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Vietnam War

The United States, under the Truman Doctrine and the Domino Theory
(contain the spread of communism), sent resources and, beginning in
1964, troops to South Vietnam to prevent conquest by the communist
north, giving rise to this conflict.
The process of direct US military intervention is preceded, in order to
generate conditions of support in public opinion and in Congress, by
the episode of the Gulf of Tonkin in 1964.
In the United States there was the so-called Vietnam syndrome, by
which the country lost its spirit of a united and victorious nation.
Thousands of soldiers suffered serious consequences and were left
paraplegic, disabled or seriously mentally disturbed as a result of this
The United States suffered a crushing defeat. This was a very severe
blow to the military and political image of the country in the world,
which served to change the idea that this nation had in the world and
that its population had of itself.

The Vietnam War was won by the Viet Cong when the US agreed to
withdraw its troops in 1973, when a ceasefire was signed in Paris.
South Vietnam was abandoned to its fate in the middle of the conflict,
however, and in 1976 the communist troops took its capital of Saigon
and deposed the government, establishing the forced reunification of
the country under the authority of Hanoi.
United States was not effective in the war or communism with Vietnam
because at the end of the war the conflict humiliated the United States.
On April 30, 1975, the entry of a North Vietnamese tank into the
presidential palace in Saigon became the symbol of the defeat of the
United States, a conflict that for Washington caused 58,000 deaths.

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