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Mycotan (The Collective)

Trope: Expansionistic Colonials

Pros: The Mycotan are a species of parasitic fungus, as such they defy physical description since it relies
entirely on their host bodies and the Mycotan have been known to occupy all manner of host bodies
from sentient mammalians, reptilians, and amphibians, to both wild and domesticated animals and
everything in between. Mycotan communicate with each other chemically. They generate biological
molecules within their hosts’ bodies and when they are near other Mycota they wish to communicate
with, they cause their host to release those molecules, which are typically released via the host’s breath
(which could be done while speaking to someone else). The hosts of other Mycota in the area will
receive these airborne molecules via sensory organs, specifically the nose and/or mouth, although eyes
and other soft tissue can also absorb the molecular messages. Once absorbed the Mycota can decode
the messages and respond appropriately. This communication style makes it nearly impossible to
intercept or translate communication between Mycota individuals. It also allows Mycotans who can be
in direct physical contact with each other to communicate via touch. The only restriction here is that
they require skin to skin contact for soundless communication.

Cons: The Mycotan are a species of parasitic fungus, as such they defy physical description since it relies
entirely on their host bodies and the Mycotan have been known to occupy all manner of host bodies
from sentient mammalians, reptilians, and amphibians, to both wild and domesticated animals and
everything in between. Mycotan communicate with each other chemically. They generate biological
molecules within their hosts’ bodies and when they are near other Mycota they wish to communicate
with, they cause their host to release those molecules, which are typically released via the host’s breath
(which could be done while speaking to someone else). The hosts of other Mycota in the area will
receive these airborne molecules via sensory organs, specifically the nose and/or mouth, although eyes
and other soft tissue can also absorb the molecular messages. Once absorbed the Mycota can decode
the messages and respond appropriately. Unfortunately, this communication method only works if the
Mycotan who wish to communicate are in close proximity to each other and breathing the same
atmosphere without respirators or other breathing aids or air filtration. It cannot be used to
communicate over long distances, from ship to ship, or from exo-suit to exo-suit (even if they can touch
each other). Also, as the Mycotan fungus takes over its host body, it replaces their neural system along
with the brain and other vital organs with mycelium, which will cause the host body to die if the
Mycotan parasite should ever be removed. The “point of no return” for the host body takes around 7
standard days. After that, the host is unable to be saved from death when the Mycotan parasite is
removed (or killed).

Physical Description
Species Type: Fungus (Parasitic)

Average Height: Physical averages are not applicable to this species. They have no common physical

Average Weight Range: Physical averages are not applicable to this species. They have no common
physical form.
Ethnic Types: The Collective has no known subspecies or ethnic types.

Hair Color Range: Physical averages are not applicable to this species. They have no common physical

Eye Color Range: Physical averages are not applicable to this species. They have no common physical

General Description of an Average Specimen: The Mycotan (The Collective) are a species of parasitic
fungus, as such they defy physical description since it relies entirely on their host bodies and the
Mycotan have been known to occupy all manner of host bodies from sentient mammalians, reptilians,
and amphibians, to both wild and domesticated animals, and everything in between. Therefore, physical
averages are not applicable to this species as they have no common physical form. It is important to
note, however, that, while the Mycotan defy physical averages due to the vast diversity of their typical
host bodies, once a Mycotan individual has bonded with a host body it cannot leave it or move its
consciousness to another host. This means that ending the biological functions of the host body will
effectively kill the Mycota infecting it. Unfortunately, once the transformation is complete (indeed, after
about the seventh day of the transformation) the process is irreversible. The damage to the host’s
nervous system and brain are unrecoverable as the physical neurons and brain matter have been
actually consumed and replaced by the fungus.

Social Description
Religion: The Collective has no spiritual or religious structure or system. They are complete atheists and
see physical reality as the only actual dimension or plane of existence.

Socialization: On Mycotan worlds, there is little recognizable speech as they have no spoken language of
their own. They communicate almost exclusively chemically when surrounded by other Mycotan
individuals. Most other species refuse to visit Mycotan worlds or ships due to the risk of infection by
Mycota spores. As a result, very little is known about Mycotan to Mycotan socialization.

Government Type and Style: The Mycotan don’t have a true government to speak of. They have no
central civic administration or military of any kind. The Collective exists within a framework of anarcho-
communism wherein all Mycota contribute to the survival of the species and the species as a whole
contributes to the survival of the individual. They refer to themselves as “The Collective” because of this
“one for all and all for one” attitude and the fact that the species moves as a single coherent entity. It
seems that they make decisions collectively between all affected individuals and then each acts on that
decision accordingly. It is unknown outside their species how this decision making process works exactly,
as there have been no observed or recorded meetings or discussions concerning the issue being
decided. Each individual just seems to instinctively know what was decided and understands their role in
executing the decision.

Civil Service Requirements: The Collective, as has been discussed already, have no government or
military. There are no civil or military ranks or offices in which individuals could serve even if they
wanted to. It is known, however, that the Mycotan are an expansionistic species. They appear to be
paradoxical in that way. They are the only known species who both are expansionists and maintain no
martial office or organization of any kind. In reality, expansionism is an unavoidable side-effect of their
parasitic nature. Their spores will infect nearby exposed creatures who then succumb to the parasitic
effects of the fungus, losing its own identity in the process. What remains is a host creature whose
physical form and biological functions serve the survival of the Mycotan individual, but in all other ways
the host’s original identity is lost. As the Mycota matures inside its host body, its own spores develop
and multiply until they are finally ready to be released into the air. Mycota spores are small enough to
infiltrate a potential host’s body via inhalation, pours in its skin, and/or hair follicles. When spores are
released, any suitable host creature (a.k.a. any living being) in the area who comes into contact with the
spores is infected. Once infected, the transformation from the original host creature to Mycota
individual takes about 7 days. The transformation is marked by elevated temperature, thirst, and
appetite in the host as the spores slowly take over the neural connections within the host body. After
the transformation is complete, the host’s brain has been completely consumed and replaced by the
fungus. There is typically no perceptible interruption in biological or cognitive function within the host
during the transformation. The Mycotan are not psychic in any way however, and host memories are
not assimilated during the transformation. So, as the transformation progresses, the host will slowly lose
its “self”, while becoming increasingly alien in its thought processes and goals.

Major “Fringe Groups”: There are very few “fringe” elements in Mycotan society. It is extremely rare
that they not be in 100% agreement about all aspects of their species, culture, and the survival of The
Collective. That said, there are a couple of major dissenting opinions held by certain members of the

First, there are the “Union”. These Mycota believe that while, yes, they need host bodies to survive and
reproduce, the Union firmly believes that they should only take the willing. They believe that, through
this practice, they can engage in treaties and trade agreements with other species. They look toward a
future in which every sentient species becomes anarcho-communists and work together to safeguard all
life in the galaxy.

The other main fringe group is the “Imperium”. The Imperium believes that the Mycota as a species are
dramatically more advanced than the other species, and that grants them the right, and indeed the
duty, to expand their Collective until all “free” creatures are bred to be hosts. In this way, the Imperium
exists to have dominion over all living creatures in the galaxy.

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