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Asked a case of chest pain

#without ecg changes do you give aspirin
#when transferring what are you doing (monitoring and all)

A case ofb10y boy with cough 1month

Stressed on asthma History
He is not happy with ipratropium 0.5mg dose but I just said it

3rd case is vaginal discharge

History exclude pregnancy
U hcg found out pregnant

Can't give fluconazole in pregnancy what dou do

Then ask about diabetes what are the history asking they want polyurea polydipsia

They want birth history immunisation history

And found out high fever
Are you going to give antibiotics and discharge

No as baby is sleepy check blood sugar found out hypoglycaemia so manage sepsis with
Mainly should hv to transfer

I'm done. They asked about a 25 yr old male 7days only fever. Normal examination and
investigations. Why you not did malarial parasites...
Last one 7yr child with 1day fever and ex blister rash on head tongue wbc 12 high CRP
What is the diagnosis???😥😥😥😥😥

(1).10y boy generalized abd pain,Vomitting ,mild fever since yesterday with moderate

@Ask Hx from the pt/mother?

@ Examination findings?
@How to manage the child?
@Fluid management for moderate dehydration ?
(DKA probably)

2.60y female came with dyspnea since yesterday night ,PHx of MI 1month back .
@Take the Hx?
@Examination findings ?
@DDs?(Pulmonary oedema/pul.embo)
@If spo2 80% what is your management ?
@Drugs in Mx of pulmonary oedema ?
Lasix dose?
GTN dose?
Pain Mx?

3.34y female with POA 35weeks complains of Headache .

@Take Hx
@DDs ?
@Grading of Pre eclampsia?
@if BP 170/110 what is her management ?
@MgSO4 giving or not in theGP level?

1st case

9month old child brought by his mother with a history of fever with abnormal movements in
Take the history from mother
On hx only positive finding is flu like symptoms and fever
While taking hx child got another seizure lasted for 5mins - - mx
Saturation 85% what to do?
Most probable diagnosis and further mx

2nd case
75yr old patient presented with 2day hx of confusion. Take the hx
What are the differential diagnosis

3rd case
Child with severe croup steps of mx
If not improving with dexamethasone and budesonide, nxt step of mx.
What will do if child is not improving??

20/03/2023 (Dr Mihirani)

Ex :Can you tell us a brief introduction about you
Me : Name, Faculty, Experience(Mx out patients ,clinic patients and emergency cases)work
as GP.
Ex : Good

1 st case
Ex : 30 year old known Epileptic pt on Na valproate came with Tonic clonic seizure for 5
minutes duration.He is fitting infront of you.
How are U going to approach
Me : Acute bed, Left lateral position, secretion suck out, high flow oxygen , assess breathing
( RR... etc ) , cardiac monitor , spo2 , Assess circulation (peripherals, CRFT,PR,BP.... etc)
Ex : ok then
Me : IV canula, cbs , iv diazepam 10 mg and assess in 5 min
Ex : ok pt still fitting
Me : repeat diazepam 10mg , assed conscious level , pupils , temperature .. Then inform vp
with FULL HISTORY UPTO NOW and will transfer to nearest secondary hospital.will
accompany .
Ex : after 2 nd dose fit stopped , what r U going to do ?
Me :take history for compliance
Ex : 1 week didnt get drugs
Me : so it could be the reason , if gcs good , no post ictal drowsiness and the patient
haemodynamically stable i will discharge
Ex : ( why )
Me : compliance not good , so ..
Ex : ok ok

(( (( hear the answer could be ‘transfer’, as fitting > 5min which need diazepam)))))

2 nd case

Ex : 53 yr old lady with DM HT on medication and poor control came with difficult in
breathing , chest pain and sweating ,
How U going to approach
Take brief history,
Chest pain— towards MI
Ex : I will tell U more
3 months history, DOB when climbing stares, jumping from bed at night, weight loss 2 kg ,
chest pain only now,
Me : ok , acute bed, prop up , oxygen, asses breathing
Ex : Tachycardia and gallop rythem
Me : ok I want auscultation findings
Ex : Bibasal coarse crepitations
Me : probably congestive cardiac failure,
IV canula ,IV frusemide 20mg, IV morphine 3mg , IV metochlo. 10mg. How is the BP ?
Ex :140/90 mmHg
Me : give S/L GTN 300mic. Then ECG , CBS . Gcs, pupils, inform vp With FULL HISTORY.
and transfer.
Ex : transfer how.?
Me : by ambulance, accompanied

3 rd case

Pt 4 yrs came with mother ,3 days diarrhoea

How to approach.
Me : history, frequency, content, fever, vomiting....
Ex : vomiting 6 times last 4 hours, and fever
Me : uop ?
Ex : reduced
Me : travel hx and outside food consumption ?
Ex : yes.outside gathering.
Me : I will examine, pt ill looking??
Ex : what are things u are looking for
Me : signs of dehydration like
Shrunken eyes ,dry mouth, tears, skin turgor, lethargy , irritable? Asses circulation ( PR , peri
- cold/warm, crft,..... )
Ex : let’s assume mild to mod dehydration, how r u mx
Me : continue oral, ORS 75ml / kg / 4 hours . if can’t take oral due to vomiting give IV fluid.
Ex : pt 20 kg , volume?
Me : maintenance 1.5 L ,will give twice maintenance
Then check CBS, GCS ,pupils, Fever,
Inform paediatrician full history, tranfer , accompanied
Ex : what’s the probable cause
Me : out side food consumption
Ex : ok

4 th case

Ex :19 yrs old generalized itchy rash and SOB 15 minutes,

how approach
Me : take brief history, secure airway, assess breathing ( RR .... spo2) , Circulation (PR ,
crft... bp ) IV canula,
Ex : BP140/90 mmHg, spo2 76% PR 140 bpm
Me : pt having anaphylactic shock, IM adrenaline 1:1000 0.5ml antero lateral aspect of the
middle third of the thigh , IV hydrocortisone 200mg, IV chlorpheneramine 10mg.
check CBS GCS pupils temp.
Inform to nearest vp with full history and reassess in 5min.

Ex : while u informing, nurse shout pt not respond,

What r u do

Me : look,listen and feel for breathing and palpate for carotid pulse for circulation
Ex : no pulse
Me : pt is in cardiopul. arrest , call for help, start chest compressions (120/min,5-6cm
depth,with adequate time for recoiling ) ask my colleague to open airway and LMA,give
rescue breaths.30:2 ratio. continues CPR , connects to defribilator, rhythm ??
Ex : it shows straight line.
Me : asystole, IV adrenaline with dose, continues cpr 2 mins reassess the rhythm
Ex : 2nd cycle asystole, nurse asked to give something
Me : give adrenaline same dose in every other cycle
Ex : nurse asked to give shock
Me : I will not give shock as this is a non shockable rhythm
Ex : any thing to give more— nurse asking
Me : look for 4 H and 4 T .. ( atropine ???)
Ex : ok thank you
Me : Thank you

Urethral discharge
Diabetes management
Fever ear pain..otitis media
Lisinopril atrovastatin safe in pregnancy or not what are alternative drugs
Dose of paracetamol amoxil

Todays Viva qst

Tonsillitis mx and dose of antibiotics

Mx of Hypoglycemia in DM pt

Sub clinical hypothhyroid mx and treatment

dose od metformin in CKD

and How to start Insulin

Pain epigastrium
H pylori eradication therapy
Pre diabese
Diabetes diagnostic criteria
Metformin indications

Asked a case of chest pain

#without ecg changes do you give aspirin
#when transferring what are you doing (monitoring and all)

A case ofb10y boy with cough 1month

Stressed on asthma History
He is not happy with ipratropium 0.5mg dose but I just said it

3rd case is vaginal discharge

History exclud pregnancy
U hcg found out pregnant
Candidiasis management

Can't give fluconazole in pregnancy wht dou do

Then ask about diabetes what are the history asking they want polyurea polydipsia

They want birth history immunization history

And found out high fever
Are you going to give antibiotics and discharge

No as baby is sleepy check blood sugar found out hypoglycaemia so manage sepsis with
Mainly should hv to transfer

Im done. They asked about 25 yr old male 7days only fever. Normal examination and
investigations. Why you not did malarial parasites...
Last one 7yr child with 1day fever and ex blister rash on head tongue wbc 12 high CRP
What is the diagnosis???😥😥😥😥😥

(1).10y boy generalized abd pain,Vomitting ,mild fever since yesterday with moderate

@Ask Hx from the pt/mother?

@ Examination findings?
@How to manage the child?
@Fluid management for moderate dehydration ?
(DKA probably)

2.60y female came with dyspnea since yesterday night ,PHx of MI 1month back .
@Take the Hx?
@Examination findings ?
@DDs?(Pulmonary oedema/pul.embo)
@If spo2 80% what is your management ?
@Drugs in Mx of pulmonary oedema ?
Lasix dose?
GTN dose?
Pain Mx?

3.34y female with POA 35weeks complains of Headache .

@Take Hx
@DDs ?
@Grading of Pre eclampsia?
@if BP 170/110 what is her management ?
@MgSO4 giving or not in theGP level?

1st case
9month old child brought by his mother with a history of fever with abnormal movements in
Take the history from mother
On hx only positive finding is flu like symptoms and fever
While taking hx child got another seizure lasted for 5mins - - mx
Saturation 85% what to do?
Most probable diagnosis and further mx

2nd case
75yr old patient presented with 2day hx of confusion. Take the hx
What are the differential diagnosis

3rd case
Child with severe croup steps of mx
If not improving with dexamethasone and budesonide, nxt step of mx.
What will do if child is not improving??

20/03/2023 (Dr Mihirani)

Ex :Can you tell us a brief introduction about you
Me : Name, Faculty, Experience(Mx out patients ,clinic patients and emergency cases)work
as GP.
Ex : Good

1 st case
Ex : 30 year old known Epileptic pt on Na valproate came with Tonic clonic seizure for 5
minutes duration.He is fitting infront of you.
How are U going to approach
Me : Acute bed, Left lateral position, secretion suck out, high flow oxygen , assess breathing
( RR... etc ) , cardiac monitor , spo2 , Assess circulation (peripherals, CRFT,PR,BP.... etc)
Ex : ok then
Me : IV canula, cbs , iv diazepam 10 mg and assess in 5 min
Ex : ok pt still fitting
Me : repeat diazepam 10mg , assed conscious level , pupils , temperature .. Then inform vp
with FULL HISTORY UPTO NOW and will transfer to nearest secondary hospital.will
accompany .
Ex : after 2 nd dose fit stopped , what r U going to do ?
Me :take history for compliance
Ex : 1 week didnt get drugs
Me : so it could be the reason , if gcs good , no post ictal drowsiness and the patient
haemodynamically stable i will discharge
Ex : ( why )
Me : compliance not good , so ..
Ex : ok ok

(( (( hear the answer could be ‘transfer’, as fitting > 5min which need diazepam)))))
2 nd case

Ex : 53 yr old lady with DM HT on medication and poor control came with difficult in
breathing , chest pain and sweating ,
How U going to approach
Take brief history,
Chest pain— towards MI
Ex : I will tell U more
3 months history, DOB when climbing stares, jumping from bed at night, weight loss 2 kg ,
chest pain only now,
Me : ok , acute bed, prop up , oxygen, asses breathing
Ex : Tachycardia and gallop rythem
Me : ok I want auscultation findings
Ex : Bibasal coarse crepitations
Me : probably congestive cardiac failure,
IV canula ,IV frusemide 20mg, IV morphine 3mg , IV metochlo. 10mg. How is the BP ?
Ex :140/90 mmHg
Me : give S/L GTN 300mic. Then ECG , CBS . Gcs, pupils, inform vp With FULL HISTORY.
and transfer.
Ex : transfer how.?
Me : by ambulance, accompanied

3 rd case

Pt 4 yrs came with mother ,3 days diarrhoea

How to approach.
Me : history, frequency, content, fever, vomiting....
Ex : vomiting 6 times last 4 hours, and fever
Me : uop ?
Ex : reduced
Me : travel hx and outside food consumption ?
Ex : yes.outside gathering.
Me : I will examine, pt ill looking??
Ex : what are things u are looking for
Me : signs of dehydration like
Shrunken eyes ,dry mouth, tears, skin turgor, lethargy , irritable? Asses circulation ( PR , peri
- cold/warm, crft,..... )
Ex : let’s assume mild to mod dehydration, how r u mx
Me : continue oral, ORS 75ml / kg / 4 hours . if can’t take oral due to vomiting give IV fluid.
Ex : pt 20 kg , volume?
Me : maintenance 1.5 L ,will give twice maintenance
Then check CBS, GCS ,pupils, Fever,
Inform paediatrician full history, tranfer , accompanied
Ex : what’s the probable cause
Me : out side food consumption
Ex : ok
4 th case

Ex :19 yrs old generalized itchy rash and SOB 15 minutes,

how approach
Me : take brief history, secure airway, assess breathing ( RR .... spo2) , Circulation (PR ,
crft... bp ) IV canula,
Ex : BP140/90 mmHg, spo2 76% PR 140 bpm
Me : pt having anaphylactic shock, IM adrenaline 1:1000 0.5ml antero lateral aspect of the
middle third of the thigh , IV hydrocortisone 200mg, IV chlorpheneramine 10mg.
check CBS GCS pupils temp.
Inform to nearest vp with full history and reassess in 5min.

Ex : while u informing, nurse shout pt not respond,

What r u do

Me : look,listen and feel for breathing and palpate for carotid pulse for circulation
Ex : no pulse
Me : pt is in cardiopul. arrest , call for help, start chest compressions (120/min,5-6cm
depth,with adequate time for recoiling ) ask my colleague to open airway and LMA,give
rescue breaths.30:2 ratio. continues CPR , connects to defribilator, rhythm ??
Ex : it shows straight line.
Me : asystole, IV adrenaline with dose, continues cpr 2 mins reassess the rhythm
Ex : 2nd cycle asystole, nurse asked to give something
Me : give adrenaline same dose in every other cycle
Ex : nurse asked to give shock
Me : I will not give shock as this is a non shockable rhythm
Ex : any thing to give more— nurse asking
Me : look for 4 H and 4 T .. ( atropine ???)
Ex : ok thank you
Me : Thank you

Urethral discharge
Diabetes management
Fever ear pain..otitis media
Lisinopril atrovastatin safe in pregnancy or not what are alternative drugs
Dose of paracetamol amoxil

Todays Viva qst

Tonsillitis mx and dose of antibiotics
Mx of Hypoglycemia in DM pt

Sub clinical hypothhyroid mx and treatment

dose od metformin in CKD

and How to start Insulin

Pain epigastrium
H pylori eradication therapy
Pre diabese
Diabetes diagnostic criteria
Metformin indications

(1)12year boy with abdominal pain and fever

(2)old man with ashthma taking inhaler how will you check his compliance and
effectiveness. And mangement.
(3)patient have in left leg .(mention nothing else ) then asked DVT at the end of this
(4)chest pain _on ecg inferior wall mi
(5)21year female with generalised body rash
What will you do.take hx examination and management
(6) a female patient taking medicine for hyperthyroidism with palpitations hr 200 now how
will you manage her _on this patient ecg narraow complex tachycardia.

HTN mx
Red eye

Case of central crushing chest pain and drug induced gout

They showed ECG to diagnose and asked management with dosage at polyclinic level

They ask 2 questions

1 st one on Asthma , known pt with Asthma came with Moderate exasabation, ask
detailed management drug optimisation and discharged plan

Next one on DM 1 presentation , symptomatic , RBS 18 , ask on history examination ,

diagnosis, medical non medical management , investigations , ask frm guidelines ,

This is short summary of my viva,,,hope it will help other candidates to understand the
Ex -
Male ot 45 yrs,,came e flu n fever,,on ex her bp was 160/100 ,,no previous HTN history,no
symptoms,,what will you do for hypertension,,,
She asked me to skip flu fever,,just tell about bp ,how u proceed
I will make pt sit in comfortable quite room to relax and check bp after 5 min..
bp again 160/100.
history and asked all riskfactors of HTN,,
no to all riskfactors no family history etc.
lifestyle modifications and bp record with followup and then start ACE inhibitors..
Inv for end organ damage,,RFTs ,ECG ,,chil
Cholesterol and others

50 yr male pt came e confusion ,his BSL is 3 mmol/l.
take to er room..GCS is 15 but confused..
Give 50 prcent glucose 50ml,,if NO iv access ,,im glucagon 1mg
Wait for 15 min,and asked history.
known diabetic on sulfonylurea..after 15 min ,BSL 5 mmol/lit
pt ok ,,will give long acting carbs,,
if 50 percent not available
Me,,will give 25 percent 100ml or 10 prcent 100ml..

7 yr old child came e ear pain .throat mildly congested,how will you examine,,just
Me,,i said that after history,,i will examine. vitals ,,can be tachycardia,high temperature,,local
ex,,any discharge,,ear drum ,any other abnormality. Throat ex ,pharynx tonsils,,any cervical
lymph adenopathy.resp system ex,,then all other systems
Ex,,ok,,on ex ear drum is
Ex .mx
Me.afyer rule out penicillin allergy,, amoxicillin e dose, paracetamol,,told father about danger
signs to come,,and followup

32 yr old female pt came e red eye.
how will u proceed.
She said ,,btati jaen kya kya puchain ge history main..
I said,,onset ,duration, discharge,associated e fever ,pain,or other symptoms,,any
trauma,foriegn body,iching ,allergy,,facial pain related,headache related causes..
how u diff btw viral and bacterial conjunctivitis,
Me.viral. watery dichage
Bacterial .purulent. contact history present in both.
Ex,mx of both
Told Ax drops and eye care
In viral supportive e articial tears if needed.
Can bacterial conjunctivitis resolve without antibiotics like if u dont hv antibiotic drops in clinic
Me.(i didn't know)I said ,i will assess the condition if severe symptoms and i feel it can
develop complications i will refer,,and if mild then i can call pt for followup (giving supportive
treatment)to reassess.

50 years old male with chest pain
>> complete detailes
Then they show ECG and asked interpretation, it was anterolateral wall STEMI
Management and referral
65 years old femal in opd with lethargy
Complete history with significant w8 loss asked DDs
Then on Examination mass in epigastrium which lead to DDs like pancreatic mass or gastric
Referred to gastroenterologist for Endoscopy and CT after USG and basic workup
55 years old lady with headache
Blood pressure 220/110
Initial management with iv drugs then on further history she had left sided body weakness
Blood pressure decreased 25% then planned for CT brain for duther management
4 years old with sudden shortness of breath
After ABC history showed known case of asthma on enhaler
Managment in er with nebulisation with proper dosage, iv steroid
Showed ECG of SVT and asked spot diagnosis and management

Everything was from viva books and pdf files shared in this group....
Major thing which can help is study few topic from Oxford handbooks
- diabetes especially diagnosing criteria, prediabetic criteria and management
- MI
- Asthma
- anaphylaxis
- seizures especially febrile fits
Always remember values in mmols, they Don't use mg/dl

Viva questions
Htn emergency
C/o Fatigue post menopausal bleeding
Anterolateral STEMI

1. Fatigue
2. Shortness of breath 3 year child

Today's viva questions

1. Management of newly diagnosed hypertension in middle aged men

2. Inferior wall mi, treatment

3. Cauda equina syndrome

4. Management of unconscious young men.

5. Opioid overdose findings and management

6. Hypertension in newly diagnosed diabetic patient.

Ques 1. A man 35 yrs old came to you for medical examination. You found his BP-
135/90mmhg. This is no history of Diabetes and hypertension. How will you approach?

Ques 2. A patient with central chest pain with ST elevation in lead 1,2 and avf. How will you

Ques no.3 I was not sure about Cauda equina syndrome so I didn't answer. Then asked me
differential diagnosis of lower back pain.

Ques 4. Unconscious 30 yrs old male brought to you in emergency. What can be the causes
and how will you approach?
In continuation to questions no.4. They asked me most common cause of unconsciousness
in 30 yrs old male. It was opioid poisoning. Then they asked me findings in clinical
examination and management

Ques 6. They asked drugs that to be used in hypertension in diabetic patients

Ques 7. A 65 yrs old male with bp- 190/120 mm hg. How will you approach? What
investigation will be you do? How will you treat this patient?

Today viva question.

1. Tell about only medicine department experience in internship as well as in GP

2. What daily procedures you do at your clinic except suturing.

3 a person came to your clinic with BP 152/130 ...on examination and history all normal how
will you proceed?

4. A middle age man comes with chest pain ECG normal you can relived his pain

5. A 18 month child presnt with 3 episode of dairrhea and 1 episode of vomiting how you

6. A 62 year female present with pain in epigastrium for 2 months she is on PPI how will you

7. A nurse gives a wrong injection to child his father is very angery how you will deal the

8. A viccinator gives a wrong vaccine to a child after 1 month he again gives a wrong
vaccine to another child what will you do?

Today viva question.

1. Tell about only medicine department experience in internship as well as in GP

2. What daily procedures you do at your clinic except suturing.

3 a person came to your clinic with BP 152/130 ...on examination and history all normal how
will you proceed?

4. A middle age man comes with chest pain ECG normal you can relived his pain

5. A 18 month child presnt with 3 episode of dairrhea and 1 episode of vomiting how you

6. A 62 year female present with pain in epigastrium for 2 months she is on PPI how will you

7. A nurse gives a wrong injection to child his father is very angery how you will deal the
8. A viccinator gives a wrong vaccine to a child after 1 month he again gives a wrong
vaccine to another child what will you do?

Today viva question.

1. Tell about only medicine department experience in internship as well as in GP

2. What daily procedures you do at your clinic except suturing.

3 a person came to your clinic with BP 152/130 ...on examination and history all normal how
will you proceed?

4. A middle age man comes with chest pain ECG normal you can relived his pain

5. A 18 month child presnt with 3 episode of dairrhea and 1 episode of vomiting how you

6. A 62 year female present with pain in epigastrium for 2 months she is on PPI how will you

7. A nurse gives a wrong injection to child his father is very angery how you will deal the

8. A viccinator gives a wrong vaccine to a child after 1 month he again gives a wrong
vaccine to another child what will you do?

Last day Viva question

1. 38 years old Diabetic Male with epigastric pain .. how you proceed? differential ,.... Normal
2. Investigation and differential of postpartum lady delivered 3 months back has no energy to
take care of baby
3. Man came with blood sugar 270, how to proceed, BP normal?
4.Case of hypothyroidism , 27 yr female, what management and why?

03-01-2024 Paper MCQs

1.M-Chart Scooring Autism
2.Pt have preeclampsia, now day 7 post partum, she is still taking labetolol... Mx
3.Cervical Cancer Screening
4.When to take endometrial biopsy
6.Pt is hypertensive with BP 160/109, already taking Amlodipine 10mg, lisinopril 10mg,
atenolol 100mg, spironolactone, which test to do..TFTs
7. 1 question of retinal detachement
8. 1 question of posterior nasal bleed mangement
9. 1 question of testicular torsion
10. 1 question with typical picture of PCOS
11. where is the appendicitis pain felt in pregnant women...
12. Symptoms describing radial nerve neuropathy
13. COPD mangement
14. Yelloish green vaginal discharge, what is prophylaxis, treatment isnt asked.
15. Hypertensive retinopathy
16. Prophylaxis of malaria for pregnant female.
17. Question regarding yellow fever vaccination.
18. WPW syndrom dx from ECG
19. Intussuption
20. Pyloric Stenosis
21. Questuon regarding sensitivity
22. 35 yrs old hypertensive pt, taking lisinopril, still BP is 150/90, what will u advice.
23. Child came with fever, dysponea, hoarseness of voice, difficulty in lying down, how u will
24. 30 year old women has postcoital bleeding from last 1 month, which investigations will
you order.
25. 40 year female's friend has been diagnosed with ovarian CA, she is conscious about that
and want her screening, what will u advice.
26. Patient with cardiac stent placement came after 3 days after discharge, what is the
27.23 year old patient has cough for last 1 month, his chest xray is clear and his sputum
report is negative, Montoux test is 12 mm after 3 days, how will u manage?
28. 7 years old patient diagnosed with bacterial meningitis, which propylaxis will you give to
close contacts.
29. Pregnant female at 36 week of gestation, presented with breech presentation, what u will
30. 7 years old female presented with anemia, her hb is 9mg/dl, what u will advice? Iron
containing diet or p/o iron supplement.
31. A 45 year man presented with ST Elevation MI, Cardiac Center is 60 minutes away, how
do you manage that patient? By giving thrombolytics and then refering him to cardiac

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