.

Trembling with powerlessness in the face of an approaching

adversary, I find myself backed against the wall. There’s no
more room to retreat. Determined to face the
overwhelmingly powerful opponent, I muster up the courage
to confront them.

“Regain your sanity, sister!”

“I am always sane.”

Attempting to persuade her, I realize that my sister is

indeed sane. If that’s the case, then this is it!

“Don’t regain your sanity, sister!”

“Yes, maybe I have lost my sanity a long time ago.”

“Invincible, huh?”

I am completely defeated by Yuri-san, who flawlessly

defeats my strongest and invincible theory. I can’t even look
directly at Yuri-san. However, a divine inspiration descends
upon me, and a solution comes to mind.

“I’ve got it! Just wait a moment!”

I rush out of my room in a panic, heading to retrieve what I


“Fuufuufuu. This will make it perfect. I’m ready now. What

do you need?”

I accidentally stub my toe against a corner, causing

excruciating pain.


“What are you doing!? Are you okay? It’s dangerous to do

something like that.”

With a flick, the eye mask was thrown away. My eyes were
also badly damaged.

“Why are you naked?!”

“Didn’t I ask you to measure because my chest had gotten

bigger? I need to buy new bras too.”

“So, you weren’t joking…”

Come to think of it, I vaguely remember her mentioning that

her underwear had become tight.

“Wait, am I really the one who’s supposed to measure?”

“Ha? Who else would do it if not you?”

“What about Mom?”

Actually, isn’t anyone other than Mom more suitable? It
seems like a more appropriate task for someone other than

“Mom is my rival. She may be ahead of me for now, but

eventually, I’ll surpass her.”

“I see…”

Since I didn’t quite understand, I gave a vague response.

“You’re already used to seeing me naked, right? Why would

you be embarrassed just to measure my bust size?”

“I don’t think it’s good if I’m used to seeing it.”


My sister tilts her head in confusion.

“Was there any reason to doubt that?”

I tilted my head in confusion as well.

“You don’t have to worry about that. Let’s get it measured.

Bring the measuring tape.”

My sister clasps her hands behind her head and opens her
armpits wide.

As a teenager, it was a seductive and toxic sight for me to

behold, but she seemed completely unfazed.

There it was, a perfect masterpiece. Her beautiful posture

resembled that of a sculpture, evoking a divine presence.
Flawless and delicate skin devoid of any impurities. Its
purity, Twelve Nine.
I dropped to my knees. Thunderous applause resounded in
my heart. I savored this overwhelming sensation.

A meeting of the modern Renaissance. Driven by a yearning

that welled up from the depths of my heart, my voice

“…Erotic Venus.”

“It’s by Milo.”

My mouth slipped! Slipped! Slipped! (Echo)

“If you say so, then it’s fine.”

“It’s okay.”

I could only admire her incredible tolerance.

“You measure from the back. The difference between the

top and under determines the size.”

I acquired unnecessary knowledge again. Sister harassment

is on the verge of exploding tonight.

If I don’t measure, it seems like this won’t end. Gathering

my courage, I slowly wrap the measuring tape from the
back. Aligning it to intersect at the top and adjusting the
numbers… Ahhhhhh!

“Mmm… It tickles…”

I need to escape from this hell as soon as possible, or my

credits will run out, and my life will be unable to continue.

“..There….rub there…!”
I haven’t heard anything, I haven’t heard anything, I haven’t
heard anything, I haven’t heard anything. What number
repetition is this now?

“Subtraction, yes, I need to subtract! Uhm… Around twenty-

five centimeters, maybe?”

I check the size chart with a crawling body. I should look at

the column for a G cup.

It’s only now that I realize there are different types even
within the same cup size. Being a woman is tough, unlike
men. It’s quite educational since I’m learning sewing.

“It seems like I’ve grown after all. Measure me once a week
from now on.”

“Isn’t that too often!?”

“It’s the growth period.”

“The growth period is incredible.”

The persuasiveness of the growth period is unmatched.

Anyway, even though the measurement is over, my sister,

who usually doesn’t care, continues to stare straight at me.

“What’s wrong? It’s not something that will decrease, so feel

free to look.”

“Have a little more modesty…”

“We’re family. You don’t need to worry about that.”

“Well, if you feel that way, I have something to say too!”

Snap. Finally, I snapped too. Even my patience has its limits.
Despite having a mental fortitude as unwavering as a level,
there are limits, just like the credit limit on a credit card.

There’s a saying about familiarity breeding contempt, but

even within a family, there should be some manners.

Cut it out already. What’s with that attitude when I’m the
one putting up with it!

Yeah, I understand. Fine! You started this war. I’ll take you to
the limit!

“Jii.” (Sfx stare)

I stare intently. I gaze freely. It’s like an eye examination. I

let my gaze roam all over her body.

Fuhehehe. How’s that? Isn’t it intimidating? Experience the

power of a lewd and lascivious gaze filled with hidden

Yuri-san flinches for a moment. I won! Along with a sense of

accomplishment comes a sense of loss.

The cost of victory is high. I’m disqualified as a little brother,

and there’s no way to justify my actions even if she looks at
me with disgust.

As I inwardly panic, she embraces me gently.

“Yes, that’s enough. Do as you please. I’ll accept everything.

Because… I only have that… My worth… My purpose… Be
true to your feelings and prioritize emotions. If it’s what you,
Yukito, desire, then I’ll do anything…”

Suddenly, Yuri-san snaps back to reality and moves away.

“It’s nothing.”


For just a moment, her eyes flicker with a touch of sadness.

Feeling an indescribable uneasiness, my gaze wanders.

What was that just now…?

Starting over, Yuri-san opens her mouth.

“I’m going to buy underwear, so you’re coming with me.”

“I decline.”

“I’ll buy you underwear that you like.”

“Even if you say it in such a flippant way like buying me

candy, ……

“Ha? You are coming right?”

“Please let me join you.”

Our outing is decided. Maybe we’re gradually returning to

being a normal brother and sister.

However, the bittersweet and troubled expression on Yuri-

san’s face remains etched in my mind.
Chapter 2: Watching the Infection

[Suzune Side]

“Yay! They have done it, Takamiya-senpai!”

“You’re kidding, right…? I never expected them to win…”

Suzune Takamiya was staring blankly at the court from the

cheering seats. Next to her, Shiori Kamishiro was hopping
around in excitement, but Suzune couldn’t share the same
joy. Despite the supposed happiness, she couldn’t accept
the reality in front of her. She couldn’t have imagined this
would happen just a few months ago.

As she directed her gaze towards the figure of Toshirou

Himura, who was raising his arms in a victory pose towards
them, her cheeks flushed red.

She couldn’t help but think it was unexpectedly good.

Unexpectedly. Truly unexpected.

Suzune wasn’t the only one feeling bewildered. When she

looked in his direction, she saw the club advisor Kyougaku
Andou with wide eyes filled with astonishment. He had been
in charge of the struggling basketball club, adopting a
laissez-faire approach that could be seen as both positive
and negative. Perhaps he couldn’t keep up with the
transformation of the now-strong basketball club.
The school’s perspective and expectations would surely
change. It was certain that their budget would be increased
for the next term. It was the Inter-High Preliminary
Tournament. The boys’ basketball team of Shouyo High
School, led by Toshirou Himura , advanced to the third
round. They were going to the B Block fourth round. Their
achievements as a boys’ basketball team were impeccable.

Considering that they had struggled to even make it past

the first round before, this was a major upset, an undeniable
feat. If they won the next two matches, including the fourth
round next week, they would reach the finals league. And
beyond that awaited the Inter-High.

Originally, it had been a laid-back club where basketball

enthusiasts gathered to have fun. Participating in
tournaments was just for commemoration.

But now, there was no trace of that. The passion they had
invested in this tournament was not inferior to that of other

It could be seen in their demeanor. There was not a single

member who didn’t have the face of a fighter. The sense of
fulfillment was evident on their faces. It was not a
coincidence. It was a result backed by their efforts.

Things had changed. They had been changed. And no one

would feel it more than the members of the boys’ basketball
team. Toshirou Himura’s decision had brought about an
immense transformation in the basketball club. Like a red
dye mingling with scarlet, their boiling passion and
overflowing sweat spread through them.

The dream didn’t end today. Last summer was still ongoing.
“Senpai, let’s go to everyone! Captain Himura is waiting

“Hey, Kamishiro-san, don’t pull me!”

Chasing after her junior who dashed ahead, Suzune’s heart

was filled with both joy and lingering anxiety.

The game ended, and they finished preparing to leave.

Suzune Takamiya was also amidst the circle of joy.

“Thank you for coming to cheer, Suzune. Your presence

became my strength.”

“Congratulations, Toshirou.”

“Just a little longer, just a little longer. I will definitely

become a man worthy of you!”

While she thought warmly of Toshirou speaking so

passionately, her expression clouded at his words.

She forced a smile, not wanting him to perceive her swirling


“…Um, it looks like Chigusa Academy won against Kuwa-

senpai’s team. Tei-Wang, where Daigo-senpai is, also won.
But they’re in Block D. It’s a shame we won’t meet until the
finals league.”

“It’s better not to face them if we can’t win for sure.”

“Well, that’s true, but don’t say things without dreams.”

The voices of Kouki Mihou and Yukito Kokonoe, conversing

behind them, reached her ears.
Suzune had an uneasy feeling towards Yukito Kokonoe. It
wasn’t that she disliked him. On the contrary, she thought
favorably of him. Since entering school, Yukito Kokonoe, a
first-year student, had risen to prominence numerous times,
and there was not a single student who didn’t know about
his eventful school life.

While some disliked him, many admired him, and he had

countless fans among the third-year students as well. Even
in Suzune’s class, there was a classmate who had
approached him for love advice.

While the legends surrounding him were uncertain, there

was no doubt that at least a part, if not all, of the rumors
were true, based on the incident that had stirred the entire
school through the intercom announcement.

Above all, Suzune had nothing but gratitude for the fact that
Toshirou Himura had invited Yukito Kokonoe to the
basketball club. And yet…

(Why, Toshirou? Did you forget our promise…?)

Her chest tightened. In the end, it was ugly jealousy. Selfish,

self-centered, and spoiled.

She didn’t expect the kind of confession that Toshirou

imagined. For the two who had harbored feelings for each
other since middle school, there was no need for special
words to understand each other’s feelings.

For Suzune, as long as she could spend this last time of their
highschool third year with Toshirou, it would be enough.

She didn’t desire any changes. There was no need for things
to change. That was her sincere and honest sentiment.
They had decided to attend the same university. For the two
of them, this summer was the deadline.

The university that Suzune Takamiya aspires to is a high

hurdle for Toshirou Himura . After the summer tournament,
he had promised to retire from the club and start studying
seriously together for university entrance exams. But now,
Toshirou and the others are immersed in basketball even on
their days off. It felt as if it was robbing Suzune of their
precious time together, and she found it unbearable.

(What’s the point of working hard now when they’ve been

weak all along? It doesn’t matter if Toshirou and the others
try their best now!?)

Those feelings should be entrusted to the underclassmen.

Fortunately, the first-year students are exceptional. Leading
the transitional phase of the basketball club is not the role
of the third-year students. It’s an unspoken feeling that she
could never utter.

Even if they had lost in the first round, it would have been
fine. Regardless of their performance, her answer wouldn’t
have changed if Toshirou had confessed. They had spent
enough time together for that.

Suzune continues to struggle with conflicting emotions, torn

between wanting to support him sincerely and her ugly
feelings of jealousy.

“We still have a long way to go. Suzune, we can become

stronger and stronger!”

Toshirou’s passionate words sounded somewhat hollow. It

was too late for the third-year students to say such things.
Suzune had met Toshirou Himura in her second year of
middle school. At first, she simply thought of him as a hot-
headed guy.

But it was different. He was overflowing with a sense of

justice, earnest to the point of clumsiness.

At one point, he had reprimanded a girl who was subjecting

others to unpleasant teasing, not quite bullying. Looking
back, that might have been the first time she had ever been
conscious of someone of the opposite sex.

It didn’t take long for Suzune Takamiya to be drawn to his

way of life. Time passed by quickly.

Strangely enough, they ended up in the same class from

then on. It’s more accurate to say it was an unusual
connection. As their relationship deepened, she recalled
how people around them often said that they were

Perhaps Toshirou had been conscious of that all along.

If that is the reason why Toshiro Himura is so obsessed with

the outcome, then Yukito Kokonoe has done a very cruel
thing. He has given him hope. The hope of a dream. But it is

Looking back, Yukito Kokonoe was looking at the tournament

bracket with a stern expression. He opened his notebook
and muttered something to himself. Kouki Mihou, who was
next to him, peeked into the notebook.


Yukito Kokonoe abruptly closed the notebook and started

walking towards Suzune.
“Takamiya-senpai, I want to talk to you about something

Under the intense gaze, Suzune found herself nodding


[Yukito PoV]

When it comes to detectives, I am a purist, but when it

comes to art, there is no shortage of the XXX school.

From classical to impressionist, and realism, there are

various styles. However, in the presence of artistic beauty, I
switched to the Yuri-san school. The completion of modern
art that earnestly pursues Yuri-san’s beauty is the mission
entrusted to me.

I don’t feel guilty about it, but I think it’s pointless to feel

No matter how strong my mental adaptability is like a bear

bug, there are limits. Especially, the graceful and beautiful
thighs, calves, and ankle with the golden ratio can be called
the three principles of beautiful legs.

That being said, after school, I head to the art club with
Hinagi, who seems nervous.

It’s understandable that Hinagi is nervous since it’s an

awkward time. Although I confirmed with classmates, there
were no art club members in Class B, so the atmosphere of
the club is unknown. I’m just accompanying her, but Hinagi
wants to observe once and then officially submit her

“…Thank you for coming with me.”

“I’m doing this because I’m worried about you. Listen,

Hinagi, if they try to force you into being a nude model,
refuse firmly or run away immediately. Don’t forget to seek
help from adults. The phone number for the Ministry of
Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’s
Children’s SOS Counseling Hotline is—”

“Why are you worrying about me so much!”

Hinagi-chan’s face turns bright red, but school is always

filled with danger. It’s important to stay vigilant. Anticipating
the unexpected is the necessary ability to survive in the
school’s survival space.

“There’s something I want to give you. Take this.”

“This is…?”

“It’s a painting knife for use in art. Listen, if something

happens, use this to stab the person and run away. Don’t
hesitate if you feel danger. Above all, prioritize your safety.”

“What do you think the art club is!?”

“You never know what might happen!”

“That’s only for you, Yukito!”

The word knife stabs deeply. Hinagi-chan’s sharpness in

putting the lesson into practice was impressive. She
becomes the Jackknife Hinagi, who hurts anyone she
touches. It’s kind of cool. I’m quite satisfied.
“Hinagin, try saying, ‘Approach me and you’ll get hurt.'”

“? Approach me and you’ll get hurt. Is this okay?”


“Hey, you made me say it!”

Hinagi-chan is pouting, but it seems it’s not constipation.”

Feeling relieved by the unreasonable demands, I let out a

deep sigh.

“Well, you don’t have to worry that much. Sanjoji-sensei is

the advisor”

“Mou, why didn’t you mention that earlier?”

If Sanjoji-sensei, who could be considered the conscience of

this school, is the advisor, then I can relax.

Entering the art room, they begin preparations for the club

Among them, there were familiar faces. The most

troublesome monster in this school.

“Oya, what are you doing here? Do you need something

from the art club?”

“Strange bird?” [TL: It is pronounced as Kaichou]

“She is the student council president. Why are you treating

her like a monster?… Um, today I came to observe before
joining the club. Nice to meet you, and I hope to get along
with you!”

“You are Suzurikawa-san, right? Welcome.”

Whether Sanjoji-sensei had heard about it in advance from
Hinagi, they greeted her with a smile.

“So you’re a first-year student hoping to join the club. It’s

appreciated since, as you can see, we have few members.”

“Why is the president here?”

“I am the club president.”

“Is this art club really okay?”

Is this art club really okay?

“Yukito, your true thoughts are leaked out”

I find it amusing how harsh Hinagi-chan is like the student

council president.

“Hello, Yukito-kun.”

“Mikumo-senpai, is it okay for this person to be the


“Well, she is usually decent, you know?”

Next to President Kedou, there is Vice President Mikumo,

who is said to be the person always by his side, as a matter
of course.

I feel bad for Mikumo Senpai, but I must admit that she is
not very convincing.


“That’s the capital of Austria… It’s famous for its art

museums and such, so it would be nice to visit there
someday. I’ve always admired it since I’ve never been on a
trip abroad.”

“I’m actually into art these days. It’s called the Yuri school.”

“…… Yuri School?”

It seems my sister wants to visit Schönbrunn Palace. I

wonder why? [TL: During the reign of Maria Theresa, as an
imperial summer residence, Schönbrunn Palace became the
glittering focus of court life]

“Yukito Kokonoe, aren’t you in the basketball club? Are you

here as an escort?”

“Something like that.”

“I deeply regret it. No matter how much I regret it, I can’t

regret it enough. I feel inadequate. I haven’t even thanked
you properly last time, and although it was due to Erika’s
rampage, I ended up causing trouble for you again. This
time, it’s a clear case of unfair punishment. It’s only natural
that Yuri is furious. Just apologizing won’t make it forgiven.”

With tears welling up in the corners of her eyes, President

Kedou was overwhelmed with thoughts. Her clenched fist
trembled on her knee.

The school had officially apologized, and thanks to the

efforts of Hinagi and the others, I still had a place in this

That alone was enough. I didn’t think I had such worth, but I
couldn’t thank them enough.

But whether I could forgive her or not was up to me. Just

because I forgave her didn’t mean it was okay.
In fact, I was surprised when Tojou-senpai said “I’m going to
cut my hair” in an attempt to show her sincerity. I hurried to
stop her, but it would have been a problem if she had done
so in an apology. I felt sorry for him. Incidentally, Himiyama-
san had said to Papa Tojo, “When you apologize, you should
at least cut off your hair”. Scary. She seemed to be very
angry. By the way, I stopped him, too. For the Tojo family, I
am the guardian of their hair, and it is no exaggeration to
say that I am their hair master.

The Student Council President, who stood up abruptly,

grabbed my shoulders. Her eyes were spinning around.

“I don’t think this is enough, but Yukito Kokonoe. I’ll become

a nude model!”


“It’s nothing more than a crude gesture, but it’s the only
thing I can do! It’s okay Yuumi, let me go!”

As President Kedou tried to take off her uniform, Vice

President Mikumo grabbed her from behind and restrained

“What nonsense are you talking about! Kedou-san, calm


Nonsense? Was it nonsense? I couldn’t help but feel

annoyed at Sanjoi-sensei admonishing President Kedou.

“In that case, Sanjoiji-sensei, can you take over?”

“What are you saying!?”

“Oya oya, what’s the matter, Sensei? There is nothing wrong

with it. I can leave it to the Student Council President as it
is. In that case, I won’t hold President Kedou responsible for
anything that happens.”

“Damn it!… Are you trying to threaten me? But to sacrifice

the student…”

“Oh well, should I ask President Kedou then?”

“Look, Yuumi. Even Yukito Kokonoe is saying the same thing.

There’s no problem at all! Let go!”

“There’s no way that’s true!”

“President Kedou understands. This is what responsibility

means. And in comparison…”

“I… I understand. I understand! I’m doing this to protect the

students. I will take over, so please don’t touch Kedou! I will
become the nude model!”

“That depends on the teacher’s attitude, doesn’t it? …


“Why are you forcing her?”

I was suddenly hit on the head by Hinagi-chan—huh!? What

the heck? I snapped back to my senses. It seems I was
hypnotized after looking into Kedou’s eyes. It must be her
Mystic Eyes after all.

But still, Sanjoji-sensei, who willingly goes along with such

playful jokes, is truly an exemplary teacher. It’s hard to
believe that someone entrusted with student guidance is
being disliked.

“Yukito, are you not satisfied unless you have done

something mischievous?”
I averted my gaze from Hinagi-chan’s stern look and
whistled silently.

After the series of commotions, the art room finally regained

its calmness.

In a way, this could be considered a light warm-up before

club activities.

“Cough. Let’s start our activities soon. We’ll discuss the

matter later.”

No, it won’t be good to leave it for later.

“By the way, Yukito Kokonoe, are you joining us today?”

“I have the intention to. I even brought my crayons.”

I took out the 100-color crayon set that my mother bought

for me a long time ago.
This item, which had been sleeping in the closet without any
particular use for a long time, has seen a significant
increase in its frequency of use recently. It has become an
indispensable item for me, who has awakened to the Yuri

“Today is a fine day, shall we go outside for some


Following Sanjoji-sensei’s decision, I grab my belongings

and head outside.

“I’m looking forward to it! What are you going to draw,


“Right, maybe you, I guess”


Blushing, Hinagi-chan lowers her head. While a landscape

painting would be fine, as a Yuri enthusiast, I naturally lean
towards drawing people.

As if remembering something, Sanjoji-sensei speaks up.

“By the way, participation is optional, but would you two like
to consider entering the art competition? ‘Summer of Art’
can be a wonderful experience.”

“An art competition?”

“What do you think, Yukito? I want to participate!”

The art club participates every year as part of their

activities, but students outside the club are also free to
“It’s summer vacation, a great opportunity to try new
things. Let’s give it a shot.”


“Please do your best. Fufu, I’m glad you showed interest.”

Apart from the president, the art club is a warm and

wonderful club. I wish Advisor Sanjoji-sensei, who is kind
and hasn’t bothered me at all while leaving everything to
me, could be a role model for Advisor Andou-sensei of the
boys’ basketball club. Hinagi should be able to thrive here
without any worries. There’s no need for concern.

Thinking about the motif, we step outside. Bathed in the

dazzling sunlight, we start drawing our pictures.

While enjoying a famous confectionery called “Shingen

Mochi” on the riverside, there was a troubled student sitting
alone. That student is me, Yukito Kokonoe.

Going back home feels like an unbearable chore. I fall into a

delinquent-like thinking, where my family environment is in

I thought my mother had no interest in me. I thought my

sister hated me. That’s how it was supposed to be. And it
was fine that way. Everything was going smoothly. There
were no problems. I believed that causing trouble and
disappearing would bring peaceful days. That was my
understanding of filial piety. That was my norm.

But suddenly, everything that was normal and ordinary for

me changed completely.
Why did they suddenly become kind?

I wipe off the black honey that got on my lips with a pocket


No, there’s no way that my superior beings, my mother and

sister, could be wrong. They are different from me, a lowly

My mother and sister have always been kind. It was me who

didn’t understand.

I came all this way without knowing. Kindness, the meaning

of it. Contrary to the clear blue sky, my mood is gloomy, and
I delay going home, lingering in this dusk.

One day, when I returned home, my mother and sister were

wearing reverse bunny outfits.

Due to the outrageous act of Sekka Kokonoe, the Kokonoe

family was swept up in an unprecedented reverse bunny

I feel like I’m already dead.

Unable to hide my confusion, I gather my courage and ask

my sister about the intention behind it.

“Ha? It’s the Year of the Rabbit, you know.”

She’s absolutely right, but I lack the intellectual capacity to

understand the correctness of her response.

I seek help at the Himiyama residence, but even Himiyama-

san is wearing a reverse bunny outfit.

Like Alice lost in Wonderland, the collapse of common

Perhaps I have wandered into a world not of another
dimension, but a world of reversed values.

So now, I am a stranger wandering, searching for an exit in

this unfamiliar land.

My mother is currently in the midst of her “Mother training,”

and she mistakenly sees me as an infant or a baby.

After all, she sometimes talks to me in baby language. All I

can manage is babbling in response.

When did common sense get so distorted? Will the days

when I can be at ease ever return?

Once I return home, it’s immediately a battlefield.

I am spoiled as quickly as the wind, as quietly as the forest,

as fiercely as the fire, and as unmoving and spoiled as the
mountain. Of course, they are also pampered as if with
shadows and thunder.

With the strategies of my mother and sister, using the “Kōyō

Gunkan” military tactics, I am undoubtedly being

A message arrives on my smartphone. It’s Hīmizan-san, a

master strategist known for corrupting me.

As I read the content, I spew out a mouthful of roasted

soybean flour and start running.

“A wedding?”

“Yes. My brother wants you, Yukito-kun, to participate too.”

I’m taken aback by this unexpected request.

Involuntarily, my hand stops as I’m about to eat a plateful of

cherries. They’re in season and delicious.

I received a shocking email from Himiyama-san saying, “I’m

pregnant with a baby♪,” and I hurriedly came here, but now
that I think about it, I had no reason to panic.

Dangerous, dangerous. What was I getting all worked up

about… Safe.

“Well…..these cherries…”

“What’s wrong, Yukito-kun? Don’t you like cherries?”

I start sweating. My mind is in complete chaos. I can’t

comprehend anything that’s being said.

The vital signs indicate abnormalities in my breathing,

pulse, blood pressure, body temperature, and level of

I may have the strongest mental fortitude to watch horror

movies with an expressionless face, but when it comes to
genuine paranormal phenomena, I’m utterly defeated. My
gaze wanders in empty space, suffering a merciless defeat.

I never had a sixth sense before. But now, I’m trapped in a

situation where I can see things that even a sadistic clown
would be shocked by. I pick up a cherry with trembling

I can see it. From the slightly open collar, I can see
something that I shouldn’t be seeing, something belonging
to Himiyama-san.
“Cherry boys are easily stimulated…”

“Do you really want to eat cherries that badly? It’s okay, you
can have them anytime.”

“Fufu… fufufu…Looks like you finally pissed me off. ……”

She leans over and talks to me with her sweet breath in my


The performance of semiconductors doubles every one and

a half to two years. This is known as “Moore’s Law.”
However, unlike Moore, this Himiyama-san has no upper
limit to the increase in her likability.

I can’t help but feel a sense of crisis. From the moment I

met her until now, the pace of increase in likability has been
twice as fast as before. It just keeps going up. I beg you,
please stop!

If things continue like this, me eating cherries, may end up

being devoured by Himiyama-san.

So, the strategist, Yukito Kokonoe, came up with a plan

while being blown by the south-eastern wind.

It’s called the “Operation Lower Himiyama-san’s Likability.”

Upon researching, I found that sexual harassment is the

most off-putting characteristic of men for women. It includes
things like unwanted physical contact and sexually
suggestive remarks.

Even though Himiyama-san is nothing but kind and well-

meaning, I have to put this into practice. I’m sorry,
“Hehehe. You seem to have quite an impressive thing there.
Don’t underestimate me. Shall I play with that beautiful
cherry of yours and turn it into an American cherry?”

I swiftly lift Himiyama-san’s chin with my right hand, barely

brushing my left hand against her ample cleavage. I look
into her eyes from above as if I were showing her a hypnosis

A moment of silence. The only sound that echoes is the gulp

of Himiyama-san swallowing her saliva.

Her eyes glisten. Her luscious lips slowly part.

“…Are….you serious… I am marked as a defective product,

a woman disqualified from being a woman. Do you really
desire someone like me? Why are you so—-


Huh? That’s strange. Even though I’m engaging in sexual

harassment, her likability is increasing. It feels like the level-
up sound is playing in succession, just like when defeating
an experienced metal monster.

Wait, could it be that I fell for false information!?

Somehow, Himiyama-san has firmly held my left hand

without me realizing it. Let go of me!

What are you planning to do with my hand? Hey, the

sensation of cherries!?


I met my demise. I’ll leave the rest to the next generation of

Yukito Kokonoe. I’m counting on you, buddy!
“You gave me a coin before, right? The person was deeply
moved by it. And Yukito, I know school has been tough for
you. That’s why he was so concerned about you.”

“I’m the one who should be grateful.”

I don’t know the details, but I heard that she made a great
effort to have my suspension lifted.

Although I am truly grateful to Himiyama-san, but I can’t

shake off my discomfort towards her.

Oh, pink ……. I’m talking about cherries, right? I don’t have
any other intention. I’m just saying that I don’t!

“They had been together for a long time, but they couldn’t
have children, so they couldn’t make a decision about
marriage. However, when the pregnancy was confirmed,
everything changed. My brother was delighted, but the
concern of being an older parent weighed on him. That’s
when he received courage from you, and he was really
happy about it.”

I had heard that they were getting married before, but I had
no idea how it happened.

Come to think of it, Himiyama-san also said that she broke

off her engagement due to infertility.

As a woman of the same sex, she may have had some

feelings about it.

But I am a complete outsider, and I don’t even know them.

Himiyama-san’s brother holds an important position, and

the scale of his wedding is quite large.

The number of guests invited is also far removed from a

typical wedding.

The actual number of guests invited to the wedding

ceremony is also far from the norm.
The wedding ceremony is a big event, and the number of
guests is quite large.

“Don’t worry, Yukito, you’ll be sitting with me in the family


“Family section?!”

Eh, I’m a relative of Himiyama-san? I’m too scared to

mention it any more.

“I heard that if you can tie the stem of a cherry in your

mouth, you are a good kisser.”

The stem was elegantly tied on the mischievous tongue that

playfully flicked. It had turned into a beautiful six-pointed

“Too much skill!”

How skilled is she in kissing? What depths of technique does

she possess, mysterious person?

“Wanna give it a try?”

“I think I might lose all strength, so I’ll pass.”

“Ara, what a pity.”

Considering the current state where I’m already being

figuratively “weakened” by my mother, becoming even
more like a spineless creature is undesirable. Being
completely crushed is the least of my concerns.

Now that my attempts to lower her affection have all failed,

I feel powerless.
I’ve tried various things, you know. When asked about
fashion preferences, I provocatively said, “How about naked
suspenders? Well, it’s probably too much for you, Himiyama-
san (laughs).” But when she actually went and changed
clothes, I realized it was impossible to lower her affection.

Why did I make such a foolish comment? Regret knows no


In other words, Himiyama-san’s current appearance and

good behavior is (self-regulation).

For some reason, I try to ask a question that I’ve been

hesitant to ask. It may be a good opportunity.

“Why are you so kind to me, Himiyama-san?”


The air felt frozen. The seductive atmosphere from earlier

dissipated, replaced by a bitter and pained expression on
Himiyama-san’s face.

There was something familiar about that expression… I

managed to gather my thoughts and spoke.

“…No, I’m not kind. ….I am a liar”

She weakly laughed. Her body trembled uncontrollably. Her

lowered figure seemed fragile, as if it would break under the
slightest pressure.

I was at a loss for words. Insensitively, I had hurt Himiyama-

san, who had shown me such kindness.


“Mother said that doing this would make you feel at ease.”
I lightly embraced her, as if touching something delicate, so
as not to break her fragile body.

I was nothing more than a stranger to her, and this was my

limit. Even if I were accused of sexual harassment, there
was no helping it.

Still, I felt it was necessary. My mother’s teachings were


“I don’t lie.”

“—–! Right… Your words were true. But I didn’t believe


Himiyama-san’s choked sob escaped. She buried her face in

my chest and simply cried.

I realized that I didn’t understand the meaning behind those

tears. Our relationship remained vague, based on what I
didn’t know. It was unstable and fragile, on the verge of

Was it because of built-up stress? Being a working adult is


As long as it’s my chest, I’ll always lend it to her. That’s the

only thing I can do.

After some time had passed and Himiyama-san had

freshened up her makeup a bit, we were once again eating
cherries together. I felt like my fondness for her was growing
even stronger.
“Don’t worry about the gift or attire. It was a sudden
request, so we’ll take care of everything.”

It was a very kind gesture. Then I suddenly remembered.


“What’s the matter, Yukito-kun?”

“I remember now. My mother mentioned that she would also

be attending the wedding… and the venue is the same.”

“Is that so?”

“Wait a moment. Let me confirm.”

I quickly dialed my mother’s number, and she answered

almost immediately.

[Oh, Mom. I have something to ask. No, not about

measurements. Eh, I’m not dating anyone, so I’m free?
What are you talking about? I’m the type of guy you like?
What are you–]

My mother kindly told me things I didn’t ask about. She truly

is a saint.

I managed to finish the conversation. Can you believe such

a coincidence?

“It seems that Himiyama-san’s brother is marrying one of

my mother’s friends.”

“Oh, really? That’s quite a coincidence.”

“What will sister do?”

“I definitely won’t go. I wasn’t invited, and it would just
make me uncomfortable.”

“I guess that makes sense.”

Coincidences can be scary. I was talking to my sister in my

room about being invited to the wedding.

In the end, it was confirmed that my mother would attend

as a guest of the bride’s side, while I would attend as a
guest of the groom’s side. My mother was surprised but
seemed happy. Having my mother there made me feel more
at ease.

In this situation, it’s Yuri-san who will be left out. I asked her
about it, but she flatly declined. It would be complicated to
be invited to the wedding of a complete stranger and it
can’t be helped.

“By the way, why are you closing your eyes? you can’t
measure me like that.”

“It’s my spiritual eye.”

“I see.”

I never expected that I would actually measure her every

week. Yuri-san, who embodies beauty and has honed her
physical perfection, is truly deserving of being humanity’s
greatest masterpiece.

Facing the pinnacle of contemporary art, it’s impossible to

directly gaze without a light-blocking panel.

I am Yukito, the blind measurer!

“Kusu… Kusukusu.”
“Haha… Hahahaha.”

It’s rare for something like this to happen. My sister started

laughing, so I couldn’t help but laugh along.

“What’s so funny!”


I let out a dog-like yelp, being kicked away.

“If you’re going to act like that, I won’t hold back either.”

An ominous line sent shivers down my spine. The sound of

clothes rubbing against each other, slipping.

Crap! Because my vision is sealed, my hearing has become

more acute!

Maintaining the measurement posture, my sister collapses

onto me. Her body temperature feels unusually warm.

My other senses have also become sharper. My sense of

touch and smell are also sounding red alerts.

It can’t be true, it can’t be true!

Speaking of Yuri-san, she is immensely popular at school,

and I also have immense popularity with her.

No matter how you look at it, if we do that, it won’t be the

Davos Conference, it’ll be a family meeting!

I slightly open my eyes and confirm――I widen them in


“Why is your lower body also naked!?”

Blind measurer, defeated!

“As long as we’re at it, I thought you could measure my

three sizes. My other sizes must have changed too.”

“As long as we’re at it?”


“Who’s going to measure them?”

“There’s no one but you, right?”

Impossible, impossible, impossible, impossible, impossible,

impossible, impossible, impossible! Am I a Stand user

“Don’t you get tired from averting your gaze like that?”

“An unreasonable pursuit by the culprit!?”

Yuri-san stretches herself slightly, her figure even more

divine, then places her heels firmly on the ground. I’m filled
with question marks at her mysterious actions, but soon her
intention becomes clear.

I won’t say what it was, but it jiggled. I really won’t say what
it was.

My eyes quickly follow that movement. Naturally, my gaze

is drawn to it.

“Heh. This is a technique for directing your gaze. Remember


“It’s beneficial for studying psychologyyyyyyyy.”

I fell right into the trap. Yuri-san is triumphing. Stomping

Let me make an excuse. If you keep reptiles and amphibians
as pets, you will notice that some of them only eat live food.
When feeding them, they only recognize live insects as

This means that capturing moving things in your field of

vision is one of the animal instincts. It’s not like I was lured
by perverted feelings. Hey, are you listening?

“What’s wrong? It’s not something that will decrease, so feel

free to look.”

“Don’t think I’ll be satisfied with that!”

I avert my eyes from the VIO private zone. I can’t even stare
at it in anger.

“Right, let’s take measurements once a week here.”

“Isn’t that too much!?”

“It’s my growth period.”

“The growth period is really something.”

The persuasive power of the growth period is truly


I manage to endure the hellish time, but Yuri-san still

remains there.

“I’ll be there to cheer you on at the tournament.”

“Thank you. I think the seniors will be happy too. And if

possible, could you wear clothes?”

“What about you?”

“I’ll be so happy I’ll jump for joy. Also, could you please put
on some clothes soon?”

“Dance for me.”


While wishing for her to quickly put on some clothes, I


“I’ve never heard of the basketball club having good results

until now. Making it to the fourth round is already amazing.
You’ve achieved that much, so you should be more proud.”

Am I being praised right now? It feels strange. It must be the

same for Yuri-san.

We awkwardly continue to exchange words, still unfamiliar

with each other. It’s awkward. But we’re undoubtedly taking
steps forward. My sister and I are both navigating this
unfamiliar distance. It will still take time for it to become

My sister and I have endured without fleeing from this

moment. We are sharing this time together.

More than anything else, that is important, and for now, this
is fine. This is our best effort at the moment.

“Are you enjoying club activities a little?”

“I’m not sure. But I don’t dislike it, I think.”

“I see.”

If we continue like this, will we eventually return to being

ordinary siblings?
“Are you enjoying school?”

“Yes… It might be enjoyable.”

Since entering high school, everyone around me has been

supportive. The teachers, seniors, and classmates.

It has always been lively, and they have protected my place

and reached out to me.

I am convinced that this feeling is what they call


“I see.”

She gently strokes my head and gives me a light kiss before

returning to her room.

She kissed me as a greeting, as if she thought Kokonoe’s

family was the only European culture, but when she left, she
looked sad and I remembered the past.

In the past, my sister was always smiling. Her smile

disappeared after I caused a great commotion.

My sister who used to smile and my sister with a gloomy

expression are like completely different people.

It feels like she has changed into someone else. I haven’t

seen her smile for a long time now.

While it’s usual for me to have an expressionless face, I

loved her charming smile.

She always played with me and reassured me that I wasn’t

alone. She was my prideful big sister, and I loved that about
her. Precious memories that I held onto without discarding
She stopped smiling, just like me. But she is someone who
can smile. She is a wonderful person who can enchant
others with her smile. I can’t let her remain without her
smile. I can’t let her lose it.

“I see… Yuri-san is still…”

She is trapped. Trapped in a deep prison of guilt.

After the serious injury, my sister has repeatedly apologized

on various occasions. Forgetting my anger, I have continued
to forgive her. What significance did this exchange hold for

The injury was my fault for clinging to her without

considering her feelings.

There is no need for my sister to atone for any sins. The key
to the prison is always unlocked.

And yet, my sister chooses to remain in that prison of her

own volition.

I’ve kept my distance from them because she hates me. But
if that’s not the case, then that’s–

“Yuri-san, Nee-san… Onee-chan.”

A hint from Mom. She said to start over. If that’s the case,
maybe I need to start over not with Yuri-san nor Nee-san,
but with Onee-chan.

No matter how close we get, there’s still a distance between

our hearts.

I yearn for a future I want to make a reality. Just strongly.

—-once again, so that Onee-chan can laugh.

[Yuri PoV]

“…… that boy is alright now.”

Returning to my own room from the comfortable room of my

beloved little brother, I collapse onto the bed, feeling

My heart feels warm. That child, Yukito, is already okay.

The question I once asked. Previously, he said that club

activities and school were boring, not enjoyable. Has he
noticed that his answer has changed?

It reached him. Yukito realized it. The kindness that

surrounds him.

He is not alone. Exciting days and youth are waiting for him
from now on.

I naturally come to understand. Ah, I see. My role… is


“I’m no longer needed by him… “

On that day, I made a vow. I was determined to protect

Yukito. But now, it’s over.
In the first place, his problem-solving ability is outstanding.
Every time something happens, every time someone tries to
hurt him, he becomes stronger. He becomes someone who
won’t lose. He has developed an unbreakable strength of

There was never a moment for me to take the stage. He

solves everything on his own.

I’ve been pretending not to notice, or rather, pretending not

to notice anything at all.

Because, as a murderer, there was no other way for me to

be by Yukito’s side.

Mother, who is the pillar of our family, supports us

financially. Yukito supports us emotionally. I’m the only one
with no role. I’m the only one who hasn’t done anything. I’m
not just worthless, but also a vengeful presence. A murderer
who only brings suffering to my little brother.

It’s a cruel truth. A hole seems to open up in my chest,

filling me with emptiness.

“This is ridiculous…!”

What on earth am I doing? I know I’m a nuisance, yet I’m

interfering with my little brother.

Being by his side, it’s excessive meddling. It’s unlike me to

approach him in such an intrusive way and cause him

I’m a woman who has outlived her usefulness. Unable to

accept that fact, I was in a state of panic. Ugly-hearted.
Although I claimed not to seek anything in return, in reality,
I wanted to be needed. I wanted to be relied upon.

But such a thing is impossible. Who would need and depend

on a murderer?

What exists is resentment and hatred, fear and animosity.

There is no reason for anyone to approach me, no reason to
exchange words. It’s impossible for anyone to fall in love
with me.

I have been averting my eyes from this obvious reality.

That child, Yukito, is steadily improving. This is a good

opportunity. I will fulfill that child’s wish at the end.

On the desk, there is a single printout: ‘Career Preference


It’s the time to gradually start thinking about the future path
after high school.

“I’m sorry, Yukito, for everything up until now.”

I had already decided to go to university, but now I make a

new resolution.

It’s not that Yukito will disappear. That child is desired by

everyone. It’s me who should disappear.

A university in another prefecture. The farther away, the

better. If possible, even studying abroad might be an option.
It will be lonely not being able to see Yukito. But I need to
take responsibility for what I’ve done.

I’m sure that child will allow me to at least meet during the
New Year. Because he is kind. I can’t let myself become a
further burden to him. Above all, I can’t bear it anymore.

Is this what it means to detach from being a sister? I’m

disgusted by my foolishness.

The reason I never tried to distance myself was not only out
of guilt but also because I couldn’t help it.

“…I love you. But let’s end it here.”

To avoid any unresolved feelings, from now on, we will be a

normal sister and brother.

[Suzune Side]

The ball traces a parabolic trajectory, burning its path into

my vision as if in slow motion.

A world devoid of sound. The surrounding noise doesn’t

reach my ears. Unconsciously, tears escape.

In the silence, I lean over the railing and shout at the top of
my lungs, regardless of appearances.

“Please!—Go in!”

The outcome has already been decided. Only pride remains.

I give it my all for the final shot.

Sound returns to the world. With a thud, the ball bounces off

the backboard, and Toshirou Himura’s shot misses the rim.
The timer hits zero, and the buzzer sounds.
Toshirou Himura, crumbling down, is helped up by his fellow
third-year teammates.

Shouyoukou High School boys’ basketball team’s summer

journey comes to an unexpectedly abrupt end in the fourth

What words should I say? What words are the right ones?

Neither the manager, Shiori Kamishiro, nor Suzune

Takamiya, who has been supporting us since the first round,
can figure it out. “You did well,” “Just getting this far is
amazing.” Such words are inadequate, as anyone observing
the boys’ basketball team can see. No one seeks
consolation. Frustration is evident on their faces. They didn’t
want it to end here. They wanted to go further.

It’s an emotion that the boys’ basketball team hadn’t

experienced before. Once you catch a glimpse of hope, you
can’t help but desire it. You can’t help but believe in the
possibilities. So they fought relentlessly, dirtied their feet.

Yet, they couldn’t reach it. They knew that. Other schools
are also diligently polishing their skills.

They are different from Toshirou and the others, who

recently changed their approach. It’s the result of their
desperate efforts since their first year.

Still, they didn’t think the barrier in front of them would be

impenetrable. Their fingertips were barely brushing against
it. If only they had a little more time, maybe they could have
reached it. The regret of the third-year students weighs
heavily on the basketball team.

They quietly begin to leave the comprehensive gymnasium,

with few words spoken.
In the midst of a heavy, oppressive silence, Suzune
Takamiya’s gaze falls upon Yukito Kokonoe, who acts as if
nothing has happened, just as always.

Suzune knows the reason behind it. The match results were
clearly communicated to him in advance.

“We can’t win this game,” Yukito Kokonoe had told Suzune.
It wasn’t an abstract statement; it was based on solid
evidence. Yukito had calmly assessed the strengths and
weaknesses of both teams and arrived at that conclusion.

Why did Yukito feel the need to tell Suzune this?

Yukito Kokonoe operated with a different purpose and

principle than the rest of the boys’ basketball team.

Upon hearing the conversation, Suzune felt a deep sense of

embarrassment for her own insecurity. Moreover, she was
unsettled by how accurately Yukito had pinpointed her
emotions and couldn’t contain her feelings any longer. She
wanted someone to listen to her, to know her thoughts, so
she poured them out like a release.

Yukito quietly listened to her words by his side.

And he said to Suzune, after losing the game, that there

were two choices.

“It’s not over yet! This isn’t the end. We still have the Winter
Cup. Suzune, I want you to wait a little longer. I’ll show you
how much higher we can reach. We will definitely achieve
results next time. So that I can become worthy of you, this
time, for sure, I—”

As Yukito had predicted, Toshirou Himura chose to make the

decision, and the result was not desirable for Suzune

Yukito had conveyed to Suzune, “If you continue to

postpone the confession any further.”

Suzune knows what will happen next. A single scenario has

been presented.

A ridiculously absurd farce, and it was even a recycled one.

Yet, at that moment, everyone was captivated by such a
farce. It seized the hearts of those who were watching,
refusing to let go. They were struck by its nobility.

Both Toshirou and Suzune were present in that scene. They

could only watch, unable to do anything else.

The sight of Toshirou wanting to stand on the court together,

his determination reached the multitude present. Suzune
was one of those who shed tears at that resolve.

Toshirou and Suzune were both cowards. Perhaps that’s why

Toshirou sought out Yukito Kokonoe.

At the very least, Yukito and those who gathered around him
all possess strength.

They do not fear pain or being hurt. They are unafraid to

collide with each other, with their emotions laid bare.

One day, Suzune casually asked Shiori Kamishiro about it.

Shiori smiled and answered that she, too, was a coward.

She admitted that she was still a coward, scared to death.

However, Suzune respected Shiori, who said that she no
longer wanted to have regrets. It didn’t matter if she was a
junior. She was undeniably stronger than Suzune.
Yukito Kokonoe looked at Suzune Takamiya. He nodded
slightly. It seemed that the grand farce was about to begin.

If that’s the case, Suzune will fulfill her role as the chosen
prima donna.

He should be free of us both by now.

“Toshirou Himura, I hereby expel you from the basketball


[Yukito PoV]

In front of the gathered crowd near the exit of the

gymnasium, I made a loud declaration.

The sudden coup caused a stir among the surrounding

people. Well, that’s to be expected.

Even she didn’t anticipate something like this. But there’s

no helping it.

“Expulsion? What do you mean, Yukito Kokonoe?”

“What’s gotten into you, Yukito?”

“What’s the matter? Are you saying I’m a burden?”

I delivered the statement coldly, causing confusion among

the others. The hot-blooded senpai still have room to grow.

The more he trains, the better he will become. But there’s

no meaning in that alone.

Whether he accepts the expulsion or not, the passionate

senior must make a choice—for his future.
“Wait! It may be true for now. But we still have a few
months until the Winter Cup. With that time, we can aim
higher. I can’t just end it here. Please, Yukito Kokonoe, give
me one more chance…”

“How long will you keep Takamiya-senpai waiting!”


I grabbed the collar of the passionate senior. The sudden

outburst caught the attention of students from other

They’ve been starting from the wrong point altogether. It

doesn’t matter if his motivations for playing basketball are

Even the intensity of his passion varies from person to

person. Some play for enjoyment, others play competitively.

If you genuinely want to play, that’s fine. I’ll support you for

However, among them, only the hot-blooded senpai was

pure. He was more pure than anyone else and devoted
himself more earnestly than anyone else, but he kept
spinning his wheels, wondering what he was doing to get
better and what he needed results for. A divergence
between means and ends.

Above all, he is completely oblivious to Takamiya-senpai.

Even though she is so deeply saddened…

“I’m sick of it. Personalizing the club for yourself is a

nuisance. How long are you going to drag us along? Cut it
out already! It’s not all about you!”
“Yuki, please stop! Even the captain thinks the same.”

I’m sorry for Shiori, who tries to stop me in confusion, but I

can’t let it end here.

“I’m saying this because you don’t understand. This guy has
no interest in Takamiya Senpai. He only thinks about
himself. It’s a nuisance if someone like him keeps lingering

I exert force like a vice, pushing it to the limit.

“N-No, that’s not it. I wanted to… have the qualification to

stand by Suzune’s side… because I have nothing else.”

“By her side? Don’t be foolish. Takamiya Senpai has long

given up on you.”

“What…? S-Suzune…?”

I turn my gaze towards Takamiya Senpai, barely holding on.

“…I’m sorry, Toshirou. I can’t keep up with you anymore.”

Takamiya Senpai stands beside me. She releases his hand,

and the hot blooded senpai falls to the ground with a thud.

“It’s a lie! Why…?”

“Because you don’t understand, that’s why they call you


“It’s Toshirou’s fault! I never wanted this to go on forever!”

“No, it’s not true! Suzune, I truly…”

“That’s enough! I don’t care about you anymore, Toshirou.”

The heated argument between the hot blooded senpai and
Takamiya Senpai grows louder. They say even dogs won’t
eat a couple’s fight, but it’s actually more concerning if
there’s an animal that would. It seems nutritionally poor and
harmful to the body.

I apologize for being absorbed in their quarrel, but am I

standing out too much?

Among the students from other schools, there are some who
are anxiously watching, ready to intervene if things get out
of hand. They’re too kind-hearted.

Oh, there’s a refreshing and handsome acquaintance,

Daigo-senpai. Ooi, over here! Long time no see!

Nevertheless, it’s unexpected for me to stand out to this

extent. What should I do…?

I might seriously end up being disciplined by Sayuri-sensei.

It’s also the right season for it, so I should send her a gift.

That’s right, I have something! I take out the Bunnyman

mask from my bag. Kapoof!

“Mihou-kun, this is…?”

“I see! This flow, Yukito, could it be—”

The perceptive and refreshing handsome acquaintance and

Shiori have noticed. After all, they were involved last time.

Yes, I borrowed and copied the idea from the perceptive and
refreshing handsome acquaintance.

However, it’s boring to just borrow and copy. Let’s make it

“Ussassassa. Suzune will become the wife of this
Bunnyman, usa.”

“Wait a minute! Suzune, is it over between us? Is it too


“Ku… Bunnyman is more wonderful than a loser like

Toshirou. He has potential for the future.”

“I’ll take good care of her, usa.”

“Toshirou is such an idiot. It’s my first time being with


With a much deeper despair in her expression than when we

lost the game, the hot blooded senpai sits down.

It seems like Takamiya Senpai has crushed his last hope.

What do you mean by “for the first time”!? This is going too
far! If you break the hot blooded senpai’s spirit, there will be
no turning back.

This plan is a two-stage plan, the traditional art of

“expulsion” → “awakening,” which has been handed down
since ancient times.

I intended to motivate the hot blooded senpai, but my

argument is on the verge of falling apart.

If he doesn’t have the will to compete with me from here, it

won’t start. He has become a passive senpai, lacking

Realizing that the plan needs adjustment, the perceptive

and refreshing handsome acquaintance offers a lifeline.
“If that’s the case, Bunnyman. If I can steal the ball from
you, you have to withdraw the exile!”

This guy is a good person! Although he’s strangely

overbearing, he’s a good person!

“Don’t be so naive, usa. Do you think you can steal the ball
from this Bunnyman?”

“I’ll do it this time. Captain, let’s regain Takamiya Senpai!”

“Mihou, you…”

“Are you okay with just being pushed around forever? Do

you want to end it without burning out?”

“But Suzune is…”

“He’s such an incredibly uncool and bad guy. Why did I ever
like someone like him?”

Takamiya Senpai provokes him. She doesn’t seem to reflect

at all on going too far earlier and breaking his spirit.

However, strangely enough, her words reach the hot

blooded senpai’s heart.

“Like… I see, you really liked me… And yet, I…!”

The hot blooded senpai hits the asphalt with his fist. In his
eyes, the fighting spirit has returned.

“I lacked confidence… I was scared. But that was selfish of

me, and it caused you pain. Without realizing it, I stopped
seeing what was most important to you… I’m such an idiot.”

“It’s too late now, Toshirou.”

“But still!”

I apologize for interrupting the exciting moment, but may I


“You, a pathetic loser like you, think you can win Suzune
back? Don’t make me laugh, Usa. Then I’ll take on all those
people who are watching from a distance. They’re all a
bunch of losers, making me yawn.”

I’ve been constantly getting my picture taken and asked for

handshakes since earlier. Could it be that what Hyaku-
senpai said is true, and I’ve actually become a sensation
without me knowing?

The serious atmosphere has disappeared, replaced by a

heartwarming one, but I regain my focus. This comedic act
is completely inappropriate for the finale of the tournament,
but it’s too late to stop now.

“Kouki, you’re doing something interesting.”

“Daigo-senpai? Congratulations on winning the block.”

“It’s a shame we couldn’t face each other in the finals

league. Don’t you think so, Gai?”

“Daigo, it’s been a while. And Kouki too. So you’re still

playing basketball.”

“Yes, because I found him.”

“Him, huh? He’s infuriating. I didn’t want to see him again.

When I saw Bunnyman’s moves in the video, I thought,
‘Could it be?’ It was surprising to find you next to him, and I
planned to ask when you met him. But after watching
today’s match, I’m convinced. That man, he’s our–“
“What do you say, Kuga-senpai? Shall we seek revenge?”

“I thought it was foolish to challenge the dojo in this current

era, but I see, it’s interesting.”

The charming handsome guy was getting excited in his own


The hot-blooded senior stood up.

“Let’s do it, Yukito Kokonoe. No, Bunnyman!”

Suddenly, everyone around me was excited. The tension of

the moment is terrifying. These people are shamelessly
calling me Bunnyman, but I’m sure they’ll regret it later. I
was the first of them.

“Shiori, isn’t this gathering too crowded?”

“They brought it upon themselves.”

[Mihou Side]

“Damn it! What’s with his stamina, Kouki!”

Breathing heavily, Daigo carefully observed Bunnyman’s

movements. There must be a gap. His stamina is not
unlimited. He sharpened his senses to find a breakthrough.

As the participants swelled in numbers, with players from

powerful schools challenging one after another, Bunnyman
continued to keep the ball in his possession.

“We’ve only played one match today. We still have plenty of

stamina left.”

“That’s not the issue.”

Like Daigo, Kuga also stepped back to regroup.

“Are you crying, Kouki?”

Without replying to Daigo’s question, Kouki touched his

cheek. It’s definitely not sweat.

After the match, a sense of frustration swirled within Kouki’s

heart. He clenched his fist in regret.

Defeated in the fourth round. He had no complaints about

the match result. He gave it his all and lost. It was a fulfilling
day. If he continued practicing like this, he might reach an
even bigger stage someday. That’s what he thought. Just a
vague thought.

“It feels nostalgic, doesn’t it, Kuga senpai?”

“For us, it’s a bitter memory. Wipe your tears. Why do you
look so happy?”

Daigo, Kuga, and Kouki were all part of the same middle
school and basketball club. Kouki was a year younger, but
they were comrades who polished each other through fierce

And on that day, experiencing the humiliation of defeat,

Kouki inherited the feelings of his seniors.

In Kouki’s gaze, stood the man who became a barrier

between them and their seniors.

“He is still our wall.”

“Don’t act so cool after losing so easily in the fourth round.”

“You can say that only for now!”

Toshirou Himura boldly rushed in, but Bunnyman easily dealt
with him.

In a swift exchange, Kouki also charged forward, but he

couldn’t maintain his balance and lost his posture.

“Can’t reach him, it was never supposed to reach! We made

you lonely!”

“What’s with this high-tension, refreshing handsome guy?


Kouki thought. That he, at least his current self, couldn’t

match up.

Kouki realized it. It was because he accidentally saw

Kokonoe’s notebook.

It was filled with detailed data on their opponents. The

specifics of the regular players, their dominant hand, the
type of players they were, their preferred tactics. It wasn’t
something that could be gathered quickly.

Kokonoe had been diligently collecting this information.

Probably even during their training camps. He researched,
devised tactics, and improved their overall strength.

But he never shared it. It remained an unused trump card.

If you want to win, you should use it. If such a thing exists, it
should be utilized. So why?

But that is a shameful mindset. If you want to win, why isn’t

anyone else doing it?

Moreover, it’s not something a first-year newcomer should

consider. Their efforts are overwhelmingly insufficient.
Ultimately, it was left to others. Anyone could have done the
same thing. Yet no one did, not even propose it.

Why, then, should only Yukito Kokonoe have to do it?

Irresponsibly burdening him with responsibility.

If someone had just mentioned it, Kokonoe would have

presented the notebook.

He repeatedly questioned himself. Was he really serious

about winning against the opponent?

His teammates, none of them were genuinely committed to

winning, merely fantasizing about the future. At this very
moment, they made the man who was always serious about
winning feel lonely.

Until now, Kouki and the others had put in effort to become
better. The acts of challenging stronger opponents, even
going as far as defeating dojos, were part of that effort. It
had an effect. They were steadily gaining strength. Including
Toshiro, the basketball club was rapidly improving. But it
wasn’t enough.

Efforts to win. Overcoming the opponent. What was

necessary and how to achieve it.

They had remained vague and never pursued it further.

Except for one person.

They had the opponent’s data. With that, they might have
advanced past the fourth round.

However, in the end, only Yukito Kokonoe made that effort.

It was an inevitable defeat.
Undoubtedly, it was nothing but the “spoiled spirit” Yukito
Kokonoe had previously mentioned.

They couldn’t even mention something like the Inter-High.

They couldn’t say they were serious, even if their life
depended on it.

It was clear that their mentality hadn’t reached the same

level as their skills.

Their passion, the quality of their efforts, the relentless

pursuit and yearning for victory, everything was lacking.

Kouki remembered. He had also put in such efforts in the

past. After losing in his second year of high school, he spent
days practicing, imagining and preparing to win next time
with his senpais.

During that intense period, Kouki was aware of his

significant growth.

That’s why, in this moment when it was thrust upon him,

and with his senpais who had spent the same amount of
passion by his side, he felt joy, happiness, and reliance,
while chastising his own inadequacy.

It’s frustrating. Remaining in defeat, content in such a place.

Participants who were satisfied with their attempts gradually

began to decrease.

The spectators held their breath, eagerly watching to see

the outcome.

Amidst this, Toshiro, who couldn’t give up, continued to

challenge again and again.



Toshiro’s strength drained from his knees, and he fell down


Kamishiro quickly rushed to Toshiro, who was crouching

down, holding his ankle in pain.

She took out tape from her bag and swiftly started wrapping
it around the injured area.

“Don’t give up! Toshiro, there’s no way you can win!”

“I’ll win, Suzune. I definitely will. Just for now, just for today,
I will win!”

“How are you going to do that with your foot like that!”

Seeing Toshiro struggling to stand, Kouki firmly made up his


“Senpai, will you cooperate with us? I want to help the

captain win.”

“I’m on board. Today, I’ll strip off that mask of his.”

“Don’t make me even more tired at the end of the game.”

Daigo smirked while Kuga let out a frustrated complaint.

(Someday, I’ll stand beside you, right next to you, and

together we…)
Obtain the medal. It would become an irreplaceable part of
his youth.

With unwavering determination, Kouki and the others

dashed forward, cutting off their past regrets and lingering

Believing that glory awaited them at the end.

[Himura PoV]

It’s only natural to exhaust oneself when the offense and

defense continue for such a long time.

Even Bunnyman, Yukito Kokonoe, seems to be struggling, as

if his physical strength has been reduced.

Nevertheless, he still refused to let go of the ball. His skills

and determination are truly formidable.

Kouki and the others are keeping up just as well. It’s an

intense battle of attrition.

The first-year students are reliable and promising. The

future of the basketball club looks bright.

It was them, the upperclassmen, who held them back.

“…I knew it. I’ve been wrong from the beginning.”

I recruited Yukito Kokonoe to join the basketball team in

order to show my performance to Suzune, but in retrospect,
that was a mistake.
The purpose of the game was switched and without realizing
it, I was causing Suzune to suffer.

For the sake of foolish me, they prepared this ridiculous

grand stage.

They stood before me in the end, as my greatest enemy. It

was all for the sake of my pride.

Memories rush through my mind. It was an exhilarating few

months. I could feel myself growing every day.

Last summer we challenged with great anticipation and

ended in defeat in the fourth round.

To say that I have no regrets would be a lie. I wish I had

committed myself more seriously earlier, but the result I can
be proud of. We, the pathetic upperclassmen, were changed
by the first-year students.

I relied on everything, and in the end, I was expelled, and

everything was perfectly orchestrated.

But I can’t let it all go to waste.

I was the one who made Yukito Kokonoe pull this farce, and I
was the one who pushed Suzune into such a farcical

I’ve challenged countless times, dragging my feet, only to

be mercilessly crushed.

In the end, I couldn’t win a single time. The title of captain is


I confirm the feeling of the taping. It’s been about fifteen

minutes since I fell, and it has blended in seamlessly without
any discomfort.

I’ve long surpassed my physical limits. I probably won’t be

able to stand up again.

The same goes for Yukito Kokone and Kouki. I apologize for
dragging them into this mess.

The ending was approaching. This was my one and only

chance. Failure was not an option.

I am the only one qualified to end this game.

For that reason, Suzune, Yukito Kokonoe, and Kouki are

giving it their all, fighting tooth and nail.

I’m crawling on the ground, covered in wounds. But he’s the


I recall the past few months since Yukito Kokonoe joined the
team. We were shown a distant height, a glimmer of hope.

Setting goals, moving forward with determination, we have

grown. And now, we are condemned for our dependence,
tasting despair, and collapsing on the ground like rags.

Every day felt like riding a roller coaster, with exhilarating

ups and downs.

“…I have to thank Yukito Kokonoe for bringing me this far.”

I have to respond. To the days that have passed. And to


If I listen carefully, I can hear voices. Voices that believe in

and cheer for me, despite my pitiful state.
I rise from my heavy body and take a deep breath. To inspire
myself, I weave my words.

“This isn’t just a game. It’s a battle. I’ll do whatever it takes

to win. So…”

A strange sensation, as if I have become the protagonist of

a story, standing at the center of the world.

I see, I am the protagonist of my own life. I realize this

obvious fact only now.

Others don’t matter. Yet, I let the surrounding noise bother

me and hurt Suzune.

Enduring the pain, protecting my injured leg, I awkwardly

challenge the battle.

As I start running, the Bunny Man immediately tries to

intercept me, but my feet get tangled, and I stumble.

My knees lose their strength with a thud. For a moment, the

Bunny Man freezes in motion. A fleeting hesitation. Perhaps
he briefly considered the possibility of my victory and
reached out his hand to prevent my fall.

My junior who is kind no matter how far it goes. Impudent,

stoic, reckless, yet strict.

With my taped foot, I step forward forcefully, putting all my

strength into it.

With an explosive image in my mind, I throw my body


“At least show us a good look for the last time, you idiot!”
Encouraged by Suzune’s voice, I reach out with all my might
for the ball.


The Bunny Man wears a surprised expression. Come to think

of it, Yukito Kokonoe always had an expressionless face.

And how about that! Take that! It’s not like I’m always being
beaten by you!

I embrace the ball as if holding it tightly. I won’t let it go.

Neither the ball nor Suzune.

With the momentum, I roll and dash towards the gallery.

“So, the foot injury was a fake, huh?” (Yuki)

“…I have to do something like this if I want to defeat you.

It’s a once-in-a-lifetime showdown.”

“Well done.”

I raise the ball high above, like a medal of honor.

The thunderous applause envelops me, as if it’s about to


[Yukito PoV]

“I love you, Suzune! I want to marry you!”

“M-Marriage?! We’re not even dating, isn’t that jumping
ahead too much?!”

“I love you, Suzune! I don’t want to give you to anyone else,

I don’t want to be apart from you. I want you by my side.
I’ve hurt you. I foolishly cared about appearances and
protected my meaningless pride. But I won’t repeat it ever
again! I will make you happy, no matter what! I want you,

“…Idiot. I love you too, Toshiro! I’ve been waiting for you!”

They embrace each other. It’s a touching scene. The

summer doesn’t end in sadness.

“You still have to study hard, you know.”

The hot-blooded senpai turns to us. I have already taken off

the Bunnyman mask. It’s hot.

“I’m retiring from the basketball club. There’s nothing left

for me to regret. So, Yukito Kokonoe, I’m counting on you
from now on.”

“But I refuse.”

“Don’t refuse, it was such a good atmosphere!”

“I’m still a first-year.”

“That’s true, but…”

It wasn’t a conclusive ending, but with such a large gallery

present for our public confession, cheers and applause of
celebration resound from all around. We also prepared party
hats and crackers.

“Anyway, congratulations!”
“Congratulations, Takamiya-senpai!”

“Kamishiro-san, when did you prepare all this?”

“Yuki took care of it in advance…”

Be prepared for anything.

“Mihou, I won! I won!”

“Congratulations! Your determination reached her, senpai!”

“Now it’s your turn. Defeat this guy in a grand manner!”


Even though we’re supposed to be teammates in the same

club, I felt like I was left out.

Finally, I can take a breather. This ridiculous farce is finally

over. I’m completely exhausted.

The relentless attacks from the refreshing handsome group,

who seemed determined to crush me, were excessively

These people must hate me, right? Someday, they’ll seek

revenge. Definitely.

“Yukito Kokonoe, thanks for everything. Thank you for

exiling me.”

“The one who did the exile is the villain, you know.”

“Haha, that’s right. Absolutely! You’re a bad guy.”

The hot blooded senpai laughs heartily. Beside him,

Takamiya-senpai also laughs with joy. Applause continues to
echo as if celebrating their new beginning.

Little did anyone know that this commotion would later

become known as the “Miracle of Bunnyman,” spreading
across the nation.

The rabbit, now an icon of love prayers, would be cherished

for a long time.

The urban legend of the monster Bunnyman, a preacher of

love, became more and more confusing.

[Kamishiro PoV]

“It’s great that they made it through!”

“They were quite forceful, though.”

Walking together with Yuki, eating ice cream we bought

from the convenience store on our way back from the

The chocolate is beginning to melt in the heat, and I hastily

stop it from spilling out of my mouth. It’s a peaceful, happy
time as I struggle to finish the ice cream. My heart remains
fluffy and dreamy.

“I wonder what will happen to those two.”

“I can’t take responsibility for what comes next.”

“Yeah… After all, it’s their story now.”

I can only intervene and assist up to this point. The two of

them needed help.
It was like a deeply moving experience, as if becoming an
extra in a movie. Witnessing a miracle.

The happy ending of two people who overcame difficulties

and found each other. It’s romantic and aspirational.

Many of the people present at that moment must have felt

the same way I did.

Even though I should have been down after losing the

game, Yuki saw something different.

That fact is a little frustrating. I feel pathetic for not facing

the same direction as Yuki.

I became the manager of the boys’ basketball club. Yuki

accepted me, but it feels unsatisfying.

I didn’t notice that Himura-senpai was feeling anxious or

that Takamiya-senpai was struggling.

I wanted to be of help to Yuki, to be useful, but I couldn’t

accomplish anything.

“I hope they can be happy.”

“If it’s Hot blooded-senpai, he’ll be fine. He awakened, after



Yuki brings happiness to those around them. It’s a stark

contrast to me, who only inflicts pain.

I can only take from Yuki.

“I’m so powerless…”
I haven’t grown. The only thing that’s grown is my height.
No matter how much time passes, I can’t consider others’

“I think you’re doing well, though.”

“That’s not true. I haven’t done anything—”

Kindness tightens my chest. No, I’m still unable to give

anything back!

I caress my wristwatch. Since the day we met until today,

I’ve only received things.

Yuki helped me. Protected. Saved me. Forgave me. Above

all, I received so much happiness. More than I can ever

I’ve been selfishly enjoying that kindness all this time.

Yuki made me happy, but I can’t make Yuki happy.

Who will make Yuki happy? Where does Yuki’s happiness lie?

“Shiori, what do you want to do from now on?”

“What do you mean…”

What I want to do has always been clear. I want to support

Yuki. That’s all.

“The basketball club will continue self-training until the

Winter Cup. I’ll be attending the art club for a while. I have
prepared training menus, and thinking about what they lack
is also part of the practice. Besides, now that the issue with
the hot-blooded senpai is resolved, I don’t have a next goal
set yet.”
“I see…”

Yuki is busy. Attending the art club must be necessary for


“You’ve probably noticed, but the boys’ basketball team

doesn’t really need a manager. There’s nothing specific for
you to do.”

“Yeah… I feel like I haven’t contributed anything.”

“No one is saying that. Your presence is only a positive

influence in terms of motivation.”

Am I really making a contribution? Am I being helpful?

There are few members in the boys’ basketball team, and

there are hardly any miscellaneous tasks. In the first place,
it’s more common for a club not to have a manager. In that
sense, the boys’ basketball team was unique. I have a place
here because Yuki provided it.

“Shiori, join the girls’ basketball team. I’ve talked to the

captain about it.”

“Huh? But I want to be with…”

“If that’s the case, you can stay registered as a manager.

Just show up and support us during the matches. Shiori, why
did you come to this school?”

“Well… to chase after Yuki… I didn’t want it to end like that.”

That’s the undeniable truth. I ran relentlessly without

looking back, with only that goal in mind.

“Is that enough for you?”


“I’m not denying it. I told that to Hinagi too… You guys are
too blind. Try to have a broader perspective and be greedy
for happiness. Show the determination to obtain everything
you desire. We have plenty of time. Aim for a 100%
completion rate in the CGs.”

Blind… Even if I’m told that, I can’t help it. I was desperate
to catch up to Yuki, only focusing on his back. I didn’t have
the luxury to think about anything else. Impatience and
anxiety were driving me.

“Shiori, I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be right here.”


I see, I don’t need to chase after Yuki’s back anymore. I

understand it smoothly.

Yuki’s words slowly soak into my heart. One love has come
to an end.

It was a painful love, always chasing after him. From now


“You should go to the place where you are needed and enjoy
yourself. It’s okay to have as many things you want to do.
I’m already short on time and panting, as it is.”

Because I only focused on Yuki, I didn’t notice the

impatience of Himura-Senpai or the anxiety of Takamiya-
Senpai. I still have a lot to learn. In that case, I should gain
more experience.

That’s what Yuki always does!

I’ll become a more wonderful and charming person and
make Yuki fall in love with me even more.

That’s my next goal.

“Yuki, I’ll make the girls’ basketball team win the


“You seem to have a lot of energy. You’re a high school

student. Sing and celebrate your youth.”


Yuki was also looking at me properly. That made me happier

than anything else.

“I have somewhere to stop by now. This is where we part


“I see. Then, see you at school!”

At the level crossing where we part ways, the alarm bell

rings and the barrier comes down.

Unable to stand still while watching him leave, I shouted.

“—-Am I not good enough!”

Did my voice reach him? Yuki stops abruptly.

“—-I wonder if I can make Yuki happy!”

I love you. I love you so much. But above all, I want to give
something back. Give form to these feelings.

As if hesitating, he turns around.

The train passes, blocking my line of sight.

Time passes, fleeting yet eternal, and my field of vision
opens up.

Yuki was not on the other side of the tracks.

Chapter 3: SNS Syndrome

I am a worthless being. My name is Yukito Kokonoe.

“It’s hot…”

I mutter words that have no meaning, but it’s unavoidable.

It’s just the way it is.

Today, the temperature exceeded 30 degrees Celsius (86

Fahrenheit) . As early summer arrives, the scorching
sunlight is unbearable. With the cicadas’ chirping as
background music, I realized something that was perfectly

I was heading towards the shopping mall. I’m still growing,

so my height has increased. The swimsuit I used in middle
school had become too small. I rarely wear it except for
swimming lessons, but if an adult woman invites me, I can’t

Mio-san and Tristy-san invited me to choose a swimsuit, but

I decisively declined. It’s an impossible task for me, who has
never had a girlfriend before. Both of them have excellent
figures. Especially Tristy-san, who is half-Japanese, I won’t
go into details, but she’s well-endowed and impressive. It’s
like having airbags!

As I exit the station, I spot a familiar figure from afar. The

airbags are bouncing.
Tristy-san, the person in question, stands out with her
dazzling hair color.

I hesitate whether to call out to her but decide against it. My

relationship with Tristy-san is quite strange.

I am the victim, and she is the perpetrator. We only met by

chance due to an accident.

And yet, it’s strange to be invited to hang out by such a


Tristy-san and Mio-san invited me to go to the pool.

They say it’s to apologize, but now I regret agreeing to it.

Tristy-san seems to feel guilty, and she has been quite

considerate towards me, but it’s not good for either of us to
settle for that.

“Well, she’s so beautiful, she must have a boyfriend.”

The person next to her must be her boyfriend. A handsome

couple. Whether they had a meeting arrangement or not,
Tristy-san runs towards her boyfriend with a radiant smile,
and they embrace each other tightly.

The two of them make a perfect match. They embody the

ideal couple.

I wonder if it was really a good idea for me to accept the

invitation. From Tristy-san’s boyfriend’s perspective, I’m just
an intruder. The apologies and compensation for the
accident are already settled. Our relationship ends there.

There’s no reason for Tristy-san to be involved with me

Even though we won’t be alone, going to the pool with a guy
is probably not a pleasant feeling for her boyfriend. What
should I do? This is troublesome…

Overwhelmed by the heat, I decide to take a break and

enter a nearby cafe. Wiping off sweat with a handkerchief, I
order iced coffee and start thinking about what happened

Yesterday, Shiori apparently received a confession from

Suzuki, a second-year senior who is said to be the next ace
of the baseball club. She came to me specifically to say, “I
turned him down properly, Yuki!” with her usual cheerful
smile. It’s thoughtful of her, but Shiori is popular. I can
vouch for that.

Come to think of it, I felt a sense of discomfort even back

then. Shiori expressed her feelings for me, and so did
Hinagi. But I haven’t given them an answer.

Am I just a piece of garbage?

I’m nothing but a benchwarmer. In fact, I should be benched


Now that I think about it, I haven’t given any response to

the “love” directed towards me by these girls. I’m a damn
scumbag. I deserve a thousand deaths.

Seriously, this is the worst… I’ve never paid attention to

others before. I thought I was being rejected. My world
revolved around me alone.

But now I’ve realized that’s not the case. I grabbed onto the
extended hand.
I don’t know who Suzuki-senpai is. But if he truly likes Shiori
and confessed with sincerity, then Suzuki-senpai is far more
earnestly looking at Shiori than I am.

Within the rejected confessions of Shiori, there might have

been someone who could genuinely make her happy,
someone who could reciprocate the affection she holds for

I am different from someone who is always searching for


Was it good for Shiori to turn down the confession? Such a

self-righteous thought.

Since she made her own decision to decline, I have no right

to say anything.

However, if I had given an answer earlier, for example, if I

had clearly responded that I couldn’t reciprocate Shiori’s
feelings, she might have had new options.

There might have been a chance for the sincere confession

of someone to be rewarded.

—-I am being cruel.

Will I be able to fall in love with someone again? Will there

ever be a day when that happens? And above all, is it fair to
keep dragging these girls along, unsure of my own feelings?

By keeping the answer on hold, avoiding their “love,” and

remaining stagnant in the same place, I may be robbing
them of their future and possibilities.

Is it okay for me to be near these girls?

“Leon, long time no see! Are you going to be in Japan from
now on?”

“Yeah. I finally managed to come over here.”

It had been three years since Tristy had seen her brother
Leon. While Tristy and their family moved to Japan, Leon
was the only one who stayed abroad for work.

Finally, after finishing his work handover, Leon had decided

to live in Japan starting this summer.

However, it seemed that he wasn’t accustomed to the

Japanese summer yet, as he wiped off copious amounts of
sweat in the sweltering heat.

“Let’s go inside the store quickly. I miss the air


“Japanese summers are hot, right? But you’ll get used to it


Despite saying that, they headed towards the mall, seeking

refuge from the harsh sunlight.

“Is Leon’s place far from here?”

“It’s a 20-minute walk from the station, so I can visit


“That’s great. Mom and Dad will be happy too!”

“By the way, it must have been tough for you. You caused
an accident, right? Are you okay?”

“Yeah. The other person involved was really nice.”

“I was surprised when Mom told me. I’m just glad that
nothing happened to you, Tristy.”

Engaging in casual sibling banter, they strolled through the

mall together.

Tristy had met up with Leon here to help him gather the
things he needed for his new place. Leon was going to live

“…I think I’ve got most of the things I need now. What about
you, Tristy?”

“Then it’s my turn next. Follow me!”

After finishing Leon’s shopping, Tristy headed towards her

intended destination.

“Oh, are you buying a swimsuit?”

“You should pick one too, Leon. Don’t you have one?”

“You’re choosing quite a flashy swimsuit. Did you get a

boyfriend or something?”

“N-No, it’s not like that! He’s not…”

“Oh, I hit the mark, huh? Introduce him to me sometime.”

“It’s not like that! Yukito is the person involved in the


“Accident? What’s that about? Is he your destined partner or

something? It’s Japanese culture, I see.”

“It’s not like that!”

Tristy hurriedly denied, but she could feel her face turning

Leon smiled warmly as he observed his sister earnestly

choosing a swimsuit.

“So this is what ‘away’ feels like…”

As we approach summer, the sun sets much later in the day.

It’s transitioning from dusk to the darkness of the night.

When I look up at the sky, it’s dyed in a vibrant azure color,
reminiscent of glazed pottery.

I find myself in a very out-of-place situation. Just being here

challenges my identity as an introverted. Who am I? Yukito
Kokonoe. Is that really who I am?

Amidst the cheerful commotion around me, my heart feels


“Yukito-kun, sorry to keep you waiting!”

“Hey, you don’t have to rush like that; he won’t run away,
you know.”

“For me, I’d run away as much as possible.”

However, I’ve been cornered! Two people come out of the

changing room, and everything suddenly becomes more

Mio-san and Tristy-san invited me to the night pool.

It’s a spell that deals significant damage to an introvert. I’m

already feeling blue.
When it comes to summer, the only thing I would usually do
is watch B-movie shark films. It’s not a place I would
naturally find myself in. It has low priority for me.

Of all places, I ended up here. It turns out that I, Yukito

Kokonoe, am a man who cannot even hold a candle to the
winds of the introvert world.

As I catch a glimpse of Mio-san and Tristy-san, an

inadvertent comment escapes my lips.


“Hey, isn’t that a little too straightforward!?”

“It’s embarrassing to be seen like this…”

“Don’t you think there’s not enough fabric?”

“It’s a bit flashy, isn’t it? I put in all my effort!”

“Haa. Having a good figure really makes a difference. I’m so


“I think both are great.”

“Which swimsuit do you prefer?”

“That’s right. Which one do you like?”

“Can you please stop presenting me with choices that only

create dissonance?”

That’s definitely a situation where cracks in friendship can

appear. No one benefits from it.

“If you choose me, I’ll provide some service, you know?”
“I don’t accept service overtime.”

“Well, even if you don’t choose, I’ll still provide the service!”

“I’ll pay you overtime for that.”

I received some (?) service from Tristy-san. It made me


I was invited to hang out as an apology, but I never

expected it to be at a night pool. It might be more
comfortable than during the day, but I’m more inclined
toward dark and damp caves rather than brightly lit holes.
However, I don’t have anyone who would invite me to such
a place.

Well, I don’t have many acquaintances to begin with!

As I indulged in self-deprecating thoughts, I was

immediately flanked on both sides, with my escape route
cut off.

“Let’s have a great time today!”

“Yukito-kun, how do I look?”

“It’s wonderful. It’s like the Rococo style.”

“Can I take your praise as a compliment?”

“Well, yes.”

Asked for my opinion on their swimsuits, I answered


In this situation, there’s no way I could express a negative

Mio-san is wearing an off-shoulder bikini, while Tristy-san is
also in a bikini, but with her incredible figure, she looks like
a model.

They have already caught the attention of those around us.

Despite that, they stick close, but now we’re all in
swimwear. When they come into contact with me, our skin
directly touches.

“You have two flowers in your hand, Yukito-kun.”

“It’s quite a burden.”

“Let’s take a selfie, a group photo!”

“Is that really okay? I don’t want any social media scandals

“It’s fine! Only my friends will see it.”

“I just don’t want to be identified…”

“I’m sure you’ve been through this already, right?”

“When did my rights become a free pass?”

Is this the dark side of social media?

“Hey, hey. Yukito, what do you usually do?”

“What do I usually do? Well, I guess I often get involved in

troubles and such.”

“Coming from someone who got involved last time, try not
to say scary things.”

“Sorry… It must have hurt!”

“No, no, don’t worry about it. It’s nothing out of the ordinary
for me.”

Mio-san and Tristy-san looked a bit down.

Oh no, they invited me to hang out like this. I should have a

good time or it’ll be a waste.

Besides, even though I have some inherent issues, troubles

don’t happen all the time.

“Big sister, why don’t you play with us? Is that kid over
there someone’s brother or…”

I twisted his arm and threw it into the empty pool. Splashes
of water flew up.


“What are you doing all of a sudden—”

I twisted his arm and threw it into the empty pool. Splashes
of water flew up.

“Shin-niiiiii! Wait, wait! I’m sorry! We’re not forcing you to

come along—”

I twisted his arm and threw it into the empty pool. Splashes
of water flew up.

“I’m Yuu-niiiiiiiiiiii!’

I sighed in relief as the self-introductions faded away.

“It’s peaceful today.”

There are days without troubles. If there were constant

incidents happening every single day in this safe Japan, I
wouldn’t be able to handle it. I want these peaceful days to

“You’re really something, aren’t you?”

Which one?

“Being near Yukito feels like the safest option! Let’s play,
let’s play!”

Oh boy. I instinctively shrugged my shoulders. I tried to act

like one of those laid-back protagonists, but honestly, I
ended up playing a lot. It seems the laid-back type doesn’t
suit me.

But then again, it’s been a while since I’ve been to a pool or

“But really, did something happen?”

“You have no self-awareness, do you?”

I’ve been getting approached by outgoing older sisters and
brothers quite a lot lately.

While eating the frankfurt that the laughing older brother

treated us to, I couldn’t help but wonder.

“I got so much…”

Mio-san and Tristy-san also seemed bewildered by the meals

and drinks they were treated to.

Come to think of it, the trio I threw into the pool earlier, the
3G, seemed to be getting attention from the nearby older
sisters. It was quite a heartwarming sight.

As a self-proclaimed introverted loner, I had been irrationally

hostile towards extroverts and party people, but it turns out
they’re all nice people! It was just my vision that was

“Mio-san, is there a rule for this night pool that only good
people can enter?”

“How can you see reality with such clouded eyes…”

“Yukito-kun is interesting, that’s why he’s getting attention!”

“I feel like you could do well anywhere in the future.”

Hmm, did I have any elements that would attract attention?

“Oh right, speaking of the future, Yukito-kun, have you

decided on your career path?”

I pondered Mio-san’s question. Being a beekeeper on a

remote island was rejected. While there’s also the option of
helping my independent mother, even though it was denied
by Hinagi, I haven’t given up yet.
“The path of a vagabond, perhaps.”

“That’s too scary! It’s not just about black labor.”

“Yukito-kun, let’s keep the horror comments for summer

only. Anyway, I understand that you’re not thinking about it.
But if we say that, it might apply to us as well.”

Mio-san chuckled awkwardly, looking troubled.

“What’s up with your career path?”

“Well, you know, we have to start thinking about job hunting

soon. We can only play like this for now. It’s going to get
busier from here on. Ugh, it’s depressing.”

“If things don’t work out, Yukito-kun, you can ask my dad for
help. He can do something about it. I’m not saying I’m like
that, but my dad is pretty impressive.”

It seems Tristy-san’s father works as an executive in the

Japanese branch of a foreign company.

I’ve gained a powerful connection! Sorry, but life is about

connections. That’s the reality.

By the way, once you become a university student, you’re

on the verge of entering society. It’s the time when you start
seriously considering your future life plans.

I can only hope that Mio-san and Tristy-san can follow the
path they desire.

“Yukito-kun, would you like something to drink?”

“I’ll have a sports drink, please.”

We changed clothes and took a break after having
exhausted ourselves playing. We were enveloped in a
pleasant feeling of fatigue.

Swimming is a full-body exercise. It consumes more energy

than I thought. I feel like I’ll fall asleep as soon as I get
home. It was already past 20:00. It’s about time we leave,
or else we’ll be in trouble.

“I had fun today. What are you going to do after this, Yukito-

“I’m going home. Since I’m underage, I can’t stay out late at

“I see, that makes sense. Can I invite you again sometime?”

“Yes, of course. I had a great time too.”

When I told my mother and sister that I would be going out

with Mio-san and the others, they were strangely unhappy.

I have no idea what would happen if I came home late at


“Um, if it’s okay, Yukito-kun, would you like to come to my

house next time? We’re having a family BBQ.”

“To Tristy-san’s house? That’s a bit…”

“Is it not okay?”

Tristy-san looked sad and lowered her gaze, but there was
something she had been concerned about while we were
having fun today.

“It wouldn’t be right to your boyfriend, after all.”

“Boyfriend? Who?”

“Huh, Tristy-san, don’t you have a boyfriend?”

“I-I don’t! There’s no such person!”

“Huh? But I happened to see you hugging each other in

front of the mall the other day.”

“What does this mean, Tristy?”

“I really don’t have one! The mall… wait, could it be about

my brother?”

“You mean it was your brother?”

“Yeah. When I went to buy a swimsuit the other day, my

brother—Leon—finally managed to come here, so we just
met. It’s not like we’re dating or anything!”

“I was worried that you were playing with me even though

you had a boyfriend.”

“That’s not it! I swear, it’s definitely not like that! In fact,
Leon said he wanted to meet you too. Even Mom and Dad
want to meet you, so would you come to my house next

“Well, in that case…”

I didn’t realize I suddenly had more visitors wanting to meet

me, but I see, so his name is Leon.

I thought Tristy-san and him were a handsome couple, but if

he’s Tristy-san’s brother, it’s understandable that he’s also
handsome. It seems my needless worry was for nothing.

Looks like the shura was averted. I’m glad, I’m glad.
I’m sorry. I lied, Shura was not avoided at all.

“What does this mean?”

As soon as I returned home, I was made to kneel down. My

sister, who is beautiful as always, is now piercing me with
her sharp gaze. It’s starting to become pleasurable for me.

On my smartphone, there was a selfie that Tristy-san had

sent me.

“Just as it looks… having a great time, huh? You’re all lovey-


“Han, I’m the one who’s always been praised for being too
serious and scary.”

“I hate to brag, but it’s not popular at all, not even a bit.”

“That’s a lie…”

“What’s wrong with your self-awareness? So, what’s the


“It’s more like a victim and perpetrator…”



Tristy-san had previously come to apologize with her family.

Thanks to that, my mother knows Tristy-san, but my sister,
who wasn’t present at the time, doesn’t know her.

When I explained the situation, my sister was dumbfounded,

and I felt the same way.
It’s incomprehensible that a victim and a perpetrator are
playing together so harmoniously.

“I wonder if you have some kind of aura that makes older

people like you.”

“What’s that? It’s scary.”

My sister muttered in exasperation, but for me, who has a

reputation for being unlucky with women, it’s not a laughing
matter. For me, women are synonymous with trouble, but
even so, I stopped cutting off everything and took a step

In order for me to change, I needed the help of others. I

didn’t want to leave their one-sided feelings as they were.

I realized that it was a cowardly and sinful act. Regardless of

the answer, if I don’t respond, it will end up being unhappy
for everyone. Stagnation has gone on for far too long.

I can’t behave with the unconsciousness of a harem


“I guess the only option now is for me to wear a micro


“I want to see it! Haa!? My true thoughts slipped out…”

“You’re quite honest too.”

“That’s not it. This is more like a conditioned reflex, like

Yukito Kokonoe’s Pavlov, and it’s definitely not my true

“Do you want to see it?”

“I do.”
“Very well.”

“Are you sure about this?”

Doubts crossed my mind, but since my sister gave the green

light, it should be fine. In this chaotic and demon-infested
Kokonoe’s household, worrying about the details would be a
lost cause.

“So, uhm… Do you have someone you like or anything?”

“Don’t siblings normally not talk about that kind of thing?”

“We haven’t had a normal relationship until now. It’s fine,

isn’t it?”

“Well, yeah, but…”

“And it’s not just me. Mom will be part of the family meeting

“At least, at least spare me that…”

“Well, let’s go.”

Afterward, I was subjected to intense questioning.

On Monday morning, a gloomy atmosphere dominated both

teachers and students alike.

In a melancholic mood, thoughts like, “I wish a meteorite

would fall and give us a day off from school,” crossed
everyone’s mind. Amidst such inappropriate musings, a
most tactless young man casually appeared in the
“What’s wrong, Yukito!? Your face is pale!”

Hinagi Suzurikawa rushed over in a panic. Sensing

something serious, the other classmates quickly gathered
as well.

“Yuki, are you feeling unwell? Should we go to the


“What’s the matter, seriously? Your dark circles are awful.

Are you sleep-deprived?”

Concerned, Kouki Mihou inquired. Yukito, gasping for breath,

murmured weakly.

“…Gambling… is bad. Absolutely.”

With a thud, Yukito collapsed right there on the spot.

“Yukito, pull yourself together! Yukito?!”

To understand why this young man was so exhausted and

distressed, we must go back to the events of the previous

“…Such heavy rain. I was planning to go out wit you.”

My mother sighed softly while gazing out the window.

Curiosity piqued, I looked up at the sky as well.

The rain had been pouring since morning, steadily

intensifying. Thick clouds stretched endlessly without a

Despite it being daytime, the room felt dim and gloomy. It

seemed like the right choice to stay indoors and quietly pass
the time at home.
“I have an idea! How about playing a game for a change?”

“A Game?”

Mom claps her hands, as if she has just come up with a

great idea.

I couldn’t recall ever playing a game together with my

mother before, but with nothing else to do and just idling
around in the living room, it might be a good idea. Some
quality parent-child time.

“Shall we play mahjong?”

“Just the two of us?”

“Yuri will be here.”

“But that still makes three.”

While there is a variant of mahjong for three players, the

rules are somewhat unconventional, and with three people,
there’s no need to be fixated on playing mahjong. My sister,
who had somehow appeared in the room, briskly prepared
the mahjong table.

“Why do we have a mahjong table in our house?”

Amidst the numerous unsolvable mysteries that arose, the

doorbell rang.

“Yuki-chan, hello there! I bought lots of snacks. Let’s eat



In a strangely natural flow of events, the four of us gathered

I wondered if there was something important happening on
such a stormy day, but it seemed they had simply come to
hang out without any specific reason. Sekka’s participation
was decided abruptly.

“Okay, now that the preparations are done, I’ll go change.”

“Change clothes?”

“Look forward to it, Yuki-chan.”

Unable to keep up with the rapidly progressing situation, I

simply parroted the question.

Left alone and bewildered in the living room, a few minutes

later, my mother and the others returned.

“W-W-What’s with those outfits!?”

“How do we look?”

For some reason, the three of them were dressed in Chinese

dresses. It was a captivating sight.

They elegantly turned around, exuding a bewitching allure

with every move.

Their legs, shamelessly revealed through the slits,

captivated the gaze with their slender beauty. And for some
reason, they even wore shoes, despite being indoors.

Yuri, in particular, had opted for a mini-length Chinese

dresses. It was too provocative. Is this what youth looks

They ostentatiously crossed their legs and sat on the chairs.

Yes, ostentatiously, that’s the word!
Yuri playfully caressed her chin with a feather fan. She blew
a breathy sigh on her neck.

“With this kind of weather, we have to liven up the mood,


While my mother was saying something quite reasonable, I

felt an intense desire to escape from this situation.

They all looked like villainous female executives. They might

say something like “death to the traitors.”

“Well then, Yuki-chan. Let’s get started right away.”

And so, without my understanding, the “First Kokonoe

Family Mahjong Tournament” began.


In the first hand of East round, my mother declared a

victorious “Ron” with excitement as she won on the eight of
characters she discarded.

Luck was on her side. While munching on the karinto that

Sekka-san brought, I secretly smiled to myself.

I was surprised by the Chinese dresses, but in a mahjong

tournament, there must be some kind of reward for the
winner. I will be the one to claim victory in this match!

“Haa… You really can’t hold back, can you, Nee-san?”

“Don’t push yourself too hard, Oba-san.”

“Be quiet! It’s embarrassing, but there’s no helped it.”

Ignoring the exasperated Sekka-san and my sister, my

mother’s cheeks turned cherry blossom pink.
Standing up, my mother boldly slipped her hands into the
opened slits on the left and right sides of her dress. Slowly
pulling her legs out, she removed the shorts she had been
wearing from under her dress and placed them in the
nearby basket.

I was captivated by the radiant and graceful thighs, but

suddenly snapped out of my daze.

“…W-Why are you suddenly undressing?”

“In mahjong, if you lose to your opponent, you have to

remove one piece of clothing.”

“There’s no way such a rule exists!”

My mother blatantly lied as if it were natural. Even though I

may be ignorant and lack common sense, I had never heard
of such a rule. To stop this madness, I asked my sister for

“Is that true?”

“It is.”

EEEEEHHHHHH?! But wait, it’s likely that my mother and

sister are just conspiring together. Please, let it be true!
Right, Sekka-san?


“It is.”

“Is that soooooooo!? That’s amazingggggg!”

The cry of my soul echoed. Wait, am I the crazy one here? Is

there really such a rule in mahjong?
“It’s mainly a local rule that was popular in arcades in the
1990s, but we’re using it here.”

Sekka-san kindly explains, but why on earth would such a

barbaric rule exist…?

These days, game centers are dominated by prizes aimed at

women, but if you trace back history, there was a time when
video games were in their prime.

During that era, the atmosphere was said to be bad, with

dimly lit rooms and ashtrays flying around like in a
battlefield. Perhaps these mysterious mahjong rules were
remnants of that time.

This is bad, really bad! I feel a sense of unease and fear of

the unknown creeping over me.

This emotion is called ‘fear.’ Could it be that my mother and

the others intend to teach me about it…

“Well, let’s continue the game.”

An unsettling atmosphere gradually enveloped the mahjong


“What?! That’s impossible!”

In the fourth hand of the East round, my sister discards a

Three of Manzu and confidently declares a Ron. I hurriedly
check the discard pile, realizing that hardly any Manzu tiles
have been discarded so far. Therefore, it’s highly likely that
someone has a concealed hand of Manzu. And based on the
discards, the most probable candidate is me.

I’m in a ready hand, waiting for both Three and Six of

Manzu, with a Riichi declaration. In this mahjong game with
a special rule that requires removing a piece of clothing if
you lose, no one wants to go through that. Even my mother
and the others must want to avoid it at all costs.

That’s why I intentionally formed an obvious ready hand to

make it easier for my opponent to read my waiting tiles.
Avoiding the Three-Six Manzu tiles should have been an
easy task.

But to my surprise, my sister swiftly discards the

dangerously powerful Three of Manzu. It’s a suicidal move.

“What’s the matter? You should have Roned the hand.”


My suspicion turns into certainty. She read my waiting tiles

perfectly and discarded the winning tile.

“You wouldn’t think of deliberately missing it and winning on

a self-drawn tile, would you? I won’t tolerate such a cheating
move in a serious match. It’s a penalty. Remember that.”


With no other choice, I reluctantly declare Ron and reveal

my hand. The tiles fall weakly onto the table.

“Ara ara, what a predicament. But it’s the rule. There’s

nothing we can do about it. It’s the rule, after all.”

Yuri-san reaches around her back. I wonder if she’s

unfastening her bra; it sways gently.

Why? Why would she do such a thing… Could it be!

“You planned this!”

“You’re the one calculating.”

It’s true that I’ve been calculating Yuri-san’s moves lately,

but this situation is beyond calculation.

I can’t hide my terror at her desperate strategy. Is she really

so determined to make herself lose!?

If things continue like this, I will win the game but lose in
stripping. Yeah, I don’t really understand.

“Don’t worry, Yuki-chan. I’m only wearing this one piece.”

“Sekka, you’re out of the game!”

“A sl*tty mother like you, Nee-san, has no right to talk to me

like that!”

“It’s a bit of both, isn’t it? Don’t worry, I’ll let you win by
giving you a Ron.”

Yuri-san’s comforting words sound like devilish whispers to

me in my current state.

I finally understand this death game. Come to think of it,

there hasn’t been a single Ron victory among my mother
and the others. They’re in cahoots. They’re all in on it, using
any means necessary to make me lose. Now that I think
about it, the timing of Sekka-san coming to our house is too
suspicious. Everything was meticulously planned from the

This is a form of Mahjong where you must not win by Ron.

Only winning by Tsumo is allowed. My mother, sister, and

Sekka are all watching me closely, eagerly waiting for a
chance to discard winning tiles and give me a chance to

I feel an extreme tension. I quench my thirst with a glass of

ice-cold cola. Then, I suddenly realize something.

“What if, hypothetically, you run out of clothes to


“No need to worry. I’ll pay with my body, so rest assured.

Besides, I’m like a service character that appears in strip
Mahjong games, so Yuki-chan can easily conquer me. Good
luck, Yuki-chan♪”

Sekka said with an innocent smile, without a trace of worry.

“And if you lose, I’ll make sure you pay.”

Yuri-san’s sharp eyes gleam fiercely.

“Woof, woof.”

Like a lonely dog left at home by its owner, a voice filled

with loneliness emerges.

Upon careful consideration, I realize that regardless of the

outcome, it would be the same for me.

Wait a minute? That’s when a brilliant idea flashes through

my mind. It’s precisely the kind of move that a strategist
would come up with!

This is strip Mahjong. Then, while avoiding Ron, I should cut

down my opponent’s score, aim for Yaku-Man or Doubaman,
and then at once tobash the score with a high-scoring Yaku
to reduce it to a negative number.
“Foul and despicable scheme! Fear not, I will chip away at
their scores. I will forcefully end the game and make you

“If it’s a draw, I’ll take responsibility and strip completely, so

don’t worry.”


There was no blood or tears. In sports competitions, when

Europe can’t win, they immediately revise the rules to favor
themselves. But as someone without power, all I can do is

I analyze the current situation. The East fourth round is

over, and only the South round remains. If what was said is
true, avoiding even a single discard from the scantily clad
Sekka might prevent a major catastrophe.

My victory condition is not based on points. It’s whether I

can hide my waiting hand and avoid opponents’ discards
while winning by Tsumo. At worst, a draw would be

Suddenly, strong winds start to rage outside. Raindrops

carried by the wind strike against the window.

A flash of blue and white light. It seems lightning struck

nearby, slicing through the clouds, followed by the roar of

A momentary power outage. It quickly recovers, and the

lights come back on. However, in that instant, I saw it.

Three figures with devilish smiles, resembling a crescent

“—–Keep going”

Yuri’s words were fatal as they escaped her lips. Guh-guh-

guh… I can’t refuse.

Now, at this point, the greatest crisis of my life has befallen

me, where I can’t defy my family.

I rack my brain for a solution with all my might, using my

head more than any test.

Dangerous, how can I escape from this predicament? Tell

me, Zero!

“Ron, ah!”

“Yaay! Finally, it’s my turn.”

Carelessly winning, Sekka eagerly adjusts her Chinese


“H-Hey. Since you’ve changed clothes, let me enjoy it more,

okay? Sekka looks so lovely in her Chinese dress, I want to
keep looking at her forever. That’s why you know, you know,
you know?”

“Well, Yuki-chan, do you like it that much? I’ll let you enjoy it
as much as you want later.”

Desperately pleading, but for some reason, at times like

this, they never listen.

“All of you! Fine, if it comes to this, I’ll strip every last hair
from your butts and leave you all bare! Are you prepared?!
Please, don’t say okay! I beg you, please!”

It’s nothing more than the barking of a defeated dog, but I’ll
at least strike a fighting pose.
“It’s embarrassing to be seen by you in such a state.”

“I take care of myself unlike your mother, so I’m not

embarrassed at all.”

“How rude. I take care of myself properly too. I’m really

looking forward to being stripped down. Please be gentle.”

“I’ll strip you bare as well.”

“Yuki-chan stripping my body――Yan♪”

“I can’t take this family anymore.”

And so, the nightmare continues.

The Absolute Rule of Winning by Tsumo and Forbidden Ron

Mahjong” has only just begun.


“Yes, I was invited by a friend from college, but I’m not

familiar with it at all.”

I casually enjoyed a cup of tea with Sanjoji-sensei in the

student guidance room. I was excited to see what kind of
guidance it would be today, but surprisingly, Sanjoji-sensei
came to me with a personal dilemma.

As a fellow tea-drinking companion, I wanted to be of help.

“Although I am in a position to instruct students on how to

use social media, I have been hesitant because I haven’t
had much experience with it.”

“I see…”
“However, there have been an increasing number of
troubles related to social media, particularly concerning you.
It’s not good to remain ignorant and clueless about it

Sanjoji-sensei is truly dedicated to education and a

wonderful teacher. However, there is a generation gap when
it comes to social media. I highly doubt that the social
media platform Sanjoji-sensei was invited to by a friend is
targeted towards teenagers. Nevertheless, it might be
interesting to explore various social media platforms
together and gradually learn how to use them.

“In that case, let’s start together! I’m also a beginner, so we

can learn how to use it step by step. Well, I don’t think
anyone will follow me, though.”

“I don’t know anyone else with as wide of a circle of friends

as you…”


Leaving behind an unsatisfied feeling, as if being toyed with

by a fox, I left the student guidance room and returned to
the classroom.

“Yukito, you are making an account? Then, I’ll make one

too! Yay! Now we’re mutual followers. Hehe. I’ll have to tell
Hiori later.”

Hiori-chan is a true angel. Let’s give her some candy.

“I’ll create mine right away, so wait for me, Yuki!”

“I’ve been neglecting it for a while, but if Yukito starts, I’ll

resume using it too.”
“Seriously, Kokonoe-chan?

“This is big news, big news!”

When I mentioned that I would create a social media

account, all my classmates followed me. It was only natural
to follow each other. Some even went as far as creating an
account just to follow me. Everyone in this class is so kind…

By the way, I was surprised to find out that Shakado had the
highest number of followers in the class. It turns out she has
a large group of insect friends. The princess of the Reptiles
Circle was among them.

Having a distinct hobby might make it easier to connect

with others, I guess.

“Well, I don’t think I’ll use it that frequently anyway.”

“Is that so? But why is your opening greeting ‘This is me,
Yukito Kokonoe’? It’s too self-assertive. Which one is that?”

“Just something I thought sounded cool.”


At that time, I misunderstood it as a trivial matter. However,

unbeknownst to me, the situation was about to escalate in
an unexpected direction.

Meanwhile, in the other classes

“Have you heard about it, Yuri? I heard that your little
brother made an SNS account”

“Ha? What do you mean?”

“It’s something that’s been talked about.”

“…..It’s true. What’s going on all of a sudden?”

“I followed him too, but his followers are growing so fast, it’s

“I can’t let this happen. I have to tell my mom about it right


“Is it really that important?”

“Of course it’s important.”

“What? Yukito Kokonoe started using SNS?”

“Yeah, I heard it earlier, so it’s definitely true. And look, so

many classmates are following him… wait, what’s
happening with the number of followers!?”

“We can’t leave it like this, Yumi. Let’s create our accounts
right away!”

Even the lonely goddess…

“Eeh, Yukito-kun?!”

And a certain lovey-dovey couple…

“Yukito Kokonoe, huh? Should I inform our club members?

By the way, how do you even use it?”

“Toshiro, you should show some interest too…”

Even the friendly neighbor…

“Yukito-kun using SNS? Ara, and mutuals with Suzuka

Sanjoji? Quite clever.”
And someone who appears to be a repentant prefectural
assembly member…

“Father, it seems Kokonoe-san has started using SNS!”

“Kokonoe-sensei? Erika, we can’t leave it like this. Let’s send

him flowers right away!”

“Wouldn’t that be a nuisance…”

Even in university…

“Oh, it’s Yukito-kun! Is this related to my dad’s company…?”

“Seems like something big is happening, right?”


“Honho, my honorable Nii-sama is a wonderful person.

Gikyou, let’s meet again. But for now, I will endure just
being able to catch a glimpse of my honorable Nii-sama’s

In Kansai,

“Kaha! Funny. He’s so funny! Kazuki!”

“Calm down, Casesuke. Is this the rumored Bunnyman? He

might be a formidable opponent.”

In Hokuriku,

“Oi oi, really? Sending seafood too? Would that be a


“I don’t know. Let’s not do it.”

In the land of the north,

“Kuku. Is that so? I finally found you!”

Even on the outskirts of the south,

“The mainland is a long way away.”


“Good morning. What’s the matter? Why are you so


The next day, as soon as I arrived at school, I was caught by

Sanjoji-sensei and taken away.

“Haven’t you checked your account?”

“Come to think of it, we made it together yesterday, but is

there something wrong with it?”

“Check it out!”


There was nothing in particular to post, no typical

exaggerated stories or fictional friends that usually appear
on social media, and I had no interest in impressions.

Although I created the account, I left it as it was…

“What on earth is thisssssss?!”

The number of followers exceeded four thousand. And it was

still increasing in real-time.

“What the hell is going on hereeeee? What did you do?”

“I don’t know. I haven’t done anything in particular…”

I checked the replies that were coming in.

“Sensei, please take care of me from now on!”

“Um… isn’t this Representative Tojo?”

“So this is what they call a bullsh*t comment.”

It was an authenticated account with a blue badge. Given

that Papa Tojo, with his long history as a representative, was
sending polite greeting replies, he might be an important
person, and other representatives had started following him
as well. It was a confusing situation.

After all, my account was being followed by Himiyama

Office, which has hundreds of thousands of followers! Why?!

Tristy-san was posting a selfie. As expected, I was being

easily identified.

There were also numerous romantic consultations like, “I

have a crush on a senior in my third year, and I want to
consult with Bunnyman.” Somehow, it had been revealed
that I was Bunnyman.

Dizziness struck me. What was happening behind my back?

“This is the account for the company where my mother


“As expected, or rather, how should I put it… What’s

happening to your circle of friends?”

While this was going on, the number of followers was

approaching five thousand, and a chaotic mix of followers,
including authenticated accounts with official marks, had

It was hard to believe that this was the account of a single

high school student.

“Ah! I’ve received some explicit DMs!”

“Don’t fall for it, Kokonoe-kun! Those are scams. It’s not
even safe to look at them. Let me borrow it, I’ll delete
them… Wait, it’s from Misaki-san!?”


So the sender of the DM was Himiyama-san. I’ll save that.

“But anyway, comparing to you, I feel a bit insecure. It’s not

just about the numbers, and it’s not the kind of account to
be publicized, but after all, I’m just an ordinary teacher.”

“Please cheer up.”

Sanjoji-sensei seemed a bit down. I have to find a way to

cheer her up… Oh, I know!

“Sensei, may I do something?”

“What is it?”

“Let’s do this. [This is Sanjoji, my skirt shortens by one

millimeter for every like].”

“Wait, what are you posting?!”

Like and share.

And in no time, it started growing rapidly.

“Wait a minute! What should I do with this? Three hundred
likes in such a short time?! Does that mean thirty
centimeters? It’s still increasing, but it’s impossible! I can’t
make it any shorter! I’ve never worn anything like this even
in my twenties!”

“Is that the principal…”

“I’m going to file a complaint immediately!”

The sudden surge of followers for Sanjoji-sensei, but she

deleted the post, and in the end, it became a private
account with only acquaintances as mutual followers.

We learned the dangers of social media and thus grew one

step closer to adulthood.

“So, let’s go with forty-eight centimeters.”

“Please, do not share this, absolutely not. I mean it!”

(She is really a good person…)

It’s a secret that later on, I received an image of Sanjoji-

sensei with her skirt barely above her knees.

Though there are various cultural differences, I, Yukito

kokonoe, do not deny them.

It’s what we call “deculture,” and whether or not this term is

understood depends on cultural differences. Diversity is not
something to impose on others but something to accept

According to my mom, it’s perfectly normal for parents and

children to bathe together. This, too, is a cultural difference.
I never… even slightly… doubt it. Diversity, it’s all about

What’s wrong with being a Galapagos? It tends to be used

with a negative connotation, but unique evolution is
diversity in itself.

If the world were to become uniform, it would quickly meet

its demise.

Japan is an island country. It has many advantages, but

sometimes it’s a good experience to go overseas and
broaden your horizons. Your values are likely to change

“Oh, Yukito-kun, you’re here! Come over here! I was just

washing Papa’s car.”

“I can’t believe it actually exists, a bikini car wash!”

Tristy-san, wearing a bikini with a hoodie over it, welcomes

me with a sponge in her hand.

A bikini car wash is a peculiar culture of overseas partygoers

where they wash cars in bikinis to prevent their clothes from
getting wet. It’s often seen in B-horror movies.

Of course, since it’s a B-horror movie, all the partygoers get

killed. But don’t worry. This is Japan. Tristy-san’s safety is
ensured. Let’s spare the splatter, shall we?

Tristy-san’s house is a mansion. It seems she’s an ojou-


Mio-san and I were invited by Tristy-san to a home party.

They’re planning to have a BBQ in the garden. It’s a small
delight to experience cultural differences. I’ve only seen
Americanized home parties in movies.

In the Kokonoe household, we once had a pajama party, but

I was the only one wearing pajamas. That’s a serious
violation of the rules. I mindlessly kept drinking champagne.

“We’ve been waiting for you. Come this way.”

Tristy-san’s mom greets us with a calm smile.

“We’ve been waiting for you, cool guy! Have a great time

“Thank you for inviting me. I bought a cake as a souvenir.”

“Oh… cool guy! You don’t have to worry, but thanks anyway.
Now, let’s start the BBQ!”

I’m caught by a Texan hat-wearing, broad-shouldered,

golden-haired daddy, and he pulls me along forcefully.

Everyone can tell at first glance that he’s an American dad,

with a appearance that screams it. Without any objections,
that’s exactly what he is. He looks like he could be in a
Western movie, the kind of American dad that anyone would
recognize at a glance.

He’s a cheerful old man, but when he came to apologize to

our house after Tristy-san’s bicycle accident, both she and
Tristy-san’s parents had such pale faces, as if we were about
to say, “Prepare for seppuku!”

If the settlement hadn’t been reached, it would have left a

big scar on Tristy-san’s record. It must have been a solemn
determination. Fortunately, there were no serious injuries,
and I didn’t take legal action.

Tristy-san and her family repeated their apologies in tears,

and afterwards, we became friends with a twist of fate. As a
result, I’m invited to this home party. Life is unpredictable.

“Yaa, nice to meet you for the first time. Sorry for the
trouble my sister caused.”

An insanely handsome guy, whose facial attractiveness

cannot be measured, approaches me and starts talking.
He’s the enemy. I become needlessly rebellious.

“How are you going to settle this? Aah?”

“Eeh!? Is this the unique Japanese way of settling things…?

Well, how about I give you my sister then?”

“Leon! What are you saying!”

Tristy-san is indignant at the sudden suggestion of human

trafficking. I feel a cultural difference between overseas and
Japan. It’s quite disturbing.

“By the way, Yukito-kun… if I remember correctly? Can I talk

to you for a moment?”


I’m called by Leon-san and we move to a corner.

“I wanted to say that I’m grateful. I heard you were feeling

down after the accident, just like Tristy. I told her not to
worry, that it will be fine.”

“I wasn’t injured, so there’s no need to worry.”

“I still want to apologize again. I’m really sorry. Thank you
for forgiving my sister. I hope you can continue to get along
with her. —I-I’d also like to talk to you about something

Leon-san suddenly becomes hesitant and keeps glancing at


This super handsome guy unexpectedly seems to have a

shy side.

“Can someone tell me who that beautiful and delicate

woman with you is?”

Could it be that he’s fallen for Mio-san at first sight? Is this

really happening?

Ugh, this is what they say about handsome guys!

Once again, I feel the difference in cultures.

The authentic BBQ was amazing. First of all, the meat was
different. Instead of cutting the meat into bite-sized pieces
like in Korean BBQ, they grilled it vigorously without caring
about that. They cut thick steaks dripping with juices and
put them in their mouths. The sausages were also unusually
big. Cultural differences always feel refreshing.

As we talked about various things, I learned that Tristy’s dad

is an executive at a certain Japanese branch of a major
social media company. The previous management team,
who had been running the huge social media platform at a
loss, was completely replaced through an acquisition. The
majority of employees in the Japanese branch were also laid
off, and Tristy’s dad, who had been hoping to transfer to
Japan, was dispatched from the headquarters to rebuild the
“Oh, Dad! Yukito-kun also made an account!”

Tristy shows her dad my account, and he opens his eyes


“Cool guy, are you an influencer!?”

“I never intended to be…”

Unbeknownst to me, my account had surpassed ten

thousand followers.

Not to mention, I started receiving offers for corporate PR

campaigns. I’m just a high school student. It’s

Helpless and overwhelmed by the growing number of

followers, I can only tremble in fear.

“Urban legends? Mysterious person? From teenagers to

corporations and politicians… These are not bots, but real
followers. HAHAHA! Interesting! Who are you? I will verify
your account right away! I might even ask Crazy Guy for
some work in the future!”

American Dad was in a good mood and called someplace on

his phone, and a few minutes later, my account was verified
and my blue badge was shining. It’s too fast. It’s a cultural

“Hey, don’t bother Yukito-kun! I’m sorry, it seems like this

person is getting carried away.”

“Wait a minute! Crazy Guy is a talent worth grabbing! We

must secure him now and–“
“Alright, alright. Let’s save the work talk for another time,

Whether it was due to the alcohol or other reasons, the

boisterous American dad who was pestering me was taken
away by his reserved wife, who gently pushed him along. It
seems that having a strong wife is a universally shared
cultural trait.

“Sorry for the trouble caused by my dad! Right! Let’s take a

selfie together!”

“The cause of the explosive increase in followers is right


Tristy and I posted a selfie with a heart sign. It immediately

sparked controversy.

“Hey, hey, Yukito-kun. Why is this company’s account

following you, Yukito-kun? Is there some connection
between the two of you?”

“Oh, this company? My mom works there.”

Mio scrolled through her phone screen and pointed to a

company that looked familiar.

“No way! That company is my dream! It’s my top choice,

and I’m actually going there for an internship soon.”

“Is that so? They’re always complaining about being short-

staffed, so if you’d like, I can pass on the message.”

“But… is it really okay?”

Not just for Mio, but if I could help my mom too, there was
no reason to refuse.
“Modesty is not always a virtue. Listen, young lady. Besides
academic achievement, having connections is also a form of
power. Do you understand what it takes to succeed? It’s
luck. It’s about seizing the opportunity at the right moment.
Meeting Crazy Guy was also your luck. So don’t let chances
slip away.”

“He’s getting involved again so quickly. Honestly. It seems

like he’s taken a liking to Yukito-kun. Look, he’s strutting
around energetically. You should drink some water and
sober up a bit, or he might dislike you.”

“That would be terrible!”

The American dad was once again taken away.

“Then, can I ask you a favor?”

“Mio-san helped me before.”

“You’re such a conscientious person. It was just a minor

incident, so you don’t have to worry about it.”

“I can’t let that happen.”

Mio-san didn’t just save me. President Kedou and Mikumo-

Senpai were also saved.

If the commotion had continued to escalate, they wouldn’t

have been safe either. The relationship between the
president and me would have become irreparable and

“By the way, Tristy-san, have you decided on your job after

“Job… Well, to be honest, I still can’t imagine it at all.”

Tristy-san looked downcast and muttered quietly. Her
expression was gloomy.

“When we were kids, we were always asked about our

dream occupation, right? I always struggled with that. I
never really had anything I wanted to do. Papa says I should
take my time, but while everyone else is preparing and
working towards their goals, I feel like I’m being left

Anxiety about the future, self-questioning, and a lost sense

of purpose.

Entering society means embarking on a journey without a

clear path.

I couldn’t help but admire Tristy-san. I thought she was an

admirable person. Doubt could be her nourishment.

“As for me, I’ve never really thought about the future. I’ve
been living in the present, just trying to get by. I didn’t have
the luxury to ponder about the future. I even thought I’d just
live a mediocre life and die without achieving anything.”


A worried expression. Tristy-san’s future should be bright.

She’s so serious about it.

“It’s okay to wander. It’s okay to take detours. Even when

you’re fifty or sixty years old, it’s not too late to find
something you want to do. Life is long. I don’t think the only
correct answer is to reach your goals in the shortest
distance possible.”

I remember my family, childhood friends, and classmates. I

took many detours, made many side trips, and once gave
up, but still, little by little, I started to understand them and
come closer.

There’s no such thing as a wasted experience. Not even

Tristy-san’s worries or the time we spend like this.

No one knows the future. How many people graduate from

university, find a job, and continue in the same company,
doing the same work until retirement? It’s just a matter of

We are living in the present, not in a potential future.

“That’s why… let’s enjoy it, okay?”


“You know, you’re like a calming pill or something. Talking to

you makes me feel at ease, and you’re a good listener. I can
imagine people coming to you with various problems.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Just a hunch.”

Mio-san displayed her exceptional deductive reasoning

skills, the American father returned and tried to get Tristy-
san to join his company’s PR department, Leon-san was
lightly dealt with, and the lively and fun home party
continued until nightfall.

…I ate too much. I’ll refrain from meat for a while.

“It’s so beautiful, isn’t it?”

The venue was filled with blessings. I joined in, applauding
from the bottom of my heart.

Though invisible, happiness was there, taking shape and


The trust connecting the bride and groom, the feelings they
had cherished all along, now seemed tangible.

The bride was in tears. The groom’s older brother standing

beside her had red eyes too.

There were people in the family seats crying. Even my

mother wiped away tears.

A mix of emotions. Joy that could be felt. It was beautiful. A

beauty overflowing from within.

That was an idea. That’s why I wanted to offer my

congratulations. It was truly a recollection.

Together with my mother, we bid farewell to the couple on

their new journey. All that remained was to go home.

My mother and I had attended the wedding. Initially, I was

seated with Himiyama-san’s relatives, but I couldn’t bear
the excessive attention and turned to my mother for help.

Seriously, something was off. I ended up being greeted by

Himiyama-san’s parents, grandparents, and even the
groom’s brother. “I will leave Misaki to you.” I couldn’t
handle it even if they asked.

To top it off, we were formally invited to the Himiyama-san’s

main family. Even the Himiyama-san’s house felt daunting,
so what did the main family mean? It made me feel like I
was being cornered.
Furthermore, I received greetings and about thirty business
cards from unfamiliar people. “One of Rishu-sensei’s prized
son,” “Successor,” “Looks like a high school student, but
eventually…” I was scared by the snippets of conversation I

Fortunately, my mother was with me at the same venue, so

my anxiety was somewhat alleviated, but the food was

As it turned out, all the dishes at the venue were supervised

by the master chef. No wonder he has been so busy lately.

Leaving the venue, immersed in the afterglow. From now on,

it would be the time for the bride and groom, and the time
with their families.

“This is the happiest moment of Megumi’s life.”

With a thoughtful expression, my mother murmured such


“…That somehow feels unfortunate.”

“Why is that?”

“If the wedding is the happiest moment, then it feels like

everything from now on will be downhill.”

“Megumi has gone through hardships, I think she

understands the value of happiness.”

“I hope she accumulates happiness and becomes much

happier in the future.”

“…You’re a kind child.”

My head was caressed. My mother had started doing these
mom moves without me realizing.

Her maternal instincts, which had been somewhat out of

control, were gradually calming down. That’s good, that’s

The couple looked happy. The fruition of “affection.”

Something I had lost.

Strangers harboring affection for each other, falling in love,

getting married, and becoming a family.

It taught me that it is such a blissful thing.

Will there come a day when I, too, will be blessed like that?
Will it allow me to seek happiness? Whenever I look back,
my expression is always filled with tears. I have always
made everyone, including my mother, my sister, Sekka-san,
Himiyama-san, Hinagi, Shiori, the president, and many
others, sad.

It’s not just happiness, but I have scattered countless

misfortunes in the past. Despite being such a person…

“Would you like to wear a wedding dress, Mom?”

“Me?… I think I am fine. I’ve already experienced failure


She laughs with a self-deprecating tone. But there’s a hint of

envy in my mother’s gaze, and she said it herself. It’s the
happiest moment. If that’s the case, it’s okay to have such a
moment once again.

I’ve made up my mind. I may be the lowest, most wretched

person who only spreads unhappiness, but at least I’ll strive
to bring happiness to those around me. To always have a
smile, to avoid causing any more sadness. In return for
taking away happiness, for causing unhappiness, I hope that
this time, I will be given happiness.

“You might succeed this time, you know?”

“Being with you right now is the happiest thing. I can’t even
think of remarriage.”

Lately, my mother has been into cosplay. The other day, she
dressed up as a white angel, wearing a nurse uniform.

She was excited about taking care of me, but I have no

symptoms. When I told her that, she responded with, “Then
it’s mental care,” and strangely enough, my mental state
was gradually reduced by ten percent each time.

What exactly is mental care? The laws of the universe are in


There’s no way my mother, who is like that, wouldn’t want

to wear a wedding dress.

Ah, I see. She’s holding back, isn’t she?

Come to think of it, it would be difficult to consult with a

wedding planner about renting a wedding dress for the sake
of her cosplay hobby. Even trying on dresses would require
going to a shop, and it would be quite troublesome. It’s not
something that can be done so casually.

Wait a minute? Lately, I’ve been honing my sewing skills. If

that’s the case, I can just make a wedding dress myself,
right? Yeah, that’s right, it’s not that difficult! But then, I
Is that all there is to it? Is it enough to just wear a wedding

I can’t tolerate such half measures. If I’m going to do it, I’ll

do it thoroughly. The word “compromise” doesn’t exist in my
dictionary. Hairstyling, makeup, jewelry, they’re all
essential. There’s so much a bride has to do.

I am a devoted filial child, Yukito Kokonoe. Bringing

happiness to my family is my mission.

By the way, I have an expensive DSLR camera that I hardly

use, so I can also take photographs.

“Then I’ll make mom wear a wedding dress.”


Dufufufu. Just wait, Mom! I’ll make you a perfect bride!

I will create New Year’s greeting cards with bridal photos

and spread happiness in all directions.

It’s a new challenge that excites my skills. Arm: “Gyiiiiiiiiiiin”

“I’ve never seen you in a wedding dress, Mom.”

“You… You’ll make me a bride?”

“Leave it to me!”

I give a thumbs-up. Tears welled up in my mother’s round

eyes and rolled down her cheeks.

Eeh!? I made Mom cry again. It has become a specialty of

the Kokonoe family.

“Aah… Why… How can I… Yukito… Uuuuu!”

“What’s wrong? Are you okay!?”

In a fluster, I hurriedly stroked her back.

“It’s impossible… anymore. So, I’m sorry.”

My mother raised her face and hugged me.

“…I promise to love you, risking my entire life.”

“It’s becoming a familiar development, but once again your

face is close… Mmm… Mmm… Mmm!?”

[Mother PoV]

My heart raced uncontrollably, pounding like a fast-beating

bell. I couldn’t suppress it, no matter how hard I tried.

It felt like I had gone back in time, reliving the excitement of

adolescence, experiencing that fluttering sensation once

I pretended not to notice. There was no need to. After all,

family and love are the culmination of each other. Love is
something that cannot be reversed, like turning back the
hands of a clock.

Yet, my son walking beside me, his words spoken while

walking beside me, remained etched in my mind and
wouldn’t fade away.

(I’m happy… I’m happy, I’m happy!)

Unspoken words. My son, who believes in taking action,
always follows through on what he says.

If he said he would dress me in a wedding dress, then I

would wear one again. I know that, and yet, I can’t believe

At that moment, standing beside me is Yukito. I

inadvertently see his figure as a vision.

Is such happiness allowed? Is such happiness permissible?

It shouldn’t be allowed, it shouldn’t be forgiven. Calm down,


There’s a line that must never be crossed. Judging from my

son’s demeanor, there should be no ulterior motive.

Kind-hearted Yukito must have made the suggestion

because he thought it would bring me joy.

Did I look so envious? Maybe that’s how I appeared to my

son, who is perceptive.

But those words were enough to remind me of the long-

discarded feelings of love.

What should I do? I can’t look my son in the face, I’m too

Since that day, the world has changed. It might be b****t

cancer. When confronted with that possibility, I realized the
finite nature of time.

Fear rushed in as I calculated the remaining time.

Confronting my own death.
I didn’t cherish my son enough. I couldn’t love him enough.
Now, I regret it, only now, when it’s too late. It’s not enough.
It’s too late to reclaim what’s lost.

Feeling overwhelmed by despair, unable to bear it any


And yet, the one who saved me from the abyss of despair
was my son, whom I failed to love enough.

It’s impossible. I can’t endure it. I may have taken

somewhat forceful measures to improve our relationship, to
change the current situation, but even so, without denying
it, Yukito’s kindness enveloped me.

Because he is my son. There is no way I could ever dislike

him. And there was never even a hint of rebelliousness.

That worries me in its own way, but I fall in love with him
more and more every single day. Today more than
yesterday, tomorrow more than today.

What will become of me if things continue like this?

Honestly, I’m terrified.

But even that fear was blown away by the words spoken just

He said it’s okay for me to love him more, to love him freely,
and that he will dress me in a wedding dress. I was happy,
truly happy from the bottom of my heart.

Regardless of the intention behind those words, I am already

falling for this child.

If there is one concern, it would be…

“Lately, something seems off about Nee-san.”

“You noticed?”

“Well, yeah. If mom sleeps in my room seven nights a week,

I’d notice.”

“R-Right. I’m sorry. You must have disliked it, right?”

I might have acted too childishly, without showing maturity.

I need to reflect on this…

“It’s not that big of a deal. It used to be about equal

between Nee-san and mom before, right?”

He forgave me. My son, I love you… You’re so adorable, I

could just eat you up.

“She hasn’t been coming to my room much lately,


Yukito looked troubled with a difficult expression. I know the

reason behind it. The career path that Yuri consulted me

Studying abroad. If that doesn’t work out, Yuri hopes to

attend a university far away.

It’s an unbearable choice for Yuri. That child is still trapped

by guilt.

“Please. I know I shouldn’t tell you this kind of thing. But I’m
powerless and can’t help Yuri. That’s why I’m asking you to
save her. Your words are the only ones that can reach Yuri.
Only you can help her.”

Just as I was saved, only Yukito can save Yuri.

Certainly, she committed a crime. She has been forgiven for
over ten years. It continued to torment Yuri, as if she were
serving a prison sentence. Yet, that child still believes she is
lacking, punishing herself. Forever and ever. An endless
cycle of atonement and guilt.


“Please protect your sister.”

“…Can I do that?”

“It’s… okay. You are stronger than anyone else.”

It’s the parent’s role to save their child, yet I’m entrusting it
to my son. I’m a failure as a mother. I shake my head in my
heart. I’ve long since failed. As someone who is starting
over from the position of a fallen mother, I have no right to
claim such qualifications.

But I understand. I am Yuri’s mother. I know what that child

needs right now. I have no worries. Yukito will surely make
us happy.
Chapter 4: Red Summer Wish

I wake up before the alarm clock, with the sound of “chun

chun chun” and the morning sun as my background music.

I sit up abruptly, still in a daze from sleep, and gaze blankly

at the wall.

On the cream-colored wall, there are posters of my mom

and sister. Mom’s poster is a B1-size, and my sister’s poster
has a summer-themed polka dot collage. Seeing them in
their swimsuits gives me a sense of summer vibes, but
there’s something special about these posters. When you
overlay the special polka dot sheets, she appears naked. It’s
an incredible and ridiculously unnecessary effort.

Muni. Huh? I feel a soft sensation in my hand. It’s an

enchanting touch. It weakens my resistance and makes me
helpless. Muni muni.

Still half asleep, I can’t resist the allure of the memory foam-
like feeling, so I indulge myself and caress it. Muni muni
muni muni muni.

“Hmm… not there… stop it…”

“Why is she here!?”

Startled, I quickly turn around to see my mom in her

negligee, sleeping peacefully next to me.
I instantly snap out of my drowsiness. It’s the 11th time
breaking my record for the shortest time awake. I have
absolutely no intention of reflecting on it.

I recall that she said she would sleep in her own room last
night. However, this is also the usual situation.

I suspect that my mom might actually be sick. Despite the

b****t cancer scare being cleared, she often goes to the
bathroom at night and then ends up mistaking her room for
mine. It could be sleepwalking.

I am Yukito Kokonoe, a man who never doubts his family. I

take everything they say at face value.

Concerned, I ask if everything is alright, but she always

evades the question. Is it really that serious…?

Today is a weekday, and I have to go to school. If I stay like

this, I might end up falling back asleep, using my mom’s
memory foam as a pillow. I get out of bed, trying not to
wake her up.

By the way, I remember that I created a social media

account but haven’t posted anything yet. Unlike Goddess-
senpai, I don’t have much enthusiasm for seeking approval
or self-display, but when I do want to post something, I can’t
think of what to share.

Should I just post about my daily life? But even if I tweet

about my daily life, who would find it interesting?

Ah, of course! It’s too much trouble, so let’s just do this. Tap,
tap. ‘If it were my mom, she would be sleeping next to me.'”

My attention is caught by a DM that piques my curiosity. I
thought it might be a prank, but it’s from an official account,
so that’s unlikely.

The content is surprising and astonishing, but what should I

do? My uncooperative brain can’t make a judgment. I’ll
consult with someone later.

Well, time to make breakfast.

During the morning break, for some reason, I found myself

being approached by two of Yuri-san’s friends.

By the way, the morning post I made received an

overwhelming response, but I ignored it since it didn’t really

“You know, lately Yuri seems down or absent-minded. It’s

like she’s not fully present during classes or break time.
Little brother, do you have any idea why?”

“Yeah, yeah. I’ve noticed it too. She’s been acting strange at

home as well.”

“We thought maybe you were the cause since it’s Yuri we’re
talking about…?”

“Strange, how is Yuri at home?”

Unlike their usual teasing and playful demeanor, the seniors

genuinely seemed concerned about Yuri-san.

Trying to find the cause, I delved into my memories.

“She doesn’t hang around my room as often anymore, she

stopped measuring, and she doesn’t accidentally enter the
bathroom anymore. But she’s not angry or in a bad mood
either. Hmm, it’s just… normal, I guess.”

“…Hey, isn’t that abnormal?”

“I mean, Yuri-san wouldn’t do something like being a normal

older sister, right?”

“Argh! I can’t argue with that!”

The seniors seemed frustrated, but objectively speaking, the

relationship between Yuri-san and me had become more

It felt like the distance between us had become that of

regular siblings. However, there was an indescribable
discomfort. It bothered me that Nee-san had been
somewhat secluding herself in her room.

Even today, we went to school separately, and we haven’t

seen each other once since the morning.

This was something unprecedented. Yuri-san used to make it

a daily routine to check on me and my well-being.

Perhaps I did something that bothered her and she was

avoiding me, but whenever we did talk, she treated me
even more kindly than before. I couldn’t understand what
she was struggling with. Even Mom said that Yuri-san was
suffering. Yuri-san was different from me. She should be
happy. She shouldn’t be unhappy.

“If little brother doesn’t know either, then I guess there’s

nothing that we do.”

“Probably, or rather, it’s definitely related to you, little

brother. Please be concerned about her.”
Somehow, I was reminiscing about the past. When we were
younger, I always followed my older sister around.

Since then, I’ve been disliked and haven’t tried to get to

know her. I kept my distance.

But now…

“Don’t worry, I’ll definitely do something. Because Yuri-san

is… an important family member.”

“I’ll leave Yuri to you… but I also have something to consult

about, is that okay?”

Suddenly, Ichiyou-senpai, who had been acting timidly until

just now, began to fidget and hesitantly opened their

When I asked for their names, they introduced themselves

as Sera-senpai and Ichiyou-senpai.

“For a love consultation… I have feelings for Saki Kuma from

Class D.”

“Not just to me, but why would you come to me for love

“Well, I mean little brother. You’re like the god of love, the
‘Hero.’ It’s thanks to you.”

“It’s a must to consult with you, little brother, at this


“No wonder I keep getting consulted.”

Unbeknownst to me, I had gained a divine status. The ‘Hero’

referred to Hot-blooded Senpai.
The whole story of how I expelled a hot-blooded senior
member from the basketball club was uploaded on video by
someone. The video was uploaded by someone. The hot-
blooded Senpai, who defeated me dressed as a bunny man
and succeeded in publicly confessing his love to her in full
view of the public, was called a “Hero” because of his
courage, and his fame seems to have spread to high school
students all over Japan.

Although the basketball club lost in the fourth round, he was

considered a winner in love. How annoying!

“Not only the ‘Hero’ but also Sōu-senpai and the first-year
‘Minstrel’… they’re all your doing, little brother. You’re
famous as the Cupid of love within the school.”

“When did this world turn into a fantasy?”

In this world, there are too many goddesses, angels, and

holy mothers, don’t you think? Soon, a saint might appear.

Because of these circumstances, I often receive love

consultations, despite being someone who has never had a



With numerous love consultations being brought to me, I

inevitably became acquainted with intricate human
relationships. A complex and bizarre network of
interpersonal connections gathered around me.

“Even Saki Kuma Senpai approached me for love advice.”

“…No way! Saki Kuma? But, I thought he had no interest in
love or anything like that…”

“Hey, little brother. Congratulations, does that mean…?”

“Ichiyou Senpai, that’s great for you.”

“You did it, Mayu!”

“Yeah, yeah! So, Saki Kuma actually… I can’t believe it.”

Sera Senpai clapped her hands in delight. Due to Ichiyou

Senpai being friends with my sister, Saki Kuma Senpai
approached me for advice, and it was surprisingly resolved
quite easily.

This will only further enhance my reputation. Gahahaha!

“But from here on, it depends on you, senpai.”

“Of course! Thanks for your help, little brother! It’s like a
dream… I still can’t believe it. I want to show my gratitude
somehow. Since I’ve entrusted you with Yuri’s matter, how
about letting I let you touch me for a bit? Or maybe

“Hey, Mayu, don’t sacrifice me!”

“Please stop. Can you listen, Senpai? If you genuinely like

someone, you should avoid actions that might lead to
misunderstandings. Things like buying presents together for
the opposite sex as a surprise, testing their feelings, or
pretending to feel something you don’t—these tend to set
off bad ending flags in this world. So please, treasure
yourself and your partner.”
I earnestly explained to Senpai, not in a sermon-like manner
but through reasoning. Ichiyou Senpai’s eyes gradually lost
their sparkle.

“It was my fault. Oh, Master, I sincerely apologize.”

“Happiness is always right in front of you. Be true to

yourself, and the path will open.”

“Mayu, it feels like you’ve been brainwashed, Mayu!”

“Stop it, Kaoru. Master would never do such a thing.”

“And please continue to be good friends with Yuri from now

on. Let’s consider that as your gratitude.”

“Yes, Master. Yuri and I will be friends forever.”

“You’re trying to smooth things over, but this is definitely

dangerous! You won’t accept any offerings, right? Is this
what the Love Fulfillment God is like? It’s not what I
expected, and don’t brainwash Mayu!”

“That kind of brainwashing wouldn’t have made him a


“Himura-senpai has been brainwashed!? That isn’t romantic

at all!”

With the love consultations resolved without a hitch, the

break time passed by.

“Come to think of it, Yuri, are you going to participate in the

forest school?”

“I’m not a boy, so I won’t go. I’m not into outdoor activities.”
“Well, Yuri seems more like an indoor person.”

“But more importantly, what’s wrong with this kid?”

“She was sort of brainwashed against her will…”


“Onee-san, let’s have lunch together!”

With a bang, I swung open the classroom door. Surprised

gazes turned towards me. Peace, peace.
Who cares if it’s the seniors’ classroom? It has nothing to do
with me!

Come to think of it, I hardly know anything about Yuri-san. If

you want to shoot for the target, first shoot the horse.

If there’s something troubling her, if I want to help her, it’s

crucial to get to know Yuri-san.

If you don’t enter the tiger’s den, you won’t catch its cub. If
you have time to hesitate, you should jump into the other
person’s arms.

So, during lunch break, I came to my sister’s classroom to

have lunch together.

My sister was sitting side by side with the two who had
come for advice in the morning.


Yuri-san looked dumbfounded. Her usual sharpness was

nowhere to be found.

I dashed forward to catch the chopsticks that were about to

fall from her hand.
“You’ve already taken action, little brother? You’re quick
when it comes to these things.”

“Kyoso-sama-! Over here, over here.” [Kyoso = Founder of a

religious sect]

Ichiyou-senpai prepared a seat for me and beckoned me


“Wha-wha-wha-why are you, you, you, you, here, here, here,


“I thought we could have lunch together. Here, mineral



I handed her the purchased bottle, and she casually opened

the cap and spilled it all over her head.

At first glance, she seemed normal, but her sudden strange

behavior was clear evidence of her agitation.

“Onee-san, water is meant to be drunk.”

“Of course it is. It’s delicious.”

“But you haven’t taken a sip, and you’re completely


“Well… this is a dream, right? Because it doesn’t hurt.”

My sister pinched her own cheek. Not satisfied with the

damage, she started punching her own face.

“Yuri, calm down! Mayu, stop her!”

“Mou! Kyoso-sama will be sad. Yuri, wake up. This is reality.”

“It doesn’t… hurt. It throbs, but it’s not pain. Yukito inviting
me out, there’s no way that would happen. Is this a dream?
Maybe a parallel world?… The future I didn’t make a mistake
about? Or a metaverse? Or a multi-verse, omega-verse,
backscreen combo…”

Muttering mysterious incantations, my sister’s focus is off.

That verse is probably wrong.

“Onee-san, can I come into your embrace?”


For some reason, I’m seated on my sister’s lap. I don’t think

I’m a marsupial kangaroo to fit into someone’s embrace. But
I’m happy, so I’ll just sit here quietly.

“I never thought Yuri would be such a mess…”

Sera-senpai is astonished. I agree completely, but my

mission is to find out Yuri-san’s troubles. It’s painful to see
my sister so down.

“By the way, Onee-san, when are you taking me shopping?

I’ve been waiting.”

“Mayu, Kaoru, I’m leaving early. Take care of things here.”

With a clatter, my sister picks up her bag and stands up. I,

who was sitting on her lap, also stand up involuntarily.

“You… were looking forward to it? The promise we made

before. I’m sorry. I didn’t forget. Well then, shall we go?”

“Wait, Yuri. How about after school?”

“Do you have a problem with that, huh?!”

She has such a foul mouth. It took about five minutes for my
aggressive sister to calm down.

“…I’ve calmed down a bit. What’s the matter, Yukito, all of a


My sister, who has finally calmed down and can understand

words, asks anxiously.

“Lately, Onee-san, you haven’t been coming to my

classroom, so I’ve been lonely. I couldn’t even see you this

“I understand. I’ll come during the break every time.”

“You’re still not calm at all.”

Thoughtful Sera-senpai. The three of us are having lunch

together, but just before I came to my sister’s classroom, I
casually informed Saki Kuma-senpai that she had feelings
for him, and as a result, Ichiyou-senpai was invited to lunch
by Saki Kuma-senpai and hurriedly left. I feel like my level of
faith in me has increased even more.

“Oh, right, Onee-san, do you like outdoor activities? Let’s go

on a day trip camping together.”

“I love it. It doesn’t have to be a day trip.”

“I’m underage, so that might be difficult.”

“That’s too bad.”

“Little brother, don’t trust this girl! She’s a troublemaker

and a lia!?”

“What’s your problem?!”

“And you have a foul mouth.”

I learned authentic BBQ from the American father, so it

might be a good idea to polish my camping skills before
summer vacation. I never know when a dungeon might
appear on this Earth.

“Whatever you want to do, I’ll make it happen for you. —-

Tell me now.”

Yes, those eyes. The eyes of my sad sister. The true feelings
behind her words.

I’m here because I want to know that. I’ll save her, for sure.

If I’m the cause, if I’m the reason, in this world full of

enemies, I won’t let my precious family, who has always
been there as a companion, become unhappy.

“What I want to do? I want to get to know Onee-san better.”

That was my sincere and honest answer.

“Ara, is that motif your sister?’

“Yes. How do you think? Does it resemble Yuri-san?”

“I think it’s really beautiful, but why your sister?”

After school, I joined the art club as a temporary member. It

was a limited-time trial membership.

With the summer tournament over and the seniors retiring,

the basketball club has reached a lull. For now, we are
focusing on preparing for the Winter Cup, but it has become
a period of self-practice where we calmly go through the
daily training menu. Since there isn’t much to do, Shiori is
temporarily assigned to the girls’ basketball team.

In the first place, the boys’ basketball team, which still has
few members, doesn’t really need a manager. The sports
clubs are the ones who truly need Shiori. She was
concerned, but when I told her that I would be joining the
art club for a while, she understood. I hope Shiori can
continue to give her best in a club activity where she can
fully utilize her abilities.

“I caused a lot of pain to my sister.”

Painting is a solitary activity. But strangely, it doesn’t feel

burdensome. I hadn’t paid much attention to it before, but
perhaps I’m suited for diligent work.

Noticing my demeanor, Sanjoji-sensei, the art club advisor,

called out to me. I must have been deeply focused because
it was almost time to go home. The other club members had
already left.

In the quiet art room, I simply faced the canvas with a clear

I chose my sister as the motif for the painting to be

exhibited in the art competition, but this painting is nothing
more than my imagination. I was uncertain if it resembled
my sister, but Sanjoji-sensei’s words brought me relief.
When asked why, I couldn’t find the words. Perhaps I should
consult with Sanjoji-sensei about it.

This is a change. The old me would never have opened up

like this or sought a solution on my own. But now I know. I’m
receiving kindness from others.
There are plenty of people who are not like that, who are
enemies, but there are also many who are on my side. They
will help me when I’m in trouble. It’s not wrong to rely on

Hinagi has also grown. I’ve learned to rely on others. I

shared with Sanjoji-sensei what happened between my
sister and me in the past. I didn’t expect any answers. I just
wanted someone to listen.

“Why…Higu…. how…Biki…. can you be so kind?”

Sanjoji-sensei burst into tears. I hurriedly handed her a


“Thank you… I’ve always had a weak spot for tears,

embarrassing as it may be. Even as an adult, I easily cry
while watching movies and such… I’ve been holding back,
but it was too much. I’ll wash the handkerchief and return it

“That’s not necessary. We can just wash it together.”

I hastily handed it to her, but I’m sure Sanjoji-sensei also

has a handkerchief or two.

“I think I’ve been a burden to my sister all this time.”

It’s not just my sister’s life. I now realize that it even

distorted my own personality.

I’ve been avoiding my sister’s suffering by looking away. I

didn’t try to understand.

“That’s not true! Your kindness must have saved your sister
as well.”
“The people around me have taught me kindness, I want to
give it back. It’s mutually beneficial.”

It’s not about beautiful ideals. One-sidedness won’t work.

Selfless devotion will eventually wear thin.

“Ah, of course, that includes you too, sensei. Thank you for
always being kind.”

“I don’t deserve your gratitude… Why, why now… You’ve

always had kindness since back then, yet I…!”

Sanjoji-sensei covers her face with both hands and

continues to cry. Maybe there’s something that weighs on
her as well. There are only a few teachers whom I truly
respect. There should be many students who have been
saved by Sanjoji-sensei.

“I’m glad you’re my teacher, Sanjoji-sensei.”

“…Please don’t make me cry anymore.”

“I’m sorry.”

I was unjustly scolded. Hopeless… Oh, by the way, I almost


“By the way, sensei, about that matter…”

“…Please don’t make me cry anymore!”

I’ve stirred up a hornet’s nest. I can’t help it, so I decide to

wait patiently while making small talk until she stops crying.

“Ahem. I apologize for showing you such an unsightly side of

“I never expected that you had a past of seeking pen pals
through a submission magazine…”

In this day and age, it’s easy to have interactive

conversations through phone calls and chats, but in the
past, even when going out to meet someone, they had to
specify a meeting place in advance, or they wouldn’t be
able to find each other.

Moreover, with pen pals, it would take a minimum of three

days to receive a reply. The generation from the Showa and
Heisei eras is amazing!

“Please keep it a secret, it’s confidential… By the way, I

think it might be better not to submit this painting to the art

“Is that so?”

“The value of this painting can only be understood by you

and your sister. It’s not something that can be objectively
evaluated by others. Even after hearing your story, it’s
beyond my comprehension. It’s a very beautiful painting
directed at a single individual, not for the masses… This is
your ideal, isn’t it? You probably want to keep it a secret
from your sister. So why not take it home and display it once
it’s completed?”

“I see… I’ll do that.”

“I hope she’ll be happy.”


The canvas is still blank in its preliminary stage. It will take

time to add colors and complete it.
By then, I’ll somehow find a way to solve my sister’s
troubles. I clench my fist with renewed determination.

“And by the way, I hope you’re not just all talk when it
comes to that matter. Please stop teasing and mocking. I
know. Even I, as a teacher, am called a backward old lady
behind my back by the students. It’s not like I enjoy being
behind. I’m serious about it!”

“You’re really diligent, sensei.”

Who the heck would say such terrible things! But don’t
worry, sensei. I’m serious about it!

As we prepare to leave, we discuss the matter at hand.

“It happened just last week. In the sultry late night, I

suddenly woke up feeling suffocated, and my whole body
was paralyzed. I couldn’t move a muscle. I heard a strange
noise, like a faint whisper, right next to my ear. And then, I
thought I heard footsteps coming from beyond the door, but
the sound stopped abruptly right outside my room… click“

“Gulp. So what happened next, Kokonoe-chan?”

Mineda leans forward. Ghost stories are an essential part of


To enjoy a moment of coolness in the humid summer, we

decided to share ghost stories during our break time.
However, for some reason, Hinagi-chan sighs heavily.

Maintaining an eerie atmosphere, the conversation between

the storyteller, I, Yukito Kokonoe, and the others continues.
“And then, the door creaked open, and a long-haired woman
entered the room, right before my eyes.”

“Mineda-san, don’t take it seriously. Since it’s Yukito, he’s

probably just experiencing sleep paralysis, being unable to
move because his mom is hugging him next to him, and the
person entering the room is probably Yuri-san. It’s obvious.”

“Don’t spoil the punchline. That’s against the rules.”

“In a way, it was scarier than a ghost story.”

Even the spotlight on their faces seems perplexed.

“Then how about this story? It’s an episode from when I

went to Kyoto with Sekka-san in the past. While I was
exploring the streets of Kyoto, away from Sekka-san, I saw a
girl walking alone who looked like a Japanese doll. I was
going to pass by without paying much attention, but it
seemed that the girl was in trouble. When I asked her, she
said she was lost. Reluctantly, I decided to help her find her


What’s with that suspicious look from Hinagi-chan!?

“And then, a woman who came from the other side suddenly
shouted that you were a kidnapper, and you ended up being
taken to the police–“

“Why is the direction of fear is different for you! What’s

scary about that? It’s not even a ghost story!?”

It was a chilling and frightening experience I had in Kyoto,

the first time I went there…
“We were mistaken to have expectations from Yukito.
Besides, this guy wouldn’t be scared by ghost stories.”

It was an unpleasant sense of trust. Ghosts are scary…


“Anyway, it’s really hot every day, isn’t it?”

Mineda flutters a fan. The weather forecast shows a bright

red. It has been scorching hot for days.

We’re accumulating fatigue due to the constant dangerous

heat. It’s hard to muster any motivation in this condition.

However, I have a secret plan to deal with this heat.

While going shopping with my sister, I’m planning to

introduce something that I’ve been interested in for a long
time. The day is near when this idea to revolutionize schools
will become the standard.

Call me the inventor Yukito Kokonoe. I’m looking forward to

it. Fuhahahaha!

“Oh, was it the one with the fan? Is it okay to attach that to
the school uniform?”

“First, I want to experiment and see if it’s really cooling.”

“But isn’t it noisy?”

“I think it’s better than the heat. By the way, what did you
come to buy today?”

I was troubled with heat countermeasures, and I noticed the

clothes that workers wear at construction sites and such.
It should be applicable to school uniforms as well. Its name
is the “Air-conditioned Uniform.” If it’s only used during the
summer, it won’t be used more than fifty times in a year.
Lithium-ion batteries can be recharged hundreds of times.
So even considering the battery’s lifespan, it should last for
three years. It will also contribute to saving electricity costs
by using it alongside an air conditioner.

It’s a wonderful idea that benefits everyone. Let’s push it on

the principal.

As I board the train and extend my journey to the bustling

town, the population density changes drastically. For now,
I’ll put the air-conditioned uniform on hold. I accepted my
sister’s invitation to go shopping without hesitation, but I
want her to let me handle at least carrying the bags. I was
asked by my mother and my sister’s friends as well. I’ll do
my best to resolve the troubles my sister is facing during
this precious opportunity.

Alright, let’s do my best! Ei-ei-oh!

“I told you. Underwear.”

“That’s right, I remembered that I had to push BAD to the

distributor of the annoying video, so I’m going home.”

“Do that later. Now, let’s go.”

I don’t want toooooo! Let me go, let me


“These underwear will suit that woman.”

“Don’t you want to have fun?”

With a thud, I place my wallet on the cash counter,
attempting to delegate the task to the saleswoman, but
unfortunately failing. This is an uncharted territory, a
lingerie shop. It’s a restricted area for boys. Even
exploration teams are not allowed.

I can’t stay in a place like this. I’m going home! (Flag of


“Full cup, longline… 1/2… Heh, there are so many types.”

“You can choose the one you like.”

The color variations were abundant, and there was a wide

range of vibrant options. It was a completely different
culture from men’s underwear, where they usually only care
about the size.

“Even if you say that… I have no idea what to choose when

someone asks me for recommendations without knowing
anything about their preferences. It’s difficult to decide what
to pick, especially when dealing with insensitive people like

Yeah, there are people like that. And then they might
criticize or say the recommended item didn’t suit them. It’s
so annoying and the worst. If that’s the case, they should
find it themselves.

“…Do you really want to know so much about me?”

“With so many options, I’m too ignorant to make a choice.”

If I end up choosing poorly and getting underwear that

doesn’t fit, it would be unbearable.
“Yeah, then let’s go to the fitting room. I’ll tell you every
detail, from the underwear I’m currently wearing to every
nook and cranny.”

“I don’t really need to know that much—”

“Even the animal encyclopedia or monster encyclopedia you

often read has detailed information, right? Then you should
also know my details. Make a note in your ‘Yuri

Indian elephants can be defeated in ten seconds. Special

Attack ◎ Excellent against younger brothers, dealing
quadruple damage.

“Where does such strength come from in those skinny arms

of yours!? Store clerk, help—”

“Take your time.”

I waved my hand at the salesperson with a sales smile, but

resistance was futile, and I was dragged into the fitting

Five minutes later, the completion rate of the “Yuri

Encyclopedia” exceeded 80%.

“Now that you’ve become more knowledgeable, let’s choose

right away.”

“For now, how about choosing a size different from the

underwear you’re currently wearing?”

That would be the safest choice for now. After that, it’s up to
Yuri-san whether she wants to try other options.
“What, you want sexy lingerie that much? Well, I guess
there’s no helping it.”

“Wait, is this some kind of conversation with a fictional me?”

I was suddenly unable to communicate, and I looked

puzzled, but Yuri-san’s unstoppable rampage erupted.

“Eh? A black babydoll? The lace is lovely, but this string is

just too much. Wait, this is a bit too… It’s see-through, and
you can almost see my entire butt. It can’t hide anything in
the front… Alright, alright, stop making that disappointed
face. It’s embarrassing, but I’ll wear it properly. You’re such
an incorrigible kid. Look forward to tonight.”

“Um, uh… Oi, Yuri-san?”

“You’d be happy if it had a front clasp, right? I see, you’d be

happy. Then let’s buy this too.”

“The conversation finally started even though I didn’t say


A new ghost story of midsummer was born. It’s seriously


I continued looking at the underwear with my sister.

Different sizes, daring garter lingerie, inexplicable body
stockings, longline bras, bustiers, night bras, and more, my
sister and the imaginary me kept choosing one after
another. This sense of alienation, could it be that the fake
one is me…?

However, my sister seems to be enjoying it in some way.

Maybe shopping is a way for her to relieve stress. Well,
there’s no other choice, I’ll make the imaginary me do its
“Phew. We bought a lot, didn’t we? Eh, are you looking
forward to it too? Fufu, I’ll make sure you’re satisfied.”

“Maybe we should exorcise it first?”

I feel like the imaginary me is about to say something

outrageous, and I’m feeling a sense of crisis.

“What, I don’t mean to seduce you… Mou! Yes, I admit it. I

was thinking of seducing you!”

“Whoa! Evil spirits begone, evil spirits begone!”

I desperately try to purify the place at the lingerie shop.

“Why don’t they come closer to me?”

“Maybe it’s because your expression looks scary, and the

atmosphere is tense?”

“You have a straight face.”

My sister and I are at a cat cafe. If you want to quickly gain

popularity, there’s nothing like some fluffy cuddles.

It’s hugely popular on video-sharing sites, and if you get

reincarnated in another world, beastmen and Fenrils are a

I was hoping that the healing effect of the cats would

comfort my sister, but for some reason, only I’m being
swarmed by cats. Feeling a bit lonely, I put one cat on my
sister’s lap.

“Nyan (Humans, always trying to please… This is also


“Nyan (Ora, play with me! Pay more attention to me!)”

“Nyaaaaa~ (I’ll give you the right to pet me).”

Thanks to the cat resting on my head, my head feels

pleasantly warm. Can you move a bit?

“It’s really cute when you look at it like this”

My sister gently strokes the cat with a kind look in her eyes.
This is where the fluffiness of cats shines.

“Wanna try keeping one as a pet?”

“It’s enough for only you to be doted on.”

“What the heck… Am I just a pet in the Kokonoe


It’s a shocking revelation, but considering the hierarchy in

our house, it might be appropriate. Unfortunately, I have no
complaints about my current treatment. I’ve been too well-

It’s normal to be a beloved pet animal, but being a beloved

pet human is a whole different level of darkness. It’s as
black as a human farm.

“By the way, Onee-san, do you have any worries or


This is not the time to be falling into darkness. The real

target is here.

“…Why are you poking your nose into everything?”

“I felt like you were troubled.”

My sister’s gaze wanders in the empty space. She seems

about to say something but quickly withdraws.
Is she hesitating? Or does she not want to show her
vulnerability to her younger brother?

“…I’m sorry for worrying you. But I’m okay, really.”

“――Are you sure?”

I peer into her eyes as if trying to see through her true

intentions. I, who have kept my distance from my sister until
now, cannot fathom the complexity of her inner feelings. I
feel like I’m being drawn into those obsidian-like eyes.

“Yukito, you don’t need to worry about anything. Your

wishes are my wishes… .”

“My wishes? All I want is for Yuri-san to get better.”

“Of course. You’re such a kind child… even to someone like


Her cool hand touches my cheek. Her expression looks

ephemeral, as if it might disappear.

Gently, I hold onto that hand. Thanks to the cat, my hand

feels warm.

“I’m looking forward to summer vacation. Let’s play a lot


“Yukito, you…”

“I bought this because they were having a local product

exhibition from Okayama Prefecture. Let’s eat it together

It’s not my intention to corner my bewildered sister. Even if

she doesn’t talk now, I don’t know what the future holds. To
aim for that someday, it’s crucial to get along better with
my sister first.

Rushing things will only lead to failure. There’s no need to

be impatient. I have time. It’s okay to take it slow.

To change the subject, I take a box out of the bag. I was

drawn to it and ended up buying it.

“Kibidango?” (sweet dumpling made with mochi flour and

(sometimes) millet flour (famous product of Okayama))

“When you mention Okayama Prefecture, you think of

Momotaro. And when you think of Momotaro, you think of
kibidango, right?”

Speaking of kibidango, it’s a magical item that appears in a

fairy tale where Momotaro, on his way to defeat the
demons, gives it to the monkey, pheasant, and dog, whom
he befriends.

Honestly, defeating demons with just kibidango would be

excessive black labor, but there probably wasn’t labor
standards back in those times.

Whenever there’s a local product exhibition selling region-

specific sweets, you can’t help but buy them, right?

“If it’s kibidango… does that mean… you really want to

make me your ally?”


Did she say something that couldn’t be ignored?

“Does that mean I’m the one who’s the pet?… Well, it’s fine,
even so.”
“Hey, what are you talking about?”

“I’ll become that for you. Your pet on the bed. A familiar, or
perhaps a servant?”

“I still haven’t purified the imaginary me yet!?”

“What do you want me to do? A hand? Or perhaps—-“

“Let’s value yourself a little more!”

“Go ahead and try to train me as you please. I’ll learn any
tricks you want.”

“Begone imaginary meeeeee! Begone!”

Crap, this is bad! The exorcism failed miserably, and it has

become an irreparable situation.

Yuri-san’s eyes are shining suspiciously and brightly. It

seems she’s gained some energy.

“Shall we go out to buy a choker later? Make sure I wear it

around my neck. It’s a proof that I’m yours. I’ll brag about it
to Mom.”

“I’m begging you, please, please stop that!”

I desperately plead, but she doesn’t care. This is bad. If I

give the kibidango to Mother, it might end up the same way.
Then, how about Sekka-san? No, that’s even worse!

“If you’re willing to put a leash on me, I won’t go anywhere

—–No, it’s nothing.”

My sister shakes her head as if shaking off stray thoughts.

It’s such a painfully sad expression.
My heart tightens. I don’t know what those fleeting thoughts
that passed through her in that moment are.

However, like the clear skies of Okayama, I vowed to clear

away the haze in her heart.

“I never thought I would hear the real sound of the

Shishiodo… How elegant.”

A pleasant sound resonates periodically. The Shishiodo, not

the name of a monster, but a device that produces sound by
the up-and-down movement of a bamboo tube utilizing
flowing water. It matches perfectly with the Japanese garden
spread out before me. How refined… It feels like my soul is
being cleansed.

Even though I’m escaping from reality, this is the main

headquarters of the Himiyama family. I was invited again
because I couldn’t formally greet them at the wedding.

“I also want to express my gratitude. Thank you for helping

my granddaughter.”

“It’s the other way around. I’m the one who received help.”

“These kids are such troublemakers. They should learn their

lesson through hardships.”

The one expressing indignation is Rishu Himiyama. He may

be a good-natured old man, but his occasional gaze is

A little research is enough to find numerous achievements

of Rishu Himiyama.
Although he has already retired, he was once a politician,
not only serving as a minister but also holding key positions
in the party’s top three. Among them, the Secretary-General
was effectively the number two position, responsible for
personnel and finances. Even after retirement, he still holds
tremendous influence over the party, according to Papa
Tojo. It’s no wonder Papa Tojo’s face turns pale. I apologize
for the overkill.

Earlier, Rishu Himiyama was present, but he wanted to talk

privately, so we are now facing each other in the guest
room. Am I going to be okay? I won’t be killed, right?

“I haven’t seen Misaki with such a smiling face for so many


Rishu-san gazes at the Japanese garden with a distant look.

He seems somewhat happy.

I did not know the details of the situation, but it seemed that
the reason he was so grateful was that Himiyama-san had
been depressed for a long time due to a series of
unfortunate events.

She had been so depressed that her family was worried

about her. I learned a surprising secret about Himiyama-san.

After many twists and turns, she moved to a new place for a
change of environment and met me there.

“When I received a message from Misaki, I was surprised.

Her anger, her unreasonable treatment towards you,
seemed unforgivable to her. She aspired to be a teacher but
faced setbacks, and she couldn’t fulfill her role as a wife
either. Once someone’s spirit is broken, it’s difficult to stand
back up. I also wanted to do something for her, but I
couldn’t make it happen. That’s why no matter how much
gratitude I express, it feels insufficient.”

“Himiyama-san… Was Misaki-san in such a terrible state?”

“At one point, she lost a significant amount of weight and

couldn’t even eat. There were times when she needed to be
hospitalized and receive intravenous drips. Misaki still has a
long life ahead of her. She has already experienced enough
unhappiness. That’s why I’m asking you to continue looking
after her. For some reason, Misaki has taken a great liking to

“I deeply understand that.”

After my plan to lower her favorability failed, I tried an

opposite approach with the plan to increase it, but I ended
up feeling endangered by how much her favorability rose. It
was ridiculously high.

“It doesn’t bother me. Please take care of her. It may be a

biased opinion, but Misaki is beautiful.”

“That’s exactly what troubles me…”

It’s precisely because she is charming that she’s difficult to

handle. After all, I’m going through adolescence.

“I was also surprised to learn that you know Genzo. It seems

you’re training under him. Are you planning to succeed
Itsumaru? We have had a long-standing relationship with
that place, but there hasn’t been anyone to succeed it.”

“I don’t have such intentions, but the Boss has been very
kind to me.”
“It’s a curious thing. It seems you have a connection with
the Himiyama family.”

Genzo is the name of the Boss. In my mind, I recognized him

as the Boss, so when they mentioned his name, it didn’t
click at first. The Himiyama family has had a close
relationship with them for decades.

Certainly, even if there were secret discussions, nothing

would leak from there. It’s only natural for a prominent
politician to have at least one such establishment. Being
invited to that place is also considered a status symbol.

“By the way, you seem to be quite famous. I apologize for

prying, but I looked into it a little. However, for some reason,
everything about you remains ambiguous, and I couldn’t
grasp the full picture. But there’s no doubt that you’re the
real deal. It’s truly amusing.”

With a smirk, Rishu-san shows me a stack of documents.

“But none of these seem to have any charm, don’t you


“Are these candidates…?”

The documents I was given are essentially detailed

resumes. …Wait, isn’t this becoming a list that I shouldn’t be
looking at?

“I may have retired, but I still have influence in the local

area. People gather seeking my endorsement, but they all
seem lacking in some way. Do you know what qualities are
necessary for a politician?”

“What would that be? Practical skills, perhaps?”

“That may be necessary, but it’s not an absolute
requirement. My son and Misaki’s older brother aren’t that
type. However, such types are weak in elections.
Unfortunately, popularity matters.”

Himiyama-san’s older brother actually works in a central

government agency and seemed sincere and diligent.

“The essential quality for a politician, in my opinion, is the

ability to attract people. Leave the detailed work to
bureaucrats. It’s about having a broad perspective, a vision
for the future, and the ability to execute decisively. You
could say it’s about personal charisma. People won’t act
without self-interest, but they won’t support someone
without virtue. It’s a rare and valuable ability.”

“I see.”

The secret to smooth interpersonal relationships is to avoid

discussing politics, religion, and baseball.

Not wanting to delve too deeply into the topic, I casually

look for a way to wrap up the conversation and head home.
I can’t shake off this unpleasant premonition I’ve had since
earlier. It feels ominous.

“By the way, would you be interested in becoming my

successor? Inheriting my network would be a good
opportunity. There’s no rush, though. You’re still young, and
there’s plenty of time. Despite being a high school student,
you have the ability to attract people, which makes you
suitable for a politician. What do you think?”

“Well, even if you ask me…”

“Hahaha! Don’t worry, leave it to me. I’ll take care of all the
arrangements. It’s a discussion for the future, after all. I’ve
been troubled by the issue of succession for a long time.
Now, I can finally put that burden down. It brings peace to
my mind. But still, we must choose someone before the next
election. Is there anyone…”

My future employment was decided without my consent.

This is taking it to a whole new level. And then I realize.

Could it be that the random person who greeted me at the

wedding…? I’ve been getting a lot of formal followers on
social media. What do they expect from a high school
student like me? It seems like preparations are already

“Fumu, you want to get engaged to Misaki?”

“Wait a minute!”

That would be a chaotic and rushed path. If things continue

like this, I’ll become a real relative of Himyama-san.

Wait a minute? Oh, right! Papa Tojo said he would help if I’m
in trouble. This is it!

“Rishu-san, I have a perfect candidate in mind.”

I’ll just push all the troublesome matters onto Papa Tojo. He
mentioned that his goal was to enter national politics but it
got derailed after angering Himiyama-san. He’s the perfect

I don’t want to be considered as a successor. I also want to

focus on raising my precious oranges.

“Oh? So you forgive that foolish man? How generous of you.

Your capacity is truly admirable, accepting even those who
have been your enemies. In the world of politics where
treachery runs rampant, such qualities are necessary. It
makes me want to make you my successor even more.”

Could it be that Himyama-san’s lineage has an

unconditional rule of increasing my likability?

“Papa Tojo is a wonderful person. He seems to have a good

eye for things.”

“I see, very well. In that case, let’s trust your words.”

Rishu-san is contacting someone, but I’m proceeding with

the conversation without knowing the details. I hope
everything is going fine.

Well, it’s unfortunate, but Papa Tojo brought this upon

himself. Become the sacrificial lamb for my sake.

“Ah, good morning, Miki-chan! Are you feeling better from

the flu?”

“I missed you, Kana-chan! My fever went down quickly, but I

couldn’t go out or meet anyone, so I’ve been bored and
lonely. Thanks for keeping in touch every day.”

“It’s okay, it’s okay. We’re not just friends.”



The two of them embraced tightly. Minada, who had been

absent from school for a while due to the flu, returned to
school and was delighted to reunite with Elizabeth.
Speaking of the flu, it usually spreads during the dry winter
season, but it can actually occur throughout the year.
Practices like gargling and handwashing are important for
infection prevention.

I continued working while keeping an eye on their reunion.

It’s almost finished.

“Hey, Kana-chan, I’ve been wondering, is there something

off about the atmosphere at school? Maybe it’s just my
imagination, but it feels unusually sweet and… strange.”

“Do you think so too, Miki-chan? I had the same feeling. It’s
a bit weird, right?”

“What could it be? It gives me goosebumps.”

“Oi oi, aren’t you two forgetting something? Most of the

strange things happening at this school are caused by that

Interrupting the girls’ conversation with utmost social skills

was the charismatic and refreshing handsome guy.

“So, what did you do this time, Yukito?”

“That’s rude. What are you talking about?”

“What are you even doing right now? Wait… Why are you
doodling on the textbook like a regular student!? That’s not
like you at all!”

“It’s a para-para manga (flipbook) where Kuya, who was

reincarnated in the modern world, breakdance and spreads
Buddhist chants.”
“That was anything but regular! The quality is unnecessarily

Well, it’s not a bad thing for Kongming to become a

partygoer. It’s one of those things that can work.

Flipping through the textbook with a swift motion, it indeed

looked like a monk was breakdancing. It was an artistic
technique that utilized optical illusions.

“What’s going on? Let me see!”

“This person’s movements are creepy!”

“Well, isn’t it nice? Isn’t it nice?”

The textbook left my hands and passed on to my


Well, isn’t it nice? Isn’t it nice?

“Hey, hey, Mihou-kun, is it really Kokonoe-kun the cause of

all this?”


“Well, isn’t it nice?”

The carefree handsome guy casually interjects with his own


“It’s not about the manga. Yukito, why have you been
calling your sister ‘onee-sama’ lately?”

“Yuri-san said there was a character in a manga she got

hooked on who used that term. She asked me to call her
that for a while because she found it enviable.”
“So it was about manga, huh?”

Indeed, in that manga, calling someone ‘Onee-sama’ is

usually done by a same-sex underclassman, so it’s unknown
whether I, as her younger brother, am truly satisfied with
using that term.

“And even Mom started asking me to call her ‘Mama’

because of it. It was quite a situation.”

“Isn’t that a bit embarrassing?”

“She’s been taking care of me all this time, so it’s a small

favor in return.”

“That doesn’t seem like the issue here… But anyway.”

“Why are you suddenly saying such things, Mihou?”

“Because of this guy, everyone in the school is catching on

to it.”

“Isn’t his influence too strong!?”

“Even the girls in the basketball club started using the term
‘Onee-sama’ and everything feels so sweet. Most likely,
that’s the cause of all this strangeness.”

“Isn’t it too much to attribute everything to me!?”

I protest in a small way, but no one pays any attention to


It seems that Mineda and the others are also convinced.

Why are they so easily convinced!?

—–It all started a week ago.

My sister, who was reading a manga in the living room,
closed the book with a snap, stood up, and slowly
approached me.

“You can call me ‘Onee-sama’ if you want.”

“Weren’t we taught about subject and predicate in


“It’s telepathy, you know.”

“That’s completely different.”

“… If you call me ‘Onee-sama,’ I’ll give you something nice.”

I inadvertently furrow my brows. Her idea of something nice

is probably that. The coupon for a shoulder pat (ten tickets)
or something like that.

It’s true that it’s a grateful coupon to be able to pat my

sister’s shoulder, but it took me two years to use them all. I
used the last ticket just five days ago.

“Exclusive ASMR for Little Brothers.”

“I don’t need it.”

“There are special benefits too.”

“I don’t need–“

“You can actually experience it.”

“I don’t–“

“Track 10 is a must-listen, you know?”

“Ha? You want it, right?”


Actually, I’m secretly curious about its content.

“Ara, Yuri is being unfair. If you don’t mind, could you try
calling me ‘Mama’ too?”

Even Mom joined in unexpectedly. Her eyes are filled with

anticipation, piercing through me.

It was clear that if I were to refuse, she would be

disappointed. I’ve only been causing disappointments so far.
It’s my role to live up to my family’s expectations.

“Alright, I got it. I’ll call you ‘Mama,’ okay?”


Suddenly, Mom collapses to her knees and starts screaming

while writhing on the floor.

It’s as if a fish washed up on land.

“What, what’s wrong, Mama?! Are you okay?”


“R-Right! We need to call an ambulance quickly!”

“I-It’s alright! It was just a little too much of a shock, that’s


There’s nothing “just” about it! Mom was clutching her

lower abdomen and looked like she was in pain.

Could it be that she has some illness!?

“Mama, does it hurt when I poke you?”

“Fufii! I-It’s not like that! This is just… this area is throbbing
with joy.”

“Really, I see! Huh, but that’s some kind of disease! What

shall I do? Onee-sama, Mama is in trouble!”


When I turn around, Onee-sama is banging her head against

the wall. It’s so frightening.

“What happened to Onee-sama too!?”

“I-I’m perfectly calm. I just got a little too excited.”

“Onee-sama, your forehead is turning red. Let me pat it for



As I pat her forehead, Onee-sama bangs her head against

the wall again. Like a woodpecker.



While the two of them are writhing in agony, I’m at a loss for
what to do, watching them with my back turned.

“–That’s about it. There wasn’t anything particularly

different, it was mostly normal.”

“What do you mean it’s normal?”

“It’s rather unusual, no!?”

“It can’t be that it happens all the time in everyday life. This
world is not a comic book or a video game. And don’t you
dare say that I’m the cause of everything!”

“The boomerang has hit the mark.”

“They say that the one who gets hit by the boomerang
doesn’t realize it, but it’s really true.”

There’s no way I could be the cause of everything. It can’t

be true!

It can’t be… right?

[Erika Tojo PoV]

“Please look! Thanks to Erika Onee-sama, my grades have


“No, it’s thanks to your hard work. Have confidence in


“T-thank you so much! Will you continue to teach me?”

“Yes, anytime you want.”

During lunch break, I had a relaxed time with just my junior

and me. Even though I didn’t go as far as making tea by
hand, I still felt that this time was precious, and I’m sure my
junior sitting next to me felt the same.

“Uhm, there’s something I wanted to ask. Who is that

person who’s always following Onee-sama? He seems like a
dangerous student, and I can’t stand him!”

Pum pum, as I sensed Kumi’s frustration, I immediately

understood who she was referring to.

My face tensed up. I clenched my fist tightly and took a

deep breath to calm myself.

“Kumi-san, he’s not following me. If anything, it might be

the other way around. And he is a dear friend of mine. A
truly important friend. Even if it’s you, I won’t tolerate
anyone making fun of him.”

“I-I’m sorry!”

Without thinking, a cold voice escaped my lips. I hesitated

on how to address the adorable junior who was now looking
down. She admires me so much, and I don’t want to
disregard her feelings.

She’s done nothing wrong. She was just worried about me.
Even if I abruptly scold her, her emotions won’t understand
or accept it. It might trigger an outburst.

And if that happens, the one who will be hurt is not me this
time, but the person who was unfairly inconvenienced
before and now, it will be her standing right in front of me.

In the first place, even in that incident, nothing was made

public. Ultimately, only he took the blame. It pains me that
people’s negative impression of him remains unchanged.

What he has done has become clear, but my name was not
mentioned in that disclosure.

In reality, suspension or even expulsion wouldn’t be

unreasonable considering the severity of my actions.
Being able to live in peace like this is also thanks to what he

He already stands out enough as it is. Naturally, there are

people who don’t think highly of him.

I’m working to restore his reputation, but I can’t actively

spread the truth.

However, I can’t run away here. If I were to run away now, I

would spend the rest of my life unable to forgive myself.
That’s why I must convey the truth.

“Please listen, Kumi-san. He is not the person you think he

is. On the contrary, he’s like a hero. He is-“

I speak passionately. What will she think?

She may be disappointed. I may not become the ideal

senpai she admires.

Still, I can’t pretend to hide my foolish actions at this


He is my friend, after all.

“People are very ugly creatures. And of course, that includes

me. You are so pure and it reminds me of my past self.
That’s why I’m worried. I don’t want to tarnish the beauty
you possess.”

I want to protect that innocence. In this era where the

ugliness of humanity is so vividly displayed. It’s filled with so
much malice that it can extinguish one’s spirit.

It’s easy to be swept away by it. The more pure you are, the
more you get hurt.
And then you become tired and slowly get stained by it.

But, just for now. Even if it’s only until graduation, I want to
remain pure within this closed world called school. I want to
stay as the ideal I aspire to be, even if it’s impossible. I find
myself wanting to be the “Onee-sama” she seeks.

I wanted to do my best. To be able to always have peaceful

moments like this.

Both her and him. I wish for everyone to be kind to one


“I cherish you, Kumi-san. That’s why I want you to have

many people you cherish as well.”

Not only her classmates, but also juniors, regardless of

gender, seek her advice and support, and she gained
immense popularity. Her attitude was always kind,
approachable, and compassionate.

Eventually, Erika Tojo would also be known as

—-Saint Senpai

“Father, I don’t care what happens to me! Please help me! If

things continue like this, it will be because of me that
Kokonoe-san… That must never happen!”

In a rush, Erika returns home and hurriedly enters her

father’s study. Seeing her daughter in a panicked state,
Hideomi, while bewildered, calms Erika down and prepares
some coffee before urging her to speak. It is an important
matter for Hideomi as well.
“What happened, Erika?”

“It’s about Sudou-san—“

Takefumi Sudou, the eldest son of the Sudou family,

currently twenty years old, and the person who proposed an
engagement to Erika.

Takefumi’s father’s company was listed on the Nasdaq

exchange four years ago. Hideomi had met him a few times
but didn’t find him to be a desirable partner, giving off the
typical nouveau riche impression.

Such individuals often seek social connections. And Sudou

had set his sights on the Tojo family.

Hideomi is currently in a difficult situation. He has been

stripped of his official status and is in an independent

Not only is he seen as a fallen figure by those around him,

which is indeed true, but Hideomi has no way to regain his
former standing.

While he has been forgiven by Misaki after bowing his head

and offering a formal apology, it is only natural for them to
distance them from Tojo, who is being glared at by
Himiyama. In fact, if another person were to find themselves
in a similar situation, Hideomi would reconsider their
relationship. The difference in influence is that vast.

Elections require money. With the loss of his party as a

backing, Hideomi will face a tough battle. He cannot rely on
sheer numbers as he has done before. His current position is
precarious, and there are countless candidates aiming for
his seat.
Keen-eyed Sudou saw an opportunity there and offered
assistance, under the condition that his son Takefumi
become engaged to Erika. While Hideomi was outraged and
rejected the offer, Sudou’s forceful and increasing pressure
is wearing him down. If Takefumi were an outstanding
individual, Hideomi might have considered it, but he
couldn’t see that in him, and Erika also harbored dislike
towards him. As a father who genuinely loves his daughter,
he couldn’t use her as a tool.

The Sudou family lacks the pedigree and status, and

Hideomi lacks allies.

On the surface, it may seem mutually beneficial, but in

reality, it is a takeover of the Tojo family. If Erika were to be
engaged to Takefumi, he would inherit the Tojo name. Sudou
would obtain history. It was something that Hideomi couldn’t

“That man… What a fool. Haha, kuhahahahahahahahaha!”

“Father? What’s the matter?”

“Sorry, sorry. This feeling of relief is just… Erika, there’s

nothing for you to worry about. Such obstacle to Kokonoe-
Sensei are meaningless,”

According to Erika, after school, she was ambushed by

Takefumi and persistently invited to a meal near the school
gate. By chance, Yukito Kokonoe intervened, but during the
altercation, Takefumi made threatening remarks towards
Yukito and his family. It is unclear whether he was enraged
or simply deluded himself into believing that Sudou had
such power, but it was like provoking a devil.

We’re getting more and more head-over-heels, aren’t we?

Erika, cherish this relationship. There is no more suitable
person for you to marry, but even if you put that aside, you
must not sever your relationship with Kokonoe-sensei.”

“What do you mean, Father?”

“The next election. I will enter national politics.”

A phone call that just came in has completely changed

Hideomi’s difficult situation.

He is still filled with excitement, a feeling he has not

experienced in a long time. Asked for a response, he
immediately gives one.

A shudder runs through his body. The Tojo family’s long-

cherished dream, which he once had stolen away, is being
brought back, and it is none other than he who is making it

“It seems that Kokonoe-Sensei has recommended me as a

successor to Rishu-Sensei. Eventually, he will officially take
over that constituency, but until then, he will support me.”

What a bold man. Hideomi is amazed. He doesn’t know the

details of how this decision was made, but it is extraordinary
for someone who had caused him harm as an enemy not
only to be forgiven but to be saved. Erika, too, has been
saved by Yukito Kokonoe, and there is no doubt that he will
become an outstanding figure who accomplished great feats
in the future. If that is the case, Hideomi swears to protect
his seat until then.

No, that’s not enough. His mission is to expand his

influence, gain support, and strengthen his foothold even
more than before for the sake of the country.
“I have received a great favor that cannot be repaid. So, I
will repay this debt through my work. I will pioneer the path
for Kokonoe-Sensei.”

He is not currently in the position to do so, but it may be

decades in the future. Time is plentiful. Until then, Hideomi
has decided to devote himself to serving this country.

“…Father, about Kokonoe-san”

Erika was heartbroken that she had ruined the Tojo family’s
long-cherished dream. But now she had dragged him into
her family’s affairs. She could not repent enough. If Sudou
had tried to touch Yukito Kokonoe, she had even been
prepared to accept his offer of a fiancée.

But that unexpected development was beyond his


Hideomi absentmindedly opened his SNS. Looking at the

trending topics, he burst into laughter.

“What I understand is that he is definitely not an entity to

be opposed to.”

“An entity? What do you mean?”

Hideomi handed his phone to Erika, whose expression

became indescribably subtle.

“Father, what is this!?”

“…Sudou is finished.”

The concerns that had been troubling him were resolved,

and now Hideomi was filled only with the determination to
face new challenges. He made a firm vow to himself: He
would never go against him again.

[On the other side]

“What on earth were you doing!”

“What’s the matter, father!?”

Shuji grabbed his son’s collar as soon as he returned from

work. It was a terrifying sight, a rage that his son had never
seen before.

Shuji Sudou is cold-hearted. He excels at thoroughly

investigating his opponents and exploiting their
weaknesses. That’s how he expanded his business. Tojo was
also one of his targets. He invested money and strategized
to eventually take control of their family’s legacy.

Shuji was not the type to raise his voice normally. That’s
why this outburst left Takefumi shocked.

“Take a look at this!”

Shuji showed Takefumi his social media feed. Takefumi was

unsure of his father’s intentions, but when he saw the
trending topics, his face turned pale. The situation was
beyond his comprehension.

“Why is my name here?!”

He quickly opened his own phone and checked his accounts.

Notifications overflowed.

His name was trending, and his real name, university

enrollment, and even his family structure were all identified.
But the biggest problem was that a clear video of Takefumi’s
threats was being widely circulated.

Following the origin, they found an account with over ten

thousand followers.

“Why would a video like this…- Wait, this person!”

Takefumi’s task was to ruin Erika. Erika had no way to

escape. Even if she rejected him, once they became
engaged, she would just be a high school student, easily
disposable in his eyes. Eventually, he would take control of
the Tojo family.

If it came to that, Takefumi would be free. There would be

no need to obsess over Erika. There are plenty of other
women out there. He had no feelings for her and she was
just a mere pawn after all.

When he approached Erika to fulfill his objective, there was

a guy who got in his way. Just an ordinary, unsophisticated
high school student.

Takefumi wanted to intimidate the impudent brat. That’s all

he did. He didn’t resort to violence. And yet…

“What the hell is this! Father, why is this happening!”

An account named “Yukito Kokonoe.” Takefumi couldn’t

understand why a mere high school student would have
over ten thousand followers. The posts causing the
controversy were extremely simple.

With the video, there was only one line: “Got threatened out
of nowhere by some weirdo. LOL”
Even an emoji laughing while sweating was added. He was
clearly being provoked.

Just one line. Only a single line. And yet, it sparked a fatal

“My name and even the name of the company have been
identified and spread around. But that’s not the problem!”

“What do you mean, that’s not the problem! What are we

going to do, father?”

Takefumi was about to throw his phone on the floor, but he

held himself back. What else could happen?

Despite feeling an inexplicable fear from his father’s words,

what his father pointed out were the followers.

“What am I going to do? There’s nothing we can do about

this! I’m done for!”

“Wait a minute… This guy is weird! Something’s not right!

And father’s company, it’s… “

The followers were not just ordinary high school students,

but also major companies with which his father’s company
had business transactions, advertising agencies, and even
politicians and executives of companies whom Takefumi had
never even met. It was a low-quality joke, to put it lightly.

“Himiyama, that’s… That guy who retired, right? And

Kyoto’s Touran… It can’t be…”

“This is absurd! How is there such a connection? It’s the

result of your reckless actions! You have to fix this yourself!”
Takefumi had followed his father’s intentions. He had just
been a bit careless. That’s all. But even so…

He had received education from his father as well. That’s

why he understood… This was impossible.

The situation that would unfold from now on would likely be

a catastrophe for both his father and Takefumi. Even his own
employment prospects were now uncertain. At this point,
there was no time to worry about people like Tojo.

Messages kept pouring into his phone one after another.

“You’re the worst.” “Don’t contact me anymore.” Fearing
that it would spread to themselves, friends and
acquaintances were cutting ties. Even the person he had
been dating dropped him without hesitation. It was a
heartless web of relationships.

“Go and apologize immediately. Don’t come back until

you’re forgiven!”

“Wait, Father! I was in the wrong. So, let’s go together—”

“Do you expect me to clean up your mess!? You’re already

an adult. Take responsibility for yourself! Don’t come back
until you’ve earned forgiveness.”

“Father, you understand, right! I can’t handle this on my


“I’m going back to the company. It looks like I won’t be able

to come home for a while.”

With swift steps, Shuji left the house. Takefumi stood there
What had he done to make himself an enemy? The world
had changed as if by some absurdity.

“…A demon.”

His murmured words carried a tone of sorrow.

Chapter 5: Yuri Kokonoe

[Shakado PoV]

I, Anya Shakado, am an introvert. My history as an introvert

goes back sixteen years. It’s a well-seasoned introversion,
and a lifelong dedication… Hihihi.

“Hihi… I brought you some food. H-here, Chi-chan. Have

your meal…”

I feed Chi-chan, the chameleon inside the cage. Its long

tongue extends and grabs the food. I watch with a smirk on
my face… No, not a cute smile, yes. A sly smile. Hihihi…

Chi-chan’s skin is looking great today. Compared to me,

we’re worlds apart…

But you know what, Chi-chan? I’ve been working hard on my

skincare lately. I try to talk to it, but Chi-chan remains
indifferent, just as always. This tsundere…!

I, Anya Shakado, am a lover of reptiles.

I’ve always loved reptiles, but it seems nobody else shares

the same enthusiasm. It didn’t take long for me to realize
that my interest in reptiles was an unusual one for a girl.
Maybe that’s why, from my early memories of kindergarten,
but especially in elementary and middle school, I didn’t
have many friends. I couldn’t join in the girlish
conversations of my classmates and remained untouched
by romance. I was always alone, sitting in a corner of the
I… I am truly an introvert… Always with messy hair,
hunched posture, and a gloomy smile, no one in my class
would ever want to approach me.

Forming pairs, creating groups with people you like… That

was impossible for me. I was always forced to join groups
where there were leftovers.

Thankfully, I was never bullied or mistreated. Rather, people

found me repulsive and kept their distance. They didn’t
even know I liked reptiles; I kept that a secret. But my
introverted aura seemed to push my classmates away.

Before I knew it, I had become invisible, treated as if I didn’t

exist. Maybe I had also turned into a colorless, transparent

I remember back in elementary school when I told a girl,

with whom I often talked, that I liked reptiles. She said,
“You’re weird.” It was a gentle denial wrapped in a
euphemism, and I realized that she stopped talking to me
after that.

Even someone as socially inept as me can tell when

someone is being overtly rejected. “You’re weird.”
Underneath that, there’s a feeling of creepiness. When I
realized that, I cried.

I, Anya Shakado, am weird.

That thought became natural to me. Gradually, I stopped

talking to my classmates, and my rejection was naturally
conveyed to them.

Isolation deepened, and I remained alone, always vaguely

unseen by anyone, as the colorless, transparent Anya
Shakado, kept in the classroom cage.

My parents worry that, as an only child, I don’t have any

friends, but there’s nothing they can do about it. Maybe
they should have given me a younger brother or sister. I
might try asking for one on my birthday. Hihihi.

But, it can’t be helped, can it? I don’t know how to make


Talking to others is difficult. The threshold for introverts is

high. Curiously, I find it harder to communicate with humans
than with Chi-chan. The world is so unfair.

“Aren’t you lonely, Chi-chan…..”

I wonder how Chi-chan, always alone, feels. I can’t

comprehend its emotions, but I still have these
conversations with Chi-chan every day. I didn’t want to go to
school. I just wanted to play with my pet like this.

I go to school because I have to. I don’t want to worry my

family any further… Hihihi.

I’m sure it will continue like this in high school. Just like in
elementary and middle school, the introverted me will be
treated as an invisible presence, an non-existent being.
Tedious daily life, colorless every day… That’s what I

――Before entering high school.

But then, I met him. A god. There was a god in this world…

Before entering high school, I thought I was different. But

perhaps that was a misunderstanding. The words I heard in
elementary school weren’t true. My perception shattered
like tiles falling off. I was like a frog in a well; before me lay
an immense ocean.

He is someone who doesn’t care about anything.

To him, I’m just ordinary. Overwhelmingly ordinary. I’m

embarrassed by my misconceptions and feel extremely

Unbelievably dazzling, overwhelmingly intense—he doesn’t

think I’m different. He doesn’t think that of anyone. He
doesn’t care.

Y-Yes. That is charisma. The introverted charisma.

Thanks to him, now I’m just a regular classmate as well.

He turned me from being special to being ordinary. Anya

Shakado, who is not special but just ordinary.

This brought a significant change within me, turning the

school, which used to be so burdensome, into something
enjoyable. During summer vacation, I feel lonely because I
can’t go to school…

Now, for the first time, I’m able to enjoy school life without

However, as I have grown so accustomed to the life of an

introvert, I am puzzled about how to communicate. I clearly
lack experience.

Still, no one rejects me. Even when my love for reptiles was
exposed, my classmates accepted it as part of my
individuality. And of course, they should. There’s someone
with an incredibly strong personality right in front of us. My
uniqueness is nothing compared to that.
I remembered the day when my love for reptiles was
exposed. Right after entering school, I was looking at my
Chi-chan collection in the classroom when he passed by and
immediately recognized that Chi-chan was a Panther
Chameleon. He said he had considered having one as a pet

He unexpectedly knew a lot about them, and I got excited

and talked about it, but he didn’t seem to mind and
accepted it without a second thought.

Since then, something has changed. I don’t know how my

mindset shifted, but people started naturally talking to me
more. Maybe it was me who was rejecting and distancing

Ever since, I have started feeling embarrassed about my

messy hair and started to care a little more about my

Of course, because I used to be so indifferent, it didn’t come

naturally. When I went to ask Mom what to do, she was very
happy to help. Hihi… I’m sorry to trouble you.

Before I knew it, people started talking to me without

hesitation. Maybe it was me who was rejecting them all

The “Invisible Aura” acts like a barrier. I learned that if I take

even a small step forward, there are people who will
respond to it.

I received a notification on my phone.

“W-Who could it be…? It’s from Eli-chan…?”

I checked the screen, and it was a message from Eli-chan.

An invitation to hang out. Eli-chan is actually Sakura, a
completely opposite type of girl compared to me. She’s a
top-tier girl in the social hierarchy, someone I wouldn’t
normally associate with. Even though I call her Elizabeth in
my mind to show respect, I can’t bring myself to say it out
loud in front of her. Only he, the god, can confidently call
her Elizabeth. He is truly a god. Trembling all over, I read Eli-
chan’s message.

“P-P-P-P-Pool!? Is she planning to sink me by luring me out,

or is it the kind of outing where we swim in swimsuits!?”

Instead of just inviting me to hang out, she suggested going

to the pool. As an introvert, it’s beyond my capacity.

Fuaaaa, what should I do? What should I do?! I can’t stay

like this.

I rushed out of my room and headed to the living room.

“Mama… W-w-w-w-what should I do!? M-My friend invited

me to hang out, but what if it’s at the pool and I need a
school swimsuit!?”

Mama’s eyes widened in surprise, and she seemed to be on

the verge of tears.

“So, you finally made such a friend, An-chan… I’m so happy

for you! But, An-chan, I don’t think you have a school
swimsuit. Shall we go buy a cute one together?”

“I see… I didn’t think of that. Thank you so much for telling


Mama was in a very good mood. She seems happy lately.

The loneliness I used to feel has disappeared somewhere. I
wish the class wouldn’t change until graduation. I wouldn’t
have thought about such things in the past.

He, who creates daily chaos, is also stirring up my dull daily

life. Every day is a whirlwind of changes. But it’s so
enjoyable and pleasant that I can’t help it.

That’s right, Yukito Kokonoe is the man who is worshiped by

his classmates without realizing it.

[Yukito PoV]

It must have been annoying. I’m sorry, Yuri.

We go to school together in the morning and sometimes she

sleeps in my room at night.

It pains me to see my mom’s eyes filled with sadness, like

an abandoned puppy. Sorry …….

On holidays, we went shopping and watched movies

together. We even went bowling together.

Basically, she never denies me what I want to do. She

affirms everything I want to do.

I tried to make her “less sensitive” to me, but apparently

she is not less sensitive to me as well as Himiyama-san and
my mom are.
As soon as I said I needed to buy suspenders, my older
sister rushed out of the house without a moment’s
hesitation. When she returned, I was met with a terrible
sight. This must be the infamous “Gate of Nakedness” that
everyone talks about. But, could such a thing really happen?

Even as the sister of the villainess in a story, if I go too far,

my sister will retaliate.

Over the past week, I’ve identified the cause and reached
one conclusion.

My sister is clearly pushing herself too hard.

The more I try to get close to her, the more she tries to
accept me, but her expression tightens, her heart pounds
intensely, and her breathing becomes erratic. Her body
trembles, and she breaks out in a cold sweat.

Trying to force our broken relationship back to normal only

creates a distorted and fractured illusion.

There was one time my sister showed me her true feelings.

“I hate you! Just disappear!”

With those words, she pushed me away from the playground

equipment in the park.

I ended up being seriously injured and had to be

hospitalized, but I never resent my sister.

It was my fault for always sticking around her. I should have

disappeared just as she said.

Since then, I’ve tried my best to avoid any interactions with

my sister.
Now, in hindsight, it was probably the right decision. Those
words she spoke back then were her true feelings.

Things began to change after I entered high school. It’s only

now that I’m starting to realize.

That’s why my sister is suffering. It’s become especially

apparent lately; she’s deliberately keeping her distance. She
spends most of her time locked up in her room and
sometimes avoids meeting me altogether.

Of course, when I visit her room, she warmly welcomes me,

and she’s always willing to do things together when asked.

But I know. Afterward, she’s suffering alone.

I’ve even heard her crying late at night.

Yes, my sister had been forcing herself to like me.

After my serious injury, my sister, tormented by guilt, tried

to become an unwavering ally. She vowed never to repeat
the terrible incident she caused.

She used her rationality to suppress her true feelings of


Inside my sister, there exists only the feeling of liking me.

She will never allow herself to harbor any other emotion

toward me.

However, if she continues to force herself like this, there will

be a breaking point.

Between the conflicting emotions, my sister continues to

There is no reason for us to get along just because we are

If she dislikes me, then it’s okay. Trying to forcefully deny it

only makes things complicated.

There are siblings who don’t get along, and there are
countless others who remain indifferent to each other.

Since the accident, my sister and I have maintained a

suitable distance from each other. Thus, it’s not hard to
imagine that the current situation, where that distance is
wavering, is an unbearable pain for her.

Realizing this, I purposely closed the distance between us

over the past week.

What my sister needs is the courage to admit that she

dislikes me.

To release her heart from the prison of lies and face her true

I can see that my sister is growing increasingly haggard day

by day. She’s reaching her limit of endurance.

Even so, I won’t stop getting closer to her. Even if it pushes

her to a corner, I will continue until she completely reveals

Enough is enough. She has cherished me until today.

My sister has endured so much suffering. From now on, she

should seek her own happiness.

I somehow understand that this is what independence

Until now, my sister protected me under her wing. But that
time is over.

I can handle most things on my own, and there are plenty of

allies around me who will help.

My sister doesn’t need the curse called “Yukito” anymore.

I hold deep respect for my sister. The time to say goodbye

has come.

“Thank you for staying by my side, even while disliking me.


All that remains now is a feeling of gratitude.

“Is this the campsite?”

I dismount from my cross bike and survey the surroundings.

An open grassland bathed in sunlight. The vibrant young

leaves shimmer beautifully.

The refreshing scent of new greenery tickles my nose. I take

a deep breath, savoring the great outdoors.

“Finally, we made it”

My sister also gets off her cross bike. Sweat glistens on her,

making her look beautiful.

“Are you okay? It must have been tiring”

“I’m still getting used to it, but I practiced and took enough
breaks. Don’t worry.”
My sister and I rode our cross bikes for two hours to reach
this natural park.

Since we are underage, it’s a day trip. Camping is often

associated with roughing it out in the mountains, but
modern campsites come with all the facilities, making it
enjoyable even for beginners.

I invited my sister to change her mood.

“You were plucking hair from your butt, so it’s a little


“I wasn’t plucking anything!?”

“You’ve seen my butt hole, so it doesn’t matter now.”

“Is that my fault?”

“And you even counted the wrinkles.”

“Like I said, is that my fault?”

“I’ll keep it clean and tidy, anytime you want.”

“What do you mean? Hey, what are you saying?! Hey, say

The first Kokonoe family mahjong tournament ended in a

disaster. I won the tournament, but the extreme match-
fixing battle between three people with me not wanting to
win and them wanted me to win lasted until late at night.

In the end, in the late-night excitement, the situation

became so unspeakably disastrous that I thought they’d
report it to the BPO, but I buried those memories in the
darkness of history.
By the way, all three of them gave me a yakuman. They are
merciless villains.

“Next week is the Pantyhose Ripping Championship”

“Genius idea, huh?”

It sounds incredibly fun. In modern society, we all battle

with stress. Everyone has their own way of relieving stress,
but there are entertainment facilities where you can throw
an axe at the wall or break dishes, satisfying the urge for
destruction. It’s undoubtedly an effective way to relieve

I’ll let you in on a little secret. I’m the one with the thinnest
denier.” [TL: Denier, also referred to as den, measures the
thickness of tights. The lower the denier, the thinner and
more sheer the tights will be. Even though we offer tights of
the best quality, higher denier and thus more opaque pairs
of tights are more durable than more sheer ones.]

“Even if you suddenly violate the regulations?”

“Mom wears compression stockings; she’s not my enemy.”

“And even if she takes the dominant position?”

“Sekka-san is a despicable woman. Even if she pretends to

be clean and neat, she is still a despicable woman.”

“What kind of discussions are going on behind my back?”

The darkness within the Kokonoe family runs deep.

“By the way, what kind of competition is it?”

“We compete to see how beautifully we can rip the

pantyhose we’re wearing.”
“I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about, but I’ll
pretend to understand for now.”

I’m afraid to imagine, so I go along with it as I finish the


Even though it’s surrounded by nature, the building has all

the necessary facilities, including toilets, and all the
equipment is available for rent.

After entering the assigned tent and lying down, I find it

surprisingly comfortable.

“Should I give you a knee pillow? Your muscles must be sore

after all that cycling.”

“I’m really sorry.”

I forced her into it, yet my sister didn’t complain and went
along with it. I’m truly grateful to her.

The two-hour cycling trip provided a pleasant feeling of

fatigue, but the way back might be somewhat challenging. I
resolve to take more breaks on the return journey.

“But seriously, was it really okay?”

My sister’s expression clouds over. I bought the cross bike

we used for the cycling.

It cost almost 200,000 yen (1431,93 dollar or 1279,24 euro)

for the two bikes combined. I usually save my allowance
diligently, so it’s not an issue, but for a high school student,
it’s a considerable amount, and I understand why my sister
would be concerned.
However, I was more worried that I might no longer be
considered under mother’s support.

“I have some extra income. By the way, would you like to

help with part-time jobs too?”

“I’ll support you, so you don’t need to work.”

“A typical sister who spoils her younger brother.”

“If you need money, I’ll earn it for you. I could even try
sugar dating—”

“Don’t ever say that again.”

I grab my sister’s shoulders and look into her eyes. Yuri is


A self-sacrifice so painful it hurts to watch. She would never

do such a thing for her own sake, but if it were for me, she
might carry it out without hesitation.


“I’m sorry.”

If I don’t break the cursed chain binding my sister, she

might end up hurting herself someday, believing it’s her
way of atoning.

Today is the only day to settle things. I must make my sister

admit that she hates me.

“I told you I have extra income, right? I’m getting a bit

hungry, so let’s have a meal.”

I take my sister’s hand. It used to be my sister who always

held my hand.
In place of our busy mother, my sister tried her best. Yet,
thoughtlessly, I didn’t consider her feelings and destroyed
everything. It was me who pulled the trigger for her

The one burdened with the greatest sin is not my sister, but
me, and it’s even more heinous.

I’ve been exploiting my sister’s guilt and extracting her

kindness as a great sinner.

An unconscious demon, a king of tyranny. I enjoyed her one-

sided devotion and acted arrogantly.

I took away my sister’s smiles and her life, and yet I still
crave more.

After being pushed from the playground equipment, I

unknowingly exacted revenge, pushing my sister into hell. I
accepted her apology, but I didn’t grant her forgiveness. It’s
utterly cruel and heartless.

“You’re kind.”

“…I’m a demon.”

If my sister is an angel, then I am a demon. So, I will

embrace that role to the fullest.

Even if I hurt her again, this will be the last time.

“What should we do at the camp? Want to play mobile


“Is it outdoor or indoor camping, a philosophical question.”

Doing things like entering a heated kotatsu and eating ice

cream in the middle of summer is a sinful act. In the midst
of skyrocketing electricity bills, it’s an unforgivable act.

Lunch is, of course, a barbecue. No need for primitive fire-

starting methods.

I’m grateful for modern conveniences, but I worry if we

could survive on a deserted island after a shipwreck without

In the American father’s house, it was all about meat, so

this time, I prepared seafood for the BBQ too.

“I’ll do it.”

My sister is struggling with the grilled turban shell, so I take

it from her and quickly remove the meat. Yuri is not good at
dealing with bitter tastes, so I take out the liver for her and
hand it over.

“Thanks. But why turban shell?”

“I wanted to cherish seasonal ingredients. Plus, eating only

meat might get tiresome.”

“You’re always so particular. I wonder what will become of

you in the future?”

Since studying under the chef, my culinary skills have

improved dramatically.

Until now, my cooking skills were strictly limited to

household chores, but I have become capable of making
elaborate dishes and has started to specialize. Thanks to
that, I have begun to develop peculiar obsessions with
ingredients and such.

“Nee-san, the meat is done.”

“Thanks. I can’t help but eat a lot, but I have to be careful
not to gain weight.”

“On the contrary, you’re too thin. I think it’s okay to gain
some more weight.”

“You think so? I guess that’s true. If I want to lose weight, I

can just move my hips on top of you.”

“This beef tongue is so delicious.”

Munch, munch. Pretending not to notice the awkward text

message from a friend is also an act of kindness.

I’ve repeated self-destructive behavior by making

unnecessary remarks and digging myself into a hole.

The secret to living a peaceful life is to “see no evil, hear no

evil, speak no evil,” as Confucius said.

I peel the shrimp and hand it to my sister. Yuri is clumsy.

Perhaps feeling a bit sorry or maintaining her dignity, she
responds with an “Ahn” to the chicken she has.

Under the dazzling sunlight, I thoroughly enjoyed the BBQ

with my sister.

“Phew, I’m full.”

“Yeah, let’s start cleaning up.”

We quickly begin to clean up. Since the camping equipment

is rented, we only need to take back the leftover

“Hey, why did you suddenly decide to go camping?”

A question that should have been asked earlier. I should
have confirmed it when I invited her.

However, whenever I say I want to do something, my sister

never questions me. She just accepts it. And I do the same
for her. That’s why our relationship was twisted.

I look up at the blue sky and check the position of the sun. It
might be the right time.

“Just wait a moment! I’ll get the things.”

I go to retrieve the boxes that I had sent to the camping site


As my sister observes the two boxes, she looks puzzled.

Without paying any mind to that, I carefully unwrap the well-

packed materials with a cutter.

The item I take out is a picture inside a frame.

“Ta-da! Here, a present for you, Nee-san.”

“A present for me? You even bought me a cross bike, so

what could it be–?”

My sister gasps. She stares intently at the picture.

“It’s titled ‘My Sister Ten Years Later.’ How do you like it?”

In the middle of the grassland, a woman in a white dress

stands, basking in the sunlight.

She wears a dazzling smile, as if capturing a moment of

“At first, I thought about entering this painting into an art
contest, but Sanjoji-Sensei suggested that only you should
see it.”

I’m not sure if she can hear me or not, but my sister

remains unresponsive. Did I mess up?

“…Ten years later? But this, this picture of me is …….”

Her trembling hand traces the image of herself in the


Yes, my sister depicted in the painting is not the twenty-

seven-year-old adult she will become in ten years, but the
current seventeen-year-old Yuri. The painting is based on my
imagination of how my sister, who was always with me and
played with me back then, would have grown into a lovely
woman with a smile that suits her.

After the accident, my sister apologized over and over

again, and I just accepted it.

After that, the days of my sister’s redemption began. I

noticed that my sister stopped smiling when I was six years
old. Now, ten years later, she is still imprisoned in her own

In the painting is my ideal image of my sister, the way she

used to be when I loved her so much. It’s the future that
should have been, a fate that I twisted and bent in conflict.

I put my wish into the painting, hoping that she would smile
like she used to.

“Hey, Yukito. Could it be that the scenery in this painting

My sister looks around as if she just realized something. The
grassy meadow swaying in the wind, the position of the sun.

“It looks similar, right?”

Everything matched the same situation as in the painting.

Yuri must have noticed it too.

There are no words, but her expression speaks volumes. But

it’s not over yet!

“Fuufuufuu. This is not the end!”

I managed to finish the white dress just in time. I’m proud of


The dress in the painting and the outfit she’s wearing are
exactly the same. I accidentally made it too complicated
and went through hell making it.

“Did you make this, Yukito?”

“Yeah. The wedding dress was too difficult, so I went with a

simple dress.”

“A wedding dress? Are you going to make me wear it…?”

“Hmm? Ah yeah, yeah. You seemed like you wanted to wear


The wedding dress is indeed complex, and I’ve only

managed to make the veil so far.

I’ll have to ask Mom to wait a little longer. Life is a constant

learning process.

“If you forgive me, Yukito, I would… even if it means going

against the whole world in this world—-“

“W-wait! I’ll change quickly!”

My flustered sister rushes into the tent. I take out my single-

lens reflex camera from my bag and check its functions. It’s
a waste not to use it at a time like this.

“Sorry to keep you waiting.”

Has she finished changing? My sister timidly pokes her head

out of the tent, cheeks blushing. There stands an
unquestionably beautiful woman.

A pure and lovely beauty that words can’t describe, a

breathtakingly beautiful woman. A few seconds pass, then
tens of seconds. I forget to breathe, mesmerized by the

“What do you think?”

“You look like an angel.”

Her pure white dress dances in the wind, like feathers

floating gracefully.

The radiant angel, Yuri, manifested before me. Her divinity

made me naturally bow in awe.

Yes, I just realized that. Ever since the accident, my sister

started preferring black. I, too, wear more black-themed
clothes now. But in the past, she loved wearing white. Yet
she stopped wearing it because of me.

After my sister pushed me away and I fell, she rushed to

care for me and tried to lift me up. Her white clothes were
rapidly stained with blood, turning from white to red.
I never saw her wear the same clothes again after I returned
home. She probably disposed of them. From then on, she
started to prefer black, the color that wouldn’t be stained by

It’s all my fault. I took away her smile and twisted her

“I used to think that white didn’t suit me… but, it’s

embarrassing, thank you.”

My sister’s words snap me back to reality. It’s not the time

for remorse now.

“Shall I take a picture?”

My sister nods and walks gently towards the meadow.

She takes off her shoes and walks barefoot, feeling the

sensation of the earth with her arches.

The sunlight seems like a special effect, warmly welcoming

her, illuminating her path.

Invited by the gentle breeze, mischievous spirits seem to

guide her, blessing her with joy.

“Is this spot good?”

Perfect. But it’s not enough. There’s something missing,

something that is more important than anything else.

I just want to see that, I just want that one thing to come

“Smile, please. Like you used to in the past.”

“…Yes, you’re right. Yukito, you worked so hard for this.”

“I’m not one to say this, after taking away your smile, but I
really want you to smile again. I love that side of Nee-san.”

There have been many difficult times. I thought everyone

around me was an enemy.

But there was someone who always supported me, who

stood by my side.

Tears start flowing down my sister’s cheeks. Another


I thought she was someone who never cried. A strong

person, so it shouldn’t happen.

――I really don’t know my sister as well as I thought.

“Hey, Yukito. I wonder if I’m smiling properly? Like back

then, when we were always playing together, like in the old
days when you and I were good friends.……”

The wind brushes through her hair, silky and smooth.

A clumsy, awkward smile. But still, to me it is,

“Yes. –It’s so beautiful.”

Through the viewfinder, I capture the world. Picture after


If she looks at these photos, she’ll be reminded of her smile.

The scene before me is so fantastical and ephemeral, as if it

could vanish at any moment.

At this moment, we are just brother and sister, with pure

I feel like I’ve returned to my childhood as I spend time with
my sister.

There she is, the ideal big sister I painted in the picture.

“I had forgotten this feeling for so long.”

Her smile is like a field of blooming sunflowers, brightening

up the whole place just by being there.

“I have to thank you properly. So, look forward to it.”

“I already received the best thanks.”

I received the best gratitude possible. It feels like I’ve been

rewarded, and it leaves me feeling refreshed.

Compared to the value of her smile, all the hardships I

endured were trivial.

“Someday, if I were gone, would you be sad, Yukito?”

A sudden question. But her expression is terrifyingly serious,

and her voice trembles.

There’s no need to think about it. It’s so foolishly obvious.

There’s only one answer.

“I’d cry.”

“But you’ve never cried before.”

“I cried recently.”


“I’m Mom’s son, after all.”

“True… Mom is a crybaby too. I guess I’m the same.”

My sister smiles gently.

“Regardless of how far we go, we’ll always be family,

brother and sister. Maybe we’re similar in that sense.”


“We’re family, that’s all. You don’t need a reason to love

your family. I just came to understand that again.”

My sister speaks as if she’s finally come to terms with


Under the clear blue sky, far above in the vast expanse, we,
as brother and sister, return to a state of normalcy after a
long time.

“Nee-san, should we head back?”

“Yes, I won’t forget this day you gave me.”

The wind sways my sister’s long hair.

“Thank you, Yukito.”

She hugs me gently, and I am enveloped in the scent of the

sun and the grass.

Is this what negative ions do? It must have a relaxing effect;

I feel at ease.

On the other hand, impatience wells up from the depths of

my chest.

Is what I’m about to do really the right thing?

If I end it here, things could end happily.

I’m torn between uncertainty and doubt. I don’t know the

right answer. How much value is there in continuing to toy
with my sister’s heart, and what will I gain from it?

I shake off my internal struggle. However, the melancholic

feeling doesn’t dissipate.

[Yuri PoV]

My little brother made me cry. I had sworn that I wouldn’t

cry again, but he easily broke that vow. Pathetic. Yet,
strangely, my heart feels uplifted.

Perhaps the tears I shed were not of sadness, but of joy.

When I get home, I decide to practice smiling in front of the

mirror. I relax my cheek muscles, which are stiff and tight. I
have to be worthy of the dress he made for me.

The feeling of awe still lingers within me. He gave me such a

precious memory.

This way, I won’t feel lonely even if we’re apart… I tell

myself another lie.

In order to give up, should I accept the confession of a

classmate named Mizuguchi who confessed to me?

…But I have no intention of doing that, even though I say

so. I can’t involve others in this.
The only one who will get hurt is my brother if I do the same
imitation as that stupid young me.

To love someone as an ordinary girl. I wonder if that’s

something I could do.

When did I stray from the right path? When did I fall so
deeply in love?

My little brother never blamed me. On the contrary, he

apologized, thinking he caused trouble.

He never told anyone about my guilt. He didn’t ask for

anything in return and kept his distance to let me live

I failed to notice his delicate kindness and kept closing the

distance, never satisfied.

Even though I know I shouldn’t fall in love any further, even

though I know I shouldn’t cross that line, denying it all is

I love him. I am in love with him. I cannot pretend these

feelings never existed.

After what happened, how could I not love him? It’s only
natural that I would fall in love.

How much preparation did he make for this day?

How much effort did he put in? I am not worthy of such


How should I respond to him, knowing that he did all this for
me, only thinking about me?

“Where is this…?”
On our way back, Yukito suggests a detour.

A familiar park. The place where I hurt Yukito so badly.

Since then, I’ve never approached it again. Why now…?


“They removed the playground equipment.”

The answer to the muttered soliloquy was given by Yukito. It

was a question that didn’t need to be asked.

If such a major accident had occurred, the playground

equipment would have been removed immediately.

The place where the playground used to be was now empty.

A strange void left behind.

Recalling the image of Yukito, crouched down and covered

in blood, my body stiffens, and my breathing becomes
erratic. I hide my trembling hands behind my back.


“Why are you apologizing?”

Anxiety swirls within me. Just moments ago, I was so happy,

but now an inexplicable fear engulfs me. Even in the
summer, it feels as if the temperature has suddenly

The curtain of night falls. In the darkness, only the

streetlights illuminate us.

Perhaps under this spotlight, the trial will begin.

The dream I longed for so much now terrifies me.

“That day, I destroyed your world, Nee-san. You know, that
feeling of trying to join a close-knit group but feeling
alienated. It’s a common experience for loners like me, like
being an intruder between a hundred lilies. I intruded into
the relationship that you and your friends had built. Like an
outsider, committing a sin that should be repaid with death.
I trampled on your world. It was my fault, and your rejection
was only natural. I’m the one at fault and you carry the

No, you’re wrong! You’re not at fault! I’m the one who
almost killed you!

I want to shout, but my voice won’t come out. A victim

defending the perpetrator is unforgivable. It goes against
justice. But there is no anger or blame in my brother’s voice.

His words flow calmly, without a trace of resentment… Is

this the world as seen through Yukito’s eyes?

The world seen by my little brother. A world colored in faded

sepia, always looking up at the sky from the bottom.

Yukito always refrains from saying anything bad about

others. I used to find that endearing.

But now that I know and understand, I can’t bring myself to

say it.

What a sad world this is. Yearning for the sky from the
depths, from the very bottom.

Continuously striving for heights that can never be reached.

In the darkness, with no one around.

“But, Nee-san, you forced yourself to affirm the broken

world. You accepted me as an outsider and determined that
it was the right thing to do. You killed your emotions and
shattered your heart.”

I can’t remember the emotions from that day. Now, I can’t

even fathom why I committed such a foolish act.

But if I follow my memories, it’s true that at that moment, I

detested and rejected my brother. That’s the truth.

“Nee-san, it’s okay now. You don’t have to force yourself. If

you hate me, then it’s okay. You don’t have to pretend, twist
yourself, or try to like me. It’s alright.”

Gently, Yukito takes my trembling hands and holds them

against his neck.

“—-! Do you mean to say you noticed!?”

“I just had a feeling sometimes.”

My blood runs cold. No, that’s not it! I don’t feel that way at

I want to shout, but who would believe such an excuse?

I can’t utter words seeking punishment, driven by the

temptation of further sins.

I placed my hands around my sleeping brother’s neck many

times. But it was like a ritual.

It was to acknowledge my unforgivable sin. I had no

intention of actually strangling him.

But if Yukito noticed, if he ever woke up sensing my

presence, how did my foolish act appear to him? Perhaps he
felt fear in the face of a nonexistent murderous intent.
If that’s the case, then to Yukito, I’m still a murderer…

“I can’t bear to see you suffer like this. If you hate me,
that’s fine. So forgive yourself and set yourself free.”

“What are you saying? There’s no way I could hate you—”

Yukito tightens his grip over my hands. A chill runs down my


No, stop it… Stop, stop, stop! Don’t make me do that much!

An ominous shiver runs through my spine. An invasion of

life. A violation of dignity.

“When strangling, you don’t apply force all over; rather, you
compress the carotid artery by grasping this part gently. It’s
an effective way to cut off consciousness.”

As if casually offering trivia, Yukito demonstrates it without


Suddenly, strength drains from Yukito’s body, and he falls to

his knees.

“…It’s a lie. A lie, right? Say something! Why are you doing
this! Yukito, Yukito!”

Why, why did it come to this? You’re the one who said it!

He wants me to smile like I used to. He wanted me to smile.

Yet, why?!

If there’s no one to show that smile to, then it’s


I never wanted to see you like this again. I swore to protect

you, but I’m the one hurting you!
I shake my little brother’s body. He’s barely conscious. I
won’t let him die, no way!

Struggling to control my rising confusion, I grab my phone.

“Right, an ambulance!”

Yukito’s hand grabs my arm.

“Cough, cough! Uuuuuuuuuuugh!”

He seems to regain consciousness, coughing and struggling

to breathe.

“Are you okay!? Why would you do something like this! In a

world without you, there’s no reason for me to—”

In a world like that, there’s no reason to live.

In a world like that, I don’t need it.

“…Yuri-san, sorry I couldn’t disappear.”

The same words as before. It feels like a sharp knife gouging

out my heart.

I killed Yukito. I’m being confronted with my sins, never to


“Stop it! The one who should disappear, the one who has to
disappear, is not you but me!”

“No, you’re wrong, Nee-san. I realized that there are people

who say they love me, who consider me precious, and who
would be sad if I were gone. So, I can’t act like I did back
then anymore. I’m sorry. I can’t fulfill your wish anymore.”
Sorrowful expression on Yukito’s face. But those words are
the opposite of what he said back then.

Once, he wished to disappear but failed, but now, he’s

saying he can’t.

That’s growth. He knows he’s loved, and he wants to live for

someone else.

“My wish? That you disappear? There’s no way that’s true!”

“You don’t have to force yourself, Nee-san. Acknowledge it.

If you keep going like this, you’ll eventually break.
Pretending to be someone you’re not forever is…”

“Don’t you dare decide my feelings for me!”

My clueless brother. I raise my hand as if to slap him, but I

can’t bring myself to do it, and instead, I gently stroke his
cheek. It’s impossible… because I love him.

“I love you! I know it’s my unforgivable, forbidden love. I

never intended to put it into words. I wanted to resist it. But
you’re so kind…”

Tears overflow. Tears that I have been holding back for

years, decades of tears, deciding not to cry, are streaming
down my cheeks. They dripped onto the ground. I was
pathetic. I was so miserable.

“Like I said, it’s your misunderstanding, Nee-s—”

“Even if you hate me, I will continue loving you until I die.”

Even if it’s an unrequited love, it doesn’t matter. I’ve grown

accustomed to loving someone without being loved in
If what Yukito says is true and these feelings are just an
illusion, I’ve still transformed them into something genuine.
Something irreplaceable, something that no one can deny,
even if it’s for Yukito.

“…Nee-san, for you, I’m just a detested enemy, right?”

“You’re the only beloved little brother in this world for me.”

“…Nee-san, for you, I’m a demon you hate enough to kill.”

“You’re a beautiful, untainted, and the one and only


Yukito seemed perplexed. It’s understandable. I suddenly

said something like that.

I never meant to say this, and I should have kept it buried


For some reason, this child who should hate me has started
leaning on me lately. It was like a dream for me, who envied
Mom’s carefree affection. I tried to keep my distance, but
Yukito only got closer in response, leaving me at a loss.

But I didn’t hate it; I was extremely happy.

—To the extent of thinking I’ve been forgiven. Immersed in

such an absurd delusion.

“It’s not possible, right…”

I felt deflated. I’m exhausted. I was given a wonderful dream

in the end. That’s enough for me.

He gave me such a beautiful drawing, made a dress for me,

and made me smile.
What more happiness could I possibly wish for?

“Thank you, Yukito. And I’m sorry for everything up until


I vaguely understood that this was a farewell.

Even if I go abroad to study, I will keep on loving him. That

alone is enough. I don’t want anything more.

If he becomes happy, that will be my happiness.


“What’s wrong?”

He looked like he had noticed some crucial mistake, a

delicate expression of concern. It felt strange.

Yukito seemed troubled as he opened his mouth.

“…Things not adding up?”


[Yukito PoV]

Carrying the crossbike, we head home. Along the way, we

try to align our perceptions.

“Yuri-san, you’re going to study abroad!?”

I’m surprised by this sudden revelation.

It’s like our perceptions are completely misaligned, and I
can’t help but feel uncomfortable. Both of us are so absent-
minded. We’ve just been saying what we wanted to say
without really communicating with each other.

Our sibling relationship truly mirrors our communication

issues. I guess it’s inevitable after all these years of a
strained relationship.

Talking it over again, it turns out that Nee-san wants to

study at a university abroad.

“Which country are you planning to go to? England,


Nee-san is really skilled in languages. But her best language

is probably “Yukito-ese.” What on earth is that!?

“Um… it’s not about that…”


For some reason, Yuri-san looks hesitant, which is unusual

for her.

“Well, it’s not about that… It’s more about whether you
need me or not. I was thinking maybe it’s better if I stay


“But, you can do anything, can’t you? I can’t say I’ll protect
you, and maybe Yukito hates me, right? I’m such a terrible
sister. You don’t have to push yourself, Yukito.”

She was not suffering from a hatred of me, but rather, she
had lost sight of the meaning of her own existence and role,
and was worried that she could only fulfill her purpose by
leaving me. In other words, what I was thinking was
completely off the mark. Just a hasty conclusion.

What the hellllllllll!

What was that all about? I was so seriously worried about

her. Above all, I might have caused Yuri another
unnecessary trauma.

I’m so embarrassed that I’m dying of indignation. My face is

about to burst into flames. Face open.

Haa? It’s impossible for me to dislike Yuri-san. We’re such

close friends that there’s not a part of each other’s body
that I don’t know about. Why would that happen? ……
(irresistible force)

“Don’t make assumptions about my feelings, Nee-san!”

“That’s the same line I said earlier.”

“That’s true, but… I can’t support your decision to study

abroad for such a reason.”

“—-! Sorry, I was insensitive.”

“I’ll be lonely without my big sister.”

“Alright, I’ll stop it right away. Honestly, I didn’t really want

to study abroad in the first place. It’s too troublesome, going
overseas and all.”

It’s an incredible change of heart. As always, my sister’s

ability to make quick decisions is uncanny. Is this really
I let out a deep sigh, feeling like a weight has been lifted off
my shoulders, or perhaps it was all in vain.

But if my sister’s worries are resolved, then this should be a

happy ending, right? Let’s just be happy about that for now.

“It seems like there were misunderstandings on both


“Yes… I wonder what I was worrying about. Haa… It took

quite a long time to sort things out, but we’ll fill in the gaps
one by one. We have plenty of time from now on.”

“That’s right.”

“Alright, let’s start with my motto. Everything I have is

yours. What’s yours is yours. And I myself belong to you.”

“You’re overflowing with a spirit of service!?”

Is this what an angelic being is like? I hope she doesn’t

attract any weirdos with that attitude…

“I’m really sorry for causing you trouble this time. I never
intended to confuse you. But please believe one thing: My
feelings for Yukito are genuine, not a lie.”

“…It’s an honor to receive such overwhelming words.”

“Words alone may not be enough to earn your trust, right?

Then, how about a ‘Brother-Exclusive’ tattoo on my lower

“Please, absolutely don’t do that!? Your idea is way too

horror-themed just because it’s summer!”

“I guess you’re right. Instead of ‘brother,’ maybe ‘Yukito

Exclusive’ would be better.”
“That’s not any better.”

“You’re the only one allowed to write the character ‘ ’ (right)

on my thigh.”

Where on earth does she get this knowledge from…?

Well, anyway,

“Exactly, this is the real Yuri.”

Yes, this craziness is my sister’s true self. She doesn’t suit

being down.

It’s just right to be playfully pushed around like this. I don’t

hate my sister, after all.

“Let’s start over from the beginning. Even Mom is getting a

fresh start as Mama, right? So can we.”

“Are you okay with that?”

“A smiling big sister is much more charming.”

We thought we had to distance ourselves because we hated

each other. We refrained from interfering in each other’s

But if that’s not the case, then we should be able to return

to being close siblings like we used to be.

“Is it okay for me to love you?”

“You told me that it’s not for me to decide, so…”

“Can you dress me in a wedding dress?”

“Hmm? What are you talking about?”


“Of course, I’ll dress you in a wedding dress, Nee-san!”

“Yay! I’m looking forward to it.”


Hmm, is it really okay for things to remain like this? I’m

starting to feel anxious.

Finally, the apartment building comes into view. I’m tired

today. I just want to rest soon.

“—-Yukito, I won’t hold back anymore. I’m serious about


As she said that and started running, my sister’s expression

was the same gentle smile I had seen in the past.

The backstage of the photo studio was filled with


A makeup artist was skillfully applying makeup to Shiori,

enhancing her already lively and cute appearance. Shiori
was a cheerful and energetic girl, and the makeup added a
touch of allure to her.

As I munched on the snacks brought in as treats, I couldn’t

help but gaze intently at the makeup artist, trying to learn
her techniques.

“Yuki, this outfit is just too embarrassing!”

“It’s actually less revealing than a swimsuit.”

“Wearing something this skimpy on the battlefield feels

“Throughout history, dancers have dressed like this.”

“…But why does dancing increase our abilities?”

“Well, because it’s fun to watch the movements!”

“It’s not the case!”

Shiori blushed, but bringing up these concerns right before

the performance wasn’t helping. There was no turning back
now, especially since her outfit was custom-made to fit her
perfectly. It was a one-of-a-kind piece, and it cost quite a bit.
Of course, we had to contribute to cover the expenses.

“I never thought I’d end up cosplaying like this… My sister

would laugh at me.”

With a wry smile, the fresh and handsome guy started

changing into his costume. Once Shiori finished her makeup,
she headed to the dressing room.

“Mihou is also good-looking and nice. I can’t believe I can

show such a figure to Suzune. Yukito Kokonoe, thank you
very much!”

Himura-senpai, or rather, the brave senpai, is in full heroic

mood, dressed in a gore-glazed costume.

This full-armored hero was designed to sacrifice mobility for

extreme defense, known as the Defensive Model. He
excelled in defense and was essential in guarding the goal

“But basketball…?”
I wondered if it was a typo, and they meant “Banuke”
instead of “basket.” Maybe I should try creating a clone…?

As I flipped through the reference materials, I noticed every

detail was meticulously designed.

The adults’ bad joke knows no bounds. As a result, there is

nothing but gain for us, so we don’t mind, but will it ever
see the light of day one day……?

We were about to begin the filming for a WEB CM. We had

two versions, one for fifteen seconds and the other for thirty

It all started with an inquiry from a company that reached

out to my social media account.

I was approached by a major sportswear company to create

a special edition of basketball shoes called “Bunnyman
Model,” or the so-called “Bash.” The collaboration goods are
set to be released this summer!

Initially, it was just only the Bunnyman, but after the

incident involving the expulsion of Himura-Senpai and his
subsequent rise to fame as the “Hero,” gaining nationwide
recognition, they decided to create a “Hero Model” as well.

In addition, the cheerful and handsome Kouki and the

exceptionally athletic and beautiful Shiori, who often appear
together in the videos, have also attracted a lot of attention.

Since we’re all together, they decided to produce them as a

team called “Snow Rabbits.”

This is all just pure mischief. Thanks to the greedy scheming

of the adults, the project progressed at lightning speed.
But with that decision, Bunnyman, Hero, and then them,
Kouki and Shiori, with no unique nicknames, felt a bit
lacking in character.

So, we brainstormed together with the staff and came up

with this idea!

“Reincarnated as a Basketball Team” – Let’s abbreviate it as

“ReiBasu” (Rei = Reincarnation, Basu = Basketball).

Search for the hashtag “#ReiBasu”!

The commercial is also based on this concept, but instead of

being reincarnated into another world, we are transmigrated
from a fantasy world of swords, magic, and basketball into
the modern world. It’s an outrageous setting!

This groundbreaking solution gave each of us unique

characteristics – “Hero” Himura-Senpai, “Sword Saint” Kouki,
and “Dancer” Shiori formed the party of the Hero, Sword
Saint, and Dancer.

Originally, Shiori was set to be a magician, but it just didn’t

suit her at all. I mean, come on, Shiori as a magician? No
way! We even considered making her a martial artist, but I
put a stop to that idea. Sure, she’s physically strong, but
she’s still a girl. It would be pitiful to turn her into a brute

Think about it, the “Dancer” fits her appearance much

better than a martial artist, right? Hehehe, unanimous
decision (except for Shiori).

So, that’s how the five types of “Bash” shoes were decided
to be released.
What, you say there are only four types? Well, just wait a

Don’t you think a princess is essential for an isekai setting?

When I think of a princess, I imagine someone with

beautiful, long hair.

It was only natural for me to approach my sister with this

idea. It was the perfect follow-up to the part-time job offer.

“…I feel a bit uneasy about this.”

With a noble aura and wearing a gorgeous dress, Yuri

finished changing and revealed herself.

The guys cheered. There was a stunning beauty right there

before their eyes.

She looked just like a princess who had transmigrated from

another world. [SSR / 8-Star Princess Yuri]

“As expected of Yukito Koknoe’s sister. It suits you!”

“Do you think so? I don’t want to hear any insincere


“Onee-san, you look super pretty!”

“It suits me? But remember, I’m only your princess.”

She patted my head. It seems like she has come to terms

with things lately. Yuri has been in a good mood.

After a strict discussion with mom, it was decided that she

would sleep in my room three days a week and in her room
for the rest. Please, just sleep in your own room.
Yuri seemed to have been really against the idea of studying
abroad. She doesn’t even like going overseas in the first

It appears that she took it quite seriously as an older sister.

My apologies for the inconvenience.

“Aren’t the reactions too different compared to when it was

my turn?”

Himura-Senpai seems dissatisfied, but Kouki is giving high


Of course, of course. Yuri is a beauty, after all.

“After the CM shoot is over, let’s do some role-playing in

these outfits in another world.”

“What exactly?”

“Right….How about this? You save me from a group of

goblins who are about to assault me in this world where we
got transmigrated, and then you make a dunk!”

“What an innovative concept!”

I shouldn’t have asked. I regret it. What kind of world is this

“ReiBasu” exactly?

After Yuri finishes changing with composure, Shiori, in her

dancer outfit, comes out blushing.

With a mysterious veil covering her mouth and a bikini-type

top, she wraps the lower part of her body with a cloth like a
pareo. The audience marvels at Shiori’s mysterious

“Hmm, it’s kinda naughty.”

“You shamelessly harassed me without even trying to hide

Shiori freezes in place, but I really want her to dance and

buff us.

In a fantasy world, there’s always an existence of absurd

armor with seemingly no defensive capabilities. The bikini
armor is the prime example, and Shiori’s outfit lacks any
protection as well. She won’t survive a single blow.

And now, the whole “ReiBasu” cosplay group is assembled.

It’s surreal.

We already have several events lined up this summer to

wear these outfits. Shiori is on the verge of tears.

By the way, besides the CM, we’ve signed sponsorship deals

as well.

The contract requires that during our warrior training, each

of us wears the designated Bash shoes. Whenever we go for
training, someone always records a video and uploads it. It’s
the ultimate form of promotion.

And it’s not just shoes; we have collaborated with an

apparel brand as Bunnyman individuals.

They are releasing T-shirts, hoodies, towels, and various

other Bunnyman goods with our logo on them. The
smoothness of these collaborations is somewhat eerie.

In no time, Bunnyman has become completely independent

of me.

My followers are forming a meaninglessly chaotic

community. Maybe that’s why the staff gets nervous when
meeting with them. I’ve become a legendary mysterious
figure. When I go for meetings, company executives come
to greet me one after another.

Thanks to this, my credibility and influence are through the


We’ve already finished shooting a gravure and an interview

for a basketball magazine featuring the Snow Rabbits. I
stayed true to the setting and used “Usa” as my signature
phrase in all the written text. That’s professionalism for you.

The media requests for interviews keep pouring in, but I

only accept specialized basketball magazines.

Needless to say, the extra income has become outrageous.

It’s like I’m seeing dollar signs.

At this point, I don’t even think about doing part-time work

during summer vacation to earn money. I’ve heard that
Bash reservations are already coming in.

Bunnyman, who was supposed to avoid standing out, has

become a slightly suspicious figure spotted around the
neighborhood, an internet phenomenon, and now even
appears in commercials. The most outstanding figure in

It’s deeply moving, and I can’t help but think again… How
did it all end up like this?

“Huh?… Nee-san, is this script correct for me?”

“Yes, it is.”

After finishing the 15-second commercial shoot, we moved

to an outdoor court for the 30-second version.
The CM transitions from the “Otherworld Edition” to the
“Modern Edition.” It’s a two-part commercial set-up, where
the 15-second version is shown on video-sharing sites, and
the full 30-second version can be viewed on the official

It leaves viewers curious for more and leads them to access

the official website for the continuation.

In the Otherworld Edition’s ending, we get transmigrated

back to the modern era, and the stage shifts to a basketball
match once again.

Inside the location bus, I check my script and find out that,
for some reason, my last five seconds are blank.

After confirming with Kouki and the others, they all have the
same lines, each adjusted to our respective roles, except for
the last part. The stage directions simply say “blessing.”

“Yuri, the lines for us at the end are like

‘Eeeeeeeeeehhhhhh?!’ Is this okay?”

“What does it mean?”

Shiori and Hot-blooded Senpai ask for confirmation. I don’t

understand why only I have no lines.

“Yukito, I know what this is. This is the prelude to a huge

storm… Right!?”

The handsome guy stammers. The script was worked out

between me and the staff, and my sister was the one in

She volunteered to help, and her angelic character is truly

something. Originally an outsider, she might have felt

After multiple meetings, she boasted that it turned out to be

the best content. The staff also praised it as “this will
definitely become a hot topic,” but I can’t see a single scale
of that yet.

As we arrive at the outdoor court, we start preparing for the

CM shoot with a slight unease. Something’s off. I feel a
shiver down my spine.

[Yuri PoV]

(You don’t longer need me… That’s true, right?)

I mock myself inwardly, trying not to show it on my face. I

never imagined a day like this would come.

The days when I used to suffer from sleep deprivation seem

like a lie now. It’s all thanks to my little brother.

I was always involved in some kind of commotion since I

was a child. I said I would protect my little brother and had a
strong determination to do so.

But before I knew it, there was no longer any need for me to
protect him.

(I’m sorry… I feel bad for Yukito, but I can’t go back to the
way things were.)

What we have is not a reset but a remake.

Instead of starting over, we’re recreating ourselves into
something new.

I almost committed murder, but it was my little brother, the

one I intended to kill, who saved me.

It’s impossible. There’s no way I could harm my brother.

There’s no need for me to protect him. Because he is so
strong and brave. It’s an arrogant misunderstanding. From
that day until today, I was the one being protected.

I filled the blank with many words. It was fun and

heartwarming. That child revealed his true feelings to me
without hiding anything, just as it was.

—He cared about me. He didn’t hate me.

From them, I felt cherished. I was never hated.

That alone made me feel so rewarded. My heart was warm.

I didn’t force myself to believe that I love my little brother.

On the contrary, it was the opposite. I believed that I was
hated. I thought I deserved to be resented, that I should be

But it wasn’t like that. Just like back then, I was liked. I was

Once I learned that, I couldn’t control my feelings anymore.

Holding back was impossible.

The fourth attempt at murder. I can no longer delude myself

into thinking that I might kill my little brother.

I was arrogant. The blade I wield is not something that could

reach that child. I don’t possess such power.
Yukito gave me the comfort I longed for more than anything.

He told me that I could love him. He accepted that it was

okay to love him.

He even let me wear the wedding dress, didn’t he?

What kind of gentle demon is Yukito to make me feel this


Yukito often compares me to an angel, but if angels are

opposite to demons, then indeed, it’s like defying a taboo.

There was no hesitation to taste the forbidden fruit.

Everything feels so fresh and new. I never imagined a day

like this when the world would appear so colorful.

Looking down at my elegant self, it might be a woman’s

dream, but to be honest, being a princess isn’t really my
style. However, because Yukito chose me, I will confidently
play the role of a princess.

I don’t know what Yukito’s intentions were in choosing me as

the princess.

But I can’t just be a princess waiting for a hero in a castle.

—Wait. I will prove that to you.

Bunnyman’s shot missed, and he fell to his knees.

“That’s… impossible…”

The confrontation with the evil demons that had plunged

the world into chaos had come to an end. The hero, the
sword saint, and the dancer were covered in wounds, yet
their expressions overflowed with the joy of victory.
“Our fate ends here!”

The long-lasting battle between Bunnyman and the Hero

Party reached its conclusion.

Transmigrating to another world and facing their strange

destinies, the final chapter of their extraordinary encounters
came to an end.

Exiled and revived from the depths of despair, the hero’s

determination shattered Bunnyman’s ambitions.

…Even though I wrote the script myself, what is this?

As I returned to my senses, I couldn’t help but calmly

provide some commentary. I quietly waited for that

“Now, hero. Finish this!”

The dancer urged for the final blow. This could be seen as
Bunnyman being defeated, leading to a happy ending.

You might think that’s how it goes. But it’s not supposed to
be like that.

We were approaching the climax. In my dress, I hurried to

where Bunnyman had fallen, trying not to trip.

My little brother lacks a sense of crisis. Kusu, well, that’s

what makes him cute.

He entrusted me with the script without any doubt, even

though he could have questioned it. He even gave me the
role of a princess.

Does that mean I’m a princess to Yukito? If so, I’ll live up to

those expectations.
Everything is so dear. Every single thing. I realized there’s
no limit to these feelings.

I had given up. I thought I was no longer needed.

Even now, I can’t forgive what I did. I doubt I’ll ever be able
to forgive myself.

Still, the one who saved me was none other than my little

As I look at the painting hanging in my room, I practice my

smile in front of the mirror every day.

I want to get as close as possible to that child’s ideal. To

become a proud big sister he can rely on.

I have received far too much. To repay it, I dedicate my

entire being, my heart and soul. My life itself is a tip and a

I swear to love my little brother until the end of my life.

Once I’ve made up my mind, there’s nothing to fear. My

heart is clear.

I forced myself to believe I loved him, and now I’ll keep

forcing myself to love him and that’s fine.

A life like this is surely enjoyable. It was until now, and it will
be from now on, all for you.

There is no one in this world who could make me happier

than you, Yukito.

“Bunnyman, I love you!”

I embrace him with all my strength. Yukito stumbles a bit
from the force, but I catch him securely.

His muscles feel firm and strong. Without realizing it, he has
become so robust.

I whisper into his ear, just for him to hear.

“I’ll show you the results of my practice.”


I kiss my little brother on the lips, and our tongues

intertwine. It’s a serious kiss, where our saliva creates a
thread as we lock lips for five seconds.


As scripted, voices of congratulations (?) resounded from



“—-I told you. I meant it.”

I whisper again and smile. With the best smile I can muster.

I hope this feeling will be conveyed to the one and only

person I love.
Chapter 6: Don't Forget That Summer

The web commercial that shook the world quickly garnered

millions of views, surpassing two million views in no time.

Despite being targeted towards high school students, the

bold and thrilling approach was met with great acclaim.

My SNS was flooded with “Endaaaaaaaaaaa” on the day the

commercial was released.

The secret content that my sister had kept hidden was

based on the theme of “Beauty and the Beast.”

After my sister’s kiss, sparkling effects enveloped me, and

just before the curse of the Bunnyman was broken, the
commercial ended. The viewers were left wanting more! The
second installment is already in the works!

In the end, my true identity was not revealed, but it didn’t

really matter anymore. The setting was too elaborate,
claiming that I and the princess were once in love before I
became Bunnyman. It was an overly complicated setup.

My sister’s smile captivated the hearts of the viewers and

charmed a large audience. Offers for her appearances are
pouring in, but she casually said, “I’m not going to accept
any of those. No way.”

The reservations for the Bash shoes are doing great. We

already received a pair, and they are the latest model with
excellent performance, incredibly comfortable to wear. You
can check the site here. Click the URL below→

Due to the sponsorship deal, we receive a new pair every

six months throughout our three years of high school.

“You’re flaunting it in front of a single person like me…

Damn lovey-dovey couples! I told you, Yukito Kokonoe,
didn’t I? Don’t make this situation any bigger. I told you,
right? You should have listened, right?”

“I haven’t responded.”

“Why would you hold a limited-time shop event?! Can’t you

be quiet for once?! The school office is flooded with inquiries
because people know about it!”

“Don’t worry, Sensei. We’ve already prepared a hoodie and

a T-shirt for you. Wear it as loungewear. You can even
choose other merchandise according to your liking.”

“Ugh, fine! Make it a free size. I might resell it if I need to.”

“Don’t do it.”

Some wise person once said that summer vacation is short,

but I don’t think so. It can be considered one of the
privileges of being a student to have over a month of
holidays. At least, once you become a working adult, it’s
challenging to have such an extended break unless a state
of emergency is declared.

As I thought about how funny Clammbon looks when it

laughs, I half-listen to Sayuri-sensei as she goes over the
notices for summer vacation.
I’m in serious study mode right now. I’m completely focused
on the task at hand.

“Especially you, Yukito Kokonoe, make sure not to cause any

trouble during summer vacation! I’m already fed up. I don’t
want to be called to the school during my break either.
Seriously, I’m counting on you.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll talk to the principal and make it easier for
you to take paid leave.”

“That would be really helpful for the other teachers too.

Having unused paid leave is such a waste. Whenever my
favorite artist’s concert is on a weekday, I feel like killing my

“Wait, was last month’s memorial service a staged murder?”

“I have eight grandmas, you know. Just let it be like that.”

Paid leave is a right for workers, and there’s no need to

explain the reason for taking it.

Whether it’s black school rules or paid leave, such negative

customs in Japan need to be improved as soon as possible.

“Anyway, my well-being depends on you!”

“I’m not causing trouble on purpose, you know?”

It’s not like I go looking for trouble; it just comes my way,

and I can’t do much about it until I encounter it.

“Well, I know that… Anyway, let me have some peace. I’m

tired too, you know? Do you know that other teachers have
been oddly nice to me lately? They’re being considerate of
me. I’m still in my late twenties. I’m still in my late

“That’s not a bad thing, no?”

“It’s your fault, you know? Do you understand? Well, never

mind. Just make sure everyone spends the break peacefully.
I don’t want to see suddenly wild girls after the summer
vacation. You’re free to go wild and have fun, but make sure
to be responsible with contraception. Okay, dismissed.”

With the least amount of trust and the most vivid warnings,
Sayuri-sensei leaves the classroom. My lack of credibility is
priceless. But by that time, I was almost done with

Mineda, the gal girl who became my seat neighbor after the
seat change, starts talking to me.

“Kokonoe-chan, what have you been doing? You’ve been in

such a rush.”

“Oh, nothing. I just finished my summer vacation


I show Mineda the completed printout. I had been bracing

myself for how much homework we’d get as high schoolers,
but it turned out to be quite manageable.

There were printouts, exercise books, and a standard


“But summer vacation hasn’t started yet! It’s tomorrow!”

“I write a dozen or so book reports. I always have ten book

reports in stock.”
“You really did… You’ve already finished them all…”

During long vacations, there aren’t many variations in

assignments. It’s rather uncreative that every year we have
to write book reports, but if you just write something like “I
empathized with the author’s feelings” or something similar,
you can write the report without even reading the book.

Some people like to take jabs at the younger generation,

claiming they don’t read books anymore, but with the rise of
web novels and such, the younger generation is probably
reading more than the old folks. Tell them that, those old-

“Are you busy during the summer break?”

He gives me a wry smile as he approaches. Surprisingly, the

refreshing and handsome man seems a bit childish.

“Ha? I’m an introverted loner. I’m not busy at all!”

“Why are you getting a bit defensive there?”

Well, I tried saying I’m an introverted loner, but it seems it

doesn’t really work anymore. It’s a lost cause.

“To be honest, during summer breaks, I’ve mostly been

hospitalized. So, spending it alone is better than before. It’s
not like I have anything else to do.”

“Why are you talking as if you’re scared of your own past?

Also, why do you keep forgetting about my existence? I’ve
been looking forward to the summer break. Let’s hang out
together! We’ve all talked about it. Let’s go to the beach!”

The gleaming white teeth of the refreshing and handsome

man sparkled. I’ve been thinking this for a while, but does
he like me a bit too much? And yet, he’s so popular, but I
don’t hear any rumors about him having a girlfriend.

“The beach? I just went there with Shiori.”

“We’re not going fishing, we’re going for a swim! Come on,
Yuki, let’s go!”

A beach trip? Honestly, I don’t remember ever doing that.

“Yukito’s coming too, right? It’ll be a wonderful memory.”

It seems that Hinagi will be going as well. The beach, huh…

This kind of summer might be fun.

“Alright, let’s give it a try.”


I’m sorry, Sayuri-Sensei, just after you called me a damn


I’m going to become a real Riaju!

“Part-time job? You?”

“Yeah. Watching you and the others made me want to try

doing something during summer vacation too.”

“Is it because you got addicted to gacha and need money

desperately? I’ve told you not to waste money on it, haven’t

“No, it’s not that. I just want to experience different things

like you, Yukito.”
During the break time, while happily drawing a complicated
maze in her notebook, Hinagi-chan comes to me for advice
on her summer vacation plans. It seems she’s considering
getting a part-time job.

“Cafes or convenience stores, maybe?”

“Isn’t that bothersome?”

“Eh, really?”

Haa, this is a problem, this is a problem. Hinagi-chan’s

thinking is sweeter than Tokyo Hiyoko’s. [TL: Some kind of

“Listen carefully. The service industry nowadays is becoming

increasingly complex. Even something as simple as
payments has various options like cash, credit cards, IC
cards, and electronic money, making it incredibly
troublesome. Working part-time just during the short
summer vacation won’t give you enough time to learn the
whole process. Besides, companies are reluctant to hire
students for such a short period, despite the manpower

“…I see. Now that you mention it, it might be like that. I
didn’t really think about it, but being a store clerk must be
tough. So, what kind of part-time job do you think suits me,

Hinagi-chan is raising her eyebrows in thought. Her

enthusiasm for work is something I’d really like to

A part-time job for Hinagi… Hmm, is there anything

“Clinical trials… MLM… information products… acting as a
middleman… resale… scam promotions…”

“Wait, wait! What are those ominous words for!?”

“I don’t think it’s going to work.”


I try to calm her down by showing three fingers.

“Don’t worry. Stay more relaxed. It’s the ‘Yukito Kokonoe’s

Rule of Right Hand.’ The thumb means ‘courage,’ the index
finger stands for ‘hope,’ and the middle finger is ‘toilet.'”

“Geez….you are really….. Fine, I’ll listen to you, just say it.”

See, it’s easy to remember because it forms ‘Yukito.’ Got it?

Hinagi-chan lets out a deep sigh, furrowing her brows.

“In other words, if you get a stomach ache and need to go

to the bathroom during class or on your way to school, you
should be brave enough to take immediate action. Then
there is hope. Patience is poison to the body. The feeling of
despair you get when you can’t go to the bathroom is so
great that you can’t even relax your mind.”

“What are you talking about!”

I got sidetracked. What was I talking about? Oh, yes, yes,

I’m talking about money.

“I sealed that rule, though… It’s the ‘Yukito Kokonoe’s Rule

of Left Hand.’ The thumb means ‘kidnapping,’ the index
finger stands for ‘threat,’ and the middle finger is ‘escape.’
It’s perfect for quickly making cash—”
“You idiot!”

I get scolded by Hinagi-chan for suggesting such absurd


“I see. Hinagi, do you still love reading books?”

“Eh? Yeah, of course. That’s why I’ve been kind of dreaming

about working at a bookstore or something. The aprons are
so cute, right? Hehehe.”

Her face lights up with a big smile. I see, she enjoys reading.

“You said you wanted to experience various things, and it’s

not like you’re in desperate need of money for a part-time
job. Is that right?”

“Y-yeah. What’s up? Did you think of something again?”

“Leave it to me, Hinagi. This will suit your pace, fulfill your
thirst for knowledge, and it’s all up to your motivation.”

“Is there such a convenient part-time job?”

“Well, it’s not exactly a part-time job, but how about trying
to write a web novel?”

“Eh…? I do like reading, but… I’ve never written a novel


“Everyone starts somewhere, right? Alright, let’s do it!

Monetize your passion!”

“Wait, you’re suddenly saying this, but…”

“First, let’s start by studying recent trends, Hinagi. Check

the rankings and learn from popular works. As Sanjoji-senpai
said, it’s the summer of art. So, let’s make it your summer
of knowledge. That’s why I’m counting on the expert,

“What is it with you, Kokonoe-san? Why are you suddenly on

your knees?”

“That’s right. Here, I’ll give you Tokyo Hiyoko.”

“Don’t make blatant bribes! …… it’s too sweet and I’m

getting thirsty.”

“Here you go, melon soda.”

“Kokonoe-san, let’s think about the taste lineup a little


“Hey, hey, Yukito. Am I really going to write a novel?”

“Trying everything is important. You can’t gain experience

without taking action.”

“……True. Yeah, it sounds interesting! I’ll give it a try too.”

Hinagi-chan seems to be getting excited about the idea.

And so, the aspiring author, Hinagi Suzurikawa, took her

first step into the world of writing.

“Hey, Kokonoe-Sensei! Can I see your homework?”

“I can’t just give it to you for free, you know.”

After school, a traditional scene on the last day of summer

vacation unfolds, a scene that has been going on since
before the vacation started.
“You’re not going to ask for money from your classmates,

She looks up at me with pleading eyes, shaking me

precisely. As expected of a gal, she’s well-versed in these

Kukuku. But you’re too naive, Mineda. I’ve been learning

how to deal with gals.

“In that case, how about showing me your panties?”


“Hey, Yukito, what are you saying!?”

“You can’t do something like that!”

They hurriedly try to stop me. The whole class is buzzing.

“Ku! Better to be safe than sorry. Today’s my favorite pair,

and if it’s just a peek, it should be fine… It’s for the sake of
summer vacation, after all. I’ll endure it if you want to see
that much, Kokonoe-chan!”

“Mineda-san, don’t take what he says seriously!”

“Yuki, what’s gotten into you!?”

“What’s wrong with you two? Calm down a little. Listen up,
okay? To avoid being manipulated by gals, I need a
preemptive strike, like a preemptive punch—”

“I think you mean a preemptive punch, not panties!”

Huh? Did I get something wrong? According to my sister,

“Since you’re unlucky with girls, if a gal starts bothering
you, go for a preemptive panty strike,” but maybe I
misheard her.

Right, a punch, not panties…

Yeah, I don’t want to see them, okay? Seriously, I don’t!

When I returned home, my mother was waiting in the living

room with a serious expression. The atmosphere was heavy,
and I wondered if something had happened. I searched my
memory, but there were too many possibilities, and I
couldn’t pinpoint anything specific. Who am I, really?

“There’s something very important I want to talk to you

about. Will you listen?”

“Sure, what’s wrong?”

She took out a pamphlet with a serious look on her face.

“Since the ‘GoTo Travel’ campaign has started, how about

our family of three going on a trip together?”

“In this mood, seriously?”

“…Because it’s our first time. We’ve never gone on a family

trip before.”

“Come to think of it, you’re right.”

“How about going to a hot spring? Maybe for two nights and
three days?”

“Sounds good to me.”

“Really? You’re really going to go? No second thoughts?”

“You don’t have to be so insistent…”

“But I’m so happy—”

Her eyes became teary. It’s true; our family of three has
never gone on a trip together before. I had always declined
the idea, thinking I would only spoil the fun for my mother
and sister.

I didn’t want to make them uncomfortable. So whenever

they went on a trip, I stayed home, and I never questioned

But the past doesn’t have to dictate the present.

My mother and sister no longer hide their goodwill. I don’t

understand their true intentions, but if they invite me to go
on a trip with them, it means they are willing to accept my

Even though we’ve never been on a family trip before, if

they’re inviting me now, maybe it’s a chance for a fresh

I was still a little unsure about the idea of going on a trip

with them, but if they genuinely want me to be there, then
maybe it’s worth giving it a try.

“I’m looking forward to it too, Mom… Wawawa?!”

Once again, my mother hugged me tightly. Do the people in

this house have a habit of hugging?

[Mother PoV]
I never expected my son to agree to come along! I’m so
glad I invited him. I thought he would refuse again. I wonder
what caused this change in his feelings. But for now, I’m just
filled with joy. I can’t help but feel excited like a young girl.

We’ve never been able to have a proper family trip before.

He always hesitates and holds back.

Why? Even when I asked, he never gave me an answer.

The reason is probably very sensitive, and it’s my fault that

he ended up feeling that way. I couldn’t love him properly,
and because of that, he carried the burden of guilt.

His bad luck with relationships and always getting hurt, it’s
all because of me.

It’s been sixteen years since he was born. It’s been too long.

Our complicated and twisted relationship hasn’t been fully

repaired yet. I don’t know how much more time it will take
to untangle everything.

Finally, there’s a faint hope that we might be able to be

normal from now on.

But I know it’s going to be a difficult journey. To return to a

normal relationship, I have to make up for sixteen years’
worth of time.

I, trying to start over from the beginning, am still halfway

there. I don’t have enough time to regain the time spent as
a family, as a mother; there’s too little time left.

I can’t afford to spend another sixteen years. By then, he

will no longer be with me. So, doing things the way we used
to won’t be enough.
The only way is to pour an overwhelming and intense
amount of love.

Day by day, I’ll give him all the love that I should have given
him for the past sixteen years. Family love, parental love,
and even the kind of love you would give to someone you
are romantically attracted to. I don’t care about the form it

Any kind of “love” is fine. The distinction doesn’t matter.

I’ve decided that I will love him with all of myself, in

whatever way it may be.

Even if it means going through great pain, even if it seems


I don’t want to regret anymore—.

Summer vacation means radio gymnastics. The standard

time for radio calisthenics is early in the morning, but that is
only due to the broadcast time.

In my case, I have purchased a CD of radio exercises, so I

can do them any time of the day. (After the exercises, I ask
my sister to stamp my name on the CD.)

I don’t think high school students should be doing radio

calisthenics in the first place, but it is a promise of summer
vacation. I was a man who loves to do the exercises.

After waking up in the morning, I did the third version of the

fantastic radio calisthenics to loosen up my body, but now
my body is tense and stiff. If this were a date, my heart
might be in high spirits, but it’s not.
I’d rather have a chance encounter with someone who
might be a cynical jerk to me in school. A familiar figure
arrives right on time.

“The day is fine today—-“

“Why are your greetings so stiff?”

“Aren’t we rivals?”

“We are not! Geez, you’re just the same as always, aren’t

“So, what can I do for you, Sanjoji-sensei?”

“It’s outside of school. You don’t have to be so conscious of

it. I don’t think teachers and students can be neatly
separated in and out of school, but at least I didn’t call you
here to lecture you.”

Sanjoji-sensei was wearing a blouse, a tight skirt, and heels,

and she wasn’t wearing a jacket, which made her look
slightly more casual than usual. To the casual observer, she
could easily pass for a competent office worker.

Earlier in the morning, when I was called to the station by

Sanjoji-sensei, I was anxious about what she wanted to talk
about, but her expression was gentle. Her gaze through the
glasses didn’t seem as strict as usual. The real Sanjoji-
sensei was quite charming.

When I received a message from Sanjouji-sensei, I was

surprised, but secretly, I felt a little happy.

“Since it’s not easy to talk here, please come to my house.”

“Sure, sure?”
Me, going to her house? During summer vacation? A once-
in-a-lifetime experience!?

“Isn’t it big?”

“The Sanjoji family has been a lineage of teachers for

generations. My father, mother, aunt, and uncle, all of them.
I’m not boasting, but it’s quite impressive. It can be
pressurizing at times, but please don’t worry and come on

It was a single-family house in Tokyo, and quite a large one

at that. Unexpectedly, Sanjoji-sensei’s roots became clear.

As we passed through the entrance, a large Golden

Retriever came trotting up to us. It didn’t bark, but instead
rubbed its body against us. Taking advantage of its
momentum, I petted it.

“Oh, it’s rare for Inukichi to warm up to someone.”

“What about that naming sense?”

As I patted Inukichi, it let out a contented sound.

There was a time when the idea of getting a pet was

discussed in the Kokonoe family, but at the time, my mother
was busy and my sister wasn’t the type to take care of it, so
the idea was abandoned. I wanted to have a pet…

“Actually, she’s a female.”

“Poor Inukichi…”

Inukichi’s sad eyes seemed to be pleading something to me.

“Now, let’s go to my room. Wait here, I’ll bring some drinks.”

“E-Excuse me for disturbing?”

There was no specific indication of who else might be

present, and there was no response either.

In ordinary cases, a home visit would involve the teacher

visiting the student’s house. So why was I, the student, at
Sensei’s house, and that too, at the house of Sanjoji-sensei,
who wasn’t even my homeroom teacher?

In a sense, it was like enemy territory. I didn’t know when I

might step on a landmine.

Sanjoji-sensei’s room was about ten tatami mats in size,

spacious and comfortable. It reflected her personality, as it
was neatly organized. I couldn’t touch her personal
belongings, so I sat quietly on the provided cushion and
looked around.

Ignoring my nervousness, Sensei brought cake and drinks.

“Do you like sweet things?”

“Yes. Sweets hunting is my only hobby.”

“Fufu. You’re like a girl.”

Sensei, who usually scolded me for various things, had a

refreshing smile. She took out an album and placed it in
front of me. Then, she looked straight into my eyes.

“Kokonoe-kun, do you remember me?”

“Uh, I’ve been called out by you quite often recently, so I

guess I see you a lot.”

“No, that’s not what I mean. We met back in elementary

“Elementary school? Ah, I see. We had a promise to get
married, didn’t we?”

“Stop lying! Don’t make up things! That’s not it at all! Stop

teasing with me! There’s a considerable age gap between

Sensei’s enthusiasm was waning. The situation had taken an

unexpected turn.

However, even if she mentioned our elementary school

days, I had absolutely no memories of it. Perhaps due to the
fact that I had always encountered nothing but hardships,
I’ve become quite adept at forgetting things. Even if I
remembered, it would only bring pain.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t remember at all.”

“I see… Well, I must have made memories you wouldn’t

want to recall. It was my immaturity that made you feel that
way. Take a look at this, Kokonoe-kun.”

Sensei opened the album, and there were many photos of

elementary school students in their uniforms.

Among them was a boy with an extremely stoic expression,

looking very serious.

That boy was alone in the photo, with no one else around.

Was that me? And the name of the homeroom teacher

written there was “Suzuka Sanjoji.”

“I was your homeroom teacher when you were in

elementary school. I’m truly sorry for that time.”

With teary eyes, Sensei stood up and deeply bowed.

Elementary school and the homeroom teacher. Just hearing
that much, even I, as expected, started to remember.

――Speaking of the early years of elementary school, that

was when I got involved in my first “false accusation”

One of the personal belongings of a woman who was here

as an educational intern is missing. And somehow it turned
up in my desk. I was innocent.

The education trainee, with a gentle smile, calmly advised

me, “When you do something wrong, it’s best to apologize
sincerely, you know?” But no matter how much she said
that, if I didn’t know anything about it, I couldn’t admit to it.
I continued to deny any involvement.

While the education trainee remained calm, the homeroom

teacher, on the other hand, was furious at my refusal to
admit guilt and scolded me relentlessly.

“What you did is theft. Do you understand that this is a


Naturally, I found myself isolated within the classroom. My

classmates distanced themselves from me, leaving me

This situation couldn’t continue. So, I decided to resolve it


On the day the personal belonging went missing, I

meticulously listed all of my actions during the presumed
timeframe. I detailed who I was with, where I was, and what
I was doing at every moment, and submitted it as a
comprehensive report.

Through this process, I narrowed down the list of suspicious

individuals and identified the culprit.

He was a male classmate. Though we didn’t really interact,

he had a crush on the education trainee. Apparently, he
impulsively stole her belongings and, when he heard a
noise, hastily stashed them in my desk. It was beyond
ridiculous. I gathered all the evidence and presented it to
the teachers, including the homeroom teacher and the
education trainee. They seemed to say something, but I
didn’t really care.

It was a trivial incident with a trivial resolution. By that time,

my mental fortitude had grown as sturdy as an acacia tree,
and I didn’t really feel much about it.

I had no intention of getting along with the classmates who

had treated me like a criminal. After that, I moved on to the
next grade and went through a class change, spending my
time without saying a word to the homeroom teacher and
my former classmates.

During that time, nearly half a year had passed, and an

awkward atmosphere continued to linger within the class.

It almost escalated into bullying, but I resisted fiercely and

crushed them. Violence seemed to be the only way to
resolve everything.

Perhaps, in addition to feeling guilty for their own actions,

my classmates were hesitant to approach me because I
excelled in both academics and sports. Moreover, if they
tried to harm me, I would fight back without hesitation.
That’s just how I was.
It feels quite nostalgic. It was indeed a dark period of my
elementary school days.

“So, the homeroom teacher at that time was Sanjoji-Sensei.

I completely forgot.”

“I apologize for that… I should have created many happy

memories for you, but I erased them all. I don’t think I can
be forgiven even if I apologize. Still, please let me

Sanjoji-sensei kept bowing deeply, refusing to lift her head.

“Don’t worry about it. Thanks to that, I learned how to deal

with unfair situations.”

“Kokonoe-kun, you are truly…”

She looked so sad, and I wondered what I should do. But the
truth was, I really didn’t mind.

In fact, I couldn’t afford to be bothered by every little thing.

However, telling Sanjoji-sensei that would only make her

feel worse. I didn’t want to make her overthink it.

What should I do? What is Sanjoji-sensei expecting from


Why did she apologize now and what purpose does this
apology serve?

Should I forgive her…? But I’m not angry.

So, how do I forgive her? That’s right, just like I kept

tormenting my sister.

How can I make Sanjoji-sensei return to her usual self?

I have to think. I won’t throw away my thoughts anymore. I
won’t give up. There must be an answer.

So, I’ll express myself. I won’t run away. I’ll speak my mind
as it is.

“Sensei, let’s sit down and have cake together.”


“I want to do that.”


I didn’t have any memories from that time. There were no

recollections. All I knew was that such an incident had
occurred. I even forgot the name of that one person. But
seeing Sanjoji-sensei sitting there, looking pained and
avoiding eye contact, made me feel somewhat

I see, in that case—

“Then, please tell me, Sensei. What was it like back then?
What kind of class was it? Who were my classmates? Since
we’ve met again like this, won’t you share those memories?
You have this album here. Please, tell me. Now that we’ve
met again, it’s the perfect opportunity.”

It’s simple. If there are people who know, people who

remember, then you just ask them. I wouldn’t have noticed
it if I had stayed alone. The fact that there’s someone to rely
on, someone to ask. The answer is straightforward, clear,
and concise. I just need to lean on someone.

“—Is that alright?”

“I don’t remember anything at all, so I won’t know unless
you tell me.”

“I- I understand! There are more albums. Please wait a


While still on all fours, Sanjoji-sensei headed towards the

bookshelf in the back.

However, I realized. Crap! This is bad, really bad, Suzuka-


Sanjoji-sensei is wearing a skirt. And not just any skirt, but a

short tight skirt.

Even if she’s wearing stockings, being on all fours like that,

with her backside facing this way, inevitably results in that.

“…Sensei, your panties.”

They were purple. I saw something lovely!

And thus, I stored that image in the memory of my heart.

“By the way, Sensei, why did you become a high school

As I looked through the album, Sensei told me various

things. Choir competitions, sports days, field trips—back
then, I boycotted all of those events, but in hindsight, it was
childish. A result of youthful indiscretion.

“I got afraid.”


“For a whole year, I was at a loss and unable to do anything.

I struggled and struggled, but it didn’t lead anywhere. Time
just passed by. What if the negative influence I had on the
students affected their character formation or led them
down the wrong path? Thinking that way, I became afraid to
stand in front of the class. It was also shocking when a
student openly asked to be transferred to another class.”

Sensei’s expression turned somber. It hinted at the depth of

her struggles.

“I lost my confidence, my passion faded, and I thought I

couldn’t do it anymore. I even resigned at one point. But I
realized that in high school, a teacher’s influence on
students might not be as significant. So, I took the teacher
recruitment exam again. And that’s how we met again.”

“It was because of me… I’m sorry, Sensei.”

I felt compelled to lower my head in the face of her heavy

past. Even though I had completely forgotten about it.

“No, it’s not your fault! It was my immaturity. I couldn’t fully

become an adult. The year after resigning, I spent every day
reflecting on myself. The students probably see me as the
worst homeroom teacher, either erasing me from their
memories like you or trying to forget that past entirely.
Either way, I can’t face them.”

She offered a troubled smile, but her expression carried a

sense of sadness and pain.

“Please, I managed to pull myself together somehow, but

this reunion feels like fate. You might have already sensed
it, but she had her spirit broken and gave up on her dreams.
Just by being associated with me, her career was ruined.
Please help her. Suzurikawa-san told me a lot about you. I
believe you can make a difference.”
“Leave it to me.”

“Thank you. You truly are a kind person.”

Sensei smiled with relief. It was a small favor, but I didn’t

mind. It was an easy task.

However, as cruel as it was, there was one thing I needed to

bring up.

“By the way, don’t you think a favor should come with a


Suddenly, a foreboding atmosphere swept over Sanjoji

Sensei, and she began to break into a cold sweat.

Rustling sounds came from my bag as I pulled out a

sketchbook with a flourish.

“Could it be, Kokonoe-kun? Is this about that request?

Definitely, it’s about that request, right!?”

“I am looking forward to this. Now, shall we begin?”

“It’s impossible! R-rethink this, please! There’s no charm in

this messy body. Isn’t that right? You’ll be disappointed

I shook my head as if to say “give me a break.”

“Is there something wrong with being messy? You said

earlier that apologizing doesn’t automatically mean
forgiveness, right? Well, I haven’t forgiven you yet. Ah, I
remember being so humiliated in front of the class. It was
tough, and it hurt.”
“Kuuuuu… I deeply regret being so thoughtless! However,
that doesn’t mean…”

“It doesn’t look like you’re genuinely regretful, huh?”

I teased her relentlessly. I was really getting into it, as I’m

usually on the defensive.

“But even so, it’s embarrassing, and…”

“At this point, it’s a bit late for excuses.”

I continued to rile her up. Despite the usual one-sided

struggle, I was quite enjoying it.

“But it’s embarrassing, it really is…”

She was still making excuses while poking her index fingers

“Think about it this way. If you, as a teacher, accidentally

witnessed a female student entering a love hotel with some
old man, and then you questioned them later, would you
believe it if they said nothing happened?”

“Well, that’s unlikely. Even though we should not punish

someone solely based on suspicion, entering a place like
that together would be sufficient evidence to conclude
something happened. Even if it turned out nothing
happened, it wouldn’t change the initial assumption.”

“Exactly. So, today, you called me to your home, and do you

think people around us would believe there was nothing
going on if you say so? No way!”

“Wait, we haven’t been caught, and I didn’t call you over

with that intention.”
“That’s not for us to decide. Don’t worry; we’re at your
home, so there’s no way anyone would find out. However, if
nothing happened, it would be suspicious, and something
happening would be natural.”

“Don’t use logical arguments to persuade me like that! It’s

almost convincing! You know, you’re always like this,
making an old woman like me…”

“Fine then, forget it.”

I pouted and acted like I was upset.

“Wait, why the sudden change? Don’t give me the cold

shoulder like that. Are you planning to ask Kedou-san for
help? Is that what you’re going to do?!”

I didn’t say anything in particular. I was just sulking.

“Alright, I’ll undress! You just want someone else to do it,

right!? But please give me some time… I’ll go shave my
armpits. No, better yet, I’ll get laser hair removal! I can’t
bear this as it is!”

“Nope, that won’t do. It’s a form of art.”

“At my age, there’s no chance of meeting anyone new! So,

even if my grooming is a bit sloppy, it can’t be helped! And
what do you mean by ‘art’ anyway? It’s just your personal

“That’s right.”

“You say that with such a pure, untainted gaze!?”

“Well, look, even Inukichi here says the same thing, right?”

[Barf barf]
“When did Inukichi get so attached to you!?”

Inukichi entered the room quietly and climbed onto my

back. He’s heavy…

The battle of words and wits between me and Sanjoji-sensei

would continue for the next thirty minutes.

Passcodes, fingerprint recognition, face recognition—

security measures are becoming stronger day by day. While
there are people out there who claim that losing their
smartphone would be the end of their lives, I’m just too lazy
to bother with any lock at all. Besides, I don’t really use my
phone much, and there’s hardly any important data stored
in it. So, even if someone were to see it, it wouldn’t be a
problem—or so I thought, until now.

“I guess my biggest enemy is my sister…”

I was in my room, alone, holding my head in my hands.

What am I going to do about this situation?

After returning from Sanjoji-sensei’s house, I had once again

done something stupid. I had stored the forbidden image of
something purple in my mental memory and thoroughly
enjoyed it. Feeling guilty about it, I honestly confessed to
Sanjoji-sensei that I saw something I shouldn’t have.

I thought that would be the end of it, but for some reason,
she replied, “I apologize. Um, since you’re also a high school
student, if you’re curious, you can take a picture too. But it
absolutely must not be discovered, okay?” I didn’t
understand. Let me say it again—I didn’t understand.
So now, instead of being stored in my mental memory, the
forbidden image is saved in my smartphone’s memory,
specifically in the storage. It’s a picture that can never be
shown to anyone; it’s way too dangerous. If someone were
to see it, it could cause trouble for Sanjoji-sensei too.

However, I think the one at fault here is Sanjoji-sensei, not

me, right?

“…Do I have no choice but to bury it?”

I search for a hiding spot, but in my room, which is filled

with more of my mom’s and sister’s belongings than mine,
there is no safe place. If I want to hide it, I’ll have to look

How about burying it underground like a time capsule and

retrieving it after several decades?

Maybe this is how erotic magazines that are found outside

are created, through similar circumstances.

“Where were you today, running around like that?”

As usual, my sister, who has no concept of knocking, comes

straight to my room after taking a bath.

She might be the only one who would commit such a

reckless act of peering into my smartphone without
hesitation. How can I hide it from her…? Wait a minute!

“Why aren’t you wearing pants!?”

“It’s a preemptive underwear move.”

“Enough with that joke! It’s not something you keep pulling
out like that!”
Enough already! My sister, who is in an outrageous summer
style with just a tank top and shorts, casually drinks milk.

My gaze was going all over the place. And I was right about
the preemptive underwear! I’ll have to complain to Shiori
about it later.

“It’s fine, right? You like it too, don’t you?”

“Please don’t decide things on your own.”

“What’s your favorite color? I’ll wear it for you.”

“I think your kindness is going in the wrong direction.”

“Ha? You do like it, right?”


Why on earth am I making such declarations? It was the

declaration underwear.

“You’re such a good and honest kid. As a reward, I’ll show

you the Summer Triangle.”

Her supple waist and slender curves were alluring.

“Just to be sure, which side is Vega, which side is Deneb,

and which side is Altair?”

The Summer Triangle in the sky, or should I say astro-pants?

This must be what they call perverted stargazing.

“So, where have you been since this morning?”

“I went to Sanjoji-sensei’s house…”

“Why were you invited to a teacher’s house during summer

“I wasn’t scolded or anything, so there’s no need to worry.”

“That’s not the issue here. I’ll listen to everything, so tell me


Lately, my sister has been oddly curious about everything.

Maybe she’s trying to make up for the lack of regular
conversations we used to have. It doesn’t bother me; in
fact, I’m happy to have her around.

However, she’s started to hang out in my room again, just

like old times.

I want to go back to the carefree and easy-going

relationship we used to have. Other than that one aspect,
there’s nothing I need to hide, so I decided to be honest
with her.

“I remember something from when we were in elementary

school. It’s quite a coincidence that she was your homeroom

“It’s a thing of the past, and I had forgotten about it, so it’s
unnecessary to apologize now.”

“I see. It’s your virtue to be kind, but it makes me worried in

situations like this.”

“I learned a lot about the past, so it was meaningful.”

“Well, okay then. By the way, you’re going to the hot

springs, right? That’s nice, but it’s summer, so you should
also go swimming. I’m looking forward to it.”
“I’ve already achieved my swimming quota for this season.”

“Ha? You’re not planning to go with me?”

“Please let me accompany you.”

“Just wait and see.”


It’s amazing how low I am in the hierarchy in this household.

“That’s not true. You’re totally mistaken, Kokonoe-chan.”

Mineda was visibly annoyed, and everyone else’s reactions

were the same. What’s going on?

“I thought you were taking so long to change, but what’s

with the marine suit?”

“It’s a wetsuit.”

All eyes were on me as I walked out of the changing room in

a full-body black wetsuit. That’s when I realized.

Ah, I see. They must have misunderstood me, thinking it’s a

kinky choice.

“Don’t worry. I took a proper lifesaving course, so there’s

nothing to be concerned about.”

“What’s there to be not concerned about!?”

A marine blue sea. A glistening white sandy beach. The

scorching sun beating down on us. A sharp retort.
We had come for a beach outing. On the last day of school,
Elizabeth and others invited me, and surprisingly, more than
half of the class decided to join. It was an unprecedented
large group. We’re way too close as a class…

To ensure there are no accidents, I decided to take a

lifeguard training course.

You can take the course from the age of fifteen, but you
need to have already acquired Water Safety and BLS
qualifications. Furthermore, gaining practical experience
from here allows you to obtain further specialized
certifications, but unless you’re aiming to become a
professional in this field, that shouldn’t be necessary.

“You’re really…”

Hinagi-chan sighed, exasperated. Her stylish bikini caught

everyone’s attention, and words of admiration slipped out

“Hinagin, you’re so cute!”

“T-thank you…”

Hinagi-chan blushed and played with her hair. Should I

continue the pursuit? YES/NO

“Yuki, how do I look?”

Shiori was monopolizing the male attention with her

bouncing assets. It’s way too big… Oh, did she mean her
height? Seriously, she’s so tall.

Shiori has a healthy and fresh vitality. She’s like the princess
of the beach, the beach princess. Maybe the resistance has
lessened in her dancer outfit, as her swimsuit is quite

“Hmm, naughty”


Ignoring Shiori, who was still in shock, the others cheered

again at the sight of the female students in their swimsuits.
It was a stimulating view of the girls that they never got to
see at school. It was the true taste of summer.

“Nice, looking good for summer. Let’s have fun today!”

“I’m a bit embarrassed, but I’m not very good at swimming,


“Then, should I teach you?”

Takahashi and Natsume were engaged in a friendly

conversation. The lively atmosphere returned as everyone

“It’s been a while since I last came to the beach. In junior

high, I was busy with club activities. How about you,

“It’s my first time in a while.”

“What an unexpected answer…”

Sorry, refreshing and handsome guy. Unlike you, the

embodiment of popularity, I’m enjoying my summer to the
fullest. I’ve already finished my homework, and I feel
invincible. In fact, I’m itching to study more.

“Shakado and I came to the beach yesterday too. Alright,

Shakado, let’s dig it up right away!”
“Hihii… I’ve been waiting for this! Fufu… Fooooohhh!”

With a mischievous grin, Shakadou headed towards the

deserted sandy beach, grabbing his nape. Some of us
followed curiously.

“Hey, Yukito. Were you really at the beach with Shakadou-


“Just so you know, it’s not like we came here to swim. It’s for
insect collecting.”

Contrary to appearances, Shakadou was quite active. He

would even catch insects as food for his pet reptiles. So, we
decided to come to the beach early yesterday and buried
about thirty plastic cups in the sand.

The cups were filled with bait, and when insects actively
moved around at night, they would fall into the cups in
search of food and get trapped in a classic trap. We began
taking out the cups one by one. Some were empty, but
others had black insects inside.

“Yay yay! Hihi……kuhihihi……kihihihihihihihihihihihi! ”

To Shakado’s excitement, the reaction of the girls were not

good, perhaps reminiscent of G. People who don’t like
insects quickly flee from this place. (G = cockroaches)

Although rhinoceros beetles and dung beetles may look

similar, Shakado could easily distinguish them.

Even so, isn’t the name of insects such as ground beetles

and dust beetles too terrible?

Wouldn’t it be terrible if there were a “Fake Yukito Kokonoe”

or something? It would probably have sharp eyes and all.
“It was worth setting a trap.”

“Thank you… I’ll never forget this favor…”

“It’s too heavy. Just forget about it already.”

It’s way too much gratitude for just accompanying them for
insect collecting.

“Mission complete. Let’s go back and swim.”

“Wait… I’ll put them in the cage…”

The cage is filled with soil, and after spraying water with a
mist sprayer to moisten it, they carefully place the insects
inside along with insect jelly, then gently close the lid of the
cooler bag.

In the scorching summer, leaving the insects exposed to

direct sunlight would be harsh on them, but Insecter
Shakado takes perfect care of them. Truly a princess of

Once again, they walk back to where their classmates are

gathering, firmly holding the cage.

The plastic cups used for traps have already been properly
collected, so there’s no need to worry.

Just like the Japanese supporters during the Soccer World

Cup, I, Yukito Kokonoe, am picky about cleaning up the

“By the way, didn’t you apply sunscreen?”

“I already did. Could it be you wanted to do it, Yuki?”

“I feel embarrassed having Yukito apply it for me…”


Hinagi and Shiori blush, but I’m moved by their unexpected


“If it were Mom or Sister, they would hurry me to put it on…

You guys are so pure… Please stay pure like that. It’s a
request from Yukito Kokonoe.”

“What’s the right response to that?”

“Yuki, what’s wrong, Yuki!?”

“Mom… I mean, you should do it yourself there… So why

are you… taking off your swimsuit…”

“Wawawaw! It’s still too early for us, Yuki!”

“――Haa!? It’s a daily memory that’s too frequent and can’t

be forgotten no matter how much I try to forget!”

“What are you doing on a regular basis!”

“Yukito, you’re having a hard time…” (Mihou)

It was worth setting a trap for.

Thank you ……, I’ll never forget what you did for me. ……

It’s too heavy. Forget it in moderation.”

It’s too big a favor to pay for just accompanying him on his
insect collecting trip.

Mission accomplished. We’re going back and swimming.

Wait, ……. I’ll put it in the basket. ……

The basket is filled with soil. After spraying water with a mist
and moistening it sufficiently, I put in the insect jelly and
gently place the insects, then put them directly into the
cooler bag and put the lid on.

It is harsh for the insects to be exposed to direct sunlight in

the middle of summer. Insector Shakado also provided
perfect aftercare. The princess of the repoussé.

Once again, I grabbed it with a munch and returned to the

place where my classmates were gathered.

The plastic cups used in the trap have already been

collected, so don’t worry.

Like a Japanese supporter of the World Cup soccer team, I,

Yukitoshi Kokonoe, am very picky about cleaning up trash.

By the way, don’t you need to put sun cream on?

I already did. Did you want to put it on, Yuki?

It’s kind of embarrassing for me to have the Snow Hare

apply it for me. ……

That’s stupid …….”

The first time I saw the two, I was impressed by their

unexpected replies.

‘Mom and sis would have urged me to apply it as soon as

possible,……. How pure you guys are. …… I want you to
stay pure as you are. This is a request from the Nine-Fold
Snow Hare.”

How do I reply to that?”

“…… sister,…… that’s not the place to paint,…… why don’t
you take off your swimsuit,…… and let’s see what you can
do with it. I’m going to …… suck your dick. ……

“Yuki, what’s wrong Yuki?

“…… mother,…… I’ll paint it myself,…… so why don’t you

take off your swimsuit,…… …… between ……”

I’m not ready for this yet, Yuki! We’re not ready for this,

“–Ha! It’s too frequent, too mundane a memory to forget!”

What are you doing with your life?

“Snow Rabbit, you’re having a hard time ……”

When did you buy it? The Tesla coil face chewed on the
yakisoba noodles and wept a hollowness. Eh, where’s my

“The first question. What is the most important thing to be

careful about during a beach outing?”

Lifesaver Yukito Kokonoe’s safety class is now open.

“Yes, you there, the refreshing handsome one, go ahead.”

“Warm-up exercises. It’s important because sudden cramps

while entering the sea can be troublesome.”

“Quite close! Panic is indeed scary. It’s the second important

thing. Okay, next is Shiori.”

“Uhm, not going beyond the tetrapods?”

“Close, but in the first place, it’s unnecessary to go all the
way to the breakwaters. Let’s enjoy ourselves closer to

“Yuki-chan, what’s the correct answer?”

“Good question, Mineda. The answer is sharks. Be cautious

of red sharks as they can explode due to radiation. If you
spot one, evacuate immediately. Also, shark ghosts may
attack people. This ghostly shark appears anywhere there’s
water, so it’s called a ghost—-“

“Alright, alright. We’ll do the warm-up exercises, right?”

The school is closed after just one question by Hinagi-chan.

The Yukito Kokonoe safety class is now closed.

“Hey, you there, would you like to play with us?”

The beach in summer is crowded with people. Elizabeth was

approached by someone for a chat.

“Ah, it’s the 3G group!”

“Gee, you—no, you’re Kokonoe-san!”

“Uh, no way, we haven’t done anything yet. Please spare us

from becoming an online sensation! We’ll be good from now

“We had a hard time after that! So please, forgive us and

overlook it!”

They seemed so afraid. It’s strange, as I only have a good

impression of them.

“Yukito, do you know them?”

They were the group of three college students we met
before at the night pool with Mio and Tristy.

“The 3G”

“It’s 5G now, you know.”

He seems to imply that the generation of flip phones is

outdated. A bit sarcastic, that handsome guy.

“3G, are you by any chance just the three of you?”

“We want to hang out with girls too, but we’re from the
engineering department. It’s hard to meet new people.”

“Actually, you’re amazing. Don’t you always hang out with

different girls?” (3G)

“I hate it! I hate those people who are always in


Hmm. We have a large group, and there might be situations

where we can’t keep an eye on everyone, especially in the
vast ocean. We want to avoid any potential dangers.

“If you want, would you like to join us and play together? We
were worried about the large number of people in our group,
so we thought having the 3G with us could help prevent
strange approaches and accidents.”

“Really? We’d love to! Thank you!”

“Are you saying we’re the strange ones?”

“Actually, I follow you on social media. Can I get your

autograph later?”
They turned out to be unexpected reinforcements. They’re
really good people. With them joining us, we can enjoy
beach time safely.

“I guess I’ll go swimming too.”

It seems like a fun and safe beach outing awaits us!

“Yukito, don’t let go! I mean it!”

Trembling, Hinagi-chan straddled the dolphin float (made of

vinyl). It’s unexpectedly challenging to stay on it. It might
be a good practice to improve one’s sense of balance.

Hinagi-chan is desperately holding on, but she doesn’t look

relaxed at all. I’m here as her support on the ground.

She isn’t very confident in her swimming skills, but this is a

shallow area just a few meters from the shore, and as long
as Lifesaver Yukito Kokonoe is around, it’s safe and secure.
She can challenge herself as much as she wants.

“I want to ride it too.”

“I want to as well, but it’s more unstable than I thought…


She flipped over and ended up with the float on top of her.

“You might not be cut out for surfing or anything like that.”

“I’ll practice on a balance ball when I get back.”

Her enthusiasm is impressive. Despite this little setback,

Hinagi-chan is competitive and won’t give up easily.

As Hinagi-chan tries to ride the float again, she suddenly

remembers something and speaks up.
“By the way, Hiori said she wants to talk to you, Yukito.”

“Hiori? What’s going on?”

If Hinagi’s younger sister, Hiori, is in trouble and needs help,

I’d be more than willing to assist. But what could it be
about? Hiori is a very honest and straightforward person
who doesn’t usually make enemies.

“It seems like she wants to talk about something related to

her friends.”

“I see… I won’t know until I listen to her.”

I don’t expect I can solve middle schoolers’ problems, but it

depends on the situation.

However, why is it that I seem to attract mostly love advice

to this self-established Yukito Kokonoe’s Troubles
Consultation Desk? I’m terrible at this…

“I’m sorry for causing trouble between us, sisters.”

“If there’s anything I can do, it’s okay.”

She can now speak so honestly. Hinagi-chan is alright now.

“Hey, Yukito. Let’s go to the summer festival together.”

“A fireworks festival, huh? It brings back memories.”

“…Yeah. Let’s gradually regain our time together.”

I remember participating in the summer festival with Hinagi-

chan every year. We would buy candy apples and cotton
candy at the stalls, drink ramune, and watch the fireworks
bloom in the pitch-black night sky. But now, those memories
have come to an end. The last expression I recall from
Hinagi-chan was never a smiling one.

“I regret it. Letting go of your hand, Yukito. It wasn’t

because I disliked it. It was the opposite… I was
embarrassed and acted impulsively, pushing you away. At
that time, I had no composure, and I never thought about
what you might think of me. I was foolish and self-

“If that’s the case, why not choose a different path? You
don’t need to redo things now.”

That was the doubt I had been holding onto. It applies to

Hinagi, Shiori, Mom, and even my sister. It’s understandable
to have regrets about the past and want to redo things.

But in the end, the past is the past. We can’t erase or

rewrite it. We can never time leap or change the past. We
can only change the present and the future.

There’s no need to be forever imprisoned by the past. It’s

more efficient to choose a better future, a path that leads to
happiness. It’s not worth putting in an immense effort just to
redo things.

Besides, I don’t mind at all. I don’t hold any grudges or

hatred. So, if cutting me off is the most efficient choice, then
go ahead.

But still, is there any value in me that makes her want to

redo things?

“――A path without you, Yukito, is meaningless. Even

though we are strangers to each other, you are a precious
childhood friend. It’s not just anyone. It’s because you are
Yukito, the one who has spent time with me.”
The credibility of currency is guaranteed by the nation and
the central bank. That’s why the trust in international
currency is strong.

In the same way, the credibility of a childhood friend is

guaranteed by the time we spent together, Hinagi and me.
She believes in something uncertain and faint like that, and
she thinks it’s special.

――So, I wanted to believe it too.

I must regain what makes me “special” to her.

“I’m also growing. I don’t want to be protected all the time.”

A strong and confident smile. Crying doesn’t suit my

childhood friend.

Hinagi has become strong. Maybe even stronger than me.

The unwavering determination in her eyes is dazzling.

“You’ve become a wonderful woman.”

Indeed, she’s a remarkable woman. Just a bit too much

dripping with seawater.

“Maybe it’s because of someone else. –I’m having fun. I

wish this kind of time could go on forever.”


I briskly hopped on the inflatable orca (shachi) and, without

hesitation, spun around once before splashing back into the

“By the way, have you finished the artwork for the contest?”
Having given up on the orca ride, we were taking a break at
the beach while enjoying shaved ice.

With the sound of waves and the hustle and bustle of the
surroundings as our background music, we spent some time
alone together as childhood friends.

Around us, there were people being relentlessly hit on,

causing their faces to flush, or others like Shakado, who
were being dragged around by Elizabeth and seemed to be
spinning around in circles, all of them thoroughly enjoying
their time at the summer beach.

“As for me, I might not have any artistic talent. I was
shocked by my lack of sense.”

“You’re not aiming for a prize, right? Just draw what you

Art is such a thing. Though she looked troubled, I realized

that since long ago, her drawing style has been original.
That uniqueness is part of who she is. If she enjoys the club
activities, then that’s good enough.

“Aren’t you going to come back, Yukito?”

“The art club has a natural enemy. ……”

Even I, the mighty me, shy away from the art club with the
dreaded student council president. The painting of my sister
is finished, and when Hinagi is in trouble, the ever-reliable
Sanjoji Sensei is there to lend a helping hand.

Speaking of Sanjoji-Sensei, she seemed to be oddly

preoccupied with her armpits. I wonder what’s so
embarrassing about armpits?
“Hey, Hinagi. Show me your armpits for a moment.”

“Y-you idiot!? Why are you suddenly saying that! —-Ouch!”

Hinagi-chan is keening her head with shaved ice with too

much vigor. She forced herself to eat it. ……

“Why are you so nonchalant about saying such tactless


“In the Kokonoe family, the concept of tact doesn’t exist.”

“You know nothing about common sense!”

I guess family background is really important. I truly think


Still, I wonder if Hinagi-chan is also concerned about that.

So, I realized that I’ve made a terribly grave mistake. Come
on, stop messing around.

Looking at it calmly, it’s just not possible. I’m truly a jerk.

I forgot about something like this; it’s just utterly lacking in


What the heck. This must be why Sanjoji-sensei and Hinagi-

chan feel embarrassed. Unable to bear the weight of my sin,
I prostrate myself on the scorching sandy beach.

“I’m sorry, Hinagi! I was thoughtless. But rest assured, no

matter how much you’re worried about the armpit smell, I
don’t mind—”

“You really areeeeeeeeeeeee!”

Her face turned bright red. Could it be heatstroke? I hand

her a sports drink. Hinagi-chan gulps it down in one go.
The cause of underarm odor is sweat. Apparently, the
secretion from the apocrine sweat glands is the source of
the smell, and it’s natural for people to worry about it. I can
only apologize endlessly for my insensitive remarks.

“That’s it! If you’re so concerned, I’ll donate money for the


“Shut up! Here, take a sniff! Come on!”

Hinagi-chan presses her armpit against me forcefully.

“It smells like the sea.”

“It’s because it’s the sea, right? Don’t let anyone spread
this! What if people search my name and the search
suggestions come up as ‘Hinagi Suzurikawa smelly’ or
something? It’s all because of you!”

“Beautiful and non-smelly seas have fewer nutrients, while

seas with the smell of the shore are nutrient-rich. Don’t you
think it’s an interesting topic to consider? Let’s continue to
be mindful of marine pollution from now on.”

“Pay attention to my suggest pollution!”

Environmental issues, such as microplastic pollution, are

serious problems facing humanity.

As Hinagi shook me back and forth, I made a pledge. I’ll stop


“What’s wrong, Yuki? You look troubled.”

I was looking forward to the beach trip, excited and full of

anticipation. My chest was swelling with excitement, my
heart racing in anticipation of thrilling moments.

Yet, it seemed like nothing exciting or embarrassing was

happening around me. I couldn’t help but feel disappointed.

“Something’s not right. There’s hardly any accidental

revealing going on.”

“Yuki, are you saying weird things again!?”

“It’s a beach trip, right? Normally, there should be some

revealing moments happening around here, right?”
“Um… everyone is being extremely careful to avoid any
embarrassing accidents!”

“Could it be that revealing accidents aren’t as common as I


If that’s the case, it’s a letdown. Oh, what a disappointment!

I wanted some excitement!

“Uwaa, Yuki looks more down than I’ve ever seen before.”

“I thought something was off. Mom and my sister usually

have an accident like once every hour, so I thought it was
just a normal thing.”

“That’s not an accident; it’s a deliberate and extremely

malicious act!”

At home, my mom is always saying things like, ‘Oh, my

shoulder strap came off again,’ while revealing herself all
the time.

Although it doesn’t happen frequently, the fact that she

does it so often is probably due to some ghost’s influence, a
supernatural occurrence. It might be something like a

Considering how my sanity is wearing thin each time it

happens, I might soon be cursed to death by the revealing.
It’s terrifying. Revealing and dying is not a laughing matter.

“Yuki, do you really want to see that?”

While looking down, I tightly grip Shiori’s shoulders, her face

turning bright red.

“W-Well, if you want to see it that much, I can—”

“Accidental revealing that isn’t actually accidental isn’t lucky

at all”

That’s a principle I cannot compromise on.

“Your dignity as a maiden will be doubly hurt!”

I’m being poked and prodded. The debate about accidental

revealing on the beach has become intense.

Eh, Shiori had an accident? I will protect the dignity of


“By the way, how is the girls’ swim team?”

“Yeah! Even though I joined in the middle, the seniors and

other girls from different classes treat me well.”

Shiori happily shares her recent experiences as she floats

gently on a water ring.

I wasn’t too worried, but it seems she’s doing really well

without any issues.

The girls’ swim team captains were also delighted, and the
advisor welcomed her warmly. She has accumulated a huge
debt of gratitude, so she plans to repay it eventually.
Besides, Shiori isn’t the type to isolate herself.

Being a manager is great, but Shiori is more attractive when

she actively participates.

“Captain Sasaki also wanted to thank you. Thanks for that

he said.”

“But in the end, it was you who decided to join.”

“That is not true, if Yuki hadn’t encouraged me, I would still
have been hesitant. The boys’ basketball team manager is
important, but I wasn’t sure if that was the right path for
me. I need to be more observant like Yuki. This won’t

That’s not true. Shiori should have realized it herself

eventually. I just sped up the process. Shiori has talent that
would be a waste to let go to waste. The stage where she
can shine is not the boys’ swim team.

“Don’t let your guard down, Shiori.”

I spray a water gun playfully. We’re here to have fun at the

beach. There’s no time to be down.

“You have a wide range of variations, like a rabbit or a

squid, Yuki. But, but, I won’t lose either! I’m a dancer after
all. So, here I gooooo!”

“You actually liked that embarrassing outfit, huh…”

“You were the one who made me wear it, Yuki!”

“In fact, I was the one who suggested that a sexier outfit
would be better.”

“Are you an audacious villain in disguise!?”

Shiori counters back relentlessly. She’s not holding back,

maybe she’s been holding some resentment towards me.

In the sea, our sweet romance is just playing around,

nothing more.

Between us, it’s a fierce battle, betting on not revealing too

“Calm down! Do you really want to expose yourself again?”

“I believe that Yuki will protect the dignity of a maiden!”

The territorial battle that suddenly began continued the

offensive and defensive back and forth. It’s a monster with
unusual physical strength.

We are evenly matched. It’s a neck-and-neck battle. If it

comes to this, I have no choice but to use my secret

“I have no choice. I’ll have to activate my special weapon.

Farewell, Shiori.”

“Eh? Wait—Yuki, you idioooooooooooot!!!!”

I toss it with a thud, and a massive spray of water splashes


By moving our bodies and playing with all our might, our
minds and bodies feel refreshed.

“So, you know, I got paid from the commercial Yuki invited
me to. That’s why I’m thinking of giving everyone a pair of
sneakers as a present. What do you think?”

After using up our energy, we take a break and eat grilled

squid at the beach house.

According to Shiori, the girls from the swim team have

reserved the sneakers. However, Shiori is grateful for being
warmly accepted as someone who joined in the middle of
things. That’s why she thought of giving sneakers as a
How Shiori uses the money is up to her. It’s not my place to
interfere. But even so, I deliberately put a hold on it. The
second edition hasn’t been announced yet, but Shiori should
be fine with it.

“Shiori, this is still a secret, but wait a little longer.”

“Um… Is there something?”

She looks puzzled, but it should be something meaningful.

“In a while, the second edition will be announced. This time,

there will be a Goddess Model and Saint Model.”

“Variations have increased without me noticing!?”

“If you’re going to give a present, I thought having multiple

design options to choose from would be nice.”

The Bunnyman and Hero Party Model sneakers seem to be

pre-ordering really well. During a meeting, I accidentally
mentioned that there are other Goddess and Saint models
at Hoshikawa High School, and in no time, the second
edition was decided. They might release a Bard Model

While I’m witnessing the serious efforts of adults who don’t

miss a business opportunity, isn’t this all about basketball

“Goddess and Saint… Even though everyone’s saying such

nice things, I’m the only one with the Dancer, ugh…”

I firmly grab both of Shiori’s shoulders while she’s looking

down, her face turning completely red.

“Eh, isn’t this the same pattern as before…”

“Your outfit has the most exposure. Have confidence!”

The only female member in the Hero Party isn’t you.

“The dignity of a maiden has been forcibly restored!”

With four different models for women, there should be

options that suit each person’s taste.

If you’re giving a gift, you want the recipient to be happy,


But how do I explain this to Tojo-senpai and Goddess-



My powerful spike pierces the sandy beach. A resounding

cheer erupts.

“Hihihi… Oooh… gods…”

Shakado is praying. She’s completely out of the


We’re having a serious showdown in a beach volleyball

match titled ‘1st Year Class B’s Midsummer Serious Battle’.

For the sake of fairness, we’re paired by gender, and teams

from the same sports clubs are not allowed to pair up. If I or
fresh, handsome guy and Shiori were paired, there would be
no team that could win. It was an appropriate consideration.

So, Shakado and I, the fresh handsome guy whose face is

blending with the sandy beach due to his blinding
handsomeness, formed a pair with Mineda. The soccer
club’s Takahashi, with his pleasant vibes, paired with
Natsume, Shiori teamed up with Akanuma, Hinagi with Ito,
and Elizabeth paired up with Mikuriya, creating an exquisite
balance for an intense match.

Especially whenever Shiori gets active, cheers fill the air,

and the gallery keeps growing. Coins are jingling in the
donation box subtly placed there. Thanks to Shiori’s efforts,
it seems we’ll gather enough money for everyone’s lunch.
Thank you, Shiori, I won’t forget your heroic efforts. Boing

Shiori is clearly the winner of Miss Overlap at this beach.


“To think that the champions would be Seidou and

Elizabeth… Both of you used to be in the volleyball club in
the past? Our investigation was lacking. Surprising facts
have come to light.”

“Essentially, it was 1 vs 2… I didn’t… do anything… hihihi…


“That’s right. As a punishment, Shakado, you have to go to

a beauty salon during the summer break.”


“Even sheep get their wool sheared before summer.

Besides, it’s a given that you’ll turn into a beauty after
cutting your hair.”

Aside from Shakado, who seems to be frozen in shock

despite it being summer, Sakurai’s energy levels are high.

“To think I could beat Yukito!”

“Fufufmm~ How’s that for a sight! This is the dignity of a
student council president!”

Just the other day, Mikuya, who joined the basketball club,
and Elizabeth, who was in the light music club, apparently
belonged to different middle school volleyball clubs.
Knowing about each other’s pasts is proof of deepening

“Yes. Here’s the prize money.”

“Kokonoe-kun, I don’t think there’s any romance or comedy

left in this situation.”

I give out the collected tips as the prize money, but

Elizabeth isn’t pleased.

“Getting cash as a Christmas present is the best. A ten-

thousand yen bill full of socks.”

“You’re such an ungrateful kid! By the way, what’s with this


“Shiori earned it with her body.”

“Did Yuki just suddenly say something so indecent!?”

White stares from around. I’ve only spoken the truth…

Oh, I see. So, it’s because the amount is small, huh?

It can’t be helped. I don’t feel comfortable letting Shiori earn

money all the time. I’m not a pimp.

In that case, let me take care of this.

I casually take out a watermelon and place it on a sheet.

The gallery’s attention is drawn.

I punch it down vertically, and the watermelon cleanly splits

into six pieces.


Applause erupts. Tips start coming in… looks like we’re

going for a lavish dinner.

“Kokonoe-kun, how did you do that!?”

I quietly tell Elizabeth the trick to splitting the watermelon

while she’s flustered.

“For watermelon splitting, if you make cuts beforehand, it’ll

split cleanly. Then, evenly apply pressure over the whole
surface, and you get this result. I didn’t have a wooden
sword with me, after all.”

While I brought the watermelon, I forgot to bring the

essential tool to split it. Not having a wooden sword or bat
might have been better, as they would’ve been
cumbersome to carry.

Oh, I should probably mention this.

“*The split watermelon was enjoyed by the staff.”

“Well, it’s Kokonoe-kun we’re talking about. Anything goes.

We have the prize money, so how about having lunch

[Unknown PoV]
In this way, swaying gently with the waves, my own
thoughts begin to seem terribly insignificant.

Lately, nothing seems to go well. Maybe I’ve been

abandoned by luck.

I tried plotting together with them, but it’s hard to say we’ve
succeeded. Rather than being trapped, they’re becoming
more confident. No matter how much I curse them, reality
doesn’t change.

Maybe I shouldn’t have gotten involved. This is so

frustrating. And that person they pushed onto me, too.

Are they planning to ruin my life again? This feeling of

nothing going well is something I haven’t felt in a while.

An uncomfortable feeling, just like back in elementary

school… I remembered something unpleasant.

Even though we came to enjoy a family beach outing, it’s all

ruined. I strike the water’s surface in frustration.

I doubt anyone realizes it’s me. It’s alright. I’ll convince

myself of that, but the unease doesn’t dissipate. Why do I
have to take such risks?

I’m stuck in the same loop without an answer again. Maybe I

should just lay it all out…

Impossible. That man doesn’t forgive his enemies. He

crushed me that way. Both him and me.

I didn’t realize that keeping a secret could be so mentally

Constantly worried about getting caught, I can’t even enjoy
my school life properly.

Being just an incompetent who follows orders, I don’t

understand his scariness. If I’m in the same school, it will
become clear. He’s truly untouchable. Unwanted topics keep
reaching my ears daily.

There’s no way I can directly attack him. I have no allies.

Even if I asked the upperclassmen for help, I doubt anyone
would cooperate.

Rather, if a student approached with such a topic, there’s a

high chance they’d report it to him.

For some reason, that guy isn’t alone. Annoyingly enough,

he’s well-liked by many.

Teachers and upperclassmen don’t matter. Everyone is

concerned about his movements, protecting him.

If I were to oppose him, it’s me who would be isolated.

Especially if my elder sister, who values him highly, were to
find out, I don’t know what would happen. Unlike him, she’d
be serious about removing me.

Truly a dead end. A miserable situation. And all of this was

my own doing.

“I shouldn’t have reunited with Kazu…”

Regret is never-ending. The gears started to grind out of

place after I reconnected with him in the new school.

Thinking it’s just fellow locals, I got close to him in delight,

and that marked the beginning of my mistake.
Even though I transferred and should have distanced myself
in high school, I became a target of his attention due to him
standing out. While I’m suffering this much, people around
him are always smiling. There’s always someone beside
him, laughing.

Why is he always having fun while I’m all alone?! I can’t

suppress my frustration.

Nervous and careful, I maintained surface-level

relationships, and now I’m all alone.

If I hold dissatisfaction and turn hostile, he senses it keenly,

and people distance themselves further, creating a vicious


I snap back to reality. The shoreline looks quite far away. I

try to turn back, but unexpectedly, the waves are strong,
and I can’t move forward as much as I’d like. A deep fear
bubbles up from within me. I quickly adjust my posture.
However, contrary to my intentions, my body doesn’t

“No way… This can’t be happening! It’s dangerous!

Someone, help—gobo-gobo.”

As I try to shout without concern for my dignity, seawater

enters my mouth. Coughing, my left leg cramps.

(Why… Why is it just me ending up like this? Am I going to

die? In a place like this… I still have so much I want to do!)

If this is the punishment for belittling others, then there’s

undoubtedly a higher power.
Thinking such things belatedly, tears overflow. Looking
back, I’ve only resented people. Hated them. Letting my
hatred for him fester, blaming everything on him. And, I
committed a sin.

(No… It wasn’t me at first… It was him. It’s because I met


At first, I understood it. That I was at fault. But as we started

exchanging bad words, my thoughts gradually twisted,
changed. I drowned in malice.

I’ve never even been in love. Never liked someone, let alone
anything beyond that.

Perhaps my intense yearning for beautiful things stems from

my own overwhelming ugliness.

“Damn it… Help me, please! I’ll apologize… I’ll change,

please, someone—”

My voice doesn’t reach anyone. Because I’m alone. Different

from him.

I should have just ignored that guy and lived properly. I

should have spent my youth.

The beautiful surface of the sea seems like the maw of a

demon, waiting to swallow me. It’s mouth is open, lying in
wait for its prey. How deep is it? I can’t see through the
pitch-black ocean floor.

How small and fragile humans are. We can die so easily. All
the time we’ve accumulated disappears effortlessly. I have
no more will to resist.

“Mom, Dad, I’m sorry—”

“I never expected to be facing a situation like this all of a
sudden… It’s okay now. First, grab onto this kickboard. Since
there’s a chance you might sink if you panic and struggle,
relax all your muscles.”

Is this an illusion? A devil in all black may have come to pick

me up from the bottom of the ocean.

“…I’m beaten. Seems like I’m in quite a pinch. Let’s see, in

times like this… Got it! The other day, I tried to lower the
favorability rating of the Unmoving Wisdom King sister
without learning my lesson, and I acted all high and mighty,
giving orders and stuff, and she seemed really delighted and
carried them out. Is that some new form of harassment?
When I met her, she was suddenly wearing just suspenders.
I thought to myself, the internet can’t be trusted. What am I
supposed to do with her!”

The demon is talking about something that’s hard to

understand. Perhaps it’s a curse that leads to death.

Unmoving Wisdom King sister?… What is this person talking

about? Person… a person!? Not a demon!

“H… help—”

“We’re getting closer to the shore, so you don’t need to be

scared anymore. Look, it’s shallow, shallow.”

“Takai takai?” (lifting (a child) high up in the air)

My awareness gradually becomes clearer. It’s not a demon,

just a person. He behaved brightly to reassure me.

… Did I make it? I’m enveloped in a sudden feeling of relief.

My tears have made it difficult to see their faces, which are
blurred. I abandon my jumbled emotions. My eyelids are
heavy, and I feel like I want to sleep like this.

I’m pulled up onto the shore and laid down. Feeling the land
against my back is more comforting than anything.

A supple hand touches my left leg, and my body twitches. I

remember the pain I had almost forgotten.

“It’s cramping. I’m going to stretch it like this.”

My left leg is lifted up, and it’s bent in a stretching-like

movement, then pulled to straighten it. After a few
repetitions, the cramp subsides, and I can move freely

“Phew. Are you feeling better now?”

The demon steps away swiftly. No, this person isn’t a

demon. He is the person who helped me.

I have to thank them… at least, I want to see them just once



I sense my familiar mother’s voice approaching, and my

consciousness falls into a deep darkness.

[Third Person PoV]

“Shiorin, it’s amazing! This is like a weapon, a weapon!”

On the way back from the beach, she stopped by a spa to
rinse off her entire body. Even though she took a shower,
soaking in the bath like this made her realize how much
fatigue had accumulated.

Mineda, who had touched Shiori Kamishiro’s chest,

exclaimed in admiration. Looking down at her own chest,
she was overwhelmed by the emptiness despite the fact
that it was something springy and elastic with a magical
power that she couldn’t resist. Trembling at the touch
sinking into her chest.

“Ohhhh! This is addictive. Totally addictive!”

“Hyann! You touched me… Yaa…”

“Miki-chan! Cut it out, you’re making her uncomfortable.”

Sakurai pulled Mineda away with a sharp tug. Unsatisfied,

Mineda reached out to touch Sakurai’s chest, but sadly, they
were in the same boat. Among this group, only Natsume
could rival Kamishiro.

The classmates’ pressure and envious glances were

intensifying. Kamishiro wavered before the ABCD
encirclement (cup sizes). Her E-cup breasts felt cramped
due to the blockade.

“Haa, Amazing! You know, Kokonoe-chan was murmuring

‘melon or watermelon’.”

Hearing Mineda’s words, Kamishiro blushed and sank into

the bathtub with a bubbling sound.

“Yukito tends to sexually harass people…”

“Yukito usually gets so much sexual harassment from his
family that he’s numb to it.”

Suzurikawa chuckled. It was undoubtedly due to his family’s

influence. The Kokonoe family, including Yukito’s mother
Ouka and his sister Yuri, had always adored Yukito. Only he
himself seemed unaware of it.

“Kokonoe-chan is so confidently and openly engaging in

sexual harassment, so it’s kind of bold, isn’t it?”

“Yukito speaks his mind right away. He’s just being honest.”

“Yuki was complaining about his ‘goodwill rating’ the other

day, but…”

While saying things like “Think about the lines you shouldn’t
cross!”, Yukito had encountered Yukito, who was sexually
harassing him, and barely managed to escape in one piece.

Not knowing the details of what had happened, he was

dying. It happens all the time.

“Well, Yukito has been popular for a while now. Just today,
he rescued a girl who was almost drowning.”

The sight of him rescuing a girl who was nearly drowning as

he swiftly departed was undeniably heroic.

Watching with bated breath, Sakurai also felt a rush of relief

when Yukito reached the shore, and her heart swelled with
emotion. It was undoubtedly going to become a lifelong
memory for that girl.

“I think that’s what Yukito means by the importance of

Suzurikawa murmured. Nodding in agreement, everyone
understood in their own way. Yukito had always been
prepared to handle anything at any time. For him, it wasn’t
anything exceptional; it was simply a matter of course.

One could call it a state of mind, both Suzurikawa and

Sakurai had a sense of the message Yukito was conveying.

“By the way, Shiorin, isn’t it great that you got treated so

“Hahaha, don’t worry about it. It was Yukito’s idea from the
start. We had a blast playing together!”

The cost of the beach outing had been covered by the

combined effort of Yukito Kokonoe, Kouki Mihou, and Shiori
Kamishiro. Yukito paid half, while Mihou and Kamishiro split
the remaining half equally.

All three of them had earned quite a bit, including the fees
from their commercial appearances. Especially Yukito had
amassed a sum that was beyond what one would expect
from a student. In addition to the commercial shoots, there
were other activities as well.

For Kamishiro, who was bewildered by the unexpected extra

income, Yukito’s proposal was a godsend.

Kamishiro had no intention of splurging. She could use the

money for tuition or further studies. She thought that way,
but she should be allowed to spend it freely for something
like this. Even though she had been dragged into it by
Yukito, it was the first money she had earned on her own. An
unexpected reward for her efforts. She had even bought
presents for her parents. It was embarrassing for them to
see the commercial, though.
“I got a pair of shoes that suit Kamishiro-san’s style too!
You’re not going to wear the dancer costume anymore?”

“I won’t! It was so embarrassing!”

She argued with Sakurai, but Kamishiro couldn’t help feeling

nervous inside, thinking that she might have another
chance to wear that outfit.

Yukito had hinted at a second round. If things continued this

way, it might become a reality. The reality was indeed

Still, Kamishiro had no intention of declining. Even if she

ended up wearing that outfit again.

The surroundings of Yukito Kokonoe were full of excitement,

and waves of anticipation surged.

In some way, their classmates seemed to have a shared

understanding that they were relying on Yukito too much.

This was evident in today’s events as well. They were willing

to put in any effort for the sake of others. They all felt that
they wanted to give back as much as Yukito had done for
them. Perhaps that’s why Class B was so united.

“Come on, Anya-chan, join us!”

“Shorty… hihi… The world of differences in bust sizes…

reality is cruel… I must destroy it.”

Sakurai brought Anya Shakado along , who had been

standing quietly by the side. While gently patting her chest,
the dejected self-deprecation of the current Shakado was a
far cry from the excitement she displayed when finding an
unusual insect. Sadly, Shakado was an introvert.
“That girl he helped might become your rival from now on,
you know?”

Kamishiro laughed off Mineda’s teasing question.

“It doesn’t matter. Right, Suzurikawa-san?”

“It’s not about wanting to be rivals. I’ve become friends with

Kamishiro-san like this, too… Yukito has been through a lot
of painful experiences, and has always faced hardships. I’ve
done terrible things as well. Yet, he’s always been there to
help and bring happiness. This time, it’s my turn. I’ve
decided not to rush. First, I’ll do my best to create days that
Yukito can find enjoyable. I want to make an effort, too”

Kamishiro quietly listened to Suzurikawa’s words. There was

no jealousy in her tone.

Kamishiro felt the same way. It was more of a comrade-like

relationship than a rivalry. It’s fine to take it slowly. There’s
no need to rush.

Yukito Kokonoe told Kamishiro that he wasn’t going


Kamishiro had a vague conviction that Yukito wouldn’t

immediately enter into a relationship with someone else.

If Yukito were to decide such a thing, he would surely tell

Kamishiro and Suzurikawa first.

“I want to be a warm person like Yukito, someone who can

bring happiness to others!”

Once spoken aloud, her goal became clear. This was the
path that Shiori Kamishiro would pursue from now on.
Perhaps the desired future awaited at the end of that path.

Have the boys finished in the bath by now? Yukito might be

causing some kind of commotion again. But there was no
need to worry about that.

—There was surely happiness there.


“I’m sorry, you know? You came along all the way, and I
couldn’t help you.”

“I should be sorry. I’m the one who couldn’t be of

assistance. Let’s go for a custom-built PC.”

“I’m not very knowledgeable about machines, so I’ll leave it

to Yukito-kun.”

Although I went with Himiyama-san to an electronics store, I

ended up not accomplishing our goal and just returned
home. Himiyama-san had been considering buying a
desktop computer, but she couldn’t find one that suited her
needs. This was just a date at the electronics store that
made her happy.

“But really, this thing about gaming PCs, huh? Before I knew
it, it’s all about that. I don’t play games on my computer, so
I don’t care much about the performance.”

“Indeed, it’s hard to imagine Himiyama-san headshotting

enemies in an FPS, while chatting… “

The gentle older sister, Himiyama-san, firing guns

indiscriminately in an FPS while typing in chat was a surreal
image. Some people have a personality change when they
get behind the wheel of a car, so I couldn’t entirely dismiss
the possibility. I had worried that she might be harboring
stress and had descended into darkness, but it was good
that it wasn’t the case.
I hoped she’d continue to stay unaffected by such things in
the future.

“But why is it shining so much? Is there a reason for that,


“It’s the ‘Decotora Theory’.”


“Just because it looks cool when it’s shining, it became like

that due to a misconception.”

“So, is it really just shining for no reason?”

“It’s really just shining.”

“Does that have any meaning?”

“Such rational observations can sometimes be quite cruel.”

So, after that (?), having given up on the gaming PC, we

decided to order a custom-built one.

Since Himiyama-san doesn’t feel any romanticism about a

shining computer, she just wants something simple that can
handle Office and PowerPoint. She doesn’t even need a
graphics card. Being inexperienced, she’s quite relaxed
about market prices, and she’s prepared an exorbitant
budget, so there’s no shortage of options.

That’s fine, but I wondered why Himiyama-san suddenly

wanted to buy a computer, so I asked a straightforward

“Did you suddenly need a computer for something?”

“I thought I shouldn’t remain trapped forever and need to
move forward.”

A kind gaze turned toward me. Even though we couldn’t

achieve our goal during the outing, Himiyama-san, walking
beside me on the way home, seemed somewhat cheerful
and happy.

“I see. I think the same way.”

“Yukito-kun, you really don’t understand much, do you? I

don’t think such casual responses are appropriate.”

“That’s strange. Doesn’t polite language work? Isn’t it

supposed to smooth things over if you just say yes to
everything during conversations with women?!”

“Isn’t that a pretty big prejudice?”

“Expecting social skills from an introverted loner like me is

quite troublesome.”

Especially when the other party is Himiyama-san, who can

be considered a natural enemy. It’s only natural for tension
to rise in such situations.

And hey, I didn’t mention it, but she’s crossing my arms

right now.

Her chest is touching meeeeeeeeeeeeeee!


“Yukito-kun, do you have a girlfriend?”

“My ‘no girlfriend’ streak equals my age. I strongly protest

against this bullying question.”
“Oh, you’re saying that. —– Is it okay if I seriously harass
you then?”

Himiyama-san swiftly moved her body, and in an instant,

the sensation of her arm against mine changed from earlier
to undeniably soft. I could feel the warmth of her skin
through her thin clothes.

“I took it off♪”

“I will get down on my knees with all my heart, so please

forgive me.”

“Of course. You’d want to feel it directly, right?”

“That’s a terrible misinterpretation on par with fabrication!”

My arm was tightly held, and I couldn’t move. During this

time, the sensation continued to transmit directly.

“Don’t worry. This is just a way of saying thank you. You can
consider it a freebie.”

“I believe this is a full count with two outs in the ninth.”

“It would be embarrassing for me too if it’s outside, so how

about once we’re back home?”

“I deeply realize that mutual understanding is just an



Ultimately, humans are foolish creatures who cannot truly

understand each other. My fate was about to be sealed.

As I was desperately trying to find a way out of this

predicament, Himiyama-san’s words, which she probably
didn’t think too much about, lingered in my ears.

“But, Yukito-kun, wouldn’t you be popular with the ladies?”

Those words were casually spoken, without any particular

intention behind them. However, I couldn’t help but be
intrigued, perhaps due to the situation I found myself in.

“It’s not like that at all. And I don’t want to be popular. To

keep thinking about someone who can only choose one
person, someone I can’t even choose, is not rewarding.”


There are people who can casually date multiple individuals,

and it might be true that it’s about having that kind of
capacity. However, I don’t possess such a capacity.

I can’t act innocent like a harem protagonist.

Being unable to feel for someone, I don’t even have the

qualification to be felt for.

Both Hinagi and Shiori probably have wonderful encounters

awaiting them in the future.

Not encounters like the unpleasant ones I have, but rather

fateful ones. There will surely be someone who treasures me
the most. Someone who is blessed by everyone. Unlike me,
they possess that kind of charm.

If a romantic relationship can only be formed when the

vectors of emotions point in the same direction, then I can’t
respond to anyone’s affection. A one-way street that won’t
be fulfilled.

“It’s nothing. Let’s go back.”

Shaking off those thoughts. Will the day come when I can
respond to someone?

Even if I fantasize about such an illusion, it’s meaningless.

“Since that day, you’ve remained strong, unchanged. But

that strength of yours will surely—”

Himiyama-san starts saying something, and her grip on my

arm tightens. Despite it being the height of summer, her
body presses firmly against mine. Even someone caught in
a snowstorm wouldn’t stick this closely, would they?

“Thank you (please step back a bit).”

“Isn’t your true feelings the opposite of what you’re


“I’m an honest person. If you keep up, I’ll truthfully point out
the things you’d rather keep hidden in your mouth.”

“Fufufu. I wouldn’t want to see where Oceanus, the sea god,


It’s clearly difficult to walk like this, but Himiyama-san

doesn’t seem to care.

As we walk through the arcade, Himiyama-san stops in front

of a miscellaneous goods store.

“Would you like to take a look, Yukito-kun?”

“Yes. I don’t have any bags, so it’s fine.”

The shop isn’t particularly spacious, but it’s crammed with

antiques and small items. For someone like me who isn’t
familiar with these things, it’s refreshing.
Needless to say, my room is devoid of any interior
decoration. I miss that overly barren room. Now, my mother
and sister have invaded my room with their belongings.

Take your beauty products back to your own room! Whose

private things are those rubber items placed beside the

“This placemat is lovely. Should I buy it? Yukito, do you want


“I have no sense for these things.”

“That’s surprising. You seem knowledgeable about


“No one like that exists.”

Sadly, I lack even a fragment of aesthetic sense. For the

time being, I believe that black is the answer to everything.

Because I’m an introverted loner! Apparently, saying that

recently sounds like a self-deprecating boast and makes
people uncomfortable. Sorry.

Do I really need clothes other than tracksuits and pajamas?

That’s the feeling I’m starting to have.

“Is there something as a memento… Oh, how about this,

Yukito? Let’s get the matching set of mugs.”

“Well, that’s a bit…”

Himiyama-san holds two mugs with a smile. They come in a

set of two as a pair. If she and I were to use these, it would
be ridiculously unnatural.
I mean, it might be a bit presumptuous, but even the
shopkeeper is looking at us like, “What kind of relationship
are these two in…?” I want to know what kind of relationship
we’re perceived to have. I think it’s probably seen as a
sugar mommy relationship.

“I just moved here, so I haven’t prepared any tableware for

guests or anything. I’ll have to gradually get things together
from now on. First, I need to get your things.”

“No, I don’t think that’s necessary.”

“Eh, you will come, right?”

“Most likely, I can’t just casually visit the apartment of a

woman in her prime…”

“I’m living alone, so it would put me at ease if you come.”

“Didn’t that apartment have pretty tight security?”

“Security for Yukito isn’t active. You want to touch me,



— I succumbed to the pressure of her smile.

After returning from the miscellaneous goods store, I was

invited into Himiyama-san’s house. We completed the order
for the computer and discussed it while putting together the
parts on her smartphone. She seems really unconcerned
about the performance aspect, and the cost ended up being
quite reasonable. She selected a larger monitor for easier
work, and everything should be fine for general tasks.
“If you don’t mind me asking, what kind of work do you plan
to do with the computer?”

Himiyama-san’s body slightly jumps.

“I’m thinking of becoming a tutor for cram schools.”

“I see.”

“That’s why I’m planning to use it for preparing teaching

materials and such. Back then, I could ask the teachers
around me various things, but now I have to do it all

“How wide a range of subjects are you planning to teach?”

“Probably elementary school students. I really love kids… I

want to give it another try, just once.”

“Teaching with you as the instructor would surely be


“You think so…?”

She wears a smile, but there’s an underlying sense of

uncertainty. An unexpected reaction. As if searching for
something, probing, or perhaps seeking permission,
Himiyama-san poses a question, looking for an answer.

“—Do you think I’m qualified to teach someone? Yukito-


Am I in a position to answer that question? I don’t quite

understand why she’s asking something like that. However,
her gaze is earnest, and if I were to answer that I don’t have
the qualification, it felt like it might have a significant
impact on whatever decision Himiyama-san is

“Yes, I believe so. I’m sure. Himiyama-san seems like

someone who would teach kindly.”

“I-I’m sorry! I’ve shown you such an embarrassing side of


Tears overflow from her eyes. She hastily wipes them away
with a handkerchief.

Was this decision really that important to Himiyama-san?

She’s generous and has a sense of understanding. She

might be a reassuring instructor for elementary school

Even though she mentioned it’s only about twice a week for
the cram school tutoring, seeing her tears makes me feel
that it’s a significant choice for her.

“With you as the instructor, things will go smoothly.”

“Thank you.”


She hugs me tightly. I can directly feel her softness against


Could this immense serenity enveloping me possibly be

real?! Wait, aren’t we still not sitting properly?

Why is she hugging me like this?! My everyday life is just an

ongoing series of free hugs.
“There won’t be any immediate consequences. There won’t
be any immediate consequences.”

I desperately hold back the impending breakdown of my

sanity. If I let it go, it’s all over.

After this, I was held in her arms for a full ten minutes. I
have attained enlightenment. I am the enlightened one, The
founder is Yukito Kokonoe.

“Are you leaving already? I wanted to properly express my


“If it’s expressed properly, I might end up drained.”

“Ara ara? What did you expect to happen?”

“If I say it out loud, I might get banned by the


“I don’t really understand, but you can say it to me. Is that


“Hiiii! I hope the management didn’t see that!”

All I could do was pray. I felt powerless.

“Thank you so much for today. My heart feels a little


“I’m glad to hear that. But, I always wonder, is your likability

meter broken?”

“No matter what you say, my likability towards you just

keeps increasing.”

“That’s a bug. You need to patch it.”

For some reason, Himiyama-san’s likability towards me is
high. We’ve only just met, but she seems to really like me.
Honestly, if you go by the frequency of the messages she
sends me on my phone, Himiyama-san is surpassing the
levels of the refreshing handsome guy. It’s like a full-on
dating app.

“Then, please call me when the computer arrives. I can set

it up.”

“I’ll be counting on you for that. Oh, but feel free to come
over anytime, regardless.”

“No, I can’t.”

“I wonder how long you can resist me. Fufufufu.”

“This is bad, this is bad.”

This is not good. Trembling like a frog being stared down by

a snake, I’m suddenly saved by Himiyama-san’s phone
ringing. Opportunity strikes!

“Well, I’ll head home then.”

“Ah, Yukito-kun. Sorry about that. Well, see you next time.”


This is my chance to escape. I can’t let this opportunity slip

away! As I put on my shoes by the entrance, she sees me
off. I wave my hand and leave her place. Just as I’m about to
exit, I notice that Himiyama-san is answering a phone call.

“—Hello? Who might this be?”

I wonder if it’s someone she doesn’t know. I can’t eavesdrop

on the conversation.
As I’m about to leave, I notice a change in her tone of voice.

“—Wait, Mikiya-san?”

I think I heard something like that. Come to think of it,

Himiyama-san mentioned that name once before…

Unable to recall anything further, I just left the scene as it


“Ah, I’m sorry, I made a mistake.”

Feeling the awkwardness of opening the wrong door, I

quickly correct myself.

My bad, my bad, I just made a mistake. I close the door and

double-check, and there’s no doubt that it’s my room.

Rub, rub. I rub my eyes. Was I mistaken…? Sweat is flowing

down like a waterfall. It’s like a self-detox. I gently open the
door just a few centimeters and peek into the room.

“Come in quickly.”

Nonchalantly, Yuri-san, dressed in sexy lingerie, beckons

me. I wasn’t mistaken.

The item chosen by the imaginary me has excellent taste. …

Was that really me?

As my sense of self starts to crumble due to the existence of

Doppel Yukito, Yuri-san remains completely unfazed.

“What brings you here?”

“I’m really angry. Do you know why?”


My gaze catches something Yuri-san is holding, and her

expression twists.

Could that be the sketchbook I used for that incident!?

Come to think of it, I transferred the images to a USB drive

and securely sealed them, but I left the sketchbook
untouched. Such carelessness, such recklessness! What a
monumental blunder!
Covering your head but exposing your rear. Panicking at the
discovery of the mistake of hiding the USB drive but
forgetting to hide the sketchbook.

Wait a moment? It’s just drawings in a sketchbook after all,

mere products of imagination.

There’s no evidence whatsoever. It should be possible to

somehow bluff my way out of this.

“This, it’s that girl, right? What’s going on? Explain in thirty
words or less.”

“Um, well, the youthful libido exploded, so if you could

please understand the situation here—”

“Thirty-one words. Sorry, you failed.”

“Please forgive me! Please, anything, just spare me!? I’ll do



Begging for my life, I end up blurting out something

unnecessary. Yuri-san reacts with a twitch.

Why do the Kokonoe family members display such an

unusual fixation on the concept of “anything”?

“—I’m looking forward to the summer vacation. Anything,

you know. …Well then, shall we begin?”

The cost of a careless remark is great. I’m struck by a

sudden feeling of emptiness.

Yuri-san wraps her arms around me from behind and

whispers in a tantalizing ASMR-like voice in my ear.
“Now, please listen. Younger Brother Exclusive ASMR Track 3
‘Mount Kachikachi.’ Once upon a time, in a certain place, a
big sister said to her beloved younger brother, ‘My, what’s
gotten bigger here? It’s like a mountain under your clothes.
And it’s not hot and rigid like before.'”

“Apologize to the tanuki!”

I almost involuntarily spew ectoplasm from my mouth due

to the explicit content.

“What are you saying? This is just the tip of the iceberg. The
really intense stuff comes next.”

“I’m already past my limit, but what will happen in Track


Out of curiosity, I ask. It’s a bad habit of mine. Why do I end

up asking things like that?

“I guess I can tell you a little. I’ll give you a special preview.
My first time—”


“What’s wrong all of a sudden?”

“I just had a sudden urge to imitate the call of the Okinawa


“Was that really what the call sounded like? Well, never
mind. Saying it’s the first time doesn’t matter anyway; you’ll
end up turning me into your girl sooner or later, right?
Maybe I should confirm it now? My virgini—”

“I’m gonna knock that shameless student council president

That person is nothing but a bad influence. What was Yuri-
san saying, who’s completely innocent and pure!

You damn lecherous student council president! Take this!!

“Nee-san, let’s recall her together in the second semester.

How about overthrowing the Kedou administration!”

“You finally made up your mind. I’ve been waiting for those
words. As a thank you, I’ll give you my life.”

“Too much leverageeeeeeeeee!”

The reward return wasn’t balanced at all. Don’t throw

around your life so casually!

“When you’re ready, just let me know.”

“I’ll pass.”

“Let’s start with ‘Se’ and end with ‘us’.”

“Serenuntius, why…”

“Not that. Erosu.”

“That’s not right, either.”

You damn Melos!

“Blushing like that, you’re cute. Well, shall we sleep?”

Although it might seem like we’re living a relaxed life due to

summer vacation, we do radio calisthenics and even grow
morning glories. Both Yuri-san and I are leading
unexpectedly healthy lifestyles with early bedtimes and
early wake-ups.
So, all that’s left is to sleep, but the moments before going
to bed are the most dangerous in my house.

In bed, battling between drowsiness and the excitement


“Why are you facing the other way? You said you’d do
anything, right? Then face this way. You’ll get lonely, you
know. You picked out this underwear. What do you think?”

“Isn’t it too sexy?”

“You’re in your growth period.”

I wish my growth period would stop right about now.

“By the way, Nee-san. Are you curious about armpits?”

“Not particularly, but do you want to see? You can do

whatever you want.”

Without any hesitation, she shows me. I just said it on a

whim, but yeah, that’s it, this reaction is normal. Seriously,
Hinagi and Sanjoji-Sensei’s overreactions were just that.

“Maybe my common sense is seriously messed up.”

“…………………………………There’s nothing wrong with your

common sense.”

“What’s with that mysterious silence!?”

“Whether your patience will give in or I will win. Let’s make

a bet during summer vacation.”

“…Both options sound bad.”

While becoming increasingly suspicious, I find myself
completely captivated by Yuri-san’s beautiful smile. Without
realizing it, my consciousness drifts away, and within the
embrace of dozing, I fall into a deep darkness. Suyaa

“What do you think, Yukito?”

With a nervous expression, Hinagi-chan asks. Whether it’s to

boost our spirits or to ease into it first, Hinagi-chan is
wearing a beret. …She’s a manga artist, right?

The two of us are the top readers in the class, and we’ve
embarked on creating a web novel during the summer break
under the supervision of Natsume. Currently, Hinagi and I
are in a strategic meeting at a family restaurant.

Hinagi-chan is the one writing the novel, and I’m here to

support her.

“The content is interesting, but it might be tough as it is.”

“Eh…? Why? What’s wrong with it?”

I read through the manuscript that Hinagi-chan wrote. I

won’t deny the culmination of Hinagi’s hard work.

In fact, precisely because it’s the fruit of her effort, I want as

many people as possible to read it. I felt so genuinely, as it
had turned out to be quite an interesting content. Her
drawing style was original, but it seems that Hinagi also has
a talent for writing. It was an unexpected discovery.

“According to Natsume, in the world of web novels, readers

drop off in the order of Title → Summary → Main Text. In
other words, there’s a hurdle to overcome before they start

“That makes sense. If it doesn’t seem interesting, people

won’t even bother starting to read it in the first place.”

“Exactly. Keeping that in mind, take a look at this.”

We check the draft of the novel together.

“Ah, I see! The lines are too cramped. If it stays like this, the
readability will suffer.”

There’s a difference in formatting between vertically written

novels and horizontally written web novels. When the text is
all clumped together, it creates a significant visual burden
on the screen and reduces readability.

Paying attention to these kinds of details falls under the

realm of usability.

“Let’s start by adding proper line breaks. If it stays like this,

people might end up hitting the back button on their

“Yeah! Ehehe. Working together like this is fun.”

“Having a goal gives us some competition, right?”

“Yeah, that’s true, but it’s not just that! Still, thanks as

Hinagi-chan is in high spirits. She continues working while

eating a parfait.

“The title… This one’s perfect. The summary is well-written

too. The content is interesting, and we’ll write a bit more to
build up the length. Is that okay?”
“I have so many things I want to write about. But it’s
strange, you know? At first, I thought it was impossible, but
now I can’t wait to continue writing.”

It seems that Hinagi is feeling a sense of accomplishment as

well. By the way, the novel that Hinagi-chan is writing is a
romantic comedy.

It’s a heartwarming romantic comedy about a girl who

accidentally hurts a childhood friend through an unintended
action, accumulates regrets, realizes what truly matters to
her, and repairs their strained relationship. The catchphrase
is ‘A romantic comedy that won’t be too late.’

Hinagi’s delicate scenes and heart-wrenching regrets weave

the story with incredible momentum.

“The progress is good, so let’s start the serialization in three

days. On the first day, we’ll update with five episodes, and
for the first week, we’ll update twice a day, in the morning
and afternoon. After that, we’ll update daily until the end of
the first part, to gauge the readers’ reactions.”

“Finally! It’s getting exciting. I wonder if anyone will read


“Don’t worry. It’s so interesting that you should have

confidence. Oh, by the way, if it becomes PV1, that’ll be

“The first reader, huh? Should I give you an autograph? Just


“That’s what I thought, so I brought a colored paper.”

“Really! Don’t embarrass me like that!”

Saying so, Hinagi-chan wrote on the colored paper while
grinning. She carefully put the colored paper with the words
‘To My Beloved Childhood Friend’ into her bag. Mufufu.
Yukito-kun, you’re making me blush.

“I might get upset if I see negative comments in the

feedback. Even in the works I read, I occasionally come
across those kinds of comments. Those kinds of things can
really break your spirit.”

“Let’s secretly collect them and then submit a disclosure

request later.”

Submit as many disclosure requests as you can. The era of

major disclosure requests is coming.

“Like you, not everyone has a strong mental state, you


“Well, lately, I’ve been losing one battle after another and
becoming mentally weaker. I get completely battered by my
mom and sister every day. Just yesterday, when I was out
and couldn’t hold it in anymore, I ran home, but my mom
was in the bathroom already. She made me wait and then
let me use it. Isn’t that terrible? Am I still a baby? I’m a high
schooler who’s already weaned, you know.”

“But you’re the one who isn’t using the right hand rule the
most! What was that smug explanation about? Don’t hold it
in, just go to the bathroom already. And what was Ouka-san

Well, it’s the usual thing. There’s no point in worrying about


As we finish the parfait and the leisurely time with Hinagi-

chan passes by.
“I hope people will read it.”

“Thank you. Thank you for coming along. If Yukito hadn’t

suggested it, I would have never known about this world.”

“Even for me, it’s my first time.”

“That’s exactly why. Don’t be afraid to step into something

new. Don’t shy away from any struggles or efforts. You’re
cool, Yukito . Just being with you is always fun.”

“Is that so?”

“Yeah! That’s why, I love you.”

An incredibly dazzling smile. Pure and beautiful, without a

trace of cloudiness.

My childhood friend, who discarded her tsundere side, is a

formidable opponent. Impregnable. It doesn’t seem like I
can win against her.

I have to find an answer. The ball is always in my court.

The following week, Hinagi-chan contacted me with an

urgent tone.

“What should we do, Yukito? Hey, what should we do!?”

Hinagi-chan’s romantic comedy novel’s PV had been

steadily increasing since its release.

Every day, we nervously watched the PV count, fluctuated

between joy and worry reading feedback, and if things
continued like this, it might become a significant source of
income. We were having that kind of conversation, but what
Continuing from last week, I met Hinagi-chan at the family
restaurant to hear her out.

“…I got an offer.”


Don’t I look like my sister now? Doesn’t it look like?

While thinking about that, I was too flustered to

comprehend the words, so I asked again.

“Sorry, I missed that. Could you say it in Greek?”

“Με πήραν τηλέφωνο απó την εταιρε” [TL: “I got a call from
a company”]

“Hinagin, amazing!”

I was utterly surprised, my eyes widened. I couldn’t decide

which was more surprising: her pronunciation or the fact

I had no idea how she managed to pronounce it like that.

And “offer”? Wait, is this actually happening?

“I don’t have time to fool around! What should we do,


Hinagi leaned forward with an excited yet slightly anxious


“What to do…? First, have you talked to your parents about


“No, not yet. I haven’t told them about writing the novel. I
felt a bit embarrassed to bring it up, and I thought it might
be better to wait until I have some results. And I haven’t
told Hiori either.”

If it was just a hobby, it wouldn’t be a problem, but when it

comes to publishing, her parents’ support becomes

It had become more than just about incentive income. Now,

what should we do…

As I was grumbling about the recent tacky design of

Tyrannosaurus Rex in a game, an idea suddenly struck me.

Wait a second? Do we really need to be so uncertain? I shot

an intense look at Hinagin.

If, hypothetically, this novel got published, Hinagi-chan

would be an active high school girl writer.

That alone would generate buzz. It would be a perfect

promotional tagline. While she might be reluctant to show
her face publicly, this is a significant opportunity for Hinagi-
chan to leap forward.

Her work would be rightfully acknowledged, catching

someone’s attention, and moving the emotions of readers.

She should stand proudly, without hesitation. She’s a C-cup.

“Hinagin, go for the offer! This is the future you’ve


“Is it okay? After all, not only me but also Yukito helped me
so much…”

“Be honest and happy. It’s the result of your efforts.

Congratulations, Hinagin.”
“…Uweeeeen… Yukito…!”

Hinagi-chan’s tears flowed as she clung to me. I patted her

back gently.

It’s still hard to believe that things turned out this way.

But if you say that, there’s no precedent for expecting

things to turn out this way, so it might be more accurate to
say that it’s abnormal for things to turn out this way. The
Gestalt was collapsing.

About a year later, after numerous revisions, Hinagi-chan’s

romantic comedy novel was finally released. On the book
cover, the words “Even that Bunny Man approves” were
written, but that’s another story.

[Mother PoV]

(Once you get used to remote work, coming to the office like
this feels so tiresome…)

Even though we have a flextime system in place, for tasks

like this, working from home is just as feasible. Thinking that
way might be falling into a sweet trap, after all.

Feeling this reluctant to even occasionally show up here

might be due to the fact that my home environment is so
comfortable. There’s no use lamenting, but it’s undeniable
that there’s an irresistible charm to staying at home.
Even the chair, in the workplace, it’s a plain office chair, but
thanks to an unexpected bonus, my son gifted me an
expensive chair. Just sitting on it fills me with motivation.
Moreover, it gives me a sensation as if my son is hugging
me from behind, making my heart race.

Just having him nearby makes me feel gentle and

comforted. He’s truly the ideal man for me.

Lately, my son’s cuteness has been exceeding all limits. If

Yukito were a host, I’d probably be lavishing gifts and end
up bankrupt. But even then, I wouldn’t have any regrets.

I like my job, but once I step outside, I have to put on proper

makeup. It’s a natural part of being a professional, but it’s
still a hassle.

While inwardly sighing discreetly, I continue to tackle my

work. There’s a lot to do once I’m in the office, like
reviewing documents and having meetings.

Switching my mindset, I focus on my tasks. As I skim

through some documents, I also address my subordinate.

“Hiiragi, how about taking on the role of mentoring the

intern? She is a very promising young woman.”

“Me? But that’s quite unusual. I never thought the head of

department would suggest something like that.”

“She is someone I have a connection with. If she joins the

company, she’ll be placed under your guidance.”

I entrust the intern who will be under my department to my

subordinate, Hiiragi. She seems to be someone who helped
rescue my son from false accusations. It’s reassuring to
know her character beyond what’s shown on her resume.
Hiiragi is also reaching the point where she’ll have
subordinates. It’ll contribute to her growth as well. If she can
handle responsibilities along with me after I’ve established
my own business, it would be a relief.

Communicating with colleagues is also an integral part of

work. Even casual small talk during break times can
unexpectedly be useful. These advantages might be unique
to the corporate environment.

The work itself is very fulfilling and enjoyable. Especially

lately, it’s been quite rewarding.

However, there are people I’m not particularly fond of.

“Do you want to go out for a meal together sometime?”

A colleague who’s about to leave the office calls out to me.

I’m fed up before even confirming who it is.

Today alone, it’s the third invitation. I’ve been declining

them all just to get home sooner, but looking back, it’s from
someone in another department who has been approaching
me every time I come to the office.

“I’m sorry. My kids are on summer vacation, so I need to be

home. I have to make dinner for them.”

Despite being divorced, I’m still a mother of two. I wonder

why he doesn’t invite younger single colleagues instead of
me. Poisonous thoughts brew, but he continues without
paying attention to my feelings.

“If I recall correctly, your kids are in high school, right? If

they’re around that age, you could let them take care of
themselves a bit more without interfering too much. They
can handle things like meals by themselves, you know.”
“I’ve already told them I’ll be home today.”

“That’s fine. We’ve had the chance to meet, so how about

it? I know a great Italian restaurant. Sometimes it’s good to
forget about the kids and have some adult time…”

“Please refrain from giving unsolicited advice. Goodbye.”

“Uh, oh, sorry! Well, maybe next time then.”

“I doubt there will be a next time.”

I struggle to suppress the urge to yell in anger. It was

incredibly unpleasant. To shake off the bad mood, my pace
quickens naturally as I head home.

What does he know about my family? Forget about the kids?

Don’t make me laugh.

My children are the most important thing to me. How dare

outsiders, who know nothing, suggest such things.
Frustration builds.

I’ll go home and let my son soothe me. Lately, our

conversations have been increasing bit by bit. Just that
alone brings immense happiness and fulfillment to my days.
My son is my reason to keep going.

After a quick shopping trip, as I head back home, I spot my

son at the entrance of the apartment building.

He’s wearing a tracksuit. He must have returned from

jogging. I’m not sure why, but lately my heart races
strangely. It never used to be like this.

Whether it’s because I’ve changed my perspective or

because my son has been approaching me more, I can’t say
which is correct, but it’s probably a combination of both.

I start walking towards my son with light steps, but I notice

he’s talking to a man.

However, when I realize who that man is, I froze.

“Why… How could this be? Could it be, that man…?”

[Yukito PoV]

It’s summer, and even though it’s well past evening, the air
is still humid.

After finishing my daily run and returning home, I notice an

unfamiliar black luxury car parked at the entrance of the
apartment building. A man with a sharp gaze slowly
emerges from the car.

“I apologize. Do you happen to know a woman named Ouka

Kokonoe who lives in this apartment building?”

“Are you a suspicious person?”

He’s definitely suspicious, but just to be sure, I confirm his


“Ridiculous. Even if I am suspicious, no one would be dumb

enough to say ‘yes’ like that.”

“So, you are a suspicious person then.”

“Tch. I’m an acquaintance of Ouka Kokonoe.”

“Heh. And who might you be?”

“When asking someone’s name, you should introduce
yourself first, didn’t you learn that?”

I quickly entered the apartment as it was.


A sharp-eyed man rushes to stop me. What a hassle, …….

“What is it?”

“Normally, you should introduce yourself first there!”

“I wasn’t really interested.”

“What an infuriating kid.”

“I get that a lot.”

“I can imagine. I bet that one would be good for a drink.”

“Uwaa, so you actually make appointments for drinking?

That’s annoying, you know.”

“Aren’t you being a bit too hostile right from the start?”

“Lately, I’ve been threatened by people I meet suddenly, so

I’m being cautious.”

“That’s something you should report to the police…”

I scrutinize the man. He has a confident appearance with

slicked-back hair and square-framed silver glasses that give
him a cooler vibe.

Even if he’s my mom’s acquaintance, I need to understand

what kind of acquaintance he is. If he’s the type to barge
into someone’s home, then I need to be careful. On the
other hand, if he’s a close acquaintance, it’s unlikely he
wouldn’t know where we live.

Ultimately, it seems he lacks trust and warrants caution.

“Ouka Kokonoe is my mother. What business do you have

with her?”

If it’s something I can’t discuss with him here, I don’t need

to entertain him. As a precaution, I discreetly press the
recording button on my phone. I’ll check with my mother

“…You’re the one? You’re Yukito Kokonoe, right? Well, that

saves me some effort. By the way, what kind of education
did Ouka give you? Anyway, never mind. You seem to be
quite useful. Come with me.”


What’s this guy talking about? I might not have many

acquaintances, being a loner and all, but I’ve never met
someone like this guy, especially around my age.

After acting all odd earlier, he’s now approaching me like

we’re old friends. It’s creepy.

He suddenly says something unexpected.

“I am Touren Shyugi. I used to be… No, I am


[“Hello, is this the police? Yes, I’m in a situation where I’m

about to be abducted by a suspicious person with a
cringeworthy glittery name who suddenly claims to be my
father. Yes, that’s right. The characteristics are slicked-back
hair, and the license plate of the car is――]



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