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How to make a baby healthy and chubby?


Everyone loves babies . How can anyone not love babies, they are so cute and
innocent. People just love to play with them and touch their chubby cheeks. They get
so much love and attention. With lots of attention and love, they also need a lot of
care. Babies are very sensitive because of which they need some extra care. Every
parent wants their baby healthy and chubby. So, here are some tips for the parents
to make their baby healthy and chubby.

1. Think before taking your baby out.

Every parent wants to show their new born baby to their relatives, friends and loved
ones. It is a normal thing and there is nothing bad about this. But every parent
should be careful especially in the first 2 months about taking their baby out. Try not
to show off your new baby in the first 2 months. Avoid taking your baby in a crowded
place. Avoid taking her to public places like restaurants, cinema halls, shopping
malls. Overexposing your baby can lead to high fever for which the baby may be

2. Breastfeed

If you can breastfeed your baby, then it is a must thing to do. There are many
benefits of breastfeeding and if you can you must do it. It is also advised that you
should decrease solid foods, especially if the baby is younger than 6 months. Most of
the solid foods that the baby takes have lower calories and nutrients than breast
milk. Breast Milk is highly nutritious and healthy for the growth and development of
the baby.

3. Healthy food

One of the most important aspects in the growth and development of the baby is
healthy food. A Healthy diet is very essential for the baby to grow. So, the baby
should be given iron fortified cereals. Baby is born with some supply of iron in their
body but it depletes by time. So it is advised to introduce foods containing iron to the
baby. Some of the iron rich foods which may be used to feed babies are rice, barley
or oatmeal. Avocados can also be given to babies of 6 months and older. They are
loaded with monounsaturated fats which is a good fat for a baby. Some other foods
that could be given to babies of 6 months or more are beets, sweet potato, bananas,
prunes, carrots,meat.

4. Don't overfeed
Every parent likes to feed her baby as much as he can. They want to feed her baby
properly but in doing this, they sometimes overfeed their baby. Which is not a good
thing to do. Sometimes the baby gives the signals that he doesn't want any more. It's
important for the parents to understand and respect that signal. But instead of
repeating the signal, they start forcing the baby to eat more. This is not appropriate.
When your baby is underweight and then it is a different case. Then you should ask
your doctor about that. But if your baby is healthy, then it is very important to
understand the signals. If the baby has said he is done then don't force him to eat.
Forcing him to eat more can lead to overfeeding which has many bad effects on the
health of the baby.

5. Doing some physical activities

You should encourage the baby to do physical activities. Physical activities just
encourage movements, move your baby a little bit. Get your baby on the floor, let
them crawl, let them do some movements on the floor. Teach them to walk and
move, take them out for walks. Do some exercises with him. Make exercise a daily
routine for him. Doing exercise everyday will really help a lot. This will make the baby
healthy and active.

6. The importance of hand washing

Hand washing is a very basic thing but at the same time it is one most ignored thing
also. It is a very small thing but very important also. I have already mentioned that
everyone wants to play with babies or hold him. But before giving your baby to
anyone, first tell them to wash their hands. Holding the baby without washing hands
can make
your baby ill. Washing the hands before holding or touching the baby can prevent the
spread of many viruses to your baby. If someone is ill in your family then keep the
baby away from him.

7. Massaging

Massaging is a great thing to make your baby healthy. There are many benefits of
massaging. It helps in improving the blood circulation and digestion. Massaging the
joints and bones of the baby makes the bones stronger.

8. Hygiene

Hygiene is one of the most important things for a baby. Maintaining good hygiene
prevents many diseases. Changing diapers frequently is an essential part of
maintaining good hygiene for the baby. Always use a good quality diaper to prevent
rashes. Bathing is also a very essential task. Bathing can be delayed in winters. It
should also be delayed until the cord has fallen off in the new born baby. After the
cord has fallen, you can give it a bath 2 to 3 times a week. Always use mild baby
soap, don't use other soaps it can harm the skin of the baby. Parents should also
maintain good hygiene because they are the closest to the baby.

9. Sleeping

A good sleep is essential for the baby. Generally a newborn baby sleeps about 16
hours a day. They generally take naps of 3 to 4 hours. It is important to feed the
baby every 3 hours, you have to wake up and feed her. You make sure that the baby
is sleeping on her back, this avoids suffocation.

10. Regular check up

Parents should take the baby for regular check ups. This will prevent any illness or
disease in the baby. Always take advice from the doctor and strictly follow that.


The journey of being a parent is very special. It is a feeling that can't be explained in
words. So just follow the above steps and experience this beautiful feeling of being a
parent. Don't take so much stress or tension of the responsibility. I agree that it is a
very hectic job to do but everyone enjoys doing this for their baby.

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